‘Effeminate’ boys in Malaysia sent to ‘anti-gay’ camp

66 Muslim schoolboys in Malaysia identified by teachers as effeminate have been sent to a special camp for counseling on masculine behavior.

They are undergoing four days of religious and physical education.

An education official said the camp was meant to guide the boys back “to a proper path in life”.

Gay rights groups have criticised the measure, saying it promotes homophobia in the Muslim-majority country where gay sex is still illegal.


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  1. Buju banton mi seh
    April 26, 2011

    Can you imagine what has become to this land of Dominica. What is it that a buller should be pr oud of really..I mean he is only entering a waste hole and seems to be so happy and unlifted for doing so… wake up bullers,wake up… search within your self and see the filth you are condoning and practicing..

    Nature in itself doesnt practice this nastiness… take a look at the animal kingdom and ask yourself a question.. BULLING is a high crime against PROCREATION,REPRODUCTION,the continuation of HUMANITY ON THIS EARTH… I mean this practive should be illegal in any country..

    I have an idea..Why not put all gays on a big boat n ship them off our waters to a land where only gays are allowed and lets see them in the next 2 decades..

    • smh
      April 27, 2011

      Actually, many animals have been seen practicing homosexuality. Moreover, humans are animals, too, so we’re a part of “Nature in itself.”

      If you listened to more intelligent men than Buju Banton, you might be able to say smarter things.

      • Yes, animals have been seen doing same gender “sex”.

        Animals have a brain and nervous system. There is such a thing as animal psychology, the study of animal behaviour. In their own way animals experience certain mental disorders and psychological problems known to humans.

        Some animals eat their young. Does this make it O.K. and normal for humans?

        Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. Evangelist. (Pastoral Counselor Certificate)

  2. thinkinman
    April 26, 2011

    Hear dem Bullers boy!….No shame in their game. Forget about history and all that talk of the past and civilizations n ting. Scrap dat argument. BULLERS REFUTE THIS STATEMENT IF U CAN. “Homosexuality, does in no way, shape or form contribute to the advancement and progression of mankind.”

    Point blank…thats it.. nuff said

    • Humanist
      April 26, 2011

      Not a “buller” but I support equality for all, so I’ll refute your statement a few times.

      I’d have to begin by asking you to define what “the advancement and progression of mankind” means. That can mean many things to many people. My responses below are based on a very generalized assumption of what I think you mean.

      1) Actually, it does, in the sense that by people being able to put aside old prejudices and ignorance to accept homosexuality as just another part of life, they will have become less ignorant and prejudiced. Frankly, if you actually knew some gay people from societies where people aren’t immediately insulted or even threatened with death for being gay, you’d realize that they are no different from anyone else. The flamboyant people you might see in satires or in parades are not your “average” gay person, but an extreme. Even if you don’t like how the flamboyant ones look–I don’t–it doesn’t make them bad people.

      2) Though you did not directly say this, how does ignorance about homosexuals, especially when it manifests itself through them being attacked or even killed, contribute to “the advancement and progression of mankind?” This, to me, is barbaric and does the opposite of “advancement and progress” of any kind.

      3) How does someone being heterosexual inherently contribute to “the advancement and progress of mankind?” Frankly, the world is too filled with idiots right now, and a few less people spreading their seed might not be a bad thing (though, to be fair, gay couples can produce children through in vitro fertilization).

      This list can likely go on, but I think ought to be enough. Let me know if you still don’t think your statement has been refuted.

      • Equally for all :!:

        Now aren’t you a jolly good fellow.

        Polygamy, pedophilia, incest, buggery, bestiality, and anything else that comes down the pipe.
        Imagine a world with no sex laws. How free we would be! And there are actually organizations lobbying for this kind of Utopia.

        I prefer the freedom that comes through Jesus Christ and living by the Word of God.

        Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. Evangelist. :-P

  3. Concerned
    April 26, 2011

    Site revenue must be at a low, what with an article that really has little relevance in Dominica and is clearly a ploy to attract site visitors and generate click-through revenue. Nice.

  4. Truth, Justice, Love, Peace and Unity
    April 26, 2011

    I endorse the Malaysian government. Root it out of them while they are still young. This situation can be reversed. It is like disciplining a child. It has been reversed in adult men and right in the U.S.A.
    Setting religion aside, homosexuality is intrinsically evil. It is abnormal that people should have a relationship with another of the same sex. This is by no means what God meant for the world. They have the audacity to expect the world to endorse their intrinsic lifestyle and to marry them at that. This is the most ridiculous thing of our century.
    Consider the amount of men who are in such a relationship. Consider also the women who are in such a relationship. Those men should be courting and marrying women. Those women should be courting and marrying men.
    It is said that there are more women in the world than men. It is not only wars which caused this but those men who prefer men to women. They are sickos. They should also be considered mental cases.
    Those men and women have absolutely no right to get married for the reason that they are marrying others of the same sex – foolish people that they are. :twisted:
    We must rise up and speak out loudly against this which is an abomination to the Lord. Let them know that is wrong to participate in such a type of relationship.
    Woe to any government of the world which legalized this abomination. They are blinded by the Light of Our Lord Jesus Christ. They have chosen darkness rather than the Light.
    Woe to them when they stand before God for their judgment. We can confidently state may God rebuke them right here on this earth and He will as time takes care of all, the good and bad.
    God rewards the good and punishes the wicked – wicked deeds. Homosexuality and lesbianism relationships are wicked deeds. They are not of God and not approved by God. Sensible people, whether they are religious or not should know this.

  5. Ex-pat
    April 26, 2011

    It is ironic that a society that upholds adultery and teenage sex with adult men, has a problem with two consenting adults who are committed to each other. Look at the friends you have; how many husbands and wives are not being true to the marriage vows and not only have girlfriends and boyfriends but children outside the marriage. People are applauded for extra marital affairs and a promiscuous lifestyle. Do not judge people when you yourself have less than moral behaviour. The hypocrisy in Dominican society disgusts me.

    • Truth, Justice, Love, Peace and Unity
      April 26, 2011

      They are not judging but telling it like it is. Whenever people speak/write against this abomination, some people always assume that they are being judged; that they should be left alone and not say a word or oppose this type of lifestyle. We have every right to oppose it even though we cannot change their attitude. We must never be complacent about what which could destroy the family unit and the world in general and soon enough. Keep in mind Sodom and Gomorrah.
      God will take care of those who commit adultery and also adult men who have sex with teenage girls – underage girl. We need to pray for everyone with no exception that God may change their heart. He is the only one who can save humankind.
      God also knows what type of lifestyle you lived, presently live and what you do, also behind closed doors. Therefore, speak for yourself.
      You are generalizing. It is not everyone who applauds extra marital affairs and promiscuous lifestyle.
      The topic is pertaining to homosexuality and children who have been observed to be effeminate being sent to a special camp for counseling. Stick to the issue.
      I wished that the general world and of Christians would do likewise from the moment it is noticed that boys are projecting such an abnormal tendency. This is protecting the male species from becoming attracted to the same sex. If nothing is done, this will surely happen to them as they grow up.
      I do endorse the Muslims of detesting such a lifestyle. The world is viewed as being modern and people are open to whatever immoral lifestyle they live. They are not shy or ashamed but are proud of their immoral lifestyle as being homosexuals.
      You should know: “Love the sinner. Hate the sin.” How can any sensible person applaud the act of homosexuality and consider it OK to practice and turn a blind eye?
      Consider if the entire world of men would be homosexuals and women lesbians. Sooner than God planned, as they age and others die of certain causes, the entire human race would be eradicated.
      Those types of people who live this abnormal lifestyle are not doing the world a favor. If they continue to flourish this may very well happen as the years progress. How they happened to be so abnormal is beyond my comprehension.
      What I do know is that it is an offense to God, slapping him in the face. He said to Adam and Eve, “Go and multiply”. These people cannot multiply. If they had children of their own by either marriage or not and those children reside with them, one wonders how will those children turn out. Already they are learning that there is nothing wrong in being a homosexual.
      Sadly, too, certain governments allow them to adopt children. What a shock and a disgrace! They also receive spousal benefits as heterosexual married couples. Should this not get you angry if you reside in a country where the government approved this? Even then you should speak up against it so that if you do not reside in such a country that this never occurs where you reside especially in Dominica, a Christian country.
      People who live straight lives have problems adopting children and homosexuals and lesbians are allowed to adopt children. Satan rules for now until God is ready to put a hand.
      In addition, you should be concerned that some people live such an abnormal lifestyle. It is enough to bring down the immediate wrath of God with fire and brimstones on the entire world.
      As St. Paul said, interpretation, “All it takes for evil to flourish is for good people to do nothing.”
      I do not endorse harming them but I endorse speaking out against this abomination specifically if the opportunity presents itself. It is our Christian duty to do so.

  6. papa way
    April 25, 2011

    …pure batty-business – it can’t go on! 8-O

    • gaynproud
      April 25, 2011

      You are right it cannot go on it will excell !

  7. just a thought
    April 24, 2011

    any society that upholds homosexulaity according to history never stands. that lifestyle eventually destroys the fibre of family, governments, and countries. Study the fall of civilizations and you will see homosexuality’s destructive influence.

    • gaynproud
      April 25, 2011

      I guess that is why North America and the Europe are the super powers and have been for centuries. They have well established gay rights !

      • Jayson
        April 25, 2011

        North America ‘super power for centuries’ ???

        Just how many centuries have they been a super power for?

        • gaynproud
          April 25, 2011

          Yous hould ask yourself what can I do to develop Dominica. You so can never and will never stop homosexuality because you in it in secret !

        • Hmmm
          April 25, 2011

          Well America has been a super power almost since the beginning. Canada is young and Mexico is just that, Mexico.

          But on a whole, I have to agree with you.

    • Life's Like That
      April 25, 2011

      It is not enough to tell us to study it. Bring forward your facts. At least give us some examples.

    • Gary
      April 25, 2011

      To just a thought

      You know what destroys the fabric of a family, and a Country, hatred and intolerance especially when it is fostered by religious beliefs. Show me your studies that you are talking about that point out to the destruction of any civilization due to the influence of homosexuality, but yes of course there are countless facts in the annals of history showing that wars fought about because of religion brought about the destruction of Nations and Countries and if you look around you today you will still see this evident and still happening.

      The reason i brought the religious factor, is because most people who are opposed to Homosexuality are doing so mainly on a religious concept, it is the root of this phobia. If someone has a different sexual orientation than you, why should you take it upon your self to hate that person, or say that their difference in sexual orientation will lead to or is responsible for the destruction of a Country simply because of your religion indoctrination or because some religious book say so. Stop the heated and bigotry, that is what will cause the destruction of family and Country

      When you look at a human being is the sexual orientation the whole total sum of that human being, of course not, why should they be treated less than a human and be blamed for the destruction of a Country or even the fabric of the Family, and if someone has a different sexual orientation than you, does that take away anything from you, does it rob you of being a human. Yes you can have your opinion on the matter but why would you blame their influence to the destruction of a Country, the only reason is ignorance or beliefs based on religion that would drive you to make such statement.

    • Humanist
      April 26, 2011

      You’d think a person requesting that I “study” something would come across as intelligent or would at least attempt to appear so by citing some of the things he/she’s been studying, but that is clearly not the case here, and, given the absurdity of your claim, I don’t really care to “study” what you’ve mentioned, since I don’t think it’s anything containing nonbiased factual information, if it contains factual information at all. That you jump to assume the boys are gay suggests you are unaware of any other possibility, such as that 1) they’re just kids acting how they feel like acting or 2) they may be transgender or 3)bigender.

      Since you had the assurance to say “any” society like this will “fall” (what does “fall” mean? Literally topple over? Experience poverty?), a single example should be enough to prove you wrong, though I’d be happy to prove you wrong as many times as you like. Ancient Greece is a simple example. Here we have a society whose very name is tied up with more liberal notions of sexuality, including homosexuality. (To be fair, the ancient Greeks sexualized many things, but my focus here is on homosexuality.) And yet, their society was not a “fallen” one (still not sure what you mean by that), but one of the most advanced and influential societies in human (not even just western) history. Ancient Greece created a vast array of philosophers, mathematicians, artists, and thinkers, whose ideas were extraordinary for their age (we’re talking B.C.E. here, after all). When their society became subjugated, it sure wasn’t because it had fallen due to homosexuality. Homosexuality was simply a part of life for them.

      In fact, homosexuality is really hard to use as your catalyst here, since the very notion of a “homosexual” that we have today did not appear until the late nineteenth century, when the term was coined. Prior to that, people had some ideas about homosexuality, but the image of the homosexual as many define him or her today did not strictly appear until very recently. It might have been vaguely known about by some but it did not designate a sexual orientation until the nineteenth century.

      Finally, almost any well-developed liberal-minded country today easily rips apart your thesis. Liberal parts of America and Europe are certainly not “fallen,” and if they ARE “fallen” and Dominica is not in your equation, well, being “fallen” sure seems better, eh?

      Go do some research like a researcher.

      • What are homosexuals?

        If your going to have a movement with an agenda you must have a name.

        There are men who sin with women.
        There are men who sin with men.

        There are women who sin with men.
        There are women who sin with women.

        There are men and women who sin with both men and women.

        They are all “fornicators”. Fornication is the English translation of a New Testament Greek word which means illicit sexual intercourse. It includes every type of sexual intercourse outside of a God approved legal marriage which is the union of one man and one woman.

        However, homosexuals are those who experience sex with same sex partners – men with men – and women with women. Bi-sexuals are those who swing both ways but in fact they are also homosexuals.

        Homosexuality is a sin against nature. (Romans 1:26,27) It is also an assault against God’s plan for marriage and the matrimonial model He has given us. (Matthew 19:4-6)

  8. notnice
    April 24, 2011

    I remember growing up in Dominica and hearing how gay
    People were treated, (stoned and beat up like they were less that humans)
    ; but now that I’ve come into my own manhood although a lot of you might
    Dissagree just hearing about these kids and seeing for myself that I honestly
    Believe that people are born that way and shouldn’t be treated any differently.
    Though I may not believe in their choice of lifestyle its not for me to judge. We
    All have to face god one.day and answer to him and only god will hav the final say
    So. If that was my child I would be damn if they would be isolated from society
    And placed into some.type of experimental institution and used as a guinea pig.
    Dominicans you need to open your eyes and heart bcuz all those same sex people
    You talk about are your family members. It’s no different that you engaging yourself
    With someone who’s straight, or what society deems as being straight. Just a reminder

    • gaynproud
      April 25, 2011

      You are very right butyou have to remember, Dominica enjoys a very low literacy rate which means that the masses are not educated past backyard school so it is pointless trying to educated them.

      • Freud
        April 26, 2011

        Educate yourself on the theory of evolution and basic psychology. Then tell me if you still think this ‘lifestyle’ is justified or if it is not more of a psychological defect.

    • I realize this was posted years ago. I am commenting in view of the possibility that the camp is on-going, or may be offered again in the future.

      I am glad for the organized effort in Malaysia to help boys who seem to be “effeminate” or show reasons to believe they may be getting involved in homosexuality.

      It should be understood that appearances can be deceiving. Not all “effeminate” males are homosexuals.
      By the same token not all females with a deep voice or who appear “masculine” are lesbians. I hope those
      who are operating the camp will approach the young people with wisdom in a truly loving and caring atmosphere. The last thing we want is for those attending the camp to feel they are under attack.

      People should be taught what the Bible says about homosexuality. I encourage the study of Romans 1:26,27. 1 Corinthians 6:9,10. 1 Timothy 1:9,10. and Genesis 19:1-25 with Jude vs. 7.

      Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. Evangelist.

  9. Terrence
    April 24, 2011

    we have crime to concern oneself with a dilemma that cnnot be solved.
    this have been on earth from creatio Let us stop wars, hunger rtc

    • In the last few years homosexuals have tried to put a new spin on the scriptures that condemn their sin by implying that those scriptures do not actually condemn homosexuality but refer to something different.
      Ezekiel 16:49-50 is one such passage.

      Look closely. fair game has mentioned the sins of Sodom in vs. 49 which do not include homosexuality.
      However vs. 50 continues. It goes on to say “…they committed abomination before me: …” Then in vs. 51 God says: “thou hast MULTIPLIED thy abominations …” Homosexuality was one of the sins God called an “abomination” in Old Testament times according to Leviticus 18:22. Genesis 19:1-11 shows that one
      of their sins was certainly homosexuality. According to Jude vs. 7 this is why God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah.

      Homosexuality is also forbidden in the New Testament in Romans 1:26,27. 1 Corinthians 6:9,10, etc.

      Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. Evangelist.

    • Yes, there are crimes to be concerned about. But teaching people God’s moral code and family values is not taking time away from the police whose job it is to solve crimes. Helping young people avoid – or break free from – homosexuality is not infringing on the justice system or taking time away from those who work in the courts.

      Sins of sexual immorality are sometimes the cause of crimes and this is very true of homosexuality. I have seen stats and read studies that are horrifying. All I can say is let’s get the help out to our young people before it is too late for them.

      Sincerely, Rev.. Donald Hill. Evangelist. (Pastoral Counselor Certificate)

  10. fair game
    April 24, 2011

    @ Life’s Like That

    Thank you for posting this. too many times we just believe what the preacher tells us…rather than really look at what really happened.

    This verse is what should be in the mind of all the “Christians” in this country…

    “Now this was the sin of Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy. They were haughty and did detestable things before me. Therefore I did away with them as you have seen. —Ezekiel 16:49-50″

    As well as this one:

    Anyone who sets himself up as “religious” by talking a good game is self-deceived. This kind of religion is hot air and only hot air. Real religion, the kind that passes muster before God the Father, is this: Reach out to the homeless and loveless in their plight, and guard against corruption from the godless world. James 1:26-27 (MSG)

  11. Arnold
    April 24, 2011


  12. Gaza
    April 24, 2011

    nastiness they have no right on earth

  13. Mango Sweet
    April 24, 2011

    So soon we may hear of a boot camp for tomboys too?

  14. WOW!
    April 24, 2011


    • gaynproud
      April 25, 2011

      You are soo stupid I pity you and you stupidity ! Stay in your ceaspool of ignorance but you will never see that happen in Dominica!

      • thinkinman
        April 26, 2011

        unfortunately for us.

      • WOW!
        April 26, 2011


  15. Hmmm
    April 24, 2011

    The world (especially Dominica) is filled with more Homophobes than they are people who are just against homosexuality because they don’t agree with it. The fact that people ACTUALLY SUPPORT THE EXECUTION OF PEOPLE WHO HAVE A DIFFERENT TASTE, LITERALLY, IS ABSOLUTELY APPALLING TO ME!

    Doesn’t the Bible say to love all people? Correct me if I’m wrong, but I have never heard anyone, even the starkest people against gays, say that the Bible says to love all people except people who prefer people in their own sex. That almost seems hypocritical to say too me.

    The point is though, I don’t think the world has ever been more AFRAID of gays and lesbians than ever before. Wait did I say lesbians? I shouldn’t have, because it seems perfectly acceptable for women to like women, but it’s abominable for men to like men. Now THAT, is VERY hypocritical to me.

    Church and State NEED to be separated in my opinion. If they weren’t, we’d be living in a time similar to the Medieval Times where the church dominated the government so heavily, it eventually became corrupted, and the Renaissance began.

  16. faraih
    April 24, 2011

    If the news was ” ‘delinquent’ boys in malaysia sent to anti-marijuana camp” you wouldn’t hear no big woop over that. Delinquent here is in quotes just as effeminate is in quotes because both are grey areas that are determined by a what the norms of society make them out to be.

    • stupes
      April 24, 2011

      as with everything else……..

  17. Life's Like That
    April 24, 2011

    Extracted from an article at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sodom_and_Gomorrah

    Ezekiel described the sin of Sodom as follows:
    “Now this was the sin of Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy. They were haughty and did detestable things before me. Therefore I did away with them as you have seen. —Ezekiel 16:49-50”

    (Here are some of the copious explanations):

    Classical Jewish texts (the basis of the biblical quote – sic) are seen by many as not stressing the homosexual aspect of the attitude of the inhabitants of Sodom as much as their cruelty and lack of hospitality to the “stranger.”[6] The Jewish Encyclopaedia[7] has information on the importance of hospitality to the Jewish people. The people of Sodom were seen as guilty of many other significant sins. Rabbinic writings affirm that the Sodomites also committed economic crimes, blasphemy and bloodshed.[8] One of the worst was to give money or even gold ingots to beggars, after inscribing their names on them, and then subsequently refusing to sell them food. The unfortunate stranger would end up starving and after his death, the people who gave him the money would reclaim it.

    A rabbinic tradition, described in the Mishnah, postulates that the sin of Sodom was related to property: Sodomites believed that “what is mine is mine, and what is yours is yours” (Abot), which is interpreted as a lack of compassion. Another rabbinic tradition is that these two wealthy cities treated visitors in a sadistic fashion. One major crime done to strangers was almost identical to that of Procrustes in Greek mythology. This would be the story of the “bed” that guests to Sodom were forced to sleep in: if they were too short they were stretched to fit it, and if they were too tall, they were cut up (indeed, in Hebrew and Yiddish, the corresponding term for a Procrustean bed is a “Sodom bed”).

    In another incident, Eliezer, Abraham’s servant, went to visit Lot in Sodom and got in a dispute with a Sodomite over a beggar, and was hit in the forehead with a stone, making him bleed. The Sodomite demanded Eliezer pay him for the service of bloodletting, and a Sodomite judge sided with the Sodomite. Eliezer then struck the judge in the forehead with a stone and asked the judge to pay the Sodomite.

    The Talmud and the book of Jasher also recount two incidents of a young girl (one involved Lot’s daughter Paltith) who gave some bread to a poor man who had entered the city. When the townspeople discovered their acts of kindness, they burned Paltith and smeared the other girl’s body with honey and hung her from the city wall until she was eaten by bees. (Sanhedrin 109a.) It is this gruesome event, and her scream in particular, the Talmud concludes, that are alluded to in the verse that heralds the city’s destruction: “So[9] said, ‘Because the outcry of Sodom and Gomorrah has become great, and because their sin has been very grave, I will descend and see…’
    It is unclear from the brief passage in Genesis 19 why God demolished the populations of the four cities. Several theories have been advanced in Christian thought, two of which are prevailing opinions of what was the sin of Sodom—a sexual and a nonsexual view.

    The more prominent theory, representing orthodox Christian opinion, holds that the demand of Lot’s countrymen was referring to a militant solicitation for homosexual sex—a same-sex orgy.[11][12]

    The contention between the two positions primarily focuses upon the meaning of the word know, in verse 5:

    And they called unto Lot, and said unto him, Where [are] the men which came in to thee this night? bring them out unto us, that we may know them. —Gen 19:5
    Those who favor the non-sexual interpretation argue against a denotation of sexual behavior in this context, noting that while the Hebrew word for know appears over 900 times in the Hebrew Scriptures, only approximately 1% (13-14 times)[6][13] of those references is it clearly used as a euphemism for realizing sexual intimacy.[14] Instead, those who hold to this interpretation usually see the demand to know as demanding the right to interrogate the strangers.[15]

    (There is a higher court than courts of justice and that is the court of conscience. It supercedes all other courts.
    – Mahatma Ghandhi)

    • Overtones
      April 24, 2011

      I read with profound concentration and it makes a lot of sense, ethical,sociological and surely political..I like the deeper meaning of the Rabbinic tradition .The use of the towns people(our town) applys in more ways than one. Currently all applies to our society the owning of propertythe homosexuality, the influence of money those who are, the arrogance,being over fed, the haughtiness, sewo, giving of gold iglots to BEGGERS,the people who gave money would reclaim it.Isn’t this an area we see currently by strangers( extraplot readers)???? What is mine is mine vs taking whats not yours from the townspeople. any clues as to ej of taking from the towns people?(The procrustean bed) The courts of justice have suddenly gone partial, the churches are mute. does the court of conscience exsist? Just a little food for though more of a first course.
      Your biblical piece just stimulated my associative thoughts. Thanks for bringing the biblical overview for easter of reflection.

  18. DC
    April 23, 2011

    You can’t make a gay straight any more than you an make a straight gay – they are both born that way.

    • Freud
      April 25, 2011

      According to psychology no one is born any particular way, the concept ‘tabula rasa’ has to do with this, look it up. There is nothing genetic about sexual orientation, like everything else that is a psychological trait, it is learned and is never an innate aspect of the being. If sexual orientation was genetic then it has to be linked to some birth deformity, if not it remains to be a psychological trait that is learned and can be unlearned.

      • Life's Like That
        April 25, 2011

        I think for matters as important to Human rights as this topic, we should check our facts before we present emotionally charged outdated and debunked theorires.

        Again a quick look at Wikipedia would show that the psychological factor is the least of condition that produces Homosexuas. And to say that “no one is born any particular way” discredits itself, because we have seen infants born with all types of “abnormalities” -physical and mental, hermaphrodites for example. This is accepted because it is obvious and cannot be denied. But the human being, or any living cell, is made of traits that are obvious and those that are discreet.

        In my research, I always use Wikipedia first, because USUALLY it gives the current version of knowledge, then I dig deeper where necessary. Here is Wikipedia’s introduction to the topic:

        “Biology and sexual orientation is the subject of research into the role of biology in the development of human sexual orientation. No simple, single cause for sexual orientation has been conclusively demonstrated, but research suggests that it is by a combination of genetic, hormonal, and environmental influences,[1] with biological factors involving a complex interplay of genetic factors and the early uterine environment.[2] Biological factors which may be related to the development of a heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual or asexual orientation include genes, prenatal hormones, and brain structure….”.

        I could quote a religious body on the issue, but I will leave it at that for now.

      • Humanist
        April 26, 2011

        Psychology from a person whose “username” is Freud just can’t possibly be incorrect, can it? Freud, after all, was right about everything.

  19. Humanist
    April 23, 2011

    What a bunch of idiotic bull. The tone of this news story is absurd, largely because the news itself is absurd in an age of news stories. Boot camps for “effeminate” boys, indeed–what rubbish. How sad that they waste their resources on “educating” these children instead of on educating themselves, since any society that wants such a camp is severely mentally deficient. It’s one thing not to like homosexuality, but it’s another altogether to punish it by jailing and by sending children to a boot camp to brainwash them. It’s telling that one of the supporters mentioned in the article believes that sexual orientation is chosen, not something one is born with, which anyone with half a brain can tell is untrue. In societies where you can be punished for it, who would CHOOSE to be gay?

    The human rights crimes committed in the name of fundamentalism and ignorance are so sad, and yet many here will and have read this article and leave it wishing that Dominica was just like Malaysia and still having the audacity to wonder why other nations don’t even look at us, why progress leaves us behind so, so often. These children are human beings, not slaves to be turned into what the dominant society wishes them to be.

    • Le Boucher
      April 25, 2011

      i agree out and outly.who would chose to do or be something when they know that society is going to come down on them with everything that they them, like tonnes of bricks.I mean come on.homosexuality is a condition and it comes in various degrees.trying to put an end to it is like trying to stop the rain from falling when it is about to.YOU CAN STOP IT. that money could be better spent on literacy programms for kids.remember God is a good God.he gives you life and loves you just as you are.I wonder if you all know that some people are born criminals yet society is not hash to them.they are sometimes embraced.remember the world is not a perfect one.

  20. Muslim_Always
    April 23, 2011

    Wrong is committed in every society, the key question is what is the best method in dealing with these crimes.

    Homosexuality is a crime against humanity. It is a violation of women’s right to a husband and it is a war against traditional marriages. Homosexuality is a destruction of moral values. All scripture are unaminous on the evil of homosexuality, yet, due to people’s worship of their desires they support this crime.

    I back the Malaysian government for sending these ‘effeminate’ boys to these reform camps. We cannot have boys behaving like girls. Boys are boys and girls are girls.

    Twenty years in prison for gays is oppressive. Executing gays found guilty by God’s law is justice as this has always been God’s law against homosexuals. If one abhor or questions execution for gays, then one is suggesting that God overeacted in the case of sodom and gomorrah.

    It is a shame that Dominica has signed the declaration against decrimalization of homosexuals. This is the first step to legalizing this abominable. Thank you Dr. Etienne and Former Minister John Fabien for campaigning for this filth. May God grant you what you deserve. Amen.

    • Gary
      April 24, 2011

      To Muslim_Always

      Before i answer you, i must say thanks God that our beautiful Country Dominica is not governed by religion or where by religious beliefs and teachings are made the Law of the land. When you make an ignorant statement quote “Homosexuality is a crime against humanity.” I wonder if you knew what you were saying, that is so ludicrous and nonsensical. I will ask you this, has Homosexuality cause any atrocities, hatred or create any wars on this Planet, of course not, look around and you will see who and what are responsible for committing or committed atrocities, wars and hatred on this planet and up to this day it is still one of the major problems facing Mankind and that is Religion. You should be the last one to say also it is a violation to women’s right to a husband and it is a war against traditional marriages, your religion does not have a good track record on this matter, especially regarding women rights. When you look around and see the failures in marriages is it the fault of Homosexuality and is it truly a war on so called traditional
      marriages as you believe.

      I’m not against you having a religious belief or denying you the right to your beliefs, but when you make statements solely based on your religious beliefs in a public forum as though it is a fact or truth condemning a group of people simply because of their sexual orientation you need to know that what you have said can be questioned and challenged that is how bigotry and religious fanaticism needs to fought. When you mentioned God’s Law, what God are you referring to, is it your God described to you in your religious book, what is it that makes you think that this God you or your religion accept believe and subscribe in your religious book is the God that everyone should follow and abide by it laws and why is it the morals you or your religion uphold should be the morals set for everyone to fallow. this is the kind of absurdity religion does to the mind of man, where some people make their God and morals the standard that everyone should follow and accept. .

      In your last paragraph you made mention as to how it is a shame that the Government of Dominica signed a declaration against decriminalizing homosexuals. I must say you’re the one to be ashamed for your lack of ignorance making such accusation without getting your facts simply because it suits your religious agenda. First of what the Government signed was a statement entitled “Ending Acts of Violence and Related Human Rights Violations Based On Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity.” thus this sound like a declaration “decriminalizing homosexual” as stated by you, your reference to the word ‘decriminalizing” seems very strange indeed, is this really what the statement says the government is doing. when they sign such statement, bewilders me and who says the Government is legalizing this abominable, your words. Your last sentence making such cynical remarks to Dr. Etienne and Former Minister John Fabien shows the kind of mind set you have , pity you for your ignorance, God help you.


      • Muslim_Always
        April 24, 2011

        It seems to me that you are in support of homosexuality as well, pure and simple.

        The declaration regarding ending acts of violence simply opens the way to legalizing this filth.

      • Life's Like That
        April 24, 2011

        Gary, we need more people like you speaking up for those who may be too afraid to speak for themselves in Dominica.

        This person who calls himself Muslim_Always makes his outrageous statements and then backs them up with threats of violence. The police should keep an eye on him. He seem prone to acts of violence. First he threatened to blow up the plane out of the sky if Custom Officers ‘finger’ any Muslim woman. Now this.

        That means that if anyone wants to get away with bringing illegal stuff into the island they should simply dress up like a Muslim woman and the customs officers would be too afraid to search them.

        Secondly, he is promoting the death penalty for our gay brothers and sisters, and have some Dominicans agreeing with him. Seems like the dark ages are beckoning.

    • LawieBawie
      April 24, 2011

      I don’t always agree with your views my friend but you certainly share my sentiments on this issue.

  21. DA-Special
    April 23, 2011

    We need one in Dominica. Too many little b**ty boi round the place these days.

  22. labooouuurrrr
    April 23, 2011

    We need a school like that in dominica,my PM will work on that to much gays on island

    • Get a clue....
      April 26, 2011

      Are you an idiot? Since U.S.E. has been introduced the level of education is descreasing. Resource materials are needed in the various schools to properly educate these U.S.E. children. Added to this schools are attempting a vocational approach to teaching where students are taught practial rather than theory. Teachers are coming to the classroom untrained and you are more interested in a ‘reform school’ for persons who are gay.Persons who infringe on no one’s individual right! Are you totally ridiculous or what!?

      Get a clue….. encourage the goevernment to make right the failing educational system especially at the secondary school level instead of supproting this ridiculous and futile avenue of trying to make straight one who is gay. If i could trample on your individual right to make you realise that there are more serious matters that will directly affect the country then i would be so grateful.

      Every year the level of brain drain in the country is rising as newly educated people seek employment and opportunities out of the country and never returen. Again GET A CLUE!

    • marzhie
      April 26, 2011

      yo pm sign the letter for them to take the next step to be legal in dominica so u too late

  23. meg
    April 23, 2011

    This is just absurd…. What is this world coming to? I guess dehumanizing people to make them fit society’s view of a model citizen is becoming more apparent all over the world. Sad though

    • LawieBawie
      April 24, 2011

      People like you worry me!! You have not asked what is this world coming to with the proliferation of men screwing other men, but you are however extremely concerned about society trying to curb the habit and point these young men in the right diresction. You almost make it sound like its wrong to be straight and that being gay is what we should be encouraging these youths to be.

  24. Life's Like That
    April 23, 2011

    I wonder what will happen if the boys dont or cannot conform?

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