70-year-old man marries 15-year-old in Saudi Arabia

While the issue of raising the age of consent is being discussed in Dominica, CNN is reporting that a 70-year-old man has married a 15-year-old in Saudi Arabia.

But the man is refusing claims that his wife is a teenager, stating that he was ripped off by her family for the large dowry he paid for the marriage. It is reported that he paid dowry to the girl’s parents for the equivalent of US$20,000.

“She is not 15 as everybody claims,” he told CNN. “She’s 25 years old and she’s mature enough to make her own decisions… I was fooled by the girl’s family.”

The matter came to light when the man complained to a local official that his new wife had left him and went back to her family. He said he thought she was 25 years old and that he was ripped off.

Human rights workers in Saudi Arabia has expressed outrage over the whole thing who said they believe the teenager left after a fight between herself and her husband.

Plans are now being put in place in case the courts require the teenager to formally dispute the marriage.

CNN quoted a leading member of the Saudi National Association for Human Rights, who said the parents of the young girl should be blamed. “When you consider the very large difference in age, it looks more like this was not a marriage, but like the girl was sold,” Dr. Suhaila Zein al-Abedin said. “The girl’s parents need to be held responsible for this.”

There is no minimum age for marrying in Saudi Arabia and extremely conservative religious scholars in the Muslim country have opposed a law that would govern the age to marry.

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  1. July 9, 2013

    We find this type of thing in a Muslim country.

    The authorities are making a pretence of being angry at the man or the girl’s parents and are in damage control mode simply because the “marriage” has become international news. But the truth is there is no age of consent for marriage in Saudi Arabia. It is the most fervant Muslims who are blocking the passing of an age of consent law. Muslim men are allowed to have four wives and it is fashionable to take a child-bride.

    In the story CNN gave the world they said this girl (woman?) was 15. The man is saying she is 25. Personally, I would rather trust the professionalism of the CNN’s journalists than what the man is saying.

    In Saudi Arabia and other countries under the shadow of Islam women are treated like objects to be owned, sold, and bought. Their religion teaches them when and how to (physically) punish their wives. This is so obvious in the complaint of the man in this case. Listen to him! He is not grieving over a broken romance! He is not sorrowing because he has lost the love of his life! He is complaining because he paid 20,000 US dollars for this girl and he didn’t get his money’s worth.

    It is culture that stands in stark contrast the Christian way – the plan for a happy marriage God has give us in our New Testament. It says “Wives submit yourselves uno your own husbands, as unto the Lord. … Husbands love your wives as Christ loved the church, and gave himself for it. … So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife loveth himself.”
    (Ephesians 5:22,25,28.)

    If you have never experience the true freedom of the Christian gospel I invite you to visit my website http://www.livinghopeministries.ca Click onto the EAGLE COURSE – a 12 Lesson Workbook Manual for New Christians. It can be studied from the screen or copied absolutely free. The first lesson will explain how you can receive Jesus Christ as your personal Savior. You will encounter a God who is love personified! He is a God you can know and have a relationship with.

    Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. Pentecostal Evangelist.

  2. January 12, 2013

    25 years, 15 years, what difference does it make? You are a damn 70 year old man, if that story is true, what the hell is wrong with you. You may not even be able to have an erection. If that female was really a 15 year old, your arse should be thrown in jail for MOLESTATION.

  3. Irie
    January 11, 2013

    I see Muslim_Always even calling Dominican girls “daykarlay”….that person rude eh? I have a problem with men who view women as their personal property, thus they want a ‘new thing’ all wrapped up in her spanking new packaging, nobody doh touch her yet, not a fingerprint not a smudge. To me that is a misogynistic and objectification of women. My woman is my friend, my partner in crime, I want her to consent to being with me, and we can explore safe sex together, no virginity required. The woman I marry doesn’t have to be a virgin, once she has a strong head on her shoulders, she exudes confidence, independence and good human qualities plus she loves her Irie, I will gladly go down on one Knee. That virginity business is too tedious, I want my wife to be a bad salop in my bedroom, and I too ole to give my wife extra lessons!

  4. Muslim_Always
    January 11, 2013

    This issue was discussed briefly on D.B.S radio, however I will make the following points. It is regrettable that people who do not know any better accused the best man who ever walked the face of the earth Muhammad peace be upon him of Pedophilia due to his marriage to ‘Aa’ishah at the age of 9.

    1. Pedophilia involves adults taking advantage of children by purchasing sexual favors from them. British and German sex tourists being caught in Sri Lanka, Thailand and the Philippines are not seeking marriage but only sex from child prostitutes or impoverished people willing to give their children away for a few pennies.

    2. The age of consent for women set in the west varies from 14 to 18. These ages were arrived at by democratic vote and have no actual relationship to the woman’s ability or inability for sexual relations for marriage. Consequently, what is considered legal sex in France may be considered rape in England.

    3. Islam sets the age of marriage at puberty, as it is the natural dividing line between childhood and adulthood. Menstruation indicates that a young girl has reached childbearing age. This age may vary from country to country, but is is discernable and not arbitrary.

    4. Most societies around the world sanctioned child marriages up until this century. It was not introduced by Islam but regulated.

    5. Islam stipulates that a girl or boy married before puberty will not live with their spouse until they have attained puberty. Furthermore, they have the right to cancel or proceed with the marriage when they reach puberty.

    6. ‘Aa’ishah was seven when she was married off to the Prophet (p) and she came to live with him when she reached puberty at nine.

    7. Women abused as children usually have difficult times coping as adults. They are often unstable and psychologically handicapped. ‘Aa’ishah became the leading female scholar of her time and conveyed to the next generation an enormous body of Islamic law. She was known to be the fourth most prolific narrator of the Prophetic traditions of all of the Prophet’s followers.

    Lastly, may Allah guide those who are sincere about understanding Islam. Ameen. Remember Oh Dominicans, anyone who dies in a state other than Islam it will never be accepted of him and in the hereafter he will be of the losers. (Noble Quran).

  5. D A
    January 10, 2013

    Thats a norm in Saudi Arabia, they buy girls,they buy slaves and they still have slaves there and they are very racist.

    January 10, 2013

    When One hungry and more broken than a louse
    And there is nothing to eat in the house
    Obviously,the parents will say to sell the …C
    And bring home all the cash to Me!
    That’s dem people culture!!

  7. dean
    January 10, 2013
  8. Domerican/Possie
    January 10, 2013

    Admin please provide an update to this story as it is reported that the 70 year old man has filed for divorce from the 15 year old girl.

  9. Alladin Alladin Abdu
    January 10, 2013

    I am 46 years old Alladin Alladin Abdullah Al Hasim Amin Laden, I am a Muslim and a Saudi Billionaire. I have I first got married at 23 years old and been marrying a new wife every year thereafter. I am now with 23 wives, and plan my 24th wedding on the anniversary of my 23rd.

    You are not part of my culture so you will not understand. My youngest wife of 5 years marriage will be 19 years this year. My bride to be is 17 years.

    How can you tell Japanese not to eat whale meat when it is part of their culture or jamaicans not to sing reggae the reggae music they created or pork lovers not to eat that unclean meat… you will be out of place… so why can’t i have as many wives as pleases me. they are all happy with their 115 children; 69 girls and all the rest boys… :wink:

  10. Anonymous
    January 10, 2013


  11. Future
    January 10, 2013

    I see words like exchange and “looks as if” what the hell? She was SOLD!! Put the parents in the brigg, or the stretchy machines that pull at them from each limb…that should be legal in Dominica. Anyways; This girl knew that her parents were selling her, no doubt, but its her parents fault and the man well he’s old he can’t see right, poor old man, Give him back his money :(

    • Agatha
      January 13, 2013

      She was not sold. According to the story her parents were killed by the man who took her as a wife at 6 years.

  12. Agatha
    January 10, 2013

    To @Muslim_Always.
    Over the years I have seen two documentaries and an article which state that your Prophet married a beautiful 6-year-old Jewish child after he killed her parents in her presence, and he actually consumated the marriage when she was 9 years old.
    Is this true?
    Is this holy?
    I dont understand!
    I ask this question respectully, hoping to get an answer, please.

    • Muslim_Always
      January 10, 2013

      Your account is inaccurate.

      Firstly, yes he had a young wife but she was not Jewish at all.

      Secondly, young marriages were a norm 1400 years ago both in the Persian Empire and the Byzantine Empire (which is another word for Christian Empire).

      Thirdly, prophet Muhammad (p) had many enemies in his time, if he had practiced an abominable marriage or had practiced pedophilia in any form they would have naturally used that against him.

      Fourth, the wisdom behind marrying a young girl is that their memories retain far easier. You are looking at an oral culture where everything depends on memory and very little writing. Thus, after the prophet passed away she had already memorized over 6,000 of his practices to teach to scholars when they come to her.

      This young wife Aiesha (May Allah be pleased with her) was a scholar. When her husband died she was 18 years old and she continued lecturing in the fields of Islamic law, ethics, politics and other fields.

      Lastly, her young marriage did not cause her to have any psychological trauma of any kind. Her faculties and her well being was not compromised in any way, in fact she developed under a man whose spirituality far exceeded anyone in the world.

      If you want to know the history of women in Islam I recommended you get the book or pdf file off the internet entitled ‘Great Women of Islam.’ If you want to know about the biography of the prophet Muhammad (p) you may read ‘The Sealed Nectar.’

      For more about Islam – http://www.islamreligion.com

      • Anonymous
        January 10, 2013

        HOw old was the girl when the prophet married her? pray tell.

  13. D A
    January 9, 2013

    What if there is more to the story, what if she was not a virgin and the man believe he was tricked. I am wondering because there is no age limit to get married :?: :?: :?:

  14. Swordsman
    January 9, 2013

    Just check out the age of one of the sixteen wives-Aesha, of the founder of that religion and you don’t have to wonder about that happenning in Saudi Arabia or in any Muslim state.

    • Muslim_Always
      January 10, 2013

      Sixteen wives? Ignorant!

  15. anonymous2
    January 9, 2013

    What else is new. This has been going on for hundreds of years. Look at India as well as the middle east and even Mexico.

  16. Muslim_Always
    January 9, 2013

    In Islam there are 4 elements required for a marriage to take place.

    1. Consent of both parties (man and woman)

    2. At least two witnesses

    3. The dowry

    4. The guardian for the girl.

    If any of these elements is missing, the marriage is void.

    Additionally, if the girl is a virgin her parents helps her with that so that her naivety is protected. The virgin girl still has a right to object if her parents suggest someone for marriage she doesn’t like. This is Islamic law and I have conducted Islamic marriages both in the Caribbean and the UK.

    If after marriage the girl has to run back to her parents it means that something corrupt or fishy has happened and THIS IS NOT FROM ISLAM.

    In Islamic culture there is no “age of consent” because it is forbidden for man or woman to have sex outside of wedlock. It is punishable by law. There must be marriage thus a 12 year old can marry a 15 year old whilst going to school. Marriage is between two families and they decide if their daughter is fit for marriage at 15 years or not.

    One cannot apply the standards of Dominican culture to that of Islamic culture. In Islamic culture it is the norm that our women are chaste before marriage, on the other hand, our “consented” girls before marriage are “day-kar-lay.”

    In conclusion, every society has problems and people do corrupt things but promiscuity is not the norm in Islamic societies thanks be to Allah. Can we say the same in Dominica?

    • Missy
      January 9, 2013

      I wish I could like 100 times. I am not a muslim,their culture deserves an Amen…

      • Muslim_Always
        January 10, 2013

        Thank you Missy, may Allah guide you to Islam. Please look into http://www.islamreligion.com for information about this wonderful way of life.

    • music
      January 9, 2013

      Islam ways and Dominican/Caribbean culture is different. But anywhere in the world a 12 year old is a child, in that mentally, physically and emotionally he or she is not ready to commit to something as serious as marriage. A 70 year old marrying a 15 year old is a pedophile. The end :)

      • Muslim_Always
        January 10, 2013

        In Dominica the age of consent is 16, in France is 15 and in China it’s 14. Whose correct? These men who have relations with 14, 15 and 16 year old are pedophiles? On what basis? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Age_of_consent

        Secondly, if they increase the age of consent to 18, for many years now 16 year old were consenting to sex, does that make all the men who had sex with them now pedophiles? What a bunch of nonsense!

        Well “Music” let’s see if you are speaking sense regarding 12 year old. Here is some news for you, these 12 year old’s are active and Dominicans need to open their eyes.


    • h
      January 9, 2013

      yeah, and the great prophet Muhammad married a six year old… for sure with her consent :lol:

    • Agatha
      January 9, 2013

      @Muslim_Always. Over the years I have seen two documentaries and an article that state that your Prophet married a 6 year old after he killed her parents and he consumated the marriage when she was 9 years old. Is this true? Is this holy? I dont understand.

    • D A
      January 9, 2013

      You can’t stereotype all Domincan women as “day kal lay,” just as you can’t stereotype all Islam women as virgins. In every country regardless of what law their is, there is always some that would disregard the law, and I am saying that because I work with muslim guys and I learn a lot about these countries. There are drug and alcoholics,whores,and whoremongers in all those countries, it just can’t be seen in public.One guy met me in the gym and told me these American girls are hot with their skimpy clothes but their women are hotter because while they can’t be seen in public when they come to your home is butt naked. So cry down our women because there are some good ones.

      • Muslim_Always
        January 10, 2013

        I did not stereotype or intend to stereotype all Muslim women or all Dominican women, I said what is the norm in both societies, there is a difference.

        In Dominica if a girl is a virgin she gets pressure from her friends to have sex.

        In Islam if a girl is a non virgin before marriage this is a problem.

        These are the norms of the both societies, this is no way indicates that there aren’t exceptions to the rule.

    • Deleoncourt
      January 10, 2013

      Man you are totally insane, Islam in conservative countries such as Saudi Arabia has to evolve to survive. Just because in Dominican some/most girls are not virgins before marriage (Something i have no problem with but you obviously do) does not mean that teenagers have the mental maturity and psychological capability to make an informed choice to get married. And of course it is normal to apply modern standards to a culture that despite all evidence is willfully harming children for the sake of religion. At 15 a girl is not even physically mature enough to bear children and the risks of both her and the baby dieing are elevated. A marriage should be the choice between consenting individuals who have attained the age of maturity. Marrying a 15 and a 12 year old is plain old retarded. You may rebut with Ahh Dominican girls are whores etc but there is a big difference between a 15 year old who is sexually active *and hopefully protecting themselves from pregnancy and disease and a 15 year old who enters into a life long legally binding contract that effectively makes her the property of a 70 year old man.

    • Anonymous
      January 10, 2013

      You cannot fool anybody don’t even try. We all know the reality and trying to lie about won’t help. People all over the world will sin, in Christianity blatantly as you can see before your eyes, and in Islam, where Dominicans cannot see blatantly however people like me can see because of where I live. So who you trying to fool? Man was born with original sin. We all have the tendency to sin regardless of religion. So if something is fishy, it may be fishy but don’t try to dissociate if from Islam people. Is sex before marriage Christian? Is divorce Christian? Yet we will not deny it happens. Promiscuity is not the norm in Islam but it does happen. notice you said ‘if’ the girl is a virgin. and i could go on. Now i can portray Christianity as well. It is a religion where girls are also encouraged to be chaste before marriage, witnesses must be present, consent of both parties, and I could go on. In other words we have the same principles, yet you seem to lash out at Dominicans. the difference, we don’t have a violent law but we preach peace, and let people live their lives making their choices for themselves. Who are you to condemn? Jesus did not condemn the promiscuous woman. She was forgiven. if you don’t have sin cast the first stone…….

      • Muslim_Always
        January 10, 2013

        What is the norm regarding virginity in Dominican and Islamic societies?

        In Dominican most girls are deflowered before marriage whereas in Islamic culture it’s the other way around, you cannot disprove this.

    • January 10, 2013

      are there women who are not chaste before marriage in the muslim world who are still alive?

    • Offended
      January 10, 2013

      Muslim Always I try my best to respectful of people and their religious beliefs but since we’re stereotyping because you feel the need to insult Dominican women in the most demeaning and degrading manner allow me to state a few facts!

      1. Most Dominican men who have converted to Muslim in Dominica do so because they have a liking for little girls and use this as a cover up to RAPE under the guise of religion young girls, or think they will be allowed to do as they please and marry multiple women or enslave women in Dominica.

      Tell your religion stop promoting hate, war mongering and violence in the world, killing innocent women and children then lying about it not being true. Stop rubbing children of their innocence and calling it chaste. 9 year olds are supposed to be pure sakway enviole
      2. Most Muslim men this is the only way they will be valid and seek to control women by imposing their weaknesses covered by religion on them.

      3. In the US, Canada Uk and most developed countries black men who have converted to ISLAM 99% of them are ex or recurring door jail birds. It is a fact the most black men who have been to jail especially for rape, domestic abuse, and other violent crimes against women and children convert to ISLAM as their cover up.

      4. Many muslim women are not CHASTE as you put it especially the ones in western society. Nobody engages in anal sex more than these people and often times with non muslim men, then go on to get married.

      5. Last but by no means least I apologise that you were raised with so many men crossing you like a revolving door to visit the females in your family, and then to know your bopeh is your uncle and still get rejected by descent Dominican women so I excuse your rude outburt

      • apology
        January 11, 2013

        Dear Offended,

        Let me start by apologizing not only to you but to the Dominican women who were wrongfully insulted by MuslimAlways. Responding to this comment is a dilemma; I am a Dominican and a Muslim woman! Like you, I felt offended and insulted. This insulting statement I can assure you is nowhere connected to the Dominica Muslim Community yet alone Islam! I understand totally the state of mind you were in when you wrote this response ( not that I condone it). Here are some videos I recommend for viewing.




        Once again I am sorry for the offensive statement. Please watch the videos. Don’t think I am trying to convert you to Islam. I am directing you to Islamic Knowledge. It is only fair that if I want to get to know you I would not ask your enemy..I would ask you..it’s only fair.
        Take care… and sorry once more.

    • apology
      January 11, 2013

      Asalamu alaiykum

      Islam as you know elevates women and gives to them in a lofty status. The hadiths ( prophetic narrations) are endless in regards to the lofty status given to women in Islam. Allow me to direct you to one such narration. I am unable to relay it verbatim but I’ll try to relay while retaining its wisdom…a man came to the prophet Muhammad ( on him be peace) seeking his consent to commit fornication. According to this man, he is able to abide to all the rules of Islam except the rule of fornicating being a sin. The prophets response to the man’s request was words to the effect, would you like it if a man was to commit fornication with your mother, and sister and daughter and aunt and the rest of your women folk? Why then do you want to do it to another man’s mother and daughter…ect..
      I ask you the same…would you like for someone to insult your mother, and sister and aunt and the rest of your women folk? Why then are you insulting the Dominican women oh Muslim Always?Your response to the comment for the most part was sound until this disturbing and baseless insult. To add salt to injury you call yourself Muslim Always! I seek refuge in Allah!
      I am a Muslim woman and Dominican as well. I felt terrible after reading this comment. This kind of action have no place in Islam brother and you know that! It angers me to even respond to you because of the damage that you are causing this religion. Allah says in the Qur’an…which translates to mean..”and do not insult the gods of the non- Muslims lest they insult Allah wrongfully without knowledge” Qur’an 6;108.
      I know that you did not insult their Gods but you insulted them calling them “DAY-KA-LAY.” I ask of you Muslim Always to apologize to the Dominican women and avoid making these comments in the future. I am almost certain that you have lost your credibility with many among the Dominican public male as well as female.
      Islam is a beautiful way of life so much so that it is the fastest growing religion in the world today, and it is the fastest growing religion among women! alhamdulilah! ( All praise be to Allah). Have you ever wondered why so many Dominican women are ‘Day-Ka-lay’ as you say. This is an interesting topic for research if you will. The majority of women in Dominica and the world who go about selling their bodies were victims of sexual abuse as children..some as early as infancy! What is amazing about this is society pretends that it does not happen and they treat these women as perpetrators instead of victims. You hear statements all the time about women ‘oh she in her business long time’..the girl is only 12 years old! How long could she have been in business? then she starts looking for love and comfort and Some hungry, dirty, immoral men take advantage of her, causing her to loose her self -esteem after stripping her of her pride, then leaving her for another man to eat his kwarce..dirty, stinking men! that’s how the DAY-KA-LAY-ING starts…. or at least one of the ways… another reason for this atrocity of women loosing their self – esteem..single parenting…in most cases the mother is the bread-winner, the poor child has no father figure..where does she turn? To a man..looking for that love daddy was supposed to give her in another who most times never gives her anything but takes everything away from her! Do your research and you’ll be amazed. So instead of condemning the women offer them the comfort and healing that they need. Allow them to see the beauty of Islam..hoping that the knowledge of Islam will change their hearts by and actions by Allah’s permission.
      Islam is a beautiful way of life! Wonderful and I love it! If only these women whom you so wrongfully insulted could come to know of its beauty. unfortunately it is the most misunderstood way of life for may reasons and you are adding to the list of reasons by your insulting comments.
      So I ask of you Muslim Always, to humble yourself and apologize to the women of Dominica. PLEASE LET THEM KNOW THAT YOUR STATEMENT IS IN NO WAY, SHAPE OR FORM REFLECTIVE OF THE DOMINICA MUSLIM COMMUNITY NEITHER ISLAM!
      Some persons may be saying to themselves I have contradicted myself when I spoke of child abuse in light of Islams position that women are allowed to marry at the onset of puberty…no..this is not contradicting myself…Marriage in Islam entails a man respectfully approaching another man for his daughter’s hand in marriage…child abuse is disrespecting a child..taking her without her parents knowledge, abusing her,destroying her morals and striping her of her God-given gift! And then again some men do it to their own daughters! WHERE IS THE JUSTICE? WHERE IS THE CONSCIENCE? WHERE IS THE MERCY? Islam has it all..don’t be fooled by those who seek to destroy this blessed religion…
      And again Muslim Always I beg of you to apologize to the women and remember this Arabian adage ” know that if speech is silver then silence is golden!” You don’ always have to speak what’s on your mind.

      • Muslim_Always
        January 11, 2013

        Firstly, it seems to me you are trying to gain some kind of favor from the kuffar.

        Secondly, if the age of consent is 16 and the age to get married is 18 what does that law imply? Any sane person who can infer would see that this piece of legislation implies, oh 16 year old, have fun for 2 years then get married at 18. Additionally, the wider Dominican society does not support young marriages, they say things like, ‘why you tie yourself down so early? You young, go school! Marry, you too young for that etc etc.’ So sister the wider society of women are destroyed before they get married by the perils of fornication and this is a fact. When I spoke of day-kar-lay I am speaking about the norms of the Dominican society and this is true. Why should I apologize when these people on here are insulting Islam and the prophet Muhammad accusing him of pedophilia? Do you know what Allah says in His book regarding dealing with these people? Allah taught us to argue in ways that are best with the people of the book except THOSE WHO DO WRONG. Many of these people on here have disrespected Islam, blame what one incident on the entire Islamic community. Is this fair?

        From the tone of your writing it implies that perhaps you or people very close to you MAY have been one of these women who were sexually molested prior to becoming a Muslim. If this is the case then this is regrettable and not your/their fault and I do empathize with you and other Dominican women who have gone through this ordeal. However, this is not the issue discussed. This issue regarding the “day-kar-lay” culture has to do with our highly sensual culture which promotes promiscuity. The Dominican society needs to stop its hypocrisy and face the issues in their backyard first before pointing at other cultures. Welfare has reported last year an upsurge in the number of sexually abused boys and girls. Why don’t Dominicans look into these gruesome issues instead of insulting Muslims day and night?

        Sister you quoted a verse regarding ‘Insulting the gods of the people…’ Unfortunately this verse is way out of context. Before you post a verse please refer to the tafseer of the verse to understand its holistic context. Thanks.

        Another point, I do not seek credibility from man. I seek credibility from Allah.

        Lastly, again the Dominican masses know that the majority of women are ‘DEFLOWERED’ (Someone popped their cherry) before marriage. This is the Dominican wider culture. This is the NORM however, there are exceptions to this and there are still good women here.

        AS LONG AS ALLAH HAS GIVEN ME EYES TO READ AND I READ ANY FORUM ON HERE WHERE ONE PERSON DOES SOMETHING, THEN PEOPLE ON HERE TAKE IT OUT ON ALL OF ISLAM THEN I WILL REMIND THEM LIKE WHAT JESUS SAID IN THEIR BIBLE, “REMOVE THE BEAM FROM YOUR EYES YOU HYPOCRITES!” I will remind them when some of their sons and daughters ‘go backdoor’ to Guadeloupe to rob and kill people and ask if this is what Dominican society is built on.

        Respect Islam and Muslims Oh unbelievers then we will show more compassion to you. Insult Allah, Prophet Muhammad and the believers and the struggle of the tongue and the ink will continue.

        My sister fear Allah, do not side with the unbelievers who continue to insult Allah, His messenger and the believing folk. Allah will love you. Do not make their words deceive you for Allah says “What they conceal in their hearts is FAR WORSE.”

    January 9, 2013

    All you can vex if All you want.Say what All you want,that is part of them people culture!In Rome you got to do like the Romans.

  18. DESIE
    January 9, 2013

    It have sum young girls Dominica that so out of the way they are not even worth us$10.00 much less for 20,000

  19. Outraged
    January 9, 2013

    What do you expect from primitive and Uncivilized People?

    • Future
      January 10, 2013

      The people are not uncivilized and primitive, they have their own damn culture, you’re acting pretty primitive for discriminating against a race that you do not understand…you my dear Dominican are being IGNORANT!

  20. Django
    January 9, 2013

    15 year olds are definitely off-limits. But when I am 70, I definitely hooking up with a 30 year old scrunter. I will take her out for a KFC or two, but after that I hiding my money.

    • Lenavra
      January 10, 2013

      lol…that is, IF you live to see 70.

  21. Oust Them!
    January 9, 2013

    :oops: :twisted: :mrgreen: :?:With all these religions and ritual in the name of GOD OR ALLAH;In these countries and cultures,women are owned and treated as properties less than humane which is wrong.That’s why they will never have an age of consent written in their laws.They claim to call the western countries so much evil names which of course they are,but they are no better and have the same lust for flesh and treat humans especially women with inequality and injustice.ALLAH,GOD,JAH,whoever the supreme being is,will deal justly with all these evil and mete out judgement at the appropriate time with justice! :oops: :twisted: :mrgreen: :?:

    • why tea
      January 9, 2013

      Yes Oust Them, that’s the reason why they marry with babies to hide their hyprocrisy behind black curtains and want to teach the West how to live holy lives. Sometimes the poor girl is killed if she objects. That is called “honoured killing”. When I walk my dog at nights, I see some de-kar-lay Muslims girls hiding in cars doing what is against their culture. And Muslim Always,u should travel a bit more. Some of your people are more de-kar-lay than Dominicain girls.

  22. DIVORCEE COP a o c
    January 9, 2013

    what love love love what God hath put together……..And all you talking about age of consent in Da
    Some people to heepocrite eh but trust me its only moslems who can do dat in Da. How mister going to rise to d ocassion nuh!!!! papa!

    Lacatoon lacatoon toon !
    dat grapes sweet papa or is it a chew my pocket chew my bucket teresaH lol

    January 9, 2013


  24. wooooow
    January 9, 2013

    Same thing that happened to the girl her father died he worked for domlec.ass soon as she turned 18 they’ makes her marry a man.he was almost 40.

  25. January 9, 2013

    “When you consider the very large difference in age, it looks more like this was not a marriage, but like the girl was sold,” Dr. Suhaila Zein al-Abedin said–News article

    Well why is this Dr. talking as if this is a new thing? Is that not the way it has always done in these people’s culture?

    Still for all in the largest part of this world, marriage is based on material asset, and the physical outlook, which provokes the lust of the flesh.

    Today’s marriage has nothing to do with Love–regardless of the culture– but Love is what marriage was meant for, as ordained bg God, when He said: “For this reason a man shall leave his mother and father and to cling to his wife”

  26. Ovaltine
    January 9, 2013

    If Dominican men had to pay US$20,000 for the twelve and thirteen year olds that they are messing with we would have less abuse of the young ones.

  27. diamond girl
    January 9, 2013

    8-O 8-O well well… i am speechless

    • DIVORCEE COP a o c
      January 9, 2013

      chupes u bettter dan her ??? all now you looking for a man to marryu hater!

  28. Anonymous
    January 9, 2013

    It is common in that culture has been for generations .stop pretending this is new information

  29. James
    January 9, 2013

    That’s part of these peole’s culture so it’s nothing new.

  30. Tri-State Beauty
    January 9, 2013

    This is downright pathetic and an abomination under the guise of culture and religion! He is still a dirty pervert and these parents are pigs. That is even more cause for protection of children in Dominica. Even if they go along with it then the law can step in and handle parents and perps alike. This is one of those things that plague Dominica parents making backroom deals when their children have been violated. I want this law in Dominica to go further and empower the authorities Hospital, police, teachers, social workers, child advocates to act in the interest of the minor hither to what parents and the child and perp says.

  31. May.
    January 9, 2013

    Thats’ sad doing this to a child. Money is really the root of evil. They should pay back the money because the marriage was under false pretences. The authorities should jail the parentsd

  32. rescue911
    January 9, 2013

    they say she 15years .he say no she is 25 .then he saying he taught she was 25 but he was ripped off.he self was too damn nuff (they should sell him a pig in a bag)

  33. Concern citizen
    January 9, 2013

    Nothing new, these people are driven by money. They do not care who they sold their daughters to and what effect it has on them since they gets their dowry.

  34. concerned
    January 9, 2013

    I find that the introduction to the article man by DNO is very ironical. Yes ages of consent HAS to be dealt with in Dominica. We must stop trying to copy what happens in other people country. We have similar cases here in Dominica: people encourage their daughters to sell their body at a young age to grown ups for money; young boys frequent elder women for money (most times for materiel things).
    Most time we parents see it as a way of getting out of our poverty but we have no control over it.
    So let’s try to give back a life to our young ones.

    • DIVORCEE COP a o c
      January 9, 2013

      leave papat DNO out of allu business DNO DOESNT MAKE USE THEY ONLY PUBLISH IT

      iT seems as if you idle or wat yu dat paying those hardworking DNO people salary nuh

      if u want work to so it have enuff stones on our west coast to throw in d sea

      your time will come those with glass houses doh thro stones which concern is CONSCERN concern?

      Look at culture laws and traditions in such places and den think before you open your chappers

      Its people like you dat giving calypsonians lyrics to write !!!!!! chupes!!!

      • DIVORCEE COP a o c
        January 9, 2013

        meant DNO DOESNT MAKE NEWS*

  35. roxann
    January 9, 2013


    • DIVORCEE COP a o c
      January 9, 2013

      WHATS disgusting about marriage !!! she shude fornicate ? as for u self self self duhhhhhhhhhhhh

  36. lee
    January 9, 2013

    They should jail her parents. The way I see it they exchange their daughter to an older man for $20,000. That’s a real shame.

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