TEL AVIV, ISRAEL (BNO NEWS) — Israeli prosecutors on Monday announced that former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert will be indicted on corruption, bribery, and other charges.
According to the Haaretz newspaper, the Tel Aviv District’s prosecution accepted the police recommendation to indict Olmert and other suspects for their involvement in the Holyland corruption affair.
The indictment against the former Premier is pending hearing. Olmert allegedly participated in a bribery scheme involving the Holyland residence project in Jerusalem, promoted during his term as PM.
In addition, former Jerusalem mayor Uri Lupolianski, and Olmert’s former assistant Shula Zaken will be indicted as well for their participation in the Holyland case. Overall, 18 people will be indicted.
Hillel Charney, the Holyland project developer, allegedly promoted the approval of construction plans by paying bribes several elected officials and public workers in order to advance with the construction of the Jerusalem building project.
Olmert is accused of accepting over a million shekels ($281,000) in bribes from real estate developers in return fro support to the southern Jerusalem’s Holyland residence project.
The former PM has denied his involvement in the bribery and corruption scheme claiming that “he never accepted bribes, neither directly nor indirectly,” as indicated through a statement.
However, prosecutors claimed to have evidence against the former Premier and the other suspects in the case. The bribes were allegedly funneled through Olmert’s office manager Zaken.
There’s a lot to learn from Israel even though it’s not a perfect nation. But again, which one is? Never-the-less, its democracy is a model that’s worth emulating. Mr. Olmert was the one who led Former Prime Minister Ariel Sharon’s newly formed Kadima Party to victory. Both he and the current Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu once belong to the Knesset Party, and their policies remain as hawkish as it could be towards the arabs. This is not a witch-hunt but true democracy at play. His indictment refers to three out of four corrupted related cases standing against him. When will our beloved small island nation take a bold step to demonstrate that it has what real democratic countries have? The courage to investigate corruption and indict those who are in violation…..Lougawoo just can’t understand why it is so difficult to start such a process.
hey here is one way we can raise money. turn dominica into an islamic naiton. then ticket women for not adhering to the dressing code. just 20 bucks a ticket. they will pay it because they woudn’t want to recieve public flogging. in iran over 40 000 women are ticketed a year. if a few hair strand is pokin out form below theri head scarf, if their trousers are tooo tight. if their elbows are expsosed, if their ankles are exposed are all reasons for getting tickets.
can you imagine the amount of finance this will generate.
not forgetting jobs will be created in the form of morality police. have sevrel of them looking out for dress code violation etc moneygenertaed can be used to build libraries etc
last but not least MUSLIM-ALWAYS will be very happy aand we’ll wrorry less about our corrupt leaders. our fustration will be directed ……..
i know, and it looks so much worst when you just land,i mean even if you were in other caribbean island dominica looks so much worse off. as lou land and you get on taht vehicle your first observation is all that damn bush growing into the road, bush taking over the sidewalk. somthing so simple as bush growing into the road can be solved my God. most of the prison inmates are serving time for non violent crimes. please bring them out. let them remove all that bush.
removal of those old vehicles will not require much recources either.
Dominica is in TROUBLE. You think they will ever open their eyes and put country first, make politicians accountable for their devious ways?? this was my first return home in 10yrs and the country is still the same if not worst than before… I saw so many broken down vehicles littering the roadside. Old trucks buses, cars. The roads are TERIBLE, many Hotels, INNS and so forth closed down seems to be abandoned…. Antilles West Coast CLOSED??? What the hell happened to DOminica?? Roads being patched with cement, some roads made out of patches.. On the other side it was good to see some people pushing ahead without handouts. BOO to UWP, DLP and DFP… and their supporters. Is that what yall wanna do to my country???
Where the hell you was to develop or contribute to Dominica development. 10 years you paying ttax in another mans country. Dont you know is those tax monies that is used to develop the country. What the hell you are complaining about! If we all migrate and then come back and expect milk and honey without trying to grow cows or the bee what you expect. DO SOMETHING TO COMTRIBUTE! Invest, Invest Invest in Dominica. STUUUUUUUUUUUPS
At least he slamming everybody
He not biased
I suspect if I touch Mr, I might get shot!!!!!
Every government normally engage in whitch hunts of the former administrations upon taking power. Let’s see what becomes of this one!!
….although it is the home of Jesus they may not want you. They are very fussy and very careful as to whom they let in. And no, you can not buy your citizenship either!
good luck
Now here are some men with intelligence and testicular fortitude to do what is right. I wish we had some people like this in Dominica.