Trade union official wants trade union congress established in Dominica

Secretary-Treasurer of the Waterfront and Allied Workers’ Union Kertiste Auguste says his wish for the New Year is for the establishment of a trade union congress in Dominica.

According to Augustus, a trade union congress will foster greater unity among local trade unions and by extension, produce greater results for workers.

“We believe and we are convinced now, more than ever before, that it is totally necessary that the trade unions get together, to be able to speak with one voice and to give the best of representation to the workers; and I think a united force is better than those singular individual forces that now exist.”

Augustus also wants to see the resolution of several tribunals involving trade unionists this year.

“We are in fact disappointed, that a number of tribunals that have been set up, have not been completed; we could refer to tribunals like the one with Kubuli in relation to the termination of two employees,” he stated.

Among other tribunals Augutus  pointed out, are that which involves Josephine Gabriel regarding the redundancy of two employees; OD Brisbane, Subway, and Central Cooperative Credit Union.

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  1. Bram-bram
    January 3, 2011

    Boy do you sound like a slave driver who see employees as commodities and not human beings!
    The free-riders always give that argument! Some must pay and others ride free.
    I think the union leaders need to put their big egos aside and work for the benefit of workers in Dominica.

  2. January 3, 2010

    Shelli, I wonder if Charlo agree with that.

  3. shelli
    January 2, 2010

    How relevant are Trade Unions these days anyway?

    As far as I am concerned people must not tie themselves to an employer at any time. Legislation to rights of employment is a thing of the past and Dominica should rethink its position.

    Persons must strive to work for themselves or their own businesses and stop depending on other persons taking risks to employ them and even envying those employers who treat themselves to a new vehicle or a multi destination cruise every now and again.

    All businesses should do is to abide under the law that states the wages that should be paid to workers for getting a task done vis a vie the supply and demand for that task by consumers and factors of production.

    No business entity should go out of their way to create a “nice” working environment for employees; such environmental conditions breeds laziness and further demands for increase wages due to unnecessary and unrealistic taste by these employees.

    When a junior bank employee gets more than his/her high school teacher in Dominica why the hell one needs a Union for?

    The Unions as far as I can see are businesses themselves that suck the blood of workers they give so called representation.

    Check it out people increase or no increase you still have to pay union dues!!

    If you are not a member of the Union at your work place you get the same increase in salary! So why join a Union that operates like the Italian Mafia?

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