Local doctor expresses fear for safety

Dr Pascal said he is now considering his options
Dr Pascal said he is now considering his options

A local doctor is expressing fear for his safety after what appears to be swipes taken at him by prime minister, Roosevelt Skerrit, and health minister, Julius Timothy, in parliament recently.

Dr. Irving Pascal, also known as Eipigh, described the remarks as ‘threats’ which have been taking a psychological toll and which have to be taken seriously.

“I take threats seriously, especially threats by powerful people,” he told DNO. “The prime minister is the most powerful man in Dominica, so when a threat is issued on my well being for no obvious reason that I am aware of, I take that seriously. It is psychologically taking its toll.”

Dr. Pascal wrote a column for for Dominica News Online, published on July 27 entitled “Delivery of quality health services in Dominica on a slippery slope.”

In that article he expressed “grave concerns for the future delivery of health care services in Dominica” because of  “the less than inspirational management of both the Chikungunya epidemic and the Marigot Hospital.”

His columns have also appeared in other media outlets.

Speaking at the close of the budget debate in parliament recently, Skerrit took aim at a particular doctor who he said is criticizing Dominica’s health system.

“I find it strange, madam speaker, that a doctor who works here, I see him criticizing the hospital management,” he said. “You are the one paid by the taxpayers to give better health care, so if you are criticizing the ministry of health or the hospital, you must hold yourself responsible. Eipigh… these are guys, madam speaker, the taxpayer paying them and they out in Anguilla and Monsterrat working while we paying them. That is the problem, madam speaker.”

The prime minister went on to say that anyone who supports the opposition United Workers Party (UWP) is “a dishonest person” and “a bunch of modern day pirates” who have no interest in Dominica.

“So if is talk they want to talk madam speaker, let us talk,” he stated. “And they come there speaking with a stethoscope and so on, Dr. Eipigh and so on. Eipigh doesn’t want me to talk about Eipigh, you know because at the time madam speaker, just now madam speaker, we will have time, we will have time, madam speaker, because these guys have no interest in people, they have no interest in Dominica, just themselves. It is not fair to the people of Dominica, madam speaker.”

Skerrit appears to have gotten support from health minister, Julius Timothy, who did not mention Pascal’s name but mentioned those “who criticize in the papers.”

“There are those who stay outside,” Timothy said. “And are so full of themselves, madam speaker, who criticize in the papers. We will go on without them. Maybe they do not have anything to offer anyway based on what they are producing in the papers.”

Pascal said his name was specifically mentioned by the prime minister but no one in authority has called him to have him reprimanded.

“He called my name,” he noted. “I write all my articles signed, Dr Irving Eipigh Pascal. I critique the health system in which I work that I should know something about, and my concern about it is that nobody, not the Prime Minister, not the Chief Medical Officer, not the PS has ever called me to reprimand me.”

He stated that he has not worked in Anguilla “for a while” and has never worked in Montserrat. He noted that whenever he leaves Dominica to work overseas, he does it during his vacation time.

“I take my vacation leave and when I’m supposed to be resting, I go and work,” he remarked. “The prime minister should be congratulating me for that …. he’s twisting it to make the public believe that at the time that I am supposed to be working here, I leave my patients here and I go overseas.”

Pascal said he left greener pastures and return to the island to work and felt he is being treated unfairly.

“What have I done to the prime minister?” he queried. “Am I supposed to run from Dominica now and who is going to take care of the ENT services of the people. Does the prime minister think about that?”

He said although there were no physical threats, the psychological threat is all too real and he is now considering his options.

“This is not a joke,” Pascal stated. “This is the prime minister and even if there is no physical threat to my well being, what about the psychological threat? What about the way that I am now going to be perceived by my patients both here and overseas as a ‘modern day pirate.?’ I right now have to consider my options. Do I continue to live alone, do I walk around with a body guard, is my income threatened now, am I going to be prevented from going and supplement my income?”

Meanwhile, leader of the United Workers Party, Lennox Linton has issued a warning to Pascal, telling him he should “be careful with the prime minister of Dominica.”

“This is a dangerous man,” Linton stated on privately-owned Q95 on Tuesday. “This is a man who somehow is able to take advantage of the people of Dominica. He is able to savage them, is able to set them aside and emerge as though it is not the people he that has disadvantaged, that he has savaged that are suffering, it is he who must get the sympathy for the evil that he is doing.”

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  1. American Nurse
    August 11, 2014

    This is very disturbing to have, government officials directly or indirectly threatening local Dominicians who have an obligation to speak out about a backwark health system. Health care workeres especially foreign trained like myself have an advantage to be able to compare what the standards of care ar supposed to be and stand up to the powers to be when care is substandard. I have had personal experience with the health care in Dominica and is ashamed to know that is what we have to offer. Both Skeritt and Timothy needs to do a poll and they can see how scared we Dominicians are of coming back home even on vacation mainly because of health care. Let us all rally aroung Dr Pascal and now tis is out in the open, Let Skeritt and Timothy try to hurt Dr Pascal. Remember the internet is international guys.

  2. Hope
    August 9, 2014

    Wander what Dr.Clarisa Etienne (hope the spelling is correct) would have to say about this situation, if she haven’t way in on the topic. It is a sad and depressing situation in Dominica.

  3. August 7, 2014

    Skerit and his cabinet don’t care for our health! , Timothy was sick he went overseas for medical attention, the poor people can’t do it , wake up my people get rid of these brain wash government. Change. Will come.

  4. Eh Ben
    August 7, 2014

    Mr. Skerrit and Mr. Timothy, while the two of you want to hang the man for being out of the island, why do you go out to seek medical attention? I thought it was all well with PMH! Why would you go overseas to be treated? If you are so sure that the hospital is well staffed and all is well, then when you fall sick, go take up residence in Imray and stop speaking from the other side of your mouth!

  5. Browne,C (Rastafari)
    August 6, 2014

    Are you kidding me? I had a tooth pulled from PMH in 1976, I bled for an entire day…the best place to be treated partner :roll: :mrgreen:

  6. Browne,C (Rastafari)
    August 6, 2014

    Are you kidding me? I had a tooth puled from PMH in 1976, I bled for an entire day…the best place to be treated partner :roll: :mrgreen:

  7. Anthony Ismael
    August 6, 2014

    The most difficult task in life is to challenge the status quo, knowing full well that severe retribution is close at hand. Irrespective of politics, we must learn to listen to professionals, even when it contradicts our normal expectations and trends of thought.
    If the Prime Minister has evidence that Dr. Pascal is working overseas at that, while he is being paid by the Government of Dominica, then why is he still employed by the Dominican Government?
    Tim Tim has been promising us a new hospital for some time now. Apparently no one has has seen it yet.

    • Anonymous
      August 7, 2014

      Yes nuh! You just whistle and BRAPPS! Just like that – hospital comes, not true? Zor twoh selowah leh zor parway.

  8. August 6, 2014

    The House of Parliament should not be a House of Bullies. What kind of governance exists in Dominica? Why should Dominicans be forced to remain in the dark? Any professional has the right to express his viewpoint when he/she feels it is necessary to do so. I would rather listen to a professional conveying his thoughts on anything in his field than someone who has no qualifications in that area. Dominicans are copying these pathetic, disgusting behaviors which are driving our civilization downhill. Bullying is is a misuse of power by anyone to whom the reigns of power has been entrusted. Consequently, it would be very good advice to have that power withdrawn from those people who have acquired that type of character.

  9. Voice
    August 6, 2014

    First let me say I am quite surprised by Dr. Pascal’s posture in this response. I can only believe it was an attempt at tongue-in-cheek or a sarcastic delivery that often fails to translate in print unless clearly stated.

    I do not know what Skerritt and his acolytes are bitching and moaning about? But characteristically Skerritt froths at the mouth like a rabid animal if anyone of standing criticizes him or his government. As is practice, he breaks the rules and laws of our national institutions as he wishes to launch a personal attack on the offending private citizen. In his mind’s eye, he is the great monarch; owner of all he surveys.

    On now onto the core of the Dr. Pascal’s article about which Skerritt nearly burst a blood vessel in parliament. The article points to weaknesses in our health system by referencing three things.

    1. How the system handled the Chikungunya epidemic. It was poorly managed and every Dominican knows that. The main weakness is the inability of the health system to reduce mosquito breeding. This is something that we managed effortlessly decades ago! That is the point! We have slipped and slipped badly.

    I hear the official talk of Ebola. Well my poor Mr. Health Official all due respect to you and your team, Lord help us if that monster ever graces our shores.

    2. How the Min. Of Health allowed the Marigot Hospital to fall into such a sad state of disrepair? I do not know what else is an indictment of the Ministry’s and this government’s performance than this. This sort of lackadaisical approach to tending the basic needs of Dominicans is troubling. Yet we have money’s to give to Liat, to give away fist full at a time at the red-clinic but we can’t catch and treat wood ants infestation before it destroys a hospital? Any citizen needs be concerned my people. Not the just the Good Doctor.

    3. Last but most important the Dr. decided to let all who can read and eventually listen know that the plans the government has for the “state of the art ” hospital funded by China is not the only option and in his professional judgement it is not the best. You can not say you did not know now. The Dr. ensured that he did not “just stand by and look.”

    I conclude by reminding us all and Dr. Pascal of the stance we must all assume if we are to stop the slide. Quoting MLK Jr :
    1. “Whenever men and women straighten their backs up, they are going somewhere, because a man can’t ride your back unless it is bent”

    2. “Don’t worry about us. Before the victory’s won, some of us will lose jobs, but we shall overcome.
    Before the victory’s won, even some will have to face physical death. But if physical death is the price that some must pay to free their children from a permanent psychological death, then nothing shall be more redemptive.
    Before the victory’s won, some will be misunderstood and called bad names, dismissed as rabble rousers and agitators, but we shall overcome.
    We shall overcome because the arc of the moral universe is long but it bends toward justice.”

    Because now it is the rotten under belly of our health system that has been exposed, thanks to Dr. Pascal, but which other professional is going to speak out about the rot in the other core sectors? Who is next? Who is going to straighten their backs? Who is not going to stand by and look? Who is not going not going to be fearful of losing income?

    Trust me people we are in the trenches… this is war.

    • Gary
      August 7, 2014

      You have just displayed how politics can rob someone of their reason.

  10. August 6, 2014

    Hello and good afternoon my people. First I must say that I am a Dominican who grew up in America and currently reside there. I have never voted in Dominica and I don’t have any intention of voting there. Now Dr Pascal wrote an article critiquing our Health System which he is entitled to do and he is in a position to see what’s happening within that system. He must also understand that the Health Minister must respond to his allegations as stated in the article to reassure our citizens. It’s my opinion that the Prime Minister didn’t have to make any statement unless Dr Pascal made any allegation that lack of Health Care as provided by our Government is causing the death of our citizens. I don’t see anything in the article that could be interpreted as a threat to Dr Pascal life. So Dr Pascal keep on providing medical care to our citizen because I know for a fact that you provide services to my aunt so thanks.

  11. faceup
    August 6, 2014

    Skerro you done ! NO MORE LOVE FOR YOU AGAIN…. :lol:

  12. August 6, 2014

    I f any man wants to be victimized ,he only have to stand up for what is right ,,,he will be threated ,pointed at and why not be killed.never forget that a body can die but words lasts for life…dominica has no freedom of speech,,,here is dominica’s address…dominica,skerrit ,dictator,we are moving forward in reverse..wake up dominican’s before it is too late.
    this doctor is so right he must never shut up ,the health system in on the decline,just 1 example ,there is a toilet in the emergency room,people vomit,poo etc in that toilet,the smell is not tolerable,,,it is exactly in the room where no one can excape from the bad smell.there is a concrete sink with a pipe also in that room ,this is not proper.why wash hospital tools in the same emergency room ,no hygiene…

  13. Annonymous
    August 6, 2014

    Family support is with you Dr. Pascal.

  14. sigh
    August 6, 2014

    lord protect and bless dr pascal..he saved my life and im sure I am not d only one..

  15. DA Massive
    August 6, 2014

    I fell so embarrassed when I heard the closing statement of the PM of Dominica Budget address. Then you all want to talk about Qualifications and Degree. LOL LOL
    So Mr Pm are you saying that the salary paid to Dr Pascal he has to use it to replenish inventory at the hospital for you. Dr Pascal and the other specialist are doing a damn good job. Too many times Dr Pascal, and the others have to send for medical supplies overseas to conduct surgery for people in Dominica. Simply because the Princess Margaret Hospital which you and your cabinet ministers are afraid of and allergic to has NOTHING to enable them to perform their tasks properly and you damn well know that.
    Mr PM If IP”s statement about the health sector is untrue tell us why when you and your fellow Cabinet ministers fall ill and also when your family members fall ill you all look for the first helicopter to fly out of Dominica. Can you recall when the minister of health fell ill he REFUSED to stay in the Princess Margaret Hospital he demanded that he was flown out of Dominica ASAP and so it was. Why you all refused to allow your babies to be delivered at the Princess Margaret Hospital. So if the hospital and medical system is of such great standards according to your and the minister of health and fellow collegues why are you all running from it. You all to damn wicked

    August 6, 2014


  17. DA Massive
    August 6, 2014

    Mr PM If IP”s statement about the health sector is untrue tell us why when you and your fellow Cabinet ministers fall ill and also when your family members fall ill you all look for the first helicopter to fly out of Dominica. Can you recall when the minister of health fell ill he REFUSED to stay in the Princess Margaret Hospital he demanded that he was flown out of Dominica ASAP and so it was. Why you all refused to allow your babies to be delivered at the Princess Margaret Hospital. So if the hospital and medical system is of such great standards according to your and the minister of health and fellow collegues why are you all running from it. Tell us.

  18. Gentle
    August 6, 2014

    Take into account the genocide that took place in RAWANDA IN AFRICA. A politician came on the radio airwaves and said to crush the COCKROACHES and this one statement caused the death of 800000 people. There are persons who call Dominicans cockroaches on political platforms and now you have the Hon. Primeminister in parliament stating any one who supports the OPPOSITION is a modern day pirate. Understand the opposition has at least 25000 citizen who supports them.

  19. Views Expressed
    August 6, 2014

    Dear Mr. Facts, I appreciate you attempt to address this matter.
    When professionals like myself and Dr. Pascal come out professionally it is not for want of publicity but to make Dominicans and albeit the government hierarchy understand the trends of poor service developing or has developed in Dominica in the past 12 years. The service has deteriorated and if as you say today our eating trends have changed to fast food etc, it is a poor excuse and comment to this important debate raised by Dr. Pascal. Skerrit and his team do not understand this.
    Once there are trends of eating habits, social networking in Dominica the government MUST take the lead to observe these as early as possible and research it, analyse it and intervene appropriately and professionally, and that is what Dr Pascal and many of us professionals representing other services are saying to the public and the government. For example social services, education and local government. These services are poorly distributed, lacks co-ordination, experience numerous interference and radical, irrational, spontaneous intervention by the government and single handedly by the Prime minister. This is professionally wrong.
    Skerrit as Prime Minister lacks professionalism and what development is all about so the easiest thing he can do is lash out in defence, in fear and he is handicap to deal with it let alone to comprehend it.
    It is indeed a sad state of affairs that we have resulted to a new low in Dominica due to poor and irresponsible government by this Skerrit led government and they, the Prime Minister, the Health Minister and the entire cabinet lacks knowledge of good governance, processes involved in how best to analyse these growing and changing trends in development in Dominica and the impact it has on its people and the country.
    Skerrit addresses his supporters whom he trusts not to understand the bigger picture of Dominica`s growing poverty, so the Red Clinic, the delivery of service and money in envelops hand delivered to supporters and friends is the service of corruption and buying friends that he Skerrit knows how to do and it is called corruption and poor governance and abusing the office of the Prime Minister and finance minister. He, Skerrit knows no other way to strategize and administer the development of Dominica but only through bobol and abuse the office and trust that the people of Dominica bestowed on him. Its a shame and he should get out of office, if not now but soon.

    • Eahl
      August 7, 2014

      Be it known that @Facts, a lady in Toronto who is suffering from post partum skerrit depression. If the health care here is so good, why doesn’t she come to Da and taste the waters. That woman need to stand trial for all her lies and divisiveness

      • August 7, 2014

        Also from the village of Pointe Mitchel,

    • Gary
      August 7, 2014

      Politics can do strange things to the mind. Why is it so called professionals like you think that incorporating your partisan Politics with your profession think that you are somewhat credibly with your criticisms and have the answers, it is somewhat a folly. Yes, you are entitled to your opinion but hiding behind the guise of someone with a medical profession does not necessarily say you a correct as to who should govern the Country and how it should be governed. You know calling and wishing for change without understanding the consequences and responsibility especially in Politics can sometimes lead to disappointment.

  20. The Baptiste
    August 6, 2014

    The Baptiste August 5, 2014 Your comment is awaiting moderation
    I want to emphasise the point, that it seems to me that the moderator has difficulty with my comments, seeing that comments made more than 24 hours after mine have already been moderated, yet mine remains to be moderated.
    I concede that it is your news media, but I surely would nott have associated you with discrimination in the moderation process of free speech.

    • The Facts
      August 6, 2014

      Be prepared. Those who are DLP supporters, if you are, as I am, do not get precedence. It has happened to me many times and continues to happen as I have noted that.
      There are other irregularities that I have observed. My browser is also being tampered with. I have informed the authorities on my side about it. As the saying, something will give sometime and soon enough. God is good!

  21. Stupes!
    August 6, 2014

    So all you really think Dr. Pascal fears for his life? This is called “Two can play that game!”

    Nothing more, nothing less.

  22. Steven M
    August 6, 2014

    Let me begin my comments here by making it absolutely clear that this is not in defense of Dr Irving “Eipigh” Pascal. Those of us who have had the satisfaction of an intellectual exchange with this esteemed doctor would be in agreement that he is most capable of defending himself. Some of us would recall his performance when he was publicly taken on by one of our compatriots of Arabian decent some years ago. The man has more intelligence in his pinky finger than the entire Skerrit cabinet, and its cadre of lawyers. I will add myself to that side of the scale to provide a semblance of respectability and balance.
    Further, I am in full agreement that the Honourable Roosevelt Skerrit is the deserving parliamentary leader of the Dominican people. I am not averse to another couple terms in office for him. In the land of the blind……
    What raises my ire is the brazen and unwarranted verbal assault on Dr Pascal during the recent budget address, a supposed critical annual pageant where the Minister of Finance lets the electorate and the world in on the plans and aspirations of his government for the coming fiscal period. Alas, he instead takes the opportunity to let us into the grey matter between his ears. Hateful, spiteful, jealous thoughts intended to incite warmongering against all opponents of his regime. Where is Charles Savarin to demand that patients go to their graves rather than use Dr Pascal’s services. We miss you, Charlo.
    Let me place on record here that I am not a UWP supporter, but Mr Skerrit must be very clear about my supposition that it is virtually impossible for anyone WITHOUT faecal matter between their ears to genuinely support this government. He must desist from the abominable practice of some of his predecessors of banishing concerned intelligentsia from Dominica’s shores, Khymer Rouge style. I certainly understand his predisposition for Pol Pot politics, but that challenged country can ill afford this extreme autocracy. He needs to get beyond his own insecurity and focus on the needs of the nation he leads.
    Imagine the travesty of Dr Pascal being forced to abandon the country, leaving the wacaye to continue to wallow in their misery.
    Let us not sit back and allow Skerrit to savage a true patriot. You are not in this league. Know your place fella.

    • lula
      August 6, 2014

      If not Dr. leaves. I will die. I am 65 and he is managing for the past 10 years. The condition which I have heis the one with his knowledge who helps me get the medication I need. Please dont leave Dr. else the funeral homes will make more money. Not many of us can afford to follow u and come overseas. I am in tears

    • Gary
      August 6, 2014

      I’m amazed by the jargon and foolishness you have written in the disguise of bringing semblance of respectability and balance to the issue. To say that the PM made a brazen and unwarranted verbal assault on Dr Pascal is such an irrational statement and it shows how little you understand the issue. Look up the legal definition of what constitutes verbal assault, and can you honestly tell me the comment The PM made about Dr. Pascal fits the description of a brazen verbal assault. How nonsensical can you associate The PM statement to the likes of Khmer Rouge type of Politics. Your last sentence is such a folly, some how your reason has been been highjacked.

    • Papa Dom
      August 6, 2014

      I am utterly astonished by your statement (I am in full agreement that the Honourable Roosevelt Skerrit is the deserving parliamentary leader of the Dominican people. I am not averse to another couple terms in office for him) land of the blind or no, this statement seems to me to be at odds with the rest of your piece and all the negatives you highlighted about skerritt.

      • August 7, 2014

        thats becus your understanding is at minima1. you dont have the abi1ity to read the deeper message. sorry

    • The Facts
      August 6, 2014

      Consider, it takes two to tangle. So you expect the PM not to respond? Any government would respond. People have the right to support which government they so wish. They are no less wrong than you are.

    • Alleluia
      August 7, 2014

      Steven M

      Wow! Wow! Wow

      No one could have articulated this better!

      Alas, our fellow Dominicans seem to be mesmerised by Mr Skeritts antics.

      Our M P is a dictator. He appears to be on a mission to silence all those who have the courage to vocalise their concerns about his administration.

      Be careful as you could be next one targeted.

    • Gary
      August 7, 2014

      Your have written such jargon and foolishness in the guise of pretending to provide a semblance of respectability and balance to the issue and shows how little you understand the issue. Your statement that the PM made a brazen and unwarranted verbal assault on Dr Pascal is so irrational. Why don’t you look up the legal definition of what constitutes verbal assault. Do you honestly think what The PM said was truly a verbal assault on Dr. Pascal. wow. Again why are you so silly associating what the PM said to the Politics of the Khmer Rouge. is this your way of showing semblance of respectability and balance, such a folly, it just shows how your reason has been highjacked.

  23. Mahaut
    August 6, 2014

    We have to admit that those politicians we have today in Dominica are not professionals. Those guys were put in office rather than seek the office. Its not the same.
    So these are the kinds of outbursts we see when they are put in the positions and are asked to express simple statements.
    Skeritt does not kno wnay better and I pity my Dominican people.

  24. concern
    August 6, 2014

    PM knows dam well that our health care system here is in a deplorable condition. I remember talking to Dr.Saibin aka Patel who before falling sick at PMH talking about how concern he was about the conditions which medical professionals had to work at our hospitals.Well you know he had to be flown out of the country like Timoty , Charlse and the others for medical attention,not forgetting our own PM Skerro who refuse to have his baby born under those conditions so he took his wife to America to have their baby. Wake up Dominicans change is a must

  25. Anthony Ismael
    August 6, 2014

    Well Dr. Pascal, if threats were made against you, it’s time to arrest the Prime Minister. Remember that Danny was arrested a few weeks ago and he was also prohibited from attending Parliament because of threats he allegedly made against Mr. Lawrence.
    Meanwhile, no one has been arrested in the Glenworth Emmanuel “Fire Bombing Incident.” And convicted murders continue to walk the streets of Roseau with reckless abandon.

  26. August 6, 2014

    Dat would be wonderful What DA needs!
    D/can have become subdued secondary to economics men& Women will and have been selling their souls etc add urs since 2005.

  27. justice
    August 6, 2014

    PM you are getting too cocky now..calm yourself down plz. You did not threaten him physically but you should not speak of people like that. You are the LEADER…come on now man…..

  28. Lord, hear our cry
    August 6, 2014

    “The prime minister went on to say that anyone who supports the opposition United Workers Party (UWP) is “a dishonest person” and “a bunch of modern day pirates” who have no interest in Dominica.” Are you serious Mr. PM? ANYONE? So those who support your nonsense, such as the police officer that calls ALL talk shows, to give support to Skerrit are the ones that are honest, have interest in Dominica and are not modern day pirates? Dominicans, Dominica is quickly vanishing away from us and if we don’t get rid of this dictatorship ASAP, we will all regret that we all sat down and did nothing to help deliver our nation from this bully.

    • femmedominique
      August 6, 2014

      We all keep saying “remove this government” but they are STILL in power time and time again. Skerrit sent his wife overseas to have the baby, but he is trying to tell Dominicans that all is well with the hospital?

  29. angel
    August 6, 2014

    The reaction from the PM is clear evidence that it’s time for a new government.

  30. Anonymous
    August 6, 2014

    I take my vacation leave and when I’m supposed to be resting, I go and work,” he remarked. “The prime minister should be congratulating me for that …. he’s twisting it to make the public believe that at the time that I am supposed to be working here, I leave my patients here and I go overseas.”

  31. Dominica_Lover
    August 6, 2014

    I have supported this PM on many issues. Except for the airport which I think was/is a waste. It is embarrassing this thing they call a terminal. Yes and this, everyone has a right to disagree with the party in power even if they work for the government. He is not an elected official, so he has the freedom to express himself openly. How can we have good teachers if they are not given the tools? How can we have good health care if facility is not up to snuff? How can we have a vibrant agricultural economy if farmers have no roads to deliver deliver the goods that they produce? How can we have a vibrant tourist package if the infrastructure is not updated?

    Everyone has a right, it does not matter what religion, sex, race or what sex you are attracted to. If you are born in Dominica you have a right to criticized the government and voice your opinion. One life is no more important than the other. Every life is a life. This is my biggest disappointment in being a Dominican, we tend to prefer one person than the other for moral, or ideological reasons. Not because some disagrees with my views it does not mean I chassis them. They have other personalities as well…

    • Anonymous
      August 6, 2014

      I would say not only if you are born in Dominica but if you hold a Dominican passport. Further more once you are a citizen or even further a human being, you should be afforded all the protections of the constitution.

  32. Scared/Scared
    August 6, 2014

    God forbid that it should reach our shores, but is PMH prepared for the Ebola disease? When we first heard about Chikungunya, it was plaguing St. Marten, and pretty soon it came knocking on our doors. And it spread like wild fire and PMH could not handle it. Let us pray unceasingly to keep Ebola away from our Nature Isle.

  33. Dina
    August 6, 2014

    Why are we so surprised at what comes out of Roosevelt Skerrit’s mouth? The show at the House of Assembly is a text book case of how bullies act- big, bad and strong among their friends. But what I am surprised at politics or not is an accomplished businessman like Julie Timothy supporting this guy fully. Skerrit is nothing but the accidental Occupier of the PM’s office and that is the way we should view him-nothing more. Doc Pascal they cannot do anything to you because they know that if anything happens to you they will be held responsible. This too shall pass people……tough times don’t last but tough people do. May the sprits of our ancestors be with us.

  34. Ki sah
    August 6, 2014

    Not finished yet. I agree that closing the Marigot hospital ( the only hospital in the vicinity of the only airport) is a bad move. It would have been better to relocate the hospital temporarily ( even if is to build a plywood structure) instead of closing it and stating publicly that the main hospital in this district is closed due to termite infestation. Termites don’t infest overnight. Somebodies are responsible for this bad bad move. This truly is poor
    So what went wrong with the chik cases? Another area of poor management. PS take your licks and recognise that you were not qualified for the job and you should take your time to move up. Sometimes we want to run ahead of God and still trample on others while we running. Back to my point.
    I thought we had well trained hard working environmental health officers? Is it a matter of poor collaboration, communication and coordination? Was enough public education given? One of the areas we are weak in is evaluation. After people are given information, we cannot just sit in our air on offices and think that mission is accomplished when the mission may have just begun. Are our people aware of the step by step management of such outbreaks? I think you heads know where you went wrong. Sit and discuss and fix it. Chik mash us up so badly, Pray we din’t get Ebola because DA will finish.

  35. Anonymous
    August 6, 2014

    Who knew Dr Pascal was so political? Why do uwp supporters respond to every intelligent comment against them with name calling? A lot of questions need to be answered. Is it me or does anyone ever question why uwp supporters are always calling for ” boots on the ground ” and always threatening civil unrest. Are we truly a democracy, when a political party refuse to accept the decision of the majority? I shudder to think what will happen if these people ever gain political power.

    • Peaceful
      August 6, 2014

      Do your research well. He does not have the support of the majority, if you look back at the 2000 elections. Our system is the first past the post, so it is not majority votes that counts but majority seats. they are not the same. It is comments like yours that make me realize that majority of peolpe are ignorant of how our electoral system is suppose to work. and ignorant about facts generally

    • Papa Dom
      August 6, 2014

      Why should you be called a Jack&%% when you behave like one? What you wrote here is testimony of your true character because it makes absolutely no sense.

    • WTH
      August 7, 2014

      Your leader just declared a large portion of Dominicans as “dishonest” and called them “modern day pirates” and you talking about democracy? Take your double talking hypocrite behind somewhere else, nobody doh have time for your foolishness!!! So labourites not guilty AT ALL of any of the things you just stated right???? Oh shate man, some Dominicans are just TOO stupid!!! God Help Us

  36. winston warrington
    August 6, 2014

    We have to learn to be objective. The poor status of our Health Care system is well documented and needs upgrading, but this can’t be done in the media. The Prime Minister felt it necessary to blunt the effect of the criticism of the Health Department in defense of his budgetary allocations for the fiscal year being presented.
    Now, Dr Pascal is a professional civil servant. I do not know of any country in the world where civil servants are allowed to publish their displeasure with the ruling government without facing the wrath of authority. In this case, Dr Pascal was merely castigated – not threatened – as he chose to infer. This exhibition of paranoia by the good Doctor is cause for alarm not for those who ignore the conflating of issues but for others who depend on his professional assessment of their mental condition.

    • CIA on the Watch
      August 6, 2014

      Winston Warrington, I do not know anywhere in the world where Civil servants/public Officers are allowed to show/demonstrate their loyalty to political parties without being discipline ie Mervin Paul, prison Officer Richards, Police Officer Cleville Mills and others

      • winston warrington
        August 7, 2014

        And what you say is true as well!

    • Papa Dom
      August 6, 2014

      Another one trying to sound intelligent

  37. Ki sah
    August 6, 2014

    :twisted: No more democracy. Dominicans are not allowed to speak their minds or to be their own critique. Some of us so called learned need to set the example and show the so called unlearned how to take criticisms positively. Feel good when a man/woman sees no good and says it as it is “no good”. See this as an occasion to better ourselves and the system. Do not try to oppress someone even if you think they speak against you-take the comments and make it into something positive for yourself and the people that you represent.
    If I were the PM and I care for my people as I say, I would be happy to know that good resource persons come from Dominica to help others.
    Who was there for the doctor when he was burning the midnight oil studying and at the same time dealing with his family and personal issues? After a man work so hard can’t he use his skills and abilities to better himself , family while he strive to improve his country?
    Can’t we see a man prosper and be happy for him? I am ashamed of the PM bringing such things in parliament. Is like a pastor who has issues with a member and takes it to the pulpit. (and yes Christians it happens). The same way I have lost confidence in this Pastor, I have lost confidence in this PM. I have heard and seen enough and now is the time to make my decision. that is one vote you have just lost,mits mine because you will do the
    same to me if it was me.
    Let someone else get an opportunity to put their own people in power and make a change. PS unqualified, pushed in as a result of politics, minister of health, same
    thing. I am really disappointed in this man I was confident about. Time to change

  38. shut up
    August 6, 2014

    shut all u damn mouth,when is skerrit that talk all of u have to talk,when they call his name and threaten him no one talks,stop barking all u damn workers

    • The Facts
      August 6, 2014

      This is how unfair they are. Their day is coming.

  39. zagayan
    August 6, 2014

    8-O be very careful doc because “them felllas” are very desperate and they want to remain in power at all cost. Protect yourselves sir and don’t let these fools get to you. Blessings!!!

  40. Dominican in England
    August 6, 2014

    How refreshing it is to see the overwhelming response to Dr Pascal’s plight in that it demonstrates genuine support for democracy even though the winds of change appear to suggest that we are heading towards an aristocratic state.

    I read his article which is the centrepiece to this storm and the radio broadcasts on the issue and was astounded at the show of disdain and loss of control demonstrated at parliamentary level. Is this the example our peers are showing to the next generation? Frankly its deplorable and worrying.

    Dr Pascal eloquently highlighted the poor state of affairs within our health service which needs urgent attention and provided a constructive evaluation of a management strategy which should be applauded instead of being vilified as being for personal gain. Its anything but that.

    If urgent action is not taken Dominicans through incompetence will not be deprived of an eminent Health Care Professional but will also loose potential experts within that framework both at home and abroad with far reaching consequences. Is this the road we want for a better Dominica. Papa bondei

    • Also in England
      August 7, 2014

      We need to pray for our country as it is on the verge of destruction.

      Dominica is no longer a free state. It is a dictatorship.

      Lets ask the Good Lord to free our beautiful island of this tyrant.

  41. real possie
    August 6, 2014

    Like Crazy sang in time to come, well in time to come you will be the parlrep for health in the UWP party I said so from day one you had blue all over you I don’t mind that’s your right but the problem I have with people like you is you never just come straight out and say this is where you stand you all always come in saying I not for no party. I knew what and where you were coming from day one, what gave you away was the fact that you criticize the health system but you never saw it fit to mention the expensive equipment they invested in and as a caring doctor one would think you would mention that but not one word.

    If is one time I will say you all got the PM is this time cause he should not have mentioned your name if he did so in the house to me that was giving you to much credit you did not deserve, he shld have just said there’s people out there talking about the system that are the ones paid to help fix the system and leave at that, I will give this one to you all but I saw it coming but welcome to the ring hope you enjoy the ride. PS why is it you all always say you all left greener pasture to come back DA? I never got that, that’s not something a patriot should say if you come back you come back to be one with your navel string that buried in the soil, why does it seem like its a pain to give back to a land that gave you birth. Americans gives their lives to their country in war but some Dominicans make it seems is like they giving their lives to serve Dominica where people only die by old age or some time by illegal trade go figure rite. By the way am an idiot and an illiterate so pay no mind to what you just tried to read am just about getting ready to start night school. LOL.

    August 6, 2014

    Skerrit …BACK OFF DR. PASCAL…According to the old people…YOU CANNOT TOUCH HIS TOE NAIL..The GOOD doctor has over 20 years of experience in the country…

    • tell
      August 10, 2014

      God saves lives doctors help.

  43. Randolph
    August 6, 2014

    I find this article troubling. This doctor has a constitutional right to express his views on what he observes in the healthcare system. I am a Dominica observing the delivery of healthcare on the island from a distance and I have also expressed my concern. Shame on those responsible for questioning this doctor’s patriotism. The high incidence of cancer deaths on Dominica is disturbing. The prime minister should welcome ideas from the medical community instead of making defensive remarks.

  44. August 6, 2014

    “— who have no interest in Dominica. “So if is talk they want to talk madam speaker, let us talk,” he stated”–News article.

    And so mister Pascal that is what the Prime Minister did. Your grievances were geared to him and his men and women of Governments–who is responsible for the development and welfare Dominica and her people.

    You spoke and he responded, then what are you afraid of or psychology concerned about–pertaining to yourself? Did you forget that you were his employee when you wrote your grievances. Do now feel that your job is in jeopardy? Well who is responsible for this–if not your own self.

    Did you expect the Prime Minister to remain quiet or give you a handshake for criticizing his work as the Leader of our people–and authority over those who work for with him?

    Why are you afraid that he called your name?–You claimed that you wrote your full name below the papers you wrote. Why did you not find a way to talk with him and the Health Minister about the situations of your job site, before going directly to the public with it. What are your intentions for criticizing your work place and leaving out the attention of the Primary person–your employer–before you speak your grievances.

    And so, whatever you are going through now, it is all your fault–isn’t it?

    • August 6, 2014

      “I take my vacation leave and when I’m supposed to be resting, I go and work,” he remarked. “The prime minister should be congratulating me for that …. News Article

      Here you are condemning your own action, as you say: “when I supposed to be resting I go and work” work for who and for what mister Pascal?

      Why should the Prime Minister congratulate you for doing so? Do you him the money you work for, while you are on vacation from him, to give to the tax payers, through whom the Prime Ministers pays you for the vacation which you abuse?

      Because you work for someone else, during your vacation, you return to your primary Job just as you left it–physically and mentally–actually, your state of unrest and agitation may be the reason, you write or speak the production of your tired and restless mind–for what ever you do so .

      As for me, I still believe that too many grown men and women of Dominica are making mountains out of molehills, for the sake of their own personal reasons. But that kind of mentality is extremely bad for the young generation of today, who will be the men and women of tomorrow–Lord help us–the faithful, the trustfu l, the humble, the obedient, and the disadvantaged!

      • August 7, 2014

        I guess the deplorable state of the Marigot hospital is a mountain out of a molehill. We need to take serious things seriously and stop being loyal to a person instead of country. This behavior by a PM is nothing but sad. I look at this show in Parliament and it reminded me of a gangster leader being cheered by his gang members. It was laughable and at the same time maddening. This is behavior does not auger well for a PM. God bless us all

    • Anonymous
      August 6, 2014

      The public already knows way before the article was written/published that Dominica’s healthcare system is in a horrid state so stop it with your condescending comment.

    • leaves you 2 wonder
      August 6, 2014

      Are you out of your mind. has your brain divorced your head. dont you know that Dr pascal is an employee of the state, that is the Commonwealth of Dominica and not Mr Roosevelt Skerrit. Mr Skerrit is also an employee of the state like Dr pascal, so stop talking this filth because you support the folly of Mr Roosevelt S

  45. from another parro
    August 6, 2014

    If the Prime Minister called your name in Parliament and the Minister for Health referenced your newspaper article in Parliament, it means you are either a person of importance to them or a threat to National Security. Your interpretation is not farfetched… who knows… you could be on a assassination hit list, firebomb list or blacklisted to bankruptcy…Doctor beware, make a report to the Police, talk to your lawyer… but let the public know the truth of what’s happening to you now, expect that more and others will follow… remember GON Emmanuel… :cry:

    • ah ha
      August 6, 2014

      you guys watch too much TV!

  46. me alone
    August 6, 2014

    Why is Skerrit terrorizing all those who share a different viewpoint? Skerrit, Dominica does not belong to you. Jut remember that.

  47. anonymous2
    August 6, 2014

    The PM and Mr. Timothy know very little about running a top notch health care system as evidenced by the facilities on this island. If you notice, they don’t go to the PMH for treatment of anything serious. Who would that could afford to go elsewhere. Dr. Pascal is pointing out the weakness of the health care system in this country. Chikungunya is easily and effectively treated by those having the knowledge and tools to treat virus’.s Not by administering antibiotics to people which destroy bacteria and don’t touch the virus’. There is little incentive for progressive or integrative doctors in this country. The PM should know by now that he is in a position where criticism comes with the territory. And Mr. Timothy what is your excuse?

  48. Francisco Telemaqe
    August 5, 2014

    “Hi Francisco

    Are you aware that there is immunity in parliament. You can say anything in parliament and you cannot be charged. please get a copy of the standing orders”

    Well, the only way in which that immunity rule can be defined is in the term “double standard.” Double standard is a set of rules, and principles, that applies differently, and usually more rigorously to one group of people, and in general their circumstances. And we find this rigorous principal enforced on the members of the UWP while members of the government, and their supporters take advantage of this double standard in public, without any consequences.

    How many times Norris Provost was thrown out of the same parliament for doing nothing excepts talking expressing himself on matters affecting the country, if that is the case, the immunity code did no protect his constitutional rights.

    Only in Dominica one might have expected to find such a stupid code, nevertheless, with all things unequal in our country, I am not surprise at all to learn that such silly and bias rule exists in Dominica.

    Sorry, no need for me for me to get a copy of that. If it exists I am sure it defy’s every form of ethics under the face of the sun, if that’s the case, if there is such a rule, it lacks morality, and that helps to present a very poor example of how State Men, and Women are to behave in the nation’s parliament.

    I have seen in the Orient, parliamentarian fight, where blood is shed, parliamentarians nose gets broken, no one sues the other for their injuries. I watch the Prime Minister question and answer every Sunday night in the British Parliament, he is questioned by both the opposition, and members of his own party, even his own party members criticize him, yet none are victimized.

    it must be remembered our system is an inherited British system, this immunity rule you introduce to must be a deviation from a clean system which has brought disgrace into the people’s parliament .

    Only in Dominica this sort of nonsense exists in politics, always remember what is in the heart (sprit) is likely to proceed from the mouth. Furthermore there cannot, and should not be two different set of rules pertaining to the laws of the land. If there is a penal code prohibiting citizens of the country from making treats against the citizens of the country, if someone even the Prime Minister,and that traitor Julius Timothy threatened even a church mouse, they should be locked up the same as how they locked up Lugay.

    As for Timothy, when it is all over there will be no place for refuge, he cannot return to the UWP, since he is known as a traitor, one who used to undermined Edison James while he was in Edison James government, that bastard cannot be trusted, he might be undermining skerrit right at this moment. Damn puppet!

    Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

  49. Healthcare worker
    August 5, 2014

    Why waste time in this 1 man’s policy rule country.. This is a shame .. I think you should pack your bags head up north where your services will be appreciated .. And compensated..

  50. LDUFS
    August 5, 2014

    Dictators play brave for a very long time, but sooner or later you see their cowardice when it is time for them to face justice. In case we forget Gadaffi was hiding in a culvert with a gold gun in his hand and Saddam was hiding in the belly of the earth. Others have fled from their countries seeking refugee status in other men’s lands.

  51. rasta
    August 5, 2014

    It is almost absurd that those who are in leadership fail to see that self evaluation and critique ( privately and publickly) is a fundamental part of good leadership, We must always assume that there is more to where we are so we can pursue betterment, Dr, Pascal in his brilliant article referencing the slippery slope of our health care system is more than commendable its prophetic, If health care providers deny that there exists preventable deaths then they don not accept multiple prestigious studies indicating the same, In short , unless we are mature enough to admit the failures of a broken and handicapped primary care system we do not understand quality health care DELIVERY .When PMH, the islands only secondary care facility, is perceived to be a place of death we have a major problem. When the political directorate are able to boast of our health care system being so excellent, yet they are previllege to be taken with their spouses to Cuba at the states expense for the annual check ups, Why not at the prestigious PMH? ,What hypocrisy and gross backwardness on the part of our political directorate!, Who must criticize us? The health care professional must be the first to self criticize/critique as they evaluate our service with the intention of bettering our delivery of care to our people. The ministry of health failed miserably with the management of chikungunya. Was this a dry run for the impending Ebola? History will tell, Keep them coming Dr Pascal,

  52. Back to Basics
    August 5, 2014

    Why don’t we all daily do unto others as we would have them to do unto us? This is such a simple policy for everyone. Until, this is done, there will constantly be these dramatic moments.

  53. Anonymous
    August 5, 2014

    Dictators play brave for a very long time, but sooner or later you see their cowardice when it is time for them to face justice. In case we forget Gadaffi was hiding in a culvert with a gold gun in his hand and Saddam was hiding in the belly of the earth. Others have fled from their countries seeking refugee status in other men’s lands.

    August 5, 2014

    I am here wondering if this doctor, engaged the responsible people before putting this on the papers? to me this is how things should be done,if not then the pm is in place to say what he said, some people feel comfortable behind their computer, to write and say anything,but just can’t stand face to face with someone and discuss, i believe in positive confrontation,

  55. powpow
    August 5, 2014

    dominica is a mess. every sector of government is a mess. do your research and find out.
    are we really going to allow ourselves to get deeper in this trap?
    or are we going to stand up for ourselves?
    well, labour won the last election even if the majority was against them, so let us see what happen this time. cause i can see the majority towards workers again

    • powpow
      August 5, 2014

      the ministers eat and live well. extravagant. they pretend the country is doing perfectly. the country is suffering. thank god for western union and money gram

  56. The Baptiste
    August 5, 2014

    I had decided to stop posting comments, since it seems to me that my comments do not always seem to find favor with the moderator. But I will write and I will speak, and let DNO suppress my free speech.
    I believe that this issue is much bigger than is been portrayed.
    Here the press has an opportunity to demonstrate that it is worthy of the term journalism. This issue needs to be regionalizes and internationalized. I would have thought that the so called press in Dominica would have called the Caribbean parliamentary association’s secretary, or president, or whatever regional or commonwealth parliamentary association, to ask whether it is normal for the Prime Minister or any member of parliament should attack in parliament someone who is not a member of parliament.
    I am yet to see an article commenting on the use of the parliament to launch vicious attacks on private citizens, who cannot defend themselves against such attacks, and may not have legal recourse to libelous, and slanderous statements made in the parliament against them. How can journalists call themselves journalists, or even reporters, when these sorts of abuse of the parliament continues without a credible and substantive column or reporting is done in any regional and/or international media? Is our media hiding in fear? or that we no longer have Scobies, Boyds, Lancelot, Sampson’s, and other stalwarts in journalism in Dominica who had a regional, as well as international audience.
    This use of the parliament without restraint by the government to viciously attack citizens who are not members of parliament, should be viewed as a very serious matter, and should be treated accordingly.
    The press has a serious responsibility in ensuring that the institutions of democracy in any society remains credible, independent, free from partisan overkill, and that the integrity of those institutions are free of corruption, the greatest enemy of Democracy.

  57. madam f
    August 5, 2014

    I am a Dominican leaving outside of dominica can someone highlite the threat made in the PM statement I fail to see it I am not a registered voter in dominica so I am neither UWP nor LABOUR but if a doctor has to deal with both UWP or LABOUR patients why is he playing politics his political preference should be kept to himself because of the work he does someone please help me to see the threat

  58. August 5, 2014


    the Dr is lucky up to now,cause every country has a civil servants secretcy act,before you work you sign to it and swore you secretcy,what ever you see or do in Gov work stays there,if any civil serv,breaks it ,and if found out by your employer,you can be dismised and plus be charged,hmmm he is lucky

  59. Patient
    August 5, 2014

    Even Jesus when he saw what was going on in his father’s temple. stood up and spoke against it. I agree fully with Dr. Pascal’s article. In no way was it an attack against the Ministry of Health but simply an expression of his frustration that desperately needs to be taken into consideration. I can personally attest to Dr.Pascal’s professionalism, charisma and passion to the profession, his care and concern to his patients,especially the less fortunate. I could not even get that kind of care spending thousands of US dollars in Miami. May God bless Dr. Pascal ABUNDANTLY.

  60. Maltete
    August 5, 2014

    Since when did Dominica become a dictatorship. Oh the nsamem government for 14 years. I agree with Dr. Pascal. He is just saying what many other doctors are not saying. Someone has to be the spokesman Anyone who has et the island knows that the PMH is a clinic, not a hospital. May God continue to place his healing hands on those who get sick in Dominica.

  61. AMAZED
    August 5, 2014

    Doctor Pascal, you seem to have touched a raw nerve with the PM, be careful my friend. We must ask ourselves this question, If the health system in Dominica is so great, why did the PM allow his wife to go to the US to deliver their child; A country he has so much disdain for?

    Skeritt and Timothy knows what the good Doctor said is true but instead of trying to fix the broken system they are attacking him and there are Dominicans who are foolish enough to support this man and his madness. The man is crazy, just take a good look at the man’ face and you can see he has lost it.

    What will happen next? How long will this tyrannical PM and his cabinet continue to terrorize Dominicans? The writing is on the wall Mr. PM, the Lord is saying LET MY PEOPLE GO but you are turning a deaf ear, Pharaoh did the same thing but he Lord’s people was victorious in the end.

    Dominicans it is time that you take a stand against all this tyranny. They are doing what they are doing because we allow them to do it and accept it. Stand up my people and say to this dictator that enough is enough. Today is Doctor Pascal, who will it be tomorrow?

    • Anonymous
      August 5, 2014

      Don’t forget Timothy himself had to go to Martinique to get treated not too long ago. Why didn’t he leave his treatment in the hands of the trusted Physicians at the PMH??

      • WTH
        August 7, 2014

        LOL I love this comment so much :-D :-D

  62. seriously!
    August 5, 2014

    That pm needs help, everyone knows the health care in dominica is badddddd…….rather than look for avenues to improve he dere talking rubbish…….why didnt his wife have a baby @PMH or why didnt Julius remain at PMH when he had a stroke because they have the resource to go elsewhere, some dominicans dont!!!!!!! they both need to shut up cause its a bunch of bs they talking…stpsss…its time for this loose case to get out………

    • FORKIT
      August 6, 2014

      its is so bad that when the ministers fall sick they fly to Martinique and Miami…. so why is skerrit making people believe our health care system is great.
      sometimes nurses have to give patients their own personal paracetamol from home.

  63. am hot
    August 5, 2014

    is that the PM talking there i will alway say this man has no class i lesson to the man speak in the house and the rest of the dame full’s u must hereing them in the house i will say it agin that’s a man of no class

    • me
      August 6, 2014

      its listen not lesson. check yourself before you bash others.

      • Browne,C (Rastafari)
        August 6, 2014

        It’s it’s, not its…are you checking this person and you’re incorrect in doing so yourself?. :mrgreen: :lol:

  64. The Facts
    August 5, 2014

    Residing in Dominica, in those days I hardly knew of anyone and adults for that matter, whom I personally knew who was sick and in need of hospitalization. Few of them ever went to the hospital except probably in their latter years when they became terminally ill. Dominica had many healthy people in those days. They ate well, root vegetables and fruits and took better care of themselves. In those days we did not have TV, computer and Internet.
    While they enjoyed the good times and entertainment that D/ca had to offer which were less than today, most got an early nights’ sleep and awoke early. Most were God-fearing, in that they recognized God, worshiped him and prayed to him. Generally, they treated those whom they knew, be it casually with courtesy/respect. They also attended Church frequently. I could go on and on . . .
    Today, D/ca has fast food outlets as any other country as also progressive ones. There are more pops, all sorts to drink than ever. These and more also account for health decline.
    Let us further put on our thinking cap and think beyond. Be fair and look at the present situation in this manner. Today, more people are sick than ever and more are hospitalized. There are more epidemics and patients require additional medical treatment.
    Nurses/doctors and others who are employed in the medical/hospital field are highly paid (no criticism here) than those in former years. I could expand more on this. However, these put a financial strain on the medical budget. Today, there are more programs of various sorts than existed in those days. Obviously, this is a further financial strain on the budget which the government has to bear. Consequently, it appears that medical care and hospital upkeep have declined. There are reasons for that.
    A different approach should have been utilized prior to going to the Media. Was this course used? The first people to communicate with about this situation are those in authority.
    Comprehend then that the Prime Minister and Health Minister will be angry that this was (firstly) addressed to the Media and not to them. Thus their reaction. They have every right to respond.
    If those who are paid by the government snitch on these authorities, rather than approach them about this matter, they should expect reprisals repercussions. It takes a broadminded and sensible person to realize this. I reiterate, be fair and broadminded.

    • Anonymous
      August 5, 2014

      Its the health minister JOB to know whats going at PMH,,he is not blind

    • Bala
      August 5, 2014

      I think you may want to ask a question. Did the Dr and his associates go to the minister first before writting the article? Yes they did I rest my case.

    • Francisco Telemaque
      August 6, 2014

      “Nurses/doctors and others who are employed in the medical/hospital field are highly paid.”

      Where, in Dominica? Are you mad, or smoking some of substance which warps your mind?

      If you really believe that nurses, and doctors and others employed in the hospitals in Dominica are highly paid, I assure you that something is wrong with you. I will do everything in my power not to call you outside of you name, considering I did that last week, when you talk, that crap in reference to my submission to Sam’s comment on the cause of amputation and diabetes.

      Because of that, if I had a little respect for you, that is out of the window based on what you said, and the crap you are speaking here again; lady just incase you do not know, be informed there are farmers right now in Dominica, and in the past making a lot more money than the medical professionals, in Dominica, and that includes doctors. I have relatives who practiced medicine in Dominica, and had to close their practice, and migrate to North America. The same thing applies to relatives of mine who are nurses who have done the same thing.

      Some are presently in Toronto, so as usual you do not know half of what you are talking about. You like the Labor Party, therefore any crap they throw in your face it is acceptable to you; it would appear that someone pays people like you to blind yourself from the truth. Look; Dominica has the worst medical system in the Caribbean, let me tell you some of the doctors are very efficient, they know what they are doing, nevertheless, if the skills and the knowledge of the doctors are perfect, and the hospital is not equip with medical instruments and tools of the trade, and medicine to be proscribe in treatment, the practical skills of the doctors will not make any difference.

      Julius is running off his mouth, ask him why when he suffered a very mild stroke, he left Dominica, and ran to Martinique, and lay his Butt, in a hospital where he was treated. Ask yourself if the medical system in Dominica was not mediocre and flawed, why would Severn the so called President would have left and went to Martinique and stayed all these months in hospital, and returned alive, while people such as Charles Maynard went into Princes Margaret Hospital and came out foot first, if he had the money to travel to seek treatment though an old man he might still be alive like Timothy, and Severn. What about that Lawyer who went in and in a matter of hours he came out dead.

      Just incase you do not know; Julius Timothy the former fisherman, is the minister of health in our country, if this so called minister of health refuses to be treated in a hospital of which he is the head, and is supposed to ensure the needs of the hospital are met, and in tack so that doctors can function and treat patients efficiently, when he is sick, he runs away to another country for treatment; what that tells you? Just in case you are dumb, be informed the reason he runs to Martinique for treatment is because he has no confidence in the hospital of which he is the head (hence Skerrit made him minister of health). You need to be quiet okay, bury your head in the sand as an Ostrich, but you need to know while the Ostrich bury’s its head in the sand believing it is safe, its rear end is always exposed to the predictor which bites it off!

      If I start counting relatives of mine who went to the so called Princes Margaret hospital and came out dead including my Niece less than six months ago, you will not believe me, because your government operates the best medical system in the world. My niece was actually beaten to death, she went to the hospital, as many times as she went there they sent her home. If only they had an MRI machine in that dumb hospital and used it to examine her they would have seen that she was hemorrhaging (bleeding) internally, she took a pounding to her head, they would have seen damage tissues, and damage to her brain and probable could have saved saved her life.

      Go ahead with you crap, and support these incompetent people until they kill more than half of the population with their crap! To hell with them!

      Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

      • The Facts
        August 7, 2014

        Francisco, I did not read your comment and have no time to read it. As far as I am concerned, you have wasted your time.
        You are not more intelligent than I am. I know exactly what I stated. If you possessed psychology, you would know to allow everyone the opportunity to provide their comments without trying to prove them wrong and prove yourself right. You provide your comments, right? What makes you think you are correct and more so than I am?
        I reiterate that when an employee is displeased with an employer, he/she should have the sense and tact not to take the grievance to the public arena and namely the Media. It should first be addressed to the employer. Otherwise that employee is liable to be fired.
        If you who think you know more than others and are more intelligent than others, surely, you should know that. Some of you act as if you are senseless while offering advice. Keep your advice and comments to yourself. I do not need them. They do nothing to me or for me and are nothing I can learn from.
        I was not hauled up. I was brought up. I treat everyone with due right dignity and respect. It is something you should also learn. In this case you would not get on your high and mighty horse which lacks humility and think that you know more than others. Need I say more?
        Laisse moi tranquil. Peace be to you Telemaque. You are in dire need of it.

      • The Facts
        August 7, 2014

        Francisco, you are all the way in Los Angeles as you stated. Do you know what you are talking about? The pot calling the kettle black, eh?

      • Gary
        August 7, 2014

        Why you keep throwing your intelligence to the wind.

    • Dont agree
      August 6, 2014

      While I agree with your comments that concerns should be addressed to those in authority, do you know how many meetings and consultations are held with health care workers looking at the same things and once the lunch is over everyone forgets the outcomes of these meetings. Sometimes one needs to move to another source to get the point across.

    • dominican
      August 6, 2014

      In response to this person calling themself The Facts.
      If you you think that the Pm was right in the way he handled this matter, then all I can say is that you a a Damn A! The Facts of your writting says it loud and clear.

      • The Facts
        August 7, 2014

        So are you, senseless person for not comprehending the situation. You encourage and uphold evil. One day you will find out who is right and who is wrong but it will not be you. :twisted: :mrgreen: :twisted: :mrgreen: :twisted: :mrgreen:
        Try preventing me from doing what is right and inhibiting my action. Those who are on the side of evil will never succeed. :twisted: :mrgreen:

    • leaves you 2 wonder
      August 6, 2014

      Hi My Friend, the Facts,

      You are not being fair and broad minded at all. Constructive criticism is meant to allow for greater analysis on a particular subject in order to bolster greater ideas geared towards improving on that subject matter. The PM must not be too full of himself, that he feels he is too big for criticism. It speaks of his level of intellectual capacity. Many times i listen to the debates on CNN and FOX about democrats criticizing president Obama, for example, on the bill he was putting forward for medicare. A number of democrats voted against it and stood by their beliefs, likewise some republicans voted for it and some against it. I am afraid, as a Sovereign State, we are not even hanging on the skirt tail of democracy. Our level of democracy is contented to being in the slum, Our level of discourse is inadvertently or unwittingly, if you like, light years away from where it aught to be, ESPECIALLY IN THE PARLIAMENT, yet you and others are talking about BEING BROAD MINDED.

      Your claim is that doctors and nurses are more highly paid now than before. Lets stick a pin here. I must inform you that when economics is taught at school, snapshot scenarios are used to bring across the different concepts so that one can understand. As one progresses to higher levels in the field including masters programs, all the various factors that may have been left out of the snapshot for you to understand the basics are now factored in to give the learner a greater understanding of the real world scenario as you progress upwards in your studies. Please understand here and i concur with you that they are paid a bigger salary than say 30 – 50 years ago. The difference is this. The cost of living has changed. food is more expensive. Fees for travel are more expensive. the price for a vehicle is more expensive, the fees for house rent are more expensive. We presently have inflation of about 3.5% per year ………..and so on. Please stop looking at the snapshot, the salary. Put everything into context, into perspective. and look at the real picture. the salary of a doctor, say $4000, with mortgage of $1500 monthly, Utilities $600, Food and living expenses $650, Gas$ 400, Life and health insurance$ 400, miscellaneous expenses$100. that’s a total of $3650, say VAT included. $4000 salary less 3650, gives you net $350 that’s your savings. …………………….. So there is obvious reason for concern. The government can be more efficient, The PM can travel less and save the state the unnecessary expenses. they can purchases the same types of printers and toners to get concessions and that can be done by ict and not by every individual department of government. Also train the ICT techs to be more efficient in repairing the systems. Greater efficiency in the use of government vehicles, install monitoring devices on them to monitor their proper uses and institute proper logging system for then. Provide greater incentives to investments in manufacturing and trade to generate revenue to pay greater salaries and wages and make the life of the citizenry a better one.
      Finally, these politicians need to go read and educate themselves and stop demonstrating how empty and myopic their minds are to the world. They need to understand that the world is listening the the foolishness that they spew especially in the parliament.

      • The Facts
        August 7, 2014

        Good discussion, eh? I am happy I opened a can of worms. It is healthy. :lol: Did not have time to read your comments except that I noticed you addressed them to me. I am me and you are you. I will always stand up for what is right.
        You are making me think that Dr. Pascal should be fired. Although I really do not wish it for him but you people, as the adversary with your indifferent comments because you consistently oppose the PM and his Party, you cause this.
        I never follow the crowd for I see the danger in that; too many unfair people who cannot think, cannot see the truth and who hate. I do not fall into that category. I abide by my thoughts, feelings and words. Let it be. Thanks be to God!

    • Views Expressed
      August 6, 2014

      Dear Mr. Facts, I appreciate you attempt to address this matter.
      When professionals like myself and Dr. Pascal come out professionally it is not for want of publicity but to make Dominicans and albeit the government hierarchy understand the trends of poor service developing or has developed in Dominica in the past 12 years. The service has deteriorated and if as you say today our eating trends have changed to fast food etc, it is a poor excuse and comment to this important debate raised by Dr. Pascal. Skerrit and his team do not understand this.
      Once there are trends of eating habits, social networking in Dominica the government MUST take the lead to observe these as early as possible and research it, analyse it and intervene appropriately and professionally, and that is what Dr Pascal and many of us professionals representing other services are saying to the public and the government. For example social services, education and local government. These services are poorly distributed, lacks co-ordination, experience numerous interference and radical, irrational, spontaneous intervention by the government and single handedly by the Prime minister. This is professionally wrong.
      Skerrit as Prime Minister lacks professionalism and what development is all about so the easiest thing he can do is lash out in defence, in fear and he is handicap to deal with it let alone to comprehend it.
      It is indeed a sad state of affairs that we have resulted to a new low in Dominica due to poor and irresponsible government by this Skerrit led government and they, the Prime Minister, the Health Minister and the entire cabinet lacks knowledge of good governance, processes involved in how best to analyse these growing and changing trends in development in Dominica and the impact it has on its people and the country.
      Skerrit addresses his supporters whom he trusts not to understand the bigger picture of Dominica`s growing poverty, so the Red Clinic, the delivery of service and money in envelops hand delivered to supporters and friends is the service of corruption and buying friends that he Skerrit knows how to do and it is called corruption and poor governance and abusing the office of the Prime Minister and finance minister. He, Skerrit knows no other way to strategize and administer the development of Dominica but only through bobol and abuse the office and trust that the people of Dominica bestowed on him. Its a shame and he should get out of office, if not now but soon.

      • The Facts
        August 7, 2014

        Maybe you could give an advice to the people to take care of themselves, to eat nutritiously, live well, happily and at peace with others; avoid anger and stress and all other bad health habits. If they practice this, they may only need a doctor in their ripe old age, if they do. People who abuse their health can be a financial burden on the government budget and medical system.
        Some people have lived to be one hundred years or more. They must have done something good. These days the way some people are going in D/ca, always criticizing and hating, how long do you expect them to live and healthily? This takes its toll on their overall physic. Teach them that.

    • i in that
      August 6, 2014

      I think you have said it all how ever this was news long before the dr. spoke the hospital in Margot was already close and the illness have shaken down Dominica social security just may be we need to sometimes look at the message and not the messenger, but your point a little one sided but well though of

  65. Little boys
    August 5, 2014

    It is a sad, very sad day when Dominicans cannot speak their minds. Dominicans created a monster when Skeritt was made Prime Minister and now the monster is out of control. Why does the PM and Minister of health have to debate what a citizen rightfully said in parliament; don’t they have anything better to discuss? This is evident of the caliber of people we have leading us. The PM behaves like a little child, you don’t want to be my friend so I will not let my friends play with you. Come on Mr. PM GROW UP. When people don’t expect, that is always the case. Do you think that you can scare all Dominicans who support the UWP. You are running scared and you all should be because Dominicans are seeing you all for what you really are, Lover of selves and to hell with every one else. For all those who seem to think that DOCTOR PASCAL should not speak about issues that affect health system of Dominica, you all are really dummy in cans.

    Dr. Pascal, hold strong, all the citizens of Marigot, at home and abroad are behind you 1000%. Don’t let those incompetent members of the government try to intimidate you, they are not worth the microphone they use to speak in the house of assembly. You are a child of the Almighty God and he will protect you from the evil doers, so fret not thy self, God is your refuge and strength.

    • leaves you 2 wonder
      August 6, 2014

      My friend

      I support part of what you are purporting but the rest of it is just garbage. Why in your writing is Dr pascal a son of almighty God and in the same writing that you dont indicate that the Prime Minister and his Ministers are not sons and Daughters of Almighty God. You all need to grow up my people. Also who are you to compare the value of the Prime Minister and his Ministers to a microphone in parliament. Man you people just dont know how to provide constructive criticism.

    • Gary
      August 7, 2014

      Writing a comment expressing nonsensical political opinions does not in anyway display your understanding regarding the issue. This is not about Dr. Pascal should not speak out as you think it is,You must not play ignorant ignoring Dr. Pascal political motivations regarding the issue. The Monster your describe, (The PM) did not terminate Dr. Pascal from his job for speaking out. Doesn’t The Government has the right to make to counter accusations made against it. Doesn’t
      this shows democracy at work, an employee of the Government known to have political opposite views from the Government criticizes The Government openly and all the Government does is counteract his criticism.

      Why the foolishness using the phrase “dummy in cans” to describe your fellow country men simply because they have a different understanding than you regarding the matter, very sad in did, this just shows what politics can do to the mind.

  66. lovely dominica
    August 5, 2014

    Well yes. So Lawrence should not have feared for his life? Who threatened you? What is that hypocrisy about. U work in an institution and criticize it every day? Which employer would tolerate that? Get real brother.

    • Forever Amber
      August 5, 2014

      Who threatened Lawrence?

    • E
      August 5, 2014

      Lovely Dominica, are you I hope you are not one of use who are crying for better health care and a better hospital with your rubbish.

    • Onyx
      August 6, 2014

      Well if u cannot see a threat right infront of you, u deserve to be where u are. if u cannot contribute positively then keep your blindness to yourself, the world dont have time for it!

    • i in that
      August 6, 2014

      my friend you must read more ,if you do you will see it

    • Kernita
      August 6, 2014

      Hypocrisy is the same labourites who claim “Labour Ka Twavay” complaining in the same breath of the ills of the PMH. I thought things were great SMH. Last time I checked we live in a democratic country. Allu Dominicans too wicked a choo zor

    • The Facts
      August 7, 2014

      If this occurred up here, in Canada or the US, he would be immediately fired. All his apologies would be in vain. His supporters do not realize that he is being insubordinate because they do not know better.

      • Anonymous
        August 7, 2014

        Keep comparing Dominica to Canada and uS still, they can more than afford to lose one ENT and no they wouldn’t just lose their job just for trying to inform the public of how their healthcare system could be improved to better serve them. And no there would be talks between parties before a doctor would be fired and a lot of them have their own private practices anyway meaning they work for themselves and not the government, so your comparison is very weak. Dr Pascal, however, could move to the US or Canada and operate privately if he wanted to, but he instead chose to work in his homeland and now he’s been vilified for speaking the truth and making a few positive suggestions. And is there proof that he didn’t speak to anyone in the health arena befor writing the article?

  67. For real?
    August 5, 2014

    If our hospitals are operational Why should dominicans travel to thé states to give birth?including our first lady? Bram bram

    • powpow
      August 5, 2014

      and all ministers going to cuba every year for health check. every problem they have they flying out of the country. our health system is a disaster.
      and dr pascal i agree with you. come out. but i must admit that you do your job well with no hospitality skills. just be nice to your patients.
      labour must go. skeritt must go. dominicans must be free
      in the name of jesus

    • hmmm
      August 6, 2014

      partner if she is your first she not mine ok, MY WIFE IS MY FIRST LADY!!

    • i in that
      August 6, 2014

      democracies everyone is and need to look out for the well been if we all could afford to do so we would you cant blame our pm for wanting the best for his son ,also note the pm wife is not the first lady the present’s wife is be careful you mislead the young readers

    • Curious
      August 6, 2014

      Stop being ignorant.mrs skerrit is NOT the First Lady.geeze! You all just keep repeating nonsense. The wife of the head of state is the First Lady (presidents wife). Skerrit is the head of government so his wife is just mrs skerrit. And she herself must correct ppl who refer to her as First Lady. Stupesss

    • The Facts
      August 7, 2014

      I have stated, it had nothing to do with the hospital care per se. I heard something else, nothing bad but which I will not divulge. I can keep a secret and what which is not my personal business.

  68. Sayitloud
    August 5, 2014

    Every sane person in Dominica knows that the health system stinks, it took the good DR, to come out and say so now he is being punished for expressing himself. The P.M should be ashamed of his remarks, why didn’t he let his wife have her child at PMH.

    • Anonymous
      August 6, 2014

      The Good Dr has a very high and influential part in the Health
      System in Dominica, and he should 1st ask himself what did he do or didn’t do which is contributing to the poor state of our Health System.

      If it is good for him to work in another country on his vacation, why was it wrong for another Dr whom He called and questioned when that Dr worked on his vacation overseas.

      The PM is right – we need to examine and correct our deh-fo before we go in public like we Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

  69. Hold Tight
    August 5, 2014

    Whether u are a doctor, teacher, lawyer or engineer, or street cleaner you should be able to express your opinions and present facts about the issues that are affecting you and your country, Dominica! So no one should try to prevent freedom of speech and movement of anyone, let alone try t o silence an in-demand professional like Dr. Pascal.
    Let democracy ring high and low all over our peaceful island home!!!
    Thank you!

    • ah ha
      August 6, 2014

      Why is it that you assume that FREEDOM of speech should go only one way?

      Why isn’t freedom of speech for the Pm to respond as freely as the person was to criticize?

      Such hypocrisy!

      • Hold Tight
        August 6, 2014

        Where and when did I “assume that freedom of speech only goes one way?” Read and understand….”So no one should try to prevent freedom of speech and movement of anyone.”
        Keep learning and growing!

      • WTH
        August 7, 2014

        do you own a brain?? Jesus Christ man

    • The Facts
      August 7, 2014

      The saying, in this era, some people have too much mouth and do not know when they should keep quiet or not. This obviously could get him into trouble. Did he do a service to himself?

  70. Anonymous
    August 5, 2014

    i dont see the threat . i dont see the need for bodyguards

    • August 5, 2014

      Anonymous. ..Are you going to wait for physical violence to warrant protection it will be too late. Once you have psychological threat then physical is next…..we see this in physical abusive relationships everyday.

    • The Facts
      August 7, 2014

      Does he have any sense for an educated professional? I cannot believe that he would consider this a threat. To his job, yes but nothing else.

    • WTH
      August 7, 2014

      The doctor said the threat was not physical, but psychological! So why would he need bodyguards? Can you READ!!!?? Some Dummynicans really need to stop being so biased and foolish

  71. August 5, 2014

    doc you higher than that don’t stupe to them little boys there level ; big in the eyes of the public but very very low mindedness trying to grab at every straw

    • The Facts
      August 7, 2014

      Life is a two-way street. An employee who went public on his employer should be considered stooping to a low level and a little boy.

      • August 7, 2014

        Are you for real?, what about all the whistle blowers all over the place in Canada,?, we know what happened to the Dominican girl, so if you want to talk about stooping to low level, clean underneath your bed Mr and Mrs perfectionist who knows it all

  72. IFF I WUZ
    August 5, 2014

    Parry, I would advise the Prime Minister as regards his obligation to the people of Dominica in terms of honesty. He cannot throw insults at who ever he wishes. A little diplomacy can help strengthen his relationship will all parties not only the DLP. I would also inform him, he should differentiate between a rum shop and the Parliament. Please have a little more respect for the house of Parliament.

    • The Facts
      August 7, 2014

      :lol: Do not make me laugh. :lol:
      :twisted: :mrgreen: You are not a smart person. :twisted: :mrgreen:

  73. marcus .k.l
    August 5, 2014

    again we try to make something so simple be about the pm and linton , whether or not what he wrote is true or not the fact of the matter is , he’s an employee so he should have known something of that nature would have happened while writing his story. exp; I am working in a bank ,and I write a story of how bad our system at the bank is and how we are loosing customers and that need to change and so on…what do u think is going to happen to me when my boss or bosses read this story or hear about it , I would get sack .I think he is the one that is making this be more political than it is

    • August 5, 2014

      Marcus we are talking about people losing their lives bc of a poor healthcare system so how do compare this to losing a customer from the bank. A doctor first oath is to save lives and if a system is taking lives he or she should become a whistle blower…….let’s hope no member of your family ends up at PMH. If you ask me Dr. Pascal is a patriot while the other doctors hide behind their white coats afraid of victimization.

      August 6, 2014

      Marcus, know wonder Skerrit tells us so many lies about how Dominica is doing good, where as it is sinking.

    • Cart Before Horse
      August 6, 2014

      But that is the point. If he is to be reprimanded, then he should have received letters from the PS or Minister. The PM should not be calling the man’s name (nickname) in Parliament. That is a personal attack and that was the PM stooping low… but then again, that is our PM’s way!

    • The Facts
      August 7, 2014

      Yet, if you address this issue to the authorities, they probably will appreciate it and commend you. For they do not want to lose business.
      I have had reasons to write certain enterprises about their ill-mannered employees who give inadequate service. I also inform them that they will lose business. I also take the name and also note the date and time. They may also respond with thanks. I am not their employee.
      Tonight I went to my usual bank in Toronto. The employee who served me is not a teller. She is a customer service clerk (whatever she is called.). I did not like her response or attitude. As I was leaving I respectfully said to her, you are tired. She replied, yes. I told her to get some rest tonight. Right there and then I could have told her off. She is Indian from a third world country. She is fortunate I did not. My plan is to inform her manager about her for, tired or not, she was serving a customer and her attitude was poor.
      If I do, she will be documented; it will be placed on her file and you know that she will be spoken to and probably never receive a promotion. She will be reviewed and watched. If the situation was worse, she could be fired.
      Generally, employers do like to receive feedback on how well or not they are doing. However, employees should never approach the Media with complaints about their employers, small country or not. It just is not a smart thing to do.

      • Anonymous
        August 8, 2014

        Oh sure pretend to be nice and understanding to the woman then turn around and stab her in the back by maybe getting her fired.

  74. Really?
    August 5, 2014

    Are we all for real? Politics and politicians. It is amazing how hypocritical we can be. I read through the article and I’m yet to see any threat. Lugay on the other hand made a threat but quite a few here said that he didn’t mean it and he apologized. We felt that there was nothing wrong with it. Now that the show is on the other feet we want to say that the PM is a dictator and all that crap. So we are saying that a threat isn’t a threat but what isn’t a threat is a threat. God help us all. Hope that isn’t part of the change that we seek.

  75. DC
    August 5, 2014

    Such an exaggeration! Doctor, are you craving attention? Are you yearning to be in the spotlight? This is the wrong way. You are solidifying the skeptics case. Take a deep breath, we do not want you to suffer from tachycardia. This is going too far. We must stop being our worst enemies!

  76. Anonymous
    August 5, 2014

    Garçon take your talents elsewhere Dominica is for “Dominicans” if you are ambitious then this place isn’t for you. If you can’t kiss a it surely isn’t for you.. in attacking the doctor your PA ( not mine cause. I’ve never voted) is saying that Dominicas Healthcare is the best that it can be. And his management is the best Dominica will ever have. If anyone questions his judgement or his leadership then that person is an outcast. Hence the reason I can only spend 4 -6 days in my country of birth. Cause the place is crazy. Sorry to say. Dominica will see better. But not in another 20 years. When there are more educated more traveled more experienced people in the helm of the countries politics. On both sides of the aisle.

  77. Erasmus B. Black
    August 5, 2014

    …George Orwell saw this coming. To help the personal or collective egos of some “honourable men” dissenting voices may soon be stifled.

    August 5, 2014

    THREATS…Eipigh,are you really serious?
    You consider what the PM said as threats to you;so what Danny said he would have done if he was not a believer and you supported,how do you call that?
    Why are you all (UWPITIES)so thin skin? You all want to throw blows and you all can’t take blows..All you like hegass and don’t want to be touched…Bro when you live inna glass house,don’t throw stones,ok?!

    • Nac Vibes
      August 6, 2014

      Big people are trying to have a debate boy, hush your mouth.

    • Anonymous
      August 6, 2014


  79. Skerrit Classmate
    August 5, 2014

    FET you are so right. Behind a chronic and compulsive liar is a someone who is weak and lack confidence. Also a person who cannot take criticism is udually very weak minded. Dictators use the power of their authority to suppress public criticism. They use their position to hide their weaknesses. Before politics landed on Skerrit who knew him. Theguy could hardly look up or look people in the eye. Skerrit was never considered to be of leadership quality. When people cant engage on an intellectual level they run away and when they cannot run awsy they turn around and snapp like a coward dog

  80. Vin
    August 5, 2014

    These prim minister in the Caribbean do not like when you tell the truth to the public about their corruption , this have to stop now

  81. Forever Amber
    August 5, 2014

    Dr. Pascal is not the only one criticising the management of the Dominica Health Services, particularly the Princess Margaret Hospital (PMH).

    Has Skerrit or Timothy read the following USAID Report?

    Ref: http://pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/pnadz307.pdf:

    The USAID assessment revealed that service delivery at the Princess Margaret Hospital faced several challenges that eroded public trust in the institution.
    “The management of PMH, the pinnacle of the Dominican health system, possesses little authority in the day-to-day operations of the hospital, with decisions often deferred to the cabinet. This emphasizes the main drawback of health sector governance in Dominica – that policy decision-making is centralized within the MOH, with relevant civil society actors, private sector stakeholders and other ministries not fully involved,” the report says.
    It recommends that in the short term the authorities should use the building of the new hospital “to rationalize management and quality assurance structures” and to reform the management of the PMH.
    “This report agrees with two earlier recommendations from KPMG and the CDB to overhaul the management structure of the hospital. Instituting a board that would be responsible for the strategic direction of the hospital and a chief executive officer (CEO) who would be responsible for the day-to-day management of the hospital are the two cornerstones of this reform. This structure would promote management accountability through the CEO, with MOH leaders, technical experts and community leaders comprising the management board. This would also remove the hospital from political influence.”

    ENT needs you Dr. Pascal. Place Dominica before Skerrit.

    • Anonymous
      August 5, 2014

      This is the most sensible comment I have seen here. A solution to the problems.

    • Country Woman
      August 5, 2014

      Thank you the the information, poor Dominica, 75% unemployment. Since I know my self Dominica has 80,000 people, and I am already 40 and now Dominica has 72, 698 people, it not going up. Ala, St. Lucia has more than twice the number of people we have. Dominican’s open your eyes, people can’t stay here, they have to run.

    • The Facts
      August 5, 2014

      The CEO is not an entity. He/she of that department must still answer to the PM and Health Minister.
      I have nothing against Dr. Pascal. Your last sentence is rude and indiscreet.

        August 5, 2014


      • Forever Amber
        August 5, 2014

        Do you know the meaning of entity?

      • The Facts
        August 7, 2014

        VA Resident, you lack discipline and understanding. You, live by the Golden Rule.
        The government is an employer and still has the authority to hire and fire. Let every government employee, doctor or not conduct themselves appropriately. If you have a complaint, take it to your employer. Do not go public with it. You are making your employer look bad. It is not a nice thing to do. The employer in turn will retaliate.
        I am informing you, if I had an employee who did such a thing, I would not understand. I would fire him/her who deserves it. You would do the same, you hypocrite. :twisted: :mrgreen: :twisted: :mrgreen: :twisted: :mrgreen:

  82. real possie
    August 5, 2014

    what a joke this is exactly what you were looking for I just knew it, why do you feel threaten SIR? no one threaten you all they did was talk about what you had to say wow look pappy show its amazing wow.

    • real possie
      August 5, 2014

      Boss me personally if I was the one in charge after what I just read I would ask you not to come back.

      • ____________________
        August 5, 2014

        @real possie You are a bigger LIAR . In you next blogg above you said you did not read the entire commentry. Fools like you are always setting traps and getting caught in it. Your dishonest nitwit.

      • Country Woman
        August 5, 2014

        And he will come and beg you because is you that is the doctor, sort

      • real possie
        August 5, 2014

        You calling me a liar who ever you are you think I got time to add one more sin on myself please, you all keep changing you all handle to make people to think is other people commenting zor FOU talking and answering you all self, all I know is I always said this guy had an agenda is a good thing you can go back to DNO column and see all this guy blogs and read all the comments and you can see all I had to say to him, these people like clock work they said they fear Lugay he say he fear for his life Lord send help LOL.

        August 5, 2014

        Then what, you will take his place? :lol:

      • The Facts
        August 7, 2014

        I wholeheartedly endorse your comments. I would do the same. If employees need a job they should act accordingly.

    • instagram
      August 5, 2014

      Stfk up you lowlife! You nor skerrit and his cabal can match the gum under Irving Pascal shoe. Skerrit get into power by sheer questionable misfortune and now behaving like dead men spirits ridding him! Hungry lap dogs like you will always see nothing is wrong

      • The Facts
        August 7, 2014

        We are discussing a matter which you appear to have very little understanding about if nothing at all. How could you not see that what he did was inappropriate for one who is employed by the government?
        No need to insult the one who comment. If you cannot carry-on and hold a conversation without insulting others, you are the one who is lowlife. Learn that we are free to agree and disagree; free to provide our comments whether others disagree which we expect for no two minds are alike. However, some people uphold and applaud what is wrong and you are one of them. This is another matter where “Change is a must” on your part to learn to agree and disagree amicably. God’s peace!

  83. RASTA
    August 5, 2014

    It is so sad and never in the history of Dominica not under Freedom, UWP have we ever heard of so many issues. Mr. Skerrit I personally believe that you are not a leader. If citizen is simply questioning the management of the health care service what is wrong with that. His issues are genuine because up to this day we are unable to eradicate the Chikungunha epidemic. Can one imagine if this disease would spread to just 30% of the population? this would have been a disaster.
    I can recall when the retired judge ,Brian Alleyne, expressed himself he was chastised by the labor party, Senator monelle lost her job after skerrit said to the media she is “half and half. It appears now that any one who opposes this labor party might be victimized. Is that democracy?
    It is also my understanding that the former president because he “stood up” to the master, his contract was not renewed. Countless examples of victimization by this ruling government. My question now is that democracy or dictatorship? I agree with I.P this is a psychological treat and should be treated like that. It appears now that professionals should not or never question this Government because who knows? You might just be victimized!
    Sad and real in D.A. I am just so tired with those who lead us and also those you do not have a 0.5% of common sense to support this government!!!

    • The Facts
      August 5, 2014

      It appears you were born in recent years. What did you know about the hospital and medical care in those days? The PMH was not better than what it is today.

  84. HIM
    August 5, 2014

    A DIAPER Budget, and this kind of summary of the budget was typical Skerrit POO POO! It infects those whom he hates. Hope you are already in possession of some huge boxes to pack up.

  85. ^
    August 5, 2014

    Skerrit Dominicans are pulling thier carpet out from under your two feet. IT WAS ABOUT TIME. Start packing up! time is up. I love the INCOMING PM Lennox Linton!

    • Anonymous
      August 5, 2014

      sweet dreams!

    • The Facts
      August 5, 2014

      That is yet to be seen, if ever.

    • The Facts
      August 7, 2014

      Pray to God that you will be alive and healthy; not that our God of love and peace is pleased with you for you are on the side of trouble which I need not elaborate on.

  86. real possie
    August 5, 2014

    Boss I went straight to posting just read the heading and I already know what you are saying but funny the heading say you took swipes at the PM but am sure no one that backs the PM will say a word to you, we just say another one at it and leave that there, there’s people that threaten to shoot the PM and nothing was done to them so if anyone said anything to you Sir. its not supporters. Now I will go read.

    • .
      August 5, 2014

      @real possie You are DNO’s buffoon in real. So you commented before reading? .You are so shameless in your ignorance that you posted this crap. YOU MUST BE A LABOURITE AND A SKERRIT DOORMAT OR SLAVE.

      • The Facts
        August 5, 2014

        Be fair and square. Allow people their opinion as you expect they will do the same to you. Theirs is no worse than yours. Whose doormat or slave are you? :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

      • real possie
        August 6, 2014

        @ . yes I did post before I read cause you all are like clock work same tic, tic all the time and it even worse than I thought look who the man say threaten him, am here thinking is people on the street that approach him, like the lawyer in St Kitts said you seeing shadows where there is none. My work is done though I made fifty plus people mad above just scroll up and see, HAHAHA.

  87. .
    August 5, 2014

    Dr Pascal,
    This is plain damn naked hypocrisy. Are you implying that the PM has no right to respond to your criticism? Where is the threat you speak about in the PM’s statement? You feel threatened by what the PM said but you had no problem trying to defend Lugay’s threats. Look at the two statements sir and tell me which one is more threatening. If you want to give constructive criticism you must change you tone. You are just sounding anti-government and biased. You should at least try to be fair and balanced in your criticism.

    • ____________________
      August 5, 2014

      @. Mr idiot that was a session to summarize a whipes and diaper budget. Why did Skerrit chose this occassion to spurt such grarbage?. HE IS THAT FOOLISH? Why don’t you go to night school? In addition Skerrit has no right to attack a man in the house, wheh he knows fully well that the man is not present to defend himself.
      Your dam sac sot!

      • The Facts
        August 5, 2014

        For God’s sake and for others who read your comments, have respect on this Website! Can you not respond with some degree of diplomacy?
        You also need to go to night school. Are you stating that you are not an idiot,foolish and spew garbage as well?

      • .
        August 6, 2014

        Did I touch a nerve?

    • truth
      August 5, 2014

      singing for your supper,
      but be carefull its not your last supper

    • Health advocate
      August 5, 2014

      Dear fool,
      Dr pascal is a grown man and use what tone he wants to express himself. Are you planning to be the new ENT, are you aware that he is one of the best in the world? Dr. Pascal is very passionate about his profession. You most certainly need to take a cue from him. DAMN JOKER! :-x

    • Anonymous
      August 5, 2014

      so is he wrong of what he say about the health care in DA ,,
      sad days in the isle of beauty ,,,DICKTATORSHIP ,,,,JAH GUIDE MY PEOPLE

  88. De Observer
    August 5, 2014

    I’m still looking for the threat Doc…stop being silly! U sound like a little boy.

    • instagram
      August 5, 2014

      You and your bad grammar is Irving fault you and Skerrit were failures in school? All of you can take swipes on DNO man up and touch him nah? For all you to see what threat is. Skerrit is , using parliament to attack people and his goons taking up his cause but we all know he can’t face Irving so bring it!

    • Disgusted
      August 5, 2014

      Is your I.Q. so low that can’t read between the lines that will permit you to see the threats?

      • Anonymous
        August 6, 2014

        Do you know what I.Q means? Go ahead you can googl it.

  89. CIA on the Watch
    August 5, 2014

    So who in Dominica does not know that the health care system is in shambles? Take Marigot Hospital for example closed down because of coolbwa, the only Government that allowed a hospital to close under its watch is Labar and to make matters worse at the entry point to the country, what Dr. Pascal said is nothing strange that’s why there will be a change, on another note Dr. Pascal that was all big talk from the PM no need to panic over statements from fools.

  90. joe
    August 5, 2014

    When you are employed at an institution you becomes part of the success or failure of that institution, so going on the outside and criticize or predicting complete failure whilst you are still inside cannot make sense at all and PROFESSIONALS do not do that..

    And folks the man criticism was geared at the new state of the art modern hospital the Chinese propose to build for us free we the man criticizing… I mean honestly??


    • August 5, 2014

      You really think the Chinese going to build a hospital free. There is a price to pay. Take a good look around.

    • August 5, 2014

      Don’t give me that, could you answer how long since this so called hospital is coming and what about a hospital next to the Melville Hall Airport that is closed what you don’t understand this DLP GOVT is full of talks and the PM knows how to keep the foolish people spell bound and he will continue doing that until the bitter end, so how can normal folks think what the PM is doing and saying is good for the Island in what kind of world do we as Dominicans live, when I listened to the PM I was ashamed.
      And what about the Speaker allowing the PM to disrespect the house in that disgraceful way they are two pea in the same pod, the ship is sinking and I do believe the ministers the speaker and PM are going down and they have lost it all because it is pay back time and the people are finally in control…. Life’s a bitch so start lowering the flag and turning off the lights slowly.
      Change is here and it’s out of his hand.

    • August 5, 2014

      Free? You have no idea how much loans the PM is taking from China and Venezuela man. You must be deaf, blind and need a doctor. The PM even using short term loans (Treasury Bills) to handle our financial woes.

      He always think he have mewpuis to give people but he better know who in glass house does not throw stones.

    • Ki sah
      August 6, 2014

      Don’t you know? Chinese don’t do anything for free.you and me don’t know how and where they get their payment but they do.

      • ah ha
        August 6, 2014

        Dominicans do nothing for free as well! Your point?

  91. no way !!
    August 5, 2014

    i think , the PM should not be against any doctor….simply because , I strongly believe that he need one!!! all of this going way to far.
    the PM need help, do we have a good psychologist here ?

    • The Facts
      August 5, 2014

      Honestly. Who is against whom? Who started this?

  92. My View
    August 5, 2014

    Dr. Pascal …I totally agree that you must fear for your life…A lot of civil servants have been victimized for not following the status quo blindly. Such persons are less vocal than you, but are also suffering psychologically also…
    But stand strong because these are the ranting of a desperate man. He wants all bright people to leave Dominica so that he can control the illiterate masses.

    • The Facts
      August 5, 2014

      This is not intelligent. How could you assume that he wants all bright people to leave D/ca and assuming that D/ca was willed to the PM?
      Some of us bright people left D/ca of our own accord. No one pushed us out or told us to go. :lol:
      What types of comments are these? Can you prove them? Some of you underestimate the PM and his position. You lack respect. Caste hatred aside and embrace love; love for others and respect for their position. Otherwise you are deemed to be a disobedient person. Are you not a Christian? God has taken note.
      . . . And they’ll know we are Christians by our love.

      • My View
        August 6, 2014

        Obviously you are a poto labourite and do not understand what non-supporters experience.

      • The Facts
        August 7, 2014

        My View, I understand fully well what DLP supporters go through. I have especially read UWP supporters comments on this Website. The way they carry on is a crying shame. It is as if they are perfect, more perfect than DLP supporters.
        Be sensible. No fighting! Everyone is providing their comments pro and con. All have a right to comment but never to be insulted. Be Christian-like. Tell that to your colleagues who support UWP. We are all D/cans and free to support which Party we so wish. This is democracy and freedom. Live in love and peace.

  93. Yam Babawoolais
    August 5, 2014

    Very very dangerous men desperate to remain in office. No one criticize them or they will hang you out to dry just like kadaffi; like if Idi.Amin, Chavez. The doctor must say all is good, nice and dandy.
    You speak out a Molotov cocktail will be delivered to your home. Note this was a budget speech and not one bit of caution by the speaker.
    This is what dictators do you criticize them and they will try to break your spirit. If they cant break your spirit they will assassinate you. Ask the Lawyer who received that call from the St Kitts gunman who was arrested in Barbados. Ask the Lawyer why the guy called him when he was arrested and why he put down the phone when he recognized the fella’s voice. The gunman did not call his family in St Kitts nor his “son mother “in Dominica he called a lawyer in Dominica. Dangerous men Dangerous men who have been allowed to run rackeet in Dominica

    • The Facts
      August 5, 2014

      Some people have much to learn. Do not misconstrue their reaction and response. As an employee, when a boss pays you a salary, you do not go to the Media with criticisms and divulge internal information about him/her and the establishment.
      You should first respectfully address the issue with your employer. If you receive no response or satisfactory response, you must be patient. Give the boss an opportunity to read, to think and to digest your concerns and suggestion (s). If it is to your dissatisfaction, even though you are disappointed and frustrated, as you continue performing your work, keep quiet, peaceful and pray. Take it to the Lord in prayer. Your prayer will be answered one way or the other. As the words of the song, “Let It Be. There will be an answer, let it be.”
      There is always a divide between authorities and the public. The public does not have to know everything. In other words, at least not on the onset. This incites them to anger, putting it mildly and an adverse reaction.
      In addition to not divulging internal matters, never play you are the boss; never argue with and never fight your boss. You are jeopardizing your position.
      Ask yourself. If you were an employee and a similar situation occurred to you, what would your reaction be? Would you not be angry with that employee and fire him/her?

  94. Doc. Love
    August 5, 2014

    This is Skeritt’s reaction to the travelling to the US and remaining out of Dominica for so long by Mr. Lennox Linton. I understood from a reliable source, every possible efforts were made to find out Mr. Linton’s where about. Having failed, in their efforts to get him to react, a story was concocted about anger management in the US. Just for argument sake, if Mr. Linton needs therapy for anger management or any other serious health problems, he should be complemented for wanting to arrest his problems early before he takes up the management of the country. Unlike Skeritt, who many Dominicans believe, appears to have a serious mental or health disorder because of his present behavior.

    August 5, 2014

    All you always leave greener pastures to come to Dominica to work.
    Same thing Thomson Fontaine said;but you all are the first to criticize and bad talk poor Dominica,why?
    Talking about fear..WHERE IS THE TREAT in the PM’s statement,DOC? you claim that you are so genuine work wise what are you worried about? Did the PM lied when he said you are paid to do a job which you fail to do and instead you go criticizing when you are the one responsible in solving the problem? The PM now should be the one to express FEAR..
    D Lennox,himself coming with his boyish talk on Q95 saying the PM is a dangerous man. Who more dangerous than Lennox Linton?
    Mr. spent how many years attacking the PM;calling the PM all sorts of name,now he in the ring he feels offended when the PM mentions his name once in a while;and even saying is jealous the PM jealous of him. So all those years you Linton was mentioning and is still mentioning the PM’s name is jealous,you Lennox is jealous of the PM? Lennox if you don’t want your name to be called,refrain from calling other people’s name,ok? And stop pretending you are Mr. Perfect Right!

    • >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
      August 5, 2014

      @FAST N IDIOT Your crap is more looking the type of filth that those on the ANIMAL SHOW would enjoy. Why don’t you invite yourself to that show, and relaese all the waste and viruses that you are spraying DNO with.? Stuppessssssssssssssss!

      • The Facts
        August 5, 2014

        Oh please! What is your idea? Do you not think that what you wrote is full of crap and that you are an idiot with the pot calling the kettle black. You cannot take criticism. You cannot allow others their privileged right to comment without insulting them. These are what which cause arguments, discord and hatred which you contribute to. When will you ever learn?
        What Fast N Furious stated makes a lot of sense. Yours do not and never will. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

  96. shaka zulu
    August 5, 2014

    Here we go again. Our insecure pm calling out people that have nothing to do with his budget debate in parliament. Pascal must have caught your attention.
    After 14 years and a rotting marigot hospital the minister of health is talking about a state of the art Chinese funded hospital. What is wrong with these folks. How can you boast about a future plan after 14 years while people dying for lack of care, the minister himself had to go overseas for care, and the pm had his kid elsewhere. Now the pm is calling out doc for stating the obvious.
    Neither skeritt nor Timothy have any idea what healthcare is all about. Only time will tell before our people will realize we are runned by who obsessed with himself. Lennox Linton have the man paranoid making up more stories than lawrance brumant

  97. ??????????????????
    August 5, 2014

    Is it true that there are discussions behind closed doors as to whether the Labour Party candidates for Roseau South and Roseau Central should be asked to resign, or to throw in the white towel. Accordintg to the discussions Ambruise Pwen Couwee and Aloe are going to be two victims when the ballots are counted after the soon to held General Election.!!!!!

    • """""""
      August 5, 2014

      HA! HA HA!
      Humpty Dumpty must fall one day flat on his face.
      I know Ambruise Pwen Couwee will not resign even if it is clear that he will lose. Even worse, they cannot dismiss him. He will have too many things to say about the cabal.

  98. DA4real
    August 5, 2014

    I am so tired of the UWPites speaking and do not expect a defense from anyone. Are you all dictators? Where is the threat. When you wrote your editorial was it a threat. So the PM responded in his administration defense where is the threat? You all are so foolishly educated.

    • ^
      August 5, 2014

      @DA4real UWPites are hard working people who pay their taxes, so they have to speak. They do not depend on the RED CLINIC, so they can tell Skerrit Go to Hell three times. They are not doormats like you who cannot speak for fear of losing your Red Clinic money you need to buy your bread. Laziness has coaused you to be a total and absolute MOO MNOO even on matters like this.

      • The Facts
        August 5, 2014

        So because people support a Party, they are doormats? Well then you can make the identical statement for yourself.
        What is also stupid about your comment is, you deviated from the subject. You do not know the person and yet you make this useless comment which does not pertain to the article. Cease your insults. It will get you nowhere except to receive God’s punishment.

      • ah ha
        August 6, 2014

        Dude you really need to go down there and see how many UWP supporters are there pretending to be red… would make you laugh for sure..

        By your statement you’re saying that all UWP supporters are gainfully employed under this same ‘EVIL’ administration so why then would you want to change this? smh lol

    • We Are Wounded!!!!
      August 5, 2014

      DA4 real….. Our healthcare system is broken and we all know that but afraid to say so. The PM is unable to defend it because it is broken and that the reason his family don’t use our healthcare system.

      So instead of getting to the bottom for a solution he rants with personal attacks…..well that still will not fix the broken Healthcare system.

      Dr. Pascal wrote a commentary about it and provide solution. Skerrit in his capacity as PM should find out whether the said doctor had followed the ranks before coming to the public to voice his concerns. If he did not them reprimand him….if not then find out why isn’t the process working were SME recommendations are not considered to make decision to improve our healthcare system.

      Because we know the healthcare system is broken and needs to be fixed. Are we going to keep sitting there while families members die due to a hopeless Healthcare system and we suffer in silence because citizen cannot complains in fear of victimization.

      • August 5, 2014

        If the system wasn’t broken then why did he have his wife go to the USA to give birth people wake up the PM have lost it big time.
        CHANGE is HERE already.

      • The Facts
        August 5, 2014

        Did Dr. Pascal first write directly to the PM?

    • !!!!!!!!
      August 5, 2014

      You call the PM ANYONE? This is the prime minister attacking a private citizen in the parliament, the highest institution in the land. You are a sick labourite. BUT THE DAYS OF TYRANNY OF THE LABOUR PARTY WILL SOON BE OVER!

      • The Facts
        August 5, 2014

        Well, well, well! Some of you are too unfair and without understanding. Who first went public with this information and caused this situation through the Media?

    • RASTA
      August 5, 2014

      @ DA for real: He may “Foolishly educated” but you are foolish with NO education! You are the few that these ministers prey upon because you lack common sense and reasoning.

      • The Facts
        August 5, 2014

        There is an appropriate manner of responding to comments of those who provide their candid opinion. Learn it.
        You do not agree with them because you support another Party. This does not mean they are wrong.
        You could have simply stated, “I do not agree with you. This is my opinion.”
        If this strategy would be used by everyone on DNO, what a pleasurable conversation we would all have even though we do not agree with their opinion. This is one way of getting along with others and those whom we do not know and may never. After all, we are all D/cans.
        You are another person who has much to learn. What makes you think you have common sense and reasoning? Pride comes before the fall.

    • August 5, 2014

      What recently happened to Daniel Lugay because of what they say he spoke of as a “threat” in his speech?

      What recently happened to Lenox Linton for what they consider slander in his speech?

      Why now that Dr. Irving Pascal feel threatened he is considered a UWPite? A “threat” is a threat when it applies to certain people and not others, I guess. I think you should educate yourself on the meaning of threat. Anyone is threatened when they really feel threatened.

      • The Facts
        August 5, 2014

        Threatened for what? For loss of his job?

  99. Anonymous
    August 5, 2014

    man i knew that article u wrote would stir trouble. i as just waiting to hear that. and i was not taken aback when who said what in parlaiment.

  100. August 5, 2014

    Oh boy,All these boys are at it again.Grow up people the world is reading and watching.Mr.PM you are the leader you should kno better.What a shame.

    • The Facts
      August 5, 2014

      Know better about what? Better said than done. It did not happen to you. You are stating he should not have responded to what the doctor stated? How could he avoid it?

  101. %
    August 5, 2014

    Isn’t inveterate Liar OR cumpulsive Liar too mild a term to describe the ease and shameful nature in which Skerrit LIESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS?
    Can we build a country upon a platform of LIES?. For those who go to church and still hold dearly to the religious tenets: Thou shall not lie, steal, cheat, etc, what else will it take to move away from this Skerrit Labour Party?

    • Anonymous
      August 5, 2014

      five more years.

      • ____________________
        August 5, 2014

        @Anonymous You lie is 60 more years he told you all.. You were even jumping up like a clown, mouth wide open with flies in it.. Well it will end at the next generatl election. Be it 5, 10 15 or 100 years.

  102. AA
    August 5, 2014

    This is precisely why professionals leave this place and do not return, due to antics by a bunch of jokers who do not have a clue as to how to handle the responsibilities that they have been given by the electorate.

    Mr PM how on this earth does a private citizen who is not involved in politics get into your budget comments, how does including this person in your comments impact, increases your potential for alleviating the problems that the country faces. leave the private citizens out of all you people comess, the man have a right to comment on whats happening in the country he leaves there. What does the man working or practicing in other countries have to do with all you the man is earning legal money.

    • joe
      August 5, 2014

      Professionals do not wash their dirty linings in public!!!! They take their concerns to the appropriate authorities not the paper, especially when they are EMPLOYED at the institution!!!

      IP i read the article and honestly i find it was CRAP!!!

      • Anonymous
        August 6, 2014

        So concern for the healthcare system of the Dominica by a healthcare professional is now “dirty linen”. The man trying to help all you by speaking out and some of all you too blind and dumb to see it.

      • Toure
        August 6, 2014

        Do you know or can even fathom the numerous times he did just what you said?

        Let us stop all the hypocrisy, cut the onion if it stink it stinks and right now it is fouling up the air.

        There is a problem and it is glaring us in the face and we sit and wait for spanking new hospital when people are suffering now? What is the excuse?

    • The Facts
      August 5, 2014

      Professionals who returned to D/ca must comprehend that this is where they reside and not where they were previously. Oh yes! They are need in D/ca. However, they could provide suggestions and act diplomatically. They must also realize that Rome was not built in a day and everything takes time. They must not expect changes to be effected and immediately at that because they have a different and better vision. There is a different manner of approaching this situation with the authorities. It takes time to do good.

  103. ()
    August 5, 2014

    Is it that the fear of losing the election (which he has already lost), has also caused Skerrit to lose his mind?. Could it be that he is thinking of the HARD question which will be asked of him after he is KICKED OUT, he may not be able to answer to them? They will be question that the poor and indigent Dominicans which you have cultivated Skerrit, will want answers to.

    • The Facts
      August 5, 2014

      Do not make me laugh. :lol: You are playing God. Only God knows what will occur during and after the next election. Intelligent members of the public will refrain from making these comments.

  104. dcamassive
    August 5, 2014

    Sounds like tit for tat butter for fat. Too much politics :roll:

  105. Anonymous
    August 5, 2014

    Oh please! Grow up! Both of you! Firstly, the Prime Minister needs to learn that certain statements are not worth responding to. Secondly, I see nothing in the statement that warrants being fearful. Thirdly, there are other doctors on the Gov’t’s payroll who leave their jobs to go overseas and stay on island as well to work for certain medical institution of learning. Depriving the patients of proper care. Try addressing that mister prime minister, minister, PS and all concerned.
    We demand value for our tax dollar!

    • The Facts
      August 5, 2014

      Some comments cannot be ignored. They are worth responding to. If you are of this mind you will comprehend that.

  106. Lougaoo Mem
    August 5, 2014

    That’s just the tip of the iceberg in what is expected if Roosevelt Skerrit and his Labor ministers get re-elected. It behooves the citizens of the land to denounce this kind of behavior from any political leader. We all can say now that the leader has gone mad. No other country will tolerate such.

  107. Francisco Telemaque
    August 5, 2014

    . “The prime minister is the most powerful man in Dominica, so when a threat is issued on my well being for no obvious reason that I am aware of, I take that seriously.”(Pascal).

    If the treats were made in Parliament, I wonder where was the police, and how come neither the Prime Minister and his disciple Timothy are not under arrest, and charged as Lugay. That is the problem with Dominica, some people ignore’s the laws of the land, they trample on the rights of people and get away with it; these people live above the law, and the puppet police stand at attention to such dictators, and salute, and support their actions.

    The nation should take it seriously when a citizen of the country lives in fear of the government, this is not a simple matter, if one is threatened because he/she writes a column in an online news paper, that is an indication that democracy has ceased to exist in our country. Such treats may becoming more rampant. Last week I responded to an article on DNO, apparently a supporter of the Prime Minister, responded to my comments, and said that Skerrit will shut me up. I responded to the person indicating that I can take care of myself in any situation; I was very specific of how I would deal with those who would hurt me; DNO however, did not allow my comments on the matter to be printed.

    This latest seems to be a trend, all the more reason for people to be calm, and wait for the day of election to use their power; the real power to vote these people out of office. They use public office to railroad anyone who does not support this corrupt government. I will say to Pascal, whereas you believe that the most powerful man in the country is the Prime Minister, I suggest he might be the weakest man alive. Anyone who makes threats is not as powerful as you think, people who live in fear uses treats as a cover to their fear and weakness, that is the way all dictators operate.

    Usually, dictatorship begins with the victimization of individuals on the job; then it is applied to people as my cousin Lennox Linton, then the Lugay’s of this world are hurt, the real target are the people of the country. That is how people such as Castro, of Cuba, and people such as Chavez manage to dominate generations for so long in Cuba, and Venezuela. If this Labor Party wins the election, it is all over for the people of Dominica, because we will have a full blown dictatorship to deal with in our country. How do we avoid our nation form falling into the hands of a dictator.

    The law suit filed against Lennox, the arrest of Lugay, and the treats made against you should be explained to the people, in the case of Linton, and Lugay, the people need to know that their rights to freedom of speech is taken away, and if the freedom of speech is taken away from two of our citizens, there is nothing that will stop the dictators from taking the freedom of speech away from every one residing in Dominica. As for you Pascal whether or not the puppet police will take action against the perpetrators of the treats against you; I advised that you make a official report to the police, and let’s see what action they take, since there seems to be a law in Dominica prohibiting people from saying government ministers abuses women by forcing them into sexual acts when seeking their help, and for saying some people have to die first since they preventing the country from making progress.

    Those are not treats, nevertheless, when I was a kid in Wesley, growing up I remember someone who made a treat against a woman in Wesley who was sent to jail for six months for making an idle treat. In any event when they lose the election, you could file a criminal case against them for treating you!

    Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

    • ??????????????????
      August 5, 2014

      The police and the speaker are both on Skerrit’s side. They will even pretend that they are not hearing.

    • joe
      August 5, 2014

      Your narrow-mindedness never ceases to amaze me!!!!!

      • Francisco Telemaque
        August 5, 2014

        Are you referring to me as narrow minded? If I was narrow minded, and a damn coward, as you are; I would sit back in fear, and silent agreeing to everything these corrupt politicians are doing in the country, kissing up to them while I and the rest of the country suffer in silent.

        People like you are nothing more that the worst sort of yard foul the Bajans refers to when they call another an yard foul, look around you what does a yard foul do when it is hungry? It begins to grovel in filth, it eats dead rodents, and in a place like Dominica where there are pit-holes filled with feces they usually go in such places to feast.

        I witness such behavior when I was a kid. It is okay for a chicken to behave that way, but any human how low themselves as such yard foul, deserves a government such as we have in Dominica. My mind, heart and shoulders are very large, “what things” like you say about me does not fade, nor frighten me.

        I have no fear of anyone in the human flesh alive; I respect and fear God only for from him comes my help, I have no confidence nor trust in any man, especially the politicians. If I was narrow minded, I would be prepared to get my Butt kicked by some Dominica politician while groveling like the yard foul you are singing for my dinner, hoping one of those criminal politicians would toss me the left over boil bananas their nasty corrupt belly could not digest.

        I have a choice of Stake, Turkey, Roast, Honey Baked Ham, Lamb, and a variety of sea foods, and by the way Chicken Breast every day of the week for breakfast lunch and dinner, I have not eaten chicken back foot, and neck since I left Dominica at the ripe old age of fourteen years old.

        So, you had better know who the heck you are playing with never mind attacking me. If you hope to hear me saying anything in support of this for the remainder of time they have left in power, consider yourself mad. I supported them wholeheartedly until I discover that those people were are no bloody good, they lie about everything; they are wicked and evil, very victimizing, one can blind themselves to a certain extent as I did, fortunately for me I knew when to withdraw my loyalty.

        I refuse to support a regime which hurt and damage the life’s of the citizens of our country, you can allow your backward, and narrow mind to keep you supporting them, but it might not be very long before becomes personal to you Some politicians has no conscience the day you that little rat Joe, objects to anything the Dictators do, they will turn on you.

        I prefer to be narrow mind than to be sucker, or a puppet to any politician, they not all that lucky, nor important to me.

        Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

      • Anonymous
        August 6, 2014


    • leaves you 2 wonder
      August 5, 2014

      Hi Francisco

      Are you aware that there is immunity in parliament. You can say anything in parliament and you cannot be charged. please get a copy of the standing orders and read.

      • >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
        August 5, 2014

        @leavews you 2 wonder
        I was ignorant of that myself. Only on Sunday i learnt about that imnnunity thing in parliament. Guess many people do not know that.

    • lovely dominica
      August 5, 2014

      What threat was made and by whom?

    • The Facts
      August 5, 2014

      If he feels it is a threat, he may be imagining it. It certainly is not a bodily threat. However, he may feel his continued position is threatened. He should explain what he thinks is a threat.
      I would say, words to that effect, “Are you threatening my job, to dismiss me from my position for going public with this information? Frankly, any employee who does such a thing could be fired or should. Employees must know their limitations.

    • joe
      August 6, 2014

      Francisco eat your heart out, i can boast and say Dominica is the best place to live, work and enjoy life!!!!

      It’s not you alone that eating lamb and stake my boss i am tired of that, i decided to stick with seafood.

      And yes you ARE VERY VERY NARROW-MINDED!!!!! Uptill now you cannot tell me one thing that is wrong with the Skerrit Administration just insults is all am reading from you…… I can say yes Skerrit cares for the following reasons:\

      1. Yes We Care
      2. Better air access into Dominica – do you know we can leave Dominica at 9pm? Ah Wesley Nigga??
      3. Housing revolution
      4. New equipment at PMH to include MRI, CT Scanners and Mammogram
      5. Improve road network
      6. Assistatnt to Farmers – AIU (Interest free loans, Abattoir, Coffee Factory 50% loan 50% grant for farmers etc.
      7. National Employment Program
      8. Small Business Unit
      9. Tertiary education for ALL
      10. New State of the art College

      This list can go on and on and on to include IP criticism of a New State of the Art Modern Hospital to be constructed by the Chinese at absolutely NO COST to the Tax Payers!!!!! Hence the reason we have not seen any NEW TAXES in Dominica for the past 7 to 8 years, can you say the same about where you currently reside??

      And boss stop your foolish hatred about Skerrit you have not lived in this country for over 40 years so if you have nothing good to type STAY AWAY


  108. Ah ha
    August 5, 2014

    so YOu saying its wrong for the Pm minister to criticise your criticism of one of the ministries under his leadership????????

    So criticism is for one side only? And what exactly was the threat made?

    Dude please calm down…. trying to stir up unnecessary trouble!

  109. %
    August 5, 2014

    So Skerrit can tell us by his very action (having his child born out of Dominica) that the health system is bad, but the doctor cannot say so?
    Why when a member of the corrupt cabal, has even a slight headache he/she is flown away to another country to seek medical attention? Our health care systemn is a total and terrible failure.
    By the way was MADAM SPEAKER present at the house when Skerrit was spewing all that filth? And she permitted it? OMG.!!!!!
    It is clear that since after Skerrit was told that he will lose the election, BY HIS POLLSTERS, he has become a terribly dangerous and demented individual.
    I am so happy that the end is finally around the corner. Dominican will finally be loose from your dangerous, wicked and punishing shackles.

    • Anonymous
      August 5, 2014

      Some of u are just shameless workers and don’t think about the country so all of u who want to post long message like people in reading class,,just know one thing the labour government is here to stay. And next yr around the same time u all need to go bk to all the post allu use to write ,,,,,

    • The Facts
      August 5, 2014

      You should be threatened with a law suit for defamation of character. Let us say, if you were correct, you still have no right to make such comments. You could be sued. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

  110. Dominican in VA. G.N
    August 5, 2014

    Hats off to you my brother,Doctor, professional for your bravery in positively criticizing the health system in our homeland Dominica.you are a patriotic son of the soil who had better options for your personal development, but chose rather, to serve your country with honour,distinction and compassionate care. Your specialty is most deserving,the PM Skerrit and Julie tim must remember that your skill has benifitted thousands of Dominicans who would have had to travel overseas for more expensive services. Shame on Skerrit who up to this day cannot account for the hundreds of thousands of tax payers dollars that he and his entourage spend on fruitless overseas meeting that has further plunged Dominica into its bismal financial state.Leave the Doctor Alone. he saves lives.the deplorable state of the P.M.H. Should be an eye opener to all concerned dominicans that thinks the Labor party led by R. Skerrit cares. Take A LOOK.

    I HAD THE DISTINGUISHED PLEASURE OF WORKING WITH YOU Eipigh.Dont be intimidated.Power is only transient,

    • The Facts
      August 5, 2014

      He could open his own hospital and operate it as he so pleases. This should settle this situation.

  111. Anonymous
    August 5, 2014

    that man is purely evil! he is full of wickedness!
    the Dr. is on point the health care in Dominica is nothing to boast about. every time one has to do a major surgery in Dominica it cannot done here because of the lack of the specific equipment or human resource and it is not improving.

  112. August 5, 2014

    “The prime minister went on to say that anyone who supports the UWP is “a dishonest person” and “a bunch of modern day pirates” who have no interest in Dominica.”
    If my memory serves me right, I heard with my own ears, a similar statement, on several occasions, by Mr. Brian Linton – as host of a radio show on Sundays called “Between you and me” – telling/commanding/demanding young children to disobey their parents, because their parents supported the labour government. The reason for such a protest is his constant comparison/explanation of Dr. Aaron’s logical explanation of pursuing the politics of truth versus the Lintons version of what is perceived truths. As of last Sunday, when Lennox was the host, he claimed that a similar statement was first made by the PM. Here is a clear example of untruths and selective memory.

  113. Anonymous
    August 5, 2014

    Petty politics as usual (from ALL sides). Sigh!

    • The Facts
      August 5, 2014

      I would not call this petty politics. Can you not see the seriousness of what the doctor stated and the seriousness of the PM’s and his Minister of Health’s responses?

  114. Postal
    August 5, 2014

    The government really need to work on the healthcare facilities in Dominica. You see the Prime Minster’s wife didn’t even give birth in Dominica. We need better facilities PM…work on that.

    • The Facts
      August 5, 2014

      I do not think this was the reason.

  115. Anonymous
    August 5, 2014

    Dr Pascal, Annual leave is given to a member of staff for them to rest/relax and you are being paid while you are on annual leave by your employer. Doctors who fail to use the annual leave for what it is intended, are the ones who cause fatal errors. Such errors can sometimes lead to death.

    • Hypocrite
      August 5, 2014

      HYPOCRITE…Who can survive on that pittance civil servants receive….you and the PM should applaud the doctor for for working abroad because that is the only way he can make enough money to survive in Dominica….One of these days you will or your child or parents will need treatment form an ENT specialist and you will thank God that Dr. Pascal is in Dominica. Because you cannot afford to get treatment abroad….He in one of the few ENT Specialists in the region

    • Yam Babawoolais
      August 5, 2014

      I guess it is the same with ministers who are busy owning equipment and competing with public works.

    • >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
      August 5, 2014

      @Anonymous You know so much you must advice those who are raping and plundering this poor country to the bone. That is the reason why today you are a Skerrit lapdog and beggar. Maybe you would not be begging for your living.

    • Sayitloud
      August 5, 2014

      you are so stupid every one is paid for leave. You do what the hell you want with your vacation.

  116. i don't get it
    August 5, 2014

    So is it wrong for a professional to critic his own field? Should he just pretend that everything is going fine?

    • joe
      August 5, 2014

      @ ‘i don’t get it’ there is nothing wrong in criticizing it is the forum used for such criticism.

      If i employ you as my Marketing Manager you can criticize my management style etc to me and other staff if you so desire, but you must never ever go public whilst you are still under my employ, it is not ethical as a professional.

      IP knows that!!!!

      • August 5, 2014

        I would suggest you ask the Ministry of Health and the PM if they had spoken with the good doctor before he wrote the article .. I smell a real rat.

  117. LISTEN!!!!
    August 5, 2014

    Dr.Pascal believe me, no one touching you in Dominica.

  118. Liberty
    August 5, 2014

    I can only read with sadness the utterances of ourPM.
    Also the total failure of the speaker to bring him to order.
    To accuse Dominicans who do not support his views as being dishonest people brings the office and Parliament into disrespect.
    The record of the Pm to people who speak facts is not good.The doctor should indeed be concerned so should all Dominicans.We are well on the way to Papa Doc

  119. Galileo
    August 5, 2014

    If you ask me, the good doctor is overreacting. I respect Dr. Pascal for the work he is doing but I believe his connections are making him way too political. We need your services here. Express your rights on Election Day but becareful with politics. The intelligent, Behanzin has craftily to warn you many times.

    • Galileo
      August 5, 2014

      This should be Behanzin has tried to warn you. Sorry

    • August 5, 2014

      Who Allu think Fraid the Pm nuh? Stupes. IP doh even take on the PM, you are a very important person and that is why you were mentioned in our country’s debate by the PM, imagine no one ever mentioned the PM name in Parliament when he was teaching cause he was a nobody.

      Is because you are more brilliant than him that is why he is intimidated by you. HE STUDIED ENGLISH YOU STUDIED MEDICINE, LOL. Doh take the PM on, the adult pampers and wipes killed his budget so he had to get someone important to talk about so it could get a little life. Imagine that.

  120. Peace
    August 5, 2014

    That’s it!! I have had enough! These grown men have gotten on my last nerve. Dr. Pascal, based on the comments, how can you fear for your safety … and wonder if you should have bodyguards? And Hon. PM Skerritt, how does Dr. Pascal factor into the budget debate? And Lennox – there you go as usual trying to make the situation bigger than it is in your desire to make the “monster” appear worst than the reality. Enough!! It’s high time we get a woman to lead! None of these boys ain’t ready yet!

    • hmmmm
      August 5, 2014

      The man says he fears for his income and you have a problem with him saying that? You who are so above such political wranglings….keep playing down the threat to democracy that is Skerrit.

    • ()
      August 5, 2014

      @Peace Go ask GON EMMANUEL if he had any reason to be fearful for his life!!!!!!!!!!!!
      Your Dam Hypocrite!!!!!. We are in Dominica where the ruling party is battling for its life.!!!!! Stop whistling down both sides of you long mouth and spewing garbage down the center.
      Doctor Pascal has every right to be afraid.

    • Anonymous
      August 5, 2014

      a monster will always remain a monster. there is no big or small monster. stop making excuses for skerrit.
      Mr.Linton is only speaking the truth. as the saying goes later will be greater.
      and that’s it!

    • humble_me
      August 5, 2014

      I agree.

    • Dominican in VA. G.N
      August 5, 2014

      you need to look at the bigger picture

    • DA4real
      August 5, 2014

      He factored into the debate because in his article he criticize the health system in Dominica for which he is paid a salary and the government has to appropriate monies to the healthcare system which includes his salary. That is why he factored into the budget.

    • paul
      August 5, 2014

      Come on Doc, the man just call your name what you frighten for? This is simple the politics of importance. It is completely laughable when one listens to what the PM said cocerning Ip for IP to conclude that his safety is at risk.. stop playing stupid politics.

      • leaves you 2 wonder
        August 5, 2014

        Remember the “the lady from St Joe, half half half half half half” no fire comes with out smoke.

    • afan
      August 5, 2014

      You think that the doc shouldnt feel threatened when are mentioned in negative conotations by not 1 minister but 2, one of which is the prime minister? Well it seems you are doing the polar opposite of what you accuse Lennox of doing so stop being hypocritical just to push your own agenda of deflection. How can we tolerate a government who operates like this? I read the article in question and i feel the criticism was warranted and is something that should be promoted in any openly democratic system. Once the public money is involved we should ensure that there is open discourse including by those who are employed by the state since they serve us the people and NOT the politicians. Your credibility waned in my viee from the time you tried to blame everybody when the only persons at fault here are the PM and his minister of health for abusing parliamentary previlges to threaten an employee of the state and citizen

  121. August 5, 2014

    Right now the Prime Minister need to be quiet he himself has criticized the health system in Dominica. by his actions.the health system was not good enough for his child to be born in it that’s why he send his wife to America were she would get the best possible care and that’s were she gave birth. When the leader of the country is doing that what does it say about the health system

    • patient
      August 5, 2014

      I agree. Skerro please relax. As the prime minister, if you are aware that Dr Pascal is allegedly leaving state for other jobs when tax payers are paying him,why didn’t you give him some sort of warning letter? DR PASCAL HAS BEEN OUR ENT FOR YEARS!Hon Skerro you are so interested in DOMINICA to the point where you only point out at issues when they critique your health sector? This is hilarious. DR PASCAL PLEADE DON’T LEAVE. I DON’T TRUST ANY OTHER PRACTIONER IN MY EARS. BUT apparently if you travel to greener pastures I will take a loan for your services.

    • DA4real
      August 5, 2014

      The point is where is the threat and what is the threat. He went on to talk and the PM responded. Where is the issue? Is this a matter of I can talk and no one can. Come on Dr. Pascal. If you are paid a salary in the healthcare system, the PM is right you should hold some accountability for is inefficiency.

      • August 5, 2014

        Just as the Pm should be accountable for Dominicans being unemployed

      • Amarossa
        August 6, 2014

        No!!! You are dead wrong!!! The Minister of Health and the Prime Minister should be held FULLY ACCOUNTABLE!!

        The Medical Doctors and Specialists can only operate with the equipment they have been given. It is up to the MOH and the PM to find resources to purchase State of the Art equipment for Dominica.

        Stop talking your nonsense and go learn something.

  122. Massacre
    August 5, 2014

    This is what you get in a Dictatorial State! Slowly and slowly we are sliding down the slipery slope of one party state. Skeritt’s DLP is becoming a Robert Mogabe type regime.
    Dominicans I am telling you to be on guard and stop this madness at the polls.

    • DA4real
      August 5, 2014

      Stop talking nonsense if there is anything about dictatorship is the fact that Dr. Pascal is implying that the PM should not respond to his criticism made in his editorial. You all need to stop that BS. STOP being backsassward in my Nancy Grace voice.

  123. lula
    August 5, 2014

    Take it easy Dr. Pascal. You are the only ENT we have. we wil die if u leave us.

    Have faith

  124. August 5, 2014

    This is all about politics, folks please try do what best for our country,

    • Hypocrites
      August 5, 2014

      You hypocrite…Is Dr. Pascal a politician?

      • real possie
        August 5, 2014

        Are you kidding me? look at the other guys that post columns on here did you ever see the talk so political as this guy from since this guy came on he never tell people how to live a good life is always politics he after

      • Anonymous
        August 6, 2014

        Can’t you see the signs like Lennox before him?

  125. simplyJ
    August 5, 2014

    No weapon formed againt you shall prosper IP

    • DA4real
      August 5, 2014

      Where is the weapon you blind political followers. Stop that nonsense. Let democracy reign.

      • Jp Wesley
        August 5, 2014

        ‘Let democracy reign” so let the doctor speak.

      • August 5, 2014

        Look how illiterate you a lack of understanding ask someone to brake down the statement for you . I like it

      • DA4real
        August 6, 2014

        Well JP Wesley, who is not allowing the DR to speak? He need to stop crying foul.

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