The Key to Preventing Type 2 Diabetes

It is estimated that approximately 57 million people have prediabetes. To me, one million sounds like a lot, I can’t even begin to fathom a number as big as 57 million. This enormously, huge number is twice the number of people that already have diabetes, estimated to be 26 million.

A little over one-quarter of these people, approximately seven million don’t even know that they already have the disease. In fact, it is estimated that one out of every two people that are newly diagnosed with diabetes already have at least one diabetes related complication at the time of their diagnosis. These complications do not occur overnight, which means the diabetes did not just recently develop.

The real tragedy, is that in most diabetes complications are not reversible. Can you imagine, “Well your lab results came back and it looks like you have type 2 diabetes. And that numbness and sporadic burning you have been experiencing in your feet is what we call neuropathy. It is caused from having diabetes. You are going to have it from now on because it doesn’t go away once you get it?” Think of the frustration; imagine the anger.


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  1. Gabo
    March 28, 2011

    What is needed is a system of home testing that is available to all persons over 50. When people see signs of trouble they will do something about it.

  2. Anonymous
    March 28, 2011

    The article states “I would like to suggest that when a doctor has a patient that is at risk for type 2 diabetes perhaps by meeting certain criteria (family history, being overweight, sedentary, metabolic syndrome, etc.) that blood work be done, such as a C-peptide test, that would inform the doctor as to how much insulin the patient’s pancreas is producing”.

    My question is, “do we have the capabilities for conducting this and other pre diabetic types of tests in Dominica?” Not to mention the ongoing tests that must be carried out (e.g HBa1c) to ensure that one’s diabetes in properly managed. Maybe some folks in the health department need to enlighten us.

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