UPDATE: Monelle Williams fired; political victimization says Linton

Williams and Linton at a UWP meeting in St. Maarten on Wednesday evening
Williams and Linton at a UWP meeting in St. Maarten on Wednesday evening

United Workers Party (UWP) candidate for St. Joseph, Monelle Williams, has confirmed she was fired from call center, Clear Harbour.

Speaking during the final leg of the party’s Five in Five Caribbean tour in St. Maarten on Wednesday evening, Williams broke down in tears and described her laying off as ‘absurd’ and ‘not a mistake.’

“At about 9:37 pm, way past the time you fire people … late evening … my employment at Clear Habour was terminated,” she said. “I swiped in at 1 o’clock and 58 seconds, so it means that I was in the building. However they found that the 58 seconds was ground enough to terminate me.”

It appears Williams is not prepared to take the matter further. “For me I will leave that alone,” she stated. “I am called for a purpose, so there is no mistake and or tragedy with God, so this was not a mistake.”

Meanwhile political leader of the UWP, Lennox Linton, described the termination as an act of ‘political victimization.’

“It is an act of political victimization but I pause to make the observation that she worked for a private company, a foreign firm that has invested significant resources in Dominica and that currently employs hundreds of Dominicans in Dominica,” he stated. “When we get to a stage in 2014 that somehow in the internal operations of a foreign company, that is doing so much for Dominica, a way is found for political hatchet work to be done, it tells you that it’s time for change.”

But general manager of Clear Harbor, Mary Quinones, has rubbished Linton’s claims. Although she said that she cannot release information on employees, she pointed out that decisions taken at the company are based on what is best for business, not ‘political references.’

“I cannot make decisions based on political references, one way or another, all I have to do is make decision based on what is best for our business,” she stated.

According to Quinones, Clear Harbour “has followed every single law in the Commonwealth of Dominica and any of our actions, we will do nothing that did not fall within the actual law.”

“I can absolutely assure you, that Clear Habour has never and would never violate any law in the Commonwealth of Dominica and everything we do in regards to our employees and ex-employees is following the law,” she stressed.

Quinones noted that by September, the company is going to have some 800 employees.

“That is what is important to Clear Harbour,” she noted. “Dominica is important to Clear Harbour and all we want to do is to ensure that our business continues to grow and take the actions that are necessary that we grow our business and we have the right people in place to do the right things to keep our clients, period.”

Linton also said that there seems to be a habit of victimization in Dominica against those who support the UWP.

“Over the years, we have seen a number of political operatives from other political parties who have been able to pursue their political dreams without hindrance and victimization,” he stated. “However, for some reason the people who stand for the UWP are in the habit of being victimized. Doreen Paul, of the St. Joseph constituency, was fired from her job and now we are seeing another lady from the St. Joseph constituency being fired from her job.”

“What is wrong the St. Joseph constituency?” Linton queried.

He described Williams as a single mother with mouths to feed.

“Monelle is a single mother and nobody seems to care and when the instructions were issued last night (May 20) at 9:37. She too, had the responsibilities of mouths to feed,” he stated.

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  1. May 26, 2014

    if they were so sure she was victimizes they….she would surely pursue a case against CH…don’t talk rubbish Linton… Our head well on

  2. Francisco Telemaque
    May 25, 2014

    UWP? May 23, 2014
    “Francisco, lets be for real. This woman is now a politician and if she cannot stand up for her rights, can she stand up for mine? I am lead to believe that there is much more to the story. To characterize it as political victimization, or the company is involving in our island politics is jumping the gun. I think that there is a lot more to this firing of the young lady. The company chooses not to give the information and the young lady chooses not to take the matter further. This serves as a benefit for her and her political career. Lets hope that it doesn’t all get out for her good.”

    Madam/Sir, I am been real; very, very real; and if you believe that this lady was not politically victimized, then you exist on another planet, or you have definitely allow the Ostrich syndrome to overwhelm you. Now, the lady may have decided not to fight for her rights, nevertheless, that does not indicate she is at fault. I read where some idiot said on DNO that Monelle should stop lying to the people.

    She is already fired; so, what will it benefit her to lie about getting fired; anytime someone is in the employ of another person they are subject to be fired at any moment, for any reason, except in this case; her firing spells political victimization, plain and simply. If everybody working for that company can be fired for getting to work late by fifty (58) seconds, in the interim Dominicans working for those people will be out of a job; hence, the company will import foreigners to fill the positions. Other than that, they have become new slaves master in the twenty-first century on the Nature island; and if Dominica is a nature island the primitive actions taken against Monelle by the company should not be considered coincidental, in a primitive situation that should be expected!

    Fact is she is fired, she gave here side of the story, if the company was not political, knowing the situation right now they should have made a public statement on the matter, they cannot; because they know that they were directed to fire Monelle; and that is playing into Dominica’s politics.

    Now let me say this: not fighting for her right which is violated; is indeed a form of diplomacy; her attitude, of refusal to fight has proved her to be high class, and someone of superior intelligence. That is an impression that she is not so concern about “self alone.” You will not know what that means, but I can tell you she is thinking of those she left behind on the job who may be totally dependent on that job; her thoughts may be “if I fight I may jeopardize the welfare of the others on the job!

    It is said he who fight and run away will live to fight another day! You want me to be real, the reality is if the UWP wins the elections, that same company will in any event have to deal with perhaps Monelle in person. How can you deal with someone if there is a grudge or malice existing, she is being highly diplomatic, and based on that prinicipal alone, if I was in St. Joseph, her diplomatic attitude would have secured my vote in her favor.

    And that is my reality!

    Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

  3. the life
    May 24, 2014

    It is sad that sometimes we as Dominicans can let our lack of intellect show so plainly. Tell me where have you ever heard in Dominica of a person being fired for reaching late once especially in a country where people do what they want on company time. There must be more to the story or she would have take the matter further. The young lady is simply trying to gain the support of the unemployed the same way she tried to get the support of women, single mothers, etc. Both political parties have their good and bad, I have seen ideas but forward by both that if are really in the interest of the country can be a good thing. Progress will always be hindered in Dominica unless the MIND SET of the people change. Too many times protects can not be done because it is not YOUR party in power and YOU will do every thing to prevent. When we as Dominicans learn that after the election is over it is over, why campaign for five years. The opposition needs to play a more active role in the country and not oppose just for the sake of it. It is their job to not fill their followers heads with nonsense. Calling a persons release from a job political victimization. Leave that foolishness for the average citizen not a person who intends to lead.

    • Francisco Telemaque
      May 26, 2014

      “It is sad that sometimes we as Dominicans can let our lack of intellect show so plainly. Tell me where have you ever heard in Dominica of a person being fired for reaching late once especially in a country where people do what they want on company time.”

      That is an ridiculous, and most stupid question!

      Since we all knows that such traditional tardiness, and lax practice only take place within the civil service, in our country, and tolerated by most private business owners of local origin. You are forgetting that the company which fired Monell is an American Company; could it be the same company which displayed a similar conduct on the island of St. Kitts?

      Be careful of what you support, some of our people for whatever its worth needs that job, nevertheless, the rights of the worker must be respected, slavery has long been abolished; the next thing the works of that entity will be limited to the amount of time they can go to the bathroom to relieve themselves. Should anyone no matter how poor in the twenty-first century be subjected to such primitive treatment?

      Whereas we need foreign investments in our country, and appreciate those who are in Dominica, you need to be reminded they are not actually among us because they like Dominicans, or Dominica for that matter. It is all about money and profit, if tomorrow they find that they can operate in some other place in the world, spend less, and gain more, they flee Dominica in fifty (58) seconds, they same amount of time over which they fired Monelle.

      Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

  4. Malpardee
    May 24, 2014

    In the first place if u lose your job why the world has to know. According to some views , the young lady had issues on the job. If you are not adhering to the rules and regulations of your employer, that is the result. If i got fired i would be embarassed to be broadcasting it like is something good. Is she looking for sympathy?

  5. A Doubting Thomas
    May 24, 2014

    This morning I am seeing this UWP candidate has caused more post than any other member of the UWP has ever generated in a single news item on this blog.

    I vote her Leader of the United Workers Party, pronto!

    After the UWP 5 in 5 Caribbean Tour the only topic that has moved Dominicans on this blog is the firing with or without cause of this UWP Candidate.

    Edison should take back the reins of his party and give it to her. I mean, even she as a woman is defending the leader of the UWP for how he has called all the women of Dominica I mean all born Dominicans whether you are man or woman should take issue to that; the worse possible derogatory name to call a woman and he has included all our women.

    He seems to have issues with women and he wants to lead a country that includes mostly women and most people on this blog pretends it did not happen?

    They pretend he did not say it, we misunderstood what he said; however; the UWP Leader made such we understood what he was saying and that hemeant it, by spelling the word putting emphasis on each letter in the word to make sure we got it, that he was not making a mistake and some are defending his use of the word to describe women. Are you kidding me? We see this firing episode as much more important!

    I am not even sure that DNO has found it newsworthy enough to be on the blog. As if to say, lets pretend it never took place.

    But this young lady losing her job or causing herself to lose her job is the biggest news we as Dominicans seem to take the most objection to. What does that say about us who were all born of a woman?

    I say Vote her Leader the UWP.

  6. Innocent
    May 24, 2014

    Clear harbor close down an entire firm now for now in St. Kitts. Who is monelle they need political reasons to fire? Monelle of all ppl no how CH operares so to come to the public with her 58 sec bs, tell her come again.

  7. tell
    May 24, 2014

    Nothing in today’s world is graranteed. You can get fired even you are self employ because you might be doing a job for someone and will tell you that your service is no longer needed. Every body is saying this and that but more or less blaming others but if Monelle is not saying the truth do you all know all the bad thins things you all wish on others will fall back on her. The only one who knews wht is best fo DA is God. We can fly low or fly high we can be for a party and when you go to the poll to vote the power of God will make you change your mind. Things are had all over you all want so much becareful people, you go to bed with something next day you got up with nothing.

    May 23, 2014

    Is so some lying is so some thieving…..Change
    Boy them man dangerous!

  9. Cops @Robbers
    May 23, 2014

    When they victimise the good lord minimise their days

  10. Anonymous
    May 23, 2014

    If this is the party of change , why is it supporting someone who is clearly no being 100 % honest (, people who live in glass houses should no throw stones, ) mark my words you will loose many votes over this.

  11. past employee
    May 23, 2014

    everybody knows in clear harbor how they operate…this company is based on interval and they cant afford for an agents to be late, hence the reason why they pulled from Grenada, you never get terminated on the spot the, its a process two verbal, written and then final. in the American world 2 seconds 5 seconds 2 minutes is late…we know their way of business TIME IS MONEY, every minute u waste they loose money…this has no political affiliation….enough said…

  12. 99 Days For The....
    May 23, 2014

    People like monelle myself and two other employees were dismissed by the DLP media mouth piece (a radio station). There was no reasons on the letter. Just that they are looking at the direction of the establishment is taking. When I went to pursue the matter with labour division…..I was told that I was also been under paid….however after much talking I realise I was fighting a losing battle. Me coming from dirt paved backyard and them having lawn in theirs how was I going to fight them. A young person me like me just decided let me focusing on finding another job. Strange thing is the next day I was fired another person already had my post. You all think it’s all nice and dandy and refuse to admit the things that are happening. Firing a young person simply because you don’t like her and not that they are incompetent are all things that young people have to endure because we don’t have the power nor the will to fight, instead we choose to just roll over and move on to another job in which you can only earn 600-900 ecd….if it gets to 1000 by the time VAT and social security is deducted you are back to 900 or even less. That’s what most young people who are not employed by establishments other than banks and gov. Stuck in a cycle of struggle and unable to breath above water. Dominica is hard for the young people, it’s not easy not even for our parents. It’s not easy at all. So you all stop fighting down the young lady because I know none of us getting justly treated by the ppl who are employing us and can dismiss us if they feel to. And mark me there are those who will make up or take the simplest of things to get us out when they want us out. Never judge because we don’t know what our tomorrow will be like.

  13. May 23, 2014

    What Is the interest here? How was this missed? Would you say it was overlooked? Was the interest hidden? Let Us review, for the details are necessary.
    The pm left hurriedly from Cuba to be present and witness the reinstatement of clear harbor workers. But, busy running the country, therefore unable to attend debate on economy , conducted by the youth. We were told this by the ambassador, hence miss one take one?
    As said by the pm ‘the one that is half, and half and half.’ What did the pm know? How did the pm know? The company spoke of privacy of information and workers right. The company said ,they sort the labor department and followed the labor guidelines provided. Is not the labor department part of government? Were We told that the said company had financial difficulties and released workers?
    Did the pm then leave as he told Us ,to source a company to provide jobs? Was this the work done, resulting in the 400 jobs the pm promised? Is this, if I do the work, I must have A say?
    This talk of better be red than dead Is brought Mind. What does this tell you? If you are not in support of, for ,or with the red , that you can be dead (neglected, rejected, etc. ) WHO IS THE GIVER OF LIFE? GOD IS. We Were given Gifts, Talents, Responsibilities , and Many others. With LOVE We Care And Share.
    We Give Thanks In This and We Continue To Learn. Growing IN LOVE AND All Needed.
    The shareholders in the company are? Is this harbor clear and safe for labor and all those who enter and labor there? Is it sustained by friendly government and friends of the viewers of sects ideologies?
    What tipped the scale balance? That half and half was long.

  14. Islander
    May 23, 2014

    What is very surprising here is that, Monell`s reaction is the opposite of all what the UWP claims to stand for… You were victimized in such an abrupt manner and you are `leaving that alone`?! And we are just supposed to take your word for it? How well do we the people of Dominica know you to just take your word for it? Show us the termination letter, so we can fight with you and for you if what you are saying is true…. did you get fired for being 58 seconds late or was the 58 seconds late the last straw?… SHOW US THE LETTER!

    • On the beat
      May 25, 2014

      So many things happening with the government in power but u are never asking for the paper.ask your pm how he get so rich ? Tell him to show the ipo all his financial statements. that is what u have to ask for.

  15. Ti beff
    May 23, 2014

    Anybody that believe that Monelle was fired for being late for 58 seconds are fools.She must have a record of being late often.I dont support any party.but stop blaming skerritt for everything that happens.

  16. Honest Dominican
    May 23, 2014

    It really hurts my heart to see how ignorant we are as a people, especially when we support one party. We are so close minded that we do not want to hear what the other party has to say, in order to make an informed decision. I listened to both sides all the time. It’s no wonder that Dominica ranks as one of the poorest GDP per Capita in the Caribbean (World Bank 2013).
    It is sad that because Monell is in fact a candidate for public office, we would like her to put the facts out as to why she was fired but still we are we not making a big deal as to how the Prime Minister amassed his wealth on an $XX,XXX.XX monthly government salary during his terms in office?
    I am saying all this to say that the Prime Minister is supposed to be a public figure and an example but he is nowhere near being transparent and accountable. This will never happen in the United States because a thorough investigation and an audit would be done on him and he would FAIL big time.


    • On the beat
      May 25, 2014

      That is the same question i asked. Why are they not asking the pm how he get so rich ? I thought people in public office are not suppose to accept gifts.

    May 23, 2014

    In his own angry words…” I will spell it;’p-r-o-s-t-i-t-u-t-i-n-g ‘ :mrgreen:
    Our youths and others in the country are prostituting themselves to ministers of Government for help.”
    Words of anger, jealousy and hate.

    • C'est sa meme
      May 23, 2014

      Truthful words ! That’s why you all are so upset because you know it is the truth !

    • just saying
      May 23, 2014

      The truth hurts! be proud of who you are!
      you speaking about anger , your user name says it all.

      I would not want to see your face.

    • ?
      May 23, 2014

      @FAST N IDIOT…. We ;have heard so many cases like that, not even you can deny it. You believe this gang is joking. It would take a nincompoop like you to think so.

  18. Doc. Love
    May 23, 2014

    According to Miss Monell’s story on her facebook, her letter of termination was written since October 2013. If true, Skeritt knew something when he referred to her employment as being half, half in December 2013. Under the circumstances , Mr. Linton knew what he was talking about when he said her termination was a case of political victimization.

      May 23, 2014

      @ Doc Love you are really an … hole. So Monelle knew of her termination letter since in December 2013 and now she telling the public because she arrived 58 seconds late for work in May 2014, the company fired her? If Monelle says she stand for the truth,she must speak the TRUTH..Let the public see the date and the contents
      of the letter. Put it on DNO. Dominicans should be careful of the kind of persons they want to represent them in Government.

    • A Doubting Thomas
      May 23, 2014

      Doc Love:
      This is one Lucky Lady! If you are to be believed; The company gave her 8 months to improve whatever it was that was unsatisfactory, that would have caused a termination letter since October?

      And still kept her on the payroll for 8th more months since a termination letter was prepared? If all of us would be that lucky. I hope you will be that lucky.

  19. West Coast
    May 23, 2014

    So woman crooking woman in the same village for politics. So my country come man. Labour will not always be there. Every thing has its season. Why should you back stab your neighbour and a woman like yourself for politics today one party there tomorrow another will be there. Is this queenly behaviour. God knew that you would show your true colours by displaying such a behaviour no wonder he did not allow you to be queen. Shame Shame Shame. You went down in my books and in the books of many. When i saw you on stage I really thought you were a lady of class but aparently you are not because you would have never belittle yourself so by concorting such a story on Monnell, Keep your head up monelle. Labour not getting my vote no more. Am a lady .

    • ummmmm
      May 23, 2014

      ok West coast i seee what you doing……i am 100% sure the young lady who went up for miss dominica has nothing to do with this. So allu like to dirty people name!!!! dont worry with them my dear just do your job and let them talk. You west coast more stupid to believe that nonsense. Now attack the young lady because monel not giving allu the full story.

    • ?
      May 23, 2014

      @West Coast Ha! Ha! Ha! Some of them really believe that it is just Skerrit alone IRRESPECTIVE OF HIS GROSS INCOMPETENCE, that will be in charge. They better ask him to tell them, THE TYPE OF PRESSURE HE IS UNDER. He cannot survive it this time around.
      Monnel darling, you will make it ten fold.
      you are a brave and strong young lady.

  20. cool
    May 23, 2014

    monell if you believe you were a victim of political victimization i suggest that you take legal action against the people/company that victimized you God forbid that they do it to someone else. however if you decide to do nothing about it it tells me that there is more that you are not telling us.why would you brush aside something that is life changing for you without putting up any resistance?why?there is more to the story than you are telling us.

      May 23, 2014

      Totally agree.

    • C'est sa meme
      May 23, 2014

      Why should she waste her time anyway ? We all know how the courts deals with most matters where people go up against the government or friends of the the Labar party !

    • just saying
      May 23, 2014

      some things don’t need to be defended. There is a higher power. Time will tell

  21. GoBeckMore
    May 23, 2014

    Monelle knows her situation so I would think that she would take extra precaution if she wanted to keep her job. For example, target to be 15 minutes early. I believe Monelle wanted to focus on her political campaign and would have left in short time anyway. She believes that ending like this would propel her candidacy and financial situation. She will be fine and she knows it.

  22. May 23, 2014

    Hello and good morning my people. Well base on the article it seems to me that the company was looking for a reason to dismiss Ms Williams . The Government probably gave the company good tax incentives to operate in Dominica therefore they don’t want an employee running for office with the opposition party so they needed a reason to terminate Ms Williams. We must understand how politics work because its a very dirty business.

    • May 25, 2014

      Hello and good afternoon my people. I see I received twenty three Thumbs Down but I would rather you attached your displeasure to my post . I am quite capable of answering and supporting my positions. Don’t you all remember the debate when this company decided to locate to Dominica and the Government provided tax brakes to the company . It’s seems like my people have a short memory or they just want to disregard the facts that don’t fit their agenda.

    May 23, 2014

    everybody should start walking into clear harbor 58 sec late
    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
    And Monelle damn well know after walking in 58 sec late she got to put her bag in position and turn on her computer and log on so i believe she started at least 10 mins late

  24. Sane
    May 23, 2014

    Monelle not Moselle

  25. Tall is her body
    May 22, 2014

    She’s in the company of two lawyers J.F and R.C, who should be qualified to give her sound advice. Why ins’t she asking for it? That’s the question to ask? Or does she want to really use victimization or unemployment to gain sympathy?

  26. Gigg-la
    May 22, 2014

    When Rosevelt worked at the DSC he mostly use his time to engage his students in politics, no one took bread from him, today as the leader of the country the person who should be most wanting to see his people employed, he boost as often as he gets a chance about people with oppossing views who cant find a job as if he makes it his priority to make sure these people stay unemployed. so here is another one to add to your list sir.

  27. A Doubting Thomas
    May 22, 2014

    In all this talk, I must congratulate the Government of Dominica once again for Very Good Air Access in Dominica.

    We are so quick to blame the government so when we see something good, we must also show it and make our citizens aware, right DNO?

    For someone on the spur of the moment to decide, I have no care in the world; I am going on a trip, just as you and I would get into our vehicle and drive along the E.O. Leblanc Highway enjoying the scenery and going to clear your head; you can actually board a plane on a moment noticeand get a flight out; that is the international way of doing things. Dominique Do!!

    We must give the Government and LIAT or what other Airline their flowers we do not have to plan a trip in advance, that we can leave Dominica at anytime come back late at night or whenever we feel like and not even making emergency flight plants? Boy, Dominica is almost First World in travel. That is very good for Dominica.

    I also congratulate the UWP; every disappointment is a blessing as it continues to show us that, regardless of what they say or try to do. Labour is working; the CHANGE is already here. Up the Next Level with the DLP Administration. Forward we go..

    Even if the UWP had a private plan, it almost look like they did; they would need the airport to fly from. So Dominicans especially the DLP supporters Your Government is working. The CHANGE is already here. Why mess with a good thing. See if DNO post that early, the UWP might try to effect a flight delay to avoid noting the credit they have already given to air access. Too late, it is a done deal.

    Thanks UWP.

  28. Chikungunya
    May 22, 2014

    Eh be where ppl

  29. FIL
    May 22, 2014

    Monele knows why she was fired no company would like an employee to sue them for wrongful termination. God knows the truth. Its so strange that someone was fired today and next day compayning.

  30. Rope
    May 22, 2014

    If you were wrongfully dismissed, then what a good opportunity to challenge your dismissal in Court. You can get BIG money from your former employer. Uncle Sam and Uncle Obama dollars. Well needed monies for the political campaign. Giselle, Prevost and the Women Organisation should take that up.

  31. Chikungunya
    May 22, 2014

    I am truly sorry that Ms. Williams has lost her job especially as she has a family to feed.
    However, I find it strange that a reputable company would fire Ms. Williams just being a few seconds late and even stranger, after just one occasion being late. But strangest still, late as it were, the UWP leader could fly her to St Maarten to address the forum there.

    Hmmm…. Do I smell a rat! Was this a ploy to gain political mileage or to gain sympathy? This I find is political Prostitution and Political Victimization.

    If politically victimized as alleged, then Williams should pursue the matter in the Court. This would better find justice for this alleged injustice as well as help her co-workers whom she has left behind.

    As my 3 year old always prays, God is listening. He knows our hearts, our motives and our agendas. Dominicans, stop belittling a government or individual without knowing the whole truth.

    God is the final judge and he always tells the truth!

  32. Oh oh
    May 22, 2014

    There is just something about this woman. She is a power to be reckon with. She is not even parliamentarian as yet, yet she is commanding the news to pay attention to her. I pray to God that I live to see that your Status rise to such that Dominica will celebrate you. Dominica will listen to you when you speak because you will command a listening ear. This same Monelle will rise and Dominicans will celebrate you.

  33. May 22, 2014

    as soon as brown lost , he was given a job, i am confident that a job is awaiting Thomson fountain as soon as he is confirmed beaten.

  34. May 22, 2014

    UWP in St Martin they going to Tortola next talking to Dominicans over there they are all about talking down Skerrit election gemic they will be at the east end community center I’m going to listen to them closely my friend will record them for me. I’ll live

  35. sweety
    May 22, 2014

    Don’t worry Monelle, you will soon be the parliamentary representative for St. Joe. Your time is fast approaching. All those who are laughing at u now, will be crying very soon.

    • Simply the Truth
      May 22, 2014

      There is a time to laugh and a time not to laugh. This is not one of it, to laugh. No one should be laughing. She was fired, is out of a job and has a family to feed. The job was her daily bread.
      I do not see why anyone should laugh. If they do, they lack compassion. They should place themselves in her position. What if it were they how would they feel? It is not something that people should laugh at.

  36. A Voice
    May 22, 2014

    Well this is a very telling situation there.

    If the young lady was fired because of political victimization then it tells a lot about the governing party and their hold and intrusion into every aspect of Dominican’s lives.

    If however, the young lady was fired because of her own doing then it tells a lot about her preparedness and maturity to hold down a very important and responsible government office.

    This is a really telling situation there boy… do tell somebody, do tell.

  37. Informant
    May 22, 2014

    I honestly do not believe this was politically motivated. I believe that there are some things Monelle isn’t telling. Employees have rights so if she is terminated without just cause she would have legal options, so there must be more to this story.

    • Anonymous
      May 23, 2014

      Legal what you say!!! In where you say ?? Dominica ?? A joke that man . You all country have no law . You people are a joke in this Dominica . Folks killing and getting out Scott free , folks raping and getting a slap on the risk and you think that lady will get any justice . Ha ha Dominicans are funny . But I do respect your views :-P

      • Anonymous
        May 24, 2014

        Whoop whoop U W P fans rise above hate the time will tell

    • May 23, 2014

      Mr.Linton get all the facts from both parties before you a drawn into the politic of it all remember you have a couintry to run I know that you will be concerned about what happen to Ms.Williamsr but dont take it out of context dont allow yourself to go down to the dirty bin with those that support the other side DLP , Miss Williams said she will not persue the matter dont do it either respect her wishes she now can give her village her full attention and I hope St.Joseph people give her full support to win. I ask that you practise what you preach focus on winning the next election so that all the changes we need will come thru.

  38. Francisco Telemaque
    May 22, 2014

    “It appears Williams is not prepared to take the matter further. “For me I will leave that alone,” she stated. “I am called for a purpose, so there is no mistake and or tragedy with God, so this was not a mistake.”

    If you volunteer forfeiting your rights, that will encourage that company to continue politically victimized our citizens. They have now interfered into our local political affairs, I do not believe that’s what they are in Dominica to do. Fifty-eight (58 ) seconds could mean the damn clock could be wrong too.

    I believe the company has willfully, and deliberately victimized you with intentional malice, and they should be held accountable in the a court of law. Its one thing to believe in God, but even God said he help those who help themselves, he also cautioned us to be wise like a serpent, and be harmless like a dove.

    We also know there were times when he told the children of Israel they should fight, and I believe you are within your rights to fight for your rights. Because you are in politics, does not give any company, local or foreign to violate your rights!

    Unless you were talking politics, on the job, or causing some distraction in anyway, your dismal is “a wrongful dismissal!”

    Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

    • Anonymous
      May 22, 2014

      Monelle need not be distracted by court proceedings at this time, Nothing should detract her now from her goal to be parliamentary representative of St. Joseph.

    • Simply the Truth
      May 22, 2014

      There are some business owners and management who take advantage of employees. If what they did was wrong by firing her, one day they will pay for it. A consolation, nothing lasts forever. There is a God above.

    • UWP?
      May 23, 2014

      Francisco, lets be for real. This woman is now a politician and if she cannot stand up for her rights, can she stand up for mine? I am lead to believe that there is much more to the story. To characterize it as political victimization, or the company is involving in our island politics is jumping the gun. I think that there is a lot more to this firing of the young lady. The company chooses not to give the information and the young lady chooses not to take the matter further. This serves as a benefit for her and her political career. Lets hope that it doesn’t all get out for her good.

  39. former ch employee
    May 22, 2014

    Omg monelle you serious! Stop lying to the Dominican population that doesn’t know about CH for one they are not going to fire you for one instance you know you have to get verbal and written warning they didn’t fire for 58 secs if so take them to court secondly you monelle talking about you being in the building is nonsense cause you monelle tell agents already it doesn’t matter if you in the building once you not at your station so sweetie you wasn’t ready to start work at the stipulated time I think its very sad the picture you trying to paint about CH I don’t even care about all the politics nonsense but you need to stop with that nonsense I can see how you want to spin the story to suit you but not at the expense of CH for somebody that was part of management you should know better you should know where these things lead getting back yo clients then what will happen clients will not want to be associated with the negativity and pull their account you thinking of yourself if you so for the people think of the impact it will have when clients start to pull out

    • Anonymous
      May 23, 2014

      I totally Agree… I was a past CH employee myself. And they aren’t just gona say hey u got here At 1:58 u’re fired! That’s not how it’s done! So stop lying to the public. I’m not into politics but is this the image u want to put out for the people whose votes u want? If u can lie for this what else are u going to lie about… No mare say ‘monelle for UWP I going to fire her’ o plz chick Obama that going up in D/ca nuh?

    • Francisco Telemaque
      May 23, 2014

      With stupid attitude like yours, people will always come to our country and trample on our peoples’ right.

      Indeed we need foreign investments, nevertheless, we should never allow our people to be abused, and disrespected and treated in the way they treat this lady. How can you come on DNO, and call this lady a lire?

      Yesterday, some of you said wait until she explains what happened, today she gave here side of the story, and here you are talking crap about how she lie. To my mind and imagination she was politically victimized by that company, the owner in dabbling in Dominica politics, and that is what you should be concerned about, rather than calling someone a liar when you do not know what the hell you are talking about.

      Firing her might be the best thing they have done in order to help her dethrone the labor party candidate in St. Joseph. Again I will say if they fired her for been 58 minuets late, while she was in the building, slavery has returned to Dominica, because people have the right to go into the bathroom and relive themselves.

      Could it be she went in five minuets early, and went into the bathroom to defecate, or our urinate, and in the process she took 58 seconds longer than she anticipated? I believe without any doubt in my mind that they wonted to get rid of her because of her political affiliations. Her firing is a warning to the rest of the employees, it is a statement if you ………….. you will be fired also. Fill in the blanks I do not want to say it!

      Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

      • UWP?
        May 23, 2014

        This person may know the workings of the company more that you or me. To say they are talking nonsense and you the one with sense is a bit rude. I understand you got your political allegiance but I have read some of your article where you are more objective. If the company was wrong, this young lady has all the means to tackle this issue. She refuses to. What does that say for a politician?

    • Tri-State Beauty
      May 23, 2014

      @ former ch employee…”somebody that was part of management you should know better you should know where these things lead getting back yo clients then what will happen clients will not want to be associated with the negativity and pull their account you thinking of yourself…”

      Why is it Monelle’s or any one who has been terminated responsibility to portray Clear Harbour in a positive light less clients pull their accounts? Why the hell should she or anyone else be bothered about CH image and perceived reputation?

      FYI ONLY CH and those who have an interest in CH are charged with that burden. I’m yet to hear Monelle make a negative statement re CH, so what exactly are you gripping about? Monelle owes nothing to CH, she took a principled decision to say nothing that is enough.Their image and clients pulling accounts is none of her business. So many negative things have been said about this place in the past, why Monelle who has said nothing becomes your target? In the US when major companies fire/lay-off personnel they often get the police to escort them out, you know why because they fear retaliation and sabotage. Clear Harbour owes Monelle nothing and likewise she owes them no damn loyalty, neither does anyone else who has been laid off or fired. What is wrong with you people in 2014, always looking for a sacrificial lamb to polish your path?

      • May 25, 2014

        Tri State Beauty.

        Hello and good afternoon my people. First I agree with you. Now I have tried to understand the mind set of our people in the way they think but it’s a difficult task. Many of our people don’t understand how the real/ advance World works so don’t get a headache trying to figure them out.

    • May 23, 2014

      Former CH Employee.

      Hello and good morning my people. You are standing by the company but you are a former employee so please tell us why you no longer work there. I hope you left and start your own business. I am not an English Major but please stop using run on sentences. Thanks.

      • May 23, 2014

        You are so very right because I cannot understand a thing she is trying to say.Can anyone tell me what CH IS all about?

    • icepop
      May 23, 2014

      OMG former employee – if Monelle had decided on a legal challenge then the compny and its clients would get publicity either negativey or otherwise – therefore Monelle decision not to pursue the matter is more in the interest of the company since they will be spared public scutiny and disclosure in the courts.

  40. Anonymous
    May 22, 2014

    maybe now she can go to the red clinic on Wednesdays 925 stand in line like everybody else

    • Simply the Truth
      May 22, 2014

      Employees who have worked for 3 months and over and who contributed to an employment insurance (E.I.) should be entitled to an unemployment insurance. Does D/ca not have this system?
      The employer contributes a certain percentage; likewise employees. This is deducted from employees income . If D/ca does not have that system, the government should establish it.

      • May 23, 2014

        I am a federal employee and they do not pay unemployment for me.I am a 9 month employee of a federal program and no E.I is paid for me.I am on my own for 3months

  41. though upset
    May 22, 2014

    God will protect you my dear lady. Put the wicked people under you feet. God is the avenger so smile and keep your head up.

    • Reader
      May 22, 2014

      you sound like the pastor wife . The one who celebrated his 50th birthday in red and had members pay for it lo

      • though upset
        May 25, 2014

        I shall leave u in the hand of the Father.

    • UWP?
      May 23, 2014

      But she said that it was God’s plan. If she is correct why are the people wicked?

  42. though upset
    May 22, 2014

    but wait…..all those persons that speaking about punctuality, productivity and all that I wonder if they are always punctual to work and always do what they are suppose to do at work. watch your habits before you come and speak about others. Some public servants always calling in sick….

    and all of you that happy and rejoicing in the termination of the lady watch yourself and your children too. wicked people.

    • Simply the Truth
      May 22, 2014

      Careful what you say as well! There are some things you may not know about. Apparently this is one of them. It depends with whom they are employed. Some employees are entitled to annual, casual sick days. It may be one day a month and depends on the length of service. Government employees fall into this category. They are not to exceed the number of annual casual sick days.
      This does not mean they should take them but some do take advantage of them because if they do not take them, they may lose them.
      In some cases, those sick days could be accumulative. They may get some extra dollars when they retire.
      If they are entitled to those sick days and they do not take them and leave the establishment they may also benefit from it in pay.

      • Real Dominican
        May 23, 2014

        We all know how the sick policy goes so no need to explain and show off on your HR competency.
        Dominicans working in the public sector are the most unethical, unproductive and uncouth set of people in the workplace I have ever come accross in my entire career.
        I have witnessed it on numerous occassions and all I do is shake my head because it makes me want to vomit! They come to work whatever time they wish, leave at 4PM on the dot, take lunch breaks longer than 1HR and laugh as loud as they wish to during normal working hours. When they move to the US, they get a rude awakening because they are forced to learn productivity and time management skills otherwise, you may hit the door knob with a pink slip!
        All of you hitting on Monell, I’m pretty sure you don’t know what went down, so why don’t you do all of us a favor and mind your own business.

    • Intellect
      May 23, 2014

      That’s not the point. They were not fired for it, and if they were most likely nobody would give a rats behind. And they would know better than to come out in the public with twisted truths trying to look like a victim.

  43. Algérie
    May 22, 2014

    She is not being forthcoming and that is a fact. Why is this even news?

  44. New jersey
    May 22, 2014

    But what did the pm mean when he said Monelle has one FOOT in and one FOOT OUT can come one explain please

    • May 23, 2014

      Dominicams stop being so distructive you are hurting your own selves and the Island, the PM made a statement that you all should call on him to explain of cause he will not do it but that should be the talk because of the out come at the moment, ask yourself did he knew in advance what was about to happen and why should he be involved in the running of a private company personal procedures. Those are the questions we should all be asking and stop the personal attacks.
      Ms.Williams every disappointment is a blessing God is in control.
      I still believe my people knows right from wrong but they allow PM to continue disresecting them we have to stop it.

      May 26, 2014

      @ New Jersey, half of Monelle relatives are Labourites and the other half is UWP thats what he meant.

  45. Anonymous
    May 22, 2014

    Take responsibility for your own actions , be honest .

  46. A Doubting Thomas
    May 22, 2014

    Let me see if I truly understand the situation; someone is fired because they are 58 seconds late for the first and only time they are late. And a very good and productive employee.

    Okay, I got it.

    Do I believe it? Now that is a definitely a different question.

  47. wait a minute
    May 22, 2014

    OK let me add my two cents. First of all 2 seconds late is already too much. In dominica we have a poor work ethics. U think those people job is ur own? even if u were in the building at one but was not doing the peoples work that is a cause for termination. In the US, they dont have time to sympathize with u. Since u do the work u r being paid for. There r thousands of applications that come in every day n u there coming in wen u want, taking sick leave wen u want and even doing wat u want on those plp time n think politics has something to do with that? I was feelling sorry for u but after ur statement i realized that u r just another statistic of plp that do what they want on the job. n d lenox there saying is victimization?

    • May 23, 2014

      We not in the US .we in DA

      • wait a minute
        May 24, 2014

        its a US company and has US clients. So the same work ethics policy applies. some of u ZOR DOMINICHEN TRO LAZY AND THINK PEOPLE OWE ALLU A JOB.

    May 22, 2014

    While some worrying about the WOMAN and her lies, D woman in St Maarten running politic 58 seconds after she got fired.

  49. Doc. Love
    May 22, 2014

    Even a deaf, dumb, or blind man knows that was political victimization to the max. Don’t forget she was brutally savaged by Regie. In referring to employment in Dominica, don’t forget Skeritt said she was fifty, fifty, I assumed he was referring to her job. I also understood this to mean, she had fifty percent of her foot inside the door and fifty percent of her foot out of the door. She has grown to be politically popular and powerful since then, therefore, it is my opinion, the fifty percent of her foot out of the door has taken effect.

      May 26, 2014

      No it was not the job. Her relatives fifty percent LABOUR and the others fifty percent UWP, thats what he meant.

  50. ............
    May 22, 2014

    she swiped in at 1 o clock and 58 seconds…. which means she only just entered the building. she still have to go to her workstation, get her computer on and then CLOCK IN to start work… which might take a couple extra min… or maybe I’m wrong. just an observation.. but still sorry to hear she lost her job, never a nice feeling

  51. Bouble B
    May 22, 2014

    But Monelle is a happy young lady she just lost her job and she was able to take her own money buy I ticket and go to St Martin for one night just to cry.
    Lennox cannot say is not she that pay d passage because he told us that every member is responsible for paying there travel and accommodation. So people y feel sorry for Monelle, D woman have money.

  52. stupes
    May 22, 2014

    You people make politics get you too excited. Monelle was fired. Of course the UWP should seek to make political mileage out of this. Do you think the DLP would have passed up such a golden opportunity?

    On one side you have Tony, Lennox etc making outlandish claims every next level show. Are they called out on their high level of bs and spin? No!

    Do you think is only DLP people that can or should spin?

    Whether or not the PM played a part in monelle’s firing the UWP should keep the pressure up. They didn’t make the rules. Ask Tony, Lennox, Simeon, Mammy etc about that.

  53. Just
    May 22, 2014

    Everyone has their day… so keep rejoicing ppl

    May 22, 2014

    everybody should start walking into clear harbor 58 sec late
    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
    And Monelle damn well know after walking in 58 sec late she got to put her bag in position and turn on her computer and log on so i believe she started at least 10 mins late

  55. Mouche Miel
    May 22, 2014

    kawat Roseau- I now baptize you-Back Man Turn Overdrive.
    I though of ur name, do U happen to live in Canada?Originally from behind SMA by the back entry to the former governor’s house where governor cake ran thru after eating the governor’s cake only to be repeated by an elected official of the DLP only this time it was President wine?lol

  56. Anonymous
    May 22, 2014

    Please make the termination letter public!
    Let us decide if it was political. if you serious do it Monelle Williams

    • King Lion
      May 22, 2014

      The letter is private.

    • Anonymous
      May 22, 2014

      will it say is not politics? no

      • Tall is her body
        May 22, 2014

        No it won’t say, but the wording tells a lot!

      • past ch employee
        May 23, 2014

        No it wil not but it will say that following ur 1st written warning u came late x amount of times and give u the days.. who is monelle trying o fool?

  57. TrueFacts
    May 22, 2014

    While were here arguing and talking this chikungunya virus has taken over the Caribbean and once this reaches an American news you know this is really bad so talk still take care of yourselves and stop looking at others http://news.msn.com/in-depth/painful-and-rapid-spread-of-new-virus-in-caribbean

    • ()
      May 22, 2014

      @TrueFacts You are the number one breeder of the mosquito which spreads it.. Go keep your surroundings clean. The old tyres i have been warning you about there, THROW THEN, Cover the old barrel you have with the stagnant water just infront of the step there. You are selling coconuts to us, and you just throwing the shell away . Water collects in them and this encouraging breeding ot the mosquito which carries chikungunya..,.
      Love you monnel. WHO JAH BLESS. NO CHIKUNGUNYA can curse.
      One door is closed a better will be opened soon.
      REMOVE THE BEAM FROM YOUR RED EYES, then the mote from mine.

      • Simply the Truth
        May 22, 2014

        Some of you make me laugh. :lol: Do you know this person? A little mapwee? :lol:

    • wondering
      May 23, 2014

      I agree with you 100% Dominicans are just talking and not taking action to diminish the spread of this virus. Seems like everyone is sitting there waiting for it to affect so they can give a story of thieir experience.. Just to give this disease the praise and acclaim it dont deserve.
      Fight this disease people.. Let’s pray against this plague and build your immune systems..Drink granny’s bush teas, Ginger tea and garlic and all the other local herbs we have right here.

  58. stjoe
    May 22, 2014

    i dont understand lennox and the others,so are u telling me that all the other employees at clear harbour who were fired were victimized?so why should monell think she can be on sick leave and be in her dirty politics

    • stjoe
      May 22, 2014

      @stjoe Lennox ids dead right. I myself believe it is purely political.
      Can’t you remember Skerrit said she was “half half,” with respect to her job? ELECTION DAY IS COMING!

      • DANZIGER
        May 26, 2014

        You lie it was not the job. Her relatives fifty percent Labour and fifty percent UWP, thats what he meant by half and half.

    • Anonymous
      May 22, 2014

      were the others running for public office? no……Mr. Linton is right, victimization to the max!

    • Anonymous
      May 22, 2014

      educate yourself with the laws of your country. when one is on sick leave this does not mean they cant go out in public.

  59. interesting
    May 22, 2014

    Ms Williams said: “ . . they found that the 58 seconds was ground enough to terminate me.”
    It is not believable that she was fired for being 58 seconds late.
    The fact that she is going to ” . . leave that alone” probably indicates that she would rather the public doesn’t know why she was fired.
    Maybe the best Monelle and UWP can get out of this (unfortunate) situation is a barrage of accusations of Political Victimization against the DLP Government.

  60. JR
    May 22, 2014

    Every disappointment is a blessing Monelle. Put your faith in God.

  61. Anonymous
    May 22, 2014

    seems like Dominicans don’t know there labour laws. there is no way they could terminate the young lady without warning her first.my heart goes out to her and her family but I rubbish the claim that the pm had something to do with that. if I’m wrong make the termination letter public for all to see

    • Simply the Truth
      May 22, 2014

      Sometimes a first and second warning. Then three strikes and you are out.
      The termination letter and reason will not be made public. Reason being, it is a company matter, between them and the employee. If she takes them to Court, it will be a different matter.

  62. ParoInRoseau
    May 22, 2014

    Monell acting like it’s the end of the world. You lose your job and is still able to travel with your other party members and talk. So many people get fired or laid off. You won’t be the first or last.

  63. just saying
    May 22, 2014

    with all that monell has yet to tell us why they fired her.what was the reason that they gave you?

    • interesting
      May 22, 2014

      Maybe she did:
      “they found that the 58 seconds was ground enough to terminate me.”
      Obviously, she shouldn’t expect sensible people to believe that.

    • May 22, 2014

      Just she said that because she was 58 sec late come on :?:

  64. Watcher
    May 22, 2014

    “Over the years, we have seen a number of political operatives from other political parties who have been able to pursue their political dreams without hindrance and victimization,” he stated. Mr. Linton must go tell that to Jeff Scotland, Johnson Jno. Rose, Velma Paul, Rupert Sorhaindo among a litany of other victims. Papy, Pestaina, Michael Astaphans etc can lay claim that they will espouse the principles of good governance. BUT the UWP cannot in any way come anywhere close to being a good government for Dominica.

  65. Anonymous
    May 22, 2014

    Monelle who???? Can’t political parties here get better candidates to enter politics??? If this lady can’t take her jib seriously, is it people she will be able to represent in parliament? Or is it another sympathy-seeking stunt to get people to feel sorry for her to vote her in. Either way, I don’t think the St. joe people in their right senses will vote for this woman.

    • May 22, 2014

      well said but the word you are looking for is JOB not JIB

    • Anonymous
      May 22, 2014

      I wonder who you are? Miss. Williams is a young lady who wants better for her village and by extension her country.
      What contributions are you making?

      • May 25, 2014

        when you are in management you should lead by example. Monelle should know better, she should be wise and know after many warnings she would more likely to get sacked. if she can’t figure that out for herself what better can she do for her village or the country.
        oh just a little advise before you post a comment complete your spell check

    • Not a herd follower
      May 22, 2014

      You have no feelings and you are a ”small-minded” person. Monelle is much more than you. She will triumph gloriously. Put that in your pipe and smoke it!

    • Simply the Truth
      May 22, 2014

      It does not matter what Party you support. You should not make such a comment. You have not heard her side of the story. For now, give her the benefit of the doubt and cease your accusation and judgment.

  66. Senjo Massive
    May 22, 2014

    The trip we gave her hurting your heart pal. After all u pay people to do the dirty work all you thought she would sit in a corner crying and begging. We are a family. We the OPPOSITION members are a family. We know all the dirty tricks you all are planning but the good Lord has already placed a hedge of protection around us with his precious blood. yes we will feel the pain we are human but we will NOT stay down. So Monnell not shall not stay down. Oh NO So we send a ticket for her. Life goes on this to shall pass. Her kids will eat. when we eat stake they will eat stake when we eat shrimps they will eat shrimps. So check your self and your kids.

    • St. Joe new voter
      May 22, 2014

      They are trying to stop her but I will tell them Jah will continue to protect his children because he says lay your burdens on me and I will give you peace of mind, rest and love.
      Monell will not be the first because there are many others because of their political affiliations were victimized. that is a fact. As human beings we need to put aside party because imagine having to receive a letter 9:30 pm? Where is human aspect of these people? I know for a fact that it was simply politics. Dominicans there is that saying” when your friends beard is catching fire, water yours.” Dominicans take heed!! Change is really a must!!

  67. wild
    May 22, 2014

    “At about 9:37 pm, way past the time you fire people … late evening … my employment at Clear Habour was terminated,” she said. “I swiped in at 1 o’clock and 58 seconds, so it means that I was in the building. However they found that the 58 seconds was ground enough to terminate me.”…… Miss Monel should try to stick to the truth any serious employer reading this would laugh. Nowhere in the civilised world can a worker be terminated for arriving 58 seconds late for work (perhaps the 58 seconds broke the camel’s back). If Miss Monel and her party wants to make this a political issue they should give all the facts leading up to her termination.

    • May 22, 2014

      I worked as a school teacher in DA.I was supposed to be at work at 9:50am for the latest. If I clocked in (signed in at 9:51am, I had to give a reason why i was late and this did not go down well with my principal or the education officer for the district.

      Why is skerrit paying people to work for a US based company.They take all the profit and run to the U.S with it.

    May 22, 2014

    I would like to ask my fellow Dominicans with a brain in their heads if this is a political stunt who does it benefit and if you know the answer to that question i damn well believe the party that have a hand to play in it knew their benefits also.

    So lets see if is Labour or UWP that will be using this news on their political platform to gain votes.

    I had my hearts out 4 Monelle when i heard the news cause i know she got kids then i stopped n think, doesn’t she know she got kids to cause instead she run n look 4 another job to feed her kids she run SXM (St Martin) to talk politics, so i was like WOW if she don’t care why the hell should i

    • May 22, 2014

      Now that she is not working she could go.How do you get a job the very next day you were fired from one?Use your brains sa quwa sort

  69. sue
    May 22, 2014

    Skerritt did not fire this young lady… If she is not productive ,like any employee she would be fired.Stop making things political. It was a waste of time to come to St.maarten. We all know that Dominica has come a long way and the Government is working because i am in Dominica very often.
    Keep up the good work Skeritt.

    All the labourites in St.Maarten.

    • $51K tax error
      May 22, 2014

      @ sue, If according to you, A. we all know the government is working B. Dominica has come a long way and 3. You know all the above because you come to Dominica very often, then why don’t you change your status from “Coming often” to a resident of Dominica? Why not sell what you have in SM and move to Dominica, where the government is working?

    • ...
      May 22, 2014

      If Skerrit is doing so well here…why don’t you come home. You people want to stay overseas and tell to us what is happening here!!!!

      • Intellect
        May 22, 2014

        haha you say all this but you guys are spending campaign money you don’t have to go and talk to those same people you telling come home or shut up. Workers pas feb.

    • Anonymous
      May 22, 2014

      I hope you are always productive for the salary you receive

    • St. Joe new voter
      May 22, 2014

      @Sue: Please do not Dominica often but come and leave there and I am sure you will change your mind on this corrupt Government. A man who did have a bicycle is now the Richest leader in the OECS. Tell me what do you think?

      • listener
        May 23, 2014

        @ St joe new voter, just an advise stop looking at what others have and try to make something of your self

    • its time
      May 22, 2014

      you should not be coming to leave you must move back to stay and do business that way you can give some young people jobs.i can your one of the DOM – IN -CANS out there that just think of you and just you

  70. Patricia
    May 22, 2014

    I am confused about the following situations in Dominica.

    1. Is Dominica’s relationship with the USA divided on political party lines these days?

    2. Are Dominicans from the Diaspora willingly approaching the USA Federal Administration for political assistance to get rid of Roosevelt Skerrit and the DLP? What are the sudden new rules that are being imposed in the US Virgin Islands against persons with dual citizenship that senior members of the UWP are all happy about?

    3. Is it true that a US company has literally bankrupted a local company to get at the DLP Government because PM Skerrit made Dominica a member of ALBA?

    4. Is it true that other petrol and propane companies in Dominica wants to see the back of Petro Caribe ?

    5. Did an opposition political party loose favor with a big US employment business in Dominica when attempts were made to reduce the number of young employees from Canefield, Mahaut, Roseau, St. Joseph, Jimmit, and Roseau Valley because it was thought elections would have been in the summer of 2013 and that the DLP would loose these seats where these young people reside?

    6. Is it true that a number of US companies would like to be the providers of Geothermal Power to Dominica and not allow National Ownership?

    • $51K tax error
      May 22, 2014

      @ Patricia, since you seem to know so much about the USA and Dominica, and DNO is not blocking you, let me ask you about something I have been confused about: Is it true that Skerrit has shares in Clear Harbor? I have been trying to ask but DNO blocking me. So since they not blocking your questions I deeply seek your assistance.

      • Anonymous
        May 22, 2014

        Thedree…. You very rite about that they no what they doing that’s why we need a change

    • Anonymous
      May 22, 2014

      Very interesting questions. Can you provide the answers? Enquiry minds want to know.

      • UWP?
        May 23, 2014

        The answer is NO. You can check it out for yourself.

    • Say What??
      May 22, 2014

      Well papa that is questions for the Next Level Show to answer for us we pal. CIA must be interfering in Dominica’s internal affairs. All DLP man and woman better check their computer, modem, router and cell phone. Me dat is Skerrit I would even have satellite phone from China just to make sure dem fellas cannot hack into my e-mails

    • St. Joe new voter
      May 23, 2014

      @LISTERNER: I have made something of myself but is the legal way. That is the problem we have in this country because what was once wrong has now turned RIGHT. You people stop playing politics and stop damaging this country.
      How can you justify and man who says he is building a 400,000 dollar house and only to find it is worth 2 Million? How do you explain the bin and fertilizer Bobol? How do you explain the Villas? and Finally how can a man say he is not a holder of a french passport and refuses to bring it to court? Why could he not do like Obama and show his passport to the public? Please I am asking you to respond to those questions!!!

  71. Clinb we Climbing
    May 22, 2014

    Monelle my dear, This is a blessing in disguise. This just allows you more time to reach out to the people of Dominica. Now you can lock down your St. Joe seat and then start helping our other seats like Colihaut, and Cottage. We want those seats. Team Dominica all the way.

    • wild
      May 22, 2014

      @Clinb we Climbing, perhaps you did not hear, but she is very much unemployed. So dream on

      • i'm back
        May 22, 2014

        and that suppose to be a thing to smile about.

    • Anonymous
      May 22, 2014

      If you want those seats, then go for it! Who’s holding you back?

    • May 22, 2014

      Let me know early when is election so I can be home to vote.I have never voted LABAR.I will be home next year GOd’s willing.

  72. Don't sleep tonight
    May 22, 2014

    Skerrit give toilet so give us sinks lol :mrgreen:

  73. Don't sleep tonight
    May 22, 2014

    So what about those people allu just pass straight and not want to acknowledge what is that called? Lol yes it’s say for her she especially when kids are involved but she’s not the only one like that in DA.

    • Don't sleep tonight
      May 22, 2014

      Yes it’s sad for her

      May 22, 2014

      true that

  74. lol
    May 22, 2014

    So most of you are saying even the ‘highly educated’ Mr Lennox Linton that Skerritt had a hand to play in this. I mean I am not in agreement with our ‘dear’ prime minister just as much as anyone else but to think he has the power to fire someone from a private company that he has no real business with or shares in is just beyond ridiculous. That like devout Christians bumping their toe and blaming the devil. You are giving the devil way too much credit when it could be God wanting you to look down and find that $100 bill that went missing. Get real people. Stop this political madness and blaming Skerritt for everything.

    • just asking
      May 22, 2014

      if monell wasn’t a political candidate. would anyone care if she was fired?

    • JoJo
      May 22, 2014

      No, Roosevelt Skerrit could not fire anyone directly working for Clear Harbor but he can use pressure on them because they receive concessions from Govt and he decides, who get concessions or not. hat is the power he has and the power he loves.

      • smh
        May 22, 2014

        Cabinet decides not Skerrit. In addition what would he gain by playing hardball with CH, when CH can simply pull out of Dominica and set up somewhere else? They already have established in Grenada, what stopping them from leaving hundreds of locals jobless like how they did in St. Kitts. If anything Skerrit/the gov’t should do everything they can to assist the company in order to increase employment. The ball is in their court. not Skerrit’s or the govt’s.

      • Tall is her body
        May 22, 2014

        But would the PM want Clear Harbor to pull out of DA? Does that make sense? Where does concessions comes into the PM wanting CH stay in DA. Geesh!

    • !!!!!
      May 22, 2014

      Obviously you are a member of DLP camp and have no idea what the opposition supporters are experiencing. Put yourself in our shoes for once and you will understand what power and vindictiveness can do!!!

    • May 22, 2014

      He pays the wages of people working there.Didnt you know that.

    • Silly
      May 22, 2014

      Show me Skerrit degree!!!! He got none….. YOu blind….. We know Linton does not have, he said so but Skerrit lied and said he had but he has none. GO DO YOUR RESEARCH!!! Just a set of dumb people.

      • cap
        May 23, 2014

        @ silly, go to the website of the University Skeritt attended and you will get the facts, not that you will believe, because it will not be the same information which has been fed to you by the likes of Angelo Allen and others.

  75. $51K tax error
    May 22, 2014

    But Mr. Linton, as a very well qualified Investigative Journalist, you should have known that for Monelle to work for Clear Harbor was as unstable as working at those Villas. Is mem bet mem pwell policy.

    • Esther
      May 22, 2014

      Oh please 51K Tax error reveal your real name. Funny there’s a prominent person on facebook using that exact name. All I will say is carry on. Change is a MUST.

      • $51K tax error
        May 22, 2014

        @ Esther, I am not on face book and do not even know how to get there. I agree with you 100% that “Change is a MUST and I add, if not Dominica finish. I was just speaking in tongues here because of my knowledge of DNO. But I was just technically telling Lennox to use his skills to investigate whether it is true that the PM has shares in Clear Habor, as I have been hearing in the NY area.

  76. .
    May 22, 2014

    Please make the termination letter public!
    Let us decide if it was political.

  77. May 22, 2014

    please I agree with you 100%. There are three public officers in my department that are late every day, they come in to work all 8.30 9.00 anytime they want. One of them send sick leave ever so often, but is always seen all over town. The supervisor once talked to her and she bring the supervisor name to all ministers. Those days there are a lot of crazy things going on in the public service, and no one talks because they afraid of victimization. Lord help us all!!!

  78. May 22, 2014

    Please CPO put in measures to fire those public officers that are late every single day, the same ones that are happy that the young lady is fired are late every day and they are sending sick leave and is seen walking up ministry steps in red blouse, while on sick leave. The service needs to be cleansed of those lazy employees.

  79. $51K tax error
    May 22, 2014

    I wonder if Skerrit does not have shares in Clear harbor? A mosquito flew from New York to Dominica, told me there might be a strong possibility. When I look at the way thing have unfolded in recent times I wonder if there is not a connection?

    • $51K tax error
      May 22, 2014

      But DNO, I simply wondering and asking questions. Why you not posting? I did not make any allegations. I simply ask questions man.

  80. Me Dat
    May 22, 2014

    Over the years hundreds of Dominicans have been fired by Clear Habour, Labourites as well as UWP supporters, were they victimized as well Mr. Linton. Stop making everything political. Monelle tell us exactly what you did or didn’t do. How many warnings did you get, and why didn’t you try to improve on your performance. Clear the air Monelle.

  81. Jon Carson
    May 22, 2014

    Often one is reserved in commenting on DNO or the likes, with regards to current affairs in Dominica because of our behavior and lack of individual respect for one’s point of view on any issue. Dominica has become a society where everything (no matter what), is the conjecture of politics and that is sad for the nation. However, one have to be fair and impartial in their deliberations or reasoning on any issue and I must say that, the termination of the young lady is a private and confidential matter between her and her employer but one can’t overlook the facts. I am extremely suspicious that the young lady who has mouths to feed as eluded to by the opposition (her party leader), found her way to St. Maarten/St. Martin at such adhoc notice and the termination has now become a political round-table by the UWP and more so by the leader.

    That is highly questionable as to motives here and curse me (my fellow Dominicans – particularly the UEP supporters), but facts are facts – how did she find herself to the French and Dutch territories so soon after her termination? Is it possible that she placed a call to the political leader and his immediate reaction was to send her an airline ticket in lieu of her using the much needed funds to feed those very mouths that the political leader has made reference too? Interesting is not the appropriate word to use here. The behaviors of the UWP political party does not auger well for favorable results that seek at the next general election because many of us are not that naïve.

    May God help our nation!

    • Jay
      May 22, 2014

      Jon, you obviously did not listen to the Team Dominica broadcast from St. Maarten last night. There are no secrets because Lennox Linton told the audience that indeed Ms. Williams contacted him that night and he arranged for her to fly out to St. Maarten the next morning. Even his colleagues did not know she was coming and if Thomson Fontaine’s reaction, on air, to her surprise appearance was stage managed he must be one of the best actors ever. Nor do I believe that the UWP team would be so Machiavellian as to engineer the dismissal of Ms. Wiiliams to this effect. However, they did brilliantly seize the opportunity of this unfortunate incident and turn it into an election coup.
      If I were the CEO of a company I would seriously consider hiring Ms. Williams as my P.R. manager and Mr. Linton as the campaign manager for my marketing dept. A clear lesson how to turn a misfortune into an advantage.

      • money
        May 22, 2014

        You definitely can’t fix stupid and rubish can’t be explained. :?: :?:

      • watchdog
        May 22, 2014

        Jay. That’s why you will never be the CEO of any Company. LOL LOL LOL.

      • kawat Roseau
        May 22, 2014

        You forgot about the Gonalez Affair so soon? They have done worse. Desperate people will do anything. You aint see or hear nothing yet!

    • A Doubting Thomas
      May 22, 2014

      Sounds like something most of us with children to feed would do. Get fired; hop on a plane with our children, I hope.

  82. Senjo Massive
    May 22, 2014

    It hurts it really hurts to see how the people of my country have become just because of politics. The Senjo person and you know your self who took out monnels picture when she went to the shop to purchase something and went right back to her home. and brought that picture to clear harbour saying she claims to be on sick leave and look it she campaigning in senjoe that is so low and dirty. Monnel own infront yours behind. and to alll who supported you in doing so all you own behind soon to come. My God does not sleep. Hold strong Monnel.

  83. Eyeswideshut
    May 22, 2014

    hmm people get laid off and fired every day, sometimes because companies are “restructuring” in the case of the US outsourcing jobs to maximize profits. There is nothing funny about anyone loosing their job. If Monelle was warned about her bread and butter and knowing the bulls-eye is above her head more-so than anyone else then who can we blame? Clear Harbour is not concerned like most companies if your mother died 5 minutes ago, they just want you there on time. They provide significant employment to many Dominicans, but this is the same company during a raging storm, that came blowing Alaskan winds over young people who were in fear for their safety and either didn’t show up for work or wanted to leave. What did they do? call SKERRIT!!! and he came on air live and flogged Dominicans for putting their personal safety over Clear Harbour’s work.

    Somebody knew Monelle’s time was coming and she was one slip up away. Mr Skerrit you may not have engineered her fall, but I would be naive to believe long before this you didn’t have inside information not necessarily from the US Management team of CH but from cronies in there about her work ethics so much so you said live …” the lady from St Joe at Clear harbour is half half half…” You and your defenders are fooling no one. You are in the habit of getting “dirt”on people and then using it to advance your cause. Remember how you lambasted the Doc now grovelling at your feet, re his taxes live on Lindo Park after having a meeting with certain top level staff at IRD that Friday evening? The person who actually gave you the info is still there and the one who told you no, was transferred and terminated. You need to stop that.

    What is the hoopla about her being in SXM? I believe the party did the right thing to embrace her and take her out of a dreadful situation. If I have to buy one less Starbucks and contribute 5.00 more to a fund to help her I will. A woman with 3 kids and Dominicans rejoicing?

  84. Mamizoo
    May 22, 2014

    I would hate to think that Monelle was fired for no reason at all. Wether or not the employer unfairly terminated Monelle there are lessons in there for the young people, the politicians, employers, employees.
    On the previous article I ask whether or not the ” Half and Half statement was prophetic or was it made out of “Mowttt open tori jump out” was it part of an ongoing ploy. So when politicians get backed up in a corner and have nothing meaningful to say they spew out venom that challenge right back in their faces. So when people like me raise an eyebrow at the firing of monel months after the ” HALF AND HALF ” statement there is justification.
    For the young people like Monelle “wrong cannot be right ” no matter how much people like Tony Astaphan, Lennox Lawrence, Ambassador A, Karmala , Simeone etc promote the contrary. Wrong cannot and will never be right and if Monelle was fired for tardiness or the lack thereof then there is a lesson to be learned – time is essential and our casual and seemingly total disregard towards promptness and tardiness must stop. We talk about change deservingly so but I wonder whether we are truly thinking about the little annoyances that we need to change in order to get on the bus bound for Changerville. What about customer service, respect for one another, the condescension, the rudeness.
    Our employer particularly those in the private sector – stop allowing politicians to manipulate your game . Why it is that politicians in government is meddling with your business affairs. Remember politicians are like pampers we p,easantly put them on and discard them with disgust. More often than not we put them on clean and dis ard them with Sh&&&&t on and for convenience as well we dump them into filth sack with a few drops of urine – even a drop of urine tend to smell given time.

  85. Nomination committe
    May 22, 2014

    What is the basis for all this bias speculation? Has anyone seen the letter of termination? Can they dispute the reasons given by the company for the termination?

    You need to first inform yourself before you make unfounded statement.

    • just saying
      May 22, 2014

      after all clear harbour is always hiring and firing employees.monell said it herself over the past years she has seen countless people get fired.was it political victimization then? or is it just monell that matters? my lady if the company has good reason to let you go then it is up to them.
      why does everything have to be political?

    • Watcher
      May 22, 2014

      If she was dismissed illegally, don’t you think she would have flown to St. Marten rather than seek the advice of an attorney. I am sure “Checko’s” lawyer would be waiting to file a claim for wrongful dismissal. Notice that the given Lennox’s experience in Human Resource Management, he said nothing other than shout ‘political victimization”. He just had to say something – allow more air to pass in his house – true of false.

  86. Malgraysa
    May 22, 2014

    For a long time I have predicted that a woman would be Roosevelt Skerrit’s downfall. Little did I know that Monelle Williams would be his Waterloo. The Lord moves in mysterious ways.

    • UWP?
      May 23, 2014

      Your political bias is striking. What is the truth here? While UWP is shouting political victimization she is saying that she isn’t taking the matter further. Come on! This is someone who has to represent people. To protect them from victimization of any kind. If she cannot represent herself then how is she going to represent her people?
      Politically who is to benefit more here? The UWP for sure. It portrays the DLP as a party who victimizes people, preys on women, and the list goes on and on. The UWP on the other hand will get sympathy votes and will attract allot more people to their conversation.

      Are we now to see this as a deliberate act by the UWP; a strategy aimed at discrediting the DLP and gaining favor with the masses?

  87. Truth
    May 22, 2014

    Alas Doninica what a blast,
    I can hear you crying from a distant ,saying ,,
    Why my servants ?Why honourable ? when its me who puts food on your table
    Look how you have brought me to shame , now my friends laugh at my name ,
    I was once a paradise but you succeded , by bringing shame to my eyes , through greed,

    DOminica is crying ,people ,,
    Do something now OR ? ;; GOD WILL;;

  88. Nun
    May 22, 2014

    Ms. Quniones please stop with your nonsense explanation. If you were in the state of Georgia where you company is Head quartered , and with this type of sanction The Georgia Department of labour , the US Department of Labour and the newspapers and TV would come down so hard on you and your company. By morning you would be all over the media doing damage control.

    • JoJo
      May 22, 2014

      …well, that is one of the reasons they are located in our Dominica, not so?

    • wild
      May 22, 2014

      @ Nun, call centers in the USA have one of the highest rates of employee turnover. When workers get fired from a call center the simple go on unemployment. In the united states call center employees like what we have in Dominica are not union represented. Your story about what would happen in georgia is pure fiction.

      • Nun
        May 22, 2014

        @wild- I am not sure you understand what’s going on. Why did the lady had t0 be fired at 9:00 +? Was it coincidental that the PM talked about her job recently?
        How was her job performance? Don’t you think if you were running Clear harbor you would take all that into consideration? I am sorry Sir you have dismissed the value of a leader and that is a shame.

      • omg
        May 22, 2014

        not forgetting these companies have the right to let you go without reason so long there is no discrimination, etc. If I feel like I no longer want you working for me then I could let you go without explanation. Many states are like that and there is nothing the employee could do. Coming from a DOL employee.

    • JoJo
      May 22, 2014

      That is exactly what the DLP guru is doing now, damage control, it is obvious right across this column. Every time he thinks he has stopped a leak his client is making a whole in the basket again with both feet. Ask Tony, he has the same problem trying to control his client.

  89. May 22, 2014

    This Makes absolutely no sense. Why would she even mention the 58 secs if she so believes that this dismissal was politically induced. And two, is this the only fault you have had within your entire employment history with Clear Harbour?

    One does not simply dismiss this issue with such a conclusion. #notbelievingthisyet

  90. we bonjai
    May 22, 2014

    lol poor Skerrit papa every thing is skerrit shupes leave the man alone , if i get pregnant and i doe no d daddy i doe even have to ask i know allu will say is skerrit …..LEAVE THE MAN IN PEACE ……..

  91. AdultED
    May 22, 2014

    Lets be real here if someone is 58 seconds late even after prior warning of tardiness is no cause for dismissal. However if as already mentioned that all the necessary procedures prior to dismissal are followed and the employee is unable to adhere to the attendance policy which I may add is also in violation of behavioural policy then there is just cause for dismissal. The fact that the young lady will not contest the dismissal is clearly because she has no grounds for doing so! She however now wrongfully implicating the PM as the cause of her dismissal hoping to garner political sympathy she thinks will propel her to victory in her constituency! This typeof job is shift work and I will assume you get paid when you work so I do believe the young lady and the HR should have worked something out in light she need time to campaign for political office it definitely would not have cost the employer anything since she is paid when she is at the only! That being said since there was no arrangement and the HR procedures were correctly followed then the young lady is at fault and has no redress! :(

    • $51K tax error
      May 22, 2014

      “Lets be real here if someone is 58 seconds late even after prior warning of tardiness is no cause for dismissal. However if as already mentioned that all the necessary procedures prior to dismissal are followed and the employee is unable to adhere to the attendance policy which I may add is also in violation of behavioural policy then there is just cause for dismissal. The fact that the young lady will not contest the dismissal is clearly because she has no grounds for doing so!”
      @adulted, You seem to know a lot about what happened to Monelle. 1. You said she was late by 58 seconds and that no cause for dismissal 2. you implied that she had already been warned about violation of behavioral policy and that would be grouds for dismissal 3. The fact that she will not contest the dismissal is clear proof that she is at fault.
      I don’t agree with you. I find you fell short in your analysis and so let me point them out: 1.Assuming she had been warned about behavioral policy according to you, was there anyone from that firm that had been warned as well? 2. If yes, were they all fired? 3. Can you tell us if she was being targeted and would be fired for the slightest of mistake? 4. If you were in her place would you contest the dismissal especially knowing the injustice that is abounds in Dominica now? 5. The fact that Clear harbor, a very good friend and tool of Skerrit, knows she is a politician involved in a very difficult race, would it not make sense to give her some time off here and there or even put her on a flexible schedule so she could campaign? To me I would be so proud to know that my employee is a potential government minister and would give her every opportunity to prepare herself. 6. Take the Dr. for Marigot for example. He is a state employee, has not been officially announced as the DLP candidate, and yet the government has given him 3 months to campaign while still gets a pay check. How fair is that? The same could be said of Ms. paul of Paix Bouche who is on a more flexible schedule.

      • AdultED
        May 22, 2014

        51K irrespective of who else have been warned or not fired dose not warrant her to be defiant and not adhere to the company policies (Attendance, behavioral etc…). There are procedures to a dismissal and we can all agree that her dismissal was not based on single case of being 58 seconds late. If that was in fact the case she would easily win a case of wrongful dismissal. Your excuse about due to “injustice in Dominica” is unfounded and ignorant. The company bottom-line is profit and would not jeopardize that since being political neutral is in their best interest. Notice that the young lady and other members of UWP have not directed the blame where it should be (which is at the young lady herself) nor are they challenging the employer’s decision but rather they are directing it at the PM of the ruling party! You are aware too that the company will not release information on an employees file for confidentiality reasons, however if there were a grievance filed by the young lady information would within legal grounds have to be shared in order to resolve the matter! That being said the young lady can also make a formal request to have information on her file be made public even though she is not appealing the decision. Yes 51K there are more than 51 avenues for the young lady who thus far has not taken any that would shed more light on her dismissal! I do believe that is by choice and with hopes making political gain. She may in the short-term but the average Dominica will see that her claim lack credibility!

      • Reader
        May 22, 2014

        Guess in hindsight, Monelle should have taken 3 months off to campaign. How can she work full time and campaign full time. Who is she robbing? I find the level of biassness amazing!

      • $51K tax error
        May 22, 2014

        @Reader, I made my comparison based on the three month vacation Doc. Martin Christmas got. FYI, the doctor is the DLP candidate for the Marigot Constituency and we the tax payers are paying him to go on his campaign trail. You did not address this one, did you?

    • real possie
      May 22, 2014

      @ AdultED you have the best point so far my thinking all the way was not going to comment on this cause to me this is none essential why I say that is everyone saying she has mouth to feed why did she not stay on island and look a part time job? and the money for the ticket to fly to SXM could have been used to buy bread and milk today. And the next thing this idea they have thinking that people will feel sorry for her saying it was political this wont work in ST Joe cause I stay in ST Joe when am in DA and I can tell you that they see what time she goes to work UWP always seems to use the wrong strategy to gain points people don’t realize that we are the ones that pay for their ineptness cause we need real opposition educated ones at that, Lord help us.

    May 22, 2014

    I would like the Dominican public to consider the three possible reasons for Monell’s termination at Clear Harbor.

    1. She was terminated through the proper procedure which is getting 3 warning letters for being tardy.

    2. Politically motivated on the current PM side because he is maybe scared of her presence in ST JOE so he got her fired so he could have something to say about her being unemployed.

    3. Politically motivated on the opposition’s side, knowing what the PM said about half half , they used the right opportunity to have her terminated knowing that the public would jump at the PM’s neck.
    Cause i find its very suspicious that she got fired on Tue or Wed
    n she is in St Martin on Thursday knowing that St Martin maybe have the most Dominicans after Gwada or if not the most so the can have something to say to the Dominican public in St martin

    • $51K tax error
      May 22, 2014

      @Who Vex Vex, What is very unfair is when Candidates like doc. Martin, who is paid by tax payers, could get three months off to go campaign and at that same time the government shut down the Marigot hospital because of termite infestation according to them and a member of Team Dominica is fired from a company we all know is a friend of the government for being late at work, does that not show corruption and unfairness?

      • Realist
        May 22, 2014

        @51k your record stick man? lol

  93. annoyed
    May 22, 2014

    Everything is DLP and skerrit. I bet if linton trip and fall now and skerrit is no where in the area he will be blamed. Its sad that she has been fired but you may not know she might have deserved it.

  94. Anonymous
    May 22, 2014

    I would like to see her personal file and if she is telling the truth she should agree. She is not pursuing the matter because she has no case. How can UWP justify that? This is why Skerrit will stay for five more years, not because he is doing a good job but because the opposition is not better, hence no alternative.

    • Anonymous
      May 22, 2014

      And dats why you are ignorant and Dominica won’t b moving forward you fool

      • Realist
        May 22, 2014

        Well if we are not moving forward, well well well, I like it so we pal. Much less for if we move? Bonjayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

  95. The Law
    May 22, 2014

    Under the Protection of Employment Act 89:02, an employee may be terminated, among other reasons, for serious misconduct or failure to perform duties. In either case, the employer must give a warning to the employee.

    The written warning must describe the misconduct or unsatisfactory performance and state the action that the employer will take if the employee dos not improve i.e whether further action to include termination will be taken.

    If in the case of misconduct within 6 months of the warning the employee is again guilty of the same thing then she is liable for termination. If in the case of poor performance within 3 months the employee is liable for termination. Based on the policy at Clear Harbor from my understanding, excessive absenteeism lateness or abuse of leave benefits is a serious misconduct.

    Therefore we cannot take this isolated 58 minutes and run with it to cry out political victimization Mr. Linton. What are the facts of the matter?

    1. were there previous incidents of this misconduct (absent, late, misuse of leave benefits)?

    2. was the employee given a warning to this effect within the last 6 months?

    3. Did the written warning state that if she does not improve further actions could be taken against her which could lead to termination?

    This is LAW. Stop taking everything and making it political in this country.

  96. just sayin
    May 22, 2014

    so she lost her job and that is skerrit fault??? awa wi.. Dominicans on a whole other level of ignorance!

  97. Work ethics
    May 22, 2014

    Hogwash!!!! U were fired for being late,ok.Next job u get learn to be on time.

  98. rescue 911
    May 22, 2014

    For 58 seconds? I work for big company and we have 7minits Grace period.That still doesn’t make sense

    • CH
      May 22, 2014

      Clear harbor does not have a grace period. As to 58 seconds it seems targeted cuz usually they give late from one min after start time

  99. maindesk
    May 22, 2014

    The question can be asked. Would Clear Harbour fire someone who was running as a candidate for the Labour Party? I do not think so. However this is not a UWP DLP kind of thing. It is total disrespect of the people of Dominica that a declared candidate for elections is fired from her job for being a few minutes late. The whole idea is to humiliate her

  100. JOE
    May 22, 2014

    You recall Mr. skerrit statement that monnel’s job at clear habour is half and half add the dots………….. people.

  101. Anonymous
    May 22, 2014

    Monelle is pretty girl. She will get another job… But tell me how can you report sick and go to a press conference? Just asking.

  102. Anonymous
    May 22, 2014

    So many public officers coming 830, strolling out at 1000 returning at 1130 or so gong to lunch at 100 returning at 210 and leaving 4 sharp and they still on the payroll. especially those who come in via the back door.

    • girl
      May 22, 2014

      @ Anonymous

      well you monitoring, under ministry you staying.

      • Realist
        May 22, 2014

        That’s the hardest I laughed for the night. @ Girl, you not papa. Hahahahahahaha

    • comment
      May 22, 2014

      @ anonymous,i always suspect u was un educated an un employed by ur comments,,now I know is true,,under d ministry u pull up whole day timing people dat working,,

  103. man doesn't bribe me
    May 22, 2014

    As I always say… Never try to take out bread from ones mouth.. Time will tell

    • hmmmmmm
      May 22, 2014

      she take the bread from her own mouth wii

  104. don don
    May 22, 2014

    hold strong monelle we are there with you all the way

  105. Tweety
    May 22, 2014

    I don’t want to jump to conclusions but why isn’t telling anyone about the warnings about her coming to work late alot. One of the supervisors who I happen to know said that although monelle was pleasant and did her work there was an issue for awhile now about her being late and missing days. So before we jump to conclusions and say its political we need to get the facts first. Cause i worked there and i can tell someone these american companies look at everything under the microcsope.

    • J
      May 22, 2014

      So true…I worked there In the past so I know

  106. Roseau
    May 22, 2014

    This issue has DLP actors all over it. Shame on them !
    Team Dominica will soon be in power to right these wrongs in our society.

    • Realist
      May 22, 2014

      When they (DLP) win again I want to know what the slogan will be. Change Came?

  107. New age
    May 22, 2014

    Sa moin duvant sa’ou deriere. Pour un minute ou fai yo fire moin… Pour un minute.

  108. winston warrington
    May 22, 2014

    The prevailing political sentiment in Dominica is disturbing. And this reminds me of the daily savagery dealt to Prime Minister Edison James by the Freedomites that drove him to isolation and disconnection with the masses.
    Each day in this forum Prime Minister Skerrit is lambasted and lagonized by those who do not know him and others who seem certain of the allegations associated with him. I have made it my duty to support any Prime Minister elected by the people to perform the duties of economic and social advancement in our country and for this reason I support Roosevelt Skerrit. An election is forthcoming, and if Lennox Linton is elected our Prime Minister, I will support him also.
    My premonition is that he will be subjected to the same brutal attacks by the political hyenas who feed on the carion of leaders who fail to fulfill their need for instant gratification. And that is another shame.

    • JoJo
      May 22, 2014

      What is “lagonized” Winston, please, I don’t know that word but I do know that Lennox Linton never referred to his opponents as bastards!

      • winston warrington
        May 22, 2014

        Come on! Lennox Linton is not known to use such language and nowhere in my post was that implied. Lagonize is a verb coined by a popular Dominican politician Ed Scobie when referring to pejorative and unflattering language used in the Lagoon area where well attended political meetings were held. It is not in Webster’s dictionary.

  109. Anonymous
    May 22, 2014

    Election date should be May 30 2015. Why! Let vendors make some money in meetings and conventions. The more politicals meeting the more money vendors make. Red or Blue vendors happy. .

    • JoJo
      May 22, 2014

      Man, you just sounding like the money lenders in the temple!

  110. the truth
    May 22, 2014

    :-? when monelle decided to to become a candidate she should have remembered her responsibility to her job , where absoulutely no tolerance exists for tardiness and unecessary leave . This has absolutely nothing to do with our prime minister roosevelt skerrit and for all the uwp supporters stop looking for ways to manipulate the minds of dominican who love and support skerrit. we are on the right path with labour we dont want to go back 30 years with uwp . Clear harbor does not care about your politics , whether its skerrit or lennox as prime minister clear harbor would still employ and terminate people . So to monelle , you knew what you were getting into and you know that you cant call in sick and show up on a public event without facing the consequences at work.No one should celebrate or use your termination to intimidate . Good luck with your ambitions and the next time you are employed please remember to priorities. :wink: :wink:

  111. used to b employee
    May 22, 2014

    LISTEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There are rules at clear harbor.. She would never just get a termnation paper for being late for 58 seconds that is ridiculous…. Coming to late on 3 occasions in a 30 day period u get a warning for that a verbal one .. come another 3 times u get a written one. then if u get more it goes on to final and so forth. if u are on a final for attendance then they can release u because that means u are not coming on time and expect to leave early….. Now depending on the position she had would have made it very easy for her to have lost her job esp when there are stillredundant workers that are looking to get thier job back.. So why keep monelle who keeps coming to work late and there are people who willing to go over and beyond..

    So when aninterview is done with her… ASK HER… was she on a final when she got that letter?? was she warned about her tardiness?? how much occurences she have for being late??

    CH looks for serious people.. no one had a problem with her being into politics but if she making politics jeopardize her work den she is very wrong.

  112. me
    May 22, 2014

    Dominicans stop accusing inocent people becareful of what we do and say in the long run it will come back to hunt us. I had to coworkers their shift was 4pm one morning thier shift was changed to 8am at 9:30 human resource called them by 10am they were out. I think there was a reason for firing the lady.

  113. Impartial
    May 22, 2014

    Qualified, professional Dominicans choose to work away from the homeland for exactly that sort of behaviour!

    Unless one is prepared to compromise one’s integrity by kissing the A… Of the incumbent political party, one will fail to progress or even be hired to fill posts which they are qualified to do.

    So fellow Dominicans, please do not criticize those intellectuals who choose not to return as they prefer to succeed on merit and not by their ability to be sycophantic!

    Please stop the brain drain in Dominica by being fair and impartial to all irrespective of our political affiliation!

    We all love to contribute to Dominica’s progress and the well being of all irrespective of our political preferences!

  114. Intellect
    May 22, 2014

    The right thing for Monnelle to have done was to first resign then announce her candidacy. Clear Harbour cannot have themselves be aligned with a political party by default, that is by having a party representative working there. Monelle should know that. I am not sure why people are looking at this as a grand thing. The company has its own interest and cannot afford to ‘appear’ to be political by housing a political candidate. That is why politics is for people who have already matured in their career, or are willing to go jobless. How many people have you known to announce candidacy and remain employed with a government service or private company that wasn’t theirs or their family. Monelle should have understand why all the members in her party are unemployed!

    • Mweh meme
      May 22, 2014

      My sentiments exactly; someone should have guided her better than that. Beware of a naked man offering you a shirt…

    • Not a herd follower
      May 22, 2014

      You seem to accept this wrongful practice. The Constitution provides for individuals to freely associate. The dismissal of anyone from their employment simply because they are associated with a political party, whether in opposition or in power, or run for public office is unacceptable and unconstitutional. Dominica is a small country and many of our educated and more capable are found in the private sector. Excluding or preventing them from involvement in the political life of the country denies them their constitutional rights and the country of their talents. As long as the persons do not drag their employer into the mire of partisan politics, people should be fired for wanting to participate in the political life of the country. Where is the Bar Association to champion the rights of the ordinary citizens?

      • Not a herd follower
        May 22, 2014

        I mean to say people should not be fired for wanting to participate…

  115. smh
    May 22, 2014

    the manner in which monelle was fired was un called for …. to all those laughing at her demise every dog has it day…. i worked at ch for 4 yrs … so i know about that place…. the hr left for another job i am sure her pay grade at ch was higher but … there is more to clear harbor than the eyes see….. i hear de cross eyes one in power …lol (ch inside joke)

  116. JoJo
    May 21, 2014

    It is difficult to believe that Skerrit’s party would be stupid enough to have anything to do with her losing her job because if that is true it would turn her into a martyr and raise her image. She would rise even more! I can’t believe Skerrit wants that.

  117. kimrah
    May 21, 2014

    hold strong my sister .God will make are way for you. :( :( :( :( :(

  118. Too Late
    May 21, 2014

    let us make more contributions to team Dominica on their website to support Monelle and get rid of this corrupt men in government

    • Anonymous
      May 22, 2014

      contribution to travel expenses?

  119. The Following
    May 21, 2014

    The DLP administration does have great influence at Clear Harbor….everyone knows this BUT it is not right to jump to conclusion that they might be responsible for her being fired, regardless of the childish and ridiculous statements they have made concerning Miss Williams.

    Call Centers are big on attendance and punctuality, I supervised at one for over 4 years…absenteeism and tardiness can have a serious impact on the shift schedule that call centers operate on.

    Hence if Miss Williams received 3 warning letters informing her of her tardiness and in each letter an indication of the outcome if her punctuality does not improve; suspension. Then after suspension if her tardiness continued and she received a final letter in which she was fired then she is to take full blame for her been fired. However if she did not receive warning letters and was ‘just like that’ fired then Clear Harbor is at fault.

    Miss Williams have just informed Q95 listening public that she will not be pursuing the matter of her dismal because of Clear Harbor’s other employees(caring for how it may all play out)…..by this I will ASSUME that her dismal was not conducted in an appropriate manner…..especially as she was fired at after 9:30 pm last night…….this is crazy though…..where in God’s name does a company inform someone of their dismal at night. ANYYYYYwayyyy there is two side to a coin.

    LOVE YOU MISS WILLIAMS…..and wishing you the best in your future endeavors…..HOPE YOU WIN ST JOE SIT, I know you would be a much better representative for that constituency, than the wanna be Skerrit they currently have that is doing nothing but padding his friends, fans and fam pockets YES I SAID IT …… GN DNO peeps.

    • Anonymous
      May 21, 2014

      “dismissal”, not “dismal” (…only trying to help).

    • The Following
      May 22, 2014


    • Anonymous
      May 22, 2014

      You are so misinformed. Monelle had to wait for Lennox to tell her what to say on Q? Speak the truth my girl… We know why you were fired.

    • Judas
      May 22, 2014

      well said but really i think its political victimization and injustice and clear harbour man thats y i never liked the damm place to begin with i would never ever go and work there would rather stay hungry and beg than to go work clear harbour and would encourage anyone else to thinking about this place they call a business rediculous!!!

    • omg
      May 22, 2014

      dat too long

  120. May 21, 2014

    what the hell!!! Is it the first person to loose their job?

  121. May 21, 2014

    monelle is a Queen Esther
    courageous and strong

    • GoBeckMore
      May 23, 2014

      “courageous and strong”
      and crying every minute? Really?

  122. Anonymous
    May 21, 2014

    Why dont we wait to hear from Monelle. Let her show us the dismissal letter, then we can talk instead of just saying what we know nothing of.

  123. %
    May 21, 2014

    Boy THE INCOMING PRIME MINISTER Lennox Linton really deliverd on Tuesday night in Tortola. WOW! WOW! WOW! The man made me feel EXTREMELY AND PROFOUNDLY PROUD to be Dominican. Highly articulate and brilliant, he exposed the corrupt and rotten Labour Party led by Skerrtit to many Dominicans who did not know of the corrupt practices we have in this poor country. The thunderous applause, told everyone listening, that we have thousands of Dominicans abroad who have now understood the fetid waters that this corrupt Labour Party has navigated in and are navigating in.
    These men in Team Dominica are dam good and articulate, and THIS IS TESTIMONY THAT change is a must not an option!!!!!!!!!!
    Monnel you will surely rise. You are no doubt the most popular woman politician in Dominica now, and you won’t suffer, you won’t grovel to Skerrit. YOU WILL SURELY RISE!
    I am certain Skerrit cannot face Dominican in the way Team Dominica is doing and answer questions asked of him. He does not have the ability to do so, and he will be embarrassed.

  124. ?????????
    May 21, 2014

    Monelle in st marteen…. i suspect is she dat resign and nt theu that fire her

    • King Lion
      May 22, 2014

      Stop writing rubbish

    • megzo
      May 22, 2014


  125. Red Nose Reindeer
    May 21, 2014

    And for what ever the risen, I will rise with you. I am already packing my bags and waiting for election day to call. You have my vote Ms Monelle. Vote Monell all the way ++++++++

    • IamDominica
      May 21, 2014


  126. May 21, 2014

    I love my pm labour all the five more years

    • May 21, 2014

      pointmichel girl so why a you still going up to the red clinic for help.

    • ambitious
      May 21, 2014

      U sound like you have no ambition!!!

    • bramble
      May 22, 2014

      You mean people are still that daft after all the education they gettng on radio, if not in institution. It is just soooo sad, that in this century of high techno and knowledge and information somene STILL want to vote on “Love for their PM” even though he is bringng them down, perpetrating their dependency on him, spreading mendicancy….. Oh MY GOD, help this country LORD… Open the eyes of these poor people and pelt IGNORANCE out of the door. Bless us Lord

    • Pointe Michel Women
      May 22, 2014

      Yes because you like the lawless ness he is potraying. You like to sit down and just receive lpo and cheques but it will come and hunt you.
      You love the wrong instead of the right. I hope when your kids or the kid or anyone does anything wrong you will not comment because you supporting all the wrong thing you pm does. Good Luck

  127. Informant
    May 21, 2014

    Stop all the assumptions and victimization talk people. Clear harbour is not owned or governed by government so how can it be victimization? There has to be a reason for her dismissal eg:. Letters of warning. For her to be dismissed there has to be just cause, if there is no just cause then she can take the matter to labor division and then to court.

    • The Following
      May 21, 2014

      *rolls eyes*……….the DLP administration does have great influence at Clear Harbor….everyone knows this BUT it is not right to jump to conclusion that they might be responsible for her being fired, regardless of the childish and ridiculous statements they have made concerning Miss Williams.

      Call Centers are big on attendance and punctuality, I supervised at one for over 4 years…absenteeism and tardiness can have a serious impact on the shift schedule that call centers operate on.

      Hence if Miss Williams received 3 warning letters informing her of her tardiness and in each letter an indication of the outcome if her punctuality does not improve; suspension. Then after suspension if her tardiness continued and she received a final letter in which she was fired then she is to take full blame for her been fired. However if she did not receive warning letters and was ‘just like that’ fired then Clear Harbor is at fault.

      Miss Williams have just informed Q95 listening public that she will not be pursuing the matter of her dismal because of Clear Harbor’s other employees(caring for how it may all play out)…..by this I will ASSUME that her dismal was not conducted in an appropriate manner…..especially as she was fired at after 9:30 pm last night…….this is crazy though…..where in God’s name does a company inform someone of their dismal at night. ANYYYYYwayyyy there is two side to a coin.

      LOVE YOU MISS WILLIAMS…..and wishing you the best in your future endeavors…… GN DNO peeps.

    • bramble
      May 22, 2014

      Well I have a big surprise for you. Clear Harbour not government, but Government deep in Clear Harbour. The people so political down there. You forget the maispwe Skerrit gave Monelle some time ago about, she being employed down there having a job or “half a job”? Think about that.

  128. oh
    May 21, 2014

    That is ok Monelle…greater opportunities are on the way….maybe they want you to join their Labour camp…be careful, you might be offered……it is not the end of the world, jus another new venture…God bless

  129. Peaceful
    May 21, 2014

    If this is true i smell a rat, a very big rat. could it be direct orders …..?

  130. Peaceful
    May 21, 2014

    DNO ADMINISTRATION or Editor: Why is this news worthy? I am wondering?

    • tell
      May 21, 2014

      she is a candidate for political office, that makes it very important.

      • da
        May 22, 2014

        thank you.

    • Simply the Truth
      May 21, 2014

      No news is good news. :lol:

  131. interesting
    May 21, 2014

    The lack of details in this DNO report has left the gate open to speculations.
    It is not very likely that Ms Williams was fired for a trivial matter which the Clear Harbor Human Resource Manager was obligated to let slide.
    Although there may be political undertones to her dismissal, it’s premature to presume Ms Williams should not have been fired or that this is a political witch hunt.
    Let’s just wait for further revelations.

    • ?????????
      May 21, 2014

      Are u trying to say that Monell wud have been given special treatment because she a candidate…… the truth of the matter is clear harbour fires ppl for every and anything.

      • Simply the Truth
        May 21, 2014

        It is a telemarketing enterprise. Staff must deliver. They have a daily quota to meet.
        This is what such employers do. They do not give a reason; do not give advance notice or warning. They simply fire staff. You know, hire and fire.
        Employees are fortunate if they remain with such enterprises for a long time and even promoted.
        If fired and discrimination can be proven she will be fortunate for this is difficult to prove.

      • Work ethics
        May 22, 2014

        More reason for her not to make it a political issue.

  132. The Anointed
    May 21, 2014

    I did npt know she was such a beautiful young lady. No wonder the ostrich was so jealous. The feminine for bull dog, can never pass by her.
    Monelle has a resilient and positive look though. She is God’ child and she is blessed.

    • bramble
      May 22, 2014

      My girl, I endorse your beauty, they say he reached higher heights on looks, well trust me he cannot compare you looks, you bbbeeeaautiful, and that have him.. so your beauty will make you rise, higher than his height, the beauty in you is what matter not even the outside appearance. My darling, GOD JEHOVAH has a better plan for you, wait it is coming and on this cause I rise!! RISE MY GIRL. LOVE YOU MONELLE

  133. Hillsbrough
    May 21, 2014

    Some of us are too quick to jump to conclusion. We have an attitude in Dominica by which we exhibit poor work ethics and that is a very chronic problem in the Public Service and also in the Private Sector.

    We report sick,, we stroll to work late and we produce very very little. The same people who took Parry Bellot to task are themselves doing the same thing. what is even more damning is that we report unable to attend to work them find ourselves participating at public events.

    there are some companies who wont stand up for that nonesence and the Public Service Manager must take some similar steps.

    when one has rendered themselves unproductive, then a company has no use for you.

    I firmly believe that the company would not just release someone without any reason, without any warning. the things is we cant take what is wrong and use it. I.E “No Law no Constitution. Lets

    • Non-Smoker
      May 21, 2014

      You are too quick to come to conclusion. Do so don’t like so. Go and smoke your hilsbrough.

    • Notevil
      May 21, 2014

      You are said sometime we are to quick to jump to conclusion but it would appear that you have already figured out the reasons for her dismissal.

      No a a company may not release someone without any reason but if the company got instructions from a higher power to release that person, then, that’s a reason. I am just saying.

      • sstupes
        May 21, 2014


    • Simply the Truth
      May 21, 2014

      There is more to such enterprises. Unless this telemarketing enterprise is exceptional, staff will not be fired without warning.
      Such enterprises do not tolerate consistent absenteeism; being late and not producing the quota. It is all work.

    • Power Crazy
      May 21, 2014

      Hmmmmm people i’m guessing this is the HR at Clear Harbor…..

    • smh
      May 22, 2014

      u might have not heard about ch…

    • Tri-State Beauty
      May 22, 2014

      @ Hillsborough: ermmmm but you are jumping to conclusions and making blanket, ignorant statements maligning people’s work ethics. I lived and work in the Dominica where punctuality nor productivity has ever been an issue to me and many of my peers. The very same public service you are lambasting? I currently live and work in the US and carry on the very same way, like many of my colleagues and I see tardiness etc not a unique issue to black people or even Dominicans but all nationalities. Where is your empirical data to support the hogwash you belching out? Kanawie ka dire shodiere bondaye noire. Jumping to conclusion and making an ill-informed, recycled ignorant, unfounded statement like a damn parrot. Stop repeating garbage, every where have just lax people, there are very disciplined Civil servants who have carried this island while the likes of you continue to disrespect them with such hostile statements.

  134. A Doubting Thomas
    May 21, 2014

    People lose their jobs everyday all over the world especially since the recession. An employer business does not belong to an employee, so you can be hired; fired or leave a job, if either you or the company can no longer continue the business arrangement you both agreed upon.

    The partnership between employer and employee is a business arrangement, and if one or both parties does not live-up to their side of the arrangement like any other relationship, then either partner can say sayonara.

    The only purpose, that would be news in my opinion is the reason for the end of the partnership. Without the true reason it is purely gossip and because the company says it does not discuss company affairs regarding its employees, therefore, we are left only with a whole bunch of speculations except the employee speaks which could or could not be a good idea, depending on the reason. As far as we know it could be a mutual decision.

  135. Voice
    May 21, 2014

    Eh beh that likkle DOminica have plenty ro-ro eh?!

    The DLP government can hire people in the public sector, purely to support it’s campaign effort which is totally against the laws of the state. But a private citizen, employed in the private sector, gets fired from her jo,b apparently for running for political office which is not against any laws or rules. Whey papa look how we come….smh.

    • Michael Grell
      May 21, 2014

      The Government had nothing to do with this. Ask the lady she will tell you. DNO will not ask her to see the letter maybe you should. Also, do you remember when the UWP Government disbanded the Dominica Banana Growers Association just to fire one man- Scottie. As Marcus said “a people who do not remember their history are doomed to repeat it!”

  136. the life
    May 21, 2014

    This reminds me of the Alaskan Governor when she went up for vice presidency. Hold strong all is not lost. You and your family will eat if anything you can always get more cow meat.

    • ..............
      May 21, 2014

      don’t worry the Almighty will provide for her just as He provides for you

    • omg
      May 22, 2014

      Sarah Palin cannot compare. Palin is an idiot!!!!!!!!!!! Monelle has more drive and I can see her make it. I also believe that Monelle had a passport prior to getting involved in politics. #Democrat

  137. reflection
    May 21, 2014

    God is good all the time monelle Just trust Him honestly

  138. $51K tax error
    May 21, 2014

    Monelle, you are a brilliant young lady who has inspired many of us. I don’t care to know the reason why. All I can say to you my dear is keep your head up high and remember “All things work together for good to those that love the Lord like you love Him. Based on how Reggie tried to bring you down and now followed by this dismissal, I can see it is sign of you being tested; but don’t worry as many a great leaders are severely tested before they are elevated. So hang in there. If anything, it gives more time to go into every house within the St. Joe constituency with you inspiring message of hope, change and love. Our prayers are with you my dear.

    • ____________________
      May 21, 2014

      I love this lady. So why can’t the Labour Party have candidates like that? I guess they are on their way out so this discourages people to join ranks with them.
      You are a warrior Monelle.

      • tell
        May 21, 2014

        @________________, if you love her so much give her a job so that she can support her children. The lady has lost her job and all you can think about is red and blue politics.

      • %
        May 21, 2014

        @tell You are sounding empty , terre berre and stupid.
        Monelle is simply the best.

    • Reader
      May 21, 2014

      God has supporters on both side. Who are you to know who “loves God”? Why do you people keep bringing God in all you political nonsense. Did you read also that thou shall not take the name of God in vain?

    May 21, 2014

    Where are the advisors from the UWP so call team for these young people if you are running for elections your job will suffer. Request time off so when you loose the elections…….. your job will be secure……….. it’s not your personal company you are managing so it’s her fault.

    • ____________________
      May 21, 2014

      It is also your fault that you are a lazy Red Clinic groveller. Sure you did not get anything today Wednesday.

    • Simply the Truth
      May 21, 2014

      Election is not until next year. I guess she has to campaign and it will affect her work. She also has to attend meetings.
      If she is a good worker she should not be fired for that.
      If she planned to keep the job on a part-time basis she should discuss it with her supervisor/manager.
      If management of Clear Harbour is dissatisfied, then there should be an agreement that, when the time approaches for her to commence campaigning, she should quit.
      There are many ifs. For now, the question is why was she fired?

  140. wild rose
    May 21, 2014

    Hope monelle comes out and give the reason why she was fired.. unlike other work institutions in Dominica, ch is very serious when it comes to punctuality and sick leave..AREAS OF OPPORTUNITIES..1 punctuality.(time is time 8.30 is not 9.30). 2. Sick leave( one should be home or in medical institution)..we will miss you.you’re a great person…your only mistake was joining the WEAK TEAM. Go get your red shirt n join us…

    • ____________________
      May 21, 2014

      @wild rose Why are you sounding so scared of a weak team.? ISN’T THAT VERY STRANGE?
      You must read over what you write, before you release it to the world. GET SOME SENSE.

    • King Lion
      May 22, 2014

      You sound really stupid

    • Yes I
      May 22, 2014

      So Wild Rose seems you work at Clear Habor and you know a lot. But now it seems that she got fired because she is on the ” Weak Team”. Monell will rise, she boung to rise.

  141. Anonymous
    May 21, 2014

    Life goes on so what she got fired it’s not the end of the world

    • Anonymous
      May 22, 2014

      it is definitely not the end of the world but she will rise

  142. May 21, 2014

    Hey Monelle , at the end of every tunnel there is light . You will soon see the light ,I will remember you in my prayers.

  143. Anonymous
    May 21, 2014

    Monelle hold your head high up you’ve done more than most women have the guts to do. God knows what he has in store for you. Keep whispering in his ears!

  144. me
    May 21, 2014

    memories tell me she was warned on the next level show, “THE ONE FROM ST JOE IS HALF HALF” in our local slang “one foot in one foot out”

    May 21, 2014


    • Youth in it too!
      May 21, 2014

      I resonate with you but i couldn’t go past your astonishing grammatical errors, and dare i stoop to your behavior, it’s no wonder you’re on the Red side! However Monelle take courage, better days are coming, patiently awaiting your speech this sunday!

      • Anonymous
        May 22, 2014

        “I resonate with you…”? How, pray tell, does one resonate with someone? I’m curious..

      • STUPESSSSSS!!!
        May 22, 2014

        @ youth in it too you have stooped lower than LABOUR ALL THE WAY level SHAME on you trying to insult the person like that when they were only trying to encourage Monell to hold on and asking D/cans not be so negative but beacuse the person said they were a lauborite there you go dissing them….. #blueppl yhats how u all stay!!! #pissed

  146. 767
    May 21, 2014

    Anyway that’s why God will always bless PM , where d hell he coming in that story? I used to work clear harbour , punctuality and attendance was strict there, once your points are low , you’re out!! She is no different than any other staff there, its not a government institution yet you people have the ordasity to say skerrit victimising monel?????? Magway sa. So monel so perfect that she her self doesn’t make mistakes..and to those people that happy and saying more time for her to campaign you people are sick , this woman has 3 children to take care of , just shows how selfish and to their self uwp supporters are!

    • Youth in it too!
      May 21, 2014

      *AUDACITY! Jesus spell it right!

      • Anonymous
        May 22, 2014

        that they put allu on dno to do spell check , you what he means! UWP is the new salvation they are the most perfect people nothing they say or do isnt wrong

    • Kernita
      May 22, 2014

      please don’t bring the name of the most high in your comess…
      Who is more selfish than your leader? AH? Tell me? He loves Dominica so much guess what his prince is NOT a Dominican. SMH you people have been brainwashed when will you wake up and smell the coffee Roosevelt Skerrit is NOT God

  147. tatiana
    May 21, 2014

    Believe you me, they will look for a reason why this happen; sorry it looks too suspicious; remember Austrie told her in St Joe to get a job to support her children and she was presently employed – so maybe that was a message/sign for her

    Let’s wait and see

    Monelle baby show them “And still I Rise”

    • ?
      May 21, 2014

      SHE WILL “”””RISE”””. She has won the heart and love of so many people.

  148. mosbo
    May 21, 2014

    Skerrit where ever u a today, i guess ur half and half is no longer. Monelle is gone. Monelle stand tall, god is in control. My granny always use to say to us, who laugh last, laugh the best. the word of god states. I have never seen the righteous forsaken nor his seeds begging for bread. Walk with the lord Monelle, doors a going to be oen to u, that no man on earth can close. We love you, have no fear, all will be well with you.

    • King Lion
      May 22, 2014

      Amen and Amen

  149. May 21, 2014

    Praying for u my girl.All shall eat bread,Don’t matter if you Red or Blue.Lord have mercy the politics in Dominica will never change.

  150. New yorker
    May 21, 2014

    When Chairman or the Board of NCB fired Doreen Paul she won the election that year. just something to remember.

  151. pc
    May 21, 2014

    another unemployed. lookin for job to servive on tax payers money

    • FORKIT
      May 22, 2014

      u forget is tax payers money that skerro giving people like you in the red clinic

  152. May 21, 2014

    Anyone remember Teacher Merlin and GIlbert Williams ?Those two were fired because they were open Freedomites.Teacher MERLIN HAD TO RUN TO TOTORLA where she is up to today

  153. messenger
    May 21, 2014

    Wa papa we are turning like communist countriesGod have mercy on us.
    Girl be strong and be brave. Stand for what you believe

  154. Change is a must
    May 21, 2014

    Lennox Linton, Dr. Fontaine and Monelle are the biggest thorns in their side….so they are using every trick in the book to break them. But we shall not be MOVED…..

    Monelle…be strong…you are a voice for a lot of us women in Dominica who are coward and more concerned about keeping a job. But stay strong and God will open doors for you!!!!

    • %
      May 21, 2014

      That goes without saying. The new one on the block they are attacking now is Isaac Baptiste. Well you know the DUNCE CATS in the Skerrit cabal cannot debate or discuss issues. However this election is not about assasination of character, rather it is abour incompetence, GREEDINESS, jobs, and the inability of members of the Labour Party gang to get the economy stimulated.
      Monelle will surely rise.!

      • omg
        May 22, 2014

        I can’t stop laughing. It so true!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    May 21, 2014

    don’t worry my Dear God already have a Job awaiting you he said be not dismay if I take care of the lilies and the sparrows he will take care of you. that is the attack from the devil gang but I say to you your children will be feed . get strength my sister victory belong to you and all wickedness must come to end and the wicked will perish be strength with these words of comfort weeping may endure for the night
    but joy comes in the morning and always remember we are serving a just God.

  156. Time
    May 21, 2014

    Well we knew it was coming. Remember that PM warned that Monelle was half and half at Clear Habour?
    Kelver, Monelle is your constituent. I urge you to stand up for her and help her as a constituent to find gainful employment to provide for her three children.

  157. sukie bread depot
    May 21, 2014

    That’s why ppl have to keep quiet to keep their jobs. Becareful what u say and do on the job.

  158. Anonymous
    May 21, 2014

    I hope UWP and Lennox will now help her financially…she has kids…hmph…that politics is just a dirty game!!!

  159. dominican/ thomian
    May 21, 2014

    The same PM had police officer singing at his rally in St.Joseph had an inspector blowing red ballons, also hade the embassador as chair person had the Canadian citizen to introduce him, all this is ok because his party is in power, but the lady should not work to feed her children and you choose to take bread from her mouth.

  160. Francisco Telemaque
    May 21, 2014

    If I were to guess, unless she took her politics to the job, causing some form of distraction, she may well be victimized by someone. If that is the case it could mean the company is dabbling into local politics which would be wrong. If she has not taken her politics on the job, and has not failed to perform in her responsibilities, and she is fired, then a wrongful dismissal law suit should be in order.

    I smell political victimization!

    Hold your head high Monelle, remove the sadness from your face, life is tough, but there is always the silver lining, remember just before the dawn, is the darkest hour of the night. It is not the end of the world for you at least not yet!

    Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

  161. dominican/ thomian
    May 21, 2014

    Dominicans remember the PM was in Cuba came to Dominica to make that important announcement about the re-employment of workers who were retrenched . Remember my people the same PM said that the UWP candidates were all unemployed and that Monelle was half and half and half, he has all reasons to rejoice over Monelle’s dismissal. Today is Monelle tomorrow will be you know who.God do not like ugly be carefuf what you wish for people, God will take care of Monelle for she is a good person who works for what she earns no kind of corrupt money she will not go through the easy door but the iron door she will be able to push for she is a strong woman

  162. st joe
    May 21, 2014

    US warning for St. Kitts-Nevis CIP

    WASHINGTON, May 21, CMC – The United States Treasury Department has warned financial institutions to be on the lookout for “certain foreign individuals” abusing the Citizenship by Investment (CIP) programme being undertaken by the St. Kitts-Nevis government.

    An advisory issued by the Treasury’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) said those individuals were seeking to obtain St. Kitts-Nevis passports under the programme “for the purpose of engaging in illicit financial activity.

    “Financial institutions can mitigate exposure to such risk through customer due diligence, including risk-based identity verification consistent with existing customer identification programme requirements,” it said.

    FinCEN said the CIP programme offers citizenship to a non-citizen who either invests in designated real estate with a value of at least US$400,000 or contributes US$250,000 to the St. Kitts and Nevis Sugar Industry Diversification Foundation.

    “FinCEN believes that illicit actors are abusing this programme to acquire St. Kitts-Nevis citizenship in order to mask their identity and geographic background for the purpose of evading U.S. or international sanctions or engaging in other financial crime,” said the advisory dated May 20.

    Caribbean Media Corporation

  163. Reader
    May 21, 2014

    I’ve had friends who ran for public office – both in an out of DA. Regardless of whether they were in public service or private sector, they ALL resigned their jobs once they announced their candidacy. It is the ONLY ethical thing to do. Otherwise, you are robbing your employer. I guess the UWP is not all about ethics and integrity as they profess.

    • King Lion
      May 22, 2014

      Rubbish, research before you speak. As we speak there are two candidates currently working who are parliamentarians, search and you will see, they never left their employment.

      • JoJo
        May 22, 2014

        Also we have Dr. Christmas, employed by Govt. , currently on leave so he can campaign for the DLP for the Marigot seat. I wonder if Govt. continue paying his salary while he is doing that?

  164. Pointe Michel Women
    May 21, 2014

    God is good

  165. Mamizoo
    May 21, 2014

    Well the PM say she was half and half. The PM is ether a prophet or a Mal feten. Which one. I hope Michelle is rehired in July. Yes I said July you know why I said July.

    Anyway this is sad news cause this is a single mother with children and no one not Reginald Austria , nor Tony or crazy T should run political relay with this. It wouk d be subhuman to do so.
    I wish her well. With her talent I am sure that better will come out of this disappointment

    • %
      May 21, 2014

      @Mamizoo Long i had not herard the word ‘ Mal fe ten.’
      He did say that she was ‘HALF HALF’. Now we must put the puzzle together.

  166. On the beat
    May 21, 2014

    That is just ridiculous ! Wickedness !
    There is a God above and he sees and knows everything . Let Him take control ,Ms. Williams

    The system must start paying all politicians.those elected or not. People have mouths to feed.

    • Me Dat
      May 22, 2014

      You too stupid. What is wickedness. Do you know the full story. You really think that Monelle was fired because she was 58 seconds late. There must be more to this story than what we are hearing.

      • On the beat
        May 25, 2014

        Wait……look in the mirror and u will clearly see the idiot. Yes she probably did receive previous warning letters.however it seems like they were waiting for her to be late again , 1second or 58seconds,. They were waiting for her to be late to give her the termination letter . and yes it is wickedness!

  167. sen joe i voting
    May 21, 2014

    monelle has my vote next elections thats for sure but, let me state to my fellow uwp supporters, this is news becuz of who she is they have to report it. anyway matters not becuz she SURE to get her next job “MP” and who vex lost but those labourites in sen joe that actually have a brain knows without bus loads of foreigners the lose that seat and we not standing for that shit in sen joe again

    • HIM
      May 21, 2014

      Really hope they could stop them foreign voters. But trust me this time they won’t get many.

    • .
      May 21, 2014

      Happy to hear that you all will not stand for it.

  168. Frank Talker
    May 21, 2014

    I guess she just has to move on with life. Ambrose George got fired twice as a Minister, but he is Acting Prime Minister today.

    • Wesley_Man
      May 21, 2014

      This is the biggest joke in Dominica: That Ambrose George could be left in charge of the Dominican Treasury. A reckless decision if you ask me considering that he was in the company of a now convicted money-launderer when they were on their way to find a non-existent bank.

    • data plan
      May 21, 2014

      Soo true

  169. Pointe Michel Women
    May 21, 2014

    Monelle we shall stand with you. We shall rise with you. When one door closes God opens another door remember that. What is there for you NO one not even the Government who believe they are untouchable can take it away. Time will tell. Just one question? If Labour claims they must win why do all that? Why take bread from the woman and her childrens mouth? Skero, and the rest remember you all have children to. In a shake of an eye anything can happen. Remember the evil men do live with them. ALL YOU HAVE TO PAY BECAUSE IS innocent children all you hurting as all you took her job away. She will eat any way. Her bills WIILL be paid any way so you think she will stoop low and come RED clinic or belittle her self NO WAY she will keep her dignity fly all you kite. Monelle be Strong.

  170. May 21, 2014

    I don’t know u but u are a strong powerful woman.. BUT FOR THAT CAUSE WE SHALL RISE!!!!!!!!!!!!!hold u head up be strong don’t give up the fight…….

  171. May 21, 2014

    If Jesus was a zDominican we will all be in hell. But thank you Jesus he is not otherwisecthecwhole world would be crucified. Please wait and hear why the lady was dismissed. Lang zor tow long

    • Dominican also in Uk
      May 22, 2014

      Dear oh Dear, you are a certified imbecile.

      You need urgent help, as you need to be educated. It is very disappointing that you have not progressed.

      Surely you are familiar with the Dominican criterium for retaining a jo ? If you do not know, bi will try to bring you up to speed .. One has to kiss the proverbial A!

  172. ...Brainn...
    May 21, 2014

    Listen to q95 tomorrow morning and stop with all this assumptions…..ppl to like to turn story…they got their reason… 8) they go by their rules 8)

  173. Portsmouth
    May 21, 2014

    Doe worry with them Monell… U too strong for Kelva so skerrit wanna frustrate u, is Out Labour going ,their days r numbered. Hold strong: WORKERSSSSSSSSSSS.

  174. DLP Boy
    May 21, 2014

    Allu cannot wait for Monelle to speak? Everybody has their own reason why the woman was fired. Hmmmm

  175. JIM
    May 21, 2014

    Your rise to the throne is threatening their exit, so they are unsuccessfully trying to clip your wings.
    Don’t worry you will only get even stronger.

  176. madame dominique
    May 21, 2014

    Its very sad to know that someone looses their job during this trying economic times, but we cant speculate and make all these comments. Nobody gets fired out of the blue. There must be more to the story. So all we can do is wait until we hear both sides. I wish you well in yr future endeavors Monell Williams.

  177. St. Joe
    May 21, 2014

    No one knows the true logic behind her dismissal except for her and her employer. I don’t see the reason why people are already trying to link her dismissal to Labour and Skerrit. We are to quick to jump to politics for everything.

  178. JIM
    May 21, 2014

    Desperate they are desperate. But didn’t they say that St AJoseph had 20 or 30 thousand people? So why are they still so scared. Instead of the desperation just call the election.
    You all are surely making Monnel a power house in St Joseph,

  179. i must speak
    May 21, 2014

    so what? clear harbour is known for hiring n firing like a woman changes her clothes whats the big deal?

    its for this she will rise!!!!!

  180. sensefromnonsense
    May 21, 2014

    Stop the ignorance my people face it for once in ure lives she was fired because of her political affiliation and it’s sabotage that was seen through muddy water without any goggles we all saw it coming

  181. star
    May 21, 2014

    Skerrit not the manager nor the owner of clear harbor how he coming in that there OMG. Skerrit have maleh papa.

  182. Doc. Love
    May 21, 2014

    Is it pure coincidence that about the same time a Minister of Government humiliated Miss. Monell and she responded powerfully like an intelligent lady, also, there is a very successful meeting of Dominicans in the Virgin Islands and Antigua hosted by UWP Team Dominica and a powerful Youth Rally to be held in Monell Country this week end, that she was fired.

  183. IamDominica
    May 21, 2014

    Allu not easy in Dominica. Everything is Skerrit? SMH

    • T
      May 21, 2014

      This should be enough to tell you that he has a serious bad dam problem.

    • Anonymous
      May 22, 2014

      yes everything is Skrit. When everything good happens in Dominica he gets all the praise. well when anything goes wrong he is to be criticized.

  184. jlo
    May 21, 2014

    Unless u all don’t know the full story please don’t go assuming

    • perky
      May 23, 2014

      Let me correct that sentence for you boo, “unless you all know the full story, don’t go assuming”….don’t put double negatives in a sentence ok.

  185. Kelly
    May 21, 2014

    Some Dominicans are a brunch of haters.sad to say am happy am out of that place.but again they bring their bad ways every where they go.famie way cheer.if I spell it wrong to bad

    • omg
      May 22, 2014

      you to sort!!!!!!!!!!! the craziest part is that y’all a bunch of nobodies where you at.

  186. May 21, 2014

    DNO u need to publish this very important article

    We may all wake up one morning soon and find our EC dollars worth less, or even worthless. Our savings and our buying power reduced. Our local pensions worth so much less, and our food bills and everything we buy costing so much more.

    • Anonymous
      May 22, 2014

      Is this what the article says? I suspect the article is way above your intellect please have somebody analyse it for you, just saying. :mrgreen:

  187. %
    May 21, 2014

    Skerrit referred to Joshua Francis as the lawyer who can only defend those who steal a bottle of rum,. He referred to Ronald Charles as the one who used to work at the Car Rental Place. With reference to Monell’s job/position at Clear Harbour Skerrit did refer to it in a way which indicated that it was very uncertain “Half and Half…… Should we not put the pieces of the puzzle together?
    I have no doubt that Monelle will surmount those obstacles and stumbling blocks in her way ,and will make it. (Rise).
    I know that the gang in the Labour party is under serious pressure, and they will do anything, anywhere, anytime, as the screws are being tightened on them..


  188. Jbfox
    May 21, 2014

    Isn’t clear habour a private company
    Why are some people blaming the labour
    Party for her termination.

  189. FORKIT
    May 21, 2014

    labar political tactics working in silence, they can touch you in any part of or establishment in dominica… lol

  190. lora
    May 21, 2014

    nobody dont know what exactly happen sooooooo why theres all this rumors already smh

  191. Observer
    May 21, 2014

    Lord have mercy

    • st joe
      May 21, 2014

      Dear Readers
      Sometimes, people are late due to reasons that they simply cannot control like your car not starting, a family member being sick, traffic …you get the idea. But if you find yourself being late more often than not, or more than you would like, you may want to ask yourself some quick questions. Are you getting up in enough time to accomplish what you need to get done? If not, are you getting enough sleep at night? Do you find yourself doing things like checking e-mail or cutting your workout too close to the time you need to leave instead of preparing for your day ahead of time? Once you answer these questions, you may be able to find out why you are late arriving to places. Then, you can then formulate strategies to correct this issue so that you can get to where you need to be on time.

      Improving your sleep and time management may aid in fixing your tardiness blues. For example, consider adjusting your bedtime to see if going to bed earlier gives you more energy in the morning. Likewise, research has shown aerobic exercise, yoga, and meditation to put some spring in those otherwise heavy early-morning steps. Starting out earlier to compensate for procrastination and inevitable interruptions in your commute may help you get to where you want to be once you do get yourself out of bed.

      If these ideas don’t seem to work for you, it may help to consult a therapist to figure out the true origin of your chronic lateness. You may find that your tardiness is a way of acting out at your job or in your personal relationships. No matter the root cause, working with a professional counselor may be the ticket to conquering your tardiness forever, if you find you it’s difficult to do on your own. Remember, there is no shame in this — talking with someone may help you get your life back on a timely track.

      The tips mentioned here, and the advice included in previous answers may help, but may only act as a band-aid for some who forever feel that they are drowning in the sea of time. Time management is self-management; so, improving your on-time record will benefit from figuring out some short and long-term priorities and goals. It’s never too late to remedy chronic lateness, and your question is an obvious indication that you are motivated to do so. Good luck!

      • omg
        May 22, 2014

        dat too long….you going and read dat?????????????????????????????????????????????????????

  192. huh.
    May 21, 2014

    Why not just wait for at least a statement from the lady before posting this story? There is no news in this story.. just speculation. News should be based on facts. The company wont comment and you haven’t reached the lady yet… This is just gossip for now.

    • %
      May 21, 2014

      Respect DNO brother/sister.
      DNO seldom gets it wrong.

    May 21, 2014

    I advised her to take leave since I knew that would have been the outcome

  194. ohoh
    May 21, 2014

    I say hooray for Monelle. She is rising up to bigger and better things. God is in charge be knows how to close one just to open a better one.

  195. May 21, 2014

    Dominicans don’t like substance….just see their breaking news …..wrong issues, wrong prioities..

    • Kernita
      May 21, 2014

      Labourites don’t like substance since their leader’s entire speech was focused on the novice Lennox Linton. This is news because has put herself up to serve the public and as such her life has now become public

    • The Following
      May 21, 2014

      bush lawyer dont you hv to go represent a herb or tree or bush or something

  196. st joe
    May 21, 2014

    Thats not news DNO

    • Kernita
      May 21, 2014

      Yes this is news

    May 21, 2014

    Is either you are on the job that you get paid for or you go. Which of you making all those lame comments would have a business and paying workers who are engaged in other activities and not what you hired them for? Please lets be honest with ourselves.

  198. Bull Crap
    May 21, 2014

    Funny.. Now she is a candidate. she got fired eh.. this country boy..I may not know why she got fired but that sounds so very suspect. on the hills of rally in st, Joe and all that. But then again the clear minded people in this country will never speak up..

    • wayvee
      May 21, 2014

      but Clear Harbor minded people have taken action

  199. ()
    May 21, 2014

    Itis desperation time.
    Labour Party is feeling the effect, and will not go down JUST LIKE THAT!

  200. Free Thinker
    May 21, 2014

    A story has three sides: the right side, the left side and the truth; let us wait for the truth. I know that when one door closes God opens at least a window. God is the Provider, not man.

  201. st.joe massiff#2...
    May 21, 2014

    Well like skerro said it some time back “the woman from st.joe she is half and half”… we all know what have been going on she have been under alot of pressure on her job since she entered the ring lots of victimization because of pressure from politicians… but thats how it is in DA under labour if you not red and especially if you are speaking out you shall not eat bread… but we the ple of st.joe want to thank them for this cause we shall all rise with monell and bring the st joe seat back to liberty and respect for all… she is a woman and a strong one too so she will survive she and her kids too thank you skerritt… we will speak for her at the polls….you all will not victimize her anymore.

    • youth in it to
      May 21, 2014

      Hmmmmmmmm trust me……. you well said it……….. more time on our hands to rise….

    • Dominican
      May 21, 2014

      well said..!

  202. sexy
    May 21, 2014

    stupes every thin is thee pm :-P

    • missmostDominican
      May 21, 2014

      learn to spell sweetie

    May 21, 2014

    Monelle just tell them “I RISE” :lol: and they firing :twisted:

  204. Doc. Love
    May 21, 2014

    Watch your back Mr. Sanford. :mrgreen:

  205. DC
    May 21, 2014

    I empathize with Monelle. She is a very kind, hardworking lady. As a fellow woman and mother, I wish her success. Even though, our political ideologies differ, we share a common purpose. I must say that she is a very strong woman and will persevere. Remember, when one door closes another always opens. Keep the faith! One Love!

  206. May 21, 2014

    whats d Big Deal?

    • JIM
      May 21, 2014

      @Rasta The big deal is that it is happening in a country that is so dam poor because of bad leadership.

      • STUPESSSSSS!!!
        May 22, 2014

        i hate to hear you ppl crying and saying Dominica POOR nothing irritates me more than that… oh please.

  207. God's child
    May 21, 2014

    tato tato….Monelle you are a fighter. Let go and let God.

  208. j
    May 21, 2014

    guess its an if u don’t fire u I wont re new ur contracts

  209. Anonymous
    May 21, 2014

    Let not your heart be troubled Monelle. When one door is closed, God opens a bigger one. Every disappointment is a blessing.

  210. keepingupappearances
    May 21, 2014

    victimization is a hell of a thing eh. zor par feb en Dominique papa. It seems as though people cannot even do what they want in this country when comes to freedom of speech? what does monelle being in politics has to do with her job. The only way she can be fired is if her campaigning is interfering with her job which I know it is not because I am working there. Monelle now you even have enough time to go around your constituency and do more grounds work. they have been trying to do that since you join the uwp. They do not realize that they do you a big favour.

    • Educator
      May 21, 2014

      I am nor sure about the labour laws in Dominica, but over here unless you are in a union, you can be fired for any reason. All that matters in the end is the size of the payout.

    • Miss B
      May 21, 2014

      Are you part of the management team at CH? if not your comment about KNOWING that her campainging isnt interfering with her work has no weight. ..not because u work at the same organisation with someone you KNOW there efficiency and productivity at work…Imjustsayin

  211. Anonymous
    May 21, 2014

    Let not your heart be troubled Monelle. When one door is closed, God opens a bigger one.

  212. Maryland
    May 21, 2014

    I heard on q95 it is because she doesn’t have time for the job as she is campaigning.

    • The Following
      May 21, 2014

      I listened to Q95 today and nothing concerning this was said.

    • ??????????????????
      May 21, 2014

      @Maryland Your intellect is such that you cannot understand what you hear on Q95. I guess you must really listen to Q95 a little more. By this time next year you will be one of the bright minds in Dominica.
      Having said this, i really believe that this is victimizastion at its core. Is it a sign that Labour Party is losing serious grounds? I know they are, but it could be happening more rapidly that i am thinking. Well Linton and Team Dominica, need to apply even more pressure on the evil ones. DRIVE THEM MAD/CRAZY.
      You all muist remember it is Skerrit who invited Linton into the ring.
      You will survive Monnel!

    • 767
      May 21, 2014

      Damn liar

  213. uh huh
    May 21, 2014

    Looking forward to an update to this story where this honest politician will state the true reasons and hopefully not play the ‘I was a perfect worker, punctual and regular and focused on my job, did not let extracurriculur activities affect my job performance, but got victimized for daring to be in the opposition’ card…..

  214. Anonymous
    May 21, 2014

    well it reminds me when Doreen Paul was fired at the roseau credit union

    • doreen
      May 21, 2014

      Fired from Credit Union? I worked at NCB and then at Credit Union get your facts straight,do not put me in all you dirty politics.You people bring politics in everything,let the country run properly man,chewps.

      • warrington
        May 21, 2014

        but i can remember there was even a demonstration for u cause you got fired.

      • 767
        May 21, 2014

        Athletes Doreen would never spell her name with a common d shook faker

      • Dream
        May 21, 2014

        Dream on Doreen some body commenting on DNO will not stop the country from running properly. I dont see what u vex about………… They doh have to put you in it. But you lie on the properly part wee madam!!

  215. rescue 911
    May 21, 2014

    Well we’ll have to wait to hear from her before we start to jump into conclusion

    • ??????????????????
      May 21, 2014

      I do not have to wait!
      She is getting too strong, it is worrying for the regime!

  216. rosa parks
    May 21, 2014

    I don’t like to judge but why do I suspect this is political? but I don’t know the reason so I will sit and wait.

  217. uninterested
    May 21, 2014

    so tell me what that have to do with the Dominican population…. how is this news?

    • you want to know.
      May 21, 2014

      @ uninterested, it is new because of who the person is…

    • Sound Bite
      May 21, 2014

      uniterested…if you listened or even look at news on the international scene you would understand. you obviously have no idea how everything becomes everybody business when someone runs for political office. Then again…perhaps you are not even educated enough to understand the ethics of politics and exactly how this works. What did that have to do with the world that Barack Obama smoked a spliff when he was 16? What did that have to do with the world when prime minister skerrit wife gave birth? Take time and look at CNN…BBC or perhaps you local news and you will understand exactly what that have to do with news.

      • possie voice
        May 21, 2014

        you people seriously need to get lives and stop making these political figures your “gods”… my gosh they are just regular people like you and me stop making them think that they are more powerful than they really are

    • warrington
      May 21, 2014

      it is news. if it was not DNO would not bother reporting it and YOU would not bother post YOUR comment, DNO is a news station and NOT YOUR NEWS STATION.

      • opionated
        May 21, 2014

        warrington, your comment is so ridiculous!!!!!!! this is not news. this is sensationalism!!!!!!!! news is reporting facts about a particular incident. This here is nothing BUT speculation!!!!

    • ()
      May 21, 2014

      @uninterested You are uninterested because under Skerrits leadership, life has failed you. I FEEL FOR YOU! The dismissal is serious news, because it is happening in a country that Skerrit and a corrupt gang has impoverished. It is happening in a country where you are a Red Clinic Beggar and a slave. It is happening in a country where those who led us do not have a clue as to how to address the country’s woes. The are greedy wicked and clueless.
      But this victimization will make Monell stronger, not weaker.

      • uninterested
        May 21, 2014

        please dont feel for me… life has not failed me… i have simple failed to make these political figures and leaders be the center of my life unlike some of you… i am no red clinic beggar or slave to no political party… life is so much more than politics, skerrit, lennox, the DLP or the UWP… once you puppets see that then you will be just as uninterested as i am

    • Anonymous
      May 21, 2014

      Oh boy, it hurts to see how our people are low minded, alas, help our people. It is news my dear just as Lennox education is news, because they are political figures. Education education education. Jesus!!!!!

  218. May 21, 2014

    way papa, politics is really nasty and dirty in Dominica.

    • Browne,C (Rastafari)
      May 22, 2014

      Jawa, You have no clue what that means. Study Jamaican and Trinidadian politics…Dominican politics is child’s play in comparison. :mrgreen: It’s dirty, corrupted, malign, damaging… the sad thing is, someone has to do it.

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