More human resource needed in Welfare Division

Sawana Fabien
Sawana Fabien

Social Welfare Officer, Sawana Fabien, is urging the authorities to invest more in the country’s youth by providing specialized human resource in the Social Welfare Division.

Speaking recently on the issue of Violence against women, Fabien, who possesses a first degree in psychology,  said that one of the biggest problems which the Social Welfare Division faces, is the lack of human resource.

“We don’t have a clinical psychologist, we don’t have a family therapist, we don’t have specialized people in this field to deal with effects or the situations that come to us on a daily basis,” she said.

She stated that there are no human resources to deal with sexual abuse. “A child who has been sexually abused suffers a lot of psychological effects and if you don’t have the trained people to deal with them you just basically spinning around in circles. That is a concern and we ask the relevant authorities look into that,” she said.

Fabien also indicated that a survey done by Child Abuse Prevention Unit, which was presented to UNICEF in 2012, revealed that Child Sexual Abuse is on the rise.

“Child sexual abuse ranked highest in all the child abuse reported cases … there’s also a high rate of incest; step fathers, mothers, brothers, and uncles,” she said.

She said that research has shown that some of the contributing factors leading to this, are the socio economic conditions of the family, overcrowding of the homes, children’s lack of sexual education, the over exposure to sex on the television and the internet and the cultural acceptance in the community.

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  1. Anonymous
    March 17, 2013

    I think I have the right to speak on this subject – am qualified to do do. I am proud of the young lady in identifying the needs for resources to address the issues that they as a department – child welfare is facing. As a nations it is not that we lack the resources as we need to set our priorities and invest in the protection and safety of our children. We do have highly qualified individuals out there who are more than willing to work for our communities and island. To the young lady may you continue to raise your voice for the needs of our at risk women and children.

  2. Anonymous
    March 16, 2013

    I guess I was too late to see where the article calls her a psychologist. Alright, I know a clinical psychologist who needs a job. I will be sure to let her know

  3. star
    March 14, 2013

    Why do certain persons take simple things and go so far with it we just have to many negative persons in this country and those who say the most are those who do the least because they are so busy bringing down others with negatives they have no time to do anything constructive for development, no wonder our young people have this attitude. I am from bense and don’t u dear make us look like we are the worst of the lot,stuff happen everywhere, wannie we are proud of you.

  4. Sawana
    March 13, 2013

    Hi everyone
    Just here noticing all the comments. I am not a psychologist, never said i was. I am aware of all the requirements and criterias in becoming one. Fickisha i agree with your statement.I too have been exposed to the same knowledge on the requirements of obtaining such a title.I have started the journey but i am not there yet.
    Lets be smart enough to know that there are errors in reporting and this is one of them.

    To the other comments just wanna say thanks for the support.

  5. T mama
    March 12, 2013

    The Government has failed u all….this department is so important…

  6. lisad
    March 12, 2013

    Why is it that you people always tend to ignore the messages and focus on the messenger? Did anyone recognize the call for a better staffed welfare division with key personnel who will assist in alleviating some of the problems faced by the division?I think that was the message. So cut the young lady some slacks. To the individual who is concerned about my village Bense, I hope you are sharing the information that you have with the relevant authorities or else you are just a hater.

  7. ok
    March 12, 2013

    Why does every news item meet so much negative criticism? It is obvious that many of us are overeducated:…. Then for crying out loud get off your asses and get the country going. The going lady is just pointing out what we lack.

  8. Concerned
    March 12, 2013

    Ms.Fabien is only doing her Job. As far as i know she studied in trinidad in 2007 she graduated with a Bachelors Degree in Behavioral Science. She is well learned and informed on the subject hence the reason she represented her department. she is not a pyschologist but will soon be. she represents the women and the abused children. cut her her some slacks for crying out loud.

  9. student
    March 12, 2013

    When parents are the very ones abusing their children sexually and otherwise, we will always have this problem! I make no apologies for saying that! People are becoming parents without understanding what it takes to raise a child and the importance of their role as parents in making a difference in society. So before we look at the neigbhour and the family friend or close relative we must look right in the homes at the parents themselves because while we are calling on parents to report these cases and safeguard their children they are very of those same acts. Of course we cannot legislate who and who become parents so we really have problem on our hands. However, I would like to commend Miss Fabien and others like her for the part they play in trying to stem this problem. Keep up the good work!!!

  10. Anonymous
    March 12, 2013

    “…….. and the cultural acceptance in the community.”…..

    Charity begins at home, let’s start with Bense.

    • Stupes
      March 12, 2013

      Charity begins at home? can she alone do it? smh

  11. Anonymous
    March 12, 2013

    “….the over exposure to sex on the television and the internet and “”””the cultural acceptance in the community.””””…..that was my favorite line in the entire article.

    Let’s start with Bense.

    • Anonymous
      March 12, 2013

      What happening in bense? would you share with us…seems you know something about bense…

  12. really
    March 12, 2013

    she is not a psychologist.she dont even have a degree DNO get the facts right…

    • Nicolas
      March 12, 2013

      She does have a bachelors degree.

      • Anonymous
        March 12, 2013

        a bachelors,,, and you have guts to say that. a bachelors cannot make you a psychologist.

      • really
        March 12, 2013

        a bachelors,,, and you have guts to say that.. a bachelors cannot make you a psychologist…

  13. hmmm
    March 12, 2013

    Well said Ms. Fabien. The welfare division does they best that they can. I just hope that the P.S Mrs. Thomas is listening and will put something into action, instead of playing politics within the division.

  14. March 12, 2013

    These are the things that the guys need to spend their time on,instead of who is the holder of how many passports.And by that I mean all since I’m not for any party but rather for the betterment of the country and everyone therein.

  15. Nicolas
    March 11, 2013

    The article states that she is a psychologist so why don’t they hire her to work as the psychologist for the Division?

  16. hear my cry
    March 11, 2013

    you said it right might there. we need to approach the solution to these problems using a multidisciplinary approach… the sad thing is those who are qualify are not paid for the jobs they do…. or some technocrats in certain ministries have monopolies on certain department and the powers that be let them treat the system like it is an estate their father left for them

  17. ok
    March 11, 2013

    i always wondered why welfare was so unproductive and some of the staff dont give a hey. thanks for letting me know that there is a lack of , in my own words ‘skilled and hospitable people’ there

    • ok
      March 11, 2013

      i meant to say, ‘skilled, hospitable, and understanding’

  18. Fikisha
    March 11, 2013

    No malice or disrespect to the young lady, but where I live, one can only legally call himself/herself a Psychologist after one passes the Board Exams and gets a license. A Masters degree in Psychology prepares a person to work as a counselor or child advocate etc. A doctoral degree in Psychology prepares you to work as a Psychologist but only after you have passed the exams and spent a year or two under the internship of a certified Psychologist.

    I have also been wondering about the loose application of the term “Social Worker”. It seems every politician et al is a Social Worker without any formal training in the profession.

    With reference to the issue at hand, the essence of Child Welfare should always be safety. As regards sexual abuse being on the rise, I think it has always been an issue but only appears to be on the rise because of better reporting and development of other mediums like the internet and education.

  19. March 11, 2013

    flower od SDA …..doing her part. goeth and perform your chritlike duties my dear.

    good statement!

  20. Castle Bruce
    March 11, 2013

    Speak out girl! Say it like it is! The welfare division is suffering alot. Lack of personnel to deal with the abundance of cases through out the country. Incest is at its all time high and still this is not seen as urgent. The workers are unable to carry out their duties efficiently.They have so much to deal with, probation, public assistance and more. So MS Fabien is right. I wonder who is going to listen. I not even sure what The chief welfare officer can do. But based on what we see going on in the country, we have to agree with Sawana on this. It’s too much for them to deal with especially. Then when something makes the news is them that have to take the heat. The authorities need to do something. How can you have a welfare Division without a Psychologist. This is an indication that this particular area is not taken seriously. The whole thing is a big joke.

  21. music maker
    March 11, 2013

    big up girl…..great job.. We people to understand the ills of society..and the seeds we are sowing

  22. Anestin
    March 11, 2013

    Well done Wannie…

  23. Anonymous
    March 11, 2013

    Excuses, Excuses and more Excuses…. I do not see welfare out there, just a lazy bunch who does nothing.

    • Anonymous
      March 11, 2013

      Maybe they just don’t know what to do -they are not qualified to deal with these issues.

    • Not a herd follower
      March 12, 2013

      Quite clearly, you know nothing of the work and challenges faced by welfare officers. So, shut up!

    • D/can
      March 12, 2013

      You can actually see they want to do something. They are asking for assistance in that area…an area that need some professionals! if u think they are sooo LAZY, give them a help… if u don’t have anything positive to say do not say anything at all :-| !! You go guys!! :-D

    • Stupes
      March 12, 2013

      I will respond to this one in the most positive manner…a lazy bunch who does nothing? consider the few welfare officers who have to service the entire country and not just on matters of child abuse but a whole range of subject areas…think of all the families in need, think of all the reports, think of all the areas of sensitization that needs to be done…do you think that this limited staffing is equal to laziness??? think again ‘anonymous’ because the welfare officers of the welfare division is doing their best to ensure that they serve their districts…unless you would do a better job????

  24. Proud
    March 11, 2013

    Fruits of SDA, am proud of you!!

  25. hahaha
    March 11, 2013


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