Saudi woman beheaded for ‘practicing witchcraft’

A Saudi woman wearing a full Muslim headscarf

A Saudi woman was beheaded Monday after being convicted of practicing sorcery, which is banned in the ultra-conservative kingdom, the Interior Ministry said.

Amina bint Abdulhalim Nassar was executed in the northern province of Jawf for “practicing witchcraft and sorcery,” the ministry said in a statement carried by SPA state news agency.

It is not clear how many women have been executed in the desert-kingdom, but another woman was beheaded in October for killing her husband by setting his house on fire.


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  1. C. bruce
    December 13, 2011



  2. Playboy
    December 13, 2011

    Those who are known to practise that stuff here, and many of us know them well, who destroy people’s lives in all kinds of ways, and even end their lives, should suffer the same fate.

    The only difference should be that they should be made to suffer in the worst possible way first. The devil they choose to serve I guess will protect them. They obviously think so.

  3. hmm
    December 13, 2011

    foolish comments…. stupid set of Dominicans..

    • Voiceof Reason
      December 13, 2011

      Anyone can comment on this site. Arabian, Albanian, Cantonese, Mexican, Chinese, probly even Martians. It doesn’t verify our nationality !!! Once you have internet you are allowed to comment.

  4. Digi
    December 13, 2011

    Sick people…they dat more holy…and all of them want little virgins to burst their little poupoulus…..stupesss

    • C. bruce
      December 13, 2011





  5. witchbuster
    December 12, 2011

    rabbit ears, thats why the country is so backward. we got more witchcraft in dominica than work. in cottage alone have three times the amount than saudi.

  6. brianondominica
    December 12, 2011

    It’s amazing how so many people arbitrarily dismiss capital punishment for witchcraft as “wicked”, “backward,” etc…totally arbitrary, being without any rational argumentation. It may not suit the preferences of even those who do not believe that God is existent, but Big Deal!…the rapist has his personal preferences too that he can just announce willy-nilly. You have no valid moral basis to complain if you are going to be humanist or atheist since your own terms reduce to “it’s different strokes for different folks”. Some cultures prefer to punish for witchcraft, some cultures don’t. I guess these arbitrary atheists and humanists can’t even face the implications of their own ethical philosophy, and want to start condemning as if they have some objective, universal, and absolute moral standard. However, it makes total sense for the Christian to uphold the Scriptural teachings of Christ Who upheld the teachings of Moses (Mark 7:10; 1 Tim 1:8-10; Matthew 5:19; Exodus 22:18, Romans 7:12,22) that are the profitable for correction Word of God(2 Tim 3:16-17) Who is perfectly just and righteous, infinitely wise, and more than sufficiently powerful to preserve what He has revealed throughout the generations of man with attributes infinitely weaker than those just described. Now the philosophy of Moses upheld by Christ may not suit the preferences of those who have rejected Christ, but those preferences of not wanting to live consistent with a worldview without an objective absolute moral standard have no absolute moral authority being ultimately based on the thoughts of finite, mistaken, and ethically corrupt mankind, especially as evolved pondscum by a metaphorical blind-watchmaker.

    • Humanist
      December 13, 2011

      Yes, humans are imperfect. There is probably no personal god. So what? That doesn’t mean we have no morals. Humans lived on before holy books appeared; those who have still today never seen a bible continue to live on; and the vast majority of us today live in peace only because we (and our legal systems) actively reject much of what is in the bible/holy texts. Morality is something that needs to be discussed and refined over time by intelligent people.

      And the “objective” morals you claim come from a god–laughable and detestable. The bible is one of the most immoral guidebooks in existence.

      As for evolution–again, laugh all you want, but it’s science. And you can delude yourself all you like, but the truth is the truth, whether or not it makes you feel pretty and special.

      • brianondominica
        December 15, 2011

        Well, I didn’t say you have no morals, I just said that any morals you have are mere personal preferences as an athiest. You may find Christianity disgusting, but then again you may also find spiniach disgusting. The point is that all your talk of savagery and barbarianism carries no absolute and universal authority. Yet you inconsistently talk as if it does, as if it was a righteous standard revealed by a righteous God.

        I’m not sure why you are saying that humans need holy books to have morality. The Bible certainly doesn’t say that (Romans 2:14). So much for your irrelevant fallacious strawman argument. Although in making that consideration/appeal, I’m assuming that rational argumentation still suits your arbitrary athiest personal preferences. Well, you may not do too well in that department of logical consistency, but I know to some degree it inescapably matters to you, because hating God does not change you from being made in His image.

      • brianondominica
        December 15, 2011

        I’m not sure why you are saying that (I said that) humans need holy books to have morality. The Bible certainly doesn’t say that (Romans 2:14). So much for…

    • Humanist
      December 13, 2011

      Furthermore, how is it rational to murder someone for a crime (witchcraft) that does not exist? You can cast all the spells you like, go dancing under Diana’s moon all you wish, take all the dolls you like and stick them with needles, put all the eggs under your shoulders to hatch all you wish–and none of it will work because all of it is superstitious rubbish. To kill someone for it is therefore a barbarian absurdity, and for you to justify it based on your supposedly exemplary holy text is nothing short of savagery. You should be ashamed of your disgusting version of “morality.”

      • brianondominica
        December 15, 2011

        If atheism is true, then it would not be rational to kill someone for a crime that does not result in killing. But also, if atheism is true then it would not be rational to kill someone for a crime that does exist because you have no rationally objective standard to show that some action is immoral to begin with to even be a crime, much less immoral enough that it deserves a particular punishment (such as killing).

        Like you do in your posts, you can arbitrarily announce that witchcraft or even Christianity is against your personal preferences, but that doesn’t mean something is immoral. Now as an atheist you can label anything arbitrarily as criminal (rape, witchcraft, eating potato chips) and say these offenses deserve death, but all you have done is merely irrationally announced that, rather than have an objective rational basis for your moral proclamations. So stop pretending that you can logically/rationally determine any behavior as immoral, and immoral enough to deserve some particular punishment.

        However, on the Christian account:
        1. God has given an objective/public standard of crime and punishment (as read in Exodus 22:18).
        2. God not only knows everything and cannot be stopped from all that He has purpsoed, but He is perfectly righteous, so His public standard that He prescribes for man to obey is perfectly righteous.
        So, unlike what you had on your atheistic terms, there is no logical inconsistency (or even arbitrariness) here on Christianity’s terms.

        One more thing…you said that I ought to be ashamed of Christian morality. But if your moral judgment (that Christianity is immoral) is arbitrary preference of one instantiation of evolved pondscum, then telling me to be ashamed of a mere preference is rather inconsistent. That would be like telling me to be ashamed of eating spinach if you would abhor spinach. However, it does testify to the truth of the Christian position that although man’s thinking is free from sin, he still (indeed just as you said) makes moral judgments/condemnations as if morality is universal and authoritative because he can’t escape being made in the image of the One True God Who makes moral distinctions, no matter how much he unrepentantly (and inconsistently–as you have demonstrated already multiple times–)continues to rebel against Him. It is easy for you to say there is probably no God, but to the glory of God it is impossible for you to think consistently in what you so easily say is probably the case (1 Corinthians 1:20).

      • brianondominica
        December 15, 2011

        Quick correction for my reply:

        …although man’s thinking is NOT free from sin, he still (indeed just as you said)…

        Sorry for my typos, but I needed to make sure that it was understood that I meant to use a negation there.

    December 12, 2011

    I remember my poor neigbhour had a fight with her son two of her neigbhours stood they laugh ki ki ki cuz they believe that bad times is for some ppl. Three weeks ago police went with one son and he is in prison the one she laughed with did not comfort her is the one she laughed at gave her comfort so continue ppl.

  8. D real 1
    December 12, 2011

    Everyone should be free to praise their God in any way they choose! Equal rights for ALL!

    December 12, 2011

    LORD, have mercy on us all cuz some of us are PRETENDERS, HYPOS WHEN ZAFER MELE we do all things to demele zafer but we criticise others thats why it is said the tongue is dangerous. lovely Dominica I still love u.

    December 12, 2011

    My country turn into pawol pour rire show only beff, mal paley ppl, rejoice on other sorrow and yet still we say we love GOD. IN here is dont do it and let me do it we will see how far we wil reach with our stupid comments. LOVELY DOMINICA MAY GOD BLESS U.

  11. Francis Chicago
    December 12, 2011

    WE all have some sense of what witchcraft is.Some equate witchcraft with Halloween,Jack-O-Lanterns,caped women atop broom sticks,Wicca, or even Dorothy’s Wizard of OZ archenemy.The best selling books and movies chronicling the adventures of Harry Potter continue to sanction witchcraft in our society through casting spells and mixing potions, while presenting a great saga between good and evil witches.And of coures, who could forget the ever so popular video game Dungeons and dragons, the fantasy role playing game where players engage dark forces with their magical powers.Even though witchcraft is often portrayed as innocent, it is strictly Forbidden in the word of GOD.[ Deuteronomy 18;9-14[ Leviticus 19;31, 20-6.[Isaiah 8;19.Witchcraft opens the door to demonic forces.

    • lol
      December 13, 2011

      dude this is all crap. as a child i tried out-of-body, levitation, sorcery and paganism witchcraft. none worked

  12. Abu Sulayman
    December 12, 2011

    I do not see what the issue is about. The woman is caught in socery, off goes her head! It is forbidden both in the Bible and the Quran, why the issue? As for humanist and the other atheist bloggers the same way you want people to respect your views respect the views of people who accept religious law.

    Education alone cannot solve problems. Americans, the Brits, etc are educated countries yet they have a recession.

    • Malatete
      December 13, 2011

      BARBARIC! If that’s what your religion teaches, you can keep it.

      • C. bruce
        December 13, 2011






  13. Anonymous
    December 12, 2011

    They need 2 introduce that beheading witches in D/ca; The bible said suffer not a witch 2 live. @ much of that crap in D/a.

    • lol
      December 13, 2011

      lol didn’t the same bible say that adulterers should be stoned? how many people will be left if they implemented THAT lol

    • C. bruce
      December 13, 2011


  14. mouth of the south
    December 12, 2011

    imagine eh… during elections to catch them…. they all out… going on mountain to do there charms with all kinds of chalismans… they even bold… saying ‘skerro parka sorti lah’… ah jhay pwieh that going on…. they need to start that in d.a

      December 12, 2011

      Do you really mean what you said mouth of the south.

      • mouth of the south
        December 12, 2011

        i doubt i’m the only one who have heard them papa… danziger i’m guessing u not in d.a?? lol

    • Humanist
      December 13, 2011

      You sounds just as mad as Papa Doc Duvalier in Haiti. Dominicans like you are really disgraceful. Do you honestly enjoy being seen as ignorant by the developed world?

  15. mouth of the south
    December 12, 2011

    is allu dat making pwieh for skerro :lol:

  16. mouth of the south
    December 12, 2011

    hah!!! i know a village they need to start… it in the tip of dominica toe…

  17. God is nonexistent
    December 12, 2011

    @ T winstion—wicked superstitious religion just like Christianity. why not improve our children’s education and living circumstances starting from the root level so crime and violence would fall rather than extending the prison and making the penalty for crime harsher? wouldn’t that save taxpayers money so to be used for more important things like finding the cures for DISEASES or improving healthcare? You religious wickedness. That’S why we are less successful in mitigating crime than we are at solving the AIDS and Cancer problems. It is because of people like you and your religious counterparts who say the punishment on crime should be harder and more atrocious. you sound like those medieval priests who innocently burnt women by the thousands to death because they were accused (without any provable evidence) of witchcraft– a practice now looked upon by intelligent nonreligious and, to an extent, reasonable religious people, as not existing and never did existed. religion is why the world is suffering so much because of dogma, fostering, as a result, slave morality, something totally opposed to attaining a good life.

    • Francis Chicago
      December 12, 2011

      Mr man For God is not the author of confusion but of peace’.1Corinthians.[14;33].

    • T. Winston
      December 13, 2011

      Wicked I am not
      There are many ways to solve a problem but when you are on the “GROUND LEVEL” listening to young people speak it’s quite different. Young men on the road always talking about killing somebody since they can come out jail in little to no time at all and they’ll have a “rep” so noone will mess with them. More advanced and richer countries haven’t found the cure for Aids yet you want little Dominica with limited resources and No real scientists to find the cure… as an atheist you are quite impossible. I’m not religious I’m GOD fearing I belive there is a higher power, God, but I don’t believe in religion (That’s my personal belief and I stick to it I don’t ask that you like it or agree but that’s how it is). How can I sound like a medievel priest when I state Saudi Arabia is “EXTREME”? I’m simply being factual and real on the matter as It is true and the majority of society will agree that punishment in Dominica for crime is a joke which is why noone is afraid to kill anyone anymore. Evidenced by the ever increasing number of murders and violent crimes taking place. The way you speak it’s as if you want no punishment for crimes and the people who commit them should not be held responsible, That’s rubbish in my opinion. I believe if a man steals he needs to either pay back equal or greater value or do some time. I believe if a man KILLS someone then he should not be able to walk on the streets before 20 years of his life has passed behind bars because he has robbed someone of the entirety of theirs and he needs to think about that and be sorrowful about it. I don’t know about whitchcraft but I know people and if punishment was a little more stiff alot of people would behave just a little better.

      • christianity is evil
        December 13, 2011

        so simpleton, you rather prepare for the crime than to beforehand prevent its occurrence? And i am not saying there wouldn’t be crime, but starting at the basic level, education and better opportunity, say, will greatly wane the prison population than, as you suggested, make the penalty harsher. And yes idiot, the American prison population, —if you researched before you made dumb statements like the ones you made mention above— are, in the majority, illiterate men and women and they came out of broken, impoverish environments: this is the correlation between the uneducated, impoverished man and prison, airhead. As long as their are people living like you in this country it is forlorn. moreover, some of the greatest discoveries of mankind came from unlooked-for places and by a single individual working on his own: Einstein made an astonishing find on the theory of light in his 1905 papers. so there is no reason why a Dominican can’t find the cure for AID or cancer, say. Reading your comments is baffling as it is asinine; i can really get a window as to see what’s inside your inane head. Tell me you didn’t go to school because if you did, then, you would not make these unbelievable assertion which such confidence.

      • T. Winston
        December 14, 2011

        It’s simple research takes MONEY and scientifical know how which we do not have. Research facilities etc. The complex nature of a biological disease is not something that you can come up with overnight. billions have been invested and yet nothing has come of it to the current date with the exception of bone marrow transplant. Education is key but if everyone is educated and crime still occurs then do you simply keep the educated criminals on the street? Einstein was a scientist so point one out to me here in Dominica? It’s obvious that an obstinate buffoon such as yourself cannot understand basic English, so I’ll lesson the vocabulary for you. Do the crime, Do the time. Big Crime should be equivalent Big punishment. The American prison population has nothing to do with education, they are there because they are criminals which stems partly from the lack of opportunities and from impoverished circumstances however educated men also commit crimes and regardless of education the crime should breed a fitting punishment. Your opinion is your own but it’s quite moronic to in all honesty think that it’s ok for a man to walk the street after 3 years in prison for murder and be considered to have paid his debt to society. No other country in the world would consider that a fitting punishment

    • C. bruce
      December 13, 2011


      • God is nonexistent
        December 14, 2011

        you maybe experience an apparition. no man has more than 5 senses and you cant detect something that you sense. so i think you were dreaming. i think you believe because everyone around you believes just as you believe in Satan and hell.

      • God is nonexistent
        December 14, 2011

        fear and misunderstanding of the world in which you live is the main cause your superstition- which in the long run cause you to act wicked towards it.

  18. they say
    December 12, 2011

    its time we look at the hations closely for their curse

  19. Rabbit Ears
    December 12, 2011

    What a backward country!!!

  20. Humanist
    December 12, 2011

    Many Dominicans would happily turn Dominica into a Christian version of Saudi Arabai, judging by the madness of some of the comments on these types of articles. And yet they criticize Saudia Arabia, as if its religious fundamentalism is vastly different from theirs.

    • T. Winston
      December 12, 2011

      Extreme and too relaxed are too different. Just recently a young man beat up his x gf, broke into her home vandalised her property, turned on the stove in her house for the gas to run and then left… He received a penalty of 6 months (and he’s a repeat offender)… Punishment is too relaxed in the country. Only in Dominica can murder be committed the person found guilty and in 3 years time they walking on the streets again free and clear… Saudi Arabia is extreme but Dominica is way too relaxed when it comes to punishment

      • God is nonexistent
        December 12, 2011

        wicked you are ‘T winston’ and very daft that’s why you are a christian. why not improve our children’s education and living circumstances starting from the root level so crime and violence would fall rather than extending the prison and making the penalty for crime harsher? wouldn’t that save taxpayers money so to be used for more important things like finding the cures for DISEASES or improving healthcare? You religious wickedness. That’S why we are less successful in mitigating crime than we are at solving the AIDS and Cancer problems. It is because of people like you and your religious counterparts, who say the punishment on crime should be harder and more atrocious. you sound like those medieval priests who innocently burnt women by the thousands to death because they were accused (with any provable evidence) of witchcraft– a practice now looked upon by intelligent nonreligious and, to an extent, reasonable religious people, as not existing and never did existed. religion and you are why the world is suffering so much because of your religious wicked slave morality dogma fostering as a result slave morality, something totally opposed to nature.

  21. Letmetellyou!
    December 12, 2011

    If they have to do dat in this country, we doh have much women.

    • Anonymous
      December 12, 2011

      Starting from the one they caught in Checkhall on video earlier this year.

    • Francis Chicago
      December 12, 2011

      GOD IS NONEXISTENT@] To’revenge disobedience’ means stopping carnal imagination that are noncompliant to the word of God.

      • God is nonexistent
        December 14, 2011

        well act as nothingness or god as you do

    • C. bruce
      December 13, 2011


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