Hackers falsely claim Obama dead on Fox Twitter feed


Hackers took control of a FoxNews.com Twitter account on Monday and sent six false tweets saying that U.S. President Barack Obama had been shot dead.

“Those reports are incorrect, of course, and the president is spending the July 4 holiday with his family,” Foxnews.com said in a statement about the latest in a wave of high-profile cyber security breaches around the world.

“Hackers sent out several malicious and false tweets that President Obama had been assassinated,” said the conservative media outlet owned by Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp.


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  1. Truth, Love, Peace
    July 5, 2011

    These idle and evil people are at work and increasingly so today.
    The general Media will immediately report such news should it occur. When people read those tweets and emails if they are not presently listening to the news as CNN and other local news TV Channels of all and they do not hear this information being broadcasted, know that it is fictitious. They should not pay attention to it.
    A friend recently sent me an email informing me that her computer was hacked and her email address was changed. The hacker sent out emails to everyone on her list of email addresses stating that she was abroad, had lost all her documents and required an exorbitant sum of money to return. Only one person responded and sent money.
    I replied that I have read similar information about those hackers and their activities and downloaded them for future reference and also for forwarding to those on my email list.
    Whenever I notice an email address which I do not recognize, I immediately delete it.
    I did receive an email, subject of which was in French indicating that it is from Microsoft. Microsoft knows that I speak English and do communicate with me in English. I did not open it. I simply deleted it. This may have been the email from the hacker.
    We are warned about opening unrecognizable email addresses. We should keep this in mind and pay heed and act accordingly otherwise our computer system could also crash and all files will be lost. It costs a lot of money to repair the computer.
    Some months ago another friend of mine’s computer system was hacked and they lost all their files. They paid a technician an exorbitant sum of money to repair it.
    It also appears that the Security which we think we have and trust and pay for could be ineffective. Those Security enterprises should have a better system that their system is not hacked or easily hacked.
    Canada’s PM computer was also hacked. A similar situation occurred to this PM as in this case of President Obama. Likewise the government offices and their files.
    At that time it also appears that my Internet Provider which is the same Provider as the PM’s and other government offices (just assuming because it used to be the Number One Provider in Canada which had the monopoly in those days of providing telephone service and now provide Internet and TV Service), had a problem. I accessed a few Websites as DNO and was unable to get through. It was at the same time that DNO was upgrading it’s Website. I received a message that a virus was detected and was quarantined. This went on for two days to a week or more. I telephoned the Provider many times about this. When I telephoned the Provider’s technician a voice mail message stated that there was a technical problem which is temporary and apologized for the inconvenience. The telephone area code and first set of the three numbers of the telephone was mentioned.
    As I always put on my thinking cap :) I asked, what was the problem? I was not informed what the problem is. know that they will never divulge the problem. I did state that I heard and read what the hacker(s) did to the PM’s computer system and that it may be connected.
    The technician tried to refute it. In no uncertain way I informed him that I am no fool and that there is a recording stating that the Provider is encountering technical problems in my area (this affected numerous people for it is within a wide area of the entire City).
    In case you do not know this, the “first three digits” of the telephone number indicate if customers have Voice Mail, Call Visual Display and Waiting, etc. This identifies their type of phone system. It does not necessarily indicate what area of the City customers reside in. If per chance we move or change Providers we can still retain our telephone number. This was not the case in previous years. Times and systems have changed. I have taken good note of this.
    I am also a learner. When I have a computer problem I also question the technicians further. The technician guided me to the Security System and what to do when and if a virus is quarantined to delete it. I did inform him that the System should automatically delete it when it is quarantined. Their system does not provide it and so with the instructions which I received I deleted it. This was a learning process indeed.
    Without exulting myself, I do receive compliment from them that I am an intelligent person and I am doing well unlike some people, in that I ask questions. As a non-technician, since I have a fair knowledge of what to do when such a problem occurs, I will not have to telephone them. It is to their benefit that I am informed. Telephoning them cost the Provider time and money.
    I simply told the technician that I am observant and want to know as much of this System as possible should such recur and that I should take a technician course. :)
    As much as I get angry when there is a problem, I do make laugh as well, pointing out that you employees get Hell from customers and not management and executives since you deal directly with customers and vice versa. I also apologize if I am overly angry. :) They are people too and have their problems and interact with all sorts of customers who may be angrier than I am. They deserve respect and as human beings.
    Having stated this, the friend changed her Password with the help of her Internet Provider.
    The last time I spoke to the technician I asked for advice on how to change my Password. I can now change my Password without any help. I made notes and retain them for future reference when needed.
    We are also advised to change our password frequently. We are also told do not use your name, birthdates, SIN numbers, etc. Also choose names with letters and numbers which will confuse hackers. I recently did this.
    The end result of this is their problem has been fixed and I no longer have that problem.
    I also requested a Credit on my Internet billing which is recorded and should be reflected on my next billing.
    We must always be alert. Some people of this world are growing more godless; evil prevails and is increasing. They are finding ways and means of also getting money from unsuspecting people as also senior citizens. Beware!
    I hope this writing is helpful. As always, it is longer than I anticipated.
    I am a helper too, ever ready to offer and provide good and helpful advice.
    God bless every one and with patience!

    • DeUnknown
      July 8, 2011

      Dude, You seem like the perfect guy for a you tube channel. Just some friendly advice, I think you would get a lot of views and get your point across to a lot more people if your stuff was in video format.

      • Truth,Justice,Peace
        July 8, 2011

        If you are referring to me, you are correct. Good advice. I should consider it in time. I have been thinking of getting my own Website and yes, I could reach more people.

    • Truth, Love, Peace
      July 11, 2011

      Sorry guys sometimes I usually get carried away. I don’t mean to be so boring although people tell me I am a troll my intension is to creat the impression that I am knowledgeable but in truth I am an empty head. I promise that I will try to be brief.

  2. DeUnknown
    July 4, 2011

    Gotta hand it to lulsec. They know how to hack for the “lulz”.

    • Anonymous
      July 5, 2011

      lulzsec is out of commission it wasn’t them…

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