Queen Marcia seeks another regional title; lack of funds may hinder her attendance

Miss Dominica Marcia Baptiste

For the first time in 10 years, Dominica may be represented at the Miss Caraibes Hibiscus pageant in St. Marteen on December 4.

Marcia Baptiste will attempt to be the first Dominican to win the prestigious title when she goes up against 19 contestants who hail from the Caribbean and Latin America – her final pageant as carnival queen.

Her attendance, however, is not guaranteed due to a lack of financial support.

In an interview with Dominica News Online (DNO), Baptiste said that the customary sponsorship she would receive from the Dominica Festivals Committee (DFC) is not forthcoming due to the committee’s other obligations.

Nevertheless, Baptiste said she will not give up.

She is proceeding with rigorous preparations hoping she will secure sponsorship to attend the event. She is calling on the public and private sector to lend a hand.

The carnival queen is scheduled to leave Dominica on November 25. She told DNO that the she is in need of $4,350 to cover the expenses of the pageant. She has already received $1,000 for which she expressed her gratitude.

“About three days ago I got some information from DFC that they were not able to fulfill their financial obligations where it pertains to the pageant so being a determined person I decided to raise the money on my own as I had already received the ticket to attend that pageant…”  she stated.

“I had already started to raise some funds, but then the information that I found out put me back a lot because now I have to try to raise the entrance fee which is US$500 alone… and the spending money that DFC normally gives me,” she said.

The carnival queen has set up an account at the National Bank of Dominica with the account number 300019950. She can be contacted at 614-5338.

An unemployed Baptiste assured that her cry for help was not a scam and guaranteed that once she reaches her target, she will stop receiving money and will inform persons of it.

She said that her love for country and pageantry along with sheer determination has pushed her to make this bold step.

“I love pageantry and it’s not just a show for me. It’s also an avenue for me to market my country and show people what we as Dominicans have to offer in terms of intelligence and the way we carry ourselves , our culture, what we boast of having – 365 rivers – being the top eco-tourist dive and whale watching destination,” she said.

“I am a very determined person from a very tender age. And I have jumped over enough hurdles in my life already; and I have met enough challenges so far during my reign so when that obstacle came up it was just like another hurdle to jump,” Baptiste said.

She will be traveling on her own as a chaperone will be provided in St Maarten.

The carnival queen proposed that a special fund or budget be made for carnival queens so that such a problem does not re-occur.

Baptiste is the reigning Miss Caribbean World and Miss Jaycees. She placed second runner-up in the Carival Pageant and failed to secure a place in the Miss Caribbean Culture pageant held in Nevis. But she did cop the award for best evening wear in that competition.

She will return to Dominica on December 12 where a motorcade is expected to occur to celebrate her final pageant as carnival queen.

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  1. Sweet Lili
    December 7, 2010

    away wi wit dominicans awah

  2. Sweet Lili
    December 7, 2010

    Allu get a nice queen she even want to represent allu and take out dominica in d darkness after allu say soo much things about her. since b4 she was queen she was begging. god works in mysterious ways. lemme see wat the new queen going to for dominica allu not giving nobody taste to do shit for dominica d former queen won NOTHING on behalf of dominica

  3. kon-twa-yay
    November 22, 2010

    @ cant believe this bull ish……….. sorry to burst your bubble but i dont work for/at DFC, I OWN VILLAS AT Savanne Paille/ Calibishie not the other Savanne Paille. So i have my own money and i WILL give the queen some for her next pageant. who vex? BUSS

    • Englsh Tourists
      December 4, 2010

      Here, here, well said and I totally agree with you! Such foolishness and only in DA which is so sad and un called for!

      That young all she has set out to do is to big up, showcase and market Dominica the best she can from the very start. I had the pleasure to be on holiday in Antigua this year when she won the Miss Jaycees Pageant 2010, and goodness me what a pride of joy she was to see, from seeing her interacting on the streets with people, always proudly talking about what her island home has to offer, bring those Dominican brains and intellect to the forefront in interviews leading up to and in the show and ultimately capturing that title.

      As we were on an island hopping tour we also had the pleasure of seeing her before that at the Miss Carival Pageant where she placed 2nd runner-up and I have to tell you the crowd thought she should have won or at least most of them and so did we, and even then she again was giving an excellent account of herself, so friendly, enchanting and intelligent, not to mention a very tenacious individual.

      Some of my English friends were in so inspiring with the honesty and pride she exhibited when mentioning the name Dominica or just hearing it mentioned.

      I really wish I knew of this before as I would have been able to donate something to her account and infact I may still do just that…………….Like you said who vex let them bust out the ‘negativity’ that is holding back such a wonderful island with so, so much potential from progressing further and one of these days Dominicans will realise just what they have in comparison to others around the globe.

      Others can see apart from so many Domnicans themselves.

      The money I am going to donate is my own hard worked for me, that I get up to go to work in snow, rain, sun, sleet, high winds, bitter cold, etc. WHO VEX BUSS…………………Foolishness……..going on. All the best for you future my dear.

  4. .
    November 22, 2010

    I don’t see what the big deal is, it’s not the miss universe compitetion. she sould take all that determination to look for a job or go and beg for a scholarship instead of money for some unknown pagent.

    Seriously stop!!

      December 4, 2010

      She already has a scholarship that was a supposed prize after capturing the title.

      Dumb asre DONKEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      You find your niche as opposed to sitting back and making assumptions about other people.

      If employers in your island had any compassion, they would have found her a job, as she is an educated young, hard working lady. SHAME ON YOU AND GO WASH YOUR MOUTH OFF….. AS THE OLDER FOLKES USE TO SAY, IF YOU HAVEN’T GOT ANYTHING GOOD TO SAY, THEN MUZZLE YOUR MOUTH

      . Whether it is the Miss Universe, Miss World or the Miss Earth Pageant that is besides the point as it is about time that Dominicans learn to take care of each other. I’ll be donating to her account as allu Dominicans to damn wicked and jealousy!!!!!

  5. interesting
    November 21, 2010

    This is amazing. Marcia’s last show as Miss Dominica was Miss Jaycees in Antigua. SHE DECIDED (not DFC) to participate in this new show. So, why do most of us want to bring down DFC when they have nothing to do with this.

    Marcia should instead spend her time trying to find gainful employment instead of coming on the airwaves like a beggar to go on stage. If she so wants to participate in this show, why can’t she use money from her winnings in the other shows?

    It’s her personal choice to participate in this show so she should use her personal money.

    Stupes man….stop embarassing us and making it look like we stupid. She’s been unemployed for over a year now how come I’ve never heard her begging somebody to give her a job?

    Stop hanging your heart where your hand cannot reach.

  6. Upset!
    November 21, 2010

    pumkin please grow up u are the one who need to get a life! STUPES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. scott's head massive
    November 20, 2010

    good luck gal its so sad that she has to raise his funds on her own when
    she is representing her country.please dominicans gave a hand

    November 20, 2010

    good luck gal with ure pageant.

  9. yes i
    November 20, 2010
    November 20, 2010

    @ANNOYED!: it seem to me that you work for DFC but they need to fire all these people who work there and bring in fresh ideas. Since I know DFC, they always broke and always making loses or maybe they volehing de money. So much bobol going on in there. Time to change the staff in there, a set of them with big degree and no street sense. To run shows u need a bit of street sense

    November 20, 2010

    Dominica really behind eh???? The queen have to beg for sponsors come on man……stupes. That’s why I would never encourage my family to go up for queen. In the first place, I think you should be paid a salary during your reign as queen. And the queen jobless??? The government should employ her. All the best Miss Baptiste!!!!!!!!!

  12. shame on some of you! ESPECIALLY "CHUPESSS"
    November 20, 2010

    @CHUPEESSSS: for someone who’s doing their master’s, hmmp you are such an ignorant!!! Because you wouldn’t be talking such foolishness if it was your daughter or sister trying to do something positive for herself rather than finding some form of happiness in denouncing someone and bringing down their self esteem.. as a matter of fact, she is a STRONG woman of substance if you know wat that is.. and im not a woman.. IDIOT!!! :P

    OH and LIAR! don’t try to act like u studying overseas and doing masters. some people just lovvvvvvvvvve to lie …. Now THAT is a brag!

    END OF STORY!… GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME, AND ALL THE TIME GOD IS GOOD!! Remember Marcia put him first in all that you pursue! negativity is only there as a pot hole on the highway of success. Dodge it!

  13. J Vidal
    November 20, 2010

    hey babes
    good luck
    all my best wishes to you in getting your targeted funds.
    i must say i admire your efforts and it’s been a while since a carnival queen was so active

    and what’s up with that???????
    our carnival queen unemployed??????????
    what’s wrong??

    a woman who has represented is us well and with your caliber should be definitely employed
    i remember when they were pledging u offered some money when x amout of business personel has offered and u said u were unemployed.

    i think that was for haiti in January

    we’re in November now!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    anyways good luck
    and a young individual myself i must say
    that you are a good role model
    that many of our young people should try to imitate

    best of wishes babes!!!!!!!

    November 20, 2010

    @shame on some of you: Young lady and i assime u are a young lady be a bit less agrresive. its good ur studying abroad because thats what i doing .Presently im doing my Masters. So no need for the brag.
    Back to the point. If a student gets a scholarship after the Common entrance exam then govt is responsible for his /her five yrs of high school. govt is not responsible if the student wants to particiapte in anything else. that is at the students own expense. if the child does well in the extra activities of course we wolud all be happy. i say this to say DFC and Domincans are not responsible for Marcia extra pageantry. She is responsible for this and if she does well of course we would be happy. She is determined and thats good. She has feelings and yes persons should be careful what they say.
    However she should be prudent in the manner she did this less the public views her differntly. I dont agree with the media thing asking for assistance.

  15. Sami
    November 20, 2010

    I must comment Marcia for continuing on her reign as carnival queen. Indeed, she has made Dominicans proud and has represented us well. Why must we discourage her so? Do we not believe in nation building anymore? I fully support her decisions to attend the pageant in St. Maarten and I wish her the best of luck in her venture.

  16. kon-twa-yay
    November 20, 2010

    @ ANNOYED………eh eh but miss DFC, I dragged you out, you responding that’s good. woosh

  17. L
    November 20, 2010

    @kon-twa-yay: And you didnt post under your real name why?

    This is a special feature of Dominicans….ALWAYS TALKING ABOUT ,.. THEY KNOW NOTHING ABOUT!

  18. sammy
    November 20, 2010

    marcia thats indeed a heartful load on your shoulder. however it somehow feels bad to see we young people trying to do something for our own benifits and dominicans a so hard hearted. weather or not u have a job thats not their concerns. if u went to ask for a job they wound jump and say bais they bais they giving u job because ur queen. too much say say. help the queen i wanna be the third to attend that event in 2012.

  19. kon-twa-yay
    November 20, 2010

    @ ANNOYED, If you knew so much about what’s in the carnival queen contracts it means that you must be working at DFC. WOOSH. Hence instead of posing as ANNOYED! Put your real name.
    kon-twa-yay. As to the young lady’s actions i will speak to her personally.

  20. ANNOYED!
    November 20, 2010


    This was not catered for by the DFC. It is not part of the DFC line up for you. This is something you are apparently determined to do on your own. In the process, you are embarassing yourself and the DFC and Dominica on a whole.

    This is not admirable! It is low. You participated in the pageants that the DFC had committed to. They paid up and you received your prizes. You now have a scholarship to look forward to. One would think that you would be satisfied with that. But no! Now this!

    I have a suggestion for the DFC. They need to discipline you promptly! I know for a fact that somewhere in the contract you signed with them states that you will only participate in pageants sanctioned by the DFC.

  21. jah yute
    November 20, 2010

    whats up with all the marcia haters? if shes able to go and win then is all of you that will be singing her praise. same thing all you did with ppl like jerome romain but as soon as he got that broze medal in the world championships it was Dominicas jerome romain and even kicking up a storm that the announcers said hes from the dominican repbulic. no wonder the first offer he got from france he disowned dominica.

    government for the young ppl they say. i guess marcia is a granny. where theres a willt theres a way marcia you’ll get your funds and will be able to travel

  22. shame on some of you
    November 20, 2010

    And i will answer some of you in advance.. im a student overseas but if i had a good job already i would have given the amount i would be able to give. Regardless if its not a scholarship to study abroad or at home, or a job she is asking for. there is no right to be judging her confidence and enthusiasm, some of you people don’t have enough enthusiasm to even get your butt off the couch and unplug the computer and go find a job or even get a better education or do something of future benefit.

    This is not a call to only benefit her for her to just get popularity. Most of the other queens only represented us at overseas pageants BUT ms. Baptiste has lived up to her words, she has held a lot of events that relates to her platform and for this I commend her greatly. Those of you who just twist your nose and curl your mouth up and say stupes instead of just keeping your mouth shut SHAME ON YOU ALL!!!….. It would be better to keep your negative comments and keep your money in your pockets and go buy pizza at pizza hut or kFC and get diabetes and all the others that come with it than saying wat you just said.. because some of you seem to believe that this young lady is an alien and she doesn’t have any feelings.. I believe she does! even if I don’t know her. I will support any young person that tries hard to do something positive instead of sitting and being dormant in society!!!.. KUDOS TO YOU MARCIA!…

    Glory be to God for he has the power and whatever path you take may you be fruitful and shine forever like the star that you are. Always remember put your trust in God because anything is possible with strong faith!!!

  23. shame on some of you
    November 20, 2010

    Seriously!!!!…. Dominicans have the NERVE!!!
    You see, sometimes a dog really is a man’s best friend. YOU PEOPLE DO NOT EVEN TAKE INTO CONSIDERATION THAT OTHER NATIONALS ARE READING SOME OF YOU PATHETIC COMMENTS and your means of not showing all you interest in all own carnival queen who have done justice…
    it all comes down to her participation in the carnival queen show and her means of financial assistance and now THIS!!!!… seriously, YOU ALL ARE A LET DOWN! this is just uncalled for.. All she is asking for is your assistance. SO MANY OF YOU RIDICULE THOSE WHO LOSE THE CARIBBEAN PAGEANTS and when they win you all playing EXCITED like (i will not disclose that on DNO)… you people have the nerve man!…

    alas! I wonder how you treat your own.. hmm.. and then all you was on DFC back n neck to send Marah and the others to Miss Universe.. haha ahben jean dominique really passav sa yo le’… all u will not progress with some idiotic use of all you knowledge!…

    This a determined young person we speaking of here. you all know of her background and how much she has done.. she is willing to take it a step further for the country and future ladies to come and this is the THANKS she gets? wow.. imagine what it would be like for the future queens. I just hope its not because she from possie all you acting like that because I certainly know if it was one of the so called upper class in town persons, all you would not even buy bread next day!! all u would already be rallying infront DFC office

  24. child
    November 19, 2010

    well i believe the main reason that the dfc doen”t sponsor her is because they think that she should go at her own risk and further more st martin provide their own chaperon. miss marcia, i love you very much and i am proud to have a queen like you ,but i think its time to move on and move out of the peageant thing.(but again that was the same thing people said when she was without a sponsor for the queen contestant)good luck marcia and i wish you well in all.

  25. Patriotic Citizen
    November 19, 2010

    Didn’t she win money from the pageants she won? If so, why don’t she use that money if she already received the funds? Also, was this pageant on the list or budget? Why only now we are hearing about the pageant? I understand that you are ambitious but times are hard and everyone is making sacrifices so I won’t stress myself over this pageant. You have already proven yourself and your love of Dominica from your past performances which we are all proud of you for.

    If I were you I would beg for a job from the private and public sector instead since you are jobless.

  26. concern
    November 19, 2010

    The PM have $27k for a presidenal palace but nothing for the young people on the ISLAND Marcia shouldnt have to go to the public to beg for cash when our GOVT have so much I call on the PM to open his purse and help to send her to the compitition so she can make DOMINICA proud.

  27. William McLawrence
    November 19, 2010

    I believe Marcia Baptiste deserves all the support she can get to participate in this regional title in St. Maarten. Certainly her participation will afford Dominica some much needed PR and when she wins or places in the top four position it will only serve to justify future support and endorsement of Dominica’s Carnival – The Real Mas and the National Carnival Queen Pageant.

    I therefore believe that the Carnival Development Committee, The Dominica Festivals Committee, the Dominica Tourism Authority/Discover Dominica, the Ministry of Tourism and all Dominicans in general should rally behind the 2010 Carinval Queen Marcia Baptiste as she vies for another title that will not only serve to make Dominica proud but that will give our destination some additional positive media exposure.

    November 19, 2010

    @Ms.Foxy: Soryy but i dont admore this kind of determination. Had it been to further her studies i would understand or probably begging for employment. but not a show that is not well recognised. plz. u are a beautiful young lady and i believe you need to get involved in something else right now. you made us proud and thk you but this is not about going on and on and on in pageantry. if you love it thats good but do it at you own expense. had it been medicals or education id be willing to help but not this.,

  29. D/can to the Bone (foregin)
    November 19, 2010

    madness…. Why should a national Queen.have to appeal and even raise monies personally to attend a pageant. Fist time hearing of such in Dominica in my life time.

    The authority who organise this queen pageant should be responsible for her and the raising of the monies. She should never have done that on a personal basis. Another back step in Dominica, The future girls who intends on taking part in pageantry should take note.

  30. niceness
    November 19, 2010

    Maybe Marcia should give up, but why should she now, she have done all the pagants and represented this country very well, so why should she not do this pagant, because the last ten queens did not do it? well, she is not the last ten queens, as she stated this is her job and when they crowned her that night on the stage thats exactly what she is, the queen of Dominica and she have a right to represent Dominica in all shows and pagant as long as she is the reigning queen.

    Dominica needs to have a special fund put in place in the buget for these ambassadors, so the that the queens who represent this Country would not have to come online or on the radio to ask for help in this manner.

    So instead of attacking this young lady who is trying to complete something that she started and believe in we should come out and call on DFC to go to the house and rally on behalf of these young ambassdors to be funded like they should be , along with all the other ambassdor of this country

    Then maybe just then no more queens will be begging to the public for funds to represent us.

  31. L
    November 19, 2010


    You are unbelievable! You really need to take it easy.

  32. sweetness 27
    November 19, 2010

    iv her alone hater she have a life. u get one uself jarlouzie. she is famous go get urs stupido

  33. Sweet
    November 19, 2010

    This is not a political issue, I do not know of any other carnival Queens in the last decade who has taken part in this competition before, Marcia knew ahead of time that the last show for her for the season was in August in Antigua, she said so herself.

  34. help
    November 19, 2010

    sooookoooooo i want help

  35. Lady
    November 19, 2010

    I always know that the Miss Jaysees in Antigua is the biggest and final show for the season, I had never heard of that show before, so Marcia should abide by the decision of the DFC.

  36. Dominican
    November 19, 2010

    I thought that was not sounding right, when yesterday morning I heard the carnival queen Marcia Baptiste, on a live show on Kairi FV. with Alvin Alexander trying to raise funds to take part in a beauty pageant overseas,and giving an account number, where persons could make their contributions, but when the first caller called to say that’s not how things are done, the Carnival queen is not incharge of herself etc. the” call-in” programme immediately came to a stop.

  37. smart
    November 19, 2010

    i don’t understand why there’s always lack of funds for the queen and our Prime Minister have money doing all sorts of things.

    why should the queen have to be pleading like that?It’s almost like begging!

  38. hmm
    November 19, 2010

    trust allu dumbinicans

  39. Patriot to the bone
    November 19, 2010

    I don’t think it looks nice for a carnival queen to be out there in the media looking for sponsorship, you are not doing justice to yourself. The DFC is responsible for you, you will make the public look at you in a different light.

  40. Anonymous
    November 19, 2010

    pumpkin sa la bien jalouzie!!! sorry u didn’t win miss dominica in your year! LMAO

    GOD bless you Marcia.. .WHO JAH BLESS, NO MAN CURSE!! they cyan seem to understand..
    with determination and a heart like yours you are bound to go very far and reach the very top.. Continue your path my dear, who knows but only God!

  41. Fond Cole
    November 19, 2010

    Good Luck Miss Baptiste… I do hope that you get the funds that you need to participate. With that determination, i believe that you will do well. YOU GO GIRL! KEEP THE SPIRIT. Just as it came through for you before, it will again. We claim this in Jesus name!

  42. ok
    November 19, 2010

    ask skerro

  43. Sandra
    November 19, 2010

    What is the desperation?. There is no money, for that show so what. You cannot go you cannot go. End of story young lady. I have never seen that happen in all the years in pageantry in Dominica.

  44. M
    November 19, 2010

    At Punishment why do we have to make everything political? You should have said shame on DFC. They are the ones who go out and find the young women to become queens. It’s their responsibility to see to it that the queen for the year is able to participate in all the pageants during their reign. At Pumkin if Ms. Baptiste didn’t have a life she would be six feet under. For once in our lives can’t we be positive about something. Here is this young lady who became an embassador for Dominica, won many competitions and now she’s unable to attend her final competition as queen. I saw it’s a shame to DFC. Ms. Baptiste have gone out and represented well and I have no doubt she’ll be just as good if she gets to perform at this final competition.

  45. Ms.Foxy
    November 19, 2010

    She should have brought this concern before the public way before so that they would be aware of her interest to participate. The 25th is right around the corner. However, I still hope she can obtain the funds….all the best to her! Her determination is admirable!

  46. timbok 2
    November 19, 2010

    @Pumkin: pumkinn u must be an arse!

  47. concerned
    November 19, 2010

    i know what its like and every year the DFC say that it won’t happen again but alas we see it again. I wish Marcia all the best and urge every dominican to help no matter how much it is, be it $5, $10 it all adds up in the end. After all she is representing us DOMINICA…..God Bless you girl

  48. Righteous!!
    November 19, 2010

    Possie Businesses and others should step up and sponsor the young lady. Also teh Ministery of Youth, Sports and Culture should budget for such represenations in the annual budget.

    Best of Luck Miss Baptiste.

    Possie Massive

  49. @pumkin
    November 19, 2010

    when she vied for Ms. Dominica and won and continued to represent Dominica in other competitions it became her life. It’s that kind of negativity and lack of support that will take our carnival queens (AMBASSADORS for our country at that) only to those shows that the DFC warrants and nothing more

  50. Deoborah
    November 19, 2010

    Query. Will she be the official representative of Dominica if she is not sponsored by DFC, or will she be appearing in the pageant in her personal capacity?

  51. BUmblebee
    November 19, 2010

    All the Best!!!!!!!!!!!

    November 19, 2010


  53. merry & cherry
    November 19, 2010

    I know i it feels to have that kind of determination withou the neccessary help.

  54. Pumkin
    November 19, 2010

    Stupes!!! Get a life woman!!

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