We have greatly improved over three decades – President Eliud Williams

President Eliud Williams

Below is the Independence message of the President of Dominica, His Excellency Eliud Williams.

As we celebrate the 34th Anniversary of our Independence, I am pleased to extend very warm congratulations to all Dominicans on this very special occasion.  I recall very clearly that evening in early November, 1978 when the Union Jack was lowered and the Dominican Flag was hoisted. This action signaled a new beginning with renewed hope for a brighter future. Today, I believe we can be justifiably proud of the progress that we have made over those thirty four years.

In just over three decades, we have greatly improved our social and physical infrastructure. We have built roads and bridges, electrified the entire country; built businesses and industries, built schools and colleges, communities and churches as well as health centers and a primary health care system which is a model to the developing world. Our scholars and artistes have achieved international recognition in various fields of endeavor which is a tribute to our resolve and intellectual capacity.

When I look at all that we have achieved, I am comforted that none of these developments could have occurred without the guidance of our Heavenly Father and the active support and engagement of our people. It is precisely because of these joint efforts and the engagement of all stakeholders that I believe that this year’s theme “Partnering for Further Progress and Development” is so appropriate. Economic and social development by their very nature requires the active collaboration and commitment of many partners.

The theme recognizes that as we advance in the process of nation building, there are challenges and opportunities which must be addressed by our policy makers, employers, labour unions, business leaders and other social partners. This year’s Independence Anniversary theme therefore offers a unique opportunity to re-define our path to further progress and development. It is an opportunity afforded us to set new goals and priorities given the economic and social challenges in our region and elsewhere. We must continue to explore new areas of economic activity and the many opportunities offered by the emerging industries.

In this regard, it is an appropriate time to commend our Division of Culture, its past and present leadership, for the vision and foresight they have shown over the last three decades in developing our Independence celebrations so that we have now developed a uniquely Dominican product and great sense of national pride. Now, we are truly proud in displaying our national colours at home and abroad. Our Arts and Culture must therefore transcend the social festivities and also focus on the economic dimension.

The available evidence suggests that the service industries hold the best potential for economic advancement. These service industries can be used to leverage the intellectual and creative talents of our people even while recognizing the need for a continuous pool of knowledge workers as one of its main pillars for success. In this regard, I applaud the emphasis being placed by the public and private sectors on the holistic approach to education from early childhood to the tertiary level.

One notable technological development in the last decade is the wide spread availability of broadband which is an excellent example of partnering for further progress and development. As we continue along the path of development, we must appreciate that the road ahead demands that we remain resolute in preserving our democratic values and traditions and also recognize that there are still many challenges to further develop and improve on all that we have achieved.

I therefore renew the call to preserve everything that makes us uniquely Dominican. It is a call to cherish the essential values of hard work, integrity, honesty and merit while we continue to uphold the rule of law, justice and equality as critical pillars of our nation State.  We must therefore remain focused on the constant need for dialogue and engagement of public and private sector. This dialogue and engagement that must also include civil society, conscious that investments education, which is Caribbean focused with a global perspective, offer the greatest hope in building the capacity of our people to produce high quality goods and excellent service for effective participation in a competitive global economy.

Let me once again extend congratulations to the entire citizenry on this our 34th Anniversary of Independence. May God bless you and continue to bestow His blessings on our beautiful country.

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  1. Anonymous
    November 5, 2012

    Stuppes………………….These people are crippling Dominica.

  2. Just a reader
    November 5, 2012

    Dat little dude again !! lol

  3. anonymous
    November 5, 2012

    “We have greatly improved over three decades” in accordance to the steady augmentation of unemployment accompanied with negative population growth! just take a look at the demographics reports (census) over this period of time. Mr. Williams i would like to know what has been done in the creation of equal opportunity and the cessation of this “Pull String Culture”, in the advancement of democracy and the principles thereof. where is the national pride in infrastructure which is renovated by imported workers? are we as a people that gullible?

  4. anonymous
    November 5, 2012

    how can we consider a steady augmentation of unemployment and negative population growth as great improvements over the decades? a few have gotten wealthy there’s no doubt to that but how far have we progressed as a society or a country even? how balanced are our social programs or have we gotten any closer to creating equal opportunity and cease this pull string culture as we advance as ademocracy? these decades Mr. Williams remain to be evaluated as to what we as a society considers to be advancements!

  5. Mornepros Queen
    November 4, 2012

    1.Refer to the President as His Excellency, The.President of Dominica.

    2. The speech was boring and did not meet the expected standard.

    3. Contents of speech boring, unpatriotic and uninspirating.

    4. President need to ensure that we observe and
    respect the laws and constitution.

  6. The cabal
    November 4, 2012

    Very significant development in Dominica. After 34 Years of Political Independence, Our beloved country now have two people in ‘High Office’whose positions are being challenged before the Courts. The positions of PM and President were filled NOT according to the dictates of our Constitution. All Dominicans should be aware of such irresponsible, dictatorial trends.

    Worse to come. Instead of putting things in place to ensure FREE and FAIR elections, there is a refusal, by Govt. to partner with the “Independent” Electoral Commission to assist that ‘Independent” Body with the money to provide Voter ID Cards and to clean up the dirty/bloated Voters’ List. 7 Years have passed, since the Commission recommended reforms and requested the DLP Govt./Minister of Finance for money to carry out its reforms.

    People all over the world are protesting, clamouring for elections, where there are none or for Free and Fair elections. There is a deliberate attempt by authorities to frustrate the Commission and prevent the necessary changes to the Election process. Do those guys have our beautiful, peaceful Dominica at heart. What kind of consciences do they have?

    How could so many Dominicans allow so few greedy, selfish people to control their lives and impoverish an entire country, so rich in Natural Resources? Is so we come after 34 Years of Independence, Everything Upside down, inside out?

  7. ^
    November 4, 2012

    Mr Williams are you a legal President or an illegal President? Please answer me sir!

  8. Shameless
    November 4, 2012

    YAWNNNNNNNNNNNN! Someone please tell me this man is legal. YAWNNNNNNNNNNN again! :twisted: :twisted:

    Assertive, NOT Agressive!

  9. oops
    November 3, 2012

    are we independent or dependent on china, venezuela, morocco… gason tell people the truth… WE ARE ACTUALLY DEPENDENT ON FOREIGN R ATHER THAN INDEPENDENT FROM IT…OOPS!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

  10. Prophet2
    November 3, 2012

    New Dude, are you sure you’re OK? Because I have not seen improvement to 21st Century standard. They sure know how to pick them…no?

  11. 1979
    November 3, 2012


    psssst, sorry was the president saying something??

  12. opinionated
    November 3, 2012

    DNO only prints biased comments these days. This section used to be interesting but not anymore. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out this president

  13. Erasmus B. Black
    November 3, 2012

    And, can it be…

    It is a great pleasure to address for the first time, my fellow Dominicans in our country and some of them in the Diaspora on the occasion of Independence Day. Words cannot adequately express my gratitude to the Triumvirate, viz: the two Attorneys and the Political Adviser for the honour of my high office.

    I am happy to be involved in this high level drama of nation building even if some of it seems way above my head (no pun intended.) The baton is now in my hands and with the help of the Triumvirate, and some of you of course, we must succeed!

    My Fellow Dominicans, you must have heard by now about the actions of some very bad men who want to challenge my appointment in the Courts. At this time, please be reminded of the words of our Dear Leader to the effect that no Constitution or Law will keep him (and by extension us) down. We shall not fail.

    Propelled by faith, let us all pray on Independence Day, our National Prayer with special emphasis on the section asking God to remove all ignorance and malice from our land. Hear us we beseech Thee O God. Amen

  14. angel
    November 3, 2012

    sorry but i like mr liverpool he was so down to earth.
    this guy look to scarry stupess does not have a pleasant face and DNO dont
    take my comment down. just my 2 cents someone
    more interested good get the position 2012 plust coming to 13

  15. JIM
    November 3, 2012

    Stuppes………….. Only in Dominica we have such nonsense! Dominica is in need of people who respects its Constitution.

  16. anonymous2
    November 3, 2012

    Actually almost everything has been going downhill, especially in the last 12 years.

    • Logic
      November 4, 2012

      Ethics to begin with, which all these men who have occupied that office over the last 17 yrs

  17. ???????????
    November 3, 2012

    While these things are true we have retrogressed in terms of the rule of law and the adherence of the rules of law…An unprecedented development presently is how our top leaders disregard the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Dominica,and curse those who express concern at this backward and criminal act…Power to some mean i can do what i want and noone can stop me…This has been allowed to take root by many among us, and it is indeed a bad model for the youths of this country. During the past 34 years our ability to employ our people has failed dramatically, and we have created a lazy and mendicant society, as our leaders go round the world with a begging bowl, and are clueless with respect to what it means to engage our people with the ‘work hard, honestly,don’t lie, cheat, steal,etc ethic’. Recently we have totally lost our roles as leaders and squander money on unnecessary nonsense, such as “a state evil” at a time when the entire world is going through financial problems. I believe that to be truely independent,(if there is anythibng like that), first implies good, true, honest men/women need to be at the helm of the nations affairs, we must engage every man woman and child with the discipline of what it mean to be a statesman, the reward of hard work, and what it means to use our resources to the benefit of everyone and not just a few.The need to be law abiding which includes RESPECT FOR THE CONSTITUTION OF THE LAND CANNOT BE FROWNED UPON.

    • Roseau Valley
      November 3, 2012

      I cannot agree with you more. Well said..

      You are not a ?, You are a true patriot. Happy 34th independence to you proud citizen.

      Roseau Valley

  18. Whistler
    November 3, 2012

    Will His Appointment is currently in the Courts for Declaration…so until them i pay no attention of what is said….

    We must not be Pretenders..it will just continue to Rate us as the Poorest in the Caribbean…

    • sandra
      November 3, 2012

      Real dumbo!!!!! :

      • Powers
        November 3, 2012

        I support Sandra on that Statement. DUMBO

    • November 3, 2012


      November 3, 2012

      Who the HELL are you?You are of no impotance to deserve your attention.Go get work to do for you to get RICH.

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