PM adds voice to Alkaline controversy

Alkaline is set to perform in Dominica
Alkaline is set to perform in Dominica

Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit is stating that unless there is a security risk, Jamaican artiste Earlan ‘Alkaline’ Bartley cannot be prevented from performing in Dominica.

Just last week Vice President of Dominica Association of Evangelist Churches (DAEC), Arlington Wilson, said artistes like Alkaline should not be allowed to perform in Dominica and the association will be meeting to discuss the matter.

But according to Skerrit, who was a special guest on the Kairi FM Heng Program, on Monday, “in respect to the free movement of people within the Caribbean Community you can only prevent someone from coming to your country if there are security concern in regards to that person coming in.”

“If you do not have a security concern and you decide not to allow the person to come in, you would be in fact violating the person’s rights and if you violate somebody rights then there will be consequences of the law,” he said. “We have to understand in Dominica we have signatories to certain agreements and at all times we have to respect those agreements, each one of us as an individual,as a group may have certain reservations and certain concerns.”

Skerrit further revealed that he hasn’t seen any reports from the regional security framework nor the national security framework which has indicated to him or the Ministry of National Security that Alkaline is a national security risk.

“There is nothing that the government can do to prevent the artiste Alkaline to come to Dominica,” he said. “So we can protest… it is our rights to do so once we get permission from the police…people these days believe they can just protest how they want with no regard for the rule of law, and these are the same people who come and talk about rule of law…”

Skerrit mentioned that the government is more than willing to discuss with the DAEC their concerns on the Alkaline matter.

“I have heard on the news that the Evangelical Association would like to speak to the government on the matter, we are more that willing to discuss with them their concerns but that is the most we can do, is to listen to their views and expressions but there is no action that the government will take in allowing Akaline to come to perform in Dominica,” he stated. “We have to be very careful that we don’t appear in anywhere in the region, not only in Dominica but throughout the region to be targeting unnecessarily Jamaican citizens.”

“Alkaline” is expected to be the main act for a concert to be held at the Saaman Gardens in Canefield on May 2nd.

DAEC was very vocal in it stance last year against controversial artiste, Tommy Lee Sparta, who was to be featured at a concert in the island’s second town, Portsmouth.

The DAEC even held protest action and called for a boycott of the event, since, according to the organization, Tommy Lee’s music glorifies Satan.

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  1. Gangsta purple
    April 16, 2015

    Am in full support with you hon Roosevelt skerit!! Unless there is security risk, alkaline must perform. And to those hypocrite Christians on this island, I know that you all are against that but u all can’t impose you’ll Christianity upon the entire nation so stop trying. Because is the same God that made us and good also created the devil and evil!! But he gave us a choice to choose our own destiny. alkaline me say, more p for the v whole!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

  2. lisad
    April 15, 2015

    As a christian myself I don’t believe the evangelical association should dictate who comes to the country. First it was the ship with homosexuals, next Tommy Lee Sparta, now this. They must understand that the country is not their home or their church. The influences of the world will always be there which means that they should pray and preach more but most importantly they should live the sermons that they preach. Focus less on preaching prosperity gospels, collecting huge offerings in the name of the gospel and teach men and women boys and girls to fear God and keep his commandments.

  3. April 15, 2015

    Who should have an interest in what takes place in Dominica?

    Citizens and others who live in the country.

    Future tourists and others who for business, political ,or religious reasons may visit the island especially if they come with their children.

    I am a Canadian based evangelist. My own faith community is represented in Dominica. My ministry has an interest in a number of the island nations in the Caribbean where I have conducted gospel crusades.

    Like many others I wonder why Tommy Lee was refused permission and Alkaline would be accepted. It seems both use offensive lyrics. Neither have a lifestyle that most parents would want for their sons.

    These kind of “entertainers” promote sexual immorality, drug use, devil worship, and rebellion against authority figures – parental, police, and government –

    You can rest assured the “better” the concert is the worst the country will be when it is over :!:

    Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. International Evangelist.

  4. home boy
    April 15, 2015

    the churches can make a big difference but they are all much too corrupt.

  5. So we come
    April 15, 2015

    I had to repost this person’s comments. I am going to try requesting permission to protest the police in front of their headquarters and the government in front of the financial centre. Lets see how far I get. THANK YOU reader for posting this. WAKE UP DOMINICANS!
    “We need permission from the police to protest. Am I really hearing right? I thought Dominica was a free country? The police are there to protect protesters and maintain order, not to give people permission to protest.

    Had Martin Luther King waited to get permission from the Alabama and Mississippi police or the government of the day to get permission to protest peacefully, America would still be drinking from separate water fountains and sitting at the back of a bus.
    With that said, the only reason why Skeritt is allowing Alkaline to come to Dominica is because the government is settling out of court with the artist he prevented to come to perform last year. With this king of talk, Skeritt is nothing but a dictator.”

    • Truth be Told
      April 15, 2015

      I do not know where you have been but this law was passed by Dame Mary Eugenia Charles. The same law that now President Charles Severin demonstrated and shut down Dominica and the Patrick John Government for. You Dominicans know so little about your own country, it is no wonder that all these politicians simply fool Dominicans!

  6. smh
    April 15, 2015

    whether you bring alkaline to Dominica or not people will still be listening to their music. What is the big difference??????? with his world of technology are you kidding me? they can also travel o see alkaline perform as well. allu talking about well being safety. chupes. and allu committing adultery. chupes again

  7. Apostle Mark
    April 15, 2015

    You know, there seem to be too much picking and choosing by this DAEC and the Christian churches to determine when they should condemn or speak out and when to support any appearance of evil or SIN. Sin is sin. There are so many things that appear not to be right in our society and the churches stay silent. Please lets clean house first then we can prevent dirty people coming into a clean house. But where the house is dirty already, what’s the fuss about a little bit of Labou

  8. GO to Dominica
    April 15, 2015

    Dominica have plenty money go for it if you are a con traversal artist the ignorant police will man handily you ,you then able to take them to court. yes tell all your friends

  9. Juanito
    April 15, 2015

    DAEC Keep your RELIGION of our backs!!! Freedom of choice must be respected. You don’t have to go to the concert.

  10. Truth be Told
    April 15, 2015

    According to Dominica News Online, “Sexual offences are set to dominate yet another Criminal Session which opens with arraignment at the High Court in Roseau on April 14 at 9:00 am. There is a total of 26 matters on the list with nine being of sexual nature ranging from buggery, incest, unlawful sexual intercourse to indecent assault.” When was the last time that we heard from the Dominica Association of Evangelist Churches (DAEC), and in particular Arlington Wilson, on these matters? And what did the Honourable Ms. Catherine Daniel, minister responsible for Women’s affairs recently told abused and violated women to do about it, “ask God what lessons are you trying to teach me”! This country has become one big, bad, sick joke – it is just not funny any more!

  11. April 15, 2015

    I am reading so much about the young people and these artist as well as their music.You all back in DA should say thank God that the government is not all into the way and how you’ll should discipline your children,as is the case in the advance nations.
    It is not the government business in disciplining you child or children for you. That’s for you all parents to do.
    And should you all want to dock the task,there’s a simple solution,leave children in the storeroom where God have them,don’t go looking for them,end of story.
    What’s wrong in telling the little boys and girls,as the mother,that you’re the only woman under your roof and their father is the only man,and that if they can’t abide by the rules and regulation under your roof,it’s simple.They just find their own.
    And so if they’re under their own,then it’s up to them what they do or don’t do.

  12. The Facts
    April 14, 2015

    You too missed the point. Who said D/cans target J/can citizens? Do you not know the morals and the type of songs these so-called artistes sing?
    The type of lyrics is the concern; not because he is a J/can. His morals are also in question here. If a singer glorifies Satan, then he should not be allowed in for when he arrives, so will the enemy in a worst manner which he will also leave behind.
    St. Paul said, “The enemy goes about like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. Reject him!”
    Are you all not scared to invite such people who are also bad examples and influence on the youths? This is enough to deny him entry.
    Watch out! Stay tuned for what may occur.
    I once had a dream that some people were at an entertainment place. The roof caved in on them. How many were injured and died? I do not know. At that moment I awoke. My Guardian Angel may have awoken me? No doubt to avoid what I may have known in that dream which would sadden and distress me.

  13. The Facts
    April 14, 2015

    This is the issue. Dominica has always been a Christian country. Granted, in this era, there are some who denounced God and others have fallen away from practicing their faith. These are they (at least some of them) who will want this man to be invited and welcomed to perform in D/ca before nationals especially the youths. They care not that the minds of these youths will be further contaminated. Whatever, you are not on the right track.
    It is an era that some will compromise their faith to please others.
    The fact is, did he invite himself? If not, he was sought out by these organizers. Knowing that his lyrics are unbecoming and he sings songs about the enemy of God and of our souls, he should never have been invited. Those who invited him are answerable to God.

  14. Not a herd follower
    April 14, 2015

    According to Skerrit “We have to understand in Dominica we have signatories to certain agreements and at all times we have to respect those agreements…”

    Was the Prime Minister not aware of this when his government locked up Tommy Lee Sparta in jail and deported him for no legitimate reason, an action taken only as a favour to the Evangelical Association?

    Skerrit .. it is increasingly becoming tiresome to listen to him or read his statements, which are often incoherent.

  15. RespectSinn
    April 14, 2015

    Simple. If you don’t want to hear him, Don’t go. Smh. Relax

    • JoJo
      April 15, 2015

      How inconsiderate for all the people that live around that place in Canefield? Should they close their house and book a hotel so they can have a decent sleep that night? I don’t mind you listening to any music you want but please, do not inconvenience and make other people suffer because of that. Go somewhere you don’t trouble anyone, including the churches, who themselves know very well how to make noise. Dominica getting worse, no respect for anyone , coming right from the top.

  16. April 14, 2015

    We christians are too hypocrite. Lets clean up our backyard before cleaning others own. Why dont we go on the high ways and byways to preach the gospel. We hide under our
    tinted windows in our expensive vehicles. We dont see pastors on the road witnessing to people anymore. They say its old style. But some of them enjoy pocketing large salary for doing nothing. Pastoring is now big business.They even fighting for the position because they know is big money. What a shame. Lets clean up the mess in or churches starting from the top. Greed, fornication, adultery just to name a few.

  17. John jay
    April 14, 2015

    You think the PM foolish it was before election so he had to please them, now election gone he done worry with them still election again .

  18. avril
    April 14, 2015

    Alkaline is not a bad artist. I went to his show in canada and it went smoothly. Even when some ignorant person wanted to fight he stopped singing and ask security to put them out before the show continues. We we have to give the young people achance

  19. Voice of god?
    April 14, 2015

    The DAEC was fooled by Skerrit. because Skerrit gave some of their churches AC, then gave their minister state funeral, transformed evangelist into election money distributor, gave some diplomatic passport, they thought the man was jesus. They did not realize the man was just using them to play his dirty politics. The DAEC is an extension of Skerrit’s dirty political arm. Skerrit used them in the Tommy Lee Saga to make sure Cabal did not get the young people to turn workers, and since he knew is the state that would pay the suit and not he, he deported them. But election finish Skerrit now reminds them of the law and wants to meet with them. Is Hypocrite using hypocrite to get the job done. Tell the DAEC to go and protest now. It was one of your own that referred to you all as “Zore toe sort,” while he was at that time paid by tax payers for spiritual advise. The DAEC toe sort!

  20. Me
    April 14, 2015

    Don’t let that man leave the island before he’s had a good meal… He looks terrible! He needs feeding up even if we have to put up with his dutty ways for another week.

  21. Gabby
    April 14, 2015

    Skerro talking sense? This gal thought that day would never come.

    Jokes aside, good move by the PM. We cannot have evangelicals running the government, preventing anyone they deem a ‘security risk’ to enter the island simply because they have a religious disagreement with some aspect of said individuals entering Dominica. We need separation of church and state. Unless we have a secular government, Dominica will simply be a theocracy, and that is not a good form of government because not all of us agrees with one religion or another. True freedom of expression comes from hearing from all voices but not allowing one religion to dictate how government moves.

  22. pin
    April 14, 2015

    pm dont worry about the end of the day is the govt that has to pay if he is prevented from coming

  23. Wilderness Voice
    April 14, 2015

    Apparently Skerrit learned from his mistake in the Tommy Lee saga but the Evangelical didn’t. Furthermore, Skerrit knew he needed to win the last election and would at that time given anything the religious community requested for their votes. Election is now over and Skerrit will be Skerrit, a pretender that will do whatever it takes to wi votes. The Evangelical association too sort and do not understand the role of the church. When Jesus walked the earth there was evil influence. He left earth and went back to His Father and did not get rid of them. When those holy apostles were on earth there was evil influence that glorified satan, and they left them there and went. Arlington Wilson and the DAEC need to go back to read the prayer Jesus prayed in JN. 17, before He was glorified and get some sense. I am not by any means supporting these artists but truth must be told. We need to grow up as a church! Our job is to contend for the FAITH- Jude vs. 3 and not to police the world.

  24. Envar
    April 14, 2015

    Personally i think that the PM should command all the Pastors who were part of the Tommylee issue to collect an offering to subsidize what the Government has to pay him.. i know Tommylee going to bingo big time. They may well have to give him couple acres of land too if they dont have money..

    Yet again what are the pastors saying, aren’t the pastors who have been accused of acts and are still preaching…

    If you look closely song like what Alikaline sings that sells.. have anyone ever understood a song that LIl wayne sing?…

    April 14, 2015

    :?: Skerrit,stop your hypocrisy!The government can decide who comes to the country and these evil guys should not be allowed entry to perform for the devil,…. :twisted: :mrgreen: :?:

    • It's Professor gainA
      April 14, 2015

      Some of youths are weak minded and so are easily influenced. They are very gullible; especilaly those leaving their teens. They accept a lot of baggage and pass that on to their younger sibblings and society at large.

    • The Facts
      April 14, 2015

      Stating the truth, I am with you on this one. He is trying to please some people. God is not amused or pleased with his decision. What is sown will be reaped in time and sooner than anyone expects.

      April 14, 2015

      Stop petitioning the government for all your problems… if you have an issue with the concert then proptest the organizers and the grounds where it is hosted but to involve the prime minister of the country because of a concert is foolish. His time is better spend addressing the economics and future of the country at large you f’in ignoramus!

    • El magico
      April 14, 2015

      We already have witches & warlocks here in Dominica. I bet you yourself must have known someone who practiced the dark arts. we live in a free country people are free to worship whatever god they want.

    • new kid on the block
      April 15, 2015

      Y dont u guys read a little remember the word CSME and the term Feree Movement of Skills. So how do you sign on to that then turn a blind eye to it. explain????

  26. ?????????
    April 14, 2015

    Aa….he learnt from the tommy lee fiasco…….

    • i glad
      April 15, 2015

      That is because they didnt understand the treaty. Which states that if he is banned, similar local artists who use profanity and vulgarity in music will also have to be banned IN DOMINICA also. One law for ALL. Now let me see what trumped up “security risk” they will come up with now.

  27. DC
    April 14, 2015

    Great my PM. The artist have every right to come to Dominica. I love and admire the Jamaicans! Very nice people, very loving and caring men. Wish some Dominicans would embrace and appreciate their identity like the Jamaicans. One love!

    • Lesha
      April 14, 2015

      Well said thank you.

    • Jam Rock
      April 15, 2015

      Nuff respect DC..Big up yourself!!

  28. Dora
    April 14, 2015

    Oh Lord what else? Is one thing i know you gave people choices and you don’t force anyone it’s all left to us.

    • The Facts
      April 14, 2015

      Fear the Lord for He is a consuming fire.
      God is patient. Based on their decision, that free choice will either save them or condemn them. If only some people could see and foretell the future. Such a decision would not be made.

  29. Moin meme
    April 14, 2015

    Dear DAEC,

    Please be notified that the only reason the PM acted in your interest that first time was becasue elections were close and he needed to impress you for votes. Now that elections are a mile away you and your noise have been reverted to the status of persona non grata.

    Truly yours,
    Common H.B. Sense

    • It's Professor gainA
      April 14, 2015

      You are right. Look at the airport fiasco and what he made a bad willed creature do.

    • Shameless
      April 15, 2015

      :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: !

      Assertive, NOT Aggressive! :mrgreen:

    • Realist
      April 15, 2015

      DNO I have a bug report…i can only give this man one upvote.

    • Words
      April 15, 2015

      My exact thoughts.. And this was confirmed after hearing him on Talking Point.

  30. Mango Juice
    April 14, 2015

    How about the author showing a little respect for the Prime minster. He should at least be referred to as PM, Prime Minister or Hon. Give him his dues. Go high go low, at the end of the day he is the Prime Minster of Dominica.

    • Titiwi
      April 15, 2015

      Mango Juice , are you illiterate or what? The first sentence of the DNO report starts with: “The Primie Minster Roosevelt Skerrit….”. What more do you want? People like you are exasperating. Do ,you actually READ before commenting?

    • simming
      April 15, 2015

      ah shut up. get a life

  31. April 14, 2015

    I have mentioned before that I am not in favor of Alkaline, his philosophy and his music but the Evangelicals and the so called Christians, who profess to be people of God, behaves like Bigots .In fact I believe that bigotry is the new gospel for these people. What I do believe that they are afraid of is that their young people would be influence to attend the concert.They need to get back to the old time religion then they will live real Godly living. Until then the hypocrisy and farce will continue. I have also making the observation that the P.M may have learnt a lesson from the Sparta incident , that is commendable.

  32. April 14, 2015

    Aye aye u learn then skerro. The spata settlement have u bazoudie!!!

  33. April 14, 2015

    We need permission from the police to protest. Am I really hearing right? I thought Dominica was a free country? The police are there to protect protesters and maintain order, not to give people permission to protest.
    Had Martin Luther King waited to get permission from the Alabama and Mississippi police or the government of the day to get permission to protest peacefully, America would still be drinking from separate water fountains and sitting at the back of a bus.
    With that said, the only reason why Skeritt is allowing Alkaline to come to Dominica is because the government is settling out of court with the artist he prevented to come to perform last year. With this king of talk, Skeritt is nothing but a dictator. READ BETWEEN THE LINES. Permission to protest?God help us!!!!!

    • Truth be Told
      April 15, 2015

      I do not know where you have been but this law was passed by Dame Mary Eugenia Charles. The same law that now President Charles Severin demonstrated and shut down Dominica and the Patrick John Government for. You Dominicans know so little about your own country, it is no wonder that all these politicians simply fool Dominicans!

    • So we come
      April 15, 2015

      amen to that! I thought I was the only person that was struck by that comment!

  34. never shameful
    April 14, 2015

    They protesting against di man but their own kids an family listening to his music. Hypocrites start from you all home an church first then judge others.

  35. home boy
    April 14, 2015

    skerrit has learn his lesson

  36. Merlot
    April 14, 2015

    Tommy Lee Sparta should file a discrimination suit on top of his existing lawsuit. Let the government and the DAEC PAY for their ignorance.

    • lmckoy
      April 15, 2015

      Technically, the government does not have money; so it is the tax payers who pay! As for the churches, they can afford to talk as much as they want because they would not be paying a red cent of any resulting settlement or court costs.

  37. alah boy
    April 14, 2015

    So wht about the well being of our young people…we have no safety net in place for our youth when they fall through the crack…so jus bring come… :lol:

    • The Facts
      April 14, 2015

      Read Matthew 18:6-9 – Temptation to Sin – Whoever causes one of these little ones who believes in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea. Woe to the world because of things that cause sin! Such things must come, but woe to the one from whom they come! If your hand or foot causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to enter into life maimed or crippled than with two hands or two feet to be thrown into eternal fire. And if your eye causes you to sin, tear it out and throw it away. It is better for you to enter into life with one eye than with two eyes to be thrown into fiery Gehenna – Hell.

      We could also attribute the above to the ears.
      Christian D/cans and others who are concerned about their children and morality should inform them not to attend this type of show.
      Do not encourage it. If they do, it will also be putting money in that man’s pocket.

    • just saying
      April 15, 2015

      so why don’t we have anything to say bout the same music playing everyday on our radios and tv ? where the youths are mostly at !

  38. Erasmus B. Black
    April 14, 2015

    After the rash decision and what may yet turn out to be expensive controversy in favor of Tommy Lee Sparta, it looks like the Dear Leader finally gets the memo on free movement of people within Caricom. Please share with the Honourable AG.

    • The Facts
      April 14, 2015

      As Our Lord Jesus Christ stated, “Are you still without understanding?”
      Where is your mind? Exactly what did you deduce from it? Did you not comprehend what this is all about? It is not a matter of free movement within CARICOM. It is the type of lyrics, glorifying Satan which this man sings about.
      Overall, this man is a bad example especially for the youths. Those who lack godly enlightenment do not have the grace of realizing that he should never have been invited to perform in Dominica.
      Exactly who will benefit from his performance but him and the organizers who stand to financially profit from it. I expect they will have to pay tax on it. In this case the government will gain some money. Could this also be the reason why the PM has no objections?
      Matthew 7:24 – God and Money – No one can serve two masters. He will either hate one and love the other, or devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.

  39. Artfield
    April 14, 2015

    Then if you knew this all the time why did you block Tommy Lee. He must sue Dominica for all its worth.

  40. April 14, 2015

    Wait… What i don’t understand is what the big fuss of alkaline coming to perform is. Yes the daec are concerned.. Especially about the young people of today… But we must remember theres only so much they can do. And that on the night of the show people will choose to go and it will be their choice. To me its all about choice. Who’s interested wil go and who’s not will remain at their home. The world is evolving music is changing so yes there wil be people who likes them

    • The Facts
      April 14, 2015

      Think God and What Will Jesus Say (WWJS)! God and His Laws never change. Did you consider that He does not want you to attend such a show?
      This is not a show that anyone should waste their God-given allotted time to attend, including expending their money, more so Christians, practicing ones at that and their teenagers – the youths. You appear to fall into that category. Those with also some class and dignity will not attend.

      • April 15, 2015

        (the facts).. I dont fall into no category at all… Clearly u will not waste your time and attend the show. But quite frankly there are people who will.. And thats just it.. Each and everyone of us have different interest so why should i force someone to do what they do not want to do. We all have brains to know what is right and wrong okay. The people who are going its their choice.. Theirs!!!! Not any one of you. So please stop acting like that. And if something is to go wrong at that show which i hope not. They are the same ones who will live with their decision not you or me.

  41. truthman
    April 14, 2015

    Dominica has more than half a million to give tommy Lee because of these people foolishness.

    • The Facts
      April 14, 2015

      Who people’s foolishness? Those to be blamed and pay for it are the organizers. They goofed.
      Here is a question you could ask your PM. Should these organizers not consult him – the PM prior to contacting and inviting those artistes?
      If they did, probably today, Dominica would not have to pay all that money to that man and make him rich. He will be laughing and will get the best laugh.
      If I were the PM, I would make the organizers of the show pay for it. If none of you have yet realized this, you have a problem. You have not thought about this in depth.
      Think straight! If there is one group you should be angry with is the organizers of the show. They caused D/ca to lose money and created a hardship for the PM.
      Now, do not blame the PM for not being able to enhance especially Roseau and Portsmouth as promised. As you are aware of, some of this money is going to pay that other man. Some people can really mess things up including messing up their country.

  42. Malgraysa
    April 14, 2015

    The P.M. is right in his cautious approach top banning citizen from another Caricom country visiting Dominica. However, it is not necessary for the govt. to allow this performance to go ahead. This can be done on a number of grounds: Public decency (it is a bit crass for Kelver Darroux push for censure of the news media, yet allow an artiste like this to spout profane and obscene language in the public arena). I would also submit that the planned venue, Saman Gardens is totally unsuitable and a hazard to public health as well as public safety and security. The govt. would be well within its rights to ban the performance on these grounds, or direct for it to moved to a different location without breaking Caricom agreements or alienating the youths, who are insistent on attending the show.

  43. Lawrence Ettienne
    April 14, 2015

    As the PM rightly states, if someone does not pose a security threat to a country, there is no law that can prohibit the person from entering that country, however we all could have our concerns and those we choose to express might be back up by strong reasoning and conviction, but the law is the law. Where I disagree with the Dominica association of Evangelic Churches, is where their influence over the years as a spiritual entity has not been felt, in other words they are picking their fights.
    They are silent on moral issues within the rank and file of the evangelistic group. Too man of our religious leaders are victims of sexual immorality and other sins, therefore being vocal on issues like the Tommy Lee and Alkaline are of non-effect.

    • The Facts
      April 14, 2015

      You do know that some people rather go to such a show than a religious one and to read their Holy Bible even educating information? Anything to do with God, some have no interest. They prefer wasting their God-given precious time and their money to view such a show. They eagerly look forward to it. Satan is pleased with them. As I always say, God is seeing and taking note.
      As an inspired person stated, when people die, God will say to some of them, “I will give you what you loved most on earth.” You know what that will be? It will be the place where those who stated, “I did it my way.” Food for thought. Give it a good thought.
      Let them invite those types of people to perform in D/ca and further contaminate the minds of especially the youths. One day they will pay a dear price.

    • So we come
      April 15, 2015

      Clearly the DAEC is only concerned about the music, and not the many people at high court over the past few years for sexual abuse charges. Where is the protest for that?!
      If you care about the children, there is an ongoing battle right in your front and back yard for you to take on.

      If Alkaline is your biggest concern, then Lord help us!

  44. Hmmmmm
    April 14, 2015

    Thank you PM ! The young people like Alkaline ! Dapweh the Hypocrites

  45. watchman
    April 14, 2015

    skerrit plays this political game real well no denying that lol

    • TimTim
      April 14, 2015

      Yes, very well for dumb Dominicans!

  46. samantha
    April 14, 2015

    Unfortunately, we glorify satan in many of our actions right here….stealing, homosexuality, fornication, lies and more. We listen to lewd music with and conduct ourselves in a vulgar manner. Could we argue that the lyrics to Beyonce’s music are Godly? And if they are ungodly, who do they indirectly glorify? Who is smiling when we sing and dance along to such lyrics? The DAEC should not attack one individual for what it perceives to be satanic glorification. It is all around them. Just look! Make it a thorough job man.

    • The Facts
      April 14, 2015

      You have overlooked that those songs are heard through the airwaves and by purchasing them.
      The fact is, they are making the situation worse by deliberately inviting such people to perform that some D/cans will pay their money to go out of their way to attend. Note the difference..
      I expect that this man will also be promoting and selling his CD’s and whatever else. My instinct informs me, woe to those who attend. No exception the organizers who cause them to attend by inviting and promoting this man and his show. I feel sorry for all of them.

      • samantha
        April 15, 2015

        @ The Facts…..Whether such people are deliberately invited to attend or not does not make a difference to the point I am making. The fact is that unholy, Ungodly, satanic behaviour already exists. You can’t want to clamp down on one person and ignore everything else. It’s not as though a holy nation would have been saved satanic infiltration by preventing this man from performing. Dominica has already been infiltrated.

    • jamesd
      April 15, 2015

      You want them to lose 90% of their congregation. lmao

    • April 15, 2015

      Alkaline just perform in Brooklyn this Weekend,he was no threat to National Security.

  47. JungleGirl
    April 14, 2015

    So it seems is the DAEC that approves which artist comes to Dominica or not. They need to stop judging others and trying to force their choices on others. Everybody big! We vote who we want, we listen to what we want, we eat whatever we please, we grown! Alkaline, Tommy Lee, whoever come! Who choose to go will go, who doh want to go DONT go! Stupes man!

    P. S – Stop wasting time trying to control entertainment in Dominica and pray for the country. Pray for food prices to go down or meet with the PM on that before people start to die of malnutrition and starvation. Pray for revival among the young people. Do allu do to win souls for Christ. Bring down who allu want to witness, pray etc. Stop talking all over the place like Pharisees and go in hide outs and pray! Tonere man!!

    • qstorm78
      April 14, 2015

      Amen to that.. :lol: :lol: :-D :-D

    • The Facts
      April 14, 2015

      You are indeed a jungle girl. You missed the point. DAEC is not approving who will or who will not come to Dominica. To the sensible, this did not cross their mind.
      Do you not realize that it is a show where this man will be performing? The man is not a visitor as a tourist. He also did not invite himself to Dominica. He was sought out and invited.
      The point is, not to invite such a person to perform in Dominica. Those who are Christians, practicing ones and are on the side of God would not invite him. They should have known better. It is also sad that you too do not know any better or pretend not to know better. Some of you do not care if Dominica and yourselves go to Hell. Keep in mind your non-caring words of idleness could help to get you there faster.
      When problems arise in D/ca and to you personally, do not wail and wring your hands for you have contributed to the curses which will descend on Dominica by this man’s appearance and performance.

      • JungleGirl
        April 16, 2015

        So ‘The Facts’ if Alkaline comes to Dominica, problems will arise in D/ca and to me personally?? Garcon las parlay sort!!

  48. Dorival John
    April 14, 2015

    It seems that many people are bashing DAEC, it must be realized that DAEC was not the one with the final voice in blocking Tommy Lee Sparta from performing in Dominica. Tommy Lee was blocked by Skerrit himself. The Tommy Lee saga had nothing to do with “national security threat” but all had to do with politics.

    Tommy Lee was coming to Dominica to perform under the auspices of Cabral Douglas, a fierce critic of the government. Anyone who criticizes gets the hard end of the stick, remember Brisbane?

    So Skerrit has learnt his lesson with the Tommy Lee matter and now he is coming like the hero on this Alkaline matter. Typical.

    • TimTim
      April 14, 2015

      He hasn’t learnt anything! He is just his usual self….now it will not hurt an opponent he has decided to do what he always knew he should have. He did not mind exposing the state’s purse and image to stick it cabral douglas. As always he acts as if this country is his private estate left to him by his father.

    • The Facts
      April 14, 2015

      Some of you who appear to be intelligent really missed the point of this matter.
      Cabral Douglas and his gang of organizers knew, in advance, of Tommy Lee arriving in D/ca and that he was not welcome. Yet they encouraged him. They caused him to fly to D/ca.
      On that basis, I would fight this case and make Douglas and his gang, pay Tommy Lee. They are to be held responsible for this; not complimented and praised. None of you stated anything about that. Did it not cross your mind?

  49. Jr
    April 14, 2015

    The DAEC , The public prosecutor at the time and the chief of police should all be held accountable for the settlement amount that our taxes have to pay . As a matter of fact heads should roll for such foolish action from people with law degrees . All of them playing smart but acting like a bunch of fools . PM should fire them .

    • Dorival John
      April 14, 2015

      Why should they be held accountable? Although they demonstrated and spoke against Tommy Lee, the final decision to block him rested on the government and Skerrit. Remember Skerrit is the almighty one and all final decisions rest with him.

      Skerrit made the decision because Tommy Lee was being sponsored to perform in Dominica by Cabral Douglas, a fierce critic of Skerrit and the government.

      So Skerrit thinks he can just do what he wants without repercussions.

      He has learnt his lesson.

      • forreal
        April 14, 2015

        you talking ,skerrit was pressed the DAEC,he acted on their consistencies.

    • The Facts
      April 14, 2015

      Some of you do not put on your thinking cap and think beyond. When are you going to give this a good, sensible thought?
      Did you not give it a thought that Cabral and his other organizers should be blamed for encouraging Tommy Lee to travel to D/ca, despite the fact they were fully aware that he was not welcome?
      When Tommy Lee arrived in D/ca and he was told to return to his jet, he boldly refused. The audacity of him. This is an infraction and disrespect against our immigration officers, country and nationals That man thought that D/ca belongs to him and he had a right to land although he knew there was controversy about him performing in Dominica. This meant he was not wholeheartedly welcome.
      Some of you have a problem by not blaming Cabral and his team of organizers and Tommy Lee.
      Tommy Lee does not deserve a cent from the government; not the money of Dominicans. You people should be concerned.

  50. Zandoli
    April 14, 2015

    Finally the PM has learned something.

  51. cc
    April 14, 2015

    youngest and d baddest ,,,, he’s unstopable

  52. lizard lick
    April 14, 2015

    I AGREE 100% with you PM….people just like to judge othere…who are u to judge the life someone the end of the day we have to answer to God we cannot go around judging and let live

    • The Facts
      April 14, 2015

      You are another who missed the point and who does not realize the reasons why Alkaline should not be welcome. Or are you great pretenders and hypocrites?
      Some of you lack common sense. They judge him? They know what type of songs he sings. For this reason they do not welcome him to perform.
      Anyway, you do not know the difference in judging, speaking the truth and preventing him from performing especially to the youths in D/ca.

  53. MApwi
    April 14, 2015

    Well Said Mr. PM. DEAC and their pile of rubbish…..As far as i am concern there is also peoples on choice here in what they decide they want to attend. So the DEAC should stay away and let people who want to enjoy an artist like Akaline do what he has to do….The DEAC needs to stop bringing down the economy with the @#$@ they do…first Tommy Lee now Akaline…How do they think that will look for other artist when they are asked to come here? IF i was in their shoe, i personally would decline an invite….#smallmindedpeople

    • April 14, 2015

      Well said Mr. P.M. what? Mr. P.M was made to pay for his swipe at Cabral Douglas. The decision was made based on his political feelings towards Cabral Douglas. Now Dominicans might have to pay Tommy Lee, not Mr. P.M. paying but us Dominicans. Open your eyes. Look behind/beyond the words of the Mr. P.M.

  54. Rasta
    April 14, 2015

    On a serious note. Dominicans really and truly gonna waste their money to watch those nonsense perform those nonsense songs? I can remember as a youth growing up we had beanie man, bounty killa, shabba, beres sanchez, spragga benz sizzla Anthony b, capleton to name a few of real entertainers. Those alkalines and tommy lees cant be compared those names I mentioned. Dancehall now is a pure disgrace.

    • MApwi
      April 14, 2015

      to you it is to the youth now its not…..shbba, bounty killa, beenie…etc, have made their days. their music is still well respected but you can’t stop the youth from enjoying what they like. and yes their is quiet a few that enjoying Akaline songs. he has a few i enjoy myself so u can’t say they won’t

  55. Oh Please
    April 14, 2015

    I hope the DAEC helping to pay the attorney fees and settlement amount the Government has to and continue pay re: Tommy Lee Sparta!!!!! It also baffles me how does the Evangelical association knows Alkaline’s music ?…lol
    Stop the many radio stations i hear everyday playing his music…look jokes. I sure they don’t even know or realize they are listening to his music daily.

    • i glad
      April 15, 2015

      Is still locals and tax payers that going to pay Tommy Lee. whether is collection from church offerings from the DAEC or collection from state taxes. Either way is the people who will pay.

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