Britain issues warning after Vincentian dies from cocaine-laced Caribbean drink

Pear-D drink
Pear-D drink

British police are warning customers not to drink a pear juice drink made in the Caribbean after a bottle contaminated with cocaine killed a Vincentian-born man.

The police report that Vincentian born Joromie Lewis, 33, of Gosport in Hampshire died within hours of drinking a small amount of the Cole Cold Pear-D drink he had brought back with him from a trip to the Caribbean.

Tests on the product confirmed that it contained a lethal amount of the class A drug.


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  1. December 17, 2013

    This situation is not uncommon. A couple of years ago a man died in Miami when he drank malta from Colombia which was laced with cocaine. When the gov’t tested the other maltas they were all laced with cocaine. This product probably was not meant to go on the store shelves but it did. Alot of people could have died because of this. God knows if there are other laced bottle of drinks on the shelves. Additionally, I don’t know have any US companies that produce malta so there wasn’t any market to protect. Drug dealers would go to any length to get the drugs through at the expense of anyone who gets in their way.

  2. sis m
    December 16, 2013

    The best solution to all lifes problems is having a personnal relationship with Jesus christ.He will reveal all the tricks and traps of the devil.

  3. Roseau
    December 15, 2013

    I think he was a drug addict and drank the drink after taking the cocaine. They are just trying to tint the Caribbean, the same way they said coconut oil was very bad for our health in the 80s and today I am seeing a small of coconut oil on supermarkets shelves for an arm and a leg. The international countries to dam wicked. We always have to suffer at the hands of these advantageous leaders.

    • JoJo
      December 16, 2013

      You think England have no better things to do than that? Too many of our people living on government benefits in that country

  4. Justice and Truth
    December 14, 2013

    Some are denying that this could occur. What they do not realize is, every country has its share of these dangerous drugs which could kill those who take them.
    DNO, if you will permit this self-explanatory informaation which is meant for everyone:

    Canada – Police warn of dangerous drug hitting Maritime streets – Halifax, Nova Scotia

    CTV Atlantic, December 13, 2013 6:05:00 PM

    Police in the Halifax area are warning students about experimenting with Molly, which they say could have deadly consequences.

    “Molly” is a synthetic drug that has been around for years, but its name has evolved and its components altered.
    Police in the Halifax area are warning students about experimenting with Molly, which they say could have deadly consequences.
    “Molly is a slang term for a cocktail of synthetic drugs,” said RCMP Sgt. Keith MacKinnon, while talking to a group of Halifax-area junior high students about the dangers of drugs.
    “There’s not one addict that has said to me ‘boy, am I ever glad I started doing drugs.'”
    MacKinnon says Molly has become increasingly popular in the Maritimes and has even been endorsed by some celebrities, such as Miley Cyrus, who references the drug in her song “We Can’t Stop.”
    According to MacKinnon, many people who use Molly think they are taking MDMA or ecstasy.
    “But we’ve found that different locales across Canada, it can be a lot of different drugs, like methylone, MAPP, and even bath salts mixed in,” he says.
    Cameron Illingworth, an 18-year-old university student, admits some of his friends have used the drug.
    “The ingredients, I would not be sure, at all. White powder is all I know,” says Illingworth.
    “You enjoy your experiences more, basically, like marijuana. It’s an enhancement, so your senses are more in tune I guess.”
    MacKinnon says Molly started popping up on Maritime streets about a year ago and people of all ages, from university students to children as young as 12, are using the drug.
    “The age seems to be coming down further and further as the years progress.”
    But MacKinnon says people who use Molly likely aren’t aware of the drug’s negative side effects, such as increased heart rate, panic attacks, restlessness and, in some cases, depression and even psychosis.
    “These drugs can have catastrophic effects on your body and unfortunately can result in death if you get a bad batch.”

    With files from CTV Atlantic’s Alyse Hand

  5. right-on
    December 14, 2013

    to 4cars: yes sir i 100% support what u are saying. that was the exact thought which came to mind when i saw the headlines. My question is why didn’t they just state that they won’t be purchasing pear juice anymore from “that” particular caribbean country, they however said don’t drink pear juice made in the Caribbean, this now includes all of the caribbean. now whether or not the man died from an intoxication of cocaine found in the drink, my theory (though matter how paranoid i may seem) is that these people want the caribbean people to continue buying their products, never learn to produce for themselves and for export, but to soley depend on the white man for the crumbs off his table. well mr european sir, not anymore, we will rule and u will follow, we are the caribbean, we have everything. all what u need we have, so we will change the norms of production, we will produce and u will accept. and all rumours about the caribbean placing cocaine into their drinks will stop.

  6. patriot
    December 14, 2013

    A few years ago a study carried out in the US revealed that coconut oil was bad for the heart and persons using coconut oil should change to using more healthy oils when cooking. It was later revealed that the researched was funded by a large Soyabean oil company who was afraid of the inroads being made into their traditional market by coconut oil companies mainly from the Pacific area.It appears to me that the emphasis is on the fact that the drink came from the Caribbean and was made in Trinidad( Never underestimate the extent to which international companies will defend their markets if there is a threat to their business).

  7. Anonymous
    December 13, 2013

    He wouldn’t have died if the drink was laced with marijuana. Something to think about

    • TeteMorne I From
      December 14, 2013

      BOTH drugs are bad for you and are a danger to your health. What about reefa that is so b much “safer” than cocaine? 8-O

  8. Tijhan
    December 13, 2013

    there is no cocaine in my macoucherie rum.

  9. harlem newtown
    December 13, 2013

    and some fools want to legalize marijuana as crack cocaine continues to kill the yutes from newtown and other parts of dominica and the west indies…..yeah they mixed up the cocaine with the weed and that mega drug is destrying our young people….you can well imagine how much more of this will take place if the mad dreads/rastas etc have their way…lord help us….

    • come back
      December 13, 2013

      my dear realize that you said crack and cocaine continues to kill the youth not Marijuana, if weed is mixed with crack or cocaine then it is dangerous, crack and cocaine are not natural substances, weed on the other hand is as real as the leaf of the tree around you. so you make no sense weed is not what is killing them their stupidity is what is killing them mixing drugs with herds smh, free up on the weed.

    • mee
      December 14, 2013

      u sound like u have been brainwashed,sorry for u

    • awa wi
      December 15, 2013

      you must be illiterate the statement talks about crack cocaine you jumping on marijuana back. what happen weed fence dat low man? its so convenient to link weed to the problem however u neglect to mention all the herbsmen who have been utilizing herbs for so many years and have never touched or even seen cocaine. another aspect of the problem is those crazy baldhead politicians, business men and police who are actively involved in the cocaine trade whom u seem not to think are part of the problem. its obvious that u doh like rasta and love to refer to them in a derogatory manner respect rasta boy! do not confuse issues please and according to the great bob marley(another mad rasta I guess) “excuse me while I light my spliff”

    • mis spelt
      December 15, 2013

      Learn to spell…then you can start judging others….. :-?

  10. 4CARS
    December 13, 2013

    I don’t believe it one bit. I think that the dead man had the drink after taking the drug, and some Cocaine residue entered the bottle. Furthermore, how many bottles of that drink were tested? This is a quick guilty verdict on the Caribbean.

    • Anonymous
      December 14, 2013

      quick verdict on the Caribbean market

    • Lucia
      December 14, 2013

      I live in London n it have some men from Dominica and st lucia that trafficking cocaine in that way. They call it liquidised co inane. Dogs can’t detect it. They put it especially in white um. This guy it not the first to die. I’ve heard about 2. It’s now the police is being aware…truss me

    • Geez man
      December 14, 2013

      u didnt read that the drink was laced with cocaine :?: even Caribbean folks do crazy stuff even though it may be hard for u to accept

    • trolol
      December 14, 2013

      This doesn’t surprise me the amount of mediocrity, and incompetence that circulates in the Caribbean is a joke. See how easy Columbian smuggle drugs and yall are can’t do nothing to stop them.

    • beautiful Dominica
      December 15, 2013

      4CARS i certainly agree with you. the man put his drug in the drink. or took hois drug and then drank.

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