Union urges workers to return to work at Roseau City Council

Augustus at the site of protest action on Wednesday

The Union representing staff at the Roseau City Council (RCC) has advised them to “go back to work” after they staged protest action outside the council’s office in solidarity for the appointment of Erma Augustine as Town Clerk.

The Waterfront & Allied Workers Union (WAWU) is representing the sanitary labourers who downed their tools yesterday in protest over the matter.

Kertiste Augustus, Secretary/Treasurer of WAWU addressed the angry staff members and told them that he had a discussion with Mayor Irene John who gave him all the information as to who applied for the job of Town Clerk and the necessary scores they obtained at interviews conducted.

The matter, he explained to them, then came to the Council who decided that despite what was given to them by the committee that conducted the interviews, they would recommend that Erma Augustine be appointed in the position.

“But it must be noted that Council cannot appoint, only the Minister (of Local Government) can appoint. But the Council can make recommendations to the Minister for the appointment. And if what we have seen here, to me it’s very clear that Council and the Mayor should make the recommendation to the Minister to so appoint Ms. Augustine,” Augustus said.

He continued, “But, I need to put this additional caveat, the Minister, can, if she or he so desires, appoint any of the persons who applied for the job. I would hope, that they don’t go that way because they would make it more of an explosive situation because of the fact that you, the staff, have tremendous confidence in Ms Augustine and more so in relation to your payment on a regular basis.”

According to Augustus, when Mr. Benjamin (former Town Clerk) was the Town Clerk, he got many letters as the union indicating the inability of the Council to pay workers.

“Ms. Augustine has demonstrated that she can pay you all regularly and on time and so it is obvious that you will support her and I, as your extension, will also support her,” he said.

Augustus told the workers that they have acknowledged a problem and he, as the union rep, has gotten to the source to deal with it and so he wants the matter “resolved” speedily.

“The City ought not to be left unclean; it is not a good sign for none of us. I want the matter resolved so that you all can go back to work. I have spoken to the Mayor, who is trying to push the resolution of this matter. She has assured me that she will be sending the letter to the Minister so that the Minister can act accordingly. I am also trying to get the Minister to try to resolve this matter which is explosive,” Augustus remarked.

He continued, “I need to tell you however, that your action is not (emphasis) is not (although it should) going to influence the decision since it is based on the recommendation and evaluation of the Mayor. So I recommend that you should go back to work. It is not an issue to deal with your work and working conditions.”

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  1. Lena Thomas
    April 7, 2017

    I think when employee knows they get pay on time, their salary deduction is going on their debts, their social security is being paid when deducted they will throw their support behind that boss. Mr Augustus, stop that friendship club with your mayor, this woman don’t know if she coming or going but walking over Roseau saying, I am the mayor, if it was not for the ministry of tourism Roseau would be worse than how it is, all she can say is I have been invited to this and that. Worse mayor ever, just gossiping all over the place about her councilors. If someone have been acting for so many years tell me why you should now victimize her because she will not gossip with you. That mayor needs to go, the same labor party that have her there she taking about them because they did not fix her roof of her house she claimed they promised to do.

  2. Me
    April 6, 2017

    Kertiste Auguste is a known Labour party patsy. The Mayoress should address the protesters herself and not through a third party.

  3. Marcus Hill
    April 6, 2017

    My my how times have changed!!

    It would appear to me that you have lost touch with the very employees who you are supposed to represent. You seem to be caught unawares by their action and so it embarasses you hence your pronouncements.

    And of course I disagree with you that it is not an issue to deal with their work and working conditions. Most stress at work is caused by bad supervisors. The employees know that with Ms. Augustine their working conditions will he better hence their protest which I support.

  4. John Simeon
    April 6, 2017

    Something has to be very wrong if a union or employees can dictate (through protest action) to the authorities who it is they want to lead the organization – any one. The workers responsibility is to undertake their functions as effectively as they might and to leave management functions to the designated authority. Where the appointed management is not delivering the “goods” as per their collective agreement and the law, then the employees have a right to protest. Mr. Augustus has advised properly. All workers must return to work forthwith. They do not have a cause.

    • SipinTeas
      April 7, 2017

      Definitely. If you leader does not have your back then you just go to work and find a new learder. And if the union members feel that their needs are not being met by their leaders they should remove the old ones and appoint new ones that they feel have their interests at heart.

  5. Director
    April 6, 2017

    Wise counsel. Very impartial and informed advise by the Rep.

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