Physically challenged man poses problem in Roseau

The man has not moved from the location on Tuesday afternoon
The man has not moved from the location on Tuesday afternoon

Business places along the corner of Hillsborough Street and Independence Street in the vicinity of Sargicor life Inc have been in an uncomfortable state for a few days and are calling on the relevant authorities to give them some relief.

This, as a physically challenged man has apparently made the area his home for the past couple of days.

According to persons who work in the area, the man has not moved  for a few days now and is even relieving himself on the pavement.

Because of that the area reeks of human waste, making it difficult for businesses to operate.

“We could not work downstairs because of him and the smell,” an employee who works at a business establishment told DNO. “He was actually in the entrance of the building.”

She said the man was told to move so water could be used to clean the area but he only took position on the other side of the street.

According to the employee the Social Welfare Division was contacted on the matter but said it was out of their hands.

The welfare division confirmed to DNO that a call was received but reiterated that the situation is beyond their control since the man could not be physically removed from the location.

DNO was told the police were also contacted but they had not shown up as of Tuesday afternoon.

The question remains, what should be done with this man who apparently is in need of assistance.

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  1. Justice and Truth
    May 1, 2013

    I hope something was done for him and that he was brought to the rightful place where he resides and appropriately taken care of, feeding him and cleaning him up. He, sitting in front of businesses and yes, relieving himself (from pee – urinating, pooping on himself – defecating) right there. It must be upsetting for the owners, staff, customers and passersby, bad enough inhaling this unhealthy atmosphere, such a situation cannot continue forever.

  2. DragoTo
    May 1, 2013

    Drago have lots and lots of family, brothers, sisters, uncles, aunties, cousins, nieces, nephews, and the list goes on, hmmmmm somebody should come forward, and help the man!

    • Justice and Truth
      May 1, 2013

      Imagine! I thought so. One of them or a few must have been taking care of him. The government should contact the closest relative(s). They should be responsible for him. Failure to do so, the government should take steps against them accordingly.

  3. GLORY
    May 1, 2013

    We need to love and take care of our own…life is a cycle…

    • Justice and Truth
      May 1, 2013

      You are correct! We should consider ourselves and our future and what could happen to us which we cannot fathom at this moment. We must not be neglectful of others who are need especially family members. Too many have done that in the past and some are doing so in the present. God is taking note.

  4. supporter
    May 1, 2013

    no body seem to be accepting the responsiblity to do anything about health nuisances. i visited a well known person’s propertyin the south of the island .Myself and my overses based relatives were impressed. there is no other farm like this. But elas the PIG PENS SMELL from his wicked pastor friend had us all blocking our nostrils with tissue Our host told us inspite of several complaint to the environmental health ministry the situation is not better .THIS NEIGHBOUR’sPLACE IS A LANDFIELD. come on Mr chief EHO do something to help your former colleague

  5. May 1, 2013

    i feel sorry for him wii :cry:

  6. Anonymous
    May 1, 2013

    He has no family or neighbours to be impressed with “yes we care” to vote Skerrit so no way this poor man will be a candidate for yes we care.

    Yes we care is 100% politics.

    Maybe people should lie and say he has 150 family members and 400 neighbours in Marigot see how fast Skerro reach to help him.

  7. Francisco Telemaque
    May 1, 2013

    Malgraysa May 1, 2013
    “Francisco, for an intelligent man you are really pedantic this time. Suggestions as to how to address the situation and avoid a recurrence would be more helpful.” (Malgraysa).

    My intention was not about finding a solution to the man’s problem, although I recognized he is demented, having some sort of psychological problem. In any event I know he has a chemical imbalance which causes him to behave in this way.

    However since I noticed that someone had difficulties understand a simply word such as “relieving” themselves, I thought I would try to make it understandable to the person by writing a few different definitions of the word, I hope that this person will never embarrassed themselves in that way in regards to that particular word again.

    As far as a resolve to this unfortunate person problem, let me say charity begins at home! So, the question is: what about his immediate family? If he has no relatives, brothers, and sisters, sons and daughters, then the responsibility rest in the hands of the government, there was a time when we had an infirmary, or what is term the “poor-house” some social welfare official should take care of our unfortunates like him. Instead what we hear is that officials are saying “our hands are tied, we cannot forcible remove him.”

    That to me that is baloney okay; because it is obvious that this man is mentally ill, and requires medical attention, as such it the responsibility of the government to send an ambulance to get him and take him to the regular hospital where he can be diagnosed, in the process he should be cleaned with soap, and water, if he is found to be mentally ill he should be placed in the care of the mental institution where he can be treated with psychiatric medication.

    It a shame that people in our country get to a point where we simply do not care for the unfortunate, who are as sick as this man, if he has family, his family has no heart. there are thousands of miles between Los Angeles, and Dominica, but I assure you as of this moment I know what has transpired in my Village of Wesley this morning, even to who have left the village for the United States.

    I have family residing there, I make it my business to find out which of them have an immediate need for something, and I help when I can, I operate that way because I care, and I help not only my family, I help anyone who has a need!

    I read where some has asked God to send a good Samaritan, if that person is in Dominica, he/she might be the Samaritan, so why all this talk and no help! There are others like him suffering in Dominica, let us not forget the man in Portsmouth, locked in a cage like a dog eating his feces!

    Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

    • Justice and Truth
      May 2, 2013

      Francisco why are you getting worked up over this? The man may be stubborn and refuses their help. It could be a problem taking care of someone as him. I wonder if he is a dangerous person. If so, they could be afraid of him, never expecting that he would find himself in front of businesses in Roseau.
      We do comprehend that the man has a problem. However, if he has relatives should he be in such a state unless they do not care about him?
      You made a fuss over the word “relieving”. Some people do ask questions. They may never have heard of the word and may not know how to search for the meaning of certain words. If you know how to find the word why not inform the person how to go about searching for it on the computer system of all?
      You appear to be an educated person. You should know what it means. These are a few meanings relevant to this situation:

      Something unpleasant. Relieve yourself; same as urinate, pooping – excrement- waste material from the body. Make something prominent; stand out by contrast.
      Who can stand that and in an area where he is sitting?

  8. thinkinman
    May 1, 2013

    “this country is too free!!!” Ppl understand that the Grotto can be contacted, welfare can be contacted… this man will simply return to wherever he feels comfortable …side walk or wherever he has a “right” to loiter. its not that he cannnot move…its cus he’s perfectly comfy where he is and noone, not the Roseau City council, Welfare, Gov’t of Dominica will do anything about the homeless, mentally disabled, strung out addicts that roam and loiter the city and continue to be an eyesore and nuisance to our locals and guests… we talk about tourism..least establish a facility like how they have in Barbados “blackrock” to keep these folks. Tourist shuldnt have to be walking over these folks on sidewalks or endure being harassed for $ in some cases almost assaulted by them. Some say it’s part of the “experience” of Dominica, but this shudnt be the experience we want to give. As usual, noone here wants to take responsibility…meantime everyone is affected. Great job

  9. Physical
    May 1, 2013

    shame on you!
    what about cients like myself who has been with ur insurance for so many people and never claimed nothing, can’t you not FOCUS on 1 person that is incapable of himself? have any of your employees offered atleast lunch to him?
    rather than complain, invest in the so you can show me you care.
    by the way, coming down on all you HAD

    • thinkinman
      May 1, 2013

      feed a stray and it will keep returning. why give him lunch? only to really want to stay in the area? btw the word is “Hard” not “had” which is past tence for have.

      • !
        May 1, 2013

        and the correct spelling is past tenSe not tence.

    • Boom
      May 1, 2013

      If you care so much how come you doh take him in and care for him insetad of passing to take a picture and then running to DNO to bump your gumbs? (Sorry….pound the keyboard, not “bump your gumbs.”)

  10. Kubuli Kountry
    May 1, 2013

    I took my time and read all of the comments about Drago…but with all the blaming and finger-pointing at each other, NONE of you even stopped for a moment to think, maybe, just maybe Drago WANTS to be on the street?? Sometimes these people like Drago prefer to be on the street where they can beg. I guess they believe they can prick our consciences so we will dip our hands in our pockets and feed them.

  11. YAP
    May 1, 2013

    Are you serious Dominica? Are you aware that this is now international news? The decision is obvious. This man is very incapable of taking care of himself. Isn’t there a home for the aged or infirmary? Simply inform the man of a decision to move him into the infirmary and clean him up,unless he has family who disagrees and hence would be obligated to assume that responsibility.

    Dominica, you are obligated to take care of your own once they become incapable of doing so. Who is Dominica? Smart ones, please define Dominica.

    • Student
      May 1, 2013

      THANK YOU!!!

      My sentiments exactly. He IS in capable of taking care of himself and we are treat this like its nothing. SHAME ON US!!! SHAME on those who supposed to be responsible for cases like these.

      I expect to hear very soon that something has been done about this and this man is in proper, loving care

      • black nobility
        May 1, 2013

        Give me a break this man is capable of hoping on one leg and dancing when he is drinking rum but cannot go somewhere to take a crap. Shut the hell up you wannabe dominicans living overseas.

    • Boom
      May 1, 2013

      YAP: “Simply inform the man of a decision to move him into the infirmary and clean him up,unless he has family who disagrees and hence would be obligated to assume that responsibility.”

      Lol! It is this easy, huh? Lol! I can see the scene: (nice gentle voice) “sir, we have decided to move you to Grotto. So, we are going to move you now. Somebody there will clean you and what not.” Man replies: “Yes, mam. Fank you very much.” Man casually lets himself be lifted into a vehicle. Case closed. Well, almost. :mrgreen:

      You people seem to be living in a bubble. You actually believe that life is as simple as ABC, huh? Your memory of Domincia is so old that you believe that we do not know how to deal with people like that man. Lol! Keep on yapping.

    • John Paul
      May 1, 2013

      Is that a shock to the International Community? LOL I remember the first time I walked down Yonge Street in Toronto and Saw a Caucasan Bum going from Garbage can to Garbage can eating and finding cigarette butts etc.I am just tired of hearing those type of comments .The whole world has similar problems and with the internet it is immediate International News .Give that line a break please!Everybody Laundry hanging around the world at the speed of light !

  12. Darwin.
    May 1, 2013

    Ebeh weh, best i just leave all you in all you beff and maylay . But please do me a favor, if we really want to help this man contact the Grotto Home for the homeless.

  13. toma
    May 1, 2013

    some of you talking may be living in the area, but we calling on church and government go out and do something to help this man

  14. RO
    May 1, 2013

    Shame on the news people at DNO. They should get their information correct. Don’t go around calling people and then putting information that was never said. Now i see how these news people like “twaka”. They give their readers wrong information just to create a stir…SMH! People get your information correct and then publish TRUE stories!!!!!

  15. grell
    May 1, 2013

    very sad so this man has no family,shame on the business people in roseau,as i will always say the rich will get richer and the poor gets poorer,where are they to chip in and help this man.poor dominicans.

  16. shakespere
    May 1, 2013

    sorry for been so synical again but just put a spliff in his hand and they will remove him instantly

    • Rastafari
      May 1, 2013


  17. Darwin.
    May 1, 2013

    Are we at all interested in truth in Dominica or do we
    just love beth and melay ? The man is at the Grotto in the evenings he comes to town in the day to beg. I am sure i see this man at the Grotto every evening on my way home and i see him almost everyday in town because i do sales on foot in Roseau almost daily. Why remove a comment which is truthful, eh ?

  18. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    May 1, 2013

    you see every body is labour but wa they doing for us ntn at all look how the young ppl on the street no job so wa about them man there it will always b worse for the , but if it was a vote they wanted all the ppl that walking mad on the road you would see how they would b taken care of just for a vote but now they doe have no part in wa happen to ppl now

  19. Anonymous
    May 1, 2013

    But wait a minute. We forget that we have a government of the people, by the people and for the people? Yes corporate citizens can assist, but government has the first responsibility in matters as this.

    Now is a dam good time for the YES WE CARE Program to step up to the plate

  20. undisclosed
    May 1, 2013

    Really….is this news worthy?

  21. as for my house
    May 1, 2013

    ok.we all talking about every thing exept he getting one meal.if he hasnt move for a few days jesus,who feeds this poor man .heart breaking.

  22. anonymous2
    May 1, 2013

    Police……take the man back to the Grotto Home. End of story.

  23. Anonymous
    May 1, 2013

    I think that Mr. Drago is everybodys’s problem. From my point of view if Mr. Drago is releving himself in the same possition in which he is, that means he has a health problem that need to be attended to. Instead of trying to get him out of there with no medical assistance will make matters worse. Why does’nt the Government try to assist this man since no one eles would. Where is the heart of Dominicians, this would not have happened 20years ago. It seems that everyone is for self…someone please help this poor man. the main word is compassion. please help.

  24. (.) (.)
    May 1, 2013

    I wonder whether all those blah blah blahing would do otherwise but it’s human

  25. Justice and Truth
    April 30, 2013

    Our Lord Jesus Christ is showing himself to be rejected and with his sufferings in the physically challenged. Government authority please do something good for this man.
    He appears to be a challenge alright other than being physically challenged. He may be mentally impaired.
    The question is, what to do with him otherwise? Obviously, he is a lonely man. Being out on the street he can see people pass by.
    Surely he can talk and walk. If he can talk the authorities should question him as to his place of abode.
    Who fed him during those two days he has been sitting there?
    He must have a family in DA. How old is he? Where was he residing? He must have been living somewhere. He may either have a wife or a girlfriend or once had. He may be a widower, has children, grandchildren, cousins, neighbors. Depending on his age he may still have parents. Some people in Roseau or elsewhere in DA would know who he is.
    Someone must have been feeding him. He did not just drop from out of space or that someone placed him there.
    The area where he is should be fumigated for it is obviously unhealthy, i.e., caused by the stench which emanates from him.
    A physically challenged person who has nowhere to stay should be a ward of the government. I cannot comprehend that Social Welfare stated that it is out of their hands. What of the mayor?
    He can be helped if the proper authority comes to his aid, take him to the Grotto of all, have someone, a helper bathe him or supervise him while he is bathing, then give him some clean clothes and feed him.
    I have another solution. If he is placed somewhere and does not want to remain there, he should be sedated. No joking! This is one way of keeping him calm and in one place and not on the streets of Roseau in front of business places.

  26. Holiday Island Boy
    April 30, 2013

    Its always somebody else’s problem !Have we learn nothing from that noble citizen of Samaria?

  27. john public
    April 30, 2013

    I am just reading that on DNO now and I suspect that if Bonti Liverpool at the rehab know of that he would have do something. In all those who say that they help people that man is true and sure and he does it for no money at all. So somebody just tell himabout it.

  28. Fair and balance
    April 30, 2013

    Stop looking at everyone,and be the change you want to see.

  29. Glen Beck
    April 30, 2013

    Christian country my ass all i seeing is comment for god or some other christians to help this man i say do it your bloody self that is the better thing!

    • Rastafari
      May 1, 2013

      Well said. you can’t talk about God and Jesus and don’t help the poor guy…syupes man! Christianity my b&hind

  30. The World needs LOVE
    April 30, 2013

    What can the YES, WE CARE! programme do to help? Maybe only this programme can help this man as it has done so many abandoned senior citizens. Please help him.

    How many of our senior or disabled citizens are homeless or living in deplorable conditions in shacks? One just has to drive around Roseau after sunset to find the clearly visible ones. Many more are hidden away in yards or on family property.

    How sad!!!

  31. Anonymous
    April 30, 2013

    God please send a good samaritan to rescue this man

  32. April 30, 2013

    please to all christians in ur part wash him, give him some food, this may be a test. what so ever u do to the least of my brother that the LORD will do unto u amen, stop talk do the walk.Help the man might be an ANGEL.

    • favors upon ya
      May 1, 2013

      Christians alone you seeing…. it is an obligation to each and every citizen of this blessed country to help each other… you know the scripture so well.. .what does that tell you

    • Rastafari
      May 1, 2013

      There are no Christians in Dominica, just plain old duplicitous, hypocritical, selfish jokers. If Jesus comes back today, not one of them would take up their yoke and follow him. SHAME!

  33. Roseau queen
    April 30, 2013

    inside of sagicor has a staff in managerial position who happens to be a pastor. no name no warrant. he not seeing a way to use the tithe by helping the poor man

    • anonymous2
      May 1, 2013

      Pastor is only a title certain individuals tout in DA.

    • dominican
      May 1, 2013

      have you seen the vehicle he drives? man all of them have lost their way suv, big house and worldly possessions all of them after.

    • Viewpoint
      May 1, 2013

      he is on vacation

    • Student
      May 1, 2013

      I may not know who this Pastor is but it is amazing how we can dress up nice and go to church every week, drive nice vehicles, live in nice houses hold good jobs and just talk Christianity but we cannot see opportunities to put it into practice- we ignore the plight of the unfortunate. What a SHAME!!!
      This pastor (and others) perhaps needs to go read the four Gospels in the bible and note how Jesus ministered -hardly from a pulpit and getting his hands dirty at times and make this be a lesson to us all.

  34. Anonymous
    April 30, 2013

    Obviously, the man needs psychiatric care and placed in a home for the elderly. Because he maybe poor they acting like they don’t know what to do with him. .

  35. Neg Gwanbay
    April 30, 2013

    It’s a roseau problem.

    • ginger
      May 1, 2013

      why don’t someone take him, to the river for a bath

  36. Looking in
    April 30, 2013

    If it was to vote, a politician would pick him up, feed him, clean him and take him to the place to vote…but’s not election day.

    • Student
      May 1, 2013

      So so true :-|

  37. de shooes squeezing
    April 30, 2013

    It is situations like this,that Mayor Cecil and the Roseau City Council need to look into and not blow steam about Peter karam and Acme Garage sidewalk on Cork Street. If he cannot do it alone, then he needs request the help of the police and fire and rescue services on the island.
    Cecil, Cecil,Cecil, you should take a lead and help rectify this situation.

  38. April 30, 2013

    if it was a rich man olu would not do that god comes in all different ways you never no

  39. D/can to de bone(F
    April 30, 2013

    Scandal in Dominica again This poor man is a Dominican like us. You mean the authority responsible of dealing with this single situation are unable to do so?? Where is the apporicate authority to deal with the situation? Is Dominica a isolated house where no one cares??

    This news is read allaround the world. who cares for the homeless in Dominica??

  40. jahyout
    April 30, 2013

    We only care after people die man… Every hands are tied behind there backs… What have we come to in DA… Jah help us… As BLESSINGS would say, Jah help those that try to elevate Man kind to Humanity…

  41. April 30, 2013

    What soever you do to the list of my brother that you don to him.[GOD} why not try to help the man instead of making a big issue with that.Man condemn but God has a special place to put him. instead of turning our faces Please give a helping hand to some one in need.

    • Nel
      April 30, 2013

      so what is ur suggestion. My lecturer always tells us, don’t come to her with a complain if you don’t have a solution.

  42. Fellow Pastor
    April 30, 2013

    You know, this is a perfect opportunity for the Pastors of your island to prove themselves.

    We do enjoy the big houses and spotlight, however the lord gave us this calling to help the less fortunate.

    And is in this aspect I say, fellow Pastors, armed with the lord’s blessing go out there and help this poor man.

    • I DIE NU
      April 30, 2013

      Why can’t you do just what you are asking?Every man for himself and God for us ALL.

      • Off island
        May 1, 2013

        I don’t live in Dominica therefore I can only help financially and plead with you to take him physically.find his family,make a pledge for financial help….

    • Nel
      April 30, 2013

      It should start with u brother man.

    • Student
      May 1, 2013

      Well as a Pastor just go and do something for him- since you know what to do- enough talk.

  43. off island
    April 30, 2013

    It is a shame to see that many of you who have commented,have focused on placing the blame, criticizing or make suggestions,but not one of you has done anything to help him.Instead of asking others to help why don’t you go get him, clean him up,feed him and then look for a place for him? those of us who are off island could hopefully help financially….

    • Student
      May 1, 2013

      You are right you know -your comment got me thinking but I am off island now and studying and not in a position to help financially but if I were home definitely I would do something to help.

      I am joining with you however and calling on those who can help.

  44. Francisco Telemaque
    April 30, 2013

    Anonymous April 30, 2013

    “What do you all mean by “relieving”. Please clarify.”

    We are in the twenty-first century, it’s shameful that someone who seems to be computer literate has very little comprehension of the English language!

    One should be ashamed to let the world discover that she/he does not know the meaning of a simple word such as relief: there are lots of different meanings to the word, however in the context it is used, and the subject it represents; any fool should be in a position to determine the meaning.

    Here are different ways in which the word can be defined: one can be relief, or relieve themselves:

    1. To be free from a burden

    2. To be set free from an obligation, condition, or some form of restriction

    3. The word also means; (and this is in legal sense) to be eased of a burden, or a wrong, or oppression by judicial, or legislative interposition.

    4. Relieve also means to bring about the removal, or alleviation of a situation.

    When a person defecates, ( having a bowel movement) or excretes (urinates) that is term relieving one self.

    In this case DNO is talking about the discharging of his bladder, and bowels in the streets, sidewaalks, or on private property.

    Some Anonymous said I am dumb, I do not know if that one is one of the same: maybe I am dumb; however, do not think I could be so dumb to asks anyone to clarify such an simple word.

    Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

    • Malgraysa
      May 1, 2013

      Francisco, for an intelligent man you are really pedantic this time. Suggestions as to how to address the situation and avoid a recurrence would be more helpful.

  45. Doc. Love
    April 30, 2013

    The Skerrit Labor Government has been very boastful of the “yes we care” programe,maybe if the gentleman puts a red shirt on him the Government will care. The Mayor of Roseau should be more concerned about the poor gentleman,instead of trying to put pressure on the Karams.

  46. J
    April 30, 2013

    When I am blessed with money, that’s one of the institutions I would like to put in place. A dormitary for the homeless. Our society is going to the dogs.

  47. Anonymous
    April 30, 2013

    The welfare department should see to it this man is out of the street.

  48. Jay
    April 30, 2013

    The Florida Caribbean Cruise Association is due to visit us shortly to assess for themselves the attractions Dominica has to offer. Well, here is one prime exhibit!

    • Justice and Truth
      April 30, 2013

      :lol: He will be taken out of there prior to their arrival.

    • Fair and balance
      April 30, 2013

      Some ppl never have anything nice to say about Dominica.You think Florida is immuned to these things? Rubbish

  49. wait a whil
    April 30, 2013

    but grotto home close down man???

    • for true
      April 30, 2013

      many of those people do not like to stay in institutions like the grotto; they look at it like they are being imprisoned; they would rather be out on the street making their own money (begging) and the like

    • Anonymous
      April 30, 2013

      Grotto home broke.

  50. lion
    April 30, 2013

    So all the people care about is their businesses? Why not call and see who can assist the man..He sat in the entrance because he clearly needs help…He might have a smell going but the biggest stench is the reaction from the people who should be assisting him. SMH

  51. Five o
    April 30, 2013

    Can someone please Help the padner…Call the church pastors clergy etc…….

  52. Gell-O
    April 30, 2013

    This must be rocket science; how to remove a disabled vagrant from the corner of a business place.

    The thesis was published in the DA media to help come to a solution.

    Hmmmmm….I’m thinking of what to do.

    • Distured
      April 30, 2013

      It is social science… sadly. Not moving him, ppl will have problems. Moving him ppl will still have problems.

      What can u do?

  53. Patriotic B
    April 30, 2013

    Can the Welfare Division collaborate with an ambulance, Fire dept., etc to take him to grotto or infirmary for a shower, food and housing until they can find permanent home or solution for him?

    This is an emergency. The man is disabled. I can’t believe this.

    • Student
      May 1, 2013

      Good thinking. You are so right. It just takes some working together from these institutions.

  54. Roger that
    April 30, 2013

    Why is there not a anywhere for these poor people who have no homes to go to? I am very sorry I think as Citizens we need to get our act together! So the people in the offices are too proud and too whatever not to offer this poor impaired human being any HELP! How many of them go to Church every Sunday and call themselves Christians shame on you. The company should get good advertisement as being humans by helping this poor man!! Does the company not have the money or compassion to do this!! This is shocking!!

  55. Sharon
    April 30, 2013

    What a disgrace in the town and no one can do nothing, what a shame.

    • de shooes squeezing
      April 30, 2013

      I’m sure you have friends who know somebody who know somebody who know somebody, call and ask em to help.

  56. Grand Bay Girl
    April 30, 2013

    This is sad story indeed! I believe he will be taken care of Dominicans are caring people.I am almost certain that the Social Services will take care of this man .However, I was a bit disappointed in some of the comments. There are homeless people living on the street all over the World, So let us not pretend that is only seen in DA Let us address the problem and stop”Bashing Dominica” as though the Gov’t does not care.Some of the people writing these blogs have seen them where they are.B honest! Just saying

  57. Too Hard Too Long
    April 30, 2013

    I often wonder why it is that every single problem in Dominica can somehow be linked to the decision to the development of the statehouse compound.

    • ?
      April 30, 2013

      It is definitely related to it. Waste and incompetence by a heartless regime that only cares for themselves. SHAME ON THEM in this poor country.

      • Dominiquen
        April 30, 2013

        DNO will post anything against the government!!! :?:

      • really?
        May 1, 2013

        you’re kidding right? so every country where there is a poor person or disabled person who DECIDES to live on the street instead of being at the home for the homeless (where he was, the government is wicked and evil and incompetent… yet people like you flock to New York and enjoy the city life and how great America is yet don’t even see the number of people who live in cardboard boxes in Alleys and corners of the GREAT city of lights….And you LOVE their Government….smh!

  58. Anonymous
    April 30, 2013

    This man is clearly in a state of need. He is mentally unstable and there need to be an emergency order to get him off the streets. Even If its against his will it needs to be done for his own welfare. He is not in any way shape or form able to look after himself. Government needs to steep in.

  59. I DIE NU
    April 30, 2013

    All you quick to make politics out of everything that happens in Dominica.Trust me this place got too many politicians.All they do is critizise and none solving the problem.Im sure this man has family;aint they the ones to try to help him some how?Seek and you shall find. Everything is Skerrit or the Government.No one is saying is the CURSE those Talk Show Hosts are putting on Dominica that’s having the place like that.

    • Five o
      April 30, 2013

      You have a good point padner…Dem talk show ain’t easy

    • Gutter
      April 30, 2013

      youtotally freaking me out AH

  60. Darwin.
    April 30, 2013

    There we go again….My people no need to go getting all emotional again. Do your research, the man is a residet at the Grotto Home for the Homeless. How he winds up on the streets of Roseau every day is another story.

  61. Dominican away
    April 30, 2013

    It this man had money he would have all the false friends around him, but because he has no money everyone is staying as far as possible from him. This is so said is times like these i wish i was home to help. I dont see me coming back any time soon,because of how the Government system is right now. When i left home i did not know Jesus ,but now that i know Jesus i would others to know him so they could know when to reach out to a brother or sister in need of help. Humility is lacking in this story. May God send help for this poor soul.

    • Jay
      April 30, 2013

      Now that you know Jesus you can be the Good Samaritan. How about it? So easy to criticise from afar, isn’t it.

      • Grand Bay Girl
        April 30, 2013

        Donate Donate !

    • Anonymous
      April 30, 2013

      Stop lying. If you were in Dominica you would not help. You should start helping those close to you and then maybe you can think of some way in helping the man

  62. stehen
    April 30, 2013

    prince harry was in st lucia just recently the priminister of Jamaica hug him it was reported in the international press her embrace was unnsual

  63. diamond girl
    April 30, 2013

    :mrgreen: just keep running up alyou mouth. nobody not picking him up on de side walk but everybody running up their mouth about authorities.

    • diamonds for ever
      April 30, 2013

      I hope diamond girl pay they 345000 dollars all u owing skerrit

  64. Student
    April 30, 2013

    What does Welfare mean that he could not be physically removed? This man obviously needs help but it seems that the institutions who are supposed to help in these situations are all washing their hands. And we wonder why we have issues of child abuse etc etc. Those who are supposed to care do not care. Interestingly we never see ourselves in an unfortunate situation. Like it or not it could be any one of us in this man’s position.
    Anyway I hope that something is done speedily for him and that’s done gently to ( I have seen persons like that handled roughly). Being each other’s keeper is not just a cliche to say when it is convenient, but it is getting our hands “dirty” sometimes to make life better for someone else. So I am calling on the relevant authorities to have a heart so we can have a better society.

  65. van
    April 30, 2013

    Where was he staying prior to this? Surely someone in Dominica must know him and his family?

  66. stevo
    April 30, 2013

    red clinic close….. teach a man to fish

    • KoKo Naughts
      April 30, 2013

      It look like the phrase “physically challenged man” is a challenge for u wii. SMH

  67. Bawi Boy
    April 30, 2013

    Should it be these people who benifit from ‘yes we care’?

  68. Anonymous
    April 30, 2013

    What do you all mean by “relieving”. Please clarify.

    • WhiptIt!
      April 30, 2013

      It means defecation or urination.

    • Anonymous
      April 30, 2013

      Really? Do you need a Picture?

    • dominican abroad
      April 30, 2013

      You can’t be that clueless sorry :(

    • Anonymous
      April 30, 2013

      Letting off human waste,what do u expect

    • MAHAUT
      April 30, 2013

      You must be dumb

  69. stehen
    April 30, 2013

    do you know that when PRINCE HARRY OF ENGLAND made a his Caribbean tour represent the queen of england DOMINICA was the only island he did not visit ask your self why???

    • Dorival John
      April 30, 2013

      Since you appear to be an idiot, let me enlighten you.

      Prince Harry never made a Caribbean tour to represent the queen. It was Prince Edward.

      He did not visit Dominica because the island is a republic with its own head of state. The queen is not the head of state of Dominica.

      Dominica is the only Commonwealth Caribbean state to go directly into independence as a republic which is not attached to the British monarchy (like Trinidad).

      Hope you have been properly enlightened.

      • van
        April 30, 2013

        It was actually Prince Harry!

      • Gell-O
        April 30, 2013

        @Dorival JohnSo Dominica was not once a British Colony? You are so clever, please enlighten me.

      • Francisco Telemaque
        April 30, 2013

        Guyana, is also an Republic within the Commonwealth; another thing I do not understand is this. Since we have our own head of State how come we continue to use the Eastern Caribbean Currency, which proudly displays the head and Crown of Elizabeth, who is the head of the rest of the Eastern Caribbean, though she is represented by a governor on the islands.

        Why are we using the East Caribbean Currency as our legal tender?

        How come we are unable to maintain a Dominica currency, as Jamaica, Guyana, Barbados, and Trinidad & Tobago?

        As everything else, we had to be different. Canada however, is a fully developed nation, economically, socially, and other wise: for hundreds of years Independent; however, remained within the Commonwealth , recognizing the monarchy of Britain as head of state; (head of Canada).

        Note also that America, is a former colony of Britain; it also a Republic, however, unlike Canada, it fought for its independence from Britain more than two hundred years ago, as a Republic has it own currency, which is a preferred legal tender in Tortolla, which is a British dominated colony.

        I think our Dominican radicalism may have caused us to patronized the actions of the none aligned African nations, which were former colonies of Britain,; nonetheless so too have we suffered, even a worst faith than the African nations, in that we are poor like hell, even poorer than those we patronized!

        Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

      • Garçon
        May 2, 2013

        What aboutTrinidada ad Tobago Dorival . Didn’t he visit T&T?

    • Anonymous
      April 30, 2013

      I suspect it was because of people like you.

    • Grand Bay Girl
      April 30, 2013

      Who care whether he visited or not .What has done for us? Hope they stay where they are. Just saying

    • Morihei Ueshiba
      April 30, 2013

      OMG Harry did not visit the nature island. Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy??????? A british monarchy visit brings alot of business interest…. :cry: :cry: :cry:

      • Dominiquen
        April 30, 2013

        Idiot!!! :mrgreen:

    • /////////////////
      April 30, 2013

      What you want to say stehen???

    • (.) (.)
      May 1, 2013

      shut it with your low mentality. Prince Harry and the homeless man have the same amount of bones and red blood flows through their bodies. And, England have more homeless people than Dominica does. Walk along Buckingham to see the amount of homeless vagrants on the streets

  70. Ramona
    April 30, 2013

    This is nonsence, why can’t anything be down about getting him into the place grotto, know to be the home for the homeless? What about his family? they are the ones that are supposed to take some actions, seek some comfort for this poor man:Guess you are right true dominican, if he had money the family would keep him warm, to greedily grab all his wealth after his death.

  71. so sad
    April 30, 2013

    This is so sad….What about Grotto he cannot go there? The authorities cannot take him there instead of letting him stay there in that filth. Poor man….life can be so cruel to some of us.

  72. stehen
    April 30, 2013

    will some one please contradict me tell me its not true,all our systems are broken down, hospital in trouble, police highly corrupt, schools,high level of children molested, by their own fathers in many cases.inexperience leadership in fact selfish leadership. so much more to say but will stop here,

    • /////////////////
      April 30, 2013

      You again stehen? Eh beh wey – you can exaggerate wii papa stehen! You not reading news or you only listenning to gossip! You mean you cannot report on one good thing in this country? I am not in the same land that you are in. Which country are you in????

  73. Morihei Ueshiba
    April 30, 2013

    Geez Drago go and seat by the ministry of finance or go and seat at the state palace, they causing your problems.

    • Anonymous
      April 30, 2013

      Where is he going to read this?

      • for true
        April 30, 2013

        on the outernet because is on the roadside outside he be!

  74. Jimi Hendrix
    April 30, 2013

    DNO, thanks for bringing the man’s plight to light. So these people in the wealfare department simply wahsed their hands and hope the problem will go away.

    If they were doing their jobs they would say “OK, it is not strictly within our mandate to take are of this man, but I will contact the relevant department do help that man”.

    It is so easy to turn a blind eye on the less fortunate. And then we turn around a patr ourselves on the back claiming to be nicer than pie. This is the true test of our “niceness” – stepping out of our comfort zone to help people in need.

  75. bwa kwaieb
    April 30, 2013

    Ask Skerritt to help the man. Skerritt build palace. That’s the state of DA affairs right there. Proof your government is completely and utterly incompetent. The government of Dominica is a failure!

    • %
      April 30, 2013

      @ bwe kwaib WELL SAID… You have hit the nail on the head. He said the State Evil/Devil he took the loan to construct will proudly represent us as Dominicans.When you have arrogant and incompetence governing a country, what do you expect other than poverty.

  76. Voice_Of_The_Poor
    April 30, 2013

    OMG & I thought Dominica improved, geez skerro look the United Kingdom’s Department for International Development has allocated almost $13.5 million for geothermal exploration in Montserrat. Why can’t our Govt make our lives better?

    • peter piper
      April 30, 2013

      Oh my gosh,serious???
      You think it’s because of international politics and alliance apart from the part that Montserrat has this volcanic history,they got that opportunity?

      • Peacock
        April 30, 2013

        Montserrat is a British Dependent – Colony.

  77. Citizen Kane
    April 30, 2013

    Sagicor you would serve a shining light and example to other coporate citizens to adopt this unfortunate man … provide housing care and shelter for him. The profits you make off my premiums can pay for that.

    • /////////////////
      April 30, 2013

      I agree with you Citizen Kane. Put him in the home and pay for his well being.

  78. Malgraysa
    April 30, 2013

    What do they mean “could not be physically moved”? Is he glued to the pavement or held down by some magical, misterious force? We have all kinds of regulations, institutions, well fare organisations, law enforcemnt and…the “yes We Care” programme. Do they all exist in name only? What about the town council? People are keen to be elected to positons of power only to abdicate the reponsibilites that go with it. And don’t come with the lame excuse again ” we can’t do it all on our own”. Stop the talk and handwringing and DO what you were elected to do!

    • Shameless
      April 30, 2013

      :lol: :lol: :lol: YES WE CARE MY derier (Bah-hind)!!!!!!!
      That program is only working for those who are fit enough to cast a ballot. They are bought so they will remember who fed them.

      The man cannot cast a ballot so the Yes We Care becomes, NO We DONT Care!

      Assertive, NOT Agressive!

  79. jay
    April 30, 2013

    Mercy Father, if the authorities cant/wont do anything then members of the society have to help. this is ridiculous, he is Human

  80. ambrose
    April 30, 2013

    Yes we CARE will take care of him.we just don’t have transport right now,bear with us.

    • Moon
      April 30, 2013

      What do you mean that there is no transport right now. Have the police asist you with that. No one wants to touch him, because he does not smell like the rest of us.well soebody have to do it. What would Jesus have done in this case. People humble yourselves and give this man a bath, food, and a roof over his head. Callim
      On all Chrits like men and women to show some christian love to this brother in need .

    • Malgraysa
      April 30, 2013

      No transport? I thought the police had the copyright on that one. You are joling, of course.

  81. ....
    April 30, 2013

    This is sad on so many levels. However as much as he is annoyance to their business place the UN human rights charter on people like that must be visited. In Dominica we believe we can simply impose ourselves on people who are destitute. He can’t be moved, unless he is coaxed, hospitalised for mental evaluation either of free will or by the enforcement of medical doctor. He can’t be wet either or physically handled so I would implore on behalf of this voiceless man for the authorities to impose some medical attention on him at the pyschiatric unit, before one these business owners wild out and do something drastic especially where he is located!

    • Mamizoo
      April 30, 2013

      I am all for human rights but if the man is being a menace, defecating in public and infant of business places the authorities ought to intervene without any medical intervention. The social welfare services or the police should take immediate action. In fact the police should immediately remove him from the area – that does not equate to him being arrested as a criminal. Once he is in the hands of the police then the police and other relevant government departments must coordinate on the matter.
      We talk about development , tourism etc yet we continue to think in primitive ways even when we are attempting to portrait our intelligence.

      • incar
        April 30, 2013

        Well mamizoo is your kind of intolerance and borderline arrogance that breeds hate under the guise of intelligence! Why can’t you people simply express your opinion without taking jabs? I guess you feel some air of superiority to try to insult the blogger? Police by the way can’t just pick up vagrants as you so brilliantly suggested but I have neither the time nor the intelligence to explain that to such a super human like you!

      • Is dat so
        May 1, 2013

        Mamizoo but your self portrayal of intelligence has fallen flat too, while you try to ridicule someone else. Genuis Police can’t just remove the man because you and the other emotional Dominican public say so. Neither can social welfare. Did you even bother to inform yourself of what steps must be taken irrespective of the nuisance he is causing? Why do you think so many agencies hands are tied? Police can only intervene if he is vandalizing the premises toneh.Get a grip of you smarty pants self.

      • Mamizoo
        May 2, 2013

        Incar why don’t you go take a dump infront of police headquarters or the financial center and how quick you will be arrested whether you are mad or crazy – smarty. You are super intelligent then educate me with supporting facts and or egislation that says that te police cannot arrest someone for defecating in a public place and r being a public nuisance.

  82. true dominican
    April 30, 2013

    Poor Drago….If you had riches to share your family would be more than wanting to take care of you or assist you.

    • Anonymous
      April 30, 2013

      And Dominicans in church every weekend.

      • Anonymous
        April 30, 2013

        Americans does be in church as well and soooooo many of their citizens just like that too.

      • Jay
        April 30, 2013

        Of course they are in church.Thanking God they are not as downtrodden as Drago and putting their contribution into the collection instead.

    • Anonymous
      April 30, 2013

      Because they know they would it after he die.

    • /////////////////
      April 30, 2013

      People where is the compassion??

    • Student
      May 1, 2013

      Speaking of family, I am sure someone can recognize him as their father, brother or cousin or he may have reached out to someone when he was in a more fortunate position and that person remembers.

      I always knew my father though he never took care of my siblings and I when we were growing up but we could never see him on the roadside in such a condition like this(the cycle of neglect has to end somewhere).

      We need to remember to that life is a cycle, what we do to others or for others comes back to us sometimes a hundred fold.

      I think his family needs to come forward regardless of what the situation is. Have a heart.

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