Hundreds of Dominican women capable of self-breast examination

As the Breast Screening Campaign continues in the Portsmouth Health District, the Dominica Cancer Society Inc. can now boast that almost 500 women are now empowered to do their self-examination.

In excess of 10 percent of those who have already done the screening underwent immediate referral. The Dominica Cancer Society Inc. is appealing to all concerned to join in the national effort in combating the number one killer – cancer. Records show that 18 to 20 persons die annually with cancer.

In order to intensify this campaign, a promotion event will be held at the Penville Health Centre in Penville, on February 22, 2010. This will be headed by Family Nurse Practitioner Jenny Brewster, assisted by Community Health Nurse Marie Dubois.

Among the items on the day’s program are:

  • A report on the successful “Breast Screening Campaign” in the La Plaine Health District.
  • An update of the Campaign in Portsmouth Health District
  • Distribution of Certificates of Achievement
  • Plans for Breast Screening in the Grand Bay Health district, in the month of April.
  • Update on the PAHO training for Support Group and Board Members
  • Recognizing recent donors among who are the Family of President Crispin Sorhaindo and the Dominica Social Security.
  • Update on nine (9) year-old Celia (Cancer Patient) from Petite Soufriere

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  1. sweetness
    February 18, 2010

    sure will try to make it a date to be in Penville to get my breast examine

  2. CB CUZ
    February 18, 2010

    Better late than never…but apart form the screening i think that all nurser in all the health centers over the island should be holding weekly workshops teaching women how to do their own at home exams.
    My women of dominica everytime you go to you doctor for your annual exam please let him/her show you how to do your own exam…IT HELPS!! TRUST ME!!!

  3. Cathy
    February 18, 2010

    Timely exercise. In future, i recommend that the health personnel do more of these health campaigns, go to the schools, places where there are large congregations, after church on sunday etc, any place where people can persons can be reached.. People should take interest in their health status and the health personnel must not stop in bringing the message right to the public. thank you

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