Heavy rain from Tropical Wave causes damage

Photo: Facebook
Photo: Facebook

The Geneva bypass, as pictured above, was one of the casualties of of heavy rain from a Tropical Wave which affected Dominica on Saturday night.

Photo: Facebook
Photo: Facebook

Some of the photos also show some damage to private property.

House of Patricia Honychurch
House of Patricia Honychurch
The surroundings of this house is invaded by water
The surroundings of this house is invaded by waterebook. Photo: Facebook


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  1. California has its share of disastrous forest fires and earthquakes with more to come, the worst, the big one. Who do you blame?(Tell the Facts).

    That is a stupid question!

    Here whoever you are go again; making comparisons between California and Dominica. If all of California were to burn today, by the time the fire is out, those who lost properties, are ready to rebuild. The State of California will not go out crawling like a dog, begging for help from any foreign government, nor individuals; the Federal Government takes care of it responsibility.

    The State takes care of its responsibility, and as often as it happens the State takes care of whatever it is.

    Individuals who lost their property, their insurance make them hole, those who don’t have insurance FEMA helps them back on their feet, they do not beg puppets, and beggars like Skerrit for help. We don’t beg Canada next door for help!

    If any of my prosperities burn today, or a storm come and caused some damage,…

    • If any of my prosperities burn today, or a storm come and caused some damage, all I’ll bodily do is call my insurance company and file a claim, and wait to receive a check, and rebuild! When anything happen to your concrete shacks in Dominica, you all crawl on your yellow belly begging the world for help! We don’t do that in America.

      So, there are no comparisons!

  2. Tony
    August 2, 2016

    Hello and good morning my people. Well such little rain can cause so much damage to the infrastructure of our country. The first photograph indicate that this bypass just got washed away because it was poorly constructed. They should build a bridge fifteen feet high with proper wall protection so the foundation won’t just wash away. The Government shouldn’t approved any plan where they intend to build in a river bed as depicted in the last photograph. Every year we provide scholarships to students so why can’t we offer five scholarships for the students to study Civil Engineering. Then they must sign a contract to work for the Government for ten years where they can put their skills to work to build better roads and bridges. Once they complete the ten years then their loans will be forgiven.

    • pam
      August 2, 2016

      Tony, the by-pass was a temporary access to get to other side. what makes u think Dominican are less than capable and that there are no civil engineers here? You are definitely out of touch.

  3. dady b
    August 2, 2016

    no weaer is safe in da even the roock is coming down look at pititsavan noweaer to run

  4. cabritell
    August 2, 2016

    When we change the government there will be no such continuous floods and disasters. Scare-it must go, and go now.

    • Tell the Facts
      August 2, 2016

      You speak of what is on the surface of your mind which is never correct and do not teach anything constructive which is not worth taking into account and emulating. You lack godly enlightenment. You do not know what could avert disasters. Learn something.
      My instinct is, do you know the Lord would say something totally different? When you worship Him as you should, be a genuine Christian, obey His Ten Commandments, The Beatitudes as He also taught us, The Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy, a breakdown of the above-mentioned, perform good deeds, be kind, do not judge and encourage others to do likewise, then Dominicans (other nations) may be spared disasters.
      You pray to God to preserve you from disasters.

  5. kim
    August 2, 2016

    What do we expect we are vulnerable after Erika nothing much has been done if we put the politics aside and come together we can rebuild.We talk about coming together, even make committee, extend olive branch but we do nothing. How do we expect to go forward, develop if we are constantly at each others throat how can we expect development? Wake up people we are drowning

    • Tell the Facts
      August 2, 2016

      Some do not reciprocate with love, kindness, appreciation and gratitude. These are the ones who bring down all sorts of wrath upon their nation.

  6. August 1, 2016

    Oh lord am praying for Dominica. I really don’t want to come live there anymore. It’s a very scary place. Always so much rain and it in a real mess now.roads are in the worse shape ever and most of the bridges are no good.

    • Hmmm
      August 2, 2016

      And i am pretty sure where u live now is the best place on earth you call PARADISE where no natural disasters happen, no crime and no corruption. When u people sit on the outside and look in, making people believe yal live such perfect lives, its really nothing……having to work two jobs or more just to make ends meet! So stop foolong yourself! Iiiiiiiidiot

  7. Concern citizen
    August 1, 2016

    These are the things that Grand bay people should see, they are blind towards those things all they can see, is moun say Laba I am Laba
    But that same LABA took $m of dollars and spend it on a by-Election and now they are being batard by numerous tropical storm, hold the fort grandberians Pa lagee Laba zout

  8. August 1, 2016

    the house was built in in the river bed ; we need to choose better place to build

    • Well, what do you know; the Bible I believe teaches a wise person builds their house on the rock, whereas the foolish builds their house on the sand, and when the storm comes along it washes the house on the sand away; leaving the house on the rock standing.

      Now we can take that literally, but in reality it is giving believers a choice between Jesus Christ and the devil!

      Jesus is the rock, satan is sinking sand! The verbatim scripture can be found in the Book of Proverbs! By now everybody born and living in Dominica should know where it is most likely to flood when it rain, only a fool would build a house where it can be flooded, and washed away by falling rain!

      • Sixth nine
        August 3, 2016

        Francisco, you know it all who is stupid who is a fool why dont you give your cousin Linton some lessons of not being so dam damass stupid and while you at it invite the rest of the United poopoo party , Good luck let me know how you got on.

      • john Paul
        August 3, 2016

        Did Your Bible say anything about building Your House on an Island with 9 major Volcanic centers?
        When one of them erupts what the Bible say about the pyroclastic flows that come from it ?
        I wonder where You must build to not look foolish in the eyes of the Bible?

      • Don’t you ever under estimate Lennox Linton; I doubt there is much, or anything I can contribute to his intelligence, the was born from parents whom I consider geniuses in their own rights.

        Both his father, and mother were educators, principals over most of the schools across Dominica, been transferred from time, and are responsible for the magnificent education some people obtained from them.

        Lennox came from very long line of exceptionally smart scholastically smart people, all of our aunts were very smart, never under estimate the intelligence of a Linton, be those in politics, or those who live simply!

        Linton’s brilliancy is hereditary, if Linton ever gets the chance to lead Dominica, you are in for a new experience economically. As for you Mr. Jon Paul or Paul John, from the few words you spoke I see you are one who does not have any use for God, but I will simply remind you the entire Caribbean sits on a ring of fire! Figure that one out! (I know but I doh talking…

    • Dominican
      August 2, 2016

      Planning division also needs to be firmer and stricter unapplying the rules!

  9. August 1, 2016

    Lets all think possitive about one another otherwise the Gods will be angry. Please let us take a new way.

  10. bigfoot
    August 1, 2016

    They take all the money, spend in a useless by-election, when they could have use that money to assist with rebuilding after Erika.
    Its almost a whole year since.
    It would appear, in addition to selling passports, they using the excuse of natural disasters to get more aid to line their pockets and that of their friends.
    Total incompetent government.

    • Leila
      August 1, 2016

      Because everything is the government’s fault right smh. I don’t even know why I’m still surprised. At this point a volcanoes could erupt and it would be the government’s fault. You also need to separate the party from the state because guess what, the DLP’s money does not belong to the state and if they come choose to spend it on an elaborate campaign, so be it. That’s the purpose for which we donated the funds ( yes I did donate and no I do not solicit your opinion on what I should and shouldn’t do with my money). You’re saying they stole the relief money, any evidence of that? Let me guess you just know because ‘Matt told you’ or ‘that you hear’. Mr/Ms bigfoot you need to have several seats.

      • Me
        August 2, 2016

        Leila, explain where the DLP campaign millions come from? The votes for DLP in the last election are just over half of the electorate. Are you trying tell us that their supporters have that much more money than the opposition supporters and are that generous? If that is the case they sure would not need gifts of hard cash, ply wood, galvanised, groceries and so on. Personally I believe that the Leader of the party has great difficulty in distinguishing what is the party’s, his entitlement and the government. That is only my opinion, of course!.

    • August 1, 2016

      Think positive and let’s help those in needs everything don’t have to be the government sigh.

  11. %
    August 1, 2016

    So many areas in so many villages are still in the same state following the passage of Erika,
    no wonder many people believe that we are more vulnerable now than we were before Erika….The international community for reasons unknown to us,did not help with grant funding,but yet still wastage abound by this incompetent gang which passes for a government:the Soufriere by election,the $18 000 000.00 untendered bridge,are just two out of a million ways money is improperly channeled…I can imagine what some people in some communities are going through….The post Erika era was marked by gross incompetence by this lazy gang,even in communities that have supported their evil rule for years…WHERE THE WICKED RULE,THE PEOPLE MOURN!

    • “The international community for reasons unknown to us, did not help with grant funding,but yet still wastage abound by this incompetent gang which passes for a government:”(No Name).

      No name, everybody, as well as you personally knows why the international community never, ever make any significant contribution to help with the recovery of any disaster in Dominica. I can tell you it is because they know whatever amount is donated a higher percentage goes into the deep pockets of the powers that be in Dominica.

      On the contrary, nations and individuals are not interested in helping any government which is unwilling to help itself. The government of Dominica are very proud to operate on welfare , and handouts, they make no effort to developed the country in a way with industries which should produce revenue, through personal income tax. All Skerrit depends on are grants and the sale of passports.

      Would you freely help someone who operates like an infidel? Since Erika,…

    • Continue:

      Would you freely help someone who operates like an infidel? Since Erika, Skerrit appointed his love one the so call some baroness to be Dominica’s coordinator of disaster relief; have you seen her produce one pound of nails or deliver a bag of cement?

      She delivered nothing, except the Knighthood of that Mount Chicken Indian doctor of nothing Roosevelt Skerrit.

      One would imagine a coordinator of disaster relief would be approaching governments, and private business internationally asking for help, not only financially; however building materials and even professionals to aid and assists in the rebuilding of the infrastructure.

      Skerrit portrays Dominica as both the most backward, and poorest place on earth; where else that Dominica could one find a gate house at the entrance of a commercial airport rubbing every entering driver of a meager messily dollar?

      Only in Skerrit’s Dominica!

      • Tell the Facts
        August 2, 2016

        California has its share of disastrous forest fires and earthquakes with more to come, the worst, the big one. Who do you blame?

      • Sixth nine
        August 3, 2016

        Francisco, You are a jackass you spending so much of the little time you have left on planet earth writing Rubbish on Pm Skerrit and his administration’s that alone tells me and the rest of us that Labour government is doing Job well done, What ever you say will not change a thing.

      • Sixty-nine, as in the derogatory meaning of the word sixty-nine! Francisco can spend the rest of my life writing anything I want about Skerrit: and the reason is; I do not want anything from that Mountain Chicken, that little rat Skerrit, unlike you who must kiss his behind for your survival.

        Francisco is highly academically educated, and can fend for myself, retired at age 47 years old, because I had already earn enough money to live on for the rest of my life. I however, I went into Real Estate, which earns me more than Skerrit makes in a month, in one week!

        And be informed every penny I own, I work for; I have never stole a dime in my life, not even a coconut. I am not looking over my shoulders wondering when the FBI, Interpol or New Scotland Yard will arrest me for any money that I thief from any source!

        If I was a jackass like you, I would be kneeling and kissing Skerrit’s butt! He doesn’t have anything I do not have!

  12. Rocky Hills
    August 1, 2016

    And that’s still not anywhere near rainfall wow? so what will happen if a weather system sits over DA for say five hours steadily ?The sad things Dominicans are hard headed folks, slow learners, the wait and see, well it’s God’s work etc, very unique society. but the passport sales are raking up Millionssssss..as Per the twisted regime on island, often wonder what are their priority targets on island.

    • Dominican Passports
      August 1, 2016

      Well some of us living Roseau central, so the rain can fall for 5 days straight… We have the BEST drainage on the Island!

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