(DNO) A 2009 United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM) report has indicated that in Dominica, 77 persons died from HIV/AIDS from1997‐2009, which the report indicates a decrease in the HIV‐related mortality rate since 2005 as compared to previous years.
“This decline is almost certainly attributable to the scale up of HIV treatment and care in Dominica including the availability of free health-care services, the increase in campaigns and access to antiretroviral treatment for persons living with HIV and AIDS, and the increase in campaigns encouraging persons to get tested for HIV,” the report said.
The information narrated in this report is as a result of the inclusion of stakeholders’ civil society and Government officials input and feedback.
The report stated that a multisectoral approach has been the hallmark of the national response to HIV and AIDS. It says that stakeholders within the private sector and the civil society were brought together through a consultative process to complete the NCPI.
“The consultations were very interactive, allowing the expression of concerns through open discussions. The consultation facilitated clarification of issues surrounding the national response to HIV in Dominica. During this process, participants felt that the questionnaire was too long and repetitive and some of them they did not feel qualified to complete the questionnaire. In cases where government officials could not attend this consultation a one-on-one process was used during the National Public Health Surveillance Team meeting,” it said.
The report said Dominica’s initial steps to combat the HIV and AIDS problem dates back to 1987 after the first HIV and AIDS case was diagnosed.
“This was done through the establishment of the HIV/AIDS Central Office, as part of the Health Education Unit within the Ministry of Health, which engaged in implementing mainly education, prevention and awareness programmes around the island,” the report said.
Fewer people are dying and we thank God for the free ARVs and the support of the National Unit. However, Living with HIV is not easy and we need food to distribute to those who are struggling to cope. A good diet and over the counters meds are important in saving lives. Donations gratefully received and channeled to Life Goes On…..please call 4498593 if you want to help or donate.
good to know that the mortality rate has decreased but it is still advisable to inform people of the transmission rate, fewer people dying from the disease is a good thing, but it does not mean that fewer people are being infected.. still lets protect ourselves, cause prevention is better than cure..we too have to join hands and care for those infected..
true that ! lets all do that after all they are ours brothers and sisters or could be ours kids!
Thumbs up to the health system in D/ca. It’s good to see the decline, but following the numbers of death should follow the numbers infected. Since in a way this kind of send the wrong message to the general public.
Protect yourself. Aids and HIV is real.
All of this is good new for us in Dominica. however i do belive it’s time we think of thoses who are liveing with the hiv. i work with PLWHA and trust me they are just like you me with alot of good , but it’s a shame to see the way some of them ae treated when people fine out. but now adays with all the good (meds ) people dont die form hiv anymore, so why dont all of us get tested and care for thoses who are HIV/AIDS , can be me or you tomorrow! i have lean so much from them about the disease by just talking with them. DO you know what you have ?????????????????????????????????
that is good but we still gotta protect ourselves, that dont mean anything the disease is still around people…
And, another reason is that the population has drastically shrink during the period1997 – 2009.
And thank God, men are keeping their tail in their butt and the women are keeping their purse zip.