Cholera a real threat to Dominica – Chief Medical Officer


Cholera is a real threat to Dominica, Chief Medical Officer David Johnson has said.

Speaking at a two-day workshop hosted by the Ministry of Health in association with the Pan-American Health Organization (PAHO), Johnson said the deadly disease is not far away.

“Cholera remains a real threat to Dominica. It is not something of the distant future, it is almost at our doorstep. Now is the time to be prepared. Surveillance for early detection and effective case management are going to be very critical elements in our preparedness plan. However, I believe that none of these plans can be truly effective if the public is not informed and educated about cholera. Therefore these activities are examples of multi-tasking at its best in resource constrained countries like Dominica,” he remarked.

Cases of cholera have been reported in Haiti and with the Haitian population in Dominica growing at a rapid rate, Johnson urged the workshop participants about the need for balance between being proactive and raising unnecessary alarm among the public, but stressed that the threat of a cholera outbreak remains real and the public need be informed.

Johnson believes that workshops like these that seek to prepare health workers, the media and the public are the best way to mitigate the economic costs as well as possible loss of life associated with such diseases.

“When one considers that we have experienced three outbreaks of acute gastroenteritis in the last five years and the economic consequences associated with outbreaks, we can well imagine what would be the economic consequences and loss of life that would result from a cholera outbreak if we are not prepared,” Johnson pointed out.

He added, “Hence, the responsibility of communicating to the media and the public, when the public is at risk of a potential public health threat demands acquiring the right skills and competencies to do so.”

Cholera is a diarrheal disease caused by an infection of the small intestine. According to the World Health Organization, between 2 May and 12 June, 18,182 new cases were notified in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, bringing the total number of cases to 344,623 cases of cholera and 5397 related deaths, in the country, since the beginning of the outbreak in October 2010.

The workshop is hosted for health professionals on Risk Communication relating to Cholera preparedness in the Caribbean.

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  1. santa
    July 16, 2011

    why is the Haitian population rapidly increasing in Dominica people don’t just pick up and move to other countries. the goverment is the problem they need to put a stop to these Haitians what is wrong with u people

    July 14, 2011

    As the main cause of cholera is contaminated water, then we should ask DOWASCO what measures they would undertake to prevent an outbreak.

    There should be public announcements advising us to thoroughly wash raw vegetables and fruits, also the potential dangers of eating raw shellfish, and not to drink river water/rain water unless it is boiled.

    July 14, 2011

    So, soon or later a volcanic eruption of the deadly disease wil be to hitting D/ca.

    Well de minister of Labour and immigration, and de minister of Health need to tie their waist before the explossion.

  4. Concerned MD
    July 14, 2011

    Once upon atime in the old world there was so much syphillis ej in Italy it was stated that the only female who did not have it was a female statue.I support the writer Gazette san coco.Skerrit et Al decided to bring our broithers and sisters from their ravaged land as a form of solidarity camoflaging new support for the new dictatorship not realizing we are bringing lots of maladies never before exisitng on island. I hear local doctors are seeing so many new things that are only read in text books of late say the last 6-9 yrs which coincides with our brothers and sisters arrival.
    Sooner than later who won’t have communicable disesaes in DA? Do we have any statues? Cecil Allan Rawl at federation drive???? lol might be the only one with syphillis claps etc.I received an e-mail some time ago on chinese VD.An old chinese doc in T&T told the victim the only cure is when the penis rots and drops off.Resistant to all know antibiotics.

  5. shy
    July 14, 2011

    continue brining haitians in d/a that’s just the begining.who vex i say that get lost, not to those who support me.

  6. Gazette feuille caco
    July 14, 2011

    Sir,i thank you for your statements concerning the threat of this dreaded diease among our people.As a medical professional it would be a good idea if you and other medical practictioners were to impress upon our government officials the need to thorougly screen all persons seeking to reside among the local population. Thank you for starting the discussion on this disease.

  7. Wax Up
    July 14, 2011

    Well… is that all you wanted. Stupes.

  8. fatty batty
    July 14, 2011

    chief just continue to educate the nation and so they can be alert and to help save lives

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