British Prime Minister David Cameron’s statement on the riots in the UK


I have come straight from a meeting of the Government’s COBRA committee where we’ve been discussing the action that we will be taking to help the police deal with the disorder in the streets of London and elsewhere in our country. I’ve also met with the Metropolitan Police Commissioner and the Home Secretary to discuss this further and people should be in no doubt that we will do everything necessary to restore order to Britain’s streets and to make them safe for the law-abiding.

Let me first of all completely condemn the scenes that we have seen on our television screens and people have witnessed in their communities. These are sickening scenes, scenes of people looting, vandalising, thieving, robbing, scenes of people attacking police officers and even attacking fire crews as they’re trying to put out fires. This is criminality, pure and simple and it has to be confronted and defeated.

I feel huge sympathy for the families that have suffered, innocent people who have been burned out of their houses and to business who’ve seen their premises smashed, their products looted and their livelihoods potentially ruined. I also feel for all those who live in fear because of those appalling scenes that we’ve seen on the streets of our country. People should be in no doubt that we are on the side of the law-abiding; law-abiding people who are appalled at what has happened in their own communities.

As ever, police officers have shown incredible bravery on our streets in confronting these thugs, but it’s quite clear that we need more, much more police on our streets and we need even more robust police action and it’s that that I’ve been discussing in COBRA this morning. The Metropolitan Police Commissioner has said that compared with the 6,000 police on the streets last night in London there will be some 16,000 officers tonight.

All leave within the Metropolitan Police has been cancelled. There will be aid coming from police forces up and down and the country and we will do everything necessary to strengthen and assist these forces that are meeting this disorder. There have already been 450 people arrested. We will make sure that court procedures and processes are speeded up and people should expect to see more, many more, arrests in the days to come. I am determined, the Government is determined that justice will be done and these people will see the consequences of their actions.

And I have this very clear message to those people that are responsible for this wrongdoing and criminality. You will feel the full force of the law. And if you are old enough to commit these crimes, you are old enough to face the punishments. And to these people I would say this. You are not only wrecking the lives of others. You are not only wrecking your own communities, you are potentially wrecking your own life too.

My office this morning has spoken to the Speaker of the House of Commons and he has agreed that Parliament will be recalled for a day on Thursday so I can make a statement to Parliament and we can hold a debate and we are all able to stand together in condemnation of these crimes and we are able to stand together in determination to rebuild these communities.

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  1. Papa Way
    August 12, 2011

    The British Government have for the past 30-years been telling and ordering people on how best to bring up their children – and now they want to blame powerless parents. They have been condoning ‘errant fathers’ by saying it’s OK to do the common-law thing and not take responsibility by the declaration of marriage. KMT!!! You reap what you sow – and it’s not Black children only, a lot of Black children were under beats/manners from those who care… the rest were out there with those trailer trash/skanky white English hood rats. POINT: The 11-year-old boy (White) The 12-year-old girl (white) and the oldest rioter captured was a white man 57-years-old.

  2. Papa Way
    August 10, 2011

    …Cameron is a donkey! Mister knows full well what is going on – this is a situation of his own making, created by squeezing the British people too hard and allowing the BANKERS and ENERGY Companies to squeeze them even harder!!! As soon as the HOUSE sits on Thursday Mister will be back off on his holiday like the BIG CACA that he is. It’s pure joke business that gwannn!!!

  3. Justice and Truth
    August 10, 2011

    Holy Scriptures: Spare the rod, spoil the child.
    Governments and educator authorities, some of whom are Christians of all and practicing ones at that, in their mortal and spiritual ignorance appear not to know what harm they have done to their country, the world and children in general by not allowing prayers in schools – The Our Father; likewise some parents.
    In those secular schools, also in government offices and businesses the word “GOD!” is prohibited.
    Simply put, still in their ignorance they are reaping and paying for their ungodly ruling and teaching against God.
    God is not blind, deaf or sleeping. He is also not to be deceived.
    Take what you get! Unruly children and unruly adults; lack of godliness and discipline.
    This is the earthly punishment of God which they will have to endure, still in their mortal and spiritual ignorance.

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