The Dominica Cancer Society is headed to Portsmouth where it will conduct cancer screening starting tomorrow.
Each session will begin with an educational session on breast health followed by a physical examination for all who make themselves available.
Screenings were conducted at the Delices Health Centre last Thursday and, like all the other Health Centres in the La Plaine Health District, the venue was packed to capacity. This was the final physical screening conducted by the Dominica Cancer Society in this district.
The Dominica Cancer Society Inc. would like to thank the Family Nurse practitioner (FNP), Missie Lander, and rest of the La Plaine Health Team for accepting the Society’s invitation to carry out this physical screening in their Communities. The fact that about 10 percent of those who made themselves available for screening needed referral raises concern for the state of Cancer in the general population.
The carded dates and Health Centres for the Portsmouth Health District are as follows:
Anse de Mai February 02
Dos Dane February 03
Dublanc February 10
Portsmouth February 12
Thibaud February 17
Veille Case February 19
Cottage February 26
Dr Callender and her Ross group “Espwa Dominique” are expected to assist with the screening of the large turn out expected at the various Health Centres in the Portsmouth District.
I agreed Robert.
First of all, it is great initiative from the Cancer Society to conduct such activities in the island.
But let do it correct. There is a lack of educational activities regarding breast cancer and how to detect it early… so there we go, we all involve in health should encourage the female population to visit the physician or health provider in a yearly basis if over 40 years age.
We should focus in how to educate the patients in self examination and how to detect early this condition.
We are incorrectly calling this educational workshop, or clinic as “screening” when we are not using the proper tools for early detection which is the mammogram exam.
Today’s quality screening mammography is the most effective tool available to physicians in detecting breast cancer BEFORE lumps can be felt or symptoms of cancer appear. Early detection of breast cancer not only helps provide a woman with more options, but also increases the prossibility of a favorable prognosis.
there is no better than screening mammogram for early detection, be aware.
Women have to take a closer look at the deodorant and roll-ons that we use. My breasts were very painful and tender over the years using these products. The main ingredient is aluminum Chlor…….. (something), I started using aluminum free roll-ons, since then my breasts are pain free and fine .
What i realiise that – there seem to be a fear driven in us that our breasts are made for cancer – the medical professionals give us a timeline when our breasts will get cancer – my mother never had to check for breast cancer monthly nor yearly and they are still there. The food and cosmetic products we use are a key factor.
Marian Jno-Finn
great initiative