Introducing ‘Viagra Beer’: A brew specially made for the Royal Wedding Night

Just what you need to keep the party going all night long.

We’ve seen a lot of Royal Wedding themed memorabilia over the last few weeks (like this and this and this!) but the latest tops them all.

The jokers over at Scotland’s Brew Dog brewery have created a Royal Wedding-themed beer called Royal Virility Performance. What’s so special about this limited edition brew? It’s apparently made with herbal viagra, the natural version of the pharmaceutical choice of those struggling in the lovin’ department.

One 330 ml bottle of the invigorating brew will run you US$16.55 — but you’ll probably want to pick up some Royal Wedding condoms as well to be on the safe side.

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  1. de caribbean change, BBA, MBA, CPA
    May 1, 2011

    Royal Viagra. That sounds great.

  2. yes i
    April 30, 2011

    i would just try it..just for the fun..

  3. Jessie From Saint Lucia
    April 28, 2011

    that royal wedding, my island of saint Lucia we not getting any profits from Royal wedding.we have no gain from it.and again.. why all the Caribbean island invited and Dominica wasn’t invited, My island The prim mister & his wife -Governor .invited..well i really hope is not Lucian tax Money is Pay the ticket for the (3) guest From Saint Lucia..I just Hope Is Kate and his prince will pay the ticket for them….

    • Anonymous
      April 29, 2011

      Why D/ca pm not invited? well that’s what happens in a diplomatic world. dominica has turned to all the communist and dicatorship gov’t for friendship. Further more well hopefully our prime minister will realise he is not as big as he thinks he is, its time he gets a wake up call. We are only a small country – yes more land than a lot of the other islands – but a small population, weak economy, and nothing benefiical to the uk. we are not getting any profits from the royal wedding, but the islands need to remember that Britain is not getting anything from us either. They have absolutely nothing to lose by not inviting us. And to the man with a big head I say, when you dog people whether its your own or outside, expect to be dogged too. Remember the Indian ambassador, remember the Uk ambassador, and all the others who didn’t get invited to events they should have? Who laughs last laughs the best.

      • Truth, Justice, Love, Peace and Unity
        April 29, 2011

        Consider the cost-saving to Dominica. Everything happens for good reasons. Many dignitaries past and present were not invited. There is no doubt that William, Kate and of course the Queen and Prince Philip and Charles and Camilla had a say in who was invited. They also have their relatives and close friends who were invited. It must have been a big decision and a big headache to decide who would be invited or not. As I have stated in a previous comment, I would not make a fuss about it and criticize the Dominica PM for not being invited.
        Consider when people are getting married or when they are preparing for a social function. Some of their friends may be invited and others not. It all depends how close in friendship they are. View this situation as exactly as it is.
        On another note, Dominica was in need of help and will always be in need of help. Dominica is independent of Great Britain. When Dominica was a sovereign country, Great Britain took more from Dominica and the other islands than they gave to them.
        The PM had no other recourse but to accept help to build Dominica up.
        Please tell me how much taxes are Dominicans paying or can pay to financially assist Dominica and in building it up?
        Many talk but they do not think beyond and put on their thinking cap.
        As for the PM not being invited, the wedding has taken place. It is over. The saying, “Let sleeping dogs lie”, referring solely to the wedding having taken place. Be broadminded. End of this case and story.

      • hmm
        April 29, 2011

        @ anonymous:You just one of those people who blajay just because they have a mouth. if the pm was invited you would be crying about using out tax money to go royal wedding. i suspect you hunt down DNO looking for places to talk about the PM lol :mrgreen:

        • Truth, Justice, Love, Peace and Unity
          April 30, 2011

          Not me! I would not be crying about the usage of Dominica funds. If he was invited, he would either have to accept or decline. If he accepted, it would obviously cost money and I would suggest that people like you keep your clappers shut about the cost.
          You see, I am not low-minded and narrow minded as you are. How much tax do you pay anyway?
          Now that some of you have computers you are using it to criticize every one possible, to curse them, call them derogatory names, to be rude to them, lacking in respect for them and On-Line etiquette. I know where you are coming from but I am replying to you, hoping I can teach you a lesson in love and respect for others. Some of you call yourselves Christians. So much for you! God is taking note.

  4. dominican
    April 28, 2011

    ah mweh ka tan la nuh…….orgy dat gan pass in tht wedding i suspect…kate n william allu not harr…get up durrr

  5. Anonymous
    April 28, 2011

    well them jean gwabay wont get it in time. cuz they need it to stand up for them ugly women

    • ...
      April 29, 2011

      eh eh…ah sacway coshoni sa la weh nuh…well according to choby “ai sookway sac ou lahw van cehbon”

  6. Fuke-CHillot!!
    April 28, 2011

    Ahben Look an army in that wedding and around the area!! …. .ATTEN-SHUN! lmfaoooooo hahaahaha

    Bagai la banday banday banday! lmfao hehehe…hahaha

  7. highgrade
    April 28, 2011

    lol……………………..this is so funny viagra beer.isn’t the pills enough? n e way as suggested hope there is alot of royalty condoms :lol:

    • malpardee
      April 28, 2011

      i guess not :-D

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