PMH scales back on non emergency surgeries

pmhAn acute shortage of anesthetic drugs has forced authorities at the Princess Margaret Hospital (PMH) to scale back on non emergency surgeries.

However Chief Medical Officer, Dr. David Johnson, is insisting this is just a short term problem.

“We are currently facing a low supply of some our anesthetic drugs at the Hospital, that I can confirm,” Dr. Johnson said on Thursday. “And therefore we had to make certain management decisions in terms of how we proceed. So the decision that was taken is to scale back on doing selective surgery at the Hospital for now  … that is for a short period of time.”

He noted the problem surfaced “over the last few days” since the authorities are “facing some challenges in terms of sourcing some of our anesthetic drugs from our normal suppliers.”

He further pointed out that the company that supplies the drugs to Dominica are also “facing challenges in terms of their own stock of anesthetic drugs.”

Dr. Johnson gave the assurance that the drug will be in Dominica soon.

“I have been in contact with the Hospital Chief Pharmacist and have been reassured that one of the major drugs that are low is on its way to Dominica and should be there most likely by today (Thursday) or tomorrow (Friday),” he stated. “And hopefully the situation in terms of having to scale back on doing non emergency surgeries at the hospital should be rectified.”

Dr. Johnson also pointed out that the issue is not unique to Dominica. “The situation as it relates to Dominica and its shortage of anesthetic drugs is not only common in Dominica,” he remarked. “What we found out is that there seems to be, even on the international scene, some challenges as it relates to some anesthetic drugs.  In fact there are some of the anesthetic drugs that we are using all the while that is no longer being produced on the international market.”

To make the matters worst, Dr. Johnson said some anesthetic drugs are narcotic drugs which may fall into the wrong hands. Because of that they are tightly controlled by the International Narcotics Board.

“And therefore because all of those situations are on the increase there is tightening up on the security system with regards to these narcotic drugs … Dominica is obviously being affected,” he said.

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  1. Just a Suggestion
    April 28, 2013

    You know what they say about minor situations, if they are not dealt with speedily, they can develop into major catastrophies.

  2. Truth
    April 27, 2013

    Well that’s the price we pay for free medical services!!

    • Anonymous
      April 29, 2013

      Yes Government has squandered and stupidly wasted precious dollars but add to that a welfare citizenry we have a country that really has serious problems that will in fact lead to death.

      It will only get worse.

  3. Anonymous
    April 27, 2013

    I guess the Government can sell some of the gifts which the Prime Minister and other Ministers have received which are stored in our National Archives since they are gifts to the people of Dominica to provide medical supplies to PMH.

  4. Francisco Telemaque
    April 27, 2013

    Here is an example of how stupid, and ignorant some Dominicans are; hate me if you wish, and that goes out to any Dominican who wish to hate me because of the truth I convey.

    The caption reads:

    “OECS Health officials further discuss operations of an Electronic Procurement System for Pharmaceuticals.”

    I would like a kindergarten student to explain to me where in everything read under the caption to which some idiot in Dominica who referred a web site address to the to the audience. I went to the site, I read; however, I did not read any place where this so called Anonymous found something which state that the other islands in the “OECS” have a shortage of anesthetics, or other medication in their hospitals!

    The people who are the stupidest are those who are very quick to make comparisons between Dominica and other places. This Dominica clown who writes under the fictitious does not even know the meaning of the word “procurement.” In the event if the person knew the meaning of the word he/she would realize that procurement simply means “to get possession of something, or obtain by some particular care, and effort.”

    I am not an English, or linguistics major, but if Wesley English serves me correctly, I do not believe that the word procurement in any therm it is used means a shortage of anything, and in particular anesthesia drugs

    You see any crap to justify our nation backwardness suits these foolish people. We should all face it as it is; if it is a spade; let us call it a spade, and not a spoon. Dominica is a country struggling economically, the treasury is always empty, thus we have plenty of money problems, as such, we cannot buy certain things needed for hospitals, schools and other government institutions.

    Money talks; politics, and baloney ride in the back of the old smoking diesel buss!

    Our colors, Red, Blue, and Green cannot be used to pay pharmaceuticals manufacturers for the medicines we need in our hospitals. It is time that you people wake up, and realize the world does not owe Dominica any special favors, and at some point and time the handouts are going to cease.

    Develop the country, develop the economy of the country, thus we will be in a position to raise enough revenue to carry our own weight, and we will no longer have to say there is suffering and hardship on another island, therefore it is okay for us to suffer in Dominica also.

    That is the Dominica mentality, which has plagued and held us back from the beginning of our existence.

    Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

    • Realist
      April 27, 2013

      You, my friend, is a very angry man. You need some psychiatric help.

  5. .
    April 27, 2013

    Mr Johnson are you indirectly telling us that the country is dead broke? Even before that we were languishing as one of the poorest countries in the Caribbean, so i would not be surprised if it is a money issue.

  6. Realist
    April 27, 2013

    Poor Sisserou! No sedation to stop the pain of her perforated heart.

    • Realist
      April 28, 2013

      @ Realist(the imposter)
      Pleased be advised that the moniker REALIST is copyrighted and has been in use for several years now by this the original party.

      So you are hereby instructed to CEASE and DESIST its use with immediate effect. Any further infringement shall result in serious legal implications. :)

  7. Realist
    April 27, 2013

    That’s MISMANAGEMENT at its very best. Its amazing that people are condoning this gross inefficiency, when its implications could jeopardize their very lives or that of love ones.

    Just imagine that some years ago, the Central Medical Stores had a major fire and they did not complain of any anesthetic shortage, yet now when everything is touted as being perfect they are short.

  8. Let's talk
    April 27, 2013

    And I would also like to know who is prioritizing the surgeries and on what basis.

    Who is determininig what surgeries are most important with this here limited anesthetics…and what if during surgery, there is an adverse reaction… are there drugs and training available? Or is that person ‘outta luck’ since his alloted meds has been used?

  9. domincan
    April 26, 2013

    I just fine everything is politic is skero most of u that tallkking are one running st.thomas da big apple stay give de country de money so it can help but no is skero all u will be giving it to u better your counrty is for us all not for the coverment is for us

  10. onlyme
    April 26, 2013

    I just called the Chief Pharmacist, and Chief Surgeon in St Lucia …. THEY DONT HACE ANESTHETIC CRISIS … Does St Lucia has better health infrastructure than us? Dont they buy from same OECS?

    • Question
      April 28, 2013

      Would they tell you if they did?

  11. Pro
    April 26, 2013

    Why do Dominican public officials like to embarrass themselves so? Mr. Johnson you can do better than that my 3 month old niece can tell that you are not telling the truth.

  12. 4u2c
    April 26, 2013

    That is genuinely pure concentrated BS….This is 2013 folks!!! You have to be prepared and ready to take on challenges. Lack of preparation becomes everyone Emergency…How can you let your supply run so low that u have to scale back to only emergencies? Please folks , DO Better because we can. This sounds like Pre -K kids managing peoples health care..

    • W Ronny
      April 28, 2013

      What management na? these people are busy comepitting with ordinary workers on the ground and totally abandoning their responsibilities.

  13. Evolved
    April 26, 2013

    That is such a bloody laugh – we have a state palace – but no drugs for surgery – the next level!

    • Let's talk
      April 27, 2013

      Need I say more…

  14. yaaa
    April 26, 2013

    puuure rubbish excuse about difficulty in sourcing the drugs, lmao. Doh try that :mrgreen: Is either allu forget to order or the funds low. :-|

    • Too Hard Too Long
      April 26, 2013

      And what evidence do you use to support this claim?

      • yaaa
        April 27, 2013

        just come out there you aself with your rubbish question.

  15. Bunty
    April 26, 2013

    This is crazy who is doing the stock taking of the drugs department this is a life and death situation when DRUGS are getting low and order should be in place already I work at a hospital this sort of thing cannot happen people life are in your hands yes it is a control substance that needs to be under locks………. somebody needs to be fired then again that employee might be holding a RED flag I’m just saying

  16. Anonymous
    April 26, 2013

    So the State Palace cant fix that problem? After spending $26 million plus interest, and more than likely, plus arrears, should be able to solve all these problems like saving lives that can be saved.

  17. Not worried
    April 26, 2013

    Speaking from a lil experience its the suppliers.Always cutting down on PMH orders which reflects on workers,like they are not doing their Jobs.With this domino effect tht brings in the gvnment

  18. Just for consumption
    April 26, 2013

    What we do need in Dominica is what we all applaud President Obama for, “Paying our fair share at PMH”.

    We all pay several thousands to fly from Dominica to Timbuktu for medical treatment, yet we refuse to pay $20.00 a day for our treatment at PMH.

    Shall we all to include the Negative/critical ones and those of us who cherish the treatment we receive at PMH pay our “fair share” there will be no need for shortage of drugs and or medical equipment at the PMH.

    The only reason why all those so called better hospitals are not short on medical supplies is that everyone pays “Hugh Bills” for the services no matter how small they receive from those hospitals. While we sit and criticize our PHM, many Dominicans living in the Diaspora when sick quickly return to PMH to take advantage of our meager supplies and resources, hence the reason why we have no supplies.

    • chen ling don
      April 28, 2013

      Your argument is critically flawed on several counts, not least being it was not based on any scientific survey or research.

      Basically you went off on some emotional ranting blaming ordinary Dominicans for the conditions of the hospital, when Dominican are paying more than 4 times the taxes they used to pay 15 years ago. And back then there was no shortage of supplies.

      You deliberately neglected to compare Dominica to the other OECS islands whose health care to their natives are cheaper than Dominica’s. You also berate visiting Dominicans for using their own hospital, yet find no problem with the thousands of illegal migrants who presently overstress Dominica’s limited healthcare resources at the same privilege as locals.

      Overally your contribution is patently convoluted as it is basically seeking to blame the long suffering victims rather than the incompetence of the administrators.

  19. TSF
    April 26, 2013

    Of all the stories I have read on here, this one really pains me. This is because my Dad worked his entire life to try and better the Health Department of Dominica and to hear that the main and only proper hospital in my country runs out of vital drug is an absolute travesty. This is so very painful to me, I am lost for words. Why can`t we not do things properly in Dominica, why?
    Now I ask myself, has anyone lost their life as a result of such catastrophic failure? We may never know the answer and I fear this just shows our inability to manage our own affairs. In any other decent country the chief medical officer would have been sacked. This is sub standard service and is that what we Dominicans are prepared to settle for? Think about it for a second.

    Thank you

  20. eh beh
    April 26, 2013

    just leave our Skerro alone

    • lewis
      April 27, 2013

      is not Skerro… is the ppl he has in the ministry of health

  21. Francisco Telemaque
    April 26, 2013

    “An acute shortage of anesthetic drugs has forced authorities at the Princess Margaret Hospital (PMH) to scale back on non emergency surgeries. However Chief Medical Officer, Dr. David Johnson, is insisting this is just a short term problem.(David Johnson).

    As far as I am concerned that is one of the worst form of inefficiency in a hospital; no hospital should ever have a shortage of anesthetic drugs, since there are no shortage of such drugs in the modern world. I think as everything else in our country our priorities inverted (up side down).

    Anesthetic is a drug or agent used to eliminate the sensation of pain to achieve adequate muscle relaxation during surgery, to calm fear, and allay anxiety, and to produce amnesia for the event. I doubt inhalational anesthetics which are gases, or volatile liquids that produce general anesthesia when inhaled.

    These days the older agents, such as ether, and cyclopropane, are now used infrequently, if we are still using such at home, that may be the reason for the shortage, since such might be difficult to obtain.

    Intravenous anesthetics are the most commonly used these days; they are sedative-hypnotic drugs that produce anesthesia in large doses. The most commonly used of these are propofol, a phenol derivative, and ultra-short acting barbiturates, such as thiopental (Pentothal), thiomylal (Surital), and methohexital (Brevital), which can be used alone for brief surgical procedures, or for rapid induction of anesthesia maintained by inhalational anesthetics.

    There may be more modern one at the moment, nonetheless, there are also other types of intravenous methods of anesthesia, such are neuroleptanalgesia, which uses a combination of the butyrophenone tranquilizer droperidol, and the opioid fentanyl; neuroleptanesthesia, which uses neuroleptanalgesia plus nitrous oxide; and dissociative anesthesia, which uses ketamine, a drug related to the hallucinogens that produces profound analgesia.

    Without local anesthetics which are drugs that block nerve condition in the region where they applied: I think I shout cut it here so that it does not get more complicated, but without the anesthetics mentioned, we might be better off if the doors of Princes Margaret Hospital was closed.

    Timothy usually runs his mouth off talking about health and how ready is Dominica, to deal with any medical problem what has he got to say about this shortage on such important medications?

    Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

  22. anonymous2
    April 26, 2013

    Why can’t someone stay on top of what needs to be ordered ahead of time on this island?? PMH is not the only business that has this problem. Try cement and various other building materials. I don’t know the answer to this problem other than no one thinks ahead.

  23. New Yorker
    April 25, 2013

    27 million state place yes? no drugs at pmh no? where is the priority?

  24. my take
    April 25, 2013

    Anonymous, my thought too, sorry for the comments

  25. Strangely
    April 25, 2013

    I think the issue is one of “lack of funds”

  26. Ras vapor
    April 25, 2013

    Time we start using marijuana vapor to put these pts to sleep for surgery.
    Far fetched you think no way! Instead of geo thermal we can export marijuana vapor like laughing gas see, paul , farrara Thomas operatingand pts highan smilingafter they gey up even docs will be high.

  27. Easy does it
    April 25, 2013

    You mean GENTLE REST is low on PARACETAMOL? LOL It seems to me that this is the only medication Dominicans know of.The darn thing is outdated anyway and it’s about time the pharmacists come with some fresh ideas.

  28. Room 101
    April 25, 2013

    poor explanation …it looks more like a lack of Funds than a problem with sourcing the drugs.

    You should tell the truth to the nation….Dominican are intelligent people.

  29. Possie
    April 25, 2013

    Do worry man there is lots more to come but seeing that the worst set of slaves landed in Dominica the more you beat them the more stupid they become

  30. Justice and Truth
    April 25, 2013

    Those who reside abroad know too well that it has occurred where they reside. Who knows? As the years progress it may get worst.
    Dr. Johnson is correct. He knows what he stated and the conditions. Those who doubt him and criticize him should do some international research.
    What should be done with the help of God is to take care of our health, do not be negligent, live well, in love and peace with others as you give God his dues and hope that we will live healthily for a very long time. This commences from childhood and with nutritious food and drink. A turn-a-round of health is necessary.
    It may be too late for some but for those who are still healthy, take note and act accordingly for your health benefit, well-being and longevity. We are told to take charge of our body and health.

    • Marijuana
      April 26, 2013

      …you should change your name to lies and oppression… 8) …always there writing centuries old NONSENSE…get a flipping life or look outside your window…. :oops:

    • smh!!!
      April 27, 2013

      your name is so ironic. Justice and truth? All you do is write long epistles in support of mediocrity and bad governance in this country. You are a sad excuse for a patriot.

  31. Anonymous
    April 25, 2013

    All those north east people they have in the MoH that are not performing, should go……….end of story!

    • Choice-X
      April 28, 2013

      its disgusting shameful and downright revolting, how you are so racist to your own people. yet find excuse to pamper every foreign invader that set foot here

  32. My rights
    April 25, 2013

    When you look at 99% of countries’ if not more , most Ministers of government has a degree or vast experience in the Ministry which is given to them .IN Dominica we give ministries to ministers just because they campaign during election for the party . what you expect when you have a business man in charge of the COUNTRY’s health department ? Recently I agreed to a blogger who said PMH is a one way , so many people disagreed , well they are proving our point . I do hope that one has to go to the PMH with any serious illness during this time and has to suffer, and Johnson tell people the truth you all like to sugar coat things too much to let stupid people believe all you, it is not the first time this has happened.

  33. baby doll
    April 25, 2013

    Boy we die now under skero papamet god guide us

  34. Anonymous
    April 25, 2013

    There are a few people that are just waiting on a daily basis for bad news or anything negative to complain. Once that is where their mind is then they won’t ever be able to see or sense anything positive and that is very sad. Why do some people get the idea that if they speak negative all the time on every single thing, that some how the country will fix? Don’t they know that negative thought bring negative actions? While they sit there and speak all sort of negativity they not even realizing they themselves going down and the country with them. Let them sit there in their little world and think they doing some good or harming a government.

    • Not a herd follower
      April 26, 2013

      Calling people to account is not being negative. Your perspective on this issue is wrong. The lack of anesthetic drugs is a very,very serious situation. If those responsible for ensuring that critical drugs are in adequate supply at the island’s main hospital lapse, they need to be held accountable and criticised into pulling up their socks. The laissez faire attitude in this country is too pervasive and is a significant contributor to underperformance and to a low level of development.

    • ya
      April 26, 2013

      your comment is one of the worst i have read in about ten years. Do you think that the only surgical Govt owned hospital on Island should be out of propofol and the rest? When wrong is wron say it, for I have a cousin who went to do a surgical procedure this week and was turned back becauseof this nonsense. Now she sits in pain hoping and praying that it could be done the following week.

      This has nothing to do with dispelling negative reports about any country.We must dot all our “I’s” and cross all our “T’s” especially in the health sector.

      Do you know that if a mass casualty was to occur with no anesthetic on Island then Rum would have to be used on surgical procedures to somewhat deaden the areas. let me not even go there .and you have no place sitting in your little comfort zone and writing such crap when people are left to bite their pain in hope that some medication may arrive on Island.selah

    • Anonymous
      April 26, 2013

      This hospital is a govt run institution -it is paid for by tax payers. Therefore it is the responsibility of the govt and the ministry of health to ensure that the hospital is running smoothly -this has got nothing to do with being negative, it boils down to basic common sense -when your stock pile is getting low re order, its not rocket science

    • Choice-X
      April 28, 2013

      so u are saying people should rejoice at the lack of anesthetics? Oh how ridiculously wicked can some political sycophants be.

      Is because people like you, flock the red clinic, that is why there is 2no money to buy anesthetics.

    • Question
      April 28, 2013

      Negative! The Chief Med. Officer confirms there is a “short term Problem” he didn’t say this was a lie. He also confirmed that as aresult of this shortage, minor procedures would have to be scaled down. These are facts. This is a very negation situation to be in. Not everyone deals on a political level,regardless of which party you run with its either lack of funds or an admin error that someone has to take responsibility for. Is it impossible to believe that some of us are just genuinely worried about the situation and voicing our concerns. Unless there is a worldwide shortage of the drugs or they have dissappeared of the face of this earth, I really cannot understand why we should be in such a dangerous situation. Should we just laugh about it and say its ok.

  35. va resident
    April 25, 2013

    Indeed, i am bleeding inside for my Dominica It is so shameful i can,t even mention this after inviting so many of my friends to visit my country.JUST WHAT IF?. I worked as an anesthetic provider for many years at home and never experienced shortages in anesthetics,12 years later and we can only perform some urgent surgeries.SHAME,SHAME SHAME ON THE MINISRTY OF HEALTH AND ITS STOOGIES.HOW can any right thinking dominican return to a situation of uncertainity, especially when health care is at its worst and lowest ebb.

  36. lewis
    April 25, 2013

    I have my connections… is not true that other islands are facing same anesthetic drugs shortage. Stop lies.

    • Dominican
      April 26, 2013

      Really???? Because I live in Barbados and some time last month the Queen Elizabeth Hospital had to take the same decision. They were only performing emergency surgeries. The reason was the exact same reason that Dr. Johnson stated. So what are you talking about??? Some of us Dominicans are too quick to criticize our own without first doing a little research.

      • Bajan
        April 28, 2013

        1. why are in barbados instead of developing dominica?
        2. how do we know u are not lying?
        3. why did u not say that barbados has international airport and other expensive developmental assets which may justify they being in a cash crunch.
        4. don’t u know 2 wrongs don’t make a right.
        5. people in dominica are interested in saving their lives and bettering themselves and u are out there encouraging mediocrity.
        6. only fools applaud nonsense

  37. Who cares?
    April 25, 2013

    If the OECS countries import medicines, drugs, in bulk to reduce cost, is there also a shortage in St. Lucia, Grenada or St. Vincent? What a foolish excuse by the Dr. trying not to walk on the toes of the authorities. Inefficiency at its highest.

    Be reminded my people, Skeritt’s DLP Govt. loaned $27,000,000.00 from China, awarded the building of that State palace/malace to Chinese construction Co., creating jobs for Chinese. State Palace to house, (Your guess is as good as mine), is priority for Skerritt, Minister of Health, Cabinet.

    But PMH operating under serious pressure. The economy is in shambles. But who cares? Ministers, Big boys could fly just like that to whereever for their medical treatment. The people of Dominica pay their medical bills.

    Excuses, excuses, excuses. Playing with people’s lives. But who cares? Just another mind-boggling news item. Is so Dominica come?

  38. Anonymous
    April 25, 2013

    People must come first, before politics and politricks.

  39. Critical Thinker
    April 25, 2013

    I will take this explanation with a grain of salt. Did this situation come about as a result of the “challenges” which the government had in meeting its financial obligations? The truth will come to light.

  40. isthatso
    April 25, 2013

    Ohhh please stop talking about other island, leave them out of it is happening to we the people of this country you all to like to bring other islands in, to make we the people of this believe is what going on in other island give me a break , just agree that this gov’t has fail this country and it people and they need to get out for a gov’t that have 18…..3 I have never seen or heard this in my country never, but 27 millionsssssssssssssss going towards a malic that we don’t need at all but trust me you will never see the light of this malic you want to live in, gooooo skerrit and I mean now

  41. Aye Dominique
    April 25, 2013

    I hope in the haste they do not get some cheap drugs to put people to sleep for life.

    I don’t think we can even begin to comprehend the seriousness of this situation. We are talking yes, but maybe we should stop talking for a minute and imagine the disaster we can have on our hands God forbid in such a situation.

    Gross incompetence!

  42. my take
    April 25, 2013

    Just admit that you all did not settle outstanding bills and additional supply was denied until settlement. Amen case close

  43. shakespere
    April 25, 2013

    you all forget that chevez money has stopped flowing,no money ,no love :-?

  44. Shameless
    April 25, 2013

    There is no shortage on thee drugs regionally or internationally. What you need to say is that we owe our suppliers too mud money and therefore that is affecting the supply that they are now willing to send us. Having heard our predicament (not paying our bills) regional governments are holding on to their suppliers and NOT borrowing us because they know there will be issues for us to repay/ return when the time comes.

    These drugs were narcotics all along and they were being sent all along so the whole BS abut that and their control is laughable to those of us who know better. Now tell the government to pay their bill and we will have our anesthetics so we can continue making people well. However I doubt they really care because they can always go to CUBA for their surgeries.

    Assertive, NOT Agressive! :twisted:

  45. bias dcans
    April 25, 2013

    Chief pharmacist should be fired ….my friend was having a baby in princess margret and they did not have the drugs to induce her because she was not dialating…….this is just sad…

  46. Anonymous
    April 25, 2013

    3th World!!

  47. Realist
    April 25, 2013

    Poor Sisserou! No sedation to stop her perforated heart.

  48. D/can to de bone(F
    April 25, 2013

    This is a scandal . The Minister of Health should investifgate why this situation was allowed to happenen? The people responisble should source some other supplier to prevent that short fall… Anesthetic drugs is short in the entire island? If we are face with a diaster what is going to happen to the victims?

    • Judy
      April 25, 2013

      They will just have a “Gentle Rest”!!!!

    • Anonymous
      April 26, 2013

      Didnt you notice the headline? “PMH scales back on NON-EMERGENCY surgeries.” Obviously in the event of a disaster, God forbids, they have to use the supplies they have. That’s one of the reasons why they would have scaled back on non-emergency surgeries in the first place.

      Now you talk about investigating this scandal etc. This is a problem that is occurring internationally as the CMO said. Barbados (Queen Elizabeth Hospital) took the same decision about a month ago. DO you know why???? Because they are faced with the same problem that Dominica is faced with.

      So stop criticizing and making comments without investigating the CMO’s claims.

      • D/canto de bone(F
        April 26, 2013

        That barbados problrm…I am concern about Dominica .We should not alllow this to happen.So because Barbados had the problem ,we shoud do the same? Nonsense…

  49. amanda fontaine
    April 25, 2013

    way way way everything is govenment when will we stop blame the government, no medication government accident government children dying gorvenment,every where crisis is turning now these are the end of the time read revelation 21 and tell me.

    • Anonymous
      April 25, 2013

      You dont seem to understand the responsibility of a government,so i suggestthat till you educate yourself on the matter you should therefore let the blame rest where it should.
      If something happens in your home whether you are at fault or not its your responsibility same as the government.

    • My rights
      April 25, 2013

      who else to blame ? we are paying our taxes to maintain the country , who is in charge ? tell me ? Blame the birds and the bees ? The

    • Distured
      April 26, 2013

      Interesting. However this is just you mouthing off…(or blogging) your opinion that you are forcing on others.

    • looking in
      April 26, 2013

      Sorry my dear, revelation is not the answer here. No the devil did not do it, this time, nor did the dog eat your homework! When are we going to lay blame where needed and demand that the party who has failed to do their duty should TAKE respossibilty? A hospital not having needed supplies is scary! Dr. Johnson seemed to have much excuses but no action plan. Can you image being told by your doctor that you cannot be helped cause there is no drugs available at the hospital to help you?
      Just a sideline…when you vote in a government, the members are there to serve YOUR needs. They are in servitude to the nation. So, please stop acting like your servants are your kings and gods.

    • Truth be told
      April 26, 2013

      Because you have a government that have spoiled the people and made the people believe that nothing can get done without government – where were you when the government was playing like they are the be all and end all to all Dominicans problems? Chickens coming home to roost now – Dominicans want government to do everything for them. But seriously this is the wrong place for your comment because this time this one is government responsibility through the ministry of health! Lives are at risk due to insufficient supply of many necessities at our hospital – but we have money for all other sorts -typical third world scenario!

    • Anonymous
      April 26, 2013

      This comment is RIDICULOUS!!! Who the hell should be held responsible, you blimey idiot!! Mr. Jolly of Jolly’s Pharmacy??? My God. This should not be even happening. “Challenges with suppliers?” Why did the anaestia had to reach such a low level? SMH!

  50. *
    April 25, 2013

    The real reason will always be known!

  51. T
    April 25, 2013

    You call that “NEXT LEVEL” to death.
    You call that 18=3
    This is what happebns in poor and failed states, governed by leaders who are arrogant and insultive. It’s just the beginning.

  52. Anonymous
    April 25, 2013

    Never heard of that happening before -why not just admit that they forgot to place an order.

    • Anonymous
      April 25, 2013

      Lmaoooooo ebeh look it

  53. Kaka Bouwik
    April 25, 2013

    “In fact there are some of the anesthic drugs that we are using all the whilethat are no longer being produced on the international market”.Were you and other officials of the Ministry of Health aware of the discontinuation of production of these anesthetic drugs? What provisions did you and the other officials put in place to mitigate the effects of the possible shortage of anesthetics? How proactive were you guys in sourcing anesthics from other companies producing new/other equally compatible anesthics?
    As usual we drag our feet too much in this country.We always try to rush things at the last minute.We know the sale of anesthics is tightly regulated, but this is no excuse.Someone has been sleeping at the wheel.Finally, have we been paying our vendors? What steps are being put in place to make sure this never happens again in this country? I’m listening.

    • Kaka Bouwik
      April 25, 2013

      Excuse my spelling error.It should read’anesthetic’ and not anesthics.Thank you.

    • Ras B
      April 26, 2013

      Kaka Bouwik, your quoted reference is timely, but there seems to be a more sinister interpretation which was tacitly implied….’infact there are some anaesthetic drugs that we are using all the while that are no longer being produced on the international market!’ What does that mean? Are we in Dominica exposed to drugs that may be outdated? are second class? No longer considered useful for purpose? hence their replacements with other more effective drugs whilst simultaneously ceasing their production? Dr Johnson, What are we to understand from that statement?

  54. Anonymous
    April 25, 2013

    we were told and I can recall mention being made that medical drugs are purchased in bulk for the OECS in order to reduce cost… is this situation happening in our neighbouring sister islands. So before mentioning International arena, we would like to know what happening in our backyard.

  55. jeanmarie
    April 25, 2013

    SMH hope it gets there soon

  56. Doc. Love
    April 25, 2013

    What more does the people of Dominica want inorder to remove this Government from office. It is my opinion that the Chief Medical Officer is playing down the situation. If a Minister of Government was to have a serious medical condition,I am sure the drugs would be found elsewhere.

      April 25, 2013

      If a fly poem on their mouth, UWP will blame the Prime Minister for that too!

    • Annonymous Reader
      April 25, 2013

      when they have serious medical condition is Trinidad and Martinique they going.

    • Truth be told
      April 26, 2013

      He would be flown to Martinique or Barbados like they have done in the past.

  57. new york
    April 25, 2013

    low on drugs????? for real??????????????

  58. Truth be told
    April 25, 2013


  59. Aye Dominique
    April 25, 2013

    Way papa Johnson, what else is new? We know all about the tight control measures surrounding narcotic drugs but hospitals are never denied drugs for patient care, there is protocol and strict ones at that but hospitals cannot and should not allow their stock to run so low. What a shame and a disgrace!

  60. nonesense
    April 25, 2013

    this hospital should be renamed from princess margaret hospital to angel of death hospital….awa wii Dominica needs to do better than that.

  61. ()
    April 25, 2013

    tHOSE WHO CANNOT HEAR WILL FEEL.Mr Johnson do we have bandages Sir? To be truthful, I AM NOT SURPRISED…neither will i be surprised when the economy crashes down upon us.

  62. faceup
    April 25, 2013

    What kind of noncence is that? omg this is a big laugh,you mean to tell me, they waited around until there is no anesthetic drug’s is this for real? loooooooool. I wonder if any Dominican can write on DNO and say its ok that the problem is short term. Mr Skerrit i think is time you call up your health Minister, for if anything, i very much know how to sue..

    • lewis
      April 25, 2013

      communism soon

    • MUDD
      April 26, 2013

      All of you that making negative comments are the once who don’t pay there hospital bills and expect the hospital by some miracle to provide anesthetic for those paying.

      • Realest
        April 26, 2013

        I would shake your big toe if you was next to me. They don’t even come to the hospital with $5 to pay the casualty fee much less after discharge to pay the hospital bill they left behind. Make noise it’s about time hospital fees be increase and we will have less health related money problems. Life is way to sweet in Dominica when it comes to health care.

  63. Roger that
    April 25, 2013

    This is frightening!

    • onlyme
      April 26, 2013

      if …

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