“Queens & Tins” initiative dubbed a success

Members of the team pose with a recipient

Miss Dominica Tasia Floissac has dubbed her last platform project, “Queens & Tins” a success.

The project, a food drive by past Miss Dominica Queens and others from the royalty family, for less the less fortunate took place on December 3rd.

The items collected were distributed to at least ten needy families in various parts of the island on Sunday.

The communities were Coulibistrie, Fond St Jean, Goodwill, Massacre, Kalinago Territory and Paix Bouche.

They were selected by former Dominica Queens and contestants.

“It was a successful journey, it was a very heart-warming experience because they always say that a nation can be measured or judged by the way it treats it’s vulnerable or the weakest of its members, and so yesterday it was really just an emotional journey, because you see the impact that you have on those families and on their lives,” Floissac told Dominica News Online on Monday.

She continued, “It may not have been a barrel, it may not have been everything that they need, but at the end of the day you could still see the cheer on their faces because they realize that there is still someone who cares about them.”

According to her, it was nice for the team to know during the Christmas Season, “we did not only think of ourselves.”

“I got to witness people coming from different walks of life, whether they had five children, whether they were single parents, whether they were widows…,” she stated.

She noted further that there are people in need, whether it’s a baby or an elder person.

“That was just the best for me…,” Floissac said of the project.

She also loved the idea of going back home in the Kalinago Territory to give back to her people there.

Floissac thanked everyone who came on board to support the event.

See photos below. All photos by Lincoln Riviere.

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  1. December 15, 2016


    When I read QUEENS AND TINS …

    QUEENS: I thought of he winners of first place in a pageant.

    TINS: I thought of tins of food; soup, meat, vegetables, and fruit.

    I had to read the story to see what the connection is.

    You are doing wonderful work :!:

    (1) The recipients are being reminded of their worth. They are receiving an immediate blessing.

    (2) Others are inspired by your example to go and do the same. They may reach out to bless others. Some
    who may have nobody else to remember them may be uplifted.

    This kind of charity does not end there. Only God knows how far it may go and how many it will touch.

    In the midst of it all let us remember Jesus is the reason for the season. He gave Himself at Calvary so we may receive the gift of eternal life in HIM!

    The Bible says ”He that hath the Son hath life; And he that hath not the Son of God hath not life.” (1 John 5:12. My friend, have you received Him :?:


  2. shay
    December 13, 2016

    I LOOOVVEEE the standard that the Dominica pageant holds. You have to PUSH your platform throughout your year as queen and they always do. I LOVE what she has done. Keep it up beyond your queen years.

    Where I am located,, these pageants have nothing teaching the girls except to act fresh and high in public. You don’t see them doing nothing for the community except sit at other events with a crown on their head.

    Keep it up Dominica

  3. Annoyed
    December 13, 2016

    It’s “Queens and Tins” gezzz if you people were following the event you would have known. Take time to read and know what you are about before opening your mouths and act a fool. Just saying…

  4. nicole
    December 13, 2016

    great job ladies…a very merry Christmas to you all. and may God continue blessing you.

  5. out of south city
    December 12, 2016

    Ms. Floissac, you are a beautiful sister with a generous heart and thanks for the project that gives to the less fortunate among us. Truly, this initiative should be throughout the year. There is a lot that we can share with the needy among us and also with the elderly. Sometimes we are so busy that we overlook the need that exists among us. When I was growing up, many people would visit my grandmother and that meant a lot to her. We must take time off to also visit the sick and to always bring a gift to them. Whenever I visit someone, I always bring something. A hand of bananas means a lot to someone who doesn’t have any.
    One person said, “it is in-African to pass someone by and not say hello.”
    Let’s keep up the good work and continue to care for each other.


  6. The Truth Be Told
    December 12, 2016

    Excellent initiative.and giving back to the community especially at a time as this.
    Hearts full of love and cheer. God blest your energetic and enthusiastic effort with success.
    God bless all of you.
    Jingle Bells, its Christmastime in the City. ‘Tis the season/time to especially be giving.
    Oh tidings of comfort and joy.

  7. Nan
    December 12, 2016

    What does ‘others from the royalty’ mean?

    • The Truth Be Told
      December 12, 2016

      Their Royal Highnesses, Dominica Queens. :lol: :lol: :lol:
      You comprehend? :lol: :lol: :lol:

  8. viewsexpressed
    December 12, 2016

    Please address this error DNO….
    It should read “Queens and Teens”…..not Tins…….. 8-O :?:

    Good luck Queens and Teens

    ADMIN: The initiative is called ‘Queens & Tins.’ We are not sure where you got ‘Queens and Teens.’

    • The Truth Be Told
      December 12, 2016

      In other words that is the name of their project.

  9. Moi
    December 12, 2016

    Tasia, my dear – you are blessed beyond measure. May God continue to shower you with many more blessings. You have indeed raised the bar on what it means to be “Queen”.

  10. susan
    December 12, 2016

    so DNO u all can correct the spelling wii before posting, “Queens and Tins”. Tins are aluminum stuff. It should read. Queens and Teens. smh

    ADMIN: The project was named “Queens & Tins” by Miss Dominica herself. Where are you getting ‘Queens and Teens’ from?

    • The Truth Be Told
      December 12, 2016

      Imagine all the food which are sold in tins. Think of all what tins contain and are sold in the stores as,beans, peas, etc. They are not looked up as aluminum stuff.

    • shay
      December 13, 2016

      Yall must do your research before trying to correct others. Come on here to look stupid. DNO has it correct. It is Queen and TINS.

    • Mercy
      December 15, 2016

      People READ, LISTEN. KNOW whats going on in your country. GEEZ.

      QUEENS and TINS!!!

    December 12, 2016


  12. December 12, 2016

    A very, very good gift my child. Your reward is in the Lord. God bless you and your team.

    • December 15, 2016

      So true.

      God will be no man’s debtor.

      ”He who gives to the poor lends to the Lord.” (King Solomon)

      Keep up the good work. You are making Dominica a better place.

      Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill.

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