Death by leptospirosis?

Leptospirosis can cause jaundice. Photo credit:

Former Director of Agriculture Ricky Allport died after spending several days at the Intensive Care Unit of the Princess Margaret Hospital.

He died from a suspected case of leptospirosis.

Johnathan Wilson, who died  at the hospital on Saturday, has also met his demise from a suspected case of the disease.

Dominica News Online is on the story and will bring more details as information becomes available.

Leptospirosis is a disease caused by infection with bacteria of the genus Leptospira that affects humans as well as other mammals, birds, amphibians, and reptiles.

The infection is commonly transmitted to humans by allowing water that has been contaminated by animal urine to come in contact with unhealed breaks in the skin, the eyes, or with the mucous membranes.

Symptoms of leptospirosis include high fever, severe headache, chills, muscle aches, and vomiting, and may include jaundice, red eyes, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and rash. Initial presentation may resemble pneumonia. The symptoms in humans appear after a 4–14 day incubation period.

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  1. Jim
    August 6, 2011

    Wel I remember a young man die foam Atkinson from the same thing , unless some one imposition dies nothing takes place .
    Let learn foam tha

  2. yoland
    May 20, 2011

    :cry: to the hurting families please accept my sympathy

  3. Anonymous
    May 20, 2011

    i feel so sad that you are gone . it’s just heartbreaking . will miss you and I pray that God will give all who loved you the strength to accept this and the comfort to deal with it .it seems so unreal

  4. TR
    May 17, 2011

    Deepest sympathies to his family.

  5. Concern citiizen
    May 17, 2011

    I think the health environment officers should do more inspection in restaurants and personnal homes, bakery and people must be more mindful and caitious where they eat. It is an eye sore and not a sight to behold to see people breeding dogs and cats and wants to prepare or cater for meals. I think all beverages tin or bottle should be washed prior to consuming.

  6. DJ Mr.Vybes (SOCA FM-London)
    May 17, 2011

    One of our Seniors at Rose Street,Goodwill and at “KING’S SQUARE”…. Ricky was one of us,like family,he will surely be missed by many like myself.
    R.I.P my Bro..


  7. common sense
    May 17, 2011

    if the symptoms of dengue and leptospirosis are the same, why not treat for both until the test results come back to prove whether it is one or the other?

  8. Anonymous
    May 17, 2011

    if the symptoms of leptospirosis and dengue are the same why not treat for both until test results come back to prove whether it is leptospirosis or dengue.

  9. Aunty Sandy
    May 17, 2011

    Another sad moment in our lives, Ricky is gone but he can never and will never be forgotten. To Ruth and the family, my deepest and sincerest sympathies, I grieve with you. Ruth my dear hold strong, Take it to the Lord in Prayer. Just remember God gives his people strength. I will continue to lift you and the children up in my prayers.

  10. sassisue
    May 17, 2011

    You know what I really think there should be a vaccine given to fight that dreadful disease after all!!!!!

  11. sorad
    May 17, 2011

    Sad news, earlier today i was just watching this documentary by GIS on Caribbean channel. My he rest in peace

    May 17, 2011

    One of the most CRITICAL mistakes made by our medical professionals is the fact that they react slowl to people who come in with the symptom of leptospirosis. They always say is UNDIFFERENTIATED fever, which is true. But only 2 things cause undifferentiated fever 1. Dengue and 2. Leptospirosis.
    By the time it takes them to check out the undifferentiated fever you are or will be most likely dead by that time. I say if we cannot differentiate between the 2 why not treat for leptospirosis while the test sample is taking it’s leisurely plane ride to CAREC in Trinidad. If the test returns negative no big deal but if it is positive then at least the treatment would have been initiated already. That would give ANY individual a good chance of survival from that dreadful disease.
    It is known that veterinary technicians in Dominica are very concerned about the high incidence of Leptospirosis in the country and believe that many more people have died from that disease than we suspect, but it seem these veterinary technicians are shunned by people in the medical fraternity.
    Listen DOCTORS and NURSES and PHARMACISTS vets and vet technicians are by the very nature of their field of work are very familiar with the signs/symptoms of Leptospirosis since it is a zoonotic disease, they treat that it in dogs ever so often. Personally I think it is time that you guys realize that you are not the only persons who know. Leptospirosis is a zoonotic disease and these guys know it inside out. NO OFFENSE OR DISRESPECT INTENDED to your doctors and nurses.
    What we must endeavor to do is to have the medical personnel,environmental health and vet techs work closely together in this battle to control that disease.Too many people in Dominica let their egos become their prime tool of reasoning while people keep dying.

    • Concerned veterinary professional
      May 17, 2011

      It is ironic that Richard had to die this death because he was intimately involved in the fight against rats. He was very concerned of the losses suffered of 30 to 40% to their Agricultural produce and the possibilites of the farmers contracting Lepto. He was a strong proponent of GAP in agricultural production. Please allow me to say a few words about the above.This year Veterinarians worldwide celebrate the Year of the Veterinarian(, in which veterinarians celebrate the 250th aniversary of the establishment of the Vet profession. In Dominica and the region a veterinarian is not given the place of prominence within the soceity that is required for the safety of the population. let us examine a bit the foods we love, meat, eggs, cheese, milk, fish, honey. Who keeps these very essential foods healthy?let us bear in mind that more than 200 zoonotic diseases exist in the world, added to the public health interventions that are made to keep pets healthy. vets are just not as appreciated as other groups within the society. Persons feel that going to the doctor is a style, and a visit to the doctor is very important, but people are reluctant to pay for vet services, although a health pet protects your home, and prevents spread of diseases. The poor veternarinans in the Ministry are underpaid when compared to their peers in other Ministries. they continue however to play an important dedicate role in the society. Richard has died what is going to change in the society? will clinicians be more receptive to the notion that zoonotic diseases exist and are fatal?will vets be given the prominence that they deserve?will they be given the resources required to person their duties ?The WHO has recognised that the animal- human disease interface and have gotten involved with the agencies or organizations concerned to begin to address some of the issues. What kind of collaboration will take place if mangement of the issue will take place. I wondered why would a public official of the MOH indicate in the media that the epidemic was over. I wondered how did he arrive to that conclusion. I hope this was a warning, Agriculture has been pushing this disease issue forward even without the required support at times, yet it is one of us who succumbed. I hope that Richards’ death will not be in vain. As a people as a country this dialogue needs to take place. there are many models existing where there is greater integration. eg CUBA,. Let us learn from them and protect our nation and its citizens. I did not mean to discredit other professions or professionals, I strongly support the Activities of the MOH. i wish them well but please include Agriculture more in your prgrams. We serve the same clients in most cases. Allpy rest in peace. good luck on this journey. I hope you can take a good arabica(coffee) brew with you to the next world like an eygyptian pharoah.

    • PHARM F
      May 17, 2011

      i agree with everything you just said …. My God ! a course of Doxycicline 100mg twice daily for a week could have saved those lives ! !
      Doctors, Please treat every fever, headache, chills as though is a case of Leptospirosis and save lives ! !

  13. Pat Aaron
    May 17, 2011

    Ricky? that was a back to reality shocker. Gos speed Ricky, and my deepest sympathies to his family esp Bobby

  14. D
    May 17, 2011
  15. D
    May 17, 2011

    Can leptospirosis be prevented with a vaccine?

    A vaccine for leptospirosis is available and used in some countries in Europe and Asia. It must be given every year like a flu shot. A longer-acting vaccine is being investigated in Cuba. It is not currently available in the United States.

    Travelers who are going to an area where leptospirosis is common and who will be engaged in activities that increase likelihood of exposure can take 200 mg of doxycycline per week by mouth starting before and during the time period of potential exposure. According to the Leptospirosis Information Center, there are no drug-resistant strains of the bacteria at this time.

    Leptospirosis was a reportable disease in the United States, but it was removed from the national CDC list of reportable diseases. It is, however, still reportable in some states, most notably Hawaii.

    • insight
      May 17, 2011

      I wonder where you get your info from. As far as I know as soon as leptospirosis is SUSPECTED treatment is started. It is just that the nature of the disease is that it is that severe. Do we even know how long the person was feeling unwell before they sought medical care?
      Only TWO causes of undifferentiated fever? LOL. I’m sorry. This is why people are misled. There are hundreds of causes of fever…not sure what you mean by undifferentiated..not just two.
      And as someone who works closely with the medics I know for a fact that no one waits for results from Trinidad to start treatment for lepto. Lepto suspected is lepto treated. Don’t insight hatred against medical professionals..they have enough problems. Let’s see what we ALL can do to solve this instead of casting blame where you are not even sure it is due.

  16. honest lady
    May 17, 2011

    I think the reason for more rats on the island is from Solid Waste. Since the advent of curb collecting. Frankly, I think this practice must stop and revert to collecting garbage on various days from the various communities. Allow the Village Councils to be responsible for their communities get a truck collect their garbage and take it to the Garbage dump on specific days. But for God’s sake the curb side collecting is, has not and will not work. :( Please to keep the city clean we must revert to YOUR TOWN, MY TOWN OUR TOWN, KEEP THE CITY CLEAN. In days of what was called Town Board we did not have those problems and we were less sophisticated. Now we are , read more, know better we have people succumbing to such diseases. Do not forget people that Allan Jno Baptiste died from or of that too.

  17. Anonymous
    May 17, 2011

    I knew him at the botanic gardens and its so sad that good people such as he was had to leave this world so soon. he will be be miss.To his family trust god now he alone knows your pain.

  18. trafalgar residence
    May 17, 2011

    my condolenses goes out 2 the family of the late Rick Alport, juss keep the faith the heavenly father will take u all through. bless u

  19. Anonymous
    May 17, 2011

    Wow , what a sad truth that as the one so close in its eradication he succumb to the same.Did the doctors miss this one? Was it a case of preventable death. Wea boy could we have done better? have we missed others? To Mrs Allport may the good Lord grant you all the grace needed at this time of great loss. He will get you through. peace.

  20. Interested
    May 17, 2011

    Mrs. A. Accept my sympathy on your sudden loss on behalf of my family. May the good Lord console you and your family. Hold strong during your time of grief.

  21. Tell it as it should!
    May 17, 2011

    I’m so sad to hear this news. Ruth, his daughters & son and the rest of the family must be inconsolable at this time. When I heard this news this morning, my day was broken. Such a lovely man! God only knows! My prayers and condolences are with you all in this bereavement!

    May 17, 2011



  23. Anonymous
    May 17, 2011

    R.I.P Mr. Allport You will be missed. My Sympathy goes out to Mrs. Allport and family

  24. CK
    May 17, 2011

    From what I understand, Lepto has killed quit a number of people and there has been no talk about it. Today a prominent person has died and there is all this talk about the disease. Something needs to be done as this disease is accountable for a lot of deaths in Dominica. The authorities need to explore all options to combat this as well as individual responsibilities needs to be exercised to reduce the occurrence of the disease.

    • CK
      May 17, 2011

      RIP to the family…This is indeed very sad news

  25. Realist
    May 17, 2011

    It was an absolute pleasure to have known and worked closely with Mr. Alport. My deepest sympathies to his family…REST IN PEACE MY FRIEND….

  26. Work Colleague
    May 17, 2011

    This is really sad and a major loss to the department of Agriculture, the many collaborating agencies and the Commonwealth of Dominica by extension. We sympathize with Mrs Allport and family during this time of bereavement.

  27. F_Charles
    May 17, 2011

    My condolences to the Allport Family, cannot begin to imagine what it must be like. – Be strong – All the best.

  28. cat woman
    May 17, 2011

    why is it only after these people have “bit the dust” so to speak the doctors are diagnosing their condition as leptospirosis? we gotta do better than that. my sympathies go out to the families

    • p
      May 17, 2011

      Doctors aren’t magicians. There are ways in which things are done.

  29. gone but not forgotten
    May 17, 2011

    you will definitely be missed comrade….you have inspired the Division with your experience, knowledge and great contribution.

  30. Hod Kai Che
    May 17, 2011

    Ricky Allport was a friend, neighbour and colleague – his passing will leave a great void in the lives of many of the people who knew him, particularly those of us in Trafalgar.

    Our sympathies are with his beloved wife Ruth, and their children, may God give them the strength to endure.

    Ricky’s made a considerable contribution to the productive agricultural sector, that will be his legacy. He was an affable, friendly individual who was always will to help. His ready smile and warm personality made him an easy guy to like and he had many friends across Dominica.

    His passing will touch many lives as much of his life was spent in service to his fellow Dominicans – may his soul rest in peace. Farewell my dear friend – you left us too soon.

  31. FRANK
    May 17, 2011

    HELP! HELP! isnt it obvious that people must die of leptospirosis in dominica. the country needs cleaning up.
    cecil i can’t believe you are so close to the plant parenthood assoiciation’s office and u cant see that this abbadoned building right next to the plant parent hood is so dirty and filthy. cans, bottles olld rotten ground provision dog shit and all just name it .man its a shame that we have u as city council chairman and our city is so untidy. do something quick before we lose our people in our country. this should also be taken by the ministry of health . let this be an eye opener for goverment

    • Yeah
      May 17, 2011

      And a paro recently took up residence there too boot. Have you noticed that the area around City Council Office is one of the ‘nastiest’ areas in Roseau? hmmm…just saying

      • hmm
        May 17, 2011

        ohhh yes that soo true

  32. only
    May 17, 2011

    Leptospirosis is caused by a spirochete, just as syphilis is. It is a difficult organism to treat, but is treatable via certain antibiotics, but not tetracycline. It is rare that a human would come down with this infection, much less die from it. It exists, but is not something that has ever attained epidemic proportions. I met Mr. Allport only once almost 2 yrs. ago and then he went on leave and I never had a chance to meet with him again. I enjoyed talking with him. It was unfortunate that he was never to be able to come back to work. It was obvious that whatever his illness was, it was something serious when they finally appointed another Director of Agriculture. I was told that he was on medical leave. So whatever illness that he had, I wonder if the Dr.s here even knew what they were dealing with. There is a lot of misdiagnosis in medicine.

    The Leptospira organism is not just transmitted by the urine of infected rats. It can be spread also through the urine or infected bodily fluids (just like HIV) of infected mammals such as mice, moles, rabbits, opposums, skunks, sheep, cows and dogs, although they are not usually the primary source.

    So the best prevention is to wear protective gloves, especially if you are working around possible contamination and have any open sores or wounds (soil, plants, grain sacks in warehouses). Also, wash your hands and launder any dirty clothes as necessary. Other modes of entry into the body are by drinking contaminated water or eating it through a contaminated food source.
    There is a direct seasonal correlation between leptospirosis and the rainy season in tropical climates. So you can count on it being around here most of the time.

    So Dominicans, do not panic. You have had this organism on the island for a long time. Just take the necessary precautions as well as clear your property of rubbish, garbage and harborage areas where primarily rodents can nest; do not leave pet food outside, DO NOT arbitrarily go around putting rat bail everywhere, it needs to be put inside of a weather resistent bait box that is not accessible to pets, children and other wildlife. Otherwise, you will be contaminating everything with rat poison. DID YOU GET THAT??
    And at this point, we don’t know for sure what Mr. Allport died of.
    The best solution is to get a state of the art hospital. That should be a priority with this govt.

    • Check the facts
      May 17, 2011

      Check a pharmacology text. There is a group of antibiotics called tetracycline to which belongs doxycycline, monocycline, oxytetracycline and tetracycline. All are broad spectrum and are effective against spirochetes.
      Do not limit our treatment options, please.

      • only
        May 17, 2011

        The penicillin based antibiotics are preferred in the treatment of spirochetes and have been shown to be the most effective.

    • pranner
      May 17, 2011

      Most of what you said is true. Good words, mate. I especially agree with not going into panic mode and putting rat poison everywhere. Some of it looks like candy and small children will try to it eat…it happens. Hygiene is the best way to go

  33. Anonymous
    May 17, 2011

    RIP Mr. Allport !!!!! Wishing the family Gods strength and guidance at this time.

  34. Traflagar Community
    May 17, 2011

    This is a great lost for Dominica and the Community of Trafalgar. You will be missed by all. To the family I say hold on strong.

  35. Piper
    May 17, 2011

    Oh boy, I had to read the name twice because we were schoolmates at SIFOCOL. I got an instant headache reading the story.

    My memories of you was that of a really nice funny guy. My heart goes out to your family, Ricky.

  36. Colleague
    May 17, 2011

    That is shocking news indeed. Ricky was a gentleman. My association with Ricky goes back to SMA He was then my senior. We have worked together in the Ministry of Agriculture for more 30 or so years. He will be sorely missed. his death must be that wake up call to us as a nation. The questionwe need to ask, each one of us individually. What is it that I am doing that will NOT assist in eradicating into extinction the main carrer of the suspected disease? Two deaths in three days? taht should be enough for us to stop and take note.

    To Ruth, his children, siblings and extended family and work colleagues. You all can take courage and support in the knowledge that Ricky is with his maker. he has gone (albeit before us) to that place where we we all must go. Take courage. may God give you the strength you need to cope in these difficult time with such a lost.

    Rest in peace my friend. Dominica’s lost, is Heaven’s gain

  37. insight
    May 17, 2011

    Whoever wrote the above article seriously needs to check the grammar, please try to make this site professional as it represents Dominica.
    That being said…LEPTOSPIROSIS…is not anything new in Dominica…what has happened now is that someone that is know to several people has allegedly contracted it. It is a serious disease, spread by rats, with high morbidity/mortality.
    It stands to reason that the treatment most effective is not really against the disease, but against the source..i.e..the rats.
    I am yet to understand why the skips were removed from the communities, especially inn Roseau. Part of the problem is that people produce much more garbage than they can keep in the house over a 2-3 day period without stinking up their home, BUT, many times they don’t really have a yard either to put a bin (like those who live in apartments etc), so they resort to putting the garbage on the street. This is very unsightly, and quite frankly nasty! We must look for another alternative to this, and I think bringing back the skips is a good idea.
    The other think is at the hospital there is a fairly large population of rats, cockroaches and stray dogs, even though the hospital is cleaned constantly. The fact of the matter is even though you clean your home….and your neighbours don’t clean is almost impossible to get rid of pests. This is why EVERYONE has to make a conscious effort to eliminate these animals.

    • Yeah
      May 17, 2011

      AND PLEASE DSWMC collect the garbage in a more timely manner.

  38. Da to the Bone
    May 17, 2011

    Sad, Sad, Sad
    We lost another great man. My sympathy to the family, be strong.

  39. Former P.Q O
    May 17, 2011

    Rest in Peace Ricky My sympathy to Ruth and family.In this field of work we need to be more vigilant how we handle plants and animal products.I hope all Agricultural workers take heed.

    • Homeboy
      May 17, 2011

      Who is that Plant Quarantine Officer?

  40. forkit
    May 17, 2011



    • Science is King
      May 17, 2011

      Are you even aware how Leptospirosis is diagnosed ?

      Most Medical unit in the United states are not equipped to handle this disease because of the sheer costs and cases are usually reported to the CDC where lvl 3 labs will then run tests…Manually, the only real way to deal with this in a small island is for it to be diagnosed at an early stage and treated with a heavy dosage of antibiotics…Politicians are not at fault, sometimes it all comes down to Human error

    May 17, 2011

    People, pls do not wait, ck the symptoms, get to the hospital as quickly as possible, we like to seat at our home and say is this and that like we are doctors, better be safe than sorry. Listen to the advice of the Environmental Health and adhere to their recommendations and read up on the internet. This is deadly and we all hve hve the responsibility to take care of our immediate environment and educate ourself on this disease and take the necessary precautions….this is serious….one life is too many

  42. Public officer
    May 17, 2011

    My deepest sympathies to the Allport Family. Be strong in the Lord.

  43. ll
    May 17, 2011

    I am so sad by this news, RIP Mr Allport u were always nice and pleasant during my tenure at the Division of Agriculture. May god comfort and strengthen ur wife and children during this sad time. We will miss your presence u were so active and positive. God is in control here.

  44. Valda Bruno Durand
    May 17, 2011

    Oh this is so sad may his family find peace in the memories they will always have of him. Rest In Peace Rickie

  45. RAS B
    May 17, 2011

    As a former school mate of mine both at the SMA and Sixth form College, I am stunned by this news. I morne his loss and extend my Sympathies to his wife Ruth and his family. R.I.P, young man.

  46. Hmmmm
    May 17, 2011

    Isn’t there a vaccine for this thing? What’s being done about those monster rats i see everytime I walk through Roseau!!! We need more done about this. There was some big talk about “sensitizing the public” about this disease. What happened to that? And why do samples have to go right to Trinidad for confirmation of a disease that kills quickly??!!! Come on!!!! We can do better than that!

    • only
      May 17, 2011

      The vaccine has not been proven to be preventative and can cause other health problems.
      This disease does not kill quickly.

    • Donna diva
      May 17, 2011

      Sadly there is no vaccine for this awful disease, but there are precautions you can take, here they are, i hope they are helpful….

      There is no available human vaccine effective against leptospirosis.
      For people who may be at high risk for short periods (e.g. occupational risk, high-risk water sports activities in known endemic areas or living or working in areas with a high rat infestation), taking doxycycline (200 mg weekly) may be effective.
      Immunisation of animals with Leptospira vaccines: an animal vaccine is available, and immunising and treating infected animals is worthwhile.
      Reduce rodent populations, e.g. by clearing rubbish and preventing rodent access into buildings.
      •The risk of infection can be greatly reduced by not swimming or wading in water that might be contaminated with animal urine.
      •If there is contact with fresh, surface waters, e.g. canals, ponds or rivers, or with rats, then advise the person to:
      ◦Cover cuts, scratches or sores with a waterproof plaster and thoroughly clean any cuts or abrasions caused during the water activity.
      ◦Wear appropriate protective clothing, gloves or protective footwear.
      ◦Wash or shower promptly after water sports.
      ◦Avoid capsize drill or rolling in stagnant or slow-moving water.
      ◦Wear thick gloves when handling rats.
      ◦Wash hands after handling any animal, and before eating.

    • Anonymous
      May 17, 2011

      there’s no human vaccine

  47. the doc
    May 17, 2011

    that is definitely a shocker this morning RIP Ricky Deepest sympathies to the family

  48. Good People
    May 17, 2011

    Ricky Allport was such a darling. I met him while he was Director and was just impressed with the individual when he got away from his desk and came to sit next to me for the meeting. When a man is this humble, he goes far…and this person went far…he will be remembered.

    My deepest sympathies to the family.

  49. Frankly
    May 17, 2011

    This is really a sad situation. That Active, healthy people contributing to society should just be struck down in this way. But that is nature. Invisible bacterias can hit at any time. They dont care who you are…you are just another organism to attack and live off.

    I did not know young Wilson, but my sympathy goes out to his family. To Ricky Allport’s family also. And thanks Ricky for a life dedicated to family and country through agriculture and public service. We will miss you…that friendly smile and helping ways…now only a fond memory.

  50. Sunday's Child
    May 17, 2011

    My deepest sympathies to the family and friends of Ricky Allport.

  51. Sympathy
    May 17, 2011

    My heart goes out to Mrs. Allport and family.

  52. Anonymous
    May 17, 2011

    Rest in Peace Mr. Allport. My Sympathy goes out to Mrs. Ruth Allport and her family . Be strong

  53. . Slave 10 th. Grandson
    May 17, 2011

    What boy! What a lost, my sympathy goes out to the families.

  54. NO SENSE
    May 17, 2011

    may his soul rest in peace. now we have to be so carefull of where we eat and drink.

  55. kat
    May 17, 2011

    sad. to the allport famly,accept my sympathy

  56. Eggy
    May 17, 2011

    May your soul rest in peace olpy. You will surely be missed in Trafalgar.

  57. ah ah ah
    May 17, 2011

    r i p
    i hope you made it right with god

    • Homeboy
      May 17, 2011

      What kind of a comment is this. Be concerned about your soul and rather say a prayer on his behalf.. Be more sensitive! Ok

  58. Sorry
    May 17, 2011

    Deepest condolences to the family and friends of Mr Allport.

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