British PM’s party split as first gay marriage vote passes

Britain’s parliament voted heavily in favor of legalizing gay marriage on Tuesday, but Prime Minister David Cameron’s authority in his own party took a blow as his Conservatives split in two over the measure he had championed.

In the first of several votes required for its passage, the lower house of parliament backed the legislation by 400-175, but more than half of Cameron’s 303 lawmakers voted against or abstained, signaling deep unease with it and his leadership.

During a debate that lasted more than six hours, many Conservative MPs denounced the legislation, saying it was morally wrong, not a public priority, and unnecessarily divisive, threatening a corrosive legacy of bitterness.


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  1. Justice and Truth
    February 9, 2013

    As published on DNO approximately a year ago Cameron spoke on behalf of those people and informed Caribbean governments to fall in line (words to that effect) to give them rights. Read the comments in the archives. Cameron and Obama are cooperating with each other.
    I cannot believe that Cameron would encourage and legislate this thing. His Party is torn in two because of his stupidity, as many refrained from voting for this abomination. They are no doubt shocked and disgusted with Cameron. They are correct. There are important matters to discuss and tend to which will benefit Great Britain. This one is by no means one of it.
    Who knows? Obama may have been discussing it with him and encouraging him to do so. If this is so, this man does not have a mind of his own. He wants to remain in good friendship with him. He is heaping burning coals on his head as all others who legislate this abomination.
    Cameron is a Christian. He has children. Such politicians never think of God, of their families including their aging life and eternal destiny but of their immoral policies and instituting same in the land. As educated as they are supposed to be, they think only on the surface. What benefit is to them and the country that two men and two women get married? It makes no sense to me and many others.
    They never think of their aging life and eternal destiny but of their immoral policies and instituting same in the land. Cameron’s day is coming sooner than he expects. Cameron, as God looks on and is taking note, woe to you and those who voted for this abomination which highly offends our God! Stay tuned!

  2. Brit
    February 8, 2013

    Distured, YOu are are ignorant. Do you know how many of things you use each day were invented, designed and created by gay people?

    You say Gay don’t register on your radar, well i don’t think you have a radar at all, else it would buzz every second since things influenced by gay people are all around you.

    Its is none that Gay people, invent and create more than straight people, so if i was not for the gays, you would be…. Go do some homework…

    If you want to read stories from one book of which you are clueless of the history, i suggest you go up in the mountains and away from civilization.

    • Justice and Trut
      February 9, 2013

      What is your point? They are not gay people. They are people. Many others as heterosexual people invented many products. You are not all that informed. You do your homework. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

  3. Cocoa
    February 7, 2013

    Honestly I hope all that are so disgusted about this act are also disgusted about Adultery, Fornication, I hope all that are against it and find it so ungodly have never cheated in their life and are all virgins if not married. Yes I am against it but I tolerate it because I am a man not an Angel, I have cheated and I have committed fornication would you chastized me the same way cause these things are just as bad..reading :oops: some of these comments just sound so hypocritical!!!

    • Malgraysa
      February 7, 2013

      Cocoa, this not about fornication, adultery etc. but “MARRIAGE”. Please. stay focused and address the real issue.

    • Justice and Truth
      February 8, 2013

      You must stick to the issue and not evade it. What you have stated, although they are sins, yet, they are not to be compared with this abomination – two men and two women in a sexual relationship. If you do not comprehend that, you are mortally (morally) and spiritually sick. You are in dire need of godly enlightenment.
      NO! We cannot say we must tolerate it! God is not tolerant of sin. It is imperative that we stand up and speak out against it, what which is not beneficial to society and does not enhance it in any manner. This type of lifestyle is on the path of perdition, leading to Satan’s cauldron of everlasting fire.
      Sodom and Gomorrah. God destroyed these places and in those days they did not go about seeking recognition and marriage. Since nothing is hidden from God, He saw what they did in private and destroyed their cities and them.
      As Our Lord Jesus Christ said, “It will be worst for such people on Judgment Day – in this sinful and perverse generation”.
      Take note! Never condone this and tolerate it. Turn away from it, do not harm them and pray for their conversion. God will deal with them in His own good time. God is the Judge. He metes out his just recompense to everyone as each one deserves.
      You must repent and make restitution to God if you wish his forgiveness – worship, prayer and penance. Everyone should know that.
      Incidentally, I looked up Sodom:
      – city of depravity. In the Bible, a city full of moral corruption and evil that was destroyed along with Gomorrah by God.
      I also looked up the meaning of Gomorrah:
      – a place of society marked by evil, depravity, and promiscuousness.
      If you think that this type of lifestyle is not a serious matter and does not warrant due earthly and eternal punishment, think again. Pray to God for his graces and enlightenment.
      Governments who approve of it, condone it and legislate it will meet their fate even while they are alive and when they die; likewise members of the public. It is better to be on the side of God and denounce it.
      St. Paul who wrote and spoke under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit said, “Proclaim the faith, the Word of God, whether it is convenient or inconvenient…”
      As governments of other countries legislate this abomination which highly offend our God, who knows when He will get fed-up and destroy the world by raining down fire and brimstones.
      Read Joel the Prophet 3.
      We pray the “Our Father …May Thy Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven…” It is not the Will of God that such an abomination be granted recognition, legalized, marriage and same spouse benefits.
      Governments of all will pay a dear price for that. I call them foolish people who are educated and who should know better. Sadly, to their detriment they will pay the price of their actions as they lead others down the path of earthly and eternal destruction, including themselves. Their punishment will be greater.

  4. Ambassador
    February 7, 2013

    Dominica full of Homies… the right to choose. Am ah homie too… so what i wrong to choose to be a homie… in which book you see that… woman washing plate, man like to eat chocolate… it coming people GAY rules… just ask some of y’all leaders… some of them are homies too :wink: :wink: :wink:

  5. February 6, 2013

    Dominicansssssssssssssssssssssssss god make Adam and eve not Adam and steve ,fire go burn all who supporting them things .when god put adam and eve in the garden he say go out there and multiply .NOT ever dogs animals doing them kind of things but man enjoying it this world is sick .

  6. Cza
    February 6, 2013

    C Man like tha cya go river cause meleet will swim up an out with touching :lol:

    • Cza
      February 6, 2013

      Without touching

  7. anon
    February 6, 2013

    I am a born dominican woman and I am MARRIED TO A WOMAN, so dont ull seat around thinking that it doesnt happen right in ur homes.. Ull need to chill and focus on getting ull ”country” out of poverty and employment..

  8. Me , MY Dog and I
    February 6, 2013

    I believe that God will punish us for our sins one day , just like we punish our children and spouses for doing wrong . Homosexuality is a choice it cannot be anything else , just look at how we are so different as MAN and WOMAN . these politicians and gays ,lesbians ,transgender etc. are trying to say that God made a mistake when when was creating human beings? one man one woman ? oh my . I hope in the next generation there will be either man alone or woman alone , so therefore when the human race stops , i would love to be alive to see what happens and the explanation the politician and all the scientist will give ..

    • LOL
      February 8, 2013

      Are you serious? I think you have a very limited view on life and sexuality in general. Did you choose to be straight? IF you didn’t, being gay is not a choice either. Are you attracted to the same sex? if you say no, do you choice to be attracted to the opposite sex or it just happened? Well so too, it happened for the GAYs.

      You don’t have to agree, we don’t all agree, but in this world we must have tolerance. The same bible you are reading cautions you to allow the wheat and the tears to grow together. that means wheat and tears must be allowed the same rights if they are to grow together. And it is not your job to identify who”s a wheat or a tear.

      If your son or daughter were to tell you they are gay what who you say? how would you react? how would you feel? make it more personal and see how quickly your views would change (thats providing you know what unconditional love is)

  9. Skeptic
    February 6, 2013

    Good for England!! Why should the same rights you want for yourselves be denied to others? Equality for all.

    • DESIE
      February 6, 2013

      the thumbs down is not working 4 yur comment on my pc

      but any way 10 thumbs down 4 u

      • Distured
        February 7, 2013

        agreed with 100 more…

      • Waambulance
        February 7, 2013

        Boo hoo. Hatred is why religion gets made fun of no matter how many people participate in it. The non religious who do the same garbage are not any better. Marriage is NOT between a man and a woman divorce how ever is. And giving birth to an unplanned child and give it up to the states to care for in a public group home.

  10. ti nom
    February 6, 2013

    all you people quoting religion just remember the uk is secular so that should have no impact on their decision. whats the difference anyways its all over tv even on kids shows now

    • Distured
      February 7, 2013

      sadly…tis true. But hey… we can still voice our biased opinions and angrilyy state we hate the bati-man… while inciting their rage, thus breeding chaos and hopefully wars that the gay soldiers can take part in.

      I sell weps VERY cheap to both sides…

  11. virgo
    February 6, 2013

    Why? worry about these people, when we can put all our effort and time in to something better, this world have enough problem the more people talk about them, that’s what they want we should spend more time studying the Bible.

  12. DRAGON
    February 6, 2013

    Someone choosing to be with the same sex is considered mentally ill; i.e. a medical condition that disrupts a person’s thinking and feeling. Who in their right mind would consider doing such a thing?

    This is a personal choice, so why legislate it? Why not legislate that “everyone” should belong to the same religion?

    And we wonder why the world is in so much chaos.

    • Distured
      February 7, 2013

      Chaos only exists where you think there should be order.

      Order is a humans hope to a “normal” livelihood, which is really pathetic.

      Not all chaos is bad and not all order is good.

      Prime example, Nature in its most natural for is chaos to humans.

      Government, a failed system, is considered to be order.

      So before u going saying chaos this, order that, stay on smarter side and learn the differences and applications of their uses.

      -i prefer chaos to your failed order. =_=

    • Waambulance
      February 7, 2013

      Say doctor, could you tell me the exact name of this mental illness and its conditions? Pretty sure you have NOTHING to back up this uneducated comment. But please do continue to obsesses over what two consenting adults of the same sex who fall in love. It just says people have nothing better to do. Yes and we wonder why there is so much chaos… Because of dangerous ignorant minds.

  13. viewpoint
    February 6, 2013

    Marriage is a LEGAL institution, NOT a religious one. It is not the priest, pastor, rabbi or mullah whose words marry two people, but the vows of the individuals to each other, and their signatures on the marriage certificate. The relationship is between them; the state not only recognizes the relationship that they have created between themselves, it also constitutionally protects it.

    Church sacraments merely bear witness on behalf of the members of their congregations – not all the people of a community or country. Constitutions protect people’s right to religious freedom; they also protect the rights of individuals to refrain from practicing religious traditions if they so choose.

    It should also be noted that not everything that is considered ‘good’ should be classified right, no more than everything that is considered ‘bad’ should be a crime.

    No church can be forced to marry couples of the same sex if they do not believe in same sex marriages. By the same token, no church can dictate that the state discriminate against same sex couples by refusing them marriage as a CIVIL RIGHT.

    • 4Eva Tru
      February 6, 2013

      marriage is a covanant abd God has to santify it. And if God is not please well. woe be onto you

    • Distured
      February 7, 2013

      Marriage originates from “religious” practices. Legal paper work comes in after.


      ALSO~!!!!! You can never say “No” church can refuse. If it against their practices as a church aka the community of followers and not the chapel, then they can dam well refuse! Them bending for something as foolish as the “constitution” is stupidity.

      There is no marriage without God… don’t forget the most important part. Without God there is nothing. “You are married in the eyes of God”

      Bad is bad and good is good. A sin will always be a sin. Saying otherwise will just be utter lies. Is this how you were programmed by society?

      The “white lie” was it? “Im just playing a trick on you”?

      Your statement is very “worldly” versed. Think about it…

  14. Doninican Man
    February 6, 2013

    First of all, our constitution says it is a crime for a man to have sex with another man. and I fully agree. and it on the English style that we have beased our constituion on.
    So over the years many of the rich pervetious men have gained political power and used that power to fool people that this kind of life is ok.
    What have shocked me most of all is the high numbers of pastors and clergy men who have embraced such unreligious acts.
    And again , this is a life style that is choosen (not natural) it is not the same as any race of people fighting for their rights to live in peace and to be respected as human beings.

    • Distured
      February 7, 2013

      This is simply the devils attempt at mimicking “sex” which was “created” for production. This method only breeds “death” and “aids”.

      A failed imitation that caught on… Lust gone wrong. =_=

      • LOL
        February 8, 2013

        lol, where do you live ? on a planet that has no name? lol. you are too funny.

  15. J.J.John-Charles
    February 6, 2013

    Any one who has the fear of God in him, should not be surprised,Because it is written.
    “Because the sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily,therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil” Ecclesiastes 8:11.
    Because France, England and other countries around the world, including a few states in the U.S.legalized same sex marriage that does not makes it right.I also know Obama is promoting it left right and centre.The Judge of all creation have spoken and will also have the final say.As I wrote two weeks ago.,If God don’t judge these nations and their leaders for this abomination, He owes Sodom and Gomorrah an apology.

    God is never in the majority.We read in Genesis 6:5 “The Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth;and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.”So He said,I will destroy man whom I have created,And so said so done. Because only Noah and his family that was righteous in this generation.In Sodom only Lot,as a matter of fact God could not find 10 righteous people in Sodom and Gomorrah.So He had to rain down fire and sulfur on them. We are told by God in Exodus “Thou shall not follow a multitude to do evil”.
    It was the multitude who crucified our Lord.

    So friend why not trust the Lord for the saving of your soul?. You will be glad you did.

    • Anonymous
      February 6, 2013

      Well said! I for one, its not because the whole world goes along with it that I will. My God has done too much for me to treat him like that in return. He did say do not follow the ways of the world. Lord, you still have friends on this earth!

      • Toots
        February 7, 2013

        Really like your comment.

    • Evolved
      February 6, 2013

      You are so quick to quote the bible to prove why gay marriage is wrong. Less you foget the many simple but powerful messages in the bible that people like you ignore daily.

      Love you neigbor as yourself
      Thou shall not covet your neigbors wife
      Thou shall not commit adultry

      Should I go on?

      • Waambulance
        February 7, 2013

        People who claim there is a passage against something or for it clearly doesn’t read the bible or any holy text. They only believe the passage is there because someone told them or they believe it is there. Other times they will deliberately mis-translate along with cherry picking.

      • October 21, 2015

        So you have given us three examples of commands from God in the Bible people often ignore.

        What is your point?

        What are you saying?

        Explain how these negate or even lesson the scriptures that forbid homosexuality.

        Show why these three AND the scriptures that forbid homosexuality would not ALL be valid and equally binding.

        For example we have a law against arson. But there are also other laws that people ignore. They do not make the law against arson less binding. We must obey them all! So it is with he laws of God.

        Sincerely, rev. Donald Hill. Evangelist

    • Distured
      February 7, 2013

      Why can’t I like this statement~!!!!!! (1k fold)

    • Twisted
      February 7, 2013

      I like your comment..”If God don’t judge these nations and their leaders for this abomination, He owes Sodom and Gomorrah an apology” Quite humorous but with a serious message. But remember lets remember also the story of God with-holding his wrath because of the ONE Righteous person in the midst of all the UnGodliness. So lets pray for those fighting for Morality and Holiness, that God may hear and answer their prayers and ours, that help may come through God’s mercy to convert the hearts and minds and therefore policies of our leaders so that we are all encouraged to live in Loving Fear of our One and Only Sovereign Almighty God. Lord Hear Our Prayers.

    • Julie
      February 7, 2013

      Well said..Best comment here!!

    • Brit
      February 8, 2013

      where is your proof of Sodom and Gomorrah? LOL. You are too funny. There is one creation, from which everything came. Both good and what we claim to be bad. If you say one creator exist, that creator created all things including emotions. So how could a good creator create bad? If the creator is all good, then the creator couldn’t have created bad. so then there is either more than one creator or the one creator created both good and what we call bad.

      So how much do you know about creation?

      Allow these people to love each other and have legal rights. Why do u care so much? I am sure you have more immediate issues to take care off instead of discussing whats happening here in Britain.

  16. Nac Vibes
    February 6, 2013

    All these things have to come to pass, for Satan knows his days are numbered but has promised to destroy Man, turn him against God.

    People can make their choices but at the end they will be judged not by Man but the almighty.

    • Julie
      February 7, 2013


  17. IPO
    February 6, 2013

    The England PM is weak, wigh a stroke of a pen Obama gave all gays open playfield.

    Even Boyscout Obama say should accept gays

    What a world we have become

  18. February 6, 2013

    Homosexuality is the practice of homosexuality. The people of God (the Church) who have made Christ Saviour and Lord are not expected to practice homosexuality or any other sin. People who do not know God live any old way and continue to make excuses. There is no degree/level in sin.
    God did not destroy Sodom and Gomorrah for homosexuality but for their rejection of God. Today man is still doing the same. Choosing their own way instead of the way of God.
    Homosexuality, adultery, fornication, self-will, witchcraft, hatred, wrath, strife, bitterness, murder, drunkenness, unforgiveness etc. are also sins that God hates.
    So turn away and stop looking to make excuses and be self-righteous. Jesus Christ alone, is our righteous

    • February 6, 2013

      Sorry I forgot revelling!!!!!!

      • February 6, 2013

        DNO why is it that Humility”s comments always Have to “await moderation” so long?

    • ????????????????????
      February 6, 2013

      Revelation 21.8!

  19. Cza
    February 6, 2013

    All them man wearing there sister pants

  20. Cza
    February 6, 2013

    Them kind of man der that just make kids see them do that and kids think it ok. I doe like them kind of man der. I’ll hit a man for being gay that is his life but them man der getting right and they think they can just act like woman an go behind man.

    • Cza
      February 6, 2013

      I’ll not hit a man for being gay that’s his life.

    • Faceup
      February 6, 2013

      Man stop writing like a COUNTRY BOOKEE !!

      • Cza
        February 6, 2013

        Wouldn’t be suprise ur one of them.

    • faceup
      February 6, 2013

      Cza, thats why there is always cell in the Jail waiting for peeps like you to get it right where you dont want it !!

      • Cza
        February 6, 2013

        Faceup……u must be a strong supporter.

  21. JA4DA
    February 6, 2013

    A free newspaper in the UK has compiled a list of 16 countries where gay couples could risk jail or the death penalty if caught engaging in same-sex activity,10 of which are from the Carribbean. This paper has a picture of beautiful Dominica with the title ‘Unwelcoming Dominica'(from the Metro). Dominica is by no means the worst in terms of penalties given by other countries. Do we care ?

    • Da
      February 6, 2013

      We do no care about immorality that other people are acceting as normal.
      We in Dominica will remain CLEAN.

      • faceup
        February 6, 2013

        We in Dominica will remain clean?, of what?, sin? !! PLIZZZZZZZZZZZZZ !!

      • Evolved
        February 6, 2013


        You do not care about what you deem as immoral. You and your self righteous country men that will commit adultry at the drop of a skirt, that will commit heanous crimes against children, that engage in incest.

        Do those things matter? They are plentiful cases right within your own back yard.

    • Anonymous
      February 6, 2013

      I saw that in the paper this morning and was not impressed. Why didn’t they put the picture of the two men who caused the stir on their balcony facing Roseau instead? They have their rules, we have ours. I see a lot of things happening in England that I would not do myself. Are you saying that I should care more about what the world thinks that what the Lord thinks?

    • Julie
      February 7, 2013

      Exactly …

  22. Lougaoo Mem
    February 6, 2013

    Lev. 18:22 “You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a woman.
    Lev.20:13. If there’s a man who lies with a male as those who lies with a woman, both of them has committed a detestable act.
    Having quote the above, man/woman was given the free will to choose, and so be it till the end of such time.

    • visitor
      February 6, 2013

      Quoting from the old testament is fun isn’t it?

      Deuteronomy.22:22 If a man is found sleeping with another man’s wife, both the man who slept with her and the woman must die. You must purge the evil from Israel.

      I’d say that one id more relevant for Dominica, no?

      • Anonymous
        February 6, 2013

        Does the second sin negate the first? Silly fool. the topic here is not on adultery.

      • FED UP
        February 6, 2013

        Give it to them – love it!

      • Malgraysa
        February 6, 2013

        You can have any sleeping partner of your choice, even your dog, I truly don’t care as long as it is not a minor under the age of consent. But I can not accept is the sacrament of marriage for a couple of the same sex. The argument is about this and this alone, nothing else. Gays talk about tolerance and respect as of right. Fine, but they should also exhibit the same for people that are differently inclined. It can not be that the many opposing same sex marriage are mistaken and only the gay lobby is right. If that is so I must annul my marriage because I have no desire to be in the same category. Vive la difference.

    • February 6, 2013


      what your saying is,who cares what happend? or God give us a choice?,he said plain out and simple,you do you die! just as he did to soudom and gomorow,its abomination,period!

      who so ever knows a neighbore commits a crime,and dont report him,he also has commit a sin,just as God told David,you have a sinner in your camp,when one sin all sin!and he dont make joke about it

      • Observer
        February 6, 2013

        this is some serious stuff.

    • sandw
      February 6, 2013

      According to the Bible, it is also an “abomination” for Egyptians to eat with Hebrews; to eat any kind of shellfish; to eat ostrich [“owl” in KJV]; to have a proud look, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans; to bear false witness; to sow discord in a family; to use a false balance; to eat upon the mountains; to oppress the poor and needy; and to take advance or accrued interest. And this is just the tip of the abomination iceberg!

      Furthermore, according to the Bible, those who should be “put to death” include children who curse their mother and father; those who have committed adultery; and those who violate the Sabbath. If we take into consideration that anyone who is remarried is committing adultery, and most Christians violate the Sabbath since they worship on Sunday instead of Saturday, then the list of those who deserve to be “put to death” is getting very long indeed!

      It is quite clear that conservative Christians use the Holiness Code and Old Testament laws selectively. They place more weight on the prohibitions against male homosexuality [Notice, once again, the lesbians are off the hook!] while ignoring equally clear teachings against other “abominations.” Proof-texting scripture to justify acts of hatred, violence or abuse against others, is a dangerous thing.

      When Jesus was asked what the greatest commandment was, he replied “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.” This is the greatest and first commandment. And a second is like it: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.” [Matt 22:37-40, NRSV] . This seems a far healthier way to follow Christ than following a select few verses from the Holiness Code while ignoring the rest.

      • Brit
        February 8, 2013


  23. real
    February 6, 2013

    God created the world, he said it is wrong and his word cannot, will not change. To God be the glory

  24. Faceup
    February 6, 2013

    Both Britain and France getting there. To the Gay peeps of the world, big up !! and for those people in my country that dont accept that, !! STAY WHERE YOU ARE AND DONT ASK FOR VISA ETC TO COME AND LIVE IN THOSE PEOPLE BIG CITIES where they are free to hold hands, kise etc in public places,where no one have the time to LOOK AND POINT FINGER.. Peace !!!

    • prophet
      February 6, 2013

      And you wonder why these sodomite western countries are all crashing internationally whilst other countries such as China continues to rise. God destroyed Sodom and gomorrah for this practice, and as the Bible said, God does not change. So what do you think he will do to these countries. That’s why no matter how hard they try, they cannot stop the slide they are on. It only ends when they become internationally insignificant. Because their values don’t represent that of the majority of the world no matter how much they try to force it on smaller countries.

      • Lougaoo Mem
        February 6, 2013

        Hey Prophet!
        Yes is true that China continues to rise while it remains one of the most ungodly contries on earth. So what’s your point? Does that means, one sin greater than the other? May be in the sight of man, but I’m a firm believer that sin is sin in the sight of God, except for “Blasphemy against the holy spirit”. Mt.12:31. Amen.

      • Evolved
        February 6, 2013

        So prophet

        Are you saying that with a population of over 1.3 billion that there are no gay people?

        You are clearly not thinking with a full deck. If western countries are crashing – what will you say for Dominica? You are so deep under water you might as well not even exist economically.

        There is no place in the 21st century for ignorance.

    • Malgraysa
      February 6, 2013

      By all means equal rights for everyone but marriage is just an axiomatic impossibility for members of the same sex.

    • Jay
      February 6, 2013

      So in your face! So aggressive! Next thing there’ll be hetero-pride manifestations, equal rights for everyone after all.

    • Anonymous
      February 6, 2013

      The vote is not about they kissing in public and holding hands it was about marriage. Are you saying you consider that to be right? Everyone should be free to do as they please with themself but that doesn’t mean a government must make it legal to marry. What will they be called after two men marry, husband and husband? That’s just wrong but it’s just a shame that the entire world will in time, pass these laws including Dominica. I’ll be dead by then so won’t have to endure this embarrassment on my Island.

      • Distured
        February 7, 2013

        No worries my friend. By then i wud have assembled the next 9-11 in place. Think it simple so?

        Any church dat in dat nonsense…going down 1st.

        Government can say…but that don’t bother me one bit.

    • viewpoint
      February 6, 2013

      Points well noted, Faceup. Dominicans need to grow up!!

      ‘Freedom’, ‘Equality’, and ‘Justice’ are tenets of constitutions of modern, sovereign democracies. These words mean that each of us has only one life, which we may live as we see fit but in no way may we impose ourselves or our chosen life upon others.

      Constitutions are the predominant laws of modern democracies – not the Bible, Koran or other religious text. To refuse to allow gay and lesbian citizens legal recognition of their marriages is to (i) say to them that they are not entitled to the fundamental human rights enshrined in their constitutions of marrying and creating families; and (ii) forbid them from fulfilling the most basic emotional need in a legally protected and socially dignified way.

      The denial of legal recognition of marriages of people of the same sex (whether that denial takes place by dint of religious decree) is NOT an act of freedom of conscience or the free exercise of religion, let alone of morality.


      • Distured
        February 7, 2013

        Gay ppl are not considered human to me… And i don’t like humans to start with…

        Guess how lowly i think of Gay ppl? I don’t.. cuz they dont even register on my radar. They lack the importance of existence to me and hence shal remain so. Should they try to force their presence or otherwise, i shall execute very violent and lethal force. Methods used shall remain unknown.

    • February 6, 2013

      why should they come to visit where you live in sin and abomination,why should we have to burn with you? yes do your thing,dont ask noone to execpt you,cause its wrong

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