Baroness Scotland’s election not the end Francine Baron says

Baron (right) with Scotland on her arrival in Dominica last week
Baron (right) with Scotland on her arrival in Dominica last week

“While the campaign for Baroness Scotland’s candidature is over and the elections are behind us this is by no means the end of the journey,” Minister for Foreign Affairs, Francine Baron has said.

She made that statement while addressing a grand welcome ceremony of over 1,200 guests in honour of Secretary General-elect of Baroness Patricia Scotland held at the State House on Monday night.

Baron said challenging times lay ahead.

“We know that the most challenging times are ahead, but I am confident that Baroness Scotland will, as she has promised, bring the Commonwealth together to deliver skills, expertise, and resources that empower and protect its member countries and their people,” Baron stated. “The past few days have given us an opportunity to welcome Baroness Scotland to the country that she loves, to be among the people who are dear to her and to recognize and celebrate the amazing achievement of this formidable daughter of the soil.”

According to Baron, what makes one truly Dominican is not the number of years spent in the country, “but rather where one’s heart and soul is and where one feels and recognizes as home.”

She mentioned further that Dominica has a very good reason to celebrate Baroness Scotland.

“Baroness Patricia Scotland is now included on the list on eminent Secretary Generals of the Commonwealth,” Baron indicated. “Her country Dominica and the Dominica flag are on that list along with Canada, Nigeria, Guyana, New Zealand and India: that speaks volumes.”

Baron explained that the incredible journey to this moment began almost two years ago when Prime Minister, Roosevelt Skerrit submitted Scotland’s nomination as a candidate of the government of Dominica for consideration as Secretary General.

“This was done with the conviction that this candidate could serve at the helm of one of the most important multilateral organizations in the world, one that spans Africa, Asia, the Americas, Europe and the pacific,” she noted. “An organization that brings together the world’s largest, smallest, richest and poorest countries that share common values, interests and a vision for the future while respecting the diversity that characterizes the Commonwealth.”

Baron stated further that the government of Dominica was not daunted by adverse reactions to that decision and with the Prime Minister’s vision and determination, “we forged ahead to make this vision a reality.”

Meantime Scotland who was elected amidst some controversy mentioned that her faith in God helped in her success.

“I know that God has done something quite extraordinary and people kept on saying, you must have had a brilliant campaign manager and I said, I have and it’s not just the President and the Prime Minister, Francine Baron and the wonderful team, I had the best campaign manager in the world, and he is a campaign manager who is available to every single human being,” she stated. “He never leaves you, even when the going gets rough and nobody else likes you and he is there in the darkest moments to say I will carry you, trust in me because those who God bless let no man curse.”

In a few months, Scotland will take up her appointment as Secretary General of the Commonwealth.

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  1. What a joke
    December 19, 2015

    Had she made a comment like that in England she would be resigning. Dominicans are too comfortable with being disrespected. Hope she doesn’t die from diabetes with all the sweetness she will be sucking. Out of place

  2. bigger
    December 16, 2015

    Your beloved Linton has spent 60 plus years in Dominica tell me what has he done for Dominica or his towny Marigot by extention. I lived in England for a very long time and I had a job to do to explain to people where Dominica was situated so we now on the world map

  3. Office of the Commonwealt, Marlborough House
    December 16, 2015


    Dear fellow suckers in Dominica.
    I am doing well but
    Pou Noel
    Go to hell, go to hell, go to hell
    and souchay sel.
    See you there.

    My parents took me to England but they could not take Dominica out of me.

    Looking forward to a warm reunion

    The Baroness, pas Bawon la.

  4. 4-cars 4cup
    December 16, 2015

    Now, the lady of Fatima have competition in the baroness. Who did you worship last night?

  5. 4-cars 4cup
    December 15, 2015

    My brother Solomon said, “There is a time and season for everything under heaven.” And again, in Ecclesiastes 10:7 we read, “I have seen slaves on horseback, while princes go on foot like slaves.”

    I have seen with my own two nice eyes, a big-shot who had several businesses in Roseau and elsewhere; walk the streets bear footed, with his pants falling from his waist. He once had servants and dogs and chauffeur and children. But as the saying goes; “we reap what we sow.” Reaping time is coming.

  6. viewsexpressed
    December 15, 2015

    “According to Baron, what makes one truly Dominican is not the number of years spent in the country, “but rather where one’s heart and soul is and where one feels and recognizes as home.”

    It is better to be thought of as a fool and open your mouth and let all doubts reign.
    There is a famous Dominican saying, “Mout open ….story jump out”

    Francine Please be quiet… know where I am coming from?

  7. the watchman
    December 15, 2015

    the righteous might be sucking salt for now but the time is coming when the wicked store houses will be full of bags of salt to suck.

    December 15, 2015

    We are indeed moving in the right direction. WHO GOD BLESS NO MAN CURSE……..UWP can never have Dominica. DLP RULES we are a force to reckon with.

    • Shaka Zulu
      December 15, 2015

      Hey positive, you can do better than that. Tell me how we moving in the right direction. Forget UWP cause they cannot do anything now. Convince me. Give me one reasonable, commonsense explanation why you think we moving in right direction. Facts would help.

      • Face the Facts
        December 16, 2015

        You made me laugh. :lol: One of it is your face and front of your body are in front of you; not behind your back. You are moving on; forward, forging ahead. :lol: :lol: :lol:
        I have previously stated, Dominica has come a long way. It has been doing well. Sadly, TS Erika, stabilized it for now.
        Give Dominica a break. Do not bring down its level. Do not be negative. Always be confident. Support your government. No matter what and after all is said and done, keep smiling. In the end you will benefit from it.
        Know every country has its share of problems. The bigger the country, the bigger the problems. High cost of living, increased costs as taxes and everything possible that is purchased. Income, hardly ever increasing, if not at all. Those who reside in such countries do their utmost to cope as best as possible.
        Those who believe in God and worship Him, place their faith, trust and hope in Him. Happiness, peace and tranquility abound.

      • Face the Facts
        December 16, 2015

        These are the facts: :) Don’t worry. Be happy. Be satisfied to a certain degree. Life is also moving on and we have to go with the flow.
        The government is doing what it can. The opposition and the people must cooperate, if they want a better, united nation. It cannot occur otherwise.
        As small as Dominica is, there are other countries and nationals that are worst off.
        Do you know the saying, “I thought I had no shoes until I saw a man with no toes?” Food for thought.

    • December 15, 2015

      Indeed a force of evil doers to reckon with, one thing for sure, there is no forces mightier than the force of The Almighty, time will tell, I believe and trust one force and thats the force of The Almighty, for he have the power to destroy all the wicked evil forces just a matter of time

      • Face the Facts
        December 16, 2015

        Those who make these statements are not necessarily perfect but far from that. They judge others as if they are worst than them.
        Have you considered that everyone has some sort of wickedness in them? It is also wicked to judge others and think we are holier than they are.
        Holy Scripture teaches us, “All have fallen short of God’s glory. Not one has not sinned.” I like to say, some worst than others. God knows more.

  9. Kord Kapi
    December 15, 2015

    I am surprised that with all that renaming here and there, nothing is named after Dr. C. Etienne, a wowan who lived and contributed immensely to the Dominican public and has raisen to the highest of office like the Baroness. So, what my feeble mind cannot comprehend is why the Baroness’s name is incribed on a building before Dr. Etienne? Is the PM trying to push his ‘winning’ of her election in the face of his critics? I cannot wait for at leadt the Massacre-Canefild school be named the Dr. C. Etiienne Primary…..but wondered how long wil I have to wait for that wish.

    • Face the Facts
      December 16, 2015

      She deserves it. Do not worry. Her day is coming. She is already recognized. Someday she will be recognized more so She will receive her honors.
      She was born and lived in Formage Hill, Massacre.. She is well known there. One day they will pay her a public tribute. You never know, the school may be renamed in her honor. You could contribute to that day occurring.

  10. Shaka Zulu
    December 15, 2015

    Ms Scotland I am happy for you and your achievements. No one can argue that you are not a smart and intelligent woman. However like everything this labour party does its all about personal legacy and you have used your Dominican roots conveniently to gain this position as an outsider when the fact of the matter is that the head of the Commonwealth is the Queen and you being a British insider of the highest level serve only yourself and England. Had you not served that position and had similar qualifications you would not have been elected. Seeing that your heart and soul is in Dominica, where were you this past 38 years? What laws have you enacted in the British Parliament to help develop the Commonwealth. Your new position will do nothing to help Dominica stop its begging and dependency mindset. Show me you record on what you have done for the place you so dearly love now it’s convenient and I will shut up. You will need a whip to change Commonwealth. It’s a reminder of ownership.

    • Shaka Zulu
      December 15, 2015

      People in Dominica have been sucking salt, more so for the past 20 years and it’s only going get more salted. Funny you call God name but you sending people to suck salt. They will. Time will tell.

    • silver fox
      December 15, 2015

      Mistake here this comment goes to SHAKA ZULU and Linton,

    • Face the Facts
      December 16, 2015

      Shakula Zulu, where is your enlightenment? You are exaggerating and accusing her of something she is not guilty of. It is all in your mind. Do not take yourself so seriously.

  11. Titiwi
    December 15, 2015

    Indeed Francine Baron, it does not end till the fat lady stops singing! Until then controversy will continue to reign, particularly with regard to regional unity.
    As Secretary General your Baroness friend will be the representative of the Queen of Gt. Britain. M.M. Queen Elisabeth II, who is recognized as Head of State by all OECS countries, except Dominica.
    Roosevelt Skerrit purports to preach unity but his actions always speak otherwise causing disunity and disharmony instead. Baroness Scotland , claims that God was her campaign manager, as if she has privileged access to such guidance but we do well to remember that He is also our judge.

  12. Thorbjørn Jagland
    December 15, 2015

    where one feels and recognizes as home… She lives in Britain not Dominica, what is wrong with you people?

    • Face the Facts
      December 16, 2015

      Today, air traveling is no difficult feat. In her position, she will be doing a lot of that.

  13. observer
    December 15, 2015

    It is interesting seeing the power that SKERRITT WIELDS ..seeing the 2 women that Skerritt unilaterally elevated to high office – The MINISTER OF FOREIGN Affairs daughter of FRANK BARON de facto leader of the FREEDOM PARTY and perennial diplomat of that Party and the Baroness – It was not the Cabinet not the LABOUR Party but Skerrit who chose these women just as he did for the spent force former Ayatollah and Leader of the defunct Freedom Party now President Charles SAVARIN –
    The man he claims and who he gave the kudos for facilitating the emergence at the election process of the BARONESS .
    Savarin must be eternally grateful to the man who took him out of the jaws of being a historical relic known mostly for bringing down LEBLANC PJ AND OJ former LABOUR Leaders and of State
    Interesting how Skerritt chose a UK citizen over Leblanc in renaming the school as was done for PIERRE CHARLES in Grandbay and Rosie Douglas Portsmouth -Schools and adding on the AIRPORT to them !

    • Face the Facts
      December 16, 2015

      Jealous words. What is done is done and cannot be undone. Calm down. Your words can’t change a thing. Smile, though your heart is aching. All is not lost. All will be well. :lol: :lol: :lol:

  14. %
    December 15, 2015

    With people like Baroness and Francine steering Dominicas ship,the country must end up into the wods deepest precipice.When you add to it the laziness, ineptness and incompetence of Skerrit,its not strange that the country is so poor.

    • Face the Facts
      December 16, 2015

      It is all in your mind. Your mind can make you sick or well. :twisted: :mrgreen: :twisted: :mrgreen: :twisted: :mrgreen:

  15. December 15, 2015

    Ms. Baron, in the My Dominica Trade House scandal you were pictured receiving a check of U.S. ten thousand dollars (U.S. $10,000.00) for Dominica disaster relief. This was prior to TS Erica, but you have yet to give an account up to this day. Ms. Baron, you and the new Queen of Dominica, the appointed International Relief Coordinator do make a perfect match, as the dear Baroness is also yet to give a single account of what was done or collected in her capacity as IRC. Dominicans are suffering, they are broke and hungry and the focus is now on what??? The great Baroness, our new political savior who will bring us to the promised land, the land of golden streets and money bearing trees? This new obsession with the Baroness is solely for Labourites that will celebrate and support ANYTHING thrust upon them by their leaders. It is this type of blind loyalty that ignores the real issues affecting ordinary Dominicans, blue, red or green every single day! It’s so sad!

    • December 15, 2015

      This is another imposter and I think that I know who it is. It is most certainly not the sentiment of the real LaborofLove and I just read that same information in an email, but I do not know who is LaborofLove,–you really are deplorable! Really! And you know who I am speaking to.

    • Face the Facts
      December 16, 2015

      I have read a few of your comments. Your tune has appeared to have changed. Are you the real LabourOfLove or are you an imposter?

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