Rumshops concern Father Cuffy

Father Franklyn Cufy
Father Franklyn Cuffy

The priest in charge of the St Paul’s Parish, located in Massacre, Father Franklyn Cuffy, says he is worried about the number of “rum shops” in the communities he serves.

Father Cuffy estimates the population of the St Paul’s parish which covers the  communities of Mahaut, Massacre, Canefield and Warner, at over 5,000.

He said he is also concerned about rampant unemployment and the emergence of several churches there.

“The unemployment situation is serious. I know it’s very high in the parish and that concerns me. I am also concerned about the number of rum shops too,” he said. “That affects the people there and this is affecting the family life. It’s like every time a rum shop opens, a new church is built. I don’t know the relation between the two but it’s something serious.”

Cuffy also said his parish has been affected by unemployment for far too long.

“I heard that a large supermarket in the parish is closing down. When the Dominica Coconut Products lay off a number of staff, it affected everybody in the parish so if another major supermarket is closing down, that would be a concern,” he said.

Cuffy indicated that the unemployment situation in the community requires Government’s attention.

In his budget presentation to parliament on Wednesday Prime Minister Skerrit stated that his government intends to create over 1300 jobs during the 2013-2014 fiscal year in the following areas:

 The BAM (EU funded Banana Accompanying Measures)- 100 new full time jobs;
 Coffee – 820 new jobs
 Poultry – 150 new jobs
 Pork – 50 new jobs
 Tourism – 300 new jobs
 Total – 1320 new jobs

The prime minister said that not all of these jobs will be available within one year and explained that “the trend will be toward a sharp increase in the number of employed.” “It should be noted,” he pointed ” that mention is not made, of the hundreds of part time jobs that will become available as a result of these targeted investments.”

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  1. Something else
    July 28, 2013

    It is one thing that I do not like that getting worse in Dominica everyday, is when someone makes an observation about something that is getting out of hand, some people are very quick to point out all other faults that has nothing to do with what is spoken about, and then the problem, just sits there, and more is added to it. When something drastic happens, then people wants to call on out Creator for help.
    I would like to tell my fellow Dominicans that when something is going wrong and someone speaks up about finding ways to solve it, stop criticizing everybody else, and try to help instead, because, when things go bad with others, it can always affect us. We are raising up our children and we say all sorts or negative things in their presence, and they are growing up, and they are taking in everything we say and do. One day that child becomes an adolescence and starts misbehaving we start to look for all reasons they are acting violently, but we fail to look at ourselves. We blame everybody else. When they do good, we praise the school, when they do bad, we blame, parents, enemies, or friends. Let us all stop the negative attitude we have towards others, and open our heats to the Holy Spirit. Because as long as we do wrong, things will continue to go wrong. We say that rum is a spirit, true, but so is anger, hate, selfishness, greed, lies and so much more. When your neighbor’s house is on fire wet yours, because none of us want out children or husbands to be alcoholics. Prime ministers come and go, but our children, remain our children. Let us teach them positive things, no matter if we are rich or poor.

    We do not choose how we are born, but we can choose how we live. Blessings to all.

  2. Setup
    July 28, 2013

    whether or not one in a Catholic, should not be a reason to talk negative. Fr Cuffy said there are too many rum shops and he is right. We continue to lose family members due to alcoholism, and there are many families who suffer because when the men of the house receive their salaries, they go directly to the rum shop (cabarway). All we have to do as family members is to educate our children about alcohol, and the damage it does to the body and the family. The Catholic church leaders is aware of most of the people who consume rum, just like most of us, so let us not look for reasons to criticize the priest. He is not the one suffering when there is no food at home, it is the women who gets regular beatings when their husbands or boyfriends are drunk, and their children who live in this conditions, come to school and bully and beat our children who come from sober and Christian homes. Let us pray for our people, so that God will have mercy on us and our families. May Jehovah God bless Dominica and all that lives there.

    • Setup
      July 28, 2013

      I apologize for the small letter at the beginning of my comment. Blessings to all.

  3. Focused
    July 28, 2013

    Leave the catholic faith for what you say?People want to be able to read the bible for themselves,not vain repetitions,they nolonger want to confess to a man,or call any man that is not your biological father father,or bow infront of all the statues that the church has: those are just a few reasons.

  4. St. John
    July 28, 2013

    Rum!why don’t a rum drinker buy a bottle of rum ,stay home and have a sip when he feels like?the atmostphere,companionship and bad influence.”rum speak easy”.drink coffee is your answer

  5. bratt
    July 28, 2013

    How many jobs does the catholic church plan to provide? I hear complaining but I don’t hear solutions.

  6. Faceup
    July 26, 2013

    All over the place in DA I see young men smoking weed and drinking Red Cap. It is so bad that all I see is Paro weed, paro rum and paro crack.

  7. St. Pauls
    July 26, 2013

    Father, you should also talk against the prevailance of illegal drugs in the parish.

  8. curious
    July 26, 2013

    well no work, no money, no love, they drinking their surrows

    • Justice and Truth
      July 26, 2013

      Where does God place in their life?
      When you make statements as this, you must know the people personally. Who are they? How did they conduct their lives that they are unemployed? Did they complete schooling in order to obtain a job? What steps are they taking towards obtaining one?

  9. Patriotic Dominican
    July 26, 2013

    With these new jobs spoken of I hope it’s for locals

  10. 'i'
    July 26, 2013

    What then could have been the reaction if Father Cuffy, asked the people to continue drinking even though you are unemployed.

    What if he had said, it is your culture to drink, so drink on.

    It doesn’t matter the profession. It is very understandable to have concerns over increased unemployment and increased alcohol consumption in one’s community.

    He certainly didn’t have to voice his concerns but he did, and that to me, shows he cares more than himself, he cares for his community.

    • Justice and Truth
      July 26, 2013

      It should be of grave concern to the Church, Father Cuffy. It is difficult to turn a blind eye to the goings on of those people. People in general should care what is happening to those people, wasting their time and life in such a manner. Others should also speak up.

  11. Observer
    July 26, 2013

    Ha ha ha… Priest you killing me with laughter wee.

    This is so ridiculous,” It’s like every time a rum shop opens, a new church is built”

    Father Cuffy, have you heard of the song Faithful? your followers are a replicate of what you’ve made them because in truth and in fact most Priests consume a lot of alcohol.

    ” Oh may all who come behind us find us faithful”

    They’re just being faithful to your example and it’s the churches job to help mend their brokenness.

    • Justice and Truth
      July 26, 2013

      He who laughs last will laugh the best. One day your laughter will cease and die for good. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
      I suppose you never consumed alcohol nor your ancestors and current family. Talk of hypocrisy. You are one of those.
      Everyone is responsible for themselves. God gave each one a life. What they do with it will determine what they will later become. Some are ambitious and others are not. Some are lazy and others are not.
      Do not blame the Church/Father Cuffy. Some of them have swayed from the Church through their own fault. They prefer living the easy life of leisure without God. In the end they pay the price of their actions as they blame others and not themselves for their failings. Do not blame anyone but those people especially if they are adults.
      You owe something to society. Why do you not assist them to become responsible nationals? Do you not have what it takes, you scoffer? :twisted: :twisted:

  12. Conscious
    July 26, 2013

    The effects of unemployment has a domino effect on any country. Prostitution, parents selling their under age children to elderly men, parents cannot afford to pay for their children education, starvation, increase In sexual transmitted diseases, moral go down the drain anything for a dollar, increase in drugs and the types of drugs, respect for others no longer exist, stealing and killing is on the rise, teenage pregnancy and worst of all the government red clinic indicate that it is ok to be a BEGGAR

    • Justice and Truth
      July 26, 2013

      You are blaming unemployment. I have previously stated it is a world-wide situation. Many people are unemployed and they do not resort to immorality. Blame it on godlessness. They have no time for God but for immorality.
      Do you not know that God provides? These unemployed are better off than the unemployed of yesteryear. They will never go hungry. The government assists them. They should be satisfied with what they have for the present and try to do better for themselves, legally and morally. This should make them happy people. They are answerable to God for what they do and what they fail to do. Make no excuses for them.

  13. Recovered Alcoholic
    July 26, 2013

    Instead of complaining about other Christian groups that preach the same message of Jesus Christ as the Catholic Church (I hope), Father Cuffy, you should be more concerned with the Muslim faith that is growing in Dominica and undermining the Christian faith there. Those other churches you are complaining about share the same Christian faith, they are not other religions as you leaders been fooling people for so long. It’s time to stop this ignorance. So many young Dominicans are growing up now doubting the existence of God and want to hear nothing about Christianity and the Church and it’s because church leaders like you, Father Cuffy don’t take time to teach them. Instead y’all just breed division and hatred towards other groups of people who share the same faith but may differ in minor doctrinal issues. The evangelical/protestant leaders need to do the same too.

    • Justice and Truth
      July 26, 2013

      You should think before make such statements. The young people have parents. How were they nurtured and disciplined? What type of example their parents showed them?
      Cease blaming the Church and society and blame their parents. Go to the parents and ask them what type of example they projected to their children, in words and deeds.
      Were the children disobedient and wayward why they decided to take their own way.
      When some of you stand before God you will pay for your adverse words as imbedded in your heart and mind. For one, you do not think before you act.
      There are other religions but they are not one and the same with the Catholic Church and are not to be compared with the Catholic Church. You and your church share a bit of faith; not all and not the fullness of faith.
      You are a protestant. No one goes to Heaven being a protestant. This means disobedient. As St. Paul said, “Nothing defiled will enter Heaven.”
      Do not try to exalt yourself and be haughty and proud for pride comes before the fall of Satan and his followers.
      Some of you, the enemies, excel in bashing the Catholic Church. It will do you no good. If you left the Catholic Church you are one foolish person who depended on your own understanding and the false prophets of our time. It is nothing to be proud of for you have failed in practicing the One True Faith which Our Lord Jesus Christ established on earth.
      Our Lord left us One Church; not thousands different ones that bash the Catholic Church. If you are sensible you should know that. You have no love, respect and tolerance. You need to learn these godly virtues which you are sadly lacking.
      When you die you will see your error in thoughts, words and deeds as imbedded in your heart and soul. It may come sooner than you expect. You will be jealous of the Catholics who persevered in their Faith to the end. Mark my words. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

  14. Malgraysa
    July 26, 2013

    But father Franklyn, churches go with rum shops. Imagine, if we did not misbehave we would have noting to repent or confess and that would be bad bushiness for pastor. Putting jokes aside though, every week I see applications for liquor licences in the newspaper and never hear of any of them being refused. …I guess it is good business for merchants and Govt. too. Sorry father but your church has no longer a monopoly on sin. You have to share the saving of souls now with others, who also want a tax-free income.

    • Justice and Truth
      July 26, 2013

      When you make the first statement, keep in mind Our Lord said: “Be perfect as your Heavenly Father is perfect.” He will not make excuses for you. God and His Church are not to be mocked. God is not amused. You will pay the price for this mockery.

  15. July 26, 2013

    Alcohol intake and unemployment are enemies to each other because alcohol intake can be an influence that promotes unemployment.

    Why is that so? It is because many of those who go drinking from Friday until late on Sunday evening, are most likely to stay home on Monday, and still drinking; sometimes this can continue for the whole week–I know what I am talking about.

    And so, while an employer may try to tolerate that conduct from his drinking employees his business goes down in production instead of rising–how long can he continue in business in that position.

    And so, business will eventually close down, or the worker is dismissed one way or the other there is no work for that person or persons–hence the rise in unemployment–all because workers want more holidays each week than their employer can afford.

    That situation does not only apply to alcoholic intake either.

  16. Lori
    July 25, 2013

    Next thing you know, even the priest losing his job.

  17. Robert
    July 25, 2013

    There are two places one “can catch the Spirit”–in Church and at the Rum Shop. So what is the problem?

  18. Shakeema
    July 25, 2013

    What wrong wid Cuffy?

    “If Jesus drank wine, why can’t we drink rum?”

    • Justice and Truth
      July 26, 2013

      You should know wine and rum are not one and the same. Do you not know Holy Scripture?
      St. Paul said, “Have a little wine. It is good for your stomach but do not get drunk.”
      When liquor was first manufactured, I am certain the intention was not to get drunk. It serves as a social drink, if one is not feeling well or for a cold. It could combat a cold. As in everything, it should be taken moderately. It was never meant to be abused as some are doing. Hope you comprehend the sense of this.
      Leave the Church out of it. Some members of humanity paved a life for themselves, devoid of God. This is the outcome of their actions. Blame them.

  19. B.E. B.
    July 25, 2013

    Now,what about us from Campbell,Gimmit and should I say Tarreau, are we counted out?

    July 25, 2013

    cuffy, you used to be so vocal when uwp was in office now you choosing some impossibilty to talk about, rum and rum shop will never go away, this is our culture. people should exercise their own choice if they need to drink rum
    talk about all the issues that affecting our morality, you have, go to hell by the pm, rampant bobol, prostitution, drug trafficking, corruption, ministers unexplainable wealth, attack on the constitution by the people in power… SPEAK OF THOSE THINGS

    • Shameless
      July 25, 2013

      Call me bad or say the priest will shake his sooltan on me but I refuse to call them man there father. Even them ministers that on radio preaching I have absolutely no respect for them. They are seeing what Skerro and his cabal doing but refuse to say anything. But jah will handle them….

      “Change Must Come”
      Assertive, NOT Agressive!

      • Justice and Truth
        July 26, 2013

        You are so ignorant, disobedient, stubborn, rude and disrespectful. How do you hope to ever obtain eternal salvation with that type of ungodly attitude? How do you ever hope to live a happy and peaceful life on earth? Some of you profess to know the Bible but you really do not including not comprehending what you read.

        Here is a good one about calling the Catholic Priests “Father”. Read it, digest it and comprehend it. It is in the Bible!

        1 Corinthians 4:14:15 – I am writing you this not to shame you, but to admonish you “as my beloved children.” Even if you should have ‘countless guides’ to Christ, yet, you do not have many fathers, “for I became your ‘Father’ in Christ Jesus through the Gospel.”

        Go and study the New Testament. Prior to this pray to the Holy Spirit for guidance and enlightenment. You are in dire need of His blessing and graces.

        Change will come when people as you have a change of heart into a godly one. :twisted: :mrgreen: :twisted: :mrgreen:

  21. July 25, 2013

    check ur english DNO wat did he ”also said ”employment or rumshop ?.. u guys got a funny way of twisting words for better publicity ..but say wat the man said cot for cot!!!

    • Justice and Truth
      July 26, 2013

      You, check your English. :twisted: :twisted:

  22. Dominica
    July 25, 2013

    Father Cuffy, more people are leaving the catholic church to go to the new churches, therefore something is drastically wrong with the Catholic Church. Stop preaching politics and get down to God’s work. At Sunday Mass is politics, at funerals is politics at weddings is politics. We are sick and tired of this.

    • Justice and Truth
      July 25, 2013

      When those people die they will find out how stupid they were to their eternal detriment.
      Fools rush in where wise men never tread.

      What they should do is to cultivate their faith. They leave the Catholic Church for what?

      • July 25, 2013

        They leave to find the Gospel, of Jesus Christ, which speak about the “Salvation” and
        “Reconciliation” that is the Grace of God, by faith in the blood of Jesus Christ, not by the “works” of “religion”, lest any man should boast.

      • missmostDominican
        July 26, 2013

        um…really? cause Catholicism just seem to be a way of life to me or some kind of tradition that let ppl do as they please, dress up how ever, take part in whatever parties… is kind of hard to think u are losing your soul when what u are doing no different from what the “unsave” ppl doing. am just saying….and i’m not tied to no religion, just to the word of God

      • TeteMorne I From...
        July 26, 2013

        Umph, umph, so people are stupid for leaving YOUR beloved church? Why aren’t you glad that they left to seek the TRUTH, the whole TRUTH and NUFFING BUT THE TRUTH? ALLU DOH TEACH IT THERE. You that pillar there…YOU are the one who will see with your infatuation with church, priests, rosary etc. 8-O

      • Recovered Alcoholic
        July 26, 2013

        Why do you think that there are so many people in the Catholic Church today? Don’t you think it’s because at one time, according to you, fools were rushing in where wise men never tread”? It’s amazing how those leaders can use scripture to keep people in ignorance.

      • BE FAIR!!!
        July 26, 2013

        Pious and proud, you should be ashamed to call yourself a follower of Christ SMH

    • Justice and Truth
      July 26, 2013

      I knew this would come up as some of you deviate from the subject matter as always. If you know what you stated, you would not state it. Holy Bible teaches us much but some of you do not comprehend it. Some people are selling their souls to the devil.
      Our Lord warned us about taking short-cuts to Him and Heaven. It will not work. If only they would think of God and pray to him prior to allowing themselves to be adversely influenced? Those preachers have done wrong. Note what Holy Scripture teaches us:

      If they think they go by the Bible, more so the Catholic Church. This is what St. Paul said:

      Romans 15:20:21 – Thus I aspire to proclaim the Gospel, “not where Christ has already been named, so that I do not build on another’s foundation”, but as it is written: “Those who have never been told of him shall see, and those who have never heard of him shall understand.”

      Catholics heard of Our Lord Jesus Christ. They were taught. They and their false indoctrinators made a grave error. Woe to them! Again, one day they will find out their error.

      1 Corinthians 1:17 – Divisions in the Church – Groups and Slogans – For Christ “did not send me ‘to baptize’ but to preach the Gospel”, and not with the wisdom of human eloquence so that the Cross of Christ might not be emptied of its meaning.

      1 Timothy 6:3-7 – Teach and urge these things – Whoever teaches something different and does not agree with the sound words of our Lord Jesus Christ and “the religious teaching”, is conceited, understanding nothing, and has a morbid disposition for arguments and verbal disputes. From these come envy, rivalry, insults, evil suspicions, and mutual friction among people with corrupted minds…

      It is in the Bible! If they knew it they would not leave the Catholic Church. They are not smart people.
      When you criticize the Catholic Church and think that those unfaithful Catholics who lack spiritual enlightenment did something good, go to the Holy Bible and study it.

  23. Recovered Alcoholic
    July 25, 2013

    Unemployment gives rise to more business initiatives. The rum business is a profitable business in Dominica. Now, having lots of rum shops would mean lots of alcoholics. People who are alcoholics fall short and therefore need the gospel. Hence, the number of churches emerging. It’s just that simple, Father Cuffy.

  24. July 25, 2013

    I agree with Father Cuffy. In Dominica there are too many big and small places selling alcohol. Everyone is greedy to make money and they do not care of the people who had too much to drink . My husband got a heartattack because he drank for a week and the thursday he drank without eating and the Friday he did the same thing and no one stop him by saying you had too much to drink , i am not selling you anymore but instead they sell him so much that he missed fallinhg several times and his friend bought him home where they did not see him since and the Monday when they went to check on him they realize he was dead. When are the government going to stop these people selling alcohol to people who has too much to drink and give them a heavy fine? If they did not give him all that alcohol he would be alive today where we would be living at my home happily. I would like the goverment to pass a law for those dont care sellers.

    • Malgraysa
      July 26, 2013

      You are right. Most of these so-called rum shops are just a shabby hole in the wall. They don’ t even have toilet facilities for their clients. What a mess.

  25. July 25, 2013

    Dominica, hit rock bottom, squeese them Skerrit, they stupid :-D

    • BE FAIR!!!
      July 26, 2013

      you cannot even spell squeeze, and you want to talk about stupid, what the hell nuh!?!? Pot calling the kettle black baggai

  26. Lang Mama
    July 25, 2013

    If every time you hear the preachers like augustine, Thomas, sharpy , bishop talkin pawol derere whatelse to do but to drink rum.

  27. julio feroja
    July 25, 2013

    a majority of Dominican act like they are dum and stupid they look at a pm eating drinking good travelling and they there eating measery and saying I love my pm you must ask your self WHY AM I SO FOOLISH politic don’t feed SO DUMM IN A CAN OPEN YOUR EYES

  28. July 25, 2013

    Father Cuffy are you afraid of the competition bro. Start preaching about Jesus and stop whining about other religions. I am sure the new church is an added bonus in the community so refrain from meddling with God who is with them least he destroys you.

  29. !
    July 25, 2013

    @ KRAZY. Could it be that they are celebrating the opening of the new church? :lol:

  30. Observer
    July 25, 2013

    There’s a saying better late than never, and its good to see Father Cuffy, is beginning to see what is happening, Father Jolly has been feeding us with the eye-openers but we are so naïve that we bury our heads in the sand like ostrich but look like its oming home and we are getting some rude awakenings, so we are beginning to speak now. What do you expect when we get million dollar projects and our men and women cannot be employed because we are importing unemployment.

    • July 25, 2013


  31. DC
    July 25, 2013

    Mr. Cuffy why are you comparing the number of churches to the number of rum shops? Church is a very good place for therapy, even though attending church does not secure one’s place in the kingdom, however, there are benefits of attending Church. In my view, this is good, for every rum shop opened, there is a new church. Mr. Cuffy, please remember, religion does not allow anyone to enter the Pearly Gate. Bear in mind, Church can serve as a form of rehabilitation, it gives one hope, optimism etc. Mr. Cuffy, please be careful when making statements as a Church Leader, Love for each other, peace and unity should be on the front burner, not religion.

    • July 25, 2013

      Agreed. You can drink rum and still go to Church. Ask Mr. Cuffy how many bottles of RUM he has in his pantry?

    • easternparkway
      July 25, 2013

      Because its Fr.Cuffy who made the statement about Church you ask for love and peace. when the shoe is on the other foot you all forget everything about MERCY, LOVE, and PEACE you all just BLAST the Catholic Church to HELL and BACK.May God have MERCY on us ALL.

      • DC
        July 25, 2013

        Eastern Parkway, it is very important to worship the Almighty among a congregation, whenever i attend mass, it is at a Catholic Church. My intention is to remind the church leader of his role. Primarily to spread the word of the Almighty and to win souls, not to promote religion. Mr. Cuffy sounds a bit disoriented.

      • Justice and Truth
        July 25, 2013

        One day they will see and experience their error for all eternity.

    • Justice and Truth
      July 25, 2013

      Who are you to give him advice? Your advice is ungodly, straight from the Jaws of Hell, Satan’s cauldron of everlasting fire. Keep your ungodly views to yourself because they benefit no one. :twisted: :mrgreen: :twisted: :mrgreen: :twisted: :mrgreen: :twisted: :mrgreen: :twisted: :mrgreen: :twisted: : :mrgreen: :twisted: :mrgreen:

  32. mahat boi
    July 25, 2013

    am confuse here is this article about the amount of rum shops or about the unemployment rate…. :?:

  33. Massacre
    July 25, 2013

    I agree with father Cuffy.
    We need to curb the alcohol use in my area.

    • OK
      July 25, 2013

      The rum shop just created employment for at least one spanish person, half a dominican, another half hatian and rest are the people who come and buy the fried chicken and sardine and not necessarily the rum.

    • July 25, 2013

      Yup, curb the alcohol use in every area, I would say. There are the same number of alcoholics as there are crimes, and unemployment.

  34. Faceup
    July 25, 2013

    Man is strange how theses guys get there figures for jobs soon to be so call available. So Mr Skerrit is thats all you can offer Dominicans is unemployment, rum shops and money you took from the Chinese to be paid back at what cost. Tell me Mr Skerrit the money we owe the Chinese is at what cost?.

    • B.E. B.
      July 25, 2013

      Where is the PM coming into this? Ar’nt we reading about too much rum shops and churches as commented by Fr. Cuffy
      What’s ur point?

      • Justice and Truth
        July 25, 2013

        They always stupidly deviate from the topic.

  35. Marilyn
    July 25, 2013

    When I grew up in Dominica the Catholic church was involved in the community they bluid schools, they provided employment through Tropicraft and other areas. They used USAID to provide poor people with children with food. What have the church done lately?

    • FakeIT
      July 25, 2013

      What have the church done lately?

      (1) Complain about the rum shops and new churches emerging in the community!!!!!

    • Anonymous
      July 25, 2013

      You are so correct, they have done so much and still continue to do exceptionally well especially through their schools, but what has all these little fly by night churches done. They are just dividing and not building and they still fighting to get into the catholic schools and leave catholic children out.

    • July 25, 2013

      There is too much rum. Here, there, and everywhere.

    • D A
      July 25, 2013

      But all you have all you Prime Minister that all you LOVE let him get work for you all. All you HATE the Catholic CHURCHbut you all still want help from her.give us a break you hear.

    • Justice and Truth
      July 25, 2013

      What have you done lately for the Church and for the community? Do you not think that God will hold you responsible, you talkers, criticizers and non doers?

  36. Missing home
    July 25, 2013

    Is the catholic church feeling threatened ? Hope it’s Bible preaching churches.

    • Zakolic
      July 25, 2013

      No it is the first base church can’t be threaten by road side churches who is the enemy of themselves

    • July 25, 2013

      I do not think so. I think Mr. Cuffy should really concentrate on the number of churches rather than the number of rum shops. I do not think those shops sell ONLY rum anyway.

  37. correcter
    July 25, 2013

    I have trouble understannding politicians when all they do is try to deceive. You intend to create 1300 new jobs during the fiscal year 2013/2014 and in the same breath say all will not be created in that year. We need degrees to ynderstand these politicians.

    • Candominican
      July 25, 2013

      In thirteen years he did not create a single sustainable job, is in 2013 / 2014 he will create 1330. Is a fettish for the numberr by this cabal?

    • July 25, 2013

      No, we probably just as illiterate.

    • Nkrumah Kwame
      July 26, 2013

      At least sir, you are soo right and indeed, a CRITICAL thinker!!

  38. Anonymous
    July 25, 2013

    its not there alone nor. Dominica on a whole to much young rum drinkers

  39. african queen
    July 25, 2013

    father cuffy you so truly correct and u know what i saw on my visit to Dominica is that the person are DRUNK can’t even walk and the shopkeepers would still sell them more RUM damm this things hurts me so much when am seeing this.

    • July 25, 2013

      Imagine that. Not only selling them more rum when they are already drunk, but giving them credit when they are UNABLE to pay what they already OWE.

  40. Shameless
    July 25, 2013

    More Sewo in St. Paul parish than anywhere else. The lab in Mahaut leads the way… But on serious note, people patronize these place in an effort to drink their sorrows and worries away. No jobs, no hope, no future so what else can they do?

    “Change MUST Come”
    Assertive, NOT Agressive!

    • Zakolic
      July 25, 2013

      We have to change ourselves before changes come into our lives come on brothers and sisters stop hating and forgiveness is the healing of our souls

    • July 25, 2013

      WRONG EFFORT. Drinking DO NOT drown sorrows and worries, it CREATE sorrows and worries. You said and I quote, “No jobs, no hope, no future, so what else can they do?” They can do the next best thing, use that money to pay their bills and feed their children, if any.

    • Justice and Truth
      July 25, 2013

      No excuses for them. Where there is God there is always hope. They have neglected God. Some of them have spent their adult life neglecting him. This is what they get for neglecting God.

  41. Marcus Hill
    July 25, 2013

    1 Russia
    2 Moldova
    3 Reunion Island
    4 St.Lucia
    5 Dominica

    DNO ran a story a while back saying that these were the 5 countries, in that order, that consumed the most rum in the work. So is not just in Mahaut this is a nationwide epidemic!

    • missmostDominican
      July 26, 2013

      first off u mean worldwide…….and o u know how many ppl in Russia? well something really wrong to be placed with countries that big compare to the amount of ppl in D/a….smh

      • Marcus Hill
        July 27, 2013

        Yes I meant in the “World” not “work”. Thank you for the correction. And it is per capita (for each person) so the size of the population is irrelevant.

  42. Anonymous
    July 25, 2013

    so what the >…………… what he saying have to do with what the pm promise chups. Your headline says about rum then you jump on jobs then you conclude with what Pm promise that not even sure wasn’t there a promise of five thousand jobs in the PMS inauguration addresss

    • July 25, 2013

      That is DNO for your reading pleasure.

  43. Anonymous
    July 25, 2013

    so what the >…………… what he saying have to do withw hat the pm promise chups

  44. Rastafari
    July 25, 2013

    One question only. How accessible are these jobs going to be for LOCAL folks? they are mostly NOT! Allu k1ll1ng me with that none sense.

  45. k
    July 25, 2013

    unemployment and rum shops is a problem but i don’t see how a new church can be a problem

  46. quick moderation
    July 25, 2013

    his budget presentation to parliament on Wednesday Prime Minister Medard Skerrit stated that his government intends to create over 1300 animals for food during the 2013-2014 fiscal year in the following areas:

     The BAM – 10000 boxes of bananas jobs;
     Coffee – 28200 cups
     Poultry – 15000 new chicken
     Pork – 15000 new pigs
     fish broff – 30000 new jobs
     Total – of live stock for BBQ every political meeting

    July 25, 2013

    Make more priests, ask the catholic church to support scholarships for their members. create projects funded by the catholic church that will employ the community. Employ people to make beer, rum and sell it call it Abey Ale.

    • Anonymous
      July 25, 2013

      Good point. What investment is the church (Fr Cuffy) making to combat unemployment and at the same deal with threat of new churches.

      Is the congregation diminishing in numbers, there the church and Fr Cuffy likely to become redundant. Hmmmmmmmm

  48. Views Expressed
    July 25, 2013

    Father Cuffy thanks for the time, your article and concerns rests at the Door step of the inept Prime Minister of Dominica and his supporting ministers and so called party’s faithful. Their are no meaningful job creations, the Chinese build road through Mahaut Massacre, the local employed youth from that area was zero until we protested and then they got some traffic flag wavers to control traffic, where were then ….where was your voice of concern? After road build you sorry for unemployment. These people are forced to go to the rum shops to pass out the stress of poverty and unemployment and have been knocking your door to voice their concerns. Stand up and tell the government stop the bobol and thievery. We do not trust them and those in their camps.

    • Domnichen
      July 26, 2013

      These people are forced to go to the rum shops to pass out the stress of poverty and unemployment…..
      So where they getting de money to buy de Rum?

  49. Krazy
    July 25, 2013

    every time a rum shop opens, a new church is built. that’s amazing… had me laughing

  50. grell
    July 25, 2013

    Father only now,dominica is headed for great disater,our youg people have no jobs,what are they doing,damaging the tourism industry.sad sad.

    • Nameless
      July 26, 2013

      How are we as Dominican, create Jobs on the Island when the tourist visit the country there is not a thing but in place to protect them form the Native of the Island. We need to first seat down and evaluate all what is being place on paper and think of ways to protect the tourism industry on the Island. The Jobs will not last until we stop and look at the Island in a whole. What can we do for the young children that a going to school what happen when they are out to school. Most Dominican move from the Island and go else where not because they do not love living on the Island/Home but because there is nothing for the kids to do after school or graduation, so how can the Island prosper if we do not have anything in place for the young kids. We need to start there.

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