Egypt election results: Muslim Brotherhood’s candidate wins

Mohammed Mursi

60 year old American-educated engineer, Mohammed Mursi, of the Muslim Brotherhood Party has won the presidential election in Egypt.

The announcement of the results was televised live by the BBC at about 10:30  Sunday morning (24th June 2012).

Mursi has become the first democratically elected civilian president of Egypt since the country became a republic in the 1950’s.

Egypt’s ruling armed forces were on alert on Sunday as fears of violence mounted in the final hours before the state election committee named the winner of last weekend’s presidential vote.

Few troops were on the streets but security officials said they were ready to respond to trouble.

Government workers around Cairo’s Tahrir Square, where thousands of Muslim Brotherhood supporters had gathered, were encouraged to go home for the day.


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  1. J.J.John- Charles
    June 25, 2012

    Roseau Valley, Our black brothers in Darfur were or are being slaughtered by the thousands and are staving to death by the Muslims….Blame the U.S.

    The dictator of China Mao Zedong murdered about 70 million of his own people….Blame the U.S.

    Pol Pot in Cambodia slaughtered 2 million….Put it on the U.S. credit.

    Rwanda…800,000 again it is the U.S. fault.

    Stalin from the USSR 7,000,000,of course you know who to blame.

    Dictators could be slaughtering their own citizens, if the U.S. intervene you say it is for oil.
    See what is happening in Syria.Now you have the opportunity to call on your non western world,so that the killing can stop.

    I am not saying the United States are without fault.But when you compare it with the ones you admire? America is a paradise.

    The muslims and communist are all coming to the U.S.for freedom, security and prosperity.They don’t travel to Venezuela China or Cuba.

    Thank God the the USA.

      June 25, 2012

      Excuse me, but I think you have missed the point. My argument is not in support of dictators nor was it meant to be critical of the US or to exonerate those who murder their own people. I have not blamed the US for anything. I have only highlighted the hypocrisy of the US in defending democracy.

      Further more, if you really understand what an who is behind the killings in the Sudan, Rwanda, Cambodia etc, you will see the heavy influence of more powerful international forces. You would recall that President Bill Clinton had to apologize for not supporting the UN’s effort to step in Rwanda much earlier. Ask who really benefitted from the slave trade, even though the Africans were part of the problem. Who really benefit from the minerals plundered from the African continent that serve as the fuel of all the armed conflicts? But my friend that is another story. There is no argument that the US has not been balanced in its support for democracy and dictators so let’s not even go there. Thanks for your feedback. Appreciated.

    • Gary
      June 25, 2012

      You are entitled to your opinion. Let me remind you that opinions sometimes can tell us something about a person knowledge and understanding.

    • Anonymous1
      June 25, 2012

      USA number 1

        June 25, 2012

        My friend, Anonymous1… I concur with you. However, this is not the focus of the discussion. You may wish to control your ill-directed ecstasy about the US. This has nothing to do with whether the US is No. 1 or not. No one is engaging in US bashing or disputing the fact that the US is No.1

  2. anonymous2
    June 24, 2012

    Another U.N. plant. The U.S. is the U.N.

    June 24, 2012

    Imagine-such a culturally and historically rich nation; this is the first democratically elected civilian president in over 70 years. This epitomizes, to an extent, the hypocrisy, insincerity and open two-facedness of the United States and its Western allies in declaring support for democracy around the world when it is in their favour but how anti-democratic governance is embraced when democracy and expression of the free political will of people through the ballot box is deemed not to be in the best interest of the US. (Apartheid South Africa, Pinochet-Chile and who could forget the Palestine Hamas, who won a decisive majority in the 2006 parliamentary elections against the PLO-affiliated Fatah party-which the US now supports but was critical of when Arafat was in charge and seen to be a legitimate champion of the Palestinian people..
    Now, it is the hope of many that the US and in fact all western democracies will allow the will of the Egyptian people to prevail and succeed. One hopes that the reaction to this vote and overwhelming support for the Muslim Brotherhood will not yield the same result as the last democratically elected government of the Palestinians- which was not to the liking of the US and the West.
    It is also hoped that the Egyptian armed forces shall always remain on alert not only today but always in keeping the peace and guarding against fears of violence instead of being alert to push the country into further turmoil by organizing another military takeover and being the cause of the anticipated violence.

    Congratulations to the great Egyptian people. Enjoy your freedoms, liberties and democracy and keep up the fight to preserve what you have achieved with your blood and sweat. Enjoy your democracy and let no dictator say to you again that your country is too free and he can do whatever he wishes- no questions asked..

    • Fairplay
      June 24, 2012

      The Muslim Brotherhood will create an Islamic state which will no longer be a demcracy but ruled by the Qua’ran( Shia Law)
      Don’t forget Adolf Hitler also won by the ballot and turned Germany into something else. :?:

    • 1979
      June 24, 2012


    • Nathaniel Peltier
      June 24, 2012

      I wonder if you know what you are talking about?

        June 25, 2012

        Hey Nathaniel, Please do not blame me for your persona shortcomings in understanding what you have read. To answer your question: I sure do know what I am talking about and it sure seems that you do not know why you have questioned my posting. Have nice day. DNO is thankful that you use its website.

    • Gary
      June 25, 2012

      Do you really think that the Egyptian people are going to going to get liberty and democracy instantly as the result of such election as you so boldly predict.This is very naive of you. The change that is happening in Egypt has nothing to do with the people,you need to understand International Politics with all the hidden forces we do not see behind the scenes.The things you imagine about is not what it is, especially when it comes to international Politics with all it’s treachery and deceit.

      The events that are taking place in the Middle-East are not so much about people seeking to overthrow dictators as we are told to believe in the the News. What i would advise you to do is seat back and see the events as they unfold.

        June 25, 2012

        You state: “the change that is happening in Egypt has nothing to do with the people” So who then participated in the last elections? Your shadow! Aliens from outer space or the people of Egypt?

        You asked: Do you really think that the Egyptian people are going to going to get liberty and democracy instantly?” My response is No. But who has suggested? I didn’t. The fact is the people have spoken. They have voted in what appears to be a free and fair election in over 3000 years. No one speaks of “instant democracy and liberty”, No one can predict what will happen in the future but the recent democratic elections have happened and it is a great start.

        You advised: ”you need to understand International Politics”- Well… I shall leave your own ignorance as I doubt that you have a Master Degree in International Politics and have actually spent some time in Egypt.

        Listen, it is well understood that once the euphoria is over, the Muslim Brotherhood will have to cope with the terrible realities of the modern day Egypt., which receives the highest dollar value of US aid in the Middle East after Israel. Above all, the Brotherhood must deal with the deeply polarized citizenry and things will not be easy. However, today, many Egyptians, including those who do not support the Brotherhood are happy as their leader was not chosen by the military.

        One must understand that the West is looking on nervously as the Brotherhood celebrates. Western news media have openly stated that Washington had hoped that a more secular government would have been elected. However, Washington is not expecting any irrational, anti-US move by the Brotherhood as the Mosi would not risk the 1.3 billion in annual US military aid to Egypt . In that regard, Mosi has pledged to uphold international treaties, including the controversial peace pact with Israel and to be a friend to the West in being a leader for all.

        I hope you would appreciate I know what I am talking about.

    • Gary
      June 26, 2012

      To ROSEAU Valley

      You are so naive. I will tell you this revolutions do not start in the streets with people, it starts in the back rooms around tables, revolutions need financiers, revolutions need the help of a very organized media for propaganda and mobilization.The people are just pawns in someone plan and agenda they know nothing about.What do you know about Mubarak.What do you know about 60 year old American-educated engineer, Mohammed Mursi.

      You are so brainwashed.Do think someone needs to have a masters Degree in international Politics to be an authority or understand world affairs. I will leave you with this.You are entitled to your opinion but always remember when you are dealing with international Politics, revolutions and world affairs it is never what you think it is.

      “The world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.”
      Benjamin Disraeli, first Prime Minister of England.

      “We live in a dirty and dangerous world. There are some things the general public does not need to know and shouldn’t. I believe democracy flourishes when the government can take legitimate steps to keep its secrets, and when the press can decide whether to print what it knows.”
      — Katherine Graham, Washington Post publisher and Bilderberger

      “We are grateful to the Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries.”
      David Rockefeller, Baden-Baden, Germany 1991

      • Nathaniel Peltier
        June 28, 2012


        For someone who is so ” Educated” I “admire” your ignorance and am glad I am not like you.

        I just asked a question and you answered it brilliantly.

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