Louis Farrakahn briefly hospitalized in USVI

Louis Farrakhan

Hours after Nation of Islam leader, Lious Farrakahn, left Dominica he sought medical attention at a hospital in the US Virgin Island.

Farrakhan’s representative Akbar Muhammed told the media that his boss went to a hospital on Tuesday with a “low-grade fever.”

He left Dominica on Monday afternoon.

According to Muhammed, Farrakhan has left the St. Thomas hospital and described his condition as “fine.”

He was scheduled to give a speech on St. Croix on Tuesday but it was canceled, however he is expected to visit a prison on that island today (Wednesday).

Farrakhan is touring several Caribbean islands including Barbados, Dominica, and the Bahamas.

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  1. DNO Why?????
    December 7, 2012

    DNO ADMIN!!!!! It seems to me that Behanzin put an interesting perspective on Farrakhan’s visit here when he was not invited to his father’s grave side, why don’t Admin. do a story on the explosive interview Behanzin gave Lennox on his programme last Sunday! report it, the interview was his typical style, no holding back!!!!!!

  2. Justice and Truth
    December 7, 2012

    He was probably dehydrated and tired. How much water did he drink while in Dominica? We should drink at least 6 to 8 glasses (small glasses) of water per day. He knew what he ate and drank while in Dominica. Probably he was tired and needed some rest.
    By the way did he go for a swim in the sea and river? This is a highlight for visitors.

  3. concerned
    December 6, 2012

    Charity begins at home. If he really love mankind, why is he not going into all the muslem nations and tell them don’t blow-up people, and let women have a say in this world. He is evil, and God knows the heart. He came on some evil mission, pretensive. He should realize that, what ever a man sows, that shall he also cultivate and more. “God The Almighty” is still in control, and he will wipe out all evil ones. DOMINICA is still a God fearing Island,we need healing,and not division. He came to spy for his people, to know exactly where they should start training more terrorists. Let him go back where he belong. If he goes to a muslem country, they might not even want his point of views, cause they think he comes from the Western World.

  4. Really n Turly
    December 6, 2012

    OH Lord!we need aBOB MARLEY type,for this times,we are being washed away.

  5. Richards
    December 6, 2012

    That is so true.They did not know what hit them. The man knows all the overwhelming shortcomings of this Gov yet the people here pretend like they know nothing and keep living in absolute ignorance.

  6. anonymous2
    December 5, 2012

    He was probably warned not to seek it here.

  7. Grandbayian
    December 5, 2012

    Why is it that some people are so closed minded and so shortsighted? It seems like if someone thinks and talks differently from what we think is the truth that we get so offended.
    There are about seven billion people on earth and has it ever occurred to us that they all do not think and act like us? Our mentality and level of thinking needs to change. We need to get off our comfort zone and realise that things are changing around us and in the world in general.
    Mr. Telemaque, at one time you are speculating and at another time you are saying “the people who brought him to Dominica should ask him why is it he didn’t seek medical treatment in our country.” Could it be because he has no confidence in our black doctors and our medical and health system?”
    Isn’t the man a grown up who can make his own decisions? And who knows whether he fell sick here?
    Some people just think that getting a Western education is the best thing in the world. All I know is that such an education, according to Bob Marley is a BRAIN-WASHED one.
    We are all people in this world and we are all free to believe a certain way, dress a certain way and so on and so forth.

    • Justice and Truth
      December 7, 2012

      I am pleased to read your comments. Keep in mind that it applies to those who comment on this Website and who may not share your views and vice versa. Therefore, do not get angry with them when they provide their comments because as you have acknowledged, we do not all think alike. I am fully aware of this. Those who are sensible and broadminded should know this.

  8. Makes
    December 5, 2012

    Rossie and Pierro died mysteriously. I hope he did not hit a high power line.
    Just mixing it up DNO, get people excited and reaching for the thumbs down. Ready set go.

  9. ????????
    December 5, 2012

    O O. Low grade fever. Hope he did not get a mosquito bite on his belly. Better rule out dengue.

    December 5, 2012

    Wow i trust that it was not to the hospitality that he recieved in Dominica that he was rushed to the Hospital?

  11. Rastafari
    December 5, 2012

    My hope is that you are well! Keep on teaching, my Brother!

  12. December 5, 2012

    What does his actions tells us?

    Could it be that he was ill while in Dominica; and if my suspicions are correct, he evaded going to the Our Hospital and headed to St. Croix, to get some of the white man medical treatment, although he actually hate everything that white people; and everything they have to offer.

    We need to remember that practically all of the institutions in America involved into medical research are owned and operated by white people, their efforts and successes in finding new medication and treatments keeps many of us Black people alive including yours truly!

    However, there are members of the Nation of Islam in the medical profession advising aids patients not to take the white man prescription to treat their condition because the disease does not kill nonetheless the medication kills!

    The people who brought him to Dominica should ask him why is it he did not seek medical treatment in our country, could it be because he has no confidence in our Black doctors, and our medical and health system!

    Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

    • Anonymous
      December 5, 2012

      and where in the article it said he got sick whil ehe was here? man you so full of your ridiculous self its ridiculous. jeez you must be really attention depraved.

    • Anonymous
      December 6, 2012

      you really amaze me…. jeeez

    • shawn
      December 6, 2012

      You are beyond silly and stupid. Ask yourself and if you don’t know the answer, go ask the white man that you so love and admire above God and your people, ask them(white people) of their origin. Who made them(white people), how long have they been on black peoples’ planet, and how long do they have to be on our planet. Your masters(white people) were made by black people 6,000 yrs ago. Your masters(white people) that all the planets, galaxies, stars, etc were made by black people. Your masters will tell you that black people have been on the planet since the beginning of time for over 78 trillion yrs. They will tell you that they(white people) have only been on the black man and woman’s planet and universe for only 6,000 yrs. Your masters(white people) will tell you that all they learned of math and science and medicine and engineering, etc. that they learned from black people. So be quiet and do your research and free yourself from that willy lynch slave mentality. Free and disabuse yourself from the inferiority complex that you obviously have that white are superior and blacks are inferior. Do yourself a favor and listen to Minister Farrakhan’s lectures on Youtube. Visit the finalcall.com and NOI.org website.

      • Anonymous
        December 6, 2012

        Farakhan is a dreamer. why did blackman created whiteman then caused the very thing he created to enslave and control him uptill now. thats blasphemy my brother god created man and not blaclman. If blackman created people then they should not be dying and suffer from other diseases as the whiteman. All men were created by god you should read your bible and stop listening to stupid dreams from nation of islam which makes no sense.

      • Muslim_Always
        December 6, 2012

        Shawn whilst I am a researcher into Ancient African History and civilizations and I am proud of my Afro-Caribbean heritage; none of these things you have said is true.

        Even if I support points Farrakhan made regarding Agriculture, politics in the Caribbean region, the doctrines taught by the “Nation of Islam” does not reflect in any shape or form reflect the message of Islam.

        Thank you for inviting people to refer to final call and N.O.I website for I am very familiar with them. Additionally, I have a pdf file entitled, ‘The Message to the Black Man.’ Also, I do listen to Minister Farrakhan on you tube sometimes. He is very eloquent in speech however, I disagree with his doctrines.

        Lastly, as a student of comparative theology I understand the era the “Nation of Islam” was formed but the doctrines are very flawed in my conclusion. I objected to the following.

        1. The All Mighty Allah incarnated in the form of “Master Farad Muhammad.”

        Firstly, Allah never becomes or incarnates into His creation. This teaching clearly contradicts the Noble Quran.

        2. Elijah Poole (Muhammad) was a Messenger of Allah.

        Second, the Noble Quran clearly states that Muhammad ibn Abdullah who came 1400 years ago was the last Messenger of Allah. He is the Seal of Prophethood.

        3. Whites were created in a lab and that all whites are devils.

        No Shawn, this is a lie, every human being came from the loins of Adam and Eve peace be upon them. Allah has created us into different nations and tribes so that we may know each other, the best amongst us are those who are most righteous… (Noble Quran chapter 49:13)

        We hope Shawn that you could kindly look into authentic Islam. Thanks.

    • ......
      December 6, 2012

      “a darm ” at it again.. geez you need an award for buffonery

    • Reader
      December 6, 2012

      Erratic Fete. What if he felt ill enroute to St.Croix whilst on the aircraft / in the air?
      Did you give that any thought before you vomited your BS? To avoid critics from bassing do a little thinking before you write even ur spelling sucks. Man I feel sorry for you.

      • December 6, 2012

        Again Reader, read my comments I made to the so called Anonymous, if DNO prints it, perhaps some of you may find the answer you are looking for in what I wrote.

        I cannot deal with you people, I am aware that American English somewhat defers from Cambridge English as developed from Latin, however it seems to me that many of us only understand Dominica English, in whatever form it is written and spoken!

        Again I did not; I never said; or wrote any place on DNO that this man was ill, or sick while he was in Dominica; I continued to say ” If my suspicions are correct.”

        What does that denote?

        Plenty of you need to concentrate on our comprehension of the English language rather than picking on people when they write simply comments that you do not comprehend.

        Learn to think cognitively that may resolve your reading comprehension.

        Someone claims that I cannot spell, nevertheless that person cannot spell either, what the fool does not understand is that when one lives in America, and is educated in the educational system here lots of things change.

        If you take English in the Caribbean, or England, or Canada, and you come to America, and God forbid you have to sit in a class room here and take English, there is a good chance that you would not be able to pass the class with a GPA greater than C or perhaps a B, unless you fully comprehend ” American English.”

        And I am not going to explain why you see; since you all Dominicans have all the answers for everything oui!

        Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

    December 5, 2012

    haahha you give that labour government to much fire…them man happy you go, and doh expect they will call you again

    • Anonymous
      December 5, 2012

      did they send for him or was he on a tour? like he said partisan politics will kill all you sort self, he is so right

    • Richards
      December 5, 2012

      That is so true.They did not know what hit them. The man knows all the overwhelming shortcomings of this Gov yet the people here pretend like they know nothing and keeps living in absolute ignorance. You hit the nail on the head.

  14. Anonymous
    December 5, 2012

    “low grade fever” sign of infection. The CIA did it, conpiracy theory #1, he is getting to powerful and he is being well accepted in the caribbean, :mrgreen:

    Hope he gets better soon, seriously.

    • Peeping Tom
      December 5, 2012


  15. observer
    December 5, 2012

    A fever? This is strange. Tell him to relax and he will feel better!!!!

  16. Shameless
    December 5, 2012

    Woe be unto those self serving hypocrites….. It would serve him better to visit the muslim world and tell them STOP killing each other and treat women with more respect.

    Assertive, NOt Agressive!

    • ????????
      December 5, 2012

      Low grade fever. Hope he did not get a mosquito bite on his belly. Better rule out dengue.

    • ideal
      December 5, 2012

      you are so right, let him go preach to his people

    • Justice and Truth
      December 7, 2012

      He will never go to those countries and dictate to them about their policies. If he does go there, he has to keep quiet. Otherwise they will imprison him and kill him, the latter, if not first. He will go to the Caribbean and dictate to them on how they should live and conduct themselves. Is this not something?

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