War against fake medicines begin

While police have called on locals to be aware of counterfeit money now circulating, a top health official has urged citizens to join the fight against fake medicines being brought into the country.

Chief Medical Officer David Johnson said at a workshop today that these fake drugs, manufactured by bogus foreign companies, which most times have no active ingredients, are being brought into the island by unauthorized persons.

He called on legal practitioners, police and others to join forces to fight this problem.

“In many cases, counterfeit medicines are manufactured in… laboratories with no possibility of control . They are not produced under the same manufacturing conditions and their they are not inspected by any regulatory authorities,” he said.

“It is therefore almost impossible for consumers to know what ingredients these products actually contain,” he said.

He further stated, “The other partners – customs, police and legal practitioners – need to join forces with the health care professionals in controlling the entry of medicine in the State, brought in by non-authorized persons. Furthermore we have to start thinking of legislation to protect the general public against counterfeit medicines.”

Johnson said that Dominica, being part of the global community, is subject to these crimes and “as a member of the global community we must begin to address this problem locally”.

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  1. A. Chris Joseph
    December 6, 2010

    The need for an effective regulatory body at either the sub-regional or national level is definately wanting. The same applies to shipping and the arbitrary increases in freight rates and other charges on incoming cargo

  2. anon
    December 4, 2010

    legalize marijuana

  3. Jaz-E
    December 4, 2010

    Most of the fake drugs come from China and India who are also the countries that make normal drugs. In India especially it is against the law to sell fake drugs domestically but they can export because of no law against that. Somewhere in 2009 in Nigeria, authorities seized a whole lot of fake malaria drugs with the labels made in India but upon inspection actually found they were made in China. Nobody make excuses for the Chinese, the facts are there. Believe it or not the US also had a problem with fake drugs, it’s a very attractive market. counterfeit drugs are very very hard to detect even in the US. War is declared on fake drugs and the F.D.A is coming up with all kind of technology to combat it. Let’s get a grip on it down here

    • Truth, Justice, Love, Peace and Unity
      December 5, 2010

      Do not always blame China and India. You are like some people who blame children for wrong and not adults. Some of these drugs could also originate from the US and who knows even from Canada and Europe. Do your homework and research prior to making such statements.
      This is one of the reasons why I will never conduct business or purchase anything On-Line in addition to believing that certain medications which are specifically not bought from a recognized and reputable pharmacy are authentic and good for my health.
      We are warned to be careful and ensure that those businesses are ones of integrity and their products are authentic. This entails any sort of product which is offered outside of the norm, if you know what I mean.
      Keep in mind that as we grow older and read and hear about those matters, we should become wiser and not assume that every product is healthy for us. Many people have got sick and some have died from ingesting certain medications specifically those that are not prescribed by a doctor and not dispensed by a reputable pharmacy. No exception illegal drugs. Better to be safe than sorry.

  4. Roy Davis
    December 3, 2010

    These Chinese are being known all over the world for faking everything, the freedom that these people have here in Da, is unbelievable, Dominicans need to travel to other countries to see how they treat other race of people, whatever country they migrate to and have businesses all their employees are from their native country, i visited DA the beginning of this year and visited some of the Chinese establishment and businesses in Da i was shock seeing the high fee that Dominicans are paying for stuff you find all over in dollar store in the UK, Canada and the USA, talking about fake and bogus items I’ve seen them all in DA and Dominicans are paying and arm and a leg for those items, as we all know DA is the dumping island for all dick tom and harry, i read sometime ago that the RCMP arrested some Chinese in Canada for producing fake medication and drugs, these people had a well sophisticated lab, renting houses not for residential uses but to manufacture drugs and fake pills, i feel for my island and it’s people Lord help us all

  5. ruhtra
    December 3, 2010

    we all seem to be left in the dark by this statement. how do we know where to buy safe drugs. will someone come out clean and tell exactly how and where to obtain safe drugs?.

    • Truth, Justice, Love, Peace and Unity
      December 6, 2010

      Do not make life difficult for you and for others. It is quite simple. Purchase legal drugs from a Pharmacist. Those that are prescribed by a doctor and as others we call “over the counter” for minor ailments as a cold/flu, etc.
      Keep note of what medications are prescribed, dispensed to you and what you take. Similarly, keep note of what you eat which may affect your health. Some people are allergic to certain foods and medication.
      Do not be deceived by those who will offer some sort of medication. Take no medications which are not prescribed.
      Herb teas are OK but then again there are certain herbs for certain conditions. If there is a Health Store in your area, it should provide a list of these herbs for different ailments. A few years ago I got one from the Health Store in Canada. I also made copies and gave to some to my family and friends.
      If you are residing in Dominica and be it elsewhere, always keep in mind our grandmothers and mothers local herbs which helped certain ailments.
      The last time I visited Dominica I was surprised to see and happy too that those local herbs are processed and sold in boxes in grocery stores.
      Whatever country we reside in, some of them are sold in specifically West Indian stores. As with everything else, always take them in moderation.
      If you have a condition which persists ensure that you visit a doctor. Ask him/her relevant questions.
      These days nearly everyone has a computer system. There are many authentic Health Websites which provide relevant information. You can check them out. Best Health.com is one.
      As the saying: “Don’t worry. Be happy.” :lol: After all is said and done and we do what we hope is best for us, God is always in control. No exception our health and the length of our life.
      God bless! Keep well!

    December 3, 2010

    thats interesting,but i think the ministery of health was well aware of that before and failed to take action. persons has reported experiencing pain under anesthesia during surgery,hearing doctors and nurses talking but was unable to move a muscle. M r johnson has been siting on this all the time while persons are being given poisons. how can we the public crack down on something we dont know about. They should start by reviewing the companies which import drugs and medicines in the country. what was the ministery of health doing on such an important issue.

    private civilians knows about that and these people dont ,or are they satisfied that enough persons have died from bogus medicine and chooses to come out now?

  7. Gary
    December 3, 2010

    When the chief Medical Officer made his comment, why is it some people find it easy to attack the local Chinese community putting blame solely on them for the the problem out lined. The problem outlined by Doctor Johnson is a global problem it is not only a Dominica thing One of the things people need to do is educate themselves and be wise consumers, and not many people are doing that.

    In regards to the Doctor talking about fake medicines and their dangers I think he also needs to address the problems of the Pharmaceutical companies manufacturing of drugs which are also dangerous and kills, let us not be blinded by that fact.

  8. Observation
    December 3, 2010

    Well said John…….well said!!!!!!!

  9. follower
    December 3, 2010

    Mr Johnson, why did you not call on the government for help? You put the burden on the police, legal practitioners and customs but you failed to call on the government who is suppose to be in a better position to assist you. When we have Chines cominig in with goods and they are not even checked, what do you expect. Again, the poor people of Dominica are the victims while you all continue to play party politics in Dominica. By the way, what’s the name / names of these counterfeit medicines so I could avoid taking them? Please spell it out and call it by name because in Da, it is easier for us to identify danger when we no it by name and also, the name will help all of us understand the souce.

    December 3, 2010

    what do we expect? All this junk from china i’s being dumped on us in Dominica.
    Tha Asian Mafia is here!! Check the fake “brand name” stuff that’s being sold by the
    chinese in Dominica. Also there are counterfeit money circulating in DOMINICA.
    There is more to come my people…That’s what we get for giving these people such a strong foothold in Dominica, They are like termites and they are going to eat us alive..literally!!

    • Gary
      December 3, 2010

      Pity you for those remarks you made I guess they were made out of ignorance. Do you know what eat people alive? well it is that thing call hatred another thing that eats people alive is the “mentality’ of thinking we can do all things for our self as a people or a Nation believing we can live on an island by our self. Finally i will leave you with this when we don’t know who to hate, we hate ourselves.

  11. One Love
    December 3, 2010

    :-D The Government Cannot TOUCH The Chinese – M O U



  12. concerned
    December 2, 2010

    the government really needs to look into this,plenty people could fall victims to these fake medicines,scan the phamaricies

  13. McCarthy marie
    December 2, 2010

    it is good to see that he authorities are finally taking the issue of Intellectual Property crime seriously. I have been aware for quite some time that there is a huge trade in counterfeit medicine worldwide which rivals the trade in cocaine and heroin. The persons engaged in this nefarious activities are the same ones involved in producing and selling pirate Cd’s DVD’s books, Clothes, handbags, airplane parts etc.

    In Dominica there is a huge variety of counterfeit items on sale openly all over Roseau which originates mostly in China. The customs and police pay no attention at all to this crime whereby unscrupulous persons are selling items of apparel and footwear in particular marked with well known brands but which are not manufactured by the legitimate owner of the brands . These items are allowed into the country and on to store shelves on the false assumption that no harm will be dome to the unsuspecting members who buy these items believing they are getting a good deal on a well known brand. In reality the customer is paying .$50.00 for an item that is worth barely $10.00. Think of the bogus DURACELL batteries.

    The counterfeiters of medicines just like cocaine smugglers seek out countries where border enforcement is weak and use these countries as transit points to move their illegal merchandise to countries in the north Atlantic. The Caribbean has been identified as being a weak spot and we are being used increasingly to facilitate the movement of counterfeit items of all sorts including bogus medicines.Just like Cocaine some of these.fake medicines remain in the islands.

    if drastic action is not taken immediately against the importation o all counterfeit items of all sorts the situation will deteriorate. The irony of our lack of action is that Dominica has a very modern trademark law which could deal with this problem.

    International assistance is also available to train the customs, which should be our first line of defence.

  14. only
    December 2, 2010

    That sort of sounds like all the bulk uninspected food items that are being brought into the country without any spot testing or inspections, some of which are contaminated. I think that they need to start protecting the food supply first. Why would anyone in their right mind buy street drugs. If they take that kind of risk, they may pay some consequences to their health.
    If there was no demand, there would be no supply.

  15. rushnvote
    December 2, 2010


  16. Time for more Medicinal Herbs
    December 2, 2010

    Dominica should begin to strive seriously, sooner rather than later, to develop a HERBAL MEDICINE INDUSTRY. Dominica’s biodiversity, its richness in herbs and medicinal plants is unique. The country is blessed with numerous varieties of plants that could be utilized in the manufacture of products for healthy living and to cure a wide range of illnesses.

    People depend too much on Pharmaceutical products from pharmacies that sell all kinds of bogus drugs. Many of those drugs have so many side effects that they sometimes do more harm than good. Remember, our parents giving us a drink of SIMENN KONTWA TEA to flush out the worms? What about the versatile NONI juice for all kinds of sicknesses. The NONI leaves are proven Pain Killers. BALYE SAVANN good for any sprain. Local BUSH TEAS for good health.

    There are too many to mention. Those plants grow a plenty here. Just name them and those plants have some remedial properties. Dominicans, we must be joking. We fail to see our riches. LET OUR LOCAL FOOD AND HERBS BE OUR MEDICINE AND OUR MEDICINE OUR FOOD AND HERBS. We think too much of FOREIGN products when Right here in Dominica we could manufacture many of those medicines and food stuffs that we import.

    Imagine the spill over effects with industries established around AGRICULTURE. Farmers would benefit, more persons would be employed even with cottage industries set up, and importantly, the HEALTH of the Nation would be much better, and productivity would increase with a healthier people. In addition more money would circulate within the economy. How could a Govt. act so irresponsibly by neglecting AGRICULTURE? OUR HEALTH depends on it. Our wealth depends on it.

    Dominica’s economy would be boosted and much revenue could be earned if the authorities were thinking more internally than externally. THINK GLOBALLY, BUT ACT LOCALLY. Govt. has erroneously adopted and moving with a POLICY of almost total DEPENDENCE on foreign countries for our development. The present DLP Govt. do not seem to have a CLUE, No plan on how to move Dominica forward espousing and implementing a ‘CLEAN and GREEN’ DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY.

    An ALTERNATIVE development PLAN must be put in place with Agriculture given CENTRE STAGE. However, the main problem in Dominica is that the ruling, inefficient DLP Govt. does not have the will and capacity to effectively implement an INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLAN where all the sectors need to be closely INTERCONNECTED.

    • Truth, Justice, Love, Peace and Unity
      December 2, 2010

      I do agree with you. Dominica has a lot of natural medicinal resources. Recall our forefathers/ mothers and grandparents, etc., who gave us those natural medicines/herbs. We grew up to be healthy children and adults. To this day, I do not take medication and I avoid same. I take vitamins in moderation. I have stated, unless it is absolutely necessary that the day comes and I am in need of drugs/medication will I take them, if prescribed by a doctor.
      For a cold, people run to the doctor and the pharmacy. I do read about such. I do believe that if we take care of ourselves, drink and eat well, nutritious drinks and food, live well, get ample sleep and rest as best as we possibly could, we will live healthily and to a ripe old age. Everything should be done in moderation.
      Some years ago I heard on the Radio that “Everything we need is in our kitchen cabinet and not in our medicine chest – in the bathroom, such as drugs/medication.”
      Consider cinnamon, nutmeg and other herbs as thyme and parsley. Cooking and also making tea with them are healthy for us. Of course, we should take them in moderation.
      Some time ago I received emails about thyme and parsley. I tried parsley, boiling it and drinking it. No need for sugar. It releases water from your system. It is tasty.
      Dominica has a lot of citrus and fruits. God did not create them for nothing. They are there for our consumption, for our health and well-being
      I hope someone or a few people take note of this especially those who are not yet ill.
      God bless you with health and strength and also other Dominicans wherever they may reside.

    • One Love
      December 3, 2010

      8-O doctors and pharmacists are trained certified and qualified etc.

      :?: how can the public authenticate the integrity of the producers and the herbs? is ganja ever mixed into the little brown bags :?:

  17. Smart
    December 2, 2010

    PA PA God! What am i hearing there? Lord Protect Us! Dominica is already a third world place….

    Remember it is the Drugs Stores and Hospitals that supply us with medications so all of them needs to be on the alert…..they are the ones we trust to purchace from.

    Hope they are not going to buy these things at a reduce price and come and sell it for us for them to make profit!

  18. d
    December 2, 2010

    This is a serious matter and the government need to give more information about this!

  19. mouth of the south
    December 2, 2010

    hhhmmmm but as i doh have a strong “BAN” now ay ay,,,,i doh wanna go to the pharmacy in town for them young girls to laugh me behind my back,,,,,,,

    • john
      December 2, 2010

      u know u don’t have to comment on everything ? go get some work to do and give your nieghbors p.c a break. stop proving urself to be a fool over and over again

      • mouth of the south
        December 2, 2010

        excuse me i have my own laptop i pay my net 4 with my hard earned money,,,,ooohhh i guess u using ur neighbours p.c so u figure u n i in d same box lol,,,,we r not the same

  20. Peppers
    December 2, 2010

    This is a very serious matter that deserves urgent attention. What is the Government putting in place to curb the occurence of such situation? This can have such negative impact on our already fragile health system. I am quite delighted that this information has been brought to the fore so members of the public can take heed and be very careful in purchasing medicine.

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