We are well on the way to transforming Dominica- PM Skerrit

PM Skerrit said his government has invested in the people
PM Skerrit said his government has invested in the people

Prime Minister Roosevelt has said his government is well on the way to transforming Dominica.

He made the comments during his address at the National Parade of Uniformed Groups held at the Windsor Park Stadium on November 3.

This year’s independence theme is, “Our Nation, Our Responsibility” and the Prime Minister called on all Dominicans to reflect deeply on how, “we have been discharging our responsibilities individually and collectively to ourselves, families, each other, our nation, the environment, the world community and especially the less fortunate.”

“Our response as citizens requires us to be loyal to Dominica, to each other, to our laws, to our culture and to the values which has held us together as a God-fearing and caring people,” he said.

Prime Minister Skerrit revealed that his government will continue to invest in the health of the people, in particular and build a new modern and well-equipped general hospital offering specialist services on the site of the Princess Margaret Hospital (PMH).

“That hospital will commence in the first quarter of 2015,” he stated. “We shall pursue a system of health care finance that makes access to high quality care possible for all Dominicans. We shall continue to invest in the housing revolution where we will help needed citizens in every community to refurbish or rebuild dilapidated houses and in the process eliminating all pit toilets by 2020.”

In fact, he noted, his government has started the construction of 1,500 affordable homes and the program will continue in 2015.

“We shall continue to empower young people by sharpening their skills and assisting them in getting the training and ongoing support to secure employment or establish their own businesses,” he stated. “We are committed to the retention and expansion of the National Employment Programme (NEP).”

The Prime Minister further stated that the government shall continue to embrace overseas-based Dominicans and give them the opportunity to use their talents and other resources to help develop Dominica.

“We shall continue to be a leader in the international community in especially advocating ways and means in dealing with the challenges faced by small island developing states. This strategy has been for some time bearing fruit,” he said.

He noted that the government’s ultimate goal is, “To create a Dominica that is prosperous, peaceful and just, a Dominica that offers every citizen equal opportunities to realize their full potential.”

Meantime, the Prime Minister highlighted a number of achievements made by his government over the years.

“By 2014 we had brought all major and secondary roads connecting villages and cities up to an acceptable standard,” he noted. “The recent formal opening and naming of the Dr Nicholas Liverpool Highway from our major airport to Pond Casse is testimony to the considerable progress we have made in upgrading major roads. The recent upgrading of the Douglas-Charles airport to include night landing has significantly increased connections to and from Dominica. Since the introduction of night landing $40,000 people have landed at the Douglas-Charles airport during the night.”

According to him, the next task is to make connections to Dominica from the major city cities throughout the world. “In that regard your government has signed an MOU with a private company in the People’s Republic of China for the construction of an International airport Crompton Point,” he noted.

He said this effort has been costly but necessary and was done, “in order to strengthen our foothold in the global economy which will allow us to create businesses and jobs.”

As it relates to geothermal energy, Prime Minister Skerrit said over $54-million has been invested in the project and the government made a breakthrough which guarantees the feasibility in generating electricity cleanly and cheaply for Dominica.

“As a result, geothermal power generation in commercial quantities will begin in 2016,” he explained. “This generation of electricity from geothermal resources allows me to make the announcement that we have abandoned the policy on relying totally on fossil fuel to drive our economy. We shall be establishing two new industrial estates to attract manufacturers from the region and the wider Dominican Diaspora, to use our geothermal energy to produce goods more economically for local and overseas consumption. Based on the legacy of a nature island infrastructure and availability of geothermal, we have the opportunity to develop eco-tourism as a major driver of economic growth.”

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  1. Anonymous
    November 5, 2014

    What a hopeless, short-sighted, ignorant government to destroy the greatest tourism asset of the country in the Roseau Valley to increase the centralization of electricity generation at a time when all the signs of the times point to decentralization of electricity generation that huge technological advancements in solar, wind and mini-hydro now make possible. And what is worse to produce “clean” energy for Guadeloupe from dirty generation in Dominica! How much dumber can you get!

  2. November 5, 2014

    Our Supreme Master, the handsome one, the Patriotic King of Dominica has transformed Dominica into a major eco-tourism attraction and a tropical paradise. Our shiny new roads, new bridges, new stadium and new buildings are a testament to his efforts.
    Therefore, to the critics I say “stop complaining and look around you”! The hungry are being fed, the elderly cared for and the poor assisted! What more do you want from this hard-working, compassionate and loving man? Do you want gold and diamonds in order to acknowledge the truth that is right before your very eyes? In the last fifteen years Dominica has been brought from the Dark Ages into an era of unprecedented modernization….and this was done after having to bring the economy back from a sinkhole during the first six or seven years!!!!
    Some Dominicans are way too emotional and bias about the issues. They dislike the man because he handily defeated their party during the last election. Yet, disliking Dr. Skerrit should not be a reason to turn a blind eye when it comes to observing his accomplishments and his continued efforts to bring his beloved country to the next level in development.
    They are more concerned with the Prime-Minister’s wealth and assets than with the good he has done for them and their families. They accuse him of all manner of wrong-doings and crimes against the State without any proof whatsoever! But…there are more than 60,000 Laborites who say to them: “NO! NO! NO! you will not move our PM! You will not stress him out, hinder him or erase his legacy!”
    Dr. Roosevelt Skerrit will continue to rule Dominica with the love, compassion and humbleness of a God-King! He is and always will be the Dominican Jesus whether you like it…or NOT!!!

  3. grell
    November 5, 2014

    Hospital dude that should have been done your first term i think your too confused now,time up.

  4. o yes, o yes, o yes!
    November 5, 2014

    DA is reallllllly transformed! Only the blind would miss that transformation. For example: Since Nov. 3 1978, we have passed through 7 Prime Ministers and 8 if we are to include the gentleman from Colihaut, whom Skerrit replaced. ALL of them before Skerrit, owned either a house, car, ok bank account except Skerrit who did not even own a toy scooter, let alone any of the other things above. They served a combined 24-25 yrs and in that length of time if we were to combine their assets, we would realize that Roosevelt Skerrit after 14 years in power is three times richer than all of them combined. Has the economy of Dominica transformed? Surely his riches and that of his ministers, advisors, and friends have tripled and that must be the transformation the PM is talkking about.

  5. Francisco Telemaque
    November 5, 2014

    Roosevelt, what is the difference if someone said “I am going to take Dominica to the next level” or say I am going to transform Dominica?

    Well, I believe you might be an authority over the English language since I here you are an English Major, wherever you graduated I don’t know; maybe it was in Venezuela, China, Cuba or perhaps in one of the Alba nations, but I an sure you did not graduate from any University you attended in the Oklahoma, Louisiana or any of states in the United States.

    As for me this idiot here, (I doh have any degree in English); I never majored in linguistics, nevertheless, I am very familiar with the English language, that is why I know for a fact that taking the country from one level to another, and transforming from one state, or condition to another, means the same in the English language. So your rhetoric is one of the same you used before:

    “I am going to take Dominica to the next level”(Roosevelt Skerrit).

    Those are your words used in the last election, now what you forgot to tell the people was that going to the next level could mean up, or down! Something may spiral either in the upward direction, or in the downward direction. There is no doubt that you have taken Dominica to a lower level since you have become prime minister of Dominica. The standard living, the economy of the country, hence the earning power of the people have all spiral down.

    You have truly taken our nation to a lower level, are you not tired of lying to the people when you know you are no longer capable of functioning, you have long become politically bankrupt of ideas. I would like to ask you one simply question; what is the state of the government treasury. This is an open question, and there is nothing wrong about you telling the nation how much money you have in the treasury account in a bank, how much reserve do our nation have?

    Face it man; you have cause many people in the county to be actually bankrupt, you have cause a brain drain on the country, all of our brilliant mind have immigrated, and the drain continues, all because of you incompetence. Talking crap to get votes is one scenario, but what is going to happen you will transform Dominica into nothing, your words worth nothing, anybody who believes you at this point and time of you game have to be mad!

    Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

  6. Keeping Them Honest
    November 5, 2014

    Sir Skerrit,
    If only you understood economics and the way the business world operates you would definitely understand the need to transform Dominica into a self-reliance and self-sustaining state. And too bad you’re walking on our wealth and looking outside of Dominica to borrow money to lend us. An oxymoronic approach! That in itself is retarded…borrowing money to lend, my God you must understand capitalism is not our friend. You often make the excuse that the negative effects on the economies of globalization are also affecting Dominica, well do we REALLY have to subscribe to globalization. Israel do not subscribe to the United Nations because the United Nation appears to be working against Israel. Globalization works against poor countries unless they’re heavily populated. The pundits’ arguments against globalization, because it was not designed to carter for rich countries and the fact that our share of the banana industry was mercilessly taken away from us by the multi-national corporations is enough reasons for us to look at establishing our own agricultural industries and become the bread basket of the Caribbean. Transformation will come when we redefine the mines of Dominicans again to look up at agriculture and not down. In Boston, a well-known power house of industries and commerce are now almost fully engaged in providing finance, formal training and support to young people who are already encouraged to grow, sell and eat their own produce. And believe me, they are not importing tomatoes form Dominica or any other country to sell at the Boston Market. It’s a pity; soon we will be importing bananas at s shameless record if we do not protect that gold we’re walking on.

  7. Itassi Too
    November 5, 2014

    Most times I accuse the PM of not being truthful, l but this time I agree 1000% with him that he and his DLP are not only well on the way to transforming Dominica but they have already transformed DA. They have so transformed DA that I didn’t think there was more room for transformation. However, the question is, what kind of transformation and how has his transformation helped us? let’s see some:
    1. Starting with the Vieille Case constituency and I realize it’s a national thing; after an election the elected cnadidate made it his / her priority to unite the people and that they did by having community meetings where all were invited to address community issues in a non partisan way. Since Mr. Skerrit became the parlrep and then PM in 2000, he has NEVER had nonpartisan community meetings with us. In exchange, what he has done whether is in Vieille Case, Thibaud or Penville, is form his LABOR group and only meets with them to discuss. Can you understand why we are soooo devided? Blame it on his transformation.

    2. All successful governments ALWAYS worked with the village council/ town council to serve the community. For the past 10 yrs Skerrit has bypassed councils and nonpartisan community development groups and either erected his RED group to run the affairs of the community except in areas where the chairperson is RED like in Vieille case where his adopted mother was erected by him as chairperson. Transformation right?

    3.With Christmas just around the corner, after National Day we as a nation would start to get ready for Christmas. However, there is a transformation with Skerrit. He has replaced our Christmas preparation with his election campaign which divides us, and as a result of us being divided, Christmas day that use to be celebrated as birth of our savior, has now been used to commit hate crimes like what we experienced in 2009, where GON Emmanuel’s house was fire bombed with both the Mr. & Mrs were inside. No, I AM NOT SAYING SKERRIT AND DLP did it, but I am blaming it on the politics of the Christmas season that Skerrit introduced. By the way, one of the prophetic names of Jesus was “IMMANUEL,” which means means, “GOD WITH US” Matthew 1: 23 and Isa. 7:14. I wonder if we wanted to do away with the Immanuel that is in GON’s name since it is also interpreted Jesus, which Dec. 25 reminds us of? Also, why did the apostle Matthew tell us about the birth of the real Jesus and another Matthew, this time Walter introduced us to another jesus? DNO, I am just wondering and this has no bearing on my comment LOL

  8. Lang Mama
    November 5, 2014

    Everybody Skerrit Give them Flat screen
    cyan pay electricity
    but Skerrit give em Flat screen
    Everybody Skerrit give them tablet
    they doh have internet access
    but Skerrit give them tablet

    Everybody Skerrit give them laptop
    so when battery run out
    so tell me what they go do

  9. solution2dispolute
    November 5, 2014

    if we doh ride that wave that wave will certainly ride all over us..people its the final chance we have to ride over that labour party wave..take the computer..tablets..phone..coconut cheese..logain..etc and vote them out…

  10. awa wi
    November 5, 2014

    ok so who is responsible for paying the Dominicans working at Public Works Corporation :(

    • 1979
      November 5, 2014

      shalalamba!! amen and hallelujah!! DAT!!! my friend is the SPOONING question that burning ………………….

  11. lol
    November 5, 2014

    after 15 years, transforming still?

    • Shaking my head
      November 5, 2014

      Rome wasn’t built in a day neither will Dominica or any other country in the world! It’s either you are too much into the instant gratification era OR you are definitely misinformed about worldwide/global developments and current financial setbacks.

    • November 5, 2014

      Progress/development don’t just start and stop

    • Till I'm laid to res
      November 5, 2014

      hahaha well said. I like it… I really like it. hahaha ROTFLMAO

  12. Anonymous
    November 5, 2014

    Excellent job! Five more years.

  13. Lougaoo Mem
    November 5, 2014

    Yes indeed! He has certainly transformed Dominica. This is one of the rare moments that the PM spoke the truth.

    It is no secret the Prime minister transformed the nation into a mendicant society, a very divisive and dysfunctional society who now believes corruption is the way to move forward, to include wrong is right and vice versa. So I give him kudos for finally speaking the truth.

    On the other hand, is that what we really want for our beloved nation? A nation that excludes the progressive thinking patriots (think tanks) out of the decision making process in moving the country forward. I honestly hope that commonsense prevails, and that the people will see right thru this ugly side of the Prime minister’s policy of governing the nation. I say, stop this kind of transformation before it is too late. VOTE THEM OUT!.

    • Anonymous
      November 5, 2014

      Mendicants eh! Like what you and your party are now promising? From cradle to grave? Stop the flip flopping. DLP is a far superior and best party for D/ca at this time. Will it hurt you to admit that D/ca has made great strides under this party? Of course it will but you must put Dominica first. Labour ka twavay!

  14. FL
    November 5, 2014

    The tide has changed in the U.S, just like it has in every other Caribbean Island over the past two years, So I am hoping that all Dominicans will open their eyes and vote for their future.
    We do not want our country to remain on the same old track to enrich some.

    • Drake
      November 5, 2014

      Robinson the UWP should isolate themselves from you because you are a polarizing character. You talk too much and you are very condescending

  15. Glanvillia
    November 5, 2014

    Oh Yeh we are well on our way to a fail state. Is it true that a certain supermarket is closing down in Portmouth.They may not want to admit it just like Subway blame it on a refrigerator but things are bad.
    Thank god for Ross University else Portmouth would have been a sink hole under a Labor Party their beloved political party.
    so you can keep lying, keep fooling the people karma will arrive and when it does it will have a grand entry

    • Anonymous
      November 6, 2014

      It happens every day in the U.S. One closes another opens.

  16. Mahaut
    November 5, 2014

    How long did it take Skerro to see that Dominica needs a new direction?
    WE do not want you any more , and will express our intentions at the polls.

  17. Wesley person
    November 5, 2014

    Too little to late Mr. PM. After 15 years the promise of a functioning hospital should not be a tool used to get votes. Basic healthcare should be a right of each Dominica many years ago. Not just for people like yourself who can have your son delivered in the safety of a US hospital ( shameful!!)! The hand outs that’ blatentany happening to but votes is just embarrassing . Where is the morality in my country? I use to support your government but after what has been going on, I sincerely think it is time for you to GO!! You have reached your capacity now you are on a downslide. The utter laziness that is being encouraged in my community is really ” disgusting”!!!!!

  18. famalay
    November 5, 2014

    pm better u say u on your way out

  19. Conscience
    November 5, 2014

    After 14 years you all still speaking transformation? We should be transformed already. Shame Shame. People would be mad to give you 5 more years. Anyway i want a lab top, an Iphone, an Ipad and a flat screen television

  20. 1979
    November 5, 2014

    Dear readers…..while we are here witnessing such perfect command of English and posturing as if to express such concern about our society and a nation as a whole…. we have people who have been waiting for salaries from the 30th of september all the way to today the 5th of November……. I hope we all enjoyed ourselves THOROUGHLY for the “independence” season…. FORWARD unto christmas…

  21. Anonymous
    November 5, 2014

    Mr. Prime minister, on the issue of Eco tourism, may I suggest a more aggressive strategy to extract more money from people who visit the island.

    What I mean is the following. I just returned from spending 11 days in Dominica and my wide and I had one of the best vacations every. We did a lot of touring because I made it my business to prepare to see many attractions. I did cost me a fair amount of money to do the things that we did.

    What I would have like to see was a person from the tourism office stationed at the airport to hand out brochures on what to see and do while in Dominica. That could even be extended to have some of those same tourism personnel in Roseau handing out flyers and cards to encourage people to visit our attractions. This is quite common in Las Vegas. This is a city built on tourism and they do everything possible to extract every last penny you gave in your pocket. The same model can apply to Dominica.

    A lot of effort has been put yo attract visitors, but I think more can be done to make them spend more whole they are there.people need to be proded to spend more while on island.

    Just my two cents.

  22. royal boy
    November 5, 2014

    If dcans love themselves they will vote for change. I was home in 2013 and I was so ashamed to see my nature island. Thank God for the nightlanding but it is so poor my God where are u? Please shine or light on us again it would seems that ur light in our little island has gone out.

    • Anonymous
      November 6, 2014

      We love the change we have been getting thus far. Thank you. Five more years!

  23. DC
    November 5, 2014

    Certainly PM! You have done a remarkable job and so we are on our way to victory as well. You have earned five more years and that you shall get easily. DLP, for the continued development of Dominica!

    • Anonymous
      November 5, 2014

      very well said.

  24. Preacher
    November 5, 2014

    Well done Pm 15 more years

    • Massacre
      November 5, 2014

      You are the kind of guys who have Dominican in such poor state o affairs. Have you been to some of our sister islands to how developed they are over the passed ten years. So why haven’t Skerro done the same since he been here? It is clear he does not want Da to compete on the world stage.
      Out he goes this time around!

      • Lapo Layza
        November 5, 2014

        What have YOU(Massacre) done for Dominica. .Please name at least ONE!!!!!!!

      • Till I'm laid to res
        November 5, 2014

        But you have high hopes man? di man done enrich himself and tell dominicans its not their damn business where his money coming from and still they say we love you pm. Its so they like it. As long as they get their little hand out red clinic they happy

  25. November 5, 2014

    Yes, from bad to worst is also transformation :-D

    • Anonymous
      November 6, 2014

      Stop the bellyaching! In the abundance of water the fool is thirsty.

  26. royal boy
    November 5, 2014

    Hey,Mr.prime minister wheel and come again or days are out numbered.what happen to u,WiFi did not do her duty,why u look so sad did someone beat up on u the night before or the morning u have to give or speech? Well am saying the blood and tears of our poor people are hanging round or neck so u are scared, u need to find your clausit and pray for ,forgiveness.

  27. %
    November 5, 2014

    If a government is deliberately impoverishing its people how can this country make progress? Is giving handouts progress? Is the wasting of money on bill boards worth it in a poor country as Dominica? Can a gang of greedy leaders engender progress?I think it is time to KICK OUT THIS PARTY. THE QUICKER IT IS DONE, THE BETTER IT WILL BE FOR THE COUNTRY. HOW LONG? NOT LONG!

  28. nameless
    November 5, 2014

    elections in 5 weeks as the teams from music and k
    lighting from somewhere overs is already on island for the champagne, and people are moving around the Caribbean islands and here in the usa taking names from people who would like to go to dominica for elections.

  29. GoBeckMore
    November 5, 2014

    True statement but not for the better.

  30. November 5, 2014

    Before the next general election :lol:

  31. grell
    November 5, 2014

    Transforming Dominica into communism,thats what the communist party uses as the color for communism right Skerro,but your reign wont be forever.

  32. Anonymous
    November 5, 2014

    You mean you are on your way out and the country has not yet been transformed? In how long? So its true you were not doing your job?

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