Strange occurrences in the heights of Morne Prosper

The effects of sinking lands on a tree in the area
The effect of sinking lands on a tree in the area

Blue sulfur rising from the depth of the earth, drying rivers, dead fish, landslides and sinking land greeted farmers of the Robinson Estate area in the heights of Morne Prosper area last week.

Residents are baffled as to the reasons behind the strange occurrences, something that has not been witnessed before.

Concerned resident of the area, Randy Aaron, told Dominica News Online the site, which is a roughly two hours hike from the village of Morne Prosper itself, was discovered recently by a farmer.

“He (the farmer) found that strange… he looked around and saw that it was a landslide that came down and took his crops,” Aaron explained. “That sparked up an interest and we decided to get the area to investigate and lo and behold to our greatest astonishment the damage inside of there can be simply described as a bomb dropped in that area.”

According to him the area had sunk, hundred-year-old trees lay flattened and once strong rivers are now reduced to mere streams.

“Landowners are losing their land and the sulfur in the area has turned blue,” Aaron said “There is a river in an area with dead fishes. The river water was boiling and the stones in the river turned green, one side of the river is cold the other side is hot.”

Aaron said last week Thursday residents planned to camp near the area to investigate what was going on but, according to him, were stopped by the police.

“They prevented us from going there, so we turned and went back,” he stated.

He said presently the police are still guarding the area.

He noted a number of agencies have been mobilized to investigate the real culprit behind the strange events.

“The Seismic Unit in Trinidad has dispatched a team to Dominica and there are plans to bring in other geologists from the United States, Canada and Europe,” Aaron noted.

Aaron added that a team dubbed “SWARJAME-Men on a Mission” has been formed and they will be hosting an excursion on Sunday to the site with about 100 people. A trail to make the site accessible has been constructed, he said.

Parliamentary Representative for the constituency, Dr Collin Mcintyre, has been notified about the situation and he is currently meeting with cabinet colleagues to chart a way forward, according to Aaron.

According to him, although the area is not residential, the possibility of people having to be evacuated is increasing since the area might be declared a disaster area.

A sign will soon be erected informing individuals who wish to trek the trail to the site that they are doing so at their own risk.

Meanwhile, Dominica’s Acting National Disaster Coordinator, Don Corriette, said a team has visited the site and observed the effects of natural weathering of slopes and high hydrology (movement and distribution of water) in the area.

He told DNO that the Office of Disaster Management will conduct more in depth analyses to determine the exact cause of the problem.

This section of land is rapidly sinking in the area
This section of land is rapidly sinking in the area
This stream was said to be a once bubbling river
This stream was said to be a once bubbling river
This area is said to be rapidly sinking
This area is said to be rapidly sinking
The majority of the water in this river is also gone
Most of the water in this river is also gone
Farmers survey the section of the area
Farmers survey a section of the area



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  1. Ffjfjfjfjf
    July 1, 2015

    Wich part of morne pros dah be cux i going up dere and i seeing valley of desolation where is the starting cuz i follow it den i end up in a gardeen after dah i doa see no other sign

  2. Anonymous
    May 9, 2014

    When I read news like that it would be nice to know its just a joke but its reality. Disaster can happen any time any where and to any one and death is inevitable. Be sure to be ready to meet your maker.

  3. look chorble
    May 9, 2014

    I personally Blame Skerrit and his government .. yah lol Skerrit make the country angry eh lol

  4. Anonymous
    May 8, 2014

    Have you people done any research of your own on the effects of geothermal energy?? Do your homework people! These are some of the immediate effects of drilling and extractng energy from the earth. Dominica is not the first place to extract geothermal energy, it has been done in many other countries and if you simply search the internet you will see the devastation that it has caused to their environments. In New Zealand, their hot springs, river and geysers have disappeared. Increase in tremors and earthquakes. What we are seeing now in those photos is nothing compared to what we will witness in the future.

    So how can you consider this a political issue?? It is an issue that we should all be concerned about for our well being!! Now go read a book instead of coming here and making your nonsensical political comments glorifying idolization and socialism.

  5. T stuart
    May 8, 2014

    What is happening to us,why can’t we RELAX,why is everything political,what has happened to the UNITY we once had,the boujon feeling? WHY so many negative comments,it’s like a battle ,D/A belongs to us allI’ve been reading comments on endless issues and it’s the same trend, we are all imperfect and must remember [when your friend’s or ENEMY’S beards are on fire u should wet yours.WE’RE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER…ONE LOVE and may GOD BLESS

  6. barbecue
    May 8, 2014

    I heard and read the blows that blows that is being leveled at the Coordinator and the ODM as not saying or telling us eveything.
    but lets be fair and honest what did the ODM not say that we wanted them t say? If I read well and listen to what the gentle man said , I understood him to be saying in simple english that they responded to some occurences reported by some villages and made some observations; in fact he concurred with what was reported ref. slides and other occurrences and he went to give comparisons to what was happening in other areas of the island to what is happening in the Morne Prosper area; he then went on to say that the ODM does not anticipate any drastic event in the valley and concluded by saying HOWEVER the relevant authorities have been contacted to carry out further analysis; in other words (that HOWEVER means to me that what ODM is reporting are just observations and it is not necessarily conclusive) therefore the local authorities such as the environmental health will carry out analysis against reports of fish kill in the area;l; the forestry will analyse the impact on the forest; public works will look at the hydrology and land slipperages. DOWASCO for water quality etc but the ODM does not stop there it says that its regional partners have been contacted to carry out further analysis did we hear that. He then goes on to say to the general public that people wishing to go to the area should exercise caution because the place is unstable so having given all that information does that in any bodies mind add up to – hiding anythingl? but I guess some of us wanted the ODM to say something other than what was said is going to happen without having all the facts and that would make some of us feel better right!. I mean come on lets be reasonable I personally thing the ODM is doing the right thing and being very responsible and open about it.

  7. Gernie
    May 8, 2014

    oh my… how sad for the persons who lost land… I believe that the best thing for the villagers to do is to stay clear of the land until the persons qualified to deal with stuff like this get on scene.
    people.. leave politics out of nature- based issues. SMH
    be open minded

    • J
      May 8, 2014

      All the people that crying about land, they pay for the land? They living on the land free, freeness is worriness! As for wotten waven, most of the people dere dor pay for their land and yet still they crying.

  8. me
    May 8, 2014

    the ppl who do not want political affiliations think before you comment, this is a potential disaster waiting to happen, it could happen it could not so answer me this;
    in the event something happens who is going to be responsible for helping those in need?
    ”god forbid if it is the same political people you talking about”

    • Zigi
      May 8, 2014

      In times of disaster every one forgets what political party they are affiliated with, cause everybody wants to get out of that disaster area. In the event of an earthquake or volcano, is ODM ready and equipped. Most of our homes are on slopes, near the sea, in some remote area, our roads are small, passing thru valleys and mountainsides, near and alongside precipes. Peoples homes and land collapse. Landslides impeding the progress of rescurers, thats not half of the misery we would experience in Dominica. Lord have mercy on Dominica. People serve God instead of self, Worship God instead of worshipping politicians, money and materials things. We cannot take these things with us on our way out of this earth. God’s Word said that we need to lay up treasures in Heaven where moth and rust do not corrupt and where thieves do not break thru nor steal, for where your treasure (saved love ones) is their your heart (saved soul) will be also. We need to get save before we leave this earth, for after death comes the judgement. JOHN 3:16

  9. Rastafari warn
    May 8, 2014

    man need to use his common sense,stop drill the earth for geothermal energy

    • May 8, 2014

      who would put a geothermal plant near a active volcano. didn’t the scientist warn these men! now look what’s happening. I hope they have a place for us to evacuate

  10. FORKIT
    May 8, 2014

    Athie is maybe one of the few who have serious concerns and be bash him because of politics

  11. May 8, 2014

    Can the DNO really in itself conduct indepth analyses of the geological phenomenon happening in that area? These analyses should be done by Geological experts. One or more experts are needed and they should be the ones doing the analyses and and relaying advice concerning the activity to the right people. The weathering of rocks that the DNO talked about seems , to me, to be thermally altered rocks. This area is in a region that still exhibits remnants of dying volcanic activity in Dominica.

  12. pope
    May 8, 2014

    I believe they should check the volcanoes and monitor what’s going on

  13. tell it like it is
    May 8, 2014

    Before anything happen in the country Dominicans have to make it political or they have to include god in their rubbish talk.
    Most of them have absolutely no idea what’s going on but they jumping into conclusion.
    Its a volcanic island, u got hot springs all over the island, that’s natural vibes, stop flapping all u gums.
    When geothermal electricity start flowing I wonder if all u them down pressers will say no to cheaper bills.
    Give the geothermal project and the prime minister a damn break
    Coz I know all u can’t do a better job. Coz on an economical level Dominica doing better than a lot of developed countries and I know so coz I live in Europe.

    • May 8, 2014

      Brother u so right! When it start to work, we putting red to pay less and blue to pay more cause they lacking of understanding. They want to use that geothermal ting to bring the Government down but they must stop that. I can recall when Rosie had used the bugging ting to get rid of mamo and when he get in power what he said after, it was only a joke.

    • Zigi
      May 8, 2014

      These ruling party politicians do not care about Dominica and Dominicans, Cheaper electricity my foot. They fooled us once with their Petro Caribe cheaper nonsense, not this time. All they are seeing is 5 more years and Euro dollar signs for their pockets and account. They dived hook, line and sinker into this project without taking into account the near future long term risks to tourism and lives and livelihood of Dominicans.

    • ted lewis
      May 9, 2014

      please read over your last sentence again and pay special attention to the word develop.

  14. Annon
    May 8, 2014

    This has nothing to do with Geothermal drilling, electricity bills are too high; A natural geologic area, thats how Titou etc. were formed. The Gov’t olny needs to be transparent, inform consult and seem to care because gases and related things can be dangerous.

  15. SMH -Valley resident
    May 8, 2014

    Finally I read a comment that shares my exact sentiments! Righ now its not about whether you voting Skerrit, Labour or UWP! It’s about survival which I think would come first and foremost! I mean we need to put all politics aside and think logically for once. Stop turning a blind eye because you love the PM..We all our PM..we want to keep voting him..But Im from the valley and this is scary and this needs to be seriously looked at by all citizens not just GPG and mr Artheron and “UWP”. Its not a UWP things its a national concern issue. Its not a joke..Its not a made up story…Its not fiction…Its real!!…Pls my ppl…HELP!!!

    • May 8, 2014

      Help about what! scary for what? If you say u from the valley, i wonder if you are on of them that haven’t payed for the land u living on.

  16. Annon
    May 8, 2014

    First Athie, now Randy pushing a story, Why didn’t the PM just announce a date nuh? Chicken little….boy light bills too d*** high.

  17. Anonymous
    May 8, 2014

    No weapon formed against my nature island shall prosper. Jah is in command!

  18. Tyre hit de road
    May 8, 2014

    Well With all the Volcanic activity on the Nature Island, accuracies like these must take place periodically This doesn’t sound like anything nothing to be worried about. It’s just one of those accuracies like the one that happened at the top of the Layou a few years ago causing all the “Tarish Material” to flow down to the “River’s Mouth” . It sounds like the situation is already settled. Welcome to a new Tourism Site to enjoy hot and cold water / therapy and baths. The People from the area should be able to set up a thriving business there soon once the environment rids itself of all the toxins. This Is The NATURE ISLAND Welcome to the Nature Island.

    • fle
      May 9, 2014

      Are you living in a fools paradise, cause this island is quickly becoming one, Wake up and smell the fragrance coming from Mount Micotrin. If these disaster issues are addressed correctly there will be nothing for tourist or locals to enjoy, with the threat of explosive toxic gases, tremors, disappearing rivers, streams and estuaries and landslides. Welcome to the new nature disaster isle of the Caribbean where the ruling party placed profits before people.

  19. D- Selecta
    May 8, 2014

    Please note that this is not a Drilling issue. God gave us resources to utilize and he gave Dominica just that to develop and multiply. Dominica is a Volcanic Island and these occurrences show that we’re active and alive.

    • May 8, 2014

      It’s inpossible for god to give us that sulphur lake to just take pics only. The pm take too long to see the use of that lake. Where next we looking at? somebody please tell me.

  20. TeteMorne I From
    May 8, 2014

    There is a SINKHOLE under that particular area!

    • fORKIT
      May 8, 2014

      you right but god will punish those who try to destroy his land, fire, brimestone, volcanoe eruption etc

  21. B REAL
    May 8, 2014

    GOOD RIDDANCE….I never liked that river any way..

  22. B REAL
    May 8, 2014

    The Level of Stupidity in this forums is TOO HIGH!!! Wow…the things people say…

  23. westwind
    May 8, 2014

    Too much marijuana them young man smoking thats why that happening now….

  24. Zors Ka Parlez trops
    May 8, 2014

    People before we jump to conclusion and speculate, why dont we wait for a report from the experts?
    Layou River disaster– who caused that?
    Antrim sinking who caused that?
    Land slide in San Sauver– who caused that?
    Randy before you have to risk the lives of 100 people and go and investigate what you dont know about, why dont you wait for expert advise….
    So if Athie had succeeded in his geothermal quest where would he have drilled in the sea?
    Zors ka parler trops……Listen first, talk after

  25. love Dominica
    May 7, 2014

    Dominicans should know that Montserrat volcanic issue started after they started drilling for some water issue. Why on our beautiful island can’t we revitalize our Agriculture sector and leave that geothermal alone. Dominicans we are the bread basket of the Caribbean lets get busy doing that. And for crying out loud leave that geothermal and that ecotourism alone. ok we can do the ecotourism but leave the geothermal alone. we need our Dominica. Skewo I love you but why are you and the people working with you risking the lives of our people. Dominicans lets stand together on this . this is not a party or red or blue issue its about survival. God help us in Dominica.

    • SMH
      May 8, 2014

      Finally I read a comment that shares my exact sentiments! Righ now its not about whether you voting Skerrit, Labour or UWP! It’s about survival which I think would come first and foremost! I mean we need to put all politics aside and think logically for once. Stop turning a blind eye because you love the PM..We all our PM..we want to keep voting him..But Im from the valley and this is scary and this needs to be seriously looked at by all citizens not just GPG and mr Artheron and “UWP”. Its not a UWP things its a national concern issue. Its not a joke..Its not a made up story…Its not fiction…Its real!!…Pls my ppl…HELP!!!

    • Caribbean sistren
      May 8, 2014

      Bread basket of where?

    • Anonymous
      May 8, 2014

      The biggest setback to our country is the cost of energy.
      (Highest in the Western Hemisphere)
      If cheap electricity is not available we will stunt our development.
      The Uwp are trying to scare you into poverty.
      Skerrit is not perfect but at least he does projects rather than talk on a radio.

      • Valley Resident
        May 8, 2014

        Whilst there is some truth to your statement..The question is at what cost are you willing to reduce energy cost? What good is it if noone is survived to reap the benefits..SMH!

    • James
      May 8, 2014

      “Dominicans should know that Montserrat volcanic issue started after they started drilling for some water issue”

      That is crap!

    • Montserratian
      May 8, 2014

      What you said about Montserrat isn’t true at all. Lived in Monterrat all my life and through the volcano and most assuredly what you said is not true

  26. lit
    May 7, 2014

    This is not a Labour issue or a UWP issue.. If a disaster were to occur it’s not gonna pick and choose …We all will be perished, whether red, blue, yellow or green..So we need to put all politics aside and look at this thing with an open mind…Are we really prepared if a disaster occurs, is there an evacuation plan?
    I really wish that the experts would educate the public more about this geothermal project because to me it appears very dangerous!! Lord protect us! Only you know!

    • FORKIT
      May 8, 2014

      it is indeed a political issue. stop being so passive and place the blame where is should… I did a research on geothermal exploration and from what I deduce is that technology is not for a small island like dominica. we do not have enough wasteland for the waste and event of a disaster. the only thing you hear coming from those clowns mouth is export, export, export. they don’t care even if it kill people.
      we have rivers(hydro can be installed in all major rivers since the water just flows to the sea)
      we have sun(solar farm)
      we have wind (wind farm).
      but these clowns had to go and drill beneath the volcano.. I hope the next color sulfur that comes out will be red

    • KA
      May 8, 2014

      Why so much thumbs down?? everything that Lit say is true..

  27. Simply the Truth
    May 7, 2014

    Most people obviously have a different opinion or a similar one. Who is right and wrong? Only God knows. These are only our opinion and assumption. God knows which of us are correct. It may very well be proven in time.
    Therefore, you who love to give others thumbs down for the love of it and as if what you stated are correct and you and you alone have the right answer, you do not. You are only exercising your wickedness which will get you nowhere. You wallow in your wicked satisfaction by giving those whom you disagree with thumbs down, even though they may be correct. The day will come when we will see, hear and experience wherever we may be, who is right and who is wrong. Save your thumbs down for yourself.
    Some of you are not patient and do not like reading but excel in going down the comments and placing thumbs down for no good reason. I can understand in cases where nonsensical and insulting comments are made.
    I am only referring to those who make it a habit to give others thumbs down for the sake of doing so and because of what is imbedded in their heart. You have no suggestion and are teaching nothing. If this is the way you have fun, I pity you.
    Learn the motto and virtue, “Free to agree or disagree amicably.” Allow others their right to comment. Some of those comments do not deserve thumbs down; likewise some of them do not deserve thumbs up. Anyway, it does not take away from me or add anything to me personally.
    One thing I do know as some of you who agree, disasters will occur and will always occur when we least expect them and that godliness is important so that God will assist us and alleviate any further disasters and/or they may not be major and harmful ones.
    As St. Paul said, “When people are wishing each other peace and security, disaster will come upon them as a woman in labor pains.” It is in the Bible!
    This disaster could very well be, if you wish to call it that, “a natural disaster.” It should not surprise nor shock anyone that it occurred. It is too early to attribute it to geothermal drilling. Some of you are too quick to make that statement, saying “this person knew this and that and said this and that against geothermal” and criticizing the government which you are prone to and too much of it.
    Sensible people will consider, either it is the work of God or it is a natural disaster of earth erosion caused by volcanic action. They will not draw conclusions at this time that geothermal plant/drilling caused it until the geologists can prove it. This is where types like you who give others thumbs down lack intelligence. Take your time. Be patient and wait for the findings and decision of what exactly caused this disaster. The geologists will tell it like it is.
    By the way, I recall reading about this geothermal that it was being monitored from Trinidad. It pays to also have a good memory. Correct me if I erred.

    • real possie
      May 8, 2014

      @ STT you worry about people thumbs down or up? you gave your opinion and just live with it there’s people on here that even if you speak the truth they will still give u thumbs down so up or down don’t matter to me they read what u had to say and trust me it eats them out even DNO either leave your post long or just don’t post it at all I just laugh cause they read it and it burns them that’s my satisfaction, now Dominicans quick to give views on everything they read or hear for how most of us think and know it all we should be way further in life but it seems only talk we like to talk, I refuse to comment on this cause no one knows what’s going on so till then all I can say people take precaution am letting the people in charge do their work and let them report back what is the cause

    • SMH -Valley resident
      May 8, 2014

      You’ve just said a whole bunch of nothing!

    • Anonymous
      May 8, 2014

      You have nothing better to do than to write a book about people who give thumbs down? Who cares!!!!!!!!!!!

  28. May 7, 2014

    May the Lord help and protect us in Dominica.

    • FORKIT
      May 8, 2014

      I agree with you but first we have to protect ourselves

  29. MS
    May 7, 2014

    I am no geologist but from the little that I remember from my science class this sure does sound like some volcanic activity is occurring in the area. What I don’t understand is why people would want to go camp out in the area when they have no clue what is going on.

    They said the fishes in the river died that means that some toxic material is in the air and/or water. Why would you want to risk your own health and safety before the experts have an opportunity to figure out exactly what happened.

    • May 8, 2014

      You seem to be one of the few who is on the right track as to what is happening. This sort of thing has always happened and will continue to happen from time to time on this volcanic island.

  30. Nocolor
    May 7, 2014

    Education is key my people. This is no joke. “Natural Disaster cab happen anywhere at any time. Come on if you do not know what is happening worldwide, check the news. Let’s hope that we do not have any major eruption or earth quake. Climate change is happening everywhere people. It is inevitable. Its all related. faith and science and politics are together. It will happen in the latter days if you believe the Bible. Then scientists must investigate, it is what they do. The actions taken based on scientific are also political because the government has to make the decisions

    • Noreen
      May 8, 2014

      It is very good to be educated but it is not the key, Jesus Christ is the answer to all, and in every situation, Education is the key to success, with education you also need wisdom, to us all Dominican, we all need to seek God’s face on this situation no man know the answer. now is the call for repentance, that the nation would repent from their evil sinful and wicked ways, and accept Jesus Christ in their lives as Lord and personal Savior. who knows when and how this unknown disaster will accrue. No man know the hour of death. it is a must that we die, after death comes the judgments of God upon all, no man shall escape judgment.

  31. barbecue
    May 7, 2014

    wow what is going on nuh in de valley bondieu help us.

  32. Country Man
    May 7, 2014

    All the more reason we need to study this geothermal resource development properly. By now there should be enough data from the wells drilled to let us know the area of the reservoir (sq-km) and if the event in morne prosper is linked to the drilling activities. What does the hydrology report that is in the EIA say? I feel like we are taking short cuts on this project when there is no room for short cuts.

    • Country Man
      May 7, 2014

      This event speaks volumes to Dominica geology and hydrology. The land is mostly porous (pumice/tarish) with thin layers of bed rock. When the bedrock cracks in the event of earthquakes the surface water goes underground. I know streams/rivers that have disappeared by going underground. Are these known conditions captured in the EIA. This type of geology increases the risk of ground water contamination from deep drilling for geothermal energy resource.

    • zionlady
      May 8, 2014

      Right on.

  33. Cza
    May 7, 2014

    Yes outsiders read the comments and laugh at The island people so yes get and stay educated

  34. Arbitrator
    May 7, 2014

    Stop the geothermal drilling nonsense, they are disturbing peaceful land which have a domino effect

    • zionlady
      May 8, 2014

      They do this geothermal work without really knowing the consequences.

      • May 8, 2014

        I kno right.

  35. Voter
    May 7, 2014

    Before judgement is made the area in morne prosper must be tested by geologists etc. to identify the real cause of this. Could be or could not be aftermath of drilling. Could be soil erosion or maybe the drought dried the river like every other year.POSSIBILITY! But definitely once lives are at risk area should be investigated before job proceed.

    • Dion
      May 7, 2014

      Boiling lake dry up many times and there was no drilling. Some people forget that Dominica is still a young island and any thing can hapen, drilling or no drilling. So let the expert find out rather than starting a propaganda machine. Everybody is fed up with high cost of electicity. My light bill for 2013 was in excess of $4000.00 which should be on my account.

      • LOL
        May 7, 2014

        Your light bill is in excess of four grand? Is either you have business (which would mean you would have a bigger bill) or you growing some herbs in your basement

    • The Answer
      May 8, 2014

      Voter, I chose to answer your question because in all the ramblings I have seen on this page, your comment seems to be the only one that is reasonable.

      To address your concern, a volcanologist has checked the area and has concluded that the phenomenon in Morne Prosper is surface deformation caused by gravity. In lay man’s terms, this is natural collapse of soil probably caused by overloading by water probably as far back as the Christmas Eve events in the south of the island. This area is not part of the Morne Watt dome. It is taking place on a collapsed flank of Morne Watt which is loose material.

      While this particular event is completely natural, one cannot rule out the future activity in the valley both natural and man-made as this is a very geologically active area.

  36. Poison
    May 7, 2014

    After reading some of the comments..we do not need no expert to help us with this situation …DA got to much scientists.

    • Simply the Truth
      May 7, 2014

      I like that! :lol: :lol: :lol: Too many scientists alright and experts,, even giving some thumbs down because they state it may be a natural disaster or the hand of God. It is too bad none are educated in this field. Some are even already blaming it on the geothermal drilling and the government.
      There was supposed to be a protest at the Lake on Sunday. What happened? Did it take place? Let us hope this disaster was not a man-made-caused one at the hands of those who oppose this geothermal. We will find out soon enough.

  37. Wilderness voice
    May 7, 2014

    @Just love the Lord, Please stop twisting the bible for goodness sake. I am a born again believer but God never said that all we need to do is preach. Yes we have to preach but God also wants us our concerns. FYI, when you read the bible you will realize that one of the first offices God established in the Old Testament is the office of the judge so that his people’s concerns were addressed. Furthermore, some of our local big name preachers are very much involved and encouraging the lawlessness, greed, corruption of this government. So yes we need to pray and preach God’s word but don’t try to insinuate that our national problems will be addressed if we don’t voice out our opposition to the ungodliness that has been crippling our country. My advise to you is, do not look for a job and tell me God will provide. God truly provides but he expects us to work because His word says if a man does not work he should not eat.

    • Anonymous
      May 7, 2014

      What does God and
      government have to do with volcanic activity??

      • Noreen
        May 8, 2014

        God is above all He has the power to stop whatever is happen in the area, where as the government is powerless towards the situation as well as the scientists. God, can also allow it to happen, to get the attention of the nation, who has turned back on Him.

  38. tanya
    May 7, 2014

    Seems like volcanic activity. Wasn’t there some scientist who said this was going to happen? Nobody believed him. Who’s laughing now? I also want to say that Dominica is Ann island which consists of 9 active volcanoes this would happen sooner or later so stop putting the blame on a man that u all once supported.

  39. Anonymous2
    May 7, 2014

    Dominica is a volcanic island, as a science student i know sulphur turns blue when it is heated…so this means maybe there are volcanic activities taking place beneath the earth. enough with the politics and do some research

  40. Crazy
    May 7, 2014

    All you go and trouble the dormant volcano!!!! Where all the labourites that were bashing Athie….They scared now? All he Athie was asking was for scientific evidence to inform the Geothermal Drilling Process… Anyway Skerrit say to keep your eyes on him…He sill save all you!!!

    • Who Cares
      May 7, 2014

      You know something, Labourites also went to Florida and created the several sink holes which are happening there. The last sink hole which happened in Tampa was about to swallow two houses was stopped with 40 truck loads of concrete. Geothermal engineers working in the Valley did that.

      Guess what Skerrit decided he couldn’t just do crazy things to Florida and other parts of the US. All of a sudden he decided that Dominica should have its share of problems, thus this issue.

      Good luck UWP, guess you all must have blamed God for having Skerrit in Dominica. :-D :-D :-D

      • Noreen
        May 8, 2014

        This is very silly of you to say such a thing, Skerrit has no power over anything other than the power he received from God.

    • Simply the Truth
      May 7, 2014

      Now think! Be positive for now anyway that it is not so. Strange things do happen and will always happen. We never know from day to when we awake what we will hear and what may occur during the day and even at nights while we sleep. We are fortunate that we awake in the mornings. Some people have not been so fortunate.
      This occurrence may not at all be tied to the Geothermal Drilling Process. Until it is confirmed, I believe it may have been caused by a natural disaster of earth erosion and volcanic action. If it is proven as I assume, I will be happy. If not, I will accept tthe fact that I am no expert on this matter.

  41. Anonymous
    May 7, 2014

    Guess some of us who tend to behave like ignorant FOOLS, may not realize how dangerous that could be…but take every thing as a dame big joke…blame DICK TOM AND HARRY…they say we all have our own characteristic traits, but ignorance is topping them all…I wish for all our sakes it is something that is not gonna escalate to some major disaster…..God protect our Country/people…

  42. Wilderness voice
    May 7, 2014

    God sure speaks! The question however is, Does anyone listen? During the last political forum on the Economy last month, Ambassador Aaron had this to say: “One of the major innovations of the government is geothermal and Dominica has become the leader in that field.” Everything Dr Aaron had to say about the way forward for Dominica was hinged on the georthermal project. Here is another quote from Dr. Aaron’s address: “Negative individuals may talk down the economy of Dominica but you are going to be the owners, leaders, managers, scientist in the geothermal energy resource of Dominica.” Strangely enough, that during the DLP’s May Day rally in St. Joseph, where the PM addressed his blind laborite followers for 2 hrs. promising heaven on earth, NOT ONE thing was said about the geothermal plan. Now I can understand why. They realised both Gadafi and Chavez died and therefore they put all their eggs in one basket called “Geothermal.” Now the basket is breaking before their very eyes and before they put eggs in it, it is clear to me that mother nature is trying to teach us a lesson. The lesson I see here is, Do not make the mistake of giving Skerrit and his cabal another 5 years because if we do, we are inviting disaster like we have never seen before.

    • Anonymous
      May 7, 2014

      to wilderness voice. you started good but all what you said about God you made it sound like Rubbish. mixing God politics and science all in one basket. advice keep your comments to a minimum. nature have to take its course.

      • Anonymous
        May 7, 2014

        If people have to run for their lives I hope u will stand up there and say is nature that taking its course. Pat sot. Simple ask for an independent investigation and make sure everything is okay. What can be wrong with that?

      • Wilderness voice
        May 7, 2014

        @Anonymous, If God sounds like rubbish to you then that your problem. Through the holy scpritures God addressed politicians. Our political head has been referred to as God by our church people and no one said a thing. If I see God warning through mother nature I see no reason why I should not warn my people.

      • Wilderness voice
        May 8, 2014

        @Anonymous, Hasn’t that been the cry of the public for months now? I know you have been sleeping but FYI Dominicans have been crying and calling for an independent investigation before any drilling began, but no one took heed. Are you now like doubting Thomas who only believed when he saw? Did you have to see “Strange occurrences” to ask for an independent investigation? Call me Pat sot as much as you want but our sin is finding us out every day

  43. john paul
    May 7, 2014

    You can say it is doom and gloom but if you did not know that whole area is part of a caldera that extends all the way to soufriere and goes underwater.Calderas are of two types ,collapsing type and exploding type.Either wY you are doomed.drilling for geothermal in that area is like pushing a pin in a balloon and hoping it does not pun tire it.

  44. Eyeballs
    May 7, 2014

    Dominica is a volcanic island….what do you all expect? Let the experts investigate

  45. A Doubting Thomas
    May 7, 2014

    We don’t have to do anything and sink holes can appear anywhere and anytime. Lots of rain and even a dry spell can allow that to happen. Flash floods occur; hurricanes happen; earthquake happens and volcanoes erupts. All that is the happening of nature.

    We all are going to die someday. I know some think otherwise or think only some people will die and they will live forever.

    There was someone who used to sing; I will live, live, live, until I die. Tomorrow is not promised to any one. That is why we live today to the fullest.

    What will happen will happen we cannot lock ourselves in our homes and do nothing because we may die. WE WILL ALL DIE ONE DAY. When the Lord is ready for us. But while we are alive; let us stop trying to put fear in the lives of others for your cause. When something happens, the Authorities will take the necessary measures as they have been doing and we should not frustrate their efforts.

    Have you seen and listened to the News lately?

    The Flooding Disaster and all the people who lost all their belongings and some their lives?

    The disappeared Airplane with the hundreds of people on board?

    The Sinking of the Boat with All the School Children?

    The Several Sinkholes all over the place? Florida, Quebec etc.?

    What make you or I think Dominica is not prone to these things happening and disasters? What we should not be doing is wishing them on Dominica and Dominicans.

    We already have had, severe hurricanes, we’ve had volcanoes erupt, we’ve had sinkholes, we have had earthquakes and I am sure we will have them again?

    Who on this earth can prevent them from happening? Absolutely No One; except God Almighty.

    And let me live, live, live until I die. Because die I must and so must you.

    • ?
      May 7, 2014

      @ A Doubting Thomas You are beating all around the bush like a political paro. You bashed Athie so much that you are now blurting unadultareated filth. I still maintain that the drilling at the valley should be done in a manner that will ensure that lives are not at risk.
      THANK YOU ATHIE, for standing for what you like best, and for standing up for the people of the valley and Dominica.

      • A Doubting Thomas
        May 8, 2014


        Some can grip the island with fear or we can allow the persons who are responsible for Disaster Preparedness to do their job and don’t wish Disaster on the country and its people.

        None of us is Larger, Bigger, Mightier that the Lord our God.

        Do yourself a favour and Goggle, sink holes, earthquakes, hurricanes, landslides, floods and viola; Dominica is not unique in the sense that these disasters occur worldwide.

        The difference is some Dominicans pray for disasters to happen every day on this country of ours and its inhabitants; believing I suppose, when disaster strikes they will be immune to it. But they like the rest of us will perish also.

        I would rather hope and pray, that Dominica never experience any one of those disasters but we would be naïve to think they could not happen. What we should do, is to adhere to the what the people who are responsible for our safety tells us, and do not try and allow others to upstage them to try and prove some point; These people may cause more damage, than even they themselves intended to happen for cheap political points.

        Fear alone can cause Dominicans to be push in a panic and then those who cause it will have absolutely no responsibility for their actions; all the responsibilities will be on the authorities. That is why responsible people do not go in a panic, nor try to put people in panic mode. They are suppose to have all the information before they bring it to the media, it would serve them better to work with the authorities.

        Where we are on this planet, all Caribbean people should move from the Caribbean because we are all connected and some thing can happen in any one of he Caribbean islands and we all could be destroyed in a split second.

        And where would we go if we had the opportunity leave? To America? like say, Florida? California ? Texas? Or Australia? England? India? Canada? etc.? because we believe they are safer? We could be much safer on the Nature Isle. Google and see what has happened in these places. Where in the world people are not faced with disasters everyday; but do that prevent them from living and trying to make life a bit easier for their country? All it takes is a big long wind blow from the lips of God and the whole world can be destroyed; so what will you tell your children? don’t ride his or her bikes, don’t play ball, don’t go to school? lock yourself in your bedroom and wait for the world to end? Or would you tell them to strive for as high as they can go and cease the opportunities afforded them; because yes, they can disappear as soon as they appear. Stop the fear mongering!

        My advice, be prepared but do not panic until there is a reason to be and even then, we should be calm, if we can. Goggle these disasters and read and view the pictures for yourself and see if any one could have prevented them. I believe when nothing happens is because God has prevented it from happening. Man cannot prevent them; what has to happen will happen. Have you ever heard or seen someone sitting in their home and it went down in a sinkhole with no warning and they perished and nothing happened to their next door neighbour? I have.

        May God open his hands wide and protect this beautiful island of ours and all her citizens from all disasters.
        But we know: THY WILL; Will Be Done Amen.

    • Anonymous
      May 7, 2014

      Well said.

    • There You Have It
      May 7, 2014

      Please stop wearing your ignorance like a badge of honour. Nature will have her way, but let’s not aggravate her with our geothermal interference.

    • Nocolor
      May 7, 2014

      I’m with you. True that…

  46. nathan
    May 7, 2014

    So none of dem people in d report not scientist??hmmp

  47. T
    May 7, 2014

    May the good Lord Grant you Long Life.
    I have always considered you as a LOVER OF WAITIKUBULI.

  48. ?????????
    May 7, 2014

    Stop the drilling and go back to the drawing board, before you all kill the people in the area.

  49. Sakway Sot
    May 7, 2014

    You know with all that crap I reading on DNO, I have come to the conclusion that Dominica has a lot of idle people. Maybe we need a repeat of 1998 to jolt you all to your senses.

    • ?
      May 7, 2014

      All of us knew thast you are idle and lazy.

  50. Anate
    May 7, 2014

    Dominica is the youngest Island in the Caribbean. Islands are formed by volcanic activity, and constantly in an active status. It seems she is living up to her name…and you are witnesses.

    • Anonymous
      May 7, 2014

      Lol, papa some people not ez, Lol

      • Save our nature isle
        May 8, 2014

        Why didn’t they just leave the geothermal alone. I know I’m just 11 and I ain’t no scientist but see all the trouble in the land Morne Prosper that was made by a volcano it self.
        Put parties behind and put Jesus in charge.Pray people,pray to save our nature isle :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!:

  51. ?
    May 7, 2014

    Great work randy…keep us informed.
    I don’t know DNO but Mr corriette doesn’t seem to know what is happening…. de man has no information to ease the fears of the public.
    I think Cecil Shillingford should come back on island to do a proper investigation.
    Randy have more information than corriette

    • May 7, 2014

      well what you shoud do is take Cecil Shillingford up there with the thousands that want to go to an unstable site on Sunday and if you survive then come back to report to us if the man doht know what is happening – at least he went up there; did you go?

    • barbecue
      May 7, 2014

      Cecil is a expert in weather and now volcano ember or he say a geologist nuh garcon what foolishness you talking nuh. we want real experts in de field of volcano – Cecil was there wee when Valley of Desolution explode in de 90’s wee – you ever hear of any plan put in place for Laudat and the valley nuh; he there runnung his mouth on Q of what should be done and what shouldn’t be done as if he was never inside there – but so it is when you outside you always know best..

    • barbecue
      May 7, 2014

      well send for Cecil and all you can go with the rest of the hundreds that want to go to a site on Sunday that Athie himself say that is unsatble and if all you survive all you will come back to tell us if the man doh know what happening at least Randy imself say de man respond within hours and go up there on his holiday Monday – i there wondering if you go there for yourself to know he doh know what he saying or whjat happening -sout toujuur conet ples leh kaliteir expert sou yeh.

  52. HIM
    May 7, 2014

    Mr Athie Marin knew what he was sayig man.

    • Simply the Truth
      May 7, 2014

      It is not yet proven what caused this.

  53. May 7, 2014

    Keep us posted on this. I am not on the island

  54. %
    May 7, 2014

    Good thing Athie is fearless when he talks. That’s why i love this patriot so very much. Despite what party political hacks, zealots and acolytes may say about him, he is resolute in what he stands for. He has been a MODEL OF CONSISTENCY and no one can and will stop him!!!!!!. I LOVE THE PATRIOT!!!!!!
    Hope Athie visits the area to see for himself, and refuel his tank to advocate for the VOICELESS PEOPLE OF:
    Morne Prosper
    Wotten Waven
    Roseau Central
    Parts of Roseau North
    Many villages on the east
    Roseau South,
    SilverLake, Dominica .
    Honourable Prevost was evicted from the Meeting at Fort Young? Athie was Demonized, Villified, Denegrated, Dehumanized reduced to nothing by party political lapdogs, but it is better to be safe than sorry.
    LOVE YOU ATHIE!!!!!!!!!!!!
    NOT LONG!!!

    • Let's Blame Skerrit
      May 7, 2014

      Guess what. No sooner than Skerrit began talking about Geothermal drilling in the Valley, an earthquake shook Haiti and killed thousands.

      UWP is the God of the world, specialising in (EBD )Everything Bad for Dominica.

      This is how dangerous the drilling in the Valley has become.

      Go ahead kill me now.

  55. Pestle
    May 7, 2014

    My two cents could the spas in the wotten waven area have anything to do with this? I am just curious! In addition how much drilling has been done in that area to cause such damage? Could this be a natural phenomena.

    May 7, 2014

    This is the curse which had been preaching long time ago by some individual(s).Today (He) they are seeing the effects. Can you all remember?Today(He) they pretend they love our Isle of Beauty, Isle of Splendor and say (He) they want to Take back and save the country.

    • ?
      May 7, 2014

      @FAST N IDIOT It would appear that Athie knew what he was saying. Idiots like you bashed him unabated, but Athie is the kind of man who bothers nothing at all about what people say. HIS CAUSE IS FOR DOMINICA.

  57. May 7, 2014

    The first thing that came to mind was the island is a volcanic island so this is not a surprise. I think she start evacuating people who are in the area because you never know

  58. sam
    May 7, 2014

    People let us put our differences aside, these are signs of the time.

    • Nocolor
      May 7, 2014


  59. Shaka Zulu
    May 7, 2014

    Strange indeed. I saved the impact study for the geothermal exploration conducted by the french company for the PMU of the Gov. of Dominica some time last year and started reading since it is my field of work. It is 476 or so pages long and had not continued reading for some time because of work commitments. Strange enough the topic was in the news last week and i refrained from making any comments until i read the whole document. Hence i saved on my tablet and started going the document over the weekend and read some up to 1:30 am last night.
    I am not done and will not make any conclusions but from what i read so far in terms of noise abaitment and groundwater monitoring discharge we do not have anything substantial in place. for example there is no set unit in dominica environmental mitigation plan for measuring noise. It is up to a minister to determine if work is too noisy. nothing like measuring a certain decibel. Secondly there is no standards for contaminant discharge in the streams. One lab result i saw indicated 335 parts per billion ppb/ 0.335 mg/l of arsenic in downstream water sample. recommended concentration that should not pose risk to human health <10ppm. There seems to be no system in Dominica measuring level of chemicals in Dom. You guys can go online and see what arsnic does. I do not need to explain.
    The impression I am getting so far is that there are few people in the Gov who are qualified enough to review these things. Geothermal is new to dominica and my problem is the Government may have a conflict of interest since as the main investors they are also task with evironmental mitigation. In the haste to get program on the ground we may overlook important details.
    Ther are also high risk of volcanoes earthquakes and landslides. I noticed the Robinsonn estate mentioned in report and will be very interested to see what is cause of current situation.
    As i continue to read the doc i will continue to make notes and questions.
    I am not against geothermal energy but because of how small and fragile our environment is we have to take ultimate precaution and more questions need to be asked by professionals to achieve 100% safety. Why are the police there? Is there somthing to hide from public?

    I will be paying close attention and continue to read.

    • Shaka Zulu
      May 7, 2014

      don’t mind my typos. :lol: cell phone typing

  60. Rastafari
    May 7, 2014

    ALL is lost for the Nature Isle! We are the only Caribbean island with water in abundance, and the other Islands NEED water…and here we are talking this tourism foolishness. Market the water to our neighbors and we will all win! oh I forgot, this is too logical for a politician to logically process :mrgreen: Plans to destroy or natural resources are in operation, moving in…just ask St. Lucians. As it stands, STL has no rivers left…logic

    • Justice & Peace Cte
      May 8, 2014

      “World Rivers Day 2014” is less than five (5) months away. And will be observed by over 60 Countries, on the last Sunday in September (2).
      This is an opportunity for us to Study our Rivers in Dominica, and ask the important question, “can we continue to promote Dominica as a land of 336 Rivers”.

      Let us all join in celebrating Our Rivers on Sunday, 28 September.

      River Advocate.

  61. IFF I WUZ
    May 7, 2014

    Parry, I would advise DNO to put more staff in place to handle the hundreds of comments that are going to be thrown at them. It is Election time, therefore, I anticipate a 75% increase of political comments. We your supporters, cannot afford to wait hours to have a comment moderated.

  62. May 7, 2014

    Didn’t Athie waRN YOU GUYS? All the reds laughed at him. NOw see what happen? Athie must be saying “I TOLD THEM SO?

    • Anonymous
      May 7, 2014

      rubbish!!!! Isn’t sulphur and hot gases surting out from that area every day??? What’s the big news there??? Can someone confirm how long the rivers has been dry since I know of many rivers in DA which have dried up over the years. I suspect just another case of mass hysteria by the anti-geothermal politically-motivated crew trying to steal some thunder from the red tsunami which hit St. joe on Monday

    • Neutral
      May 7, 2014

      I wonder if there is any drilling at Antrim because the same thing is happening .

      • Neutral
        May 7, 2014

        Checkhall river drying too.

    • A Doubting Thomas
      May 7, 2014

      Gees; be serious!!

    • Simply the Truth
      May 7, 2014

      Warn about what? Do not conclude to unfounded reasons. Is this related to the geothermal? If it is then it is a warning. If it is not, it is a phenomenon and you better start praying fervently to God to preserve Dominica.
      Too many of you as noted through your comments are not nice people. You are haters. I have also stated that God is not blind, deaf nor sleeping. He is taking note of all what you say and do. God is warning people as you. It is a wake up call.

    • BEB
      May 7, 2014

      Now tell me if some thing like that happens deep down in the northern part of the island are u all going to blame the geothermal project?

  63. Jose
    May 7, 2014

    Oil drilling in Trinidad that cause dat.

    • Jose
      May 7, 2014

      take the message

    • Simply the Truth
      May 7, 2014

      Triinidad has been drilling in their country for years. Trinidad is far south. What has that got to do with D/ca? Although I had heard that all the islands were once one piece of land and through erosion they separated. The reasons there are volcanoes and volcanic action in those islands. God knows more than we do and can ever visualize.

      • Shaka Zulu
        May 8, 2014

        @Simply the Truth: You must have learned your geo in the Jungles in Gauyana with Reginald Austrie. You seem to always invoke prayer to cover up you ignorance and like calling people foolish. Keep on commenting. the more you do the more you reveal yourself.

    May 7, 2014

    Dominica has 9 volcanoes… if rivers are drying up, the land shifting and sulfuric gas is blue then its obviously volcanic activity. Time to open SCREWS part 2!!!

    • Simply the Truth
      May 7, 2014

      Recall some years ago the hot water lake dried up and there were rumblings practically throughout the island, especially Roseau, in addition to the smell of sulphur.

  65. Stand up Valley
    May 7, 2014

    A stitch in time saves nine. Human beings are part and parcel of our environment. Any natural or man-made disasters will certainly affect inhabitans the most. But strangely, in Dominica, our people just do not care about protection and conservation of our fragile, but pristine, natural environment.

    Just like that, the 289 sq. mile piece of land and the people in it could be wiped out by a disaster. Yet, the patriotic Villagers, those who forewarn us, are demonized.

    What is the role of the Environment Coordinating Unit? talk of whaling? Speeches about Climate Change? What is happening in our World Heritage Site is troubling. ECU officials moo-moo.

    Imagine, police preventing a group of villagers from going to visit the area and to observe for themselves the negative environmental impact taking place in their own backyard? How absurd!!!! Utter rubbish and high-handed. What is wrong with the authorities? who is on the side of the poor villagers? Why do they continue to disrespect Dominicans?

    But Jong, the foreigner communication consultant, could be allowed in our House of Parliament with video camera recording parliament? In our own land, Dominicans face pressure. The people of the Valley should say or do nothing, even if their lives could be at risk?

    The poor lady, who happens to see the thief break and open her house, shouts loudly. He escapes. Her unfriendly neighbor bashed her for shouting at the thief. Unbelievable?

    The people of the Valley, advocating for transparency, timely information about operations, risks, environmental impacts on their communities and their lives, are being blamed and ridiculed.

    They are even more convinced now, that they have been right to be concerned. all along. They are seeing for real, the beginning of the negative effects.

    Explain the sulphur assuming a blue colour. Some chemical reactions are going on. Sulphur is a yellow substance.

    • Shillingford
      May 7, 2014

      They put dyes in the water to track the posion. The geothermal drillers.

    • A Doubting Thomas
      May 7, 2014

      Why do we want a disaster in Dominica? Why would any one be glad of something bad happening. Are we for real? Is as if we need something bad happen to make us feel relevant.

      • Stand up Valley
        May 7, 2014

        Who want hurricanes, flooding, landslides, volcanos, earthquakes. But try to stop those natural disasters, nuh? The man-made ones could be as dangerous.

        You know exactly when, where, how those disasters will occur? villagers express concerns about possible risks and being transparent, and giving necessary information, you say they want disasters?

      • Anonymous
        May 8, 2014

        well god really said that the world was going to end in fire

    • May 7, 2014

      You think it’s utter rubbish that the police are protecting civilians from potential harm or disaster?

      • There You Have It
        May 7, 2014

        Since when have the police been protecting people from potential danger? They should be on patrol in the towns and villages of Dominica, not guarding a subsiding area and putting themselves in danger. So, yes, it is “utter rubbish”….

  66. Kalinago in NY
    May 7, 2014

    A volcanic crater is being slowly formed, hence the “sinking/landslide” and the sulfur. Because of the increased heat from the volcanic activity underneath the earth, that’s the reason the river is drying up.

    About 20 years ago, I read a small book (of true stories) at school. One story was about a farmer who was in his garden when suddenly the ground felt hot underneath his feet, inexplicably. A short distance away, he was baffled to see the soil right before his eyes burst open and steam started rising into the air. Weeks and months passed. The steam continued but there were now grey ashlike deposits around the “vent” which piled higher and higher. He had to eventually give up the land because according to the authorities, “he had witnessed the birth and growth of a volcano.” I forgot on which Caribbean island.

    I think that something similar is happening in this volcanic island of ours. The farmers need to relocate because things will get worse. If the experts say to stay away, kindly do so.

    • Anonymous
      May 7, 2014

      I read about it to. I think it was mexico or central america or south America it occurred

    • john paul
      May 7, 2014


    • Simply the Truth
      May 7, 2014

      Dominica is a tropical country. There is a lot of volcanic activity below the ground that no one knows about. From time to time, unsuspectingly they will surface.

  67. big boss man
    May 7, 2014

    I wonder if the layou disaster happened knowing that there was going to drilling in Laudat,just wondering.I also heard that the president of the group in Laudat resigned ma ybe that is the reason for this.

  68. Anonymous
    May 7, 2014

    Please note that there was no Geothermal prospecting in the Carholm area. We have to appreciate that this is a volcanic country and over time there will be land slips/slides. Even in the USA recently there was a very large land slide. Let us stop the panic and put our brains in gear while we await the opinion of the experts.

    • Not a herd follower
      May 7, 2014

      I totally agree. Too many are pontificating when they do not have the information, training or expert knowledge

    • BEB
      May 7, 2014

      We have too many rivers, they are cooling down the volcanic activities, that’s why we do not have a real eruption of any volcano

      • Noreen
        May 8, 2014

        But now the rivers that we depend on are drying, Do we really know what we are dealing with? why not just seek God’s face on this matter, and let Him have His way.

  69. Just Love the Lord
    May 7, 2014

    God forbid all you realize if we have an eruption in the Roseau Valley there will be no more Roseau, Papa God, no more Roseau nah, all we concern about is politics. Pray, pray. People crusades is what we need all over the island, not rallies. Both sides.

    • Simply the Truth
      May 7, 2014

      The love of the Lord to one another must also be practiced by everyone. Otherwise the prayers will not be answered. People must first learn to love and have respect for others and their religious beliefs and practices. There is not much of that these days. As the Lord taught us, “Be perfect as your Heavenly Father is perfect.”

      • Noreen
        May 8, 2014

        Forgiveness is what need, if we do not forgive neither will the heavenly Father forgive us.

  70. Trolol
    May 7, 2014

    More propaganda by UWPWEE :lol:

    • Pestle
      May 7, 2014

      oh lawd be serious for a time nah.. leave the damn politics out of it.. Even with the pics staring at you, you still cant see what is happening.. ok bat check back again tonight , you might just see then..

    • Boss La
      May 7, 2014

      What a fool. Awa wii. This is a serious situation. Dont be a rear end and show it.

  71. bert
    May 7, 2014

    Green bacteria can exist in hot (sulfuric springs) where the presence of oxygen is either minimal or non-existent (at certain depths). This, to me, sounds more like a natural phenomenon that occurred, or is occurring from within the bottom of the surface. The disappearance of the river may just be as a result of the earth there sinking (sink hole). It sure is worth investigating.

    • BSc Geology
      May 7, 2014

      Are sink holes very common in volcanic islands or would they be closesly associated with Karst landscapes where the material is easily dissolved and eroded?

      Also note that sinkholes can be a result of human activity (I am not saying thats the case because i have not been to the site)how ever, feeding from your sink holes theory, they can also occur from the overpumping and extraction of groundwater and subsurface fluids.

      They also form when natural water-drainage patterns are changed and new water-diversion systems are developed. Some sinkholes form when the land surface is changed, so essentially the weight of the new material can trigger an underground collapse of supporting material, thus causing a sinkhole.

  72. wow
    May 7, 2014

    end of the world?? 8-O

  73. Anonymous
    May 7, 2014

    unstable ground, land collapsing. Sounds like a sink hole under there. and people want to go hike and so. All you cannot understand danger? Look for trouble but don’t cry when trouble come and get all you

    • Simply the Truth
      May 7, 2014

      No where is secure. A few years ago, one Sunday evening, a family in an area of Quebec, Canada was viewing sports. The entire house sank into a deep hole. All of them died.
      I have noted a sink in the earth in an area where I reside. There is a new housing development in that area. It extends over the sidewalk. I believe the city crew must have been working on it. They placed a few orange poles over it to alert people. If it is not noticed especially in the evening, people’s feet could go into it and could badly injure them.
      I am aware that there was an erosion of soil. I do not know what the city is waiting for to repair it. Having stated that, I will telephone the city about it and ask what caused it and what are their plans for filling-up that area.
      There is a newly established 311 city number which we could telephone at any time for relevant matters and report them. Closer to where I reside, I observed a hole near a tree. Oh my! I better also enquire about this. I hope the entire area does not sink.
      A few years ago there was a 5.0 earthquake which passed through this area. It shook buildings. I felt it. It was scary. It is not the first time earthquakes were felt in this area. It appears it is an earthquake zone. May God help us including Dominica and nationals.

  74. wow
    May 7, 2014

    the end of the world? 8-O

  75. Just Love the Lord
    May 7, 2014

    Morne Prosper is far from Laudat, I don’t believe that has nothing to do with the drilling, we have had earth movements in Layou and Carib Territory and along the west coast, isn’t that so Dominicans. Do we forget the west coast was sinking all along Les point just before you enter Mahaut. We live on a volcanic island and we expect those things. Mother nature is at work, and plus we should expect a volcanic eruption in Dominica in the future anyways. They are active volcanoes. Man plans but it is the Lord who is in charge. Repent that is what we need to do, turn from our sinful nature in this land. Too much sewo, everything is action action. More prayer and Godly living is what we need, in this land. Not talking politics here. Let our air waves be filled with preaching and sermons, songs of praise instead of talk shows morning noon and night. Talk show at 5 am with Angelo, Talk show on Q95 and Kairi FM every morning and still in the night again. Lennox with his show on sunday afternoon, Angelo again on sunday nights. My God, this is so much both sides both radio stations. Religious Leaders arise and please fill the air waves with things of God. Why are you all sleeping????? God must talk. And then as soon as a disaster occurs then all of a sudden all the radio stations become christian stations. MATT wake up, Lennox wake up, Angelo wake up, Kamala Wake up, Tony wake up, Lennox on Kiairi wake up too much of the talk shows on the air. We are a christian nation, the earth is crying out now, well I don’t want it to swallow us all, let us each do our share. This may sound like nonsense, He who have eyes let them see. Religious Leaders take a stance for the Lord and wake up.

    • !!!!
      May 7, 2014

      If you travel by bus to Morne Prosper it is far from Laudat but if you look at it on a map it is very close….You sound just like Blackmore who said this morning that the drilling is far from the Valley of Desolation….My people stop being fooled by uneducated politicians and educate yourself…You can download a map from the Internet to go to land and Surveys to get a map…Time for Dominica to stop being narrow-minded and start taking development issues seriously…

    • ???
      May 7, 2014

      Why not Skerrit wake up!!!

    • ?
      May 7, 2014

      @Just Love the Lord You are nothing more that one of the HYPOCRITES supporting all the wrongs that this Labour Party is doing. There are many like you around. WOLVES IN SHEEP CLOTHING.
      Why is talk show you want to stop. Why can’t you publicl;y make your voice heard on the corruption that is permeating through our society by some leaders whom you seem to adore?

    • BEB
      May 7, 2014

      Some years ago there was a sink hole in the Beotica area where 5 people lost their lives, in Grand Savannah, Salisbury there was a sink hole and a young child lost his\her life Was there any results or investigations done when there was some activities taking place in the White River a few years ago? There was no drilling for geothermal during these times, now every thing that happens in DA blame “Geothermal” project

    • Simply the Truth
      May 7, 2014

      . . . And God is not pleased with much of what is occurring in Dominica; not only in D/ca but in the entire world. Consider that He is angry. I could elaborate further on this.
      However, an examination of conscience is necessary. Look around you and listen to others including their comments on this Website. This should tell you much.

    • Noreen
      May 8, 2014

      I agree with you too much of worldly pleasure and not enough people seeking God’s face, let that hath an ear hear what the Spirit of the Lord says, we cannot fight God. God changes not heaven and earth will pass away but God words remains the same, disaster is upon all nation there is none that will not face it, pray to God that even though disaster would happen that the lives of people would be safe that they would have the chance to repent, from their sinful ways, and turn to God. he alone can save. For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that who so ever believe in Him would not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16

  76. opinionated
    May 7, 2014

    The problem with our nation is such that many of us are blinded by the colour of the party that we support. Too often we fail to step back and critically analyse a situation.

    So many of us don’t see the error in anything that the government is doing, because we support them blindly.

    Doesn’t this activity suggest to us that something is amiss as it relates to the geothermal plant that has been set up in the vicinity?

    Do we really think that this is a mere coincidence, and that we should not be concerned about what is going on?

    Are we going to get clear, open, unbiased, information that is not enshrouded by the red disease of ‘turn-a -blind -eye-ities’ ?

    Alas, I lament at the fact that we take things too lightly in this country. We don’t seem to care that the lives of the immediate residents are endangered! All we seem to care about is that we are red, red, ready, to vote in a people that do not care enough to make decisions that are sustainable, in the best interest of the people or help promote national development.

    I dare say that we are red, red, ready to sell our integrity, livelihood and safety so that these politicians can migrate with bulging pockets when the heat becomes unbearable in this small country!!!!!!!

    • Simply the Truth
      May 7, 2014

      If you want to place the blame on the geothermal plant, you have overlooked godlessness and sinfulness of every nature. Homosexuals want to be recognized and to be accorded so-called same sex marriage. Their group wrote the UN about their so-called right. It is shocking for this to occur in Dominica, a Christian country of approximately 70,000 people.
      A D/can official must answer to the UN about that. Is God pleased with these people? Of course not! He is downright angry. He wants us to tell it like it is and not forget those matters.
      We must think in-depth and further when disasters strike our nation, wherever we reside and even (whatever) strikes us personally.
      I would think these evil actions are far more dangerous and destructive in regards to godliness, love, peace and unity and to the souls of people. Contemplate on that.

      • Noreen
        May 8, 2014

        Disaster over any nation is not an abomination, but homosexual and lesbianism is an abomination and an insult before a Holy and Righteous< and God will judge the nations, God did not create man and man, nor woman and woman, how would they multiply, and replenish the earth. if you read the event of Noah and the flood, you would understand why the animals went in by pairs, has the nation become so blinded by the devil that they have forgotten who God is, and that even though, God so loved the world He also is a God of wrath and a consuming fire, to us all we can play with man but do not put God to the test, no man not even Satan will never, ever wins. May God have mercy on us continually. Thank you Lord for your mercies which is extended to all generation to the ends of the earth, Therefore Lord there is no excuse for anyone.

    • Watcher
      May 8, 2014

      You sound like you living the “blue life” even when everything around you is “bright red” Yet still you refer to Labour Party supporters as being non-objective

  77. volcanic reaction
    May 7, 2014

    tell them go check soufriere as well all the hot water dried up except one .!! the main pool on the flat. who tell skerit he can drill in Dominica… without analyzing and putting safty measures in place.!!!!

  78. ohoh
    May 7, 2014

    Silly people blaming Athie. How dumb can a people be. They see the signs and wonders yet they are stubborn. I only wish that the doom and gloom will take those who it is that

  79. 99 Days For The....
    May 7, 2014

    When athie came to inform us the DLP had nuff things to say on the man…..called him lair, lazy and how he is yet to export water…….we all laughed with them and joined them to blast Athie, now who is laughing NONE OF US…….why do you think that the PM did not mention one word about geothermal at this big rally where we all sang All of Me to him, in pure adoration and love like he was our lover or more to some Jesus……wise up ppl! Put allu feet down!

  80. Earl
    May 7, 2014

    That is the making of a volcano coming back to life.

  81. Doc. Love
    May 7, 2014

    I saw approximately two hundred and seven pictures of the disaster at Morne Prosper. Had I not heard Mr. Green said on Q95 this morning, he was going to post them on face book, I though I was looking at pictures from the atomic bombing of Hiroshima.

    • T
      May 7, 2014

      @Doc Love Remember Athie warned them. Read the sort of denegration he recieved.

  82. Anonymous
    May 7, 2014

    wow Lord pls look upon my lovely island and its people i repent on their behave and i ask for your forgiveness in Your name i pray Amen

    • Rastafari
      May 7, 2014

      Silly, if jesus died for your sins, why are you asking for forgiveness?

      • Anonymous
        May 7, 2014

        @rastagari even if Jesus died for our sins that doesn’t mean we don’t continue to sin there after. The Bible says all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. here is something simple. I wonder why you call yourself rasta d are? is it because you are a rash?

  83. Very Concerned
    May 7, 2014

    This government need to stop the drilling and listen once to Athie Martin. Drilling one area does not have to affect the immediate area. Do we understand ripple effect? It is a time to put away political colours and unite to get to the root of this catastrophe.

  84. Real Dominican
    May 7, 2014

    Be Sure the culprit is the geothermal drilling in the said area.

  85. Anonymous
    May 7, 2014

    Volcano is being born but ppl talking politics fml

  86. chow mien
    May 7, 2014

    How long can people continue to pretend that everything is okay? This situation can suddenly become explosive, resulting in death and mayhem, in the meanwhile many Dominicans are busy looking the other way since they believe its none of their business.

  87. Anonymous
    May 7, 2014

    Athie and co. doom and gloom at work again I suspect. The people from the Disaster Office noted that this may be a result of ‘natural weathering and high hydrology’, but I am certain many here already are going to follow Athie and co. and make links to drilling activity miles away even without the facts. Anyway, can someone tell me if this is the first area of the country where rivers which once flowed are drying up or lands are slipping? Just asking, because I really would like to know what is so different about this particular area (apart from the obvious political scaremongering by the known agents who have been reporting this story)

    • 99 Days For The....
      May 7, 2014

      All of a sudden ……this you are talking of would have taken years to occur not in a weeks…..all these changes took place rapidly in a matter of weeks…..come on man are you ppl blind?

    • Doc. Love
      May 7, 2014

      Anonymous, reminds me of Moses and Ramses. When Moses told Ramses that God was going to bring a plague on Egypt, the Nile will run Red, and it did. Ramses told the Egyptians that it was red clay that caused the Nile to run red.

    • LOL
      May 7, 2014

      The person that tell u that from ODM wanted to get rid of you to finish eat their snack and continue sharing the rashan they had in the store room, cause thats all they do.

  88. SMH
    May 7, 2014

    Yes I. Labor Power

  89. IluvmyPm
    May 7, 2014

    Call election now

  90. Anonymous
    May 7, 2014

    8-O 8-O 8-O who send then to drill the valley?

  91. Watcher
    May 7, 2014

    Is this another “doom and gloom” episode? WE go see what the scientists, professionals will find and report. Dominicans brace yourselves. It won’t go away unless, of course you know who is to be blamed – Skerro of course. Wait and see.

  92. gwatelle
    May 7, 2014

    The baby of pregnant mother nature just moved.

  93. sure
    May 7, 2014

    Are we SURE we reh reh ready for this? sorry, i stutter a bit. my bad.

  94. eyes
    May 7, 2014

    Papa God what is happening. People repent be ready for no one knows the day when we all will be gone.

    • Anonymous
      May 7, 2014

      I knew it was a matter of time before one of you who does not understand what is going on to attribute this to the work of god.

      Some of you people need to move back to the stone age.

      • fleur
        May 9, 2014

        I look at these areas or hot spots as impending judgement on Dominica, cause we too wicked in this island, we say we Godly nation but our actions show a vast difference. We curse anywhere, anyhow, anytime, we kill and murder and there is no justice, we rape, molest and abuse children, still no justice, we party, sewo, carnival year in year out, play church, live in sin, tell me if you were God at some point your mercy would run out, God’s mercy ran out in the days of Sodom and Ghomorah and in the days of Noah but the amazing thing about God, he always save a few people. He saved Lot and his two daughters and Noah and his family. Do you want to be safe when these disaster occur. Repent Dominicans, it’s only God that can save us from impending doom. If it wasn’t for God’s mercy and praying evangelical churches, Dominica would come like Monsterrat long time.

  95. The time in coming
    May 7, 2014

    Yes this not enough for them to stop at the lake…we will all die on this small island..because of the DLP party and their hunger for money and power…they don’t care about the well being of their people….I AM CRYING!!! :cry: :twisted: :?:

    • try uh ting
      May 7, 2014

      All will not die.

    • If i should say so
      May 7, 2014

      So cry.. sackway sort.. Some of the comments are beyong pathetic… If outsiders read all this crap ya’ll are writing they will only laugh because you guys sound like jokers, everyone repeating what the last one said…

  96. wow
    May 7, 2014

    strange,would like to know what the cause of it is

  97. builder..
    May 7, 2014

    this project really needs to be reviewed by neutral specialists,please all the people want is to be properly informed as to wats goin on..

    • builder..
      May 7, 2014

      thats so true we really need a team of neutral speacialists with no political affiliations..thanks..

      • joe
        May 7, 2014

        So who are the specialists currently working on the project???

        Do you know them??? Where are they from???


      • FORKIT
        May 8, 2014

        @joe, I suspect is blackmoore brother the self made geologist

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