UDPDATE: Andy Carbon reportedly hurt in Canefield accident

Carbon was reportedly hurt in the accident
Carbon was reportedly hurt in the accident

Andy Carbon, who was reportedly burnt in Roseau recently, was involved in an accident on Sunday night, DNO was informed.

Original information indicates it was a hit and run but new information has surfaced that it was not the case.

According to new reports, a bus was in the process of overtaking another vehicle when it hit Carbon.

The accident took place at around 10:30 pm on Sunday on the Canefield Highway. Both drivers waited until emergencies services arrive.

An eyewitness said he saw Carbon lying on the side of the road with blood coming from his mouth.

At this point, it is unknown what injuries he received.

DNO is following this story and will publish further information as it becomes available.

Recently Carbon suffered burns to his back when hot water was allegedly thrown on him outside a restaurant in Roseau.

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  1. July 28, 2016

    I wasn’t aware before this evening that this post existed. He’s still in the hospital with one of his legs in a cast when I last saw him there this afternoon Thursday 28th July 2016.

  2. again
    July 12, 2016

    But Andy is a Chatoo man. first time I see someone take blose so. Octopus alone I know that taking blose so.

  3. Wait still
    July 12, 2016

    Homeless institution?? From who skerrit??? Wait there.. allu will get plenty. Skerrit has his mansion kaymem. My heart aches for this young man, you are going through way too much. Really hope something will be done about all this

    • ??????.....
      July 12, 2016

      A can you not be objective without the cancer of politics in your bone? Can one PM be responsible for everyone? So we abdicate all our roles and send it on one PM. You cannot say anything without spewing hatred against one who has a great responsibility on his shoulders. So as family, or otherwise must we live everything to others our responsibilities? Last question would do a better job as the PM? Then come forward.

    • Fact Check
      July 12, 2016

      Hypocrite!! How many you all have voiced concernes regarding Andy and the other vagrants in the past? Now that it has unfairly been given a political slant we are now seeing all advocates sticking out their necks sharing uninformed views.

  4. mine
    July 11, 2016

    Wow bad luck is really punching Andy. I’m feeling bad for this guy, my god why is his family.Lors send a good sarmaritan to rescue him.

  5. Shame
    July 11, 2016

    Hmmm more money for Andy yes sah

  6. a fighting spirit
    July 11, 2016

    RIP Andy! Life was cruel to you

  7. John Paul
    July 11, 2016

    What qualifies one to become a permanent resident of the psychiatric Unit? Must You be from an influential Family?
    Can Andy be even admitted for one month? I mean I know an individual who lives there since first form SMA and I am over 60 years old now .How come Andy cannot get a three month treatment?Papamet!

  8. Tell the Facts
    July 11, 2016

    As poor as Andy is he has become a D/can celebrity, being much talked about :lol: :lol: :lol: and the concern for him.
    Poor Andy. It is sad he is in this situation and cannot help it. I hope he recovers and once and for all something is done for him that, he will have a place to stay. However, someone as he who has been walking the streets for years, it will be difficult for him to remain in one place.
    Imagine he was all the way in Canefield. Did he walk or did someone give him a ride? What was he doing in Canefield? Maybe he wants to return to Boetica where he is originally from. :)
    Everyone has a story to tell. Ever wonder what may be going on in his head, how he thinks and what makes him tick? Can he talk a bit? If possible, he should be interviewed and quizzed about his life and why he prefers being out on the street.

    • ??????.....
      July 12, 2016

      Yes probably he wanted to head to Boetica. He usually walks from Roseau to Boetica. But he knows that he must pass the other way via Cane field which gives us some hope for his full recovery. God is able. Pray.

      • Tell the Facts
        July 12, 2016

        This was pure speculation on my part as I recalled reading he is originally from Boetica. It crossed my mind.
        He knows what he is doing. Hope his shoes are comfortable for walking a long distance.
        I hope someday, soon enough he will be fully recovered. He does need help. He may be crying inside for help. May God help him through others.
        May God bless him, heal him and protect him.
        May God bless you and all others who will assist him.

  9. noise
    July 11, 2016

    The Almighty is not asleep …. all of those who deliberately overlook this man’s need for care meanwhile jump at the opportunity to make “a fast buck” as a result of the unfortunate instances that originate, as a result of his mental impediment have to realize there will be atonement ….. if he were cared for he would not be considered to be such a nuisance, even if it meant that , at minimum for his safety, ne needed to be institutionalized.

  10. July 11, 2016

    Can someone please tell me why discover Dominica , or who is in charge, of allowing Americans to come in Dominica to film. What I’m saying is I was watching the premier, of that new show film in Dominica on The discovery channel on Sunday night, THE AMERICAN TARZAN..the entro said Dominica is a lost island in the Caribbean. They never show not one nice place in Dominica all bush n mountain.
    Next time make sure that sign Contract allows them to at list show the beauty of our country and not treat us like how they do when in Africa, when they shows only animals and not the beauty of the country

  11. IamanIdiot
    July 11, 2016

    What time is the protest being held ? id like to attend. Oh no protest for justice? oh ok.

  12. Everybody has an opinion, poor Andy, but I say sympathy without help is absolutely no help at all.

    Poor Andy was treated like a stray dog when he was burnt with hot water. I would hope he assailant will be sent to jail in addition sanctioned, paying some amount of money in damages to poor Andy.

    When that incident occurred, if he was taken to the hospital for treatment, that should be the time the state should evaluate him, to see if he is actually mentality ill, and if, found incompetent, and ill, the State should have committed the man to the mental intuition if there is one in the country, as in all countries of the world, and treated.

    He should remain there until he is capable to take care of himself: On the other hand what happen to his family? Have they all deserted him? Nothing to give, nothing to gain from the poor, they render his life worthless? When the criminal pure the hot water on him she did not see him as another human benign, all she saw was the dirt and…

  13. but...but.......
    July 11, 2016

    Saw him walking on the road by minyas last night. I remember thinking I hope he doesn’t get hit. That area is so crazy I hate crossing there myself even with my wits about me.

    Hope he recovers!

  14. Peter Karam
    July 11, 2016

    What is Andy doing on the highway at that time of nite? why is he not in the comfort of the Grotto home for the homeless. ohhh he refuses ok

    • My 2 Cents
      July 11, 2016

      Peter why he not in the comfort of the grotto you ask? Peter like you know the grotto cannot lock people inside or force them to stay. With all the show different hypocrites and his mother put on over the last week for what seems like personal gain now, you trying to tell me none of them could have done something for Andy when he was release from hospital yesterday instead of allowing him back on the road again exposed to whatever dangers out there. Let be real man Peter.

  15. Just Saying
    July 11, 2016

    My heart bleeds for Andy. This poor young man….

    • Oh boy
      July 12, 2016

      Then be a good samaritan and take him in.

  16. Noreen
    July 11, 2016

    No one can’t just magically think their way out
    of a mental illness, whether it’s mild or severe.
    This idea is damaging.If this man has family
    they need to do something to help him.

    • jennifer-Anne Fadelle
      July 11, 2016

      they suing

      • great
        July 11, 2016

        They suing?? where were they before all this?? All of a sudden they remember they have a son, brother, cousin? A lot of these young people went down the wrong road or were instantly thrown into insanity after taking drugs. Many can be rehabilitated with the support of family. I get that some just lost but at least the families should make the effort to at least try…it’s only when something happens and dollar sign start showing that families step in.

      • My 2 Cents
        July 11, 2016

        They suing for their gain not for Andy’s benefit. I can guarantee you if they were to win a law suit and get some money not a dime would be spent on Andy to try and help him out of his current situation.

      • Heavenly sent
        July 11, 2016

        I hope they use that suing money to get him the care he needs. The French islands has good rehab facilities. This is know from personal experience.

      • bob
        July 11, 2016

        :lol: :lol: :lol:

    • Yes I
      July 12, 2016

      Of course he has family. If you go to Boetica right now and ask, you will be pointed to the direction of all his family.

  17. FORKIT
    July 11, 2016

    commissioner carbon, how can you let your family go down like that…..

  18. internet
    July 11, 2016

    Chastanet blames US for Caribbean crime problem
    Prime Minister Allen Chastanet has gone on the offensive against The United States in a scathing criticism that blames the superpower for the Caribbean …

    • dno sucks
      July 11, 2016

      where would you go if the us refused u entry for your operation

  19. PM
    July 11, 2016

    #Rehabilitation center needed. A big one, a big big one .

  20. I Know!
    July 11, 2016

    But I find Andy have maleh, eh. a-a…..

  21. browneyesgirl
    July 11, 2016

    Even #vagrants need medical attention too ….. if Andy was burnt so badly why wasn’t he hospitalized? Eh tell me .. everybody throwing in their two cents but the real issue here is if he was in a hospital in the first place another tragegy like this could not befall him after all he is human. When one suffers severe burns, those burns have to be treated. If I may ask. Was he ever treated for those burns at all? or was he in the hospital and left without the hospital knowing? No burn like what he succumb can cure in a week. If you ask me I think the health department needs to look into this ! Vagrant or no vagrant!

    • Facts
      July 11, 2016

      In a previous story, Police confirmed that Andy was “transported to the Accident and Emergency Department of the Princess Margaret Hospital where he was examined by a medical doctor and discharged.”

    • My 2 Cents
      July 11, 2016

      You should ask yourself some serious questions. For example, was he really burnt as bad as the pics uwp showed. I’m not making excuses for what was done but I saw Andy on the bayfront with no shirt on the very next day and the burns he had on his back were drying up already proving they were superficial burns and not severe like uwp was trying to make people believe. You will be surprise what uwp can do with Photoshop.
      After all they are the copy and paste masters.

    • John Paul
      July 11, 2016

      He was hospitalized but allegedly left there without being discharged

  22. July 11, 2016

    Is that the way the Dominican people have become? – So heartless? Now the protesters are getting blows.. LOL you people eh.. the moral decay is so freaking real!

  23. Jayson
    July 11, 2016

    The government are being paid to manage the social and economical affairs of the society.

    Under who’s ministry does this fall.

    Who in their right mind would continue to employ someone to manage their affairs/business who has consistently continued to show themselves incapable of doing as such?

    Only a mad man.

    • FORKIT
      July 11, 2016

      Dominica does not have a government, its more like a monarchy with high priest and priestess and private religious interpreters,
      with skerro the king, his spin doctors, business patners and the people he put things on their name are high priest and priestesses and the religious interpreters are the pastors, priest and evangelists that stay silent on critical issues like child abuse and homosexuality amongst other immoralities that is destroying Dominica, while praising him at every function because of a few chips he throw at their feet….

      • John Paul
        July 11, 2016

        It is Public knowledge that Mrs. Charles called Mr. Ian Pinard a “Real Man”
        We know also that Tony said that Pierro while extending Hid hand his fingers were bitten while simultaneously getting stabbed in the back.she joined the back stabbers so expect anything

  24. dhestini
    July 11, 2016

    there are no such institutions in Dominica to provide that kind of care. Andy is a vagrant. a paro. put him in psych ward, they just gonna pump him with meds. put him grotto home he just gonna escape because these pple do not have the necessary resources or skills or patience needed to help somebody like him. another tourist season is approaching. im tired of hearing the government talking bout dealing with those vagrants and seeing nothing being done. every year government offering scholarships. i think its about time they invest in a rehabilitation centre and offer scholarships to pple in similar fields to go and learn hands on how care for those pple in Andy’s state. stop talking and for God’s sake..DO SOMETHING

    • Dominican Passports
      July 11, 2016

      Take initiative and help them yourselves! Since this is such a big priority to you!! Open a shelter, start a go fund me page, ask for public donations, so many things you can DO

      • dhestini
        July 11, 2016

        you have got to be, seriously, the most retarded person on here to even think up that response, yet alone post it. you pple are so BRAINWASHED that u cannot even think logically for urself. every year u have the tourism minister talking bout vagrants and the effect it has on the industry. everytime somebody mentions putting them away, u have pple who works at grotto home saying they dont stay there. they leave on their own. same for the psych ward. these r pple HOOKED ON DRUGS. you think its safe for them to be around ur sister, mother, friend who’s in hospital or psych ward because they had a minor breakdown??

        u expect a poor little dominican citizen who can hardly pay her bills fr her mon-sat 9-5 job to do something on her own to aid vagrants and save the tourism industry, while those who r actually there for that purpose, getting a mthly salary that adds up to my annual net pay, sit by not lifting a finger. wow. you and pple with ur mentally r seriously a new breed of stupid

    • John Paul
      July 11, 2016

      Yes We care but only if We can drive You to the polling Station.No vote no care!

    • Advocate
      July 12, 2016

      Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.
      You can be the first to institute a change……… Don’t you agree?

  25. Shaka Zulu
    July 11, 2016

    All i can do is pray for this land. Not all who call Gods name are righteous and thieves and prostitues will enter the kingdom of God before some of us. Lastly, whatsoever you do to the least of my brothers, that you do onto me. When i was hungry you gave ne bread, when i was thirsty you gave me water, when i was naked you gave me clithed. Now come into the home of my father. Andy is the least of our brothers. What we have done to him we will pay. Our sinfulness is not only by what we have done, but also by our thoughts and our words and most of all whst we have failed to do. Ask yourselves a question.

    • Tell the Facts
      July 11, 2016

      You can commence with yourself.to help hm. You have a vision. Put your money where your mouth is. Start the ball rolling.

  26. cheerios
    July 11, 2016

    BUH who is de wicked person dat find to do dat na :-x

    • Tell the Facts
      July 11, 2016

      It was an accident. He was not deliberately hit. Consider the time of night. If he has a mental problem, he will not give two hoots walking into the path of vehicles. He is oblivious of the danger.

  27. boy oh boy
    July 11, 2016

    this reminds my of the burning of G.O.N house

    July 11, 2016

    Looking for the so called(love) ANDY protesters under the cliff!

    • IamanIdiot
      July 11, 2016

      Like I said, they don’t love Andy, just wanted publicity.

      • A Convent Prep Teacher
        July 11, 2016

        publicity for what? Do u all watch international news. Democratic countries have the right to protest for any and every cause that is unjust

    • %
      July 11, 2016

      @IDIOT ON THE BLOCK YOU ARE DNOs greatest buffoon,numskull,kook and wicked human being…Your heart has no place in it for love, which begs me to question if you are human!!!!Your own wickedness and evil heart seem to be consuming you, but you are unaware that it is happening.

      • The fly
        July 11, 2016

        % Is a matter of the pot calling the kettle black it’s a bit rich coming from you don’t you think?

        July 11, 2016

        @ %, you should be the last buffoon to be talking about wickedness. Have you sat for a moment and recap the wicked things you have done to society? Shame on you. You shall always remain Lennox’s Toilet Tissue.

      • John Paul
        July 11, 2016

        It is still better for a black pot to call another pot Black than to remain silent because there are varying degrees of Blackness

        Brown Pot

  29. betty
    July 11, 2016

    Unbelievable. He is a human being. How can some people be so dam wicked in life? Well ala poor this guy. I feel it for him. He going thru. Looks like they trying to kill him. Jah sees and jah knows everything. So the wickedness and evil we do affi come back and hunt u. Who ever did this. Justice for Andy. The law here aself I feel like only one set gets juatice. But justice or not Andy Jah go deal with those that doin u wrong.

    • Dominican Passports
      July 11, 2016

      Affi? What the heck is a “Affi” Seriously pick up a damn book, Jesus christ! :roll:

      • FORKIT
        July 11, 2016

        they think dey is jamacan. ah so mi ah say…. lol

  30. Purge
    July 11, 2016

    Andy mother lives right here in town. If she won’t provide shelter for her son who else should? most of the times these people tend to walk in dark corners with dark clothes on them still taking there precious time, is almost like hoping someone would hit them and end the misery.

  31. Delvin Castro
    July 11, 2016

    Where pastor augustine, where pastor rodney, where skerrit, the way u treat the less fortunate tells alot about Dominica as a people?

  32. %
    July 11, 2016

    FOR THOSE CRIMINALS WHO THOUGHT THAT THE PROTEST FOR Andy was Useless and Political,Andys grief and agony will haunt you all…
    Again I am asking the police if anyone has been charged and arrested for the burnt Andy suffered!!!!! Is it that the homeless man has become a target by some people?

    • abcd
      July 11, 2016

      the lady who burnt him was arrested at her place of business.

      • %
        July 11, 2016

        Thank You!!!

      • The people want to know her name.

        They also want to know what the charge is and what is the court date.

        The public would like to know which restaurant to avoid.

        A crime like this involves the police, the government, and all who righty call Dominica home. Tourists have a right to know they are safe to walk down the street. Some want to know which
        establishments they would prefer not to patronize.

        The media has not done a good job of serving the public interest.

        I had heard of the “cold cases” but I did not believe what they told me.

        Is this kind of violence actually so common in Dominica you pass it off and forget so soon?

        Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. Evangelist.

        Former licensed Private Investigator under the Province of Ontario in Canada. Number 142306.

  33. Lenovo
    July 11, 2016

    8-O 8-O Hold on awhile nuh, Dominicans want to kill that poor unfortunate fellow, man?! 8-O 8-O

    I mean even if he like to cross how he want infront of vehicles, you cannot swerve to avoid him??

    He’s a human being too like all of us. Cheh man! :twisted:

    • Dominican Passports
      July 11, 2016

      Shame on that bus driver, he should have swerved and crashed into the wall with all his passengers to save that poor man! He is a HUMAN being after all! :arrow:

    • Tell the Facts
      July 11, 2016

      Swerving could be a bad move. The driver could have swerved into a vehicle or some thing else. Do you realize it was dark, at 10:30 pm?

  34. just saying
    July 11, 2016

    i think the institution that you think this man should be placed in has to exist before he can be taken there.

  35. Scar face.
    July 11, 2016

    Yes Papa. One man can take abuse. Someone in authority please help this young man.. if you can’t help him ,stop abusing him..Stop the mistreatment of this guy. How can you say you care when the less fortunate is being abused. We have laws ,why can’t our laws be used to protect this guy. Mr prime minister, on behalf of Andy carbon I am asking as a matter of fact begging for help. Help him please. I’m sure someone took him to vote during election. So he is important. We all can’t be the same.

    • Dominican
      July 11, 2016

      The protesters will take care of him

  36. Joe
    July 11, 2016

    This is so sad!!!!!!!

  37. Heartfelt
    July 11, 2016

    Alas alas. He is human like all of us. He feels. You do this to him, don’t think for a minute it won’t come back to you!

  38. Africa Queen
    July 11, 2016

    Andy again, poor boy, i hope judgement will be serve for him some day. God do not sleep and he sees everything.

    • Dominican Passports
      July 11, 2016

      God trying and take him to his kingdom, remember he works in mysterious ways :?: :?:

  39. IamanIdiot
    July 11, 2016

    A few weeks ago, I received many negative rating because I stated that the people who was holding a silent protest for Andy did not care about Andy. They only cared because of the publicity being generated the incident of his burning so they went holding placards and standing in town. One of the gentlemen involved is from Wesly so I also mentioned that if he loved Mr Andy that much, Im sure there was a farm in Wesly he could assist him on instead of leaving him in town to be abused for a dollar. I also predicted that in two weeks Mr Andy would be back on the streets, and so said on July 10th MR Andy was begging at 7-11. Where were the men who were professing love for him? not even a week after the hospital he was back begging.

    NOW that Mr Andy was involved in a hit and run I HOPE I HOPE THOSE SAME MEN……Stand up under the cliff FOR A SILENT PROTEST! ASKING FOR justice for Andy, and not just only want justice because it’s a big restaurant that you could sue when he was burnt.

    • My 2 Cents
      July 11, 2016

      A week? The very next day after the burning i saw him on the bayfront harassing people.

    • K
      July 11, 2016

      People can love or have respect another human being without being stupid. Who takes a drug addict as an employee? Drug addicts are some of the most unreliable people on earth, and that is putting it nicely. That does not mean that we can abuse them.

      We should also be careful of pointing fingers because you know know how the saying goes… three more pointing back at you.

      The only thing that Andy needs right now is rehabilitation and we currently do not have that expertise in this country. If we really want to help him we can raise funds to send him somewhere but take note that for rehab to work the person has to be willing to change and they also need a lot of support afterward

    • Sad all way round
      July 11, 2016

      Oh yes you definitely are an idiot. They had the accused name, location and witnesses. And no arrests dats y ppl protested. now the article say accidental hit and both drivers stayed but u say is a hit and run. If so who they goin arrest? Fool.

    • Tell the Facts
      July 11, 2016

      They should visit him in the hospital and try to do something good for him. I hope they do.

  40. Jonathan St Jean
    July 11, 2016

    Why isn’t this man placed in an institution where he can be taken care of and given supervised access to the public.I’m sure we can find solutions to this problem.Come on government

    • dayandnightvision
      July 11, 2016

      Jonathan St. Jean why Government? What about the people who were holding placards last week?
      They must put their money where there placards are

      • originaljahguide
        July 11, 2016

        @dayandnightvision, your statement is so ridiculous. From the looks of it, you do not seem to have a brain. So dumb.

      • My 2 Cents
        July 11, 2016

        You are sooo right. Especially since they play a direct role in why the guy is on the road, in that condition as a paro.

      • Sad all way round
        July 11, 2016

        Y government?, cuz he is a mentally challenged person and should be in a. I stitutution where our tax $ would feed him. The placard holders doh hav to giv him a physical $.

    • dhestini
      July 11, 2016

      there are no such institutions in Dominica to provide that kind of care. Andy is a vagrant. a paro. put him in psych ward, they just gonna pump him with meds. put him grotto home he just gonna escape because these pple do not have the necessary resources or skills or patience needed to help somebody like him. another tourist season is approaching. im tired of hearing the government talking bout dealing with those vagrants and seeing nothing being done. every year government offering scholarships. i think its about time they invest in a rehabilitation centre and offer scholarships to pple in similar fields to go and learn hands on how care for those pple in Andy’s state. stop talking and for God’s sake..DO SOMETHING

    • Tell the Facts
      July 11, 2016

      Was he not in pain? It looks like he is a tough one. The hospital authorities knew the extent of his burns and his mental capacity as also a homeless person. Why wasn’t he kept at the hospital for a while? In addition, they should ensure that he had some sort of accommodation to go to as also his mother’s house when he was released..

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