Trump suspends travel from Europe, excluding UK, amid coronavirus outbreak

President Donald Trump delivers an address to the nation from the Oval office

Donald Trump announced that the US would temporarily suspend most travel from the European Union, as the country reckons with the spread of coronavirus and the White House grapples with the severity of the situation.

The restrictions, which would begin on Friday and last for 30 days, would not apply to the UK, he said. He also encouraged older Americans to avoid all travel if possible.

Trump made the announcement in an Oval Office speech on Wednesday evening on the federal response to what the World Health Organization has declared a global pandemic.

During the speech, Trump defended his administration’s response while laying blame on the European Union for not acting quickly enough to address the “foreign virus”, saying US clusters had been “seeded” by European travellers.

Read the full Guardian story.

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  1. J.John-Charles
    March 15, 2020

    As news came out in January of the coronavirus, the president took act,and stop Chinese from coming in the U.S.and this was done while democrats was impeaching him trying to get him out of office.Not only that they and CNN, MSNBC,NBC,ABC. called his action xenophobia, not liking foreigners.Mayor Jim Kinney (democrat)of Philadelphia went China Town telling them he don’t discrimination against Chinese.Trump is protecting American lives.You just can’t win with them.Those who are suffering with Trump derangement syndrome.
    Let’s compare,in 2010 we had the swine flu 13000 Americans were killed,it took Obama and Joe Biden 6 months before any steps were taken.CNN and others,no criticism of Obama, no Republicans blamed Obama for the virus.Instead the media spend their time in educating us how to stay safe,they are engaged in blaming Trump.One thing for sure the virus has no party affiliation.
    In closing we will not allow the media to think for us ..MAGA

  2. J.John-Charles
    March 15, 2020

    The virus started in Wuhan China, the authorities could have alerted the outside world from the offset, but no.They allowed their people to travel to the 4 corners of the world and welcome the others to come in without letting them know of this coronavirus.When the news leaked out,the damage was already done.

  3. Afflicted
    March 13, 2020

    What a guy, he excludes where he has golf courses. Lesson here: the only edge he has over Obama who should have had the balls to open trade deals with many African countries and didn’t, in fear of seeming to do things for Black people.

  4. Ras B
    March 12, 2020

    I have been calling for the closure of our borders for some time. It has been ignored, in an effort to compromise, I have an alternative suggestion. Over the past few weeks, it has been realised that about 70% of new infections originate from mainland Europe. Can we therefore close our borders to people coming from that part of the world? Surely we should try to prevent any case in Dominica, but once it appears we need to be concerned about containment, once we fail containment, we would have to consider mitigation. Till now, I have heard no increase investment or commission of additional sums to the ministry of health to help protect our people from this scourge.

    We do not talk about closure of our borders but Italy was forced to do just that because of faulty thinking and poor initial management, D/CA LLET US LEARN FROM ITALY FAILURES. Have we started testing in Dominica yet? If not, why not? If we are not testing how do we know if we have the virus in Dominica?

  5. Bring back the kidnapped parrots
    March 12, 2020

    Must be serious, he is banning white people now. And white people from eastern Europe close to Russia.

  6. Shaka zulu
    March 12, 2020

    The world in a mess when they have the biggest retard leading the most powerful nation. That’s a destructive combination right there. Thank God everything is for a time and nothing under the sun lasts forever

  7. Charlie Sam
    March 12, 2020

    Why we’re still receiving ships from Europe if there is a pandemia?

  8. Batibou River
    March 12, 2020

    This man is a complete idiot and a embarrassment to the USA. Only Dominica’s PM is more clueless than this man.

  9. Ras B
    March 12, 2020

    One senior doctor, Lancet editor Dr Richard Horton, yesterday openly criticised the British government for allegedly ignoring the medical evidence on containment.

    He said: “The UK government — Matt Hancock and Boris Johnson — claim they are following the science. But that is not true. The evidence is clear. We need urgent implementation of social-distancing and closure policies. The government is playing roulette with the public. This is a major error.”

    WHO director-general Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said: “We are deeply concerned both by the alarming levels of spread and severity and by the alarming levels of inaction.”

    It is not too late Dominica. The science is clear, we do not understand this disease, We cannot expect to fight it and win. Take action now, the world will consider you great if you shut down the countries borders, your actions will be highly referenced and our people will be thankful and remember you. If not, God help us!

  10. Deliver us Lord
    March 12, 2020

    I don’t like Trump but I give him credit for doing what is necessary to keep the US safe, even if it means keeping his allies out of the US for a month. Only a mad man and careless person like Roosevelt Skerrit that bringing in foreigners even if they are Chinese from Wahun China, where the disease was born. What an evil man that I constantly ask God to deliver us from the Evil one.

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