East Coast braces, flights canceled as ‘historic’ blizzard looms

Photo credit: Reuters
Photo credit: Reuters

Light snow began falling on the East Coast on Monday morning, the first signs of a potentially historic blizzard that officials predicted would dump up to 3 feet in the coming day, snarling transportation for millions of people.

The National Weather Service (NWS) issued a blizzard warning for New York City and surrounding areas between coastal New Jersey and Connecticut, beginning 1 p.m. EST on Monday and worsening overnight into Tuesday morning. It warned of two days of winter storms across the East Coast, from Pennsylvania to Maine.

Travel will be extremely dangerous, the service said, as strong, snow-filled winds reduce visibility to near zero.


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  1. January 28, 2015

    Hello and good morning my people. Well the Politicians closed down NYC for this little show storm where I got one foot of snow in my area. This wasn’t any problem or major snow storm to close the city but the major problem was that my two sisters in Maryland and Virginia flights got cancelled to Puerto Rico then onto Dominica. They should be in Dominica enjoy the festivities now it’s going to take at lease four days to reschedule but I hope they will still have their rental vehicle since they miss their pick up date. Rental agencies make sure people get their rental to go seight seeing.

    January 27, 2015

    So when allu have bad weather in DA and crying for help, Dominicans abroad that have to help allu and be concerned but when people abroad taking blows from the weather allu doh care not one bit! ebeh… good to know.

    I’m not with the self defeating selfish haterz so i am wishing all Dominicans abroad safe travels through this blizzard weather to stay warm and wishing a warm sunny Dominican day to allu from the Isle of beauty.

  3. Disgusted
    January 27, 2015

    You can’t have your cake and it. You all choose to go in the big apple so enjoy and do not try to make me guilty about my sunshine in Dominica. Just stay safe.

  4. Boyie
    January 26, 2015

    Whats the point of this story? This is affecting someone in Dominica … HOW>>?? plus R.V replying with this long a$$ life story.

    • D/ca on vacation
      January 27, 2015

      Yes, it does affect us somehow. Remember there are thousands of Dominican living in the USA with families in Dominica. So do not be so selfish and heartless.

    • January 28, 2015

      To Boyie.

      Hello and good morning my people. Well it does affect businesses in Dominica because people who arrange their vacation to come home for carnival now their flights must be rescheduled which will shortened their vacation by at least four days. We must think about the Hotels,Restaurants,Rentals Vehicles ,Tour groups and Merchants because it will have an impact on their businesses. Please open your eye and encourage our citizens and guest to come to Dominica and enjoy our Country.

  5. Ronald Volney
    January 26, 2015

    Wind howling outside, reminds me of hurricane David, except it’s much colder than your freezer. Snow piling up. State of emergency, vehicles banned from the roads, national guard mobilized. Since I’ve been here, 3 blizzards, 2 tornadoes, 2nd hurricane, 2 earthquakes, all in past 10 years. No volcano yet but radiation alert from the nuclear power plant 10 miles away 3 years ago. The joy of living near Boston. Oh, don’t forget the Boston bombing.

    Still love it!

    Ronald Volney, outside Boston, Massachusetts

    • FORKIT
      January 27, 2015

      you living in your glory in de promise land, and all de time I hearing your name and reading your comments I never realized you not here with us feeling de pressure… so you are one of those REMOTE CONTROLLERS outside there making policies to keep me poor and hungry.

      • Ronald Volney
        January 27, 2015

        Proverbs 23:9. In case you cannot read, “Don’t talk sense to a fool, he can’t appreciate it”
        Get a life.

      • January 28, 2015

        To Forkit.

        Hello and good morning my people. I am the fist to acknowledge that I reside in NYC and I don’t vote in Dominica but this person (RV) really fool me. I thought this person reside in Dominica.

    • A Doubting Thomas
      January 27, 2015

      How about the salt and sand used to clear the streets of snow and ice that can damage your vehicles but allows you to drive and walk. When Mother Nature does her stuff, who can we blame? Mother Nature? Hopefully no lives will be lost or too many people injured because of this blizzard. We in Dominica know about hurricanes and earthquakes and floods.

      Stay indoors people listen to the authorities, there is nothing anyone of us can do when Mother Nature blows out steam. Those of us in Dominica should Give Thanks Always. In spite of everything; as humans we are never satisfied, but when we have to look at what others face daily, we have a beautiful country with beautiful people, we should try and cherish what we have and protect our island always.

      Many of us who are in the blizzard’s area must be wishing we could be in Dominica now taking a few sea baths instead of what we see on our television sets. Stay warm people and be careful. Thank God Carnival is in two weeks.

    • Francisco Telemaque
      January 27, 2015

      Oh, boy I can’t help it but smile, sometimes laugh at some of the comments you make. So here is a question for you. Assuming that emergency vehicles are banned from city streets; in the event of an emergency where someone had an accident in their home, and need the paramedics, or there is a fire, are suggesting that the fire department will allow the entire city to burn, because they are not allowed on the road?

      If someone is having a heart attack, and someone calls for an ambulance, the paramedics will not respond? In America there is a saying, rain nor snow, or blizzards never prevents the mail man from delivering the mail. I drove from Missouri to Flagstaff in Northern Arizona in a blizzard. I stop over in New Mexico to sleep for the night, next morning at 5:00 AM I got up scrape the snow off my windshield and took off for Los Angeles. The Wesley kid is yet alive! Can you please answer my questions.

      • Francisco Telemaque
        January 27, 2015

        Let me correct something: I slept in Tulsa Oklahoma one night during the storm also.

  6. A Doubting Thomas
    January 26, 2015

    Where in the East Coast? Historic? East Coast braces, flights cancelled as historic blizzards looms. Are we expecting snow in La Plaine or other areas on the East Coast?

    • Francisco Telemaque
      January 27, 2015

      You see, one of the reasons Dominica is so backward, is that many of our people are closed off, if it is not happening in Backward Dominica, its not worth hearing about, we pick up bits and pieces by hearing “they say.” DNO is an Electronic News Media; and I tell you what; DNO is indeed very accurate.

      Sometimes I get up and go on DNO where I read about situations in America, long before it makes the morning news in Los Angeles. They are very informative: is it not better to learn something from a reliable source than to walk around talking about “they say?” Knowledge is power; wisdom is strength!

      Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

    • January 28, 2015

      Hello and good morning my people. Yes my aunt in LaPlaine called me in NYC and told me they are expecting snow in LaPlaine so please send her a winter jacket. So keep doubting Thomas.

  7. Dominican
    January 26, 2015

    And in other news…..It is 80 degrees and bright sunshine throughout the eastern Caribbean.

    • Francisco Telemaque
      January 27, 2015

      So what? Right at this moment it is 70 degrees where I live in Los Angeles, and windy. In Dominica, and the rest of the Caribbean when it is 80 degrees we sweet like hogs, because of the humidity which most of the time exceeds 80 degrees. I do not even know how people walk around in Dominica with button down shirts, and neck tie, especially those so call thieves who calls themselves honorable.

      Right now I am in my home, with only (me Pajama pants on no under ware nor long johns). I practically naked, in the middle of winter, though it is snowing in the hills of Pasadena, and about fifty miles north of Los Angles’s, I forgot to tell you when it is about 90 degrees here we really perspire because we are dealing with dry heat, the humidity is not like the kind found in Bay Town Texas. And by the way if I wish I can go right at this moment on the beach in the city of Santa Monica seven miles from my house!

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