Government to seek parliamentary approval for financing of electricity transmission network

The Government of Dominica will seek parliamentary approval of a credit facility to finance the development of a new electricity
transmission network from the Roseau Valley to Fond Cole when Parliament convenes on Monday, April 29, 2024.

Minister for Finance, Economic Development, Climate Resilience and Social Security, Hon. Dr. Irving McIntyre will table the resolution for the authorization of the credit facility of EC$103.95 million from the International Development Association (IDA).

As Government advances the development of Dominica’s geothermal resource, a new electricity power plant is required to connect the geothermal power plant in Laudat to the hydroelectric power plants in the Roseau Valley and to DOMLEC’s sub-station at Fond Cole
for distribution to electricity consumers.

The Government of Dominica will also table a motion for the approval of supplementary estimates for the year 2023/24 amounting to EC$ 52, 441, 040; and introduce a Bill for an Act to amend the Tax Information Exchange Act.

Parliament convenes from 10:00a.m and will be broadcast live via the Government Information Service (GIS) and the Dominica Broadcasting Station (DBS).

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  1. Vwais den
    April 28, 2024

    it’s really interesting to note that for certain things, its all fine to go to parliament for. but for repealing buggery laws, not even the people of Dominica was informed a forehand. They just did what they wanted. and its very tactical, because if it was discussed, they wouldn’t have the support of the church, which would turn the people against your evil deeds. but now, its OK to take other matters to parliament for approval. bunch of hypocrites.

  2. April 27, 2024

    In the very near future the World will face three major situations Water, Food and Electricity.

    Water we have
    Food we can survive on if we eat what we Grow.
    Whatever we do now to increase our supply of cheap electricity is a plus.
    I personally recommend splitting the hydro outlet at trafalgar into two and building another inverter to produce another 40 MegaWatts which would put us in good standing and lower costs and also piping back the water to the lake to reduce waste of water.

  3. Ibo France
    April 27, 2024

    The present national debt is like an albatross around the necks of all Dominicans. Presently, Dominica is among countries with the highest national debt per capita in the world. Still, this borrow and spend, corrupt administration, keeps on plunging generations, yet unborn, into an ocean of debt.

    The rabid supporters will proffer that it’s for a worthy cause. Why not tap into the CBI $billions stacked away in offshore banks?

    Termites will flatten a large bungalow to ruins. Remember this: debt is a financial termite. Debt is like a trap. Easy to get into but hard to get out of. Who goes a-borrowing, goes a-sorrowing.

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