PM wants African Liberation Day on national calendar

March at African Liberation Day celebrations last year
March at African Liberation Day celebrations last year

Prime Minister, Roosevelt Skerrit, is calling on Dominicans to embrace their African heritage and wants African Liberation celebrations to be part of the National calendar of events.

He was speaking during the opening ceremony of the 50th anniversary of African Liberation Day celebrations at the Arawak House of Culture on Tuesday afternoon.

“And I want to say that from henceforth this government shall continue to recognize and to play its part in the celebration of African Liberation Day as part of our national calendar of events in Dominica,” the prime minister said.

Skerrit pointed out that when Dominica celebrates African Liberation Day “it is an expression of solidarity to Africa and in so doing we are in fact expressing solidarity to our own people; and that African liberation is not a’ Rasta man thing. It is our thing as a people as a nation and as a region.”

The Prime Minister also said that ways must be explored to improve relations with the African Union and the people of Africa.

“We at the level of government are engaged in Africa in various ways and in various contexts,” he said. “There are many issues that unite us. We are still victims of trade imbalances; we are still affected by international systems which work against our interests. This is why models of cooperation have emerged in Africa and in the Caribbean. Here in the Caribbean we have the OECS and CARICOM these are well established models of cooperation. More recently we created ALBA and CELAC (Community of Latin American and Caribbean States) and the new arrangements such as Petro Caribe.”

The prime minister noted that these cooperations are ways “of guaranteeing economic security, Political sovereignty and independence of our countries.”

“In the spirit of African liberation and solidarity we need to find ways via these regional arrangements to deepen our relations with the African union and with the people of Africa,” he said.

Meantime Minister for Culture, Justina Charles, said that African Liberation Day is a special day and should be celebrated as such.

“It is indeed a special milestone and it is very appropriate that we celebrate it in a special way…not only as a special day for the Rastafarian community but for the nation as a whole,” she said. “This is why Government has become more engaged more involved in the observance of this special day, we recognize that African liberation day is a special and symbolic day for Africans at home, on the continent and abroad.”

Charles also urged persons to reconnect to their roots and support the activities.

Several Cabinet ministers as well as officials from the diplomatic corps were in attendance.

African Liberation Day will be celebrated on May 25.

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  1. Frabo
    May 26, 2013

    De PM on a quest to undo his frail legacy. Why not a Chavez Holiday nuh!!!or a Rio Morroco Day…

  2. Frabo
    May 26, 2013

    I guess DNO makes Skeritt’s job easier. He’s just throwing things about, then sits and read everybody’s response. Then he’ll go against what the majority of the folks say or want. Smart move! but dangerous too.

  3. Frabo
    May 25, 2013

    Is another Idi Amin Dada waiting in the wing? Progress and opportunity for all should be our motto.

  4. Justce and Truth
    May 24, 2013

    Henry Shillingford where are you? You with your white ancestors and white blood wanted this day established. Dominicans will have to learn the African dance.
    I am not insinuating that it will not be a worthwhile holiday to be celebrated and that Dominicans should not participate in it once established. However, it always amazes me that West Indians refer to themselves as being black and Africans as if they do not have any other heritage. They forget that other part of their heritage, namely white people.
    When West Indians consider themselves Africans, the Africans are merely laughing at them. Please do not try to be what you are not.
    Whenever I am asked where I am from, I respond Dominica. I also add West Indian and Caribbean. This is where I was born, originated from and grew up; not from Africa. Our culture is Dominican, West Indian and Caribbean and no other. Let us be who we are and not try to change it or to impress Africans for they do not regard us as their own, Africans. Let us also not be hypocritical about it but face the facts.

    • Ben Haynes PsyD
      May 24, 2013

      Justice & Truth, what facts are you talking about? l believe you are one of the reasons why the PM sees liberation as necessary for D/ca. Liberation from ignorance, mental slavery which can save a people from decadence, and spiritual death. l don’t know where your people came from but most West lndians & that includes D/ca (especially those that have negroid features) have their roots in Africa, and a people that don’t want to recognize their heritage, are a people that don’t like themselves, and need to be liberated. If you really want to know facts well, we are all Africans whether we want to believe this or not. The history of man began in Africa. Liberate that mind of yours, understand that white people had their origins in Africa as well. Africans can laugh at the West Indians. Some of them need liberating from ignorance as well.

  5. Anonymous
    May 23, 2013

    Respest u skerrit

  6. Anonymous
    May 23, 2013

    Well, well, the PM woke up this morning and realize he has African blood running through his veins. l guess its better late than never. Sadly, Afrocentric thinking has been on the back burner for too long. The PM no doubt realize that moving towards Africa is a good move because of the economic potentials the continent has. World powers knew that the time for the African man will be a reality. And though their dealings of the past has been one of shame and guilt, their reality of a united Africa continue to be one of suspicion, doubt and fear. The PM understands that the diaspora continues to shape every continent, and no power can stop its growth. lt is for us as a people to begin to understand, and appreciate that we have a powerful heritage, a special gift to make the world a better place. When we understand this we will understand why this heritage was stolen why we slept. African liberation should not be for a day, but every day. Liberating ourselves from ignorance, control and decadence should never be a day on the calendar but through our existence. Thank you Mr. PM. You have the power to educate, to eliminate ignorance, and be part of history making the next generation the savior of the true chosen people of the scriptures.

  7. eyeswideshut
    May 23, 2013


    Now, Skerrit, You smart smart smart playing politics but watch my name…
    When decriminalization of MARIJUANA is done then I will join you.



    • Justce and Truth
      May 24, 2013

      I hope your skin is black.

  8. no name
    May 23, 2013

    African liberation day my foot. Are Africans liberated, if so from what. Many Africans are still leaving under slavery conditions in their country and Dominicans want a holiday to celebrate African liberation. If Africans were liberated why would so many of them risk their lifes on dangerous waters to go to other countries to claim asylum because of conditions in their country. TELL ME WHAT ARE THEY LIBERATED FROM? Some of you need to speak to Africans to learn their plight.

    • Malgraysa
      May 23, 2013

      Right brother. And whom are they fleeing from? Their own African brothers. We have to liberate our own minds first before we are truly free.

    • Covert Observations
      May 23, 2013

      Since you have no name I will refer to you as Jack ass. African liberation day is a day calling for the liberation of Africa. Africa is not free it hasn’t been since Europeans set foot there centuries ago.

    • Ben Haynes
      May 23, 2013

      I feel like a dummy responding to a fictional name that is “No name”. You probably do not understand the history, concepts, the theory of liberation. Yes “no name,” Africans are fleeing suppression, from murderous, corrupt leaders which has been part of some regions in Africa. This is an example that parts of Africa is yet to be liberated in our modern times. l guess you are too young to know about the liberation of Europe and many other countries of the world. You should not have to look too far to understand the liberation of African Americans from the jaws of slavery, Jim Crow, and racism, or to look too far to understand that your forefathers were once slaves in the Caribbean discriminated against, raped, murdered, to name a few. You asked, what Africans are liberated from? l suggest that you start educating your mind by reading about your history. Discipline yourself in understanding the human conditions that makes man seek liberation. Thankfully, many African nations have liberated themselves from the racist policies of colonialism, apartheid, foreign domination, and most of all from poverty, genocide and ignorance. You, l hope will liberate yourself from mental slavery, and from ignorance. Then “no name,” you will understand that many Africans are still fleeing oppression, stagnation, and torture. Again, liberation means freeing one’s self from ignorance, control, domination ect., No “no name,” all of Africa is not free, and when a few are held in bondage, none of us is (liberated)free. The PM knows this and liberation day in D/a will be welcome, and appreciated.

      • Frabo
        May 25, 2013

        No name has a valid point here. Don’t try to belittle the individual. You sound like a boom boom fly. You said, “when a few are held in bondage, none of us are free.” Next time use quotation marks. So, you are affirming that none of us “blacks” are freed; because some of our brothers and sisters are still in bondages of all sorts.

    • Justce and Truth
      May 24, 2013

      Dominicans of all are not full-fledged Africans.

  9. Muslim_Always
    May 22, 2013

    I would like to thank the PM for encouraging the African Liberation Day. As a student of African Studies I am very pleased to hear that Dominica is taking a step in the right direction for the people to reconnect with their roots – Africa.

    Secondly, I urge our people to read about Malcolm X then perhaps our people will begin to open their eyes a little more.

    • Justce and Truth
      May 24, 2013

      What roots? It is a one-sided root. African culture is totally different from ours and vice versa.

    • Frabo
      May 25, 2013

      “Reconnect with their roots?” you joking man! ask the white man what he did with our roots. We as black people do not even trust ourselves. We have been totally brainwashed. To escape that branding we must first start by loving ourselves. Love has the secret for our escape. We pull each other down at every chance available to us. Our black leaders have no back bones. Black people were meant to be strong but the strength is gone. Calling on mama africa without love for our brothers and sisters is trying to catch the wind. Black heritage? i thought we already knew all about that!! or are we just trying to cause some distraction?

  10. Looking in
    May 22, 2013

    But I eh hearing of the Kalinago day….Did the PM Rubbish that? They are the first people of Dominica,,,,so before putting African Liberation Day on your calender mr pm…address the Kalinago request first.

    • john paul
      May 22, 2013

      More votes in African Liberation day besides He conquer the current Chief so no sweat .He also have a broomstick in the Grano rep.

    • sakafete
      May 23, 2013

      Kallinago not important enough to have a day. Are you not seing indirectly that is what is being said? They are just being given empty promises time after time again. Do you expect anything different with the proposal for kallinago day? If the proposal for name change has not been responded to is the kallinago day you will hear about? Their concerns and interest are not of importance unless it contributes to the image of certain people. :-D :lol:

    • Jay
      May 23, 2013

      Not enough votes in that, so why bother.

    • Justce and Truth
      May 24, 2013

      I second that. To be fair, they were there before the so-called white man came and brought African slaves to Dominica.

  11. A Voice
    May 22, 2013

    We have other song festivals and contests, this day should have a Reggae Song Contest to promote music and culture amongst the Dominican youth.

    This should also have good prizes to encourage high levels of performance from the contestants.

  12. May 22, 2013

    They want to celebrate African Liberation day and Africans don’t even consider West Indians.

    • VI
      May 22, 2013

      so what it don’t matter if they consider us or not that do not change that facts that we are of African heritage it’s the same way some of you Dominicans don’t consider the people from Haiti and they are black West Indian just like us

      • Well
        May 23, 2013

        Whether we like Haitians or not we all have acknowledged them as West Indians, and they accept Dominicans. BUT the fact is that Africans do not accept West Indians so we have to pay heed of that.

    • Justce and Truth
      May 24, 2013

      Some of them have treated some West Indian women they were intimate with in those countries very poorly. Use them, get them pregnant and leave them. I do not know if the PM knows about that. He needs to be informed.

    • facts
      May 25, 2013

      Africans do not like West Indians. They say that we are not pure. They have also said that we are the ones who became slaves and not them. And the truth is also that some of them are just jealous of West Indians. They think about the good we have done good for ourselves today and how we have risen, from the days of slavery. It is also good though that they have accepted their wrong in the part they played into allowing our ancestors into become slaves. But still jealousy is a hell of a thing! Therefore, Dominican culture celebrated at independence time is one of the country’s greatest activities.

  13. On my Knees
    May 22, 2013

    Dominica has too many holidays. I beleive it can be a recognised/celebrated day but not a holiday.

    • Justce and Truth
      May 24, 2013

      Agree! He is trying to affiliate with Africans according to his other article. This is one way of him projecting to them that Dominicans are fully Africans.

  14. Aye Dominique
    May 22, 2013

    African liberation day and they hate poor black people. They only know poor black people when they want votes.

    We do not need another holiday, Dominicans need economic freedom. They need to be freed from your selfish psychology that you have used to impoverish them for the last 11 plus years.

    Liberate Dominicans by excusing yourself from prime ministership so that economic growth and liberty can be realized by all and not some.

    May 22, 2013

    Dis is da RASTAFARI VIBEZ.

  16. out of south city
    May 22, 2013

    The president is moving in the right direction. We must not forget our roots as a people. We are first Africans. Without Africa there would not be black people so we must not forget our roots. “No matter where you come from, as long as you are a black man, you are an African” I know that some of us would like to change the color of our skin but that is called self-hate. I am proud to be an African because we were the very first people who had great civilizations before the Europeans invaded the mother land.

    • Anonymous
      May 22, 2013

      You are a west Indian be proud of your heritage -just because you are black does not signify you are an African.

    • Anonymous
      May 23, 2013

      So bored with this -election time election time.

  17. Catch a Vote
    May 22, 2013

    Is it just going to be on the Calendar or its going to be there as another holiday. I think we have sufficient holidays. Can it not me merged with Emancipation Day? To avoid another public holiday. But on the calendar its welcomed; but not as another holiday.

    May 22, 2013

    HE REPRESENTED THE TRUE SPIRIT OF PAN AFRICANISM in his unrelenting quest for the improvement of our African people. This distinguished founder of the two major political parties in Dominica DLP and DFP was proud of his African Heritage and with casimir and others they worked at alleviating poverty in Dominica.
    The ALD 2013 is an opportunity to recognize and respect the fact that WE ARE AFRICANS. lOOK UP TO OUR PEOPLE AND THIS OUR ALMIGHTY MELANIN RACE OF PEOPLE. The teachin of the history of afrcan civilization is mandatory at ALL our schools on island at all levels; ( from the womb to the grave). Why do we embrace the concept of African American and don’t raspect AFRO-Caribbeans ( well for us in Dominica it is Afrokalinagoans ).
    Do you know that the first Chinese Dynasty was an AFRICAN DYNASTY – why do you think that several masses of Chinese men and women have been moving back to AFrica, not only as investors but also to rekindle ties with their ancestors. READ ABOUT the MOORISH occupation of Spain, read about the Splendor that was Eqypt, read about the Issis papers, read my people read. When you read more about your people you will gain a greater appreciation of whom you are and where you are going to.

  19. I DIE NU
    May 22, 2013

    Who we are and Where we come from!..Welcome that move.

    • a mad lawyer
      May 23, 2013

      good idea

  20. Anonymous
    May 22, 2013

    How many diplomatic relations does Dominica have with Sub-Sahara Afrika… We enjoy diplomatic relations with a number of other nationalities but what about Afrika!!!If ways are to be explored to improve relations with the Afrikan Union and the people of Afrika, then we MUST look to strenghten DIRECT DIPLOMATIC relations with the motherland, and in particular SUB-SAHARA because we already have dipls with Libya and Morocco.

    • Nac Vibes
      May 22, 2013

      Let skerrit talk, the real Afrikan people do have no goodies for him thats why we have no representation there.

  21. william
    May 22, 2013

    Good move to catch a vote . But Rasta paying the same price as suffering Dominicans in this hard economy time . What are the benefits for them economical not declaring theday a holiday or putting it on the calender.

  22. FYI
    May 22, 2013

    African Freedom Day was founded during the first Conference of Independent African States, which attracted African leaders and political activists from various African countries, in Ghana on April 15, 1958. Government representatives from eight independent African states attended the conference, which was the first Pan-African conference in the continent. The purpose of the day was to annually mark the liberation movement’s progress and to symbolize the determination of the people of Africa to free themselves from foreign domination and exploitation.

    Between 1958 and 1963 the nation/class struggle grew bigger in Africa and around the world. During this period, 17 countries in Africa won their independence and 1960 was proclaimed the Year of Africa. On May 25, 1963, 31 African leaders convened a summit meeting to found the Organization of African Unity (OAU). They renamed Africa Freedom Day as “African Liberation Day” and changed its date to May 25. The founding date of the OAU is also referred to as “Africa Day”.

    African Liberation Day has helped to raise political awareness in African communities across the world. It has also been a source of information about the struggles for liberation and development.


    Many organizations use an outline of the map of Africa, or the shape of Africa, as a feature to symbolize the day. Pan-African colors, which are widely used for the day, come in different sets of three colors: the green, gold, and red colors used in the flag of Ghana; and the red, black, and green colors adopted by the American-based Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League (UNIA).

  23. DC
    May 22, 2013

    PM, I commend you for taking such a stance. We as a people must know our history. We must embrace our ancestors blood. Too many of us suffer from inferiority complex. There is good and bad amongst all, let us stop pointing fingers and look in the mirror. We are a Nation of people who have struggled so much just to be accepted. People, let us celebrate who we are, by playing a part on that day. We must unite. Blessed Love!

    • Nac Vibes
      May 22, 2013

      How many of us been to Afrika, how many of us crave us passport and how many seek out an Afrikan passport. Afrikan liberation? don’t make me laugh.

      Afrika is not free or Liberated. maybe skerrit can ask his chinese backers to stop plundering Afrika’s resources.

      First it was the Arabs and fake Jews, then the Aryan Europeans, now the Chinese, so what are you really celebrating. Our ancestral home is still in bondage and what makes it worst is, we are still helping our slavers for the crumbs from their table.It is so true that satan has a way of convincing us that he does not exist.

  24. Malgraysa
    May 22, 2013

    But why African liberation day? Africa not
    liberated already? Except perhaps for our people in the former Spanish Sahara, claimed by Morrocco. A claim supported by the same Roosevelt Skerrit against the wishes of the African Union as well as the U.N. In return for what? A little hotel in Portsmouth? I can not celebrate African liberation day with double standards like that. Sometimes I wonder if we really have memwe poule

  25. Etel
    May 22, 2013

    Is it going to be a paid holiday?

    • Justce and Truth
      May 24, 2013

      Obviously. If the PM calls for a holiday, it is paid for those who are entitled to get paid.

  26. May 22, 2013

    Rose Douglas i know you are very happy now

    • Nac Vibes
      May 22, 2013

      Rose Douglas i know you are very unhappy now

  27. Marigotian
    May 22, 2013

    Big up Skerro for da. Good vibes, that’s what I expect from a PM. Get on your game n we guan respect u

  28. AYE
    May 22, 2013

    PM, this african liberation day can be in cnjunction with carnival. Choose either monday or tuesday….

  29. Rasta
    May 22, 2013

    Good move by the Government is not a Rasta thing its about African Liberation and black consciousness, knowing your history as descendants not of slaves but Kings and Queens, traders, manufacturing, construction, etc!

  30. truth offends
    May 22, 2013

    Mr. Skerrit, Dominica does not need another holiday in the name of “African Liberation Day” on calendar. Liberation day should not be another holiday but rather, the freedom that we experience as black people. At the moment Dominicans are not enjoying such liberation since freedom is based on how your last name is spelt and pronounced. In a liberated country no one would succeed in bombing the home of a citizen without an investigation let alone without an arrest made especially when those who we pay to keep us safe could go on national radio to fight Mr. Emmanuel, the victim of the firebomb. So Skerrit, liberation of Africans is not another fete but a demonstration of liberation by those who lead us.

    May 22, 2013


    “And I want to say that from henceforth this government shall continue to recognize and to play its part in the celebration of African Liberation Day as part of our national calendar of events in Dominica,” the prime minister said.

    ……..”We are still victims of trade imbalances”

    Well Mr. PM, it very interesting that you should speak that way.

    It’s ok to recognize such day but, this is the least of DA’s concern right now.

    If we can’t RECOGNIZE the need for an effective judicial system and to promote the “RULE OF LAW” at all levels in this country………..

    then all our days shall be empty!! This African day will be of “ZERO” value/meaning to us.

    To truely recognize this day we must first liberate ourselves from any injustice that we allow to fester or promote.

    We are all responsible for our country’s future.


    “Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery;
    None but ourselves can free our minds”
    -Bob Marley


  32. Grasshooper
    May 22, 2013

    One thing Skero trying to win over them so call Rastas…elections could be held before end of summer……..

    Butter then Skero them Dominican rasta don’t worth Their salt…

    Skero where i would respect you is de Criminalise the herb for medical use…

    Don’t play on the ill informed rastas that Dominica has..

    Rasta are for Justic..there goes the Double Standard of Dominican’s rastas…

    LOL LOL, are they on record speaking about the ills in society do Dominican rasta’s really care…lol

    did they call for justice of the elder couple Gon Emanuel on the fire bombings…

    Those are key facts that make things real..

    Rastas a waste of time…the lack unity.

    Skero you got so much money fund a trip to Africa for a few of them nuh!…lol

    many say the into reggae music and conscious vibes etc…not nothing is there…talk the talk that all they do…shame on DA rastas…

    • Unity -Basalic tea
      May 22, 2013

      fada learn to respect the rasta vibration. :)

  33. Morihei Ueshiba
    May 22, 2013

    Rasta nah vote for politician

    • 2Cute
      May 22, 2013

      Thats what you thinK ! If they eating pig is not vote they wouldnt vote :lol:

  34. Frank Talker
    May 22, 2013

    “…the celebration of African Liberation Day as part of our national calendar of events in Dominica!”
    Is this the PM’s way of giving the nation a ‘heads up’ on the cretion of another public holiday in Dominica?
    Or is it about shifting the focus of an existing holiday from Catholic Paganism to African Liberation?
    Or could it be focussing on African Liberation without creating a public holiday?

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