IN PICTURES: Salisbury Protest

20150511_155037Several Salisbury residents left their homes in the early hours of Monday morning to block the E.O Leblanc Highway just outside of the village. They were protesting the “deplorable condition” of the roads in their community and demanded that the authorities come to Salisbury to discuss the matter with them.

Despite the strong presence of the police which included an anti-riot squad, the protesters stood their ground throughout the morning and into the afternoon before the police were finally able to clear the road.

Below are some photos of various phases of the event.

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  1. Diana
    May 13, 2015

    Stand up for what you believe in… even if you have to stand alone. Go people these things happen for some people to take notice.

  2. Peace
    May 12, 2015

    Many thanks DNO, for keeping us updates and for these telling images.

  3. me myself and I
    May 12, 2015

    it is sad to hear Dominican say that Salisbury people wicked. when allu sit in your office and sure to get a salary you don’t know what it is like having to depend on your farm to feed your family, send your children to school, pay your bills. that same farm that cause some Dominicans to have big jobs today and want to crucify the poor farmers. Shame on some Dominicans. AND YES IT IS POLITCAL WHEN A PRIME MINISTER HAS DELIBERATELY PUNISHED THE PEOPLE OF THE SALISBURY CONSTITUENCY. SHOULDN’T THEY FIGHT FOR THEIR LIVLIHOOD TOO.

  4. febrese
    May 12, 2015

    In photos number 22 and 23, is the dreadlux guy taking a photo of the police or as selfie?.. If it is a photo of the police did he have to get so close?

  5. Wa Papa
    May 12, 2015

    I see some of my boys there. Go my brothers. Only thing is that you guys aren’t farmers so I hope you aren’t paid by these political parasites.

  6. Jimmy O'Brien
    May 12, 2015

    I am proud of the movement: Dominica we need a revolution now

  7. Tothepoint
    May 12, 2015

    It is great to see the community United for a common cause. The roads most in a dilapidated condition to spark such outrage. The main road through the village is the government’s responsibility but the side roads are that of the local government (council) to look after. In my village we fix our side roads and maintain the beauty of the main road during community day of service. We could not find all that rubbish that was used to block the road even if we tried. The place is clean and we as a community is proud of it.

  8. Tothepoint
    May 12, 2015

    Was that the most productive and effective manner to get there message across? Don’t there Parliamentary representative have an office to which they could take there complaints? The echoes of America lifestyle has a tremendous hold over my people. Because there are many other ways they could have let there voices be heard with greater effect than this negative display. Looks like they wanted to clear there yard of rubbish.

  9. The Facts
    May 12, 2015

    I believe someone put them up to that. They are defiant of the D/can Law and the police.
    You do not have to be violent. What do you hope to achieve by this? Do you think this will be in your favor?
    Yes, your roads will have to be repaired. Do you not consider that other roads are being repaired/constructed and you should be patient?
    You have an MP representing you. Why did you not take it up with the MP? Would it be the MP (or an MP) who put you up to that?
    Are you people church-going ones and prayerful? You are not living up to your Christian teachings and as you believe.
    I think some of you like excitement which is why you staged this protest. Let it be the last one and contact the government respectfully in writing. Be diplomatic. This is what you should have done in the first place.

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