Cease-fire reached in Gaza conflict

Smoke rises over Gaza on Wednesday after an Israeli airstrike

A cease-fire agreement has been reached to end the hostilities in Gaza, Egypt’s foreign minister announced Wednesday at a news conference.

The cease-fire was scheduled to take effect at 9 p.m. (2 p.m. ET) Foreign Minister Mohamed Kamel Amr said.

The agreement came hours after militants exploded a bomb on a public transport bus in Tel Aviv, injuring 24 people.

The blast shook up the Israeli public and drew immediate condemnation from world leaders, including U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, who called it “shocking.” The White House labeled the strike a “terrorist attack,” and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said the United States “stands ready to provide any assistance that Israel requires.”


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  1. The Observer
    November 23, 2012

    …and the Muslims are so innocent? Alas!

    On a humorous note: The middle smoke cloud looks like a Taliban in his white gown floating over the land with gun in hand. Alas! Alas!!

    We have every right to fight and kill for a piece of land that is waiting to bury us. Alas! Alas!! Alas!!

    I saw it written somewhere once that whom the Gods would destroy they first make mad.

  2. Muslim_Always
    November 22, 2012

    Thank you O Allah I am thankful that on here we have some open minded people like Budman and Tony. They are realistic other than these bias people on here.

    No one has to be a Muslim to see these truths right before one’s eyes. It is only a dark heart who will not see this.

    • November 23, 2012

      Hi, it’s so sad that people don’t want to seek out the truth. The Internet is more powerful than any Government therefore they can’t full us all anymore. Please people go to CNN.Com and read what Eric Cantor said about the Palestinians and he is the leader of the Republicans. Open your eyes and mind.

  3. out of south city
    November 22, 2012

    @ Tony, I am in total agreement with you. Christianity has used the bible to make us believe that these European transplants called Jews are the chosen people of God. Israel became a state in 1948. They came from all over Europe and made themselves a nation. These Palestinians have always occupied the land have more right to that land than these transplants. The U.S.A supports Israel for killing innocent women and children and we who live in the West think that’s a good thing.
    These so called Jews were also involved in the slave trade along with these Europeans. It is high time that we take a second look at the bible which was given to us by the slave masters as a tool of control. That’s one book that has controlled our minds for so long, especially people of African descent, that we do not even know how to think anymore. We believe that book unquestionably and believe that everything about it is true. How naive can one be. How can we honour the slave masters god as our god? What about our history including our spirituality as a people? Who stole it, wrote it over and gave it back to us as if it were the truth? We really need to wake up and know what is really happening to the people of color all over the world. Israel is not the promised land that we have been made to believe. Our history as African people can be found on the continent of Africa. Our spiritual history can be found written in stone in the pyramids in Egypt. That’s where the story began and was stolen by the Europeans, twisted, re-written and given back to us in bible form.
    Check the history of the European and one will find out that he started with nothing of his own. His past and present nature has been one of invasion, pillage, destruction, death, exploitation bloodshed, division,and the list goes on. The Europeans’ mission has always been to take by force what did not and does not belong to them. Just check their history. Civilisation did not begin in Europe. Civilisation started in Africa.
    We as a people need to know our history.

  4. Justice and Truth
    November 21, 2012

    We do know that these ongoing wars between Israel and Palestine is nothing new. Israel will never have peace with the Palestines. They hate Israel and would like to see its demise.
    God is in control. Israel is the Chosen One from the start. It will stand still until the end of time no matter what the provocation and wars. If God is on your side, while harm may come to you yet you will remain standing. This is Israel.
    What saddens me is that numerous people are killed and forced to be displaced from their home country. They are not the only ones.
    The Middle East in general is not a peaceful place. I have considered the reason for that is they are non-Christians. Consider Christian countries. Generally, Christians do not fight with each other on that scale as those people fight with each other, nation against nation.
    Our Lord Jesus Christ told us, “You will hear of wars and rumours of wars. It is not yet the end. It is only the beginning of the labor pains.”
    Hebrews 12:14 – Penalties of Disobedience -“Strive for peace with everyone, and for that holiness without which no one will see the Lord…”
    Read the rest of this passage… This should tell us much.
    Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Divine Mercy whom non-Christians of all reject as being the Messiah, the Son of the Living God, Our Lord, King, Savior and Just Judge, said: “Unless mankind turns to My Merciful Heart, there will be no peace.”
    He told this to a holy nun, now departed, St. Faustina Kowalska of Poland. She wrote it and other messages along with her inspirations in her diary, The Diary of Sister Faustina. It is now documented in the book, “Divine Mercy in My Soul. Practicing Catholics are aware of it. It is a great and inspiring book to read.
    We are to pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy which Our Lord gave to St. Faustina and asked her to spread it in the entire world. It is for us, for the entire world, for God’s peace and forgiveness. God inspires.
    This is what the Middle East needs, PEACE and to live in peace with their neighbors. Let us pray for world peace, no matter how long it takes. Our patient God will do what He wills with those fervent prayers from the heart, in his time.
    As the religious song: “In his time. In his time. He makes all things beautiful in his time. Lord please show me every day… that you’ll do just what you say in your time…”

    • budman
      November 22, 2012

      Justice & Truth you are really uneducated. i suspected this before but you confirmed it now. Israel as you know it today was a state established by the US and UK in 1948. so i don’t know why you willfully continue to say that they are the Chosen One. that is not the same Israel referenced in the Bible. is that so difficult to understand? then you further state that the Middle East is not a peaceful place because they are non-christians. you foolish foolish man! the wars over there are caused by…wait for it the Israeli occupation of Arab land. the Israelis who you say are the Chosen are NOT CHRISTIANS!!! additionally, the other wars are US foreign policy initiations. where are all the wars? where there is a UN presence started ???? supposedly Christian nations like the US with their insatiable lust for oil.

      Lastly, you clown Hitler killed six million Jews in Germany. what was the religion in Nazi Germany at the time? Christianity. 400 hundred years of slavery in the West with countless lives lost by colonizers spreading what religion? Christianity. the Jews were persecuted and placed into small tenements called “ghettos” (that’s right ghetto is a Jewish word) by whom? Christians. so don’t tell us on this DNO forum about Christians don’t fight with other nations on that scale. because Great Britain and Spain colonised half the world and used “spreading Christianity” as an excuse.

      Your ignorance and conscious decision not to read books and educate yourself is an absolute affront to the citizens who peruse this board. your deliberate bible thumping, your pooling in ignorance and simple mindedness should be an indictable offence.

      • Muslim_Always
        November 22, 2012

        Thank you thank you thank you Budman,

        Finally O Allah a voice of reason. You don’t even have to be a Muslim to understand basic things. It is regrettable people like “Truth” do not read. This is pure illiteracy on his part. May the Creator of this Universe guide him for he is so confused and blind.

        Thank you once again Budman, I hope this man will open his heart for it is filled with stains of polytheism.

      • Justice and Truth
        November 23, 2012

        @ budman

        My comments bothered you, eh! Who are you to judge? :twisted: :mrgreen: You are the pot calling the kettle black. The world has many as you, always harping on others.
        Know that I only read your few words from the beginning and not the others. I will not waste my time to read it.
        You are the one who is truly uneducated. Your views are not mine and vice versa. You will never understand godly words because you are not so inclined. What does one expect of those who reject God? They will never be granted with godly enlightenment to see beyond and to speak the truth.
        You have freedom of speech and so do I. In future, I suggest that you keep your views to yourself. It does nothing to me or for me. It does not help me in anyway. I will never benefit from them.
        I know right from wrong. I also know the radicals and who are not radicals by their comments. I have always supported Israel one hundred per cent and will continue to do so.
        People as you support those who are radicals. You are not peaceful people. You love to stir up trouble.
        When you stand before God you will find out who is right and wrong and who was educated and uneducated. Keep your ignorant views to yourself. :twisted: :mrgreen:

      • Justice and Truth
        November 23, 2012

        @ Budman

        Who made you an expert? Who are you to say that others are brainwashed? I could say the same about you. You are brainwashed. You are on the side of Palestine. I am not.
        Recall a few years ago that an Israeli soldier was kidnapped by the Palestines. This started a so-called war. Palestine is not innocent. Israel returned some land to them and has bent over for them but they are not satisfied.
        Are you on the side of God or not? The manner in which I feel, I know that Israel is correct. I cannot feel otherwise. No one will change my mind.
        God detests radicals and troublemakers.

  5. A Voice
    November 21, 2012

    Man no worldly government can solve this conflict. This is a spritual and biblical war that has been going on from ancient times.

    These are the two sons of Abraham fighting over the Promise Land. Sarah had thrown Ishmael and his mother out for the sake of her son Isaac. The LORD had warned the Israelites to destroy the people from off the land, but the Israelites were too stiff necked and rebellious. They will never know peace from their neighbours.

    As long as these two nations existing side by side, the peacemakers tasks are useless. There will only be temporary reprieve.

    I watchin’ still!!!

    • budman
      November 21, 2012

      i dont know what you smoking, but that state of Israel was created in 1948 by the US and Britain after the second world war. displacing Arabs from their land.

      • Justice and Truth
        November 23, 2012

        You need to learn history and to know what is contained in Holy Scripture, specifically the Old Testament. Do so. :twisted:

    • Justice and Truth
      November 21, 2012

      You are so correct! This is an ongoing war or shall we say sporadic ones which surface now and then. We have noted how the Palestines are the instigators. Some people just cannot live at peace with others. Their hearts are hard as rock/stone. I suppose when they are spurred on by the devil they commence another war. It is as if they are itching and restless to do so.
      Only God will put a hand when He is good and ready and fed-up of all those wars and other atrocities and immoralities in the world.
      Such wars have killed and displaced millions of people. Sad, isn’t it. Then we have the problem with Al Qaeda. Lord, please help us!

      • November 22, 2012

        Hi, would you like to live under military occupation like the Palestinians have been living under since 1948. If someone keep killing your children and other family members then they keep building settlements for Jews would you just stand by and do nothing. Why didn’t the Western countries take pat of Germany and make it a Jewish State. If you want to see what’s going on go to Press TV.Com or Russia Today.Com. Jews own the media in America and the politicians are afraid of the Jewish lobby. Israel have over four hundred nuclear bombs and they threathened to arrest any United Nation Inspectors from the IAEA but but America put sanctions on Iran although the IAEA has been in Iran for over twenty five years. My tax dollars are paying for the Zionist and apartheid Government.

  6. November 21, 2012

    what is the problem who started it who really are the victims in the gaza. i understood the shelling began when israel killed hamas leader. on one seams to hear the cry of the poor and weak.who is the terorist someone flying fighter plane killing babies or someone retaliating because thier child was murdered .DOG EAT DOG WORLD !!1

    • Justice and Truth
      November 21, 2012

      The Hamas leader was a radical, a dangerous man; dangerous to Israel. He must have been a wanted man. He was another instigator. He has gone to his eternal judgment. We should be curious to know where his soul is. If only we knew. Well, I have an idea but I leave this up to God and that soul.

      • budman
        November 22, 2012

        Justice & Truth you need to stop your nonsense. you are brainwashed beyond belief.

  7. mouth of the south
    November 21, 2012

    hahaha…. hypocrisy i tell u…. how much civilians has these fake jews killed in Palestine?… but one blast on a bus and the U.N is crying out foul… where was their voices when israel was dropping bombs in Palestine…

    the sad thing is our people in western world has the false belief that.. these jews are the ones the bible speaks of… My people these aren’t the jews that the bible speaks of… these are fake, came from Poland.. persecuted by Hitler… moved to U.K and France… british and french discriminated against them also…. though u will never read of that… U.K didn’t want them in their land, so they allowed them to settle in Palestine…. at the time Palestine and U.K had some sort of agreement where U.K could have settled etc. From then in the 1940’s, these fake jews have been fighting the palestines for their own land….

    in ethiopia these fake jews don’t allow the ‘white’ jews to be buried in the same cemetary as the real black jews…. smh… is that God-like… is this the character of the jews spoken of in the Bible…?????

    • Justice and Truth
      November 21, 2012

      There are always two sides. Those who approve and disapprove; those who are on the side of Israel and those on the side of the Palestines. You know what else? I comment on it but I do not discuss it at length with anyone for there will be no end to this discussion. We do not have the answer. Whatever our views, we can only surmise. Only God who fully knows the truth and has the answer. The end of this unrest will come in his time.
      Let it be known that I have always been on the side of Israel, only through my thoughts and what has been occurring in that part of the world and through no one else or what I have read. I form my own opinion according to my instinct which I hope is through Divine inspiration.
      Note that the U.S. has always been on the side of Israel and so are other progressive, democratic countries. This should tell much. I do believe that Israel is trying to please those countries by not really being the instigator unless it is absolutely necessary for the protection of that country and its nationals.
      By no means do I stand up for and defend the Palestines. I view them as troublemakers who have no wish to live in peace with Israel.
      Go to the Holy Bible of the New Testament. What you wish to know to prove who is the aggressor to this day is to be found there. While at it, pray for God’s enlightenment. :) He will reveal the truth to you. Our loving God is a God of peace and unity who wants us to live accordingly.

      • November 22, 2012

        Okay Truth and Justice. You quote the bible but remember it has something for every religion. Now can you tell me what the bible say about who killed Jesus. Israel was given Seventy two percent of historic Palestine but the keep on stealing more and more land. Only four percent of the land is left but Israel is still building settlement in total violation on United Nation resolutions. We all are not blind even though the Jews controlled the American media. Google Helen Thomas of AP news or Rick Sanchez formerly of CNN.

  8. Pondera
    November 21, 2012

    Don’t ramp with Israel!! We will deal with you real hard when you provoke Israel. I love the decisiveness of the Israel PM.

    • November 22, 2012

      Ok Israel is strong so why don’t they go and fight Germany because that’s who killed six million Jews. No they choose to used American F-16 fighter jets to kill women and children. Shame on Israel that apartheid racist Government.

      • asdadas
        November 22, 2012

        Oh, really Tony so you just want someone to sit by and watch terrorists fire RANDOM

      • asdadas
        November 22, 2012

        Random Rockets? that what Palestine is doing random rockets into civilian homes Israel is targeting weapon sites not civilians purposefully they don’t target civilians on purpose like Hamaas does… recently on the news we saw how Palestines where DRAGGING an Israel body across the streets, how lawless is that

      • November 22, 2012

        Ok, Israel just killed 160 Palestinian during this conflict. What difference does it make if you are killed by mistake or not. Now out of the 160 killed 53 were children between the ages of two months and fifteen years. If they attack their soldiers they complain and then they kill more Palestinians. We can’t close our eyes and be blind to what is going on. Look America and Britian took their troublesome Jewish citizens and put them in Palestine then they arm them to the teeth therefore we have this ongoing conflict. I would support Israel if they go and fight the Germans but now Germany is the strongest country in Europe. Open your eyes and mind.

    • Justice and Truth
      November 23, 2012

      You are correct. Israel has many people on its side. It has all the progressive countries on its side. This should tell its enemies a lot about Israel. They will be better off not messing with Israel for Israel will retaliate.
      To date, Gaza lost approximately 100 of its people. Israel lost only 6.
      There is a lot of propaganda against Israel out there and on certain Websites which I will not waste my time to access and read.
      I call a spade a spade. I am able to judge good and evil and who is right and wrong. In the end, Israel will win and will be victorious.
      All those who are on the side of Gaza/Palestine, are radicals.

      • budman
        November 24, 2012

        and that has always been yur problem. your words not mine “I am able to judge good and evil and who is right and wrong.” who made you the earthly judge again? i didn’t see it in scripture anywhere.

  9. patience
    November 21, 2012

    Lord please help your ppl

  10. tiny
    November 21, 2012

    till when?……….drive them out of the gaza strip….till then there will be no peace

    • Justice and Truth
      November 23, 2012

      Yes! They should be driven out for good.

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