Archaeologists find first known gay caveman near Prague

The 'gay caveman' as discovered by archaeologists. Photo credit: Europics

An unusual burial may have outed the world’s first known gay caveman, whose bones were discovered outside Prague in a grave that indicates he was homosexual or possibly transgendered.

During the Copper Age 5,000 years ago, men were traditionally buried facing the west, along with weapons and knives. But archaeologists in the Czech Republic say the skeletal remains of the newly discovered caveman were found facing the east, along with household items like water jugs and pots, funeral rites almost always reserved for women in the region during that time.

“From history and ethnology, we know that people from this period took funeral rites very seriously, so it is highly unlikely that this positioning was a mistake,” archaeologist Kamila Remisova Vesinova told reporters Wednesday, according to London’s Telegraph. “Far more likely is that he was a man with a different sexual orientation, homosexual or transsexual.”

Researchers said they’d seen other graves from the period in which female warriors were buried using rites usually afforded to men, but never a grave in which a man was buried in the style of a woman. Katerina Semradova, another researcher, said the discovery is one of the earliest known cases of a “third-gender grave,” according to the Daily Mail.

Archaeologists also found an oval-shaped pot near the man, an artifact generally buried with women. “What we see here does not add up to traditional Corded Ware cultural norms,” Vesinova said.

The man, who lived sometime between 2900 and 2500 B.C., is believed to be part of the Corded Ware culture, which flourished in the area now known as Europe.

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  1. Zandoli
    April 11, 2011



  2. Mama Joy
    April 11, 2011

    Them gay people trying all kinds of ways make society accept there mad way of life

  3. hmmmm,, eyebrows raised
    April 10, 2011

    so u mean to tell me even cave man, use to push up man ca ca,.. lol,,,

  4. outside looking in
    April 9, 2011

    My piece is———- the person was a hermafrodite, both male and female organs. In those days they were considered to be freeks of nature

    April 9, 2011


    • What??
      April 10, 2011

      Gay is a natual thing.

      Let me ask you a question, there are people born in this world with both a penis and a virgina they arer called hermaphrodite. How are they to know if they love men or women? Search the internet there are many of them.

      Some people born with say a virgina and no breast, sometimes internal examination surpised individuals who thought they were male / female all along and then they found out they have a womb / internal testicles respectively.

      Now not because someone was born with all the male parts, it doesn’t mean their mental make up is to fall in love with a female, also not because someone is born with all their female parts doesn’t mean they are naturally ordained to fall in love with a man. God had a point when he say Judge not!

      I’ll leave it to God judgment of that individual, as far as I am concerned I have nothing against a homosexual person. I must admit I do whince at times about it, like once in a park I saw 2 men kissing, well twice actually and I was shocked and I was disgusted by it – but I understand my disgust, in Dominica I’ve never seen this, I was brought up to believe that it was wrong and ungodly, it was on par with being a murderer. If I was brought up to always see it, I would be less disgusted maybe. But I have largely changed my attitude towards gay people, I don’t knowingly have any as friends, but I’ve listened to interviews about gay people, saying who they are and why they are the way they are. Christians as well saying they know the bible say this, but why are they attracted to their same sex.

      Then I discovered Hermaphrodites and I asked myself, so how are they to know if they are meant to have a girlfriend or a boyfriend.

      • DESIE
        April 10, 2011



        • What??
          April 12, 2011

          I am a girl, you presumed wrongly.

          The internet is at your finger tips, I am not trying to let you believe anything, I am expressing my experiences / observations.

          Being born with a both genitals is something that happens anno it is not because of siamese twins neither. It’s more complex than that, if you studied biology, even at high school level you will understand cells splitting during conception, and how XX and XY chromosomes. How there can be abnomalites during the ‘splitting’ (forgot the scientific name) of the cells.

          Look I am not about to teach you biology, go read a book, search the internet, your answer shows you know little, I strongly advise that you educate yourself before leaving such comment. It is ignorant.

          Mind you, bigotry is borne from ignorance. You’ll find many ignorant whites are the ones who hate black people – not exclusively, but a high majority!

      • seriously
        April 11, 2011

        being gay can never be normal otherwise it would not be condemned by God. It is an abomination in the sight of God!

        • What??
          April 12, 2011

          It wasn’t God who said being gay was an abormination, it was an apostle. By the way all sin is equal in god eyes. You seem to vehemently stand by the teachings of the bible about the abomination of homosexuality, yet you ignore what the word teaches as one of it’s greatest commandments:- Love they neighbour as thyself.

          Throughout the scriptures it is litered with this phrase always, love thy neighbour as theyself. According to the bible, Homosexuality is an abomination as you say, as well as other things, but I believe that homosexuality is a natural occurance, so I will leave it for god to judge, I will not hate, I will not shun and I will not physically assult a homosexual person. They will be invited in my home, eat at my table, play with my children; they are God’s child.

          I speak of hermaphrodites / androgynous / intersex people. Some refuse to believe it exists… lol… not because you wish it not to be, doesn’t mean it does not exist. Look it up, there are many hermaphrodites in this world, did you not learn biology.

          Next you will say people are not born blind, death, dumb. These are all ‘abnomalities’ or rare or minorities in the world population; but it occurs!

          So how is my question, how will you tell if a hermaphrodite is gay or straight?!

          If you are perplex by this question, may I suggest we stop judging and leave it for god to do!

      • Reader
        April 11, 2011

        While I support gay rights, I must say your argument here is so lame and weak! There is nothing normal about being born with two genitals … if you know how nature works, then you would realize that.

        • What??
          April 12, 2011

          Normality in this sense means; it happens. These things happen.

          Are you saying hermaphodites do not exist, and to the commentator above, no not in the form of conjoined twins, it means in the way the cells develop in the fetus.

          Are you assuming or did you researched on hermaphrodites? I suggest you do.

  6. Muslim_Always
    April 9, 2011

    Dominica used to be a country that was not as corrupted as America and Europe. Today these people support homosexuality openly. These homosexuals have launched a crusade to impose their abominable laws in the land. Satan is so deceitful, he whispers in the heart of man in order for him to argue with the people of truth. They come under the cloak of science. These pseudo intellects think everything must be empirically measured.

    Firstly, since there is countless evidence that so many prophets existed, how comes all of them testified and taught pure monotheism and the existence of a supreme deity? How could 124,000 prophets who were known to be the most upright in their respective nations testify about a similiar Angel Gabriel, resurrection day, paradise, heaven and scriptures? In a court of law one or two credible evidence holds weight in court, how can a people reject the evidence of 124,000 prophets?

    It is common as well as divine law that homosexuality is a major sin and an abomination. Only pagans support this filth. How can one even suggest the idea of a man placing his private parts in the anus of another where faeces are egested? The colon was not built for this, this is an unnatural and sexually deviated practice. Fear Allah oh people, leave off the worship of your desires.

    • Gabo
      April 9, 2011

      I suppose any quirt in nature is an abominaton according to your reasoning? Everything in nature is not either or, or black or white, or woman or man. There are all measures of inbetween but with your head so far up the abonination, you will never see the difference.

  7. Sphynx
    April 9, 2011

    Gay people stand for their way of living,i too,i stand firm by conviction that this is an abomination and a ministers in gov’t pushing all kind of poopoo laws to make this sh*t look like something normal.two wrongs don’t make a right so how the hell can they educate a rights my foot while the world sinking in sh*t

    • Jamison
      April 9, 2011

      Sphynx, Is english such a difficult language that you could learn to use a computer, yet not able to use simple decent language to express your bigotry?

      • Sphynx
        April 9, 2011

        Because u hide behind soft it is a whip,let it whip you.hypocrite

    • Enigma
      April 10, 2011

      If stupidity were a pain you would be screaming all day.

  8. mac
    April 9, 2011

    science and reliegion will never agree they both talking crap

    • Nest
      April 9, 2011

      Mac, stop talking crap.

  9. Lucky Lilly
    April 9, 2011

    Dominican wake up from your slumber, read the Word of God, the compass for our lives. Last days signs are all around us now, the bible says, as it was in the days of Lot, so shall it be in the last days. Some of these biblical signs spoken in Matthew chapter 24 have already been fulfilled, some of us are still looking for them to happen, people get save, 1 John 2:17 say And the world passeth away and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever. If you want to abide for ever in a new body, read (Phillipians chapter 3:20 – 21) you got to get saved, John 3:16, you can’t expect to enter Heaven with a sinful soul, Heaven is where God dwells, (Isiah 66:1) and God is holy and pure, uncontaminated by sin. God radiates life and light, 1 John 1:5 someone who has died in sin (not surrendering their life to Christ) Luke 13:3 says Except you repent you shall all likewise perish. Now some persons might think how can God bannish me from Heaven, God sent his Son into the world, not to condemn the world but the world thru him might be saved.

    • Gabo
      April 9, 2011

      If you are non-christian thinker, the story some of us Christians put out sounds like a lot of cockadoodledoo.

      As the story you portray goes, this all seeing all knowing all powerful creator made something out of himself in his own image and likeness and examined it and declared it was good. Then in no time it turned bad in front of his eyes.

      Since he would not be outdone, this great powerhouse and all-loving intellect supreme, sent his only son that he loves so much to die a most horrible death at the hands of his creation, to pay him back for the wrongs that the people he created did – and wait for it – so that the blood of his dearly beloved son could appease him in order for him to accept into his heavenly kingdom those same people that he made that had gone bad.

      To add to that, every few years biblical scholars are announcing the second coming or the end of the world, and when it does not happen, they take a deep breath, and with no apologies, go back into hiding and wait for a new generation and start the crap all over again.

      The way some of you people interpret the Bible you might as well believe in Santa Claus. No wonder the more you shout the more the people get lost. The sound of your voices confuse them to the abyss.

    • What??
      April 12, 2011

      Why are you a christian, is it because it is what your are surrounded by, is it because you were brought up as a christian? Or is it because you found God? I always wondered, were you taken in by the beautiful / emotional speech of a preacher one day? Or did you feel god’s presence?

      If you were born in say a muslim country, I think you would have been a muslim and not a christian, because it is what you know, if you were brought up as a buddhist, and everyone around you was Budist you whould still be a Buddhist to this day.

      Why not read the bible again and instead of looking for clues on the last days, why not try to understand what God is teaching, what he wants you to follow… no don’t look for rules and regulations and believe that if I follow this rule or law I am saved.

      If after reading you do not feel love and joy and happiness in the world, then you have learnt nothing. For if we have no love within us, we are bound to go against all god rules! If we treat others, they way we want to be treated, the world would be a better place.

      You know what I am certain the devil is losing, he is trying; but he is surely loosing. Majority of the people born in this world, regardless if their are christian, muslim, atheist alike; they all have a moral compass. They all despise evil works, be it hatred, jealousy, greed etc; they all aim to be better individuals… (God say to take care of his animals, many people are born with a love for animals and want to do good by them, God say love thy neighbour as thyself, we all want peace and prosperity for our fellow men) even though we slip up sometimes, we have an idea of what good is, and we all strive to be good.

      If the devil was winning, we would not know what Good was, we won’t bother doing good. Even murders, rapist, and people who commit the most evil act, have that moral compass within them.

      If we remember the olden days, we have come a long way.

      Before Salvery of our fellowman was accepted, now it is an embarrasment of our past, the class divided was morally accepted, now it is a disgrace, Domestic abuse and non existance of women rights was a norm; now it is no more.

      We were much worse before, each generation we get better. The devil is losing.

  10. AP
    April 8, 2011

    What are they trying to prove, huh. Yes, we know gays have been around for a while, like cockroaches have been too. Doesn’t mean it’s still not immoral and an abomination. Who cares if a caveman was gay… and the fact that they found the man laying in an opposite direction does not prove anything. What’s wrong with these people?

    • Brain Damage
      April 8, 2011

      Agreed with you AP.

    • under the radar
      April 9, 2011

      Pushing their Agenda.

      • Gabo
        April 9, 2011

        Until ignorance is overcome, the agenda must be pushed for all peoples to have their God given rights. God giveth and the would-be-holy taketh away.

        The Bible was used to keep negroes ‘in their place’ because they were an abomination from the generation of Cain.

        The Bible was used to keep women ‘in their place’ because they were offspirngs of Eve’s deceit.

        People with certain diseases like leprosy were kept ‘in their place’ because that’s the way it was done in the times of the Holy Book. Keep those away from the Alter of God.

        Sticking blindly to ancient rituals and beliefs can only keep back the human race. Jesus did not intend it to be so. He acknowledged that there is a time and a place for revealing things and that certainly the people of the time of the Bible were ‘not ready’ for much of what He could have said.

        It is just so twith undeveloped minds that refuse to do unto other as they would be done by, and are thereby stuck in era BC100. They are definitely not ready to understand what is meant by freeing the captives. They will tell you that they understand but will be very selective in its application. They say they love, but totally lack empathy. God made man, but man wants to go over it with a fine tooth comb and recreate according to man’s own liking.

    • Humanist
      April 9, 2011

      AP: I hope you know that “cockroaches” is the also the term the Hutu used to describe the Tutsi people during the genocide in Rwanda. Both were human beings, just like everyone else, but they could not see each other as human because hatred, not knowledge, blinded them. It’s easy to attack someone or something you don’t like by calling them names from a distance. When you realize that everyone, regardless of belief, orientation, etc. is a human being, how can you truly call them names like that? If you dislike the act–and, as much as I defend equal rights, I think the idea of actual gay sex a bit scary at times–just ignore it. Who is it really hurting, as long as you have two consenting adults? And what of lesbians?

      Equal rights is not an agenda; it’s something all humans should have.

    • bratt
      April 10, 2011

      yea cockroaches are an abomination to. you would know that cause you sound like one most likely you look like one to .

    • Enigma
      April 10, 2011

      Ignorance is a terrible thing.

  11. LCM
    April 8, 2011

    “female warriors were buried using rites usually afforded to men”- Why were they not called lesbians (homosexuals). It could simple be a man who could not fight and had to take care of his familly.

    Just a different perspective :wink:

    • not necessary
      April 9, 2011

      Didn’t even consider it like that, but you could be right

  12. Nest
    April 8, 2011

    Oh come on, this man may have been a criminal or some other degenerate. As result, he was ridiculed by this for of burial. Throughout time, any term, or ritual given to men that belonged to women was seen as an insult. This man (and his family) may have been ridiculed by this form of burial. Think about it. I’m no homophobe, just logical.

  13. lover
    April 8, 2011


  14. Interesting
    April 8, 2011

    You don’t read your bible man? that was there since Abrahams time

    • Interesting...
      April 8, 2011

      exactly! but scientists are usually athiests…

      • Nest
        April 8, 2011

        Many are, but not all.

    • Gabo
      April 8, 2011

      Science and reliegion has to agree if truth is truth. Where it doesn’t and it matters to us, we must do some independent searching.

  15. Seeing is believing...
    April 8, 2011

    I respect Gay persons, althought I dont condone what they do as right, its their choice.

    However, with all the worthy and unworthy things happening in Dominica and around the World, is this the best news that DNO is finding to mirror on its site? This site is losing all its value…

    • Family Guy!
      April 8, 2011

      You Gay! Hence your comment….Respect DNO Boi!!!

    • MangoSweet
      April 9, 2011

      I find nothing wrong with DNO carrying the story. Its the dumbass comments that follow you should be taking issue with!!

    • Enigma
      April 10, 2011

      People make a choice to be gay? oh dear oh dear they must all be masochists to choose a lifestyle that makes their lives so difficult due to the ignorance of a lot of people.

  16. hmm
    April 8, 2011

    Admin on a roll this week :mrgreen:

    Admin: lol…….news is news and we are a news site. Right?

    • Kalinago in New York
      April 8, 2011

      Forget about the criticism. With the advent of gender equality worldwide and all that, it is indeed an excellent choice to showcase because this is on other sites as well and is worth mentioning. If some of the critical ones migrate, they may want to ban the use of their eyes and ears. They need to be more open-minded.

  17. Truth, Justice and Righteousness
    April 8, 2011

    Dominicans, please educate yourselves, you sound so silly and backward. The world is far advanced than you when it comes to homosexuality,- Gays and Lesbians. Come on people you sound so primitive!!

    You people are speaking from a bigoted religious point of view, but there is a scientific point of view to. Move over, let us assume that homosexuality in indeed what you think it is, who are you to judge anyone? All sin is sin.. ADULTRY< FORNICATION< MURDER< THIEVERY< BLASPHEMY<BACKBITTING, and all the other sins that we commit daily.. If there is one perfect among you self righteous people cast the first stay.. God will not discriminate against any sinners. If all you think homosexuals will be punished for hat they do, and all you will be set free for the fornication, and adultery, etc. think again, leave those people alone and care for all you own soul..

    • Darwin
      April 8, 2011

      According to the theory of evolution homosexuality makes no sense as it does not allow the organism to pass on its genes since it is not able to reproduce. However it can be scientifically proven to be a DEFECT in the human psyche thats comes about as a result of the body not being able to draw the line between sexual stimulus from another organism capable of reproduction or not. Going by that same theory fornication is supported as it gives the organism more chances of passing on its genes since it increases the possibility of reproductio, adultery same. Murder eliminates the opposition, thievery allows the organism to collect resources, blasphemy wouldn’t exist here since the concept of god is not applicable when dealing with science (right) and backbiting what the hell is that anyway?

      • Interesting
        April 8, 2011

        God must be included in everything that you do including science…. Its because people don’t include God in their lives that they can use to the formula E=MC^2 and create a disaster….

        • Jamison
          April 8, 2011

          You constantly speak of God as in reference to a personality; can you define and describe God?. This is not intended for Liz Xavier.

        • Humanist
          April 8, 2011

          Are you stupid or insane? Do you even know what e = mc squared stands for? You seriously believe that no one can possibly have any sense of ethics whatsover without being religious? If you believe so, you are woefully ignorant. You can follow the Golden Rule without believing in a higher power; you can follow the teachings of Jesus, Gandhi, MLK, etc. without believing in mythology.

          And you want to know how religion helps create disasters when scientists try to help? In 2005, we were going to immunize people in poor regions against polio. Had everyone agreed to receive the vaccines, we could have eventually wiped it out and saved the lives of many poor people. But in north Nigeria, Muslims issued a fatwa against taking the vaccine, claiming it was a conspiracy by the USA and United Nations against Muslims; they believed the immunizations were meant to “sterilize” true believers. You know what happened? Polio swept through Nigeria, went as far as Mecca, and went to countries that had previously been polio-free. Why? Because of an ignorant distrust of science by religious madmen. Sure, some politics were involved, too. But the primary problem was a misunderstanding that science is not evil and that one cannot live on faith; one needs to trust scientists.

          Furthermore, when you say scientists are “atheists,” you mean that many do not believe in organized religion or in personal gods–i.e., the humanlike gods of religions. Many scientists are like this, yes, but many are also spiritual, loving people. You don’t need to believe in a sky daddy to be a good person. You want to blame science for the nuclear bomb? Blame idiots in war for using it.

      • stupes
        April 8, 2011

        Well said Darwin, very insightful indeed!

      • Gabo
        April 8, 2011

        I wrote a piece that DNO chewed up and spat out. I cannot write that over again.

        Anyway the gist of it was that homosexuality is not only in the psyche it ican also be in the cells and in the organs.

        Again, In some cases observation has shown that animals have used homosexuality in overcrowded situations and the synthesis has been that nature uses homosexuality as a population control mechanism.

        • clairvoyance
          April 9, 2011

          @humanist…..what is it to be spiritual? you claim that there is no evidence that spirits exist, yet you say you are spiritual. you cling to science the same way the religious fanatics you speak of cling to their belief. that makes you no different from them. The only difference therein is the fact that the little portion tht science has proven in your eyes seem to be enough to satisfy your urge for the higher longing and understanding of things….therefore like the religious people you have your personal god… glorify yourself! you are blind to spiritual logic because you are stuck within the limits of your intellect. the intellect is a product of the brain, which itself is part of the physical body, which is bound to the limits of gross coarse matter… by nature it cannot go beyond this boundary. You see the spiritual at work everyday and notice it not…Then what you do notice you glorify yourself because you can come up with what you call a scientific explanation full of logic and reason…and not giving the rightful glory to the nature of which it belongs.. you are a materialist to the core..but i do agree with you that religion is poison to the masses, but just because you use intelligle words doesnt mean you are not poison as well…each pulling on the other end doing the same thing in a different form….

      April 9, 2011



  18. de caribbean change, BBA, MBA, CPA
    April 8, 2011

    Finally, we have discovered a burial place where we can separate the boys from the men.

      April 8, 2011


  19. roads
    April 8, 2011

    Common man… I respect everyone but i find gay ppl trying to stretch the joke, they say its genetic now it is part of who we are as a being. What next? Are they going to claim that the angels are gay too? We were not around in that period and do not know for a fact that this man was buried that way because he was gay. It might have been that he was never married or might have be disgraced or something, he could have also been gay, lol.
    I can see all the gay pride ppl jumping up for joy. In my opinion homosexuality is just nasty.

    • Humanist
      April 8, 2011

      Why would anyone claim “angels” are gay, when angels, unlike homosexuality, are a supernatural thing that cannot be proved or disproved by anyone? Angels are not a part of science, but a part of belief; and belief is the opposite of evidence. Angels are no different in this respect from invisible pink unicorns, so I’m surprised that you include “angels” in reference to a piece of history/science.

      • Nest
        April 8, 2011

        Funny you say belief is opposite of evidence, i’m sure you believe in the process of quantified science.

        • Humanist
          April 8, 2011

          That’s using the word “believe” in a way that I’m not using it. I see evidence in front me. Do an experiment; it works time and time again. Mathematics support it. People get better in hospitals. Evidence. With theoretical science, you sometimes can’t directly test a theory. But if the math supports it, you know there’s a high probability of it being a good theory.

          Compare this to randomly saying whatever you want. “Oh, I believe in a flying spaghetti monster. Oh, I believe that gay people must be killed because this book says so. Oh, I believe that scientology is right and we were all brainwashed by evil aliens many centuries ago.” Where is the evidence for the truth of any of that? Where is the probability of these things being correct? You see the difference? I can’t say any of that stuff is UNtrue, you know. But the probability of it is low because there is no actual evidence for the supernatural. The supernatural, by definition, is not natural, i.e., not a part of science. Just because you choose to like and believe in it doesn’t make it likely to be true, doesn’t make it supported by evidence. Doesn’t make it UNtrue, but the probability is not in your favor.

      • Interesting
        April 8, 2011

        Whose to say that angles wouldn’t one day be a part of science? Has it been scientifically proven that dark matter exists? No… But its a part of science…. You scientist don’t know what you about… I mean first pluto was a planet… then its not a planet… then its a dwarf planet… Albert Einstein died trying to find the theory of everything…. Maybe we would one day find the theory of everything.. but until then I don’t we are in the position to rule out the existence of angles.

      • stupes
        April 8, 2011

        You amaze me again Darwin, I mean humanist…. :lol:

      • Gabo
        April 8, 2011

        At any rate, Angels being spiritual beings, have no need for being male or female. Neither has God, for that matter. The Arch Angel Gabriel is said to appear as male or female as the occasion demands with the virtues of both and the weaknesses of none.

    • Gabo
      April 8, 2011

      There was a time when sex was just nasty except when it was done in missionary style ind the dark for procreation purposes. Judge not that ye might be not judged. Just as how gay (not bisexual) people cannot understand how people are attracted to the opposite sex is the same way heterosexuals cannot understand what homosexual see in same sex relationships. Agree to live and let live and leave out the nasty remarks. Now bisexual people dont see what all the fuss is about a person is a person to them. I go by the rule do unto others as you would have them do unto you. So long as they are not recruiting and hurting people, leave them alone.

    • Gabo
      April 8, 2011

      What is joke for little boys is death for bull frog. The gays are not making any joke when they seek to establish the rights to respect and consideratings as any other human being. It is a very serious thing for them, the same as when women were doing outlandish things to shock the society into giving them their rights.

  20. wondering
    April 8, 2011

    so u mean to tell me that nastiness on earth longtime even before Christ yes I

    • Happiness Ka Fan Cho Mwen!
      April 8, 2011

      Very interested article …Hey…..David and Jonathan were the first gay couple…..(it in the Bible) This is what fundamentalists fail to see, but rationalist ten to pick them up!

      • Nest
        April 8, 2011

        In no way were david and jonathan gay. The love they had for each other was brotherly. Besides, if you read your bible you’ll realize that David liked WAY too much woman (Abigail, Bathsheba etc…)

    • Interesting
      April 8, 2011

      You don’t read your bible man? That was there since Abrahams time… when the men wanted to have sex with the two men Lot invited into his home…

  21. STUPES
    April 8, 2011


  22. truth
    April 8, 2011

    ebeh if Vince see that he will give he gays more rights again to bury them with there sexie femine stuff lol–fire burn this fillfy system—–

  23. rio
    April 8, 2011


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