Dominican teen triumphs after battling bone cancer

Shireen Danell Bellot
Shireen Danell Bellot

She has triumphed over adversity, and now teenage cancer survivor Shireen Danell Bellot is hoping her story will inspire others.

The 19-year-old was diagnosed with osteosarcoma, a malignant bone tumor above her left knee at the age of 16 after having suffered serious pain for close to a year.

As a form five pupil at the Convent High School getting ready to write the Caribbean Examination Council (CSEC) examinations, Bellot’s world was turned upside down as she spent months hooked up to a drip receiving chemotherapy treatment at a hospital in Trinidad, miles away from her family and home in Dominica.

The treatment, which she almost wasn’t able to get because of low funds, had become a priority and a relative in Trinidad stumbled upon the RBC/RBTT Caribbean Children’s Cancer Fund.

The fund assists persons, aged 16 years and under, with necessary cancer care and treatment. In 2009, RBC made a five-year commitment of US$200,000 annually towards the cost of medical treatment for paediatric cancer patients.

“My father immediately applied for the assistance and we were all very happy when they offered to help. I was quite ecstatic and grateful for people like Anna-Maria (Kurbanali, RBC Caribbean Banking’s Corporate Communications and Brand Regional Manager) because I know that cancer treatment is very expensive and my parents on their own would not be able to afford it so I was elated that they were willing to help,” Bellot added.

“However, the ordeal was an emotionally taxing time for me, my brother and my parents. My dad left his job here in Dominica and stayed with me the whole time I was in Trinidad. But what I think was hardest for them was coming to terms with my amputation.”

In addition to the above the knee amputation, Bellot had a blocked vein in her left arm which had to be surgically removed, and a portacath inserted just below her right collar bone to be administered the medication.

Yet, the highly religious teenager said these were not her main challenges.

Bellot, who received one’s in Caribbean history, Principles of Business, Integrated Science, English, Information Technology and two’s in Spanish and Mathematics in the 2013 CSEC examinations, said getting back into study mode after being out of school for just over a year had proved challenging in more ways than one.

“There was a change to the syllabus in one of my subjects so I had to go back to fourth form in order to catch up sufficiently. I also had to make new friends since all of my friends were in college by then. And then I had to get back into the habit of studying which was quite challenging as I did very little studying while in treatment,” she said.

Today the bubbly teenager has learnt to walk with a prosthetic leg and says the experience has helped her to become a better person.

“I am also a bit more sensitive to others. I can sometimes recognise when someone is hurting and trying to hide it and I am able to try and help them,” she said.

Bellot, who has been in remission for the past two and a half years, is currently pursuing her associates’ degree in Information and Communications Technology at the Lead Institute in Dominica and hopes to become a cyber-security and forensics expert.

“I also want to go to bible school and get my degree in counselling because I think God has given me a gift to be able to help people. In fact, the pastoral care coordinator at my school asked me to speak with two teens that were going through a difficult time and talk to them and try to help them cope.,” she said.

Bellot admits that she has have never spoken about her condition or treatment in a public forum but is more than willing to share her experience.

“I know that it could help people in other areas of their lives regardless of what they are going through,” she said.

Speaking about the RBC/RBTT Caribbean Children’s Cancer Fund, Kurbanali said it was established to provide treatment to children diagnosed with cancer in theCaribbean countries where we operate. .

“Since its launch, RBC employees across the region have carried out annual fundraisers in support of the fund,” she said.

To date, the Fund has provided treatment for 35 patients and pathology tests for 78 children from across the Caribbean.

“Paediatric cancer takes a toll physically, but the mental strain of chemotherapy, oncology appointments, and not knowing if the cancer will return can be even more taxing and at RBC our goal is to give hope and save lives,” she said.

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  1. Mike Moses
    March 30, 2022

    While I am very happy for the young lady’s ease from pain, but, cancer being in remission doesn’t mean she’s healed,

    Better still must and can be done right on our beautiful Island it’s happening daily, but you won’t hear of it and the sister who is getting tons of people healed by using our God-given herbs, and one don’t have to blast their immune system with thos Big Pharma drugs that kill you good cells as well as you cancer cells. what needs to be done is to get the body to rejuvenate its dormant stem cells and more.

    If anyone is suffering or knows someone suffering from any kind of so-called incurable decease, there’s hope for you by going back to nature, I’d be more than willing to refer you to someone who is making a difference in people’s lives for good.
    Keep on fighting on young lady,
    PS, to note, before anyone talks about profit-making on my part, This is far from it because I just simply want the people of DOMINICA to enjoy great health.

  2. Em
    March 24, 2022

    To think her story would be published when she took her last breath. Very inspiring, and I hope others take example from this young lady.
    Condolences to the family. Rest in perfect peace darling.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 4 Thumb down 0
    • Yes
      March 25, 2022

      This story was first published on Thursday, November 7th, 2013 at 12:54 PM.

  3. Aunt B
    November 9, 2016

    In everything Give thanks.. Thanks for sharing that story my darling.. I knew about it but somehow reading about it this morning was just what I needed .. I am encouraged by your testimony which just reminded me that God is able to do just what he says he would do.. This was just a setback to your comeback.. He is going to work it out for your good. I give God much thanks for you and he will complete what he started in you.

  4. Gods child
    November 8, 2016

    Glory to the most high God , Great things he has done and continues to to do, Miss bellot U are strong and and bless indeed, keep the faith and continue to inspire those around you, God blessings always

  5. Dominican Canadian.
    November 9, 2013

    May G-d be praised!!!HALLELUIA. :lol:

  6. Child of god
    November 8, 2013

    U are in my pray

  7. Abraham J. Durand
    November 8, 2013

    BRAVO, Shireen! I am extremely proud of you, not only for beating the odds, but for your perspective on the matter and the path that you have chosen for your life. Proud to be your tutor and mentor and wishing the very best for you!

  8. JL
    November 8, 2013

    God’s continued guidance over you my dear. Very touching story that we can all learn from. Stay blessed

  9. November 8, 2013

    thing must have been had for you when you get to now that. but you must remember there is a very good god one that can take thing like that away that make you a cat i mine in a good way you now the cat have 9 you have 7 more to go that well take you to the 100.god do not let his family go like god put you there for a reason and take every day like it come may god bless you every day and for the rest of your love

  10. Kim
    November 8, 2013

    Reading this and fighting back the tears at work. Such an inspiring story! Reminds me to be thankful everyday and reminds me to keep praying and trusting. Sometimes we think we have been through an ordeal until we hear someone else’s painful situation. Such a lovely example of courage and faith! Don’t know you personally but love you and thank you so much for sharing your powerful and truly amazing story.

  11. November 8, 2013

    it a very good day when some thing like that happen that is why there is a god when you get up and go bed his there he was looking over you form the time you come form mom her was there remember he is your god so what ever inside of you he will take away so when some one like god do some like that for you have to love becuas saver your life thank hem every day you live may god bless you for lone life

  12. Alexy
    November 8, 2013

    I will continue to pray for you. You are a strong, christian woman. Thanks for sharing your story, it warmed my heart and made me feel grateful for all that I had, sometimes we complain so much until we realise we have so much to be thankful for. God be with you and stay strong and keep reaching for the stars. You are truly blessed and God has seen favour with you.

  13. TM
    November 8, 2013

    I taught you at C.H.S. You were a good and exemplary student. Shireen, knowing that you have faith in the Lord comforts the mind. Continue to send up a prayer to him everyday and thank him for keeping you alive. Blessings on life’s journey my dear.

  14. Massacre
    November 8, 2013

    May God Keep His Blessings always on you.

  15. Tri-State Beauty
    November 8, 2013

    I’m so emotional Shireen, thanks for sharing your story in the your own space and time. You have family,friends who love you and are rooting for you. Tears of joy! Love you

  16. committ.ed dominican
    November 8, 2013

    You are an inspiration to many May God continue to bless you.

  17. Justice and Truth
    November 8, 2013

    Through it all, you have come through with the help of God, family members and the financial help from RBC including the hospital staff who took care of you.
    You will be a model in this respect to others. God loves appreciation and gratitude. May He continue to help you with his overall healing power.
    Only this week, for some reason, while performing household chores, I commenced humming/singing a religious song which is entitled: “Through It All”. I attribute this to the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. :) God never neglects us. He is always encouraging us and prodding us on. He is always at our side. The godly/religious will recognize it.

    Through it all, through it all
    O I’ve learned to trust in Jesus
    I’ve learned to trust in God.
    Through it all, through it all
    I’ve learned to depend upon his love…

    God bless you Shireen and always keep you healthy and strong as you continue to tell your story and to administer to and encourage others. The world needs some people as you. Good luck in all your future endeavors.

  18. Ohhh Dominica!
    November 7, 2013

    Ahhhhh….just want to give u a big hug. May God continue to keep you under the shadow of good health!

    You’re an awesome young lady!

  19. Guest0101
    November 7, 2013

    To God be the glory! Great testimony!

  20. Wow
    November 7, 2013

    God bless her!!!!!! And kudos to her father for being a stand up dad…we need more of those in the world. Warms the heart.

  21. Okok
    November 7, 2013

    WOW!! All I can say is, You are so strong and you will do great things, A Counselor, great so many people need help.

  22. Itassi
    November 7, 2013

    shivers… amazed to see young ladies shrive,young lady with such a very strong mind and determination
    .I call you a survivor!!!!!

  23. My heart is in d/ca
    November 7, 2013

    Didn’t read all the story but fr where I read u a testimony to many May god shine his light upon u and stay strong my prayer with u and ur family

  24. Anonymous
    November 7, 2013

    Deep… God continue to walk with u…u r blessed!!

  25. Curious
    November 7, 2013

    very moving….God bless you

  26. True
    November 7, 2013

    Our god is awesome……. Keep giving him thanks n praises

  27. La Plaine
    November 7, 2013

    We are so happy for you Shireen. Jude and Alvan be proud of your daughter and your selves. Love from our family to yours.

  28. die-hard dice fan
    November 7, 2013

    I do not know you personally, but my eyes were filled with tears before I was finished reading your article/testimony. I am soooooooo very proud of you especially when I saw how you excelled at CXC!!! Your story is truly an inspirational one and you have a strength that only the Most High God can instill. Reach for the stars my dear – you are truly blessed.

  29. ML
    November 7, 2013

    I know your pain my child. Stay strong

  30. Judge Makie
    November 7, 2013

    U are an inspiration to ur family Cuz. God bless u. We all love u!

  31. November 7, 2013

    Congratulations on your journey. You and the good Lord is in control of your destiny. Keep focused, everything will be alright.

    I wish you well and much success. STAY HEALTHY.

  32. ????????
    November 7, 2013

    This surely brought tears to my eyes. Shireen May the God of Hope and healer continue to strengthen you. May he send his caring angels around you and shower you with his richest blessings as you aspire to become a counseller to help others.

  33. Anonymous
    November 7, 2013

    Very powerful story. Keep the courage Shireen because God is good all of the time. Thanks for sharing. I know your parents are proud of you. I wish you God’s Blessing!!!

  34. beva
    November 7, 2013

    He is an on time God yes he is… The things that we go through in life is not to kill us but to make us stronger… you went through it so others wont go through it… Keep the faith … your problems will provoke you to purpose , the challenge before you will provoke the power within you and the lion against you will provoke the power within you.

  35. November 7, 2013


    Your story is an inspiration.

    I want to assure you that God has a purpose for your life. There are those who are able to draw the strength they need directly from God. You are one of these. There are others who don’t have the same relationship with the Lord and can only be encouraged and uplifted by people like yourself. They will see that “the eternal God is YOUR refuge, and beneath are the everlasting arms” and God’s help will come to them indirectly through you. Your adversity is preparing you to share His comfort with others.

    Obviously you have such great parents! Your Dad was there for you during your most difficult time. As the world looks on they see an example of what family is intended to be.

    The following is a poem that has been an encouragement to me through over 50 years of international ministry.


    My life is but a weaving
    Between my Lord and me;
    I cannot choose the colors
    He worketh steadily.

    Ofttimes He weaveth sorrow
    And I in foolish pride,
    Forget He sees the upper,
    And I the under side.

    Not til the loom is silent
    And the shuttles cease to fly,
    Shall God unroll the canvas
    And explain the reason why.

    The dark threads are as needful
    In the Weavers skillful hand,
    As the threads of gold and silver
    In the pattern He has planned.

    Author Unknown

    Shirleen, in the midst of it all remember that He is still “the healing Jesus”, the LORD our Healer.
    We are going to be praying for you here in Canada: not only for your healing, but for God’s plan for your life and ministry to unfold.

    Blessings on you and your family!

    Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. Pentecostal Evangelist.

  36. giving Thanks
    November 7, 2013

    Soooooo Deep and Touching Stories like these are the ones that makes you look deep within and be Thankful for our blessings, Young Lady you are blesssd Thoroughly and there’s a special purpose for your life and your Conntribution to society. God chose you to be a blessing to others and furthermore inspire others, You’ve inspired mein countless ways and more. SO go out there and Conquer and congratulations on your success despite your adversity, Be strong and May the Mercy of God be bestowed upon you always….Be blessed!!!

  37. Jayson
    November 7, 2013

    Sad to see this young lady go through all this, and the one thing known to cure her for very little money is deemed illegal in this country. I know for a FACT that oil gained from the bud of marijuana cures cancer. My cousin (bone cancer) and father (advanced prostate cancer) are living proof of this.

    Believe the white man’s lies and continue to die needlessly over a curable disease which is causing pharmaceutical companies to line their pockets with billions of our dollars.

    You can’t patent a plant so who cares about funding the research. No money to be made in it.

  38. barbadene
    November 7, 2013

    You are a real blessing to us all; May the good Lord continue to use for his own purpose and for his glory.

  39. Surplus
    November 7, 2013

    Am indeed touched every time I read and remember this ideal that Shir Shir went through… What a strong loving, brave young lady… I admire her and I know God has a master plan for her…. All the best and we all love you…

  40. Pondera
    November 7, 2013

    What a wonderful outcome from a dreaded situation. This young lady can be a tower of strength to many persons. Circumstances do not define you but your resolve to tower a midst the circumstance will remain the hallmark for which you will be known. God Bless you my dear!

  41. vern
    November 7, 2013

    May the Lord continue to strengthen and keep you in perfect peace my cuz. Continue staying focused and keep your eyes on the Lord who is able to keep you dear.

  42. Lisia
    November 7, 2013

    I know her from school…taught her. I am very happy for her recovery and admire her strength!!! God bless you darling

  43. KC
    November 7, 2013

    Really touching! God continuous blessings on you and family.Continue to give him the praises, because you are truly a Blessing.

  44. pingo
    November 7, 2013

    God bless you and your family. I know your dad and knew that you were ill, but today, you made me shed tears. You are a STRONG woman. God has a special plan for you. I pray a Jabez blessing on you and your family. i love and admire you. Blessings

  45. Vee
    November 7, 2013

    Very moving and inspiring. I am happy that you have overcome your cancer and pray that it will remain in remission. Good luck in your future endeavours. Don’t forget to live and not just exist. Thanks RBC/RBTT.

  46. confused
    November 7, 2013

    God’s Gift…..very touching….continue to strive. Much Love

  47. Nelle
    November 7, 2013

    I have known Shireen from primary school and attended CHS together, you have really been an inspiration to us all Shireen! we love you and God Bless!

    • Anna
      November 7, 2013

      I knew that Shireen was an amazing person and an example long before DNO. God bless in all your endeavours.

  48. Sensitive
    November 7, 2013

    My dear this is a great and uplifting story with all the bad news around the world. I wish you well in everything you are aiming to acomplish and trust that god will give you the wisdom to triumph and succeed. You seem to be a very wonderful person.Keep being that way.

  49. Neighbor
    November 7, 2013

    :) I am so pleased to read your story, and it’s evident that it was not an easy time for you and your family. I’m happy that God has proven Himself triumphant in your life, continue to trust in Him always. Congratulations on your recent scores in the CXC exam and all the best with your upcoming endeavors.

  50. Anonymous
    November 7, 2013

    As I am reading this, I feel such shame… shame because I sometimes take my life for granted. I have health and strength, I have a good job, I always have food on my table, clothes to wear yet at times I still complain… O God, help me to be grateful for all the blessings you have given to me, because while I am complaining, some body is going through difficult times… God bless you Shireen. be strong in the Lord

    • Justice and Truth
      November 8, 2013

      Our Lord Jesus said, in all circumstances, give God due thanks and praise. How often do we do that?
      Faith, hope and trust in God always. One thing which pleases God is that we recognize him, pay him due and genuine homage, pray to him and to assist others who are in need of, in whatever manner, be it by kind words or gestures which also includes praying for them, for our nation and the world, people of the world, in general. This is a Christian duty.
      During a relevant conversation, I informed someone that I do not take God and my life for granted. He who reads hearts, knows our faith and spirituality better than others, even than those who personally know us, I always ask him to assist me, protect me and to have mercy on me. As we grow older, we should always keep this in mind and ask of God. When it comes to also assisting, He surely comes through. Praise be to God.
      Our Lord said, when we pray, we must pray with faith that it will be granted.
      As it is said, let something happen to us and we will then know how strong our love for God and our faith are.
      She has been through a lot and she has projected her faith in God that He will see her through. He did! He delivered! She definitely has a story to tell to the entire world and to encourage others.

  51. Wesley Empress
    November 7, 2013

    Very touching words of encouragement. i tip my hat off to you darling for not many 19yr olds would have the courage to talk about this ordeal. God is going to use you tremendously to help change and shape the lives of young people. Be prepared for this. God bless you!!

  52. bigmack
    November 7, 2013

    God bless you my dear

  53. Concern citizen
    November 7, 2013

    Keep up the faith and God will continue to bless and guide you.

  54. Eden Durand
    November 7, 2013

    There is hope for you Ms. Bellot. I was diagnosed with bone cancer at 21, my leg was amputated, the cancer had already spread to my lungs for which I had surgery, this was followed by years of chemotherapy and radiation. That was over twenty years ago and today I continue to live a normal and productive life. Good luck in your endeavors Ms. Bellot, you are truly blessed.

    • Justice and Truth
      November 8, 2013

      You have noted and experienced that a godly and positive attitude also helps. Amidst the pain and inconvenience, it surely was not easy for you then. Pleased to know that you have recovered and are enjoying the best of life. You too have a story to tell. God bless you!

  55. Zane
    November 7, 2013

    Makes me feel proud to be an employee of RBC.

  56. Hmmm
    November 7, 2013

    God is able

  57. Not happy anymore
    November 7, 2013

    Hold strong, cousin your mom dad lil bro aunts ,cousins we are proud of u, u are a living testimony

  58. how long
    November 7, 2013

    your story brought tears to my eyes. I thought about my own children and in the same vein thank God for them. I wish u well and God’s blessing in all that you do. Love to you my daughter

  59. productive
    November 7, 2013

    That is my little sister. Go sher sher. You are my inspiration and sister Jude, you see what God has done. I told you Weeping may endure for the night but joy comes in the morning.

  60. Mary
    November 7, 2013

    Shireen you are a wonderful person. Through this ordeal you never lost hope neither faith in the ability of the Lord to come through for you. I rejoice with you and pray that the Lord will continue to keep you in His sheltering arms. Keep your focus on the Lord and I know He will carry you to realms you never thought possible. The Lord does not forsake His people no matter how difficult the circumstance. God bless you dear.

  61. Diaspora
    November 7, 2013

    Very touching. May the Almighty lay his healing hands on you and bless you in your endeavors. BLESSINGS!!

  62. laura
    November 7, 2013

    Good story DNO…….Good luck moving forward to you and your family after coming from this ordeal

  63. icare
    November 7, 2013

    God continue to bless you

  64. Dominican4real
    November 7, 2013

    Very inspiring situation. Hope you continue on the pathway to health. May god continue to heal you.

  65. Miss D
    November 7, 2013


    You were an inspiration to us all. Your story still brings tears to my eyes and I truly admire your strength.

    May God continue to bless you.

  66. AS
    November 7, 2013

    You are a heroine in your own rights. An inspiration to many youth like yourself and adults as well. Keep remembering whom your Savoir and Deliverer is

    • Anonymous
      November 7, 2013

      do some ppl dislike for disliking sake SMH….what kind of world do we live in?

      • Anonymous
        November 8, 2013

        Please realize that someone may clicked ‘dislike’ accidentally, if he/she is using a small screen. It is impossible to unclick.

      • Truth2
        November 8, 2013

        There is nothing to dislike about such a moving/touching story. Give the dislikers the benefit of the doubt – the dislikes were errors!!!

  67. bias dca
    November 7, 2013

    Keep on striving my fear..God is in control

  68. 2 CuTe
    November 7, 2013

    I am haopy for this young lady recovery and ambition.God Bless you my dear

  69. Precious
    November 7, 2013

    That’s my girl, you are a real Gem Shireen. You are very strong and a God given gift to your parents. Continue to trust God and I know you are an inspiration to others. Congratulations job well done. at CXC. Always continue to put God first in all you do.

  70. November 7, 2013

    Shireen,you are beautiful. You give essence to the word strength, courage and victory. I pray Daddy God continues to give you strength and that your desire to help others will materialize. May Daddy God bless you and keep you, may he cause His face to shine upon you and give you peace.

    As you continue to strive for excellence I pray that the radiating smile on your face will grow brighter and become a light to those in similar or worse situations.

    Your desire to be a counselor clearly aligns with your personality and I too think this is the area where God will use you mightily to bring comfort to others. In fact, the first words that came to mind when I read that you intend to use your situation as a launch pad to help others were those of Brother Paul in 2 Corinthians 3-4.

    “Bless be the God of comfort who comforts us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble, by the comfort where we ourselves are comforted of God”.

    Young lady, I am so proud of you and keep on smiling. Indeed, you are an inspiration and may you move in excellence and wisdom in all areas of your life.

  71. diva
    November 7, 2013

    Continue ur journey dear all the best in ur upcoming future .

  72. powerful!
    November 7, 2013

    Powerful story! All the best in your endeavors. Givr all praise and thanks The Creator! Wow!

  73. Asterix
    November 7, 2013

    Very touching story.You are a very strong minded and strong willed young lady Shireen and I wish you all God’s blessings in your future endeavors. Continue to trust in your faith in God and you will be richly blessed.

  74. family
    November 7, 2013

    I read this story and could hardly keep back the tears. I will continue to thank God for all the wonderful things that He did for you and will continue to do for you. You are a living testimony of how God favors His own.

  75. Lang Kabwit
    November 7, 2013

    Good luck young lady and all the best in your future endeavours. The grace of God is following you through.

  76. lisad
    November 7, 2013

    Continue to shine and inspire others my dear.

  77. big boy
    November 7, 2013

    Oh boy, i felt so sad after reading, she is in my MOB class at the leed institute

  78. Anonymous
    November 7, 2013

    Way to go….such an inspiring attitude.

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