Increased taxes on tobacco and banning of ads depicting smoking coming soon

Dominica is one step closer to implementing policies and legislation that will prevent the smoking of tobacco within the workplace.

Some of these policies include banning ads that depict tobacco smoking, and increased taxation on the substance.

This morning, officials from the National Drug Prevention Unit and other stakeholders gathered at the Fisheries Complex in Roseau to conduct a workshop centered on the prevention of tobacco smoke in the workplace, particularly in the Government Headquarters.

With the theme “Creating a smoke free environment in public places”, participants were briefed on a Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) which Dominica signed and ratified in 2007, but failed to implement.

Research Officer at the National Drug Prevention Unit (NDPU) Martha Jarvis said the FCTC aims to strengthen employee awareness of tobacco, reduce their exposure to second hand smoke and to develop a policy that will enable and promote a healthier and safer environment at the government headquarters.

The intention is to later extend focus on all workplaces in the country.

One of the main measures highlighted as a possible solution to the use of tobacco in and around the country was the increase of taxation on tobacco.

Director of the NDPU Jacinta Bannis also sees this as a means of increased revenue for the country.

“Our policies should basically emphasize the enforcement of banning of tobacco products in advertising promotion and sponsorship. Sometimes I usually say, what message are we sending to our young persons when we use advertisements from cigarettes or even alcohol for, lets say , a cricket game? We have to begin to take into consideration all of those issues when we are devising policies,” she said.

“Our policies should also raise taxes to increase the price of tobacco. Sometimes people say it will not deter because three of us can put together to buy a pack of cigarette. People will find various means to go against that but it will also raise revenue for the country,” Bannis said.

“I think we have a right as citizens to breath smoke free,” she added.

Bannis encouraged participants to join in the efforts to minimize tobacco use.

According to officials, tobacco is the single most preventable cause of disease.

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  1. love dominica long time coming ban that killer that thing to many people in the world

  2. Agree
    October 6, 2010

    In total Agreement.

  3. w
    October 6, 2010

    I totally agree with this. There should be a ban in all public places. I went to a show in the stadium and here is this manish looking woman smoking and the wind direction was blowing her smoke directly in my face. when I started coughing, she ask me “WHAT”. I was walking with my son who was 1 year at the time in Roseau and as soon as I bent a corner, a puff of smoke hit us in the face. Just because you choose to smoke, why should my baby and I smoke with you. Kill yourself not everyone too. I back this 10000%.

  4. gaynproud
    October 5, 2010

    oh Lord ! i was about to applaud this as I am totally against smoking until I say that statement”People will find various means to go against that but it will also raise revenue for the country” but mamzelle crazy. You looking to implement a policy you should sell it as a healthy lifestyle policy you talking about revenue. But where them people go school nuh ! In bus man ! lord help this country yes !

  5. T. Winston
    October 5, 2010

    To me something should be done about the vagrants who “smoke” banned substances in Roseau though they are few it should be none

  6. Itassian
    October 5, 2010

    It is so disgusting to have someone puff their tobacco smoke in your breathing zone. This legislation should have been passed years ago but better late than never. Not only should smoking be banned in indoor public places but in all public places in general so that if I go to the stadium to watch cricket or football I should not be exposed to someone else’s tobacco smoke.

    Nowadays tobacco advertising is principally directed towards the youth because the earlier people begin to smoke the more likely is it that they will become adult or chronic smokers. So I agree that there should be a ban on advertising on the radio, on TV or on billboards and even in places where tobacco is sold. The necessary signs and warnings should also be an essential part of this law. The legislation must also crimminalize the sale of tobacco products to minors and should require age identification when in doubt for sale of tobacco.

    Dominicans have a habit of passing laws and no enforcing them. The Litter Act is a typical example. What I would like to see is that the law is not just placed in a book but enforced.

  7. Dcan
    October 5, 2010

    And ban it in bars as well, anywhere public. Go outside and smoke.

  8. Good Move
    October 5, 2010

    Increased Taxes on Cigarettes and Decrease on Necessities.

  9. de caribbean change - BBA, MBA, CPA
    October 5, 2010

    Better late than never, the banning of smoking in workplaces and in restaurants and clubs and events should have been done long time ago. The banning of smoking in homes where there are kids living should be banned as well. I also should mention the banning of the use of cell phones when driving unless it’s an emergency or used with an ear piece attached, should take effect also. The banning of cell phones at school during class sessions, in the court room when court is in session or in the workplace except when its put on vibration, that way the ringing would not disturb your fellow workers. Lots of banning to do. Should we ban the boys from whispering to the girls on the streets as well (LOL)?

  10. 200%
    October 5, 2010

    increase by the tax by 200% . i waiting to welcome the new tax

  11. D/can overseas
    October 5, 2010

    thanks, also ban smoking in public places like hotels, restaurant, ( if it occurs). Too much 2bnd hand smoking

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