Israel makes it official: Cannabis is not a crime

Scientist examines Cannabis plants in Israel

In Israel’s divisive political climate, a common cause between right and left has emerged: cannabis.

Israel’s Cabinet decriminalized the recreational use of cannabis, or marijuana, at its weekly meeting on Sunday in a move hailed by politicians from across the spectrum.

Under the new policy, first-time offenders caught using marijuana in public will be subject to a fine of approximately $250, but will not face criminal charges. The money will be used for drug rehabilitation and education. A second offense will be subject to a fine of approximately $500, while a third offense may require rehabilitation, education and a suspended driver’s license. A fourth offense will be subject to prosecution and a possible prison term.


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  1. Yes, Israel has decriminalized marijuana.

    Does this mean other nations should follow their example :?: Or should they listen to the facts :?:

    The following is taken from an interview with Doug Ironside, a public health nurse (injury and substance misuse prevention) with the agency*s community and family health department.

    *Everyday use is a really high risk behaviour. Regular ongoing use is particularly harmful to youth.

    *Regular marijuana use impairs brain development in youth since the brain (especially the pre-frontal cortex) continues to grow and mature until one reaches 25 years old.

    *Marijuana has the potential to become addictive.

    *It can impair reasoning, impair judgment, and make school very challenging.

    *Marijuana is also harmful to the lungs, causing many of the same problems that tobacco smoke does, including cough, bronchitis, and heightened cancer risk.

    * We know from research that increased access leads to increased use.*

    Continued …

    • Continuation:

      David Hammond, a professor in the School of Public Health and Health Systems in the University of Waterloo, made the following statement.

      *It is a myth that marijuana smoke is less harmful to inhale than tobacco smoke. Marijuana smoke contains many of the same carcinogens as cigarette smoke.*

      This quotation from David Hammond along with the quotations from Doug Ironside were published in the Orillia Packet and Times (a city newspaper) May 11,2017. The article was written by Andrew Philips.

      Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill.

    March 8, 2017

    Observed the topic on news online in Dominica and the people fall for it.What was their population then and what is it now. People wire themselves. Castor oil and coconut in great demand here. These people who live up to a 100, still use them along with Doctors prescription. It appears that, the marijuana give courage to do evil things

    • televangelists are false prophets
      March 8, 2017

      just like rum ? If you have evil you, you will do evil. dont put the blame on marijuana.

      • March 15, 2017

        The use of marijuana lowers your normal restraints. It makes it easier and more likely for you to do the wrong you might otherwise only think of doing. People who commit a serial murder or go on a violent crime binge have been found to have recently smoked the weed.

        Yes, these people obviously have evil in them. They need help not something that would rob them of their better judgment and cause them to act out their destructive desires.

        What people need is an encounter with the risen Christ. If they would believe the GOSPEL as it is defined for us in 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 by the Apostle Paul, and receive Christ as their Savior according to St. John 1:12, God would not only forgive their sins, He would deliver then from the bondage of drugs.

        I would encourage all who would begin this faith journey to visit our website at


        and click onto the Eagle Course.

        It can be studied from the screen or copied absolutely free.

        Sincerely, Rev…

  3. Let The Truth Be Told - Original
    March 8, 2017

    As with every new regulation/law which is introduced, not everyone will agree. There must have been much opposition also from the nationals. The majority always win. This does not mean the majority is correct.
    Generally some politicians smoke the drugs. They and interest groups are the first ones to introduce it and caste their vote for it.
    We all should know these illegal drugs have caused brain damage, loss of jobs, family and friends. This is the same drug some take for medicinal use.
    It may be decriminalized but there is still a price to pay if caught with it. So what is the use.
    As the say the world is going to pot with others to follow. It is not something to be proud of. Too bad for them.

    • Let The Truth Be Told - Original
      March 8, 2017

      “As the saying”,

    • Clergy man
      March 9, 2017

      Duh,,,,,what’s that blurt, brain fart?

  4. March 7, 2017

    Why can’t Dominica follow?When will Dominica decide because I am certain that this will boost the economy financial.

    • March 7, 2017

      This will boost the econofinacially

      • March 8, 2017

        Some Dominicans are saying Dominica could have a great marijuana industry and make a lot of money without any consideration for the spiritual, physical, or social harm the drug could do.

        It was this kind of thinking – yes this $$$$$$$$$$$$$ mentality – that birthed and drove the slave trade. It is not worthy of Dominican people. Dominica could do so much better! There are products that could be produce or manufactured that would do more for those on the island and could also be exported.

        Most Dominicans want their nation to be known for reasons that will commend it to the world.

        They have no desire for it to become drug paradise or a marijuana mecca catering to tourists who come for a good time where they can buy any indulgence their hearts desire.

        Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill.

      • March 8, 2017

        Given how many black people languish in prison for marijuana, slavery is a much better analogy for the prohibition system that you support.

      • Clergy man
        March 9, 2017

        @ Donald…you are selective as this thinking also birthed bible peddling all while shackling human beings to enslave them.

    • March 15, 2017

      People who will promote marijuana use because money can be made from it will do other things for money. They are short on morals and values. Nations that have legalized drugs are far from being the countries they once where. Their respect for women and care for children have also also gone down. Things that were once crimes are no longer even shameful.

      We preach the gospel and promote the evangelical lifestyle for the benefit of society not for religious reasons alone. Those who do not like my writings badmouth the faith. In so doing they are missing it by a country mile. If you even know what I mean.

      Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill.

  5. rass
    March 7, 2017

    This is the chosen people of God” that’s What the bible said” Will the rest of the world follow Gods people?

    • March 8, 2017

      Israel rejected Christ who was and is their Messiah. The Bible says *He came unto his own and his own received him not.* (John 1:11)

      Spiritually speaking Israel at this time is partially blind. The Bible says *…blindness in part is happened to Israel…* (Romans 11:25)

      Israel is not a nation we can look to for an example in such matters at tis time.

      A great day is coming for Israel. They have already experienced a political rebirth. The leaves are on the fig tree. Israel will soon experience a spiritual rebirth. Then the world will see the figs.

      Make no mistake about this. God has chosen Israel and in time Jerusalem WILL be its capital.

      Israel is the apple of God*s eye.

      Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill.

      • March 8, 2017

        Alcohol is more destructive than marijuana ; every age group in Dominica drinks alcohol yet it is not banned by the gov’t because it is taxed .The legalization of marijuana can also be taxed yet certainly it will be safer to use because it does not contain deadly chemicals.Why not give it a go to remove Dominica in the poor situation that it is at the moment.

      • Cowboy
        March 8, 2017

        Isn’t it a bit silly to believe that some desert area of little geographic utility or importance is the “Apple of Gods eye”? Isn’t it silly to accept that a certain set of people are Gods chosen people simply because THEY said so (BTW every ancient people would claim they were their god’s chosen people). Of course I do not expect you to give me a rational response because you are fully indoctrinated into a mythological worldview. A mythological worldview that would be too painful for you to discard at this age. But that is the world we live in – a world where many people mental models are dominated by ancient fairy tales. And it is this that so slows down global progress.

    • Tamar
      March 8, 2017

      The people who are currently there are not those mentioned in the Bible.

      • March 8, 2017

        I know why you say this. It is a incorrect.

        It would be better not to make this statement because scholars and historians know you are wrong and you lose credibility.

        Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill, Ph.D. in Biblical Studies.

      • televangelists are false prophets
        March 9, 2017

        you are correct. Israel is a constructed state created after the world war. displaced european jewish people needed a place. And the major powers in the world began dividing up africa and created Israel. in truth israel is the people from the 12 tribes. not the state. similarly the church is the people, not the building. youtube or google the info for yourself rev. Also research the head of that state, who he was before his rise to power.

      • March 15, 2017

        Jews began moving to Israel in ever increasing numbers from various nations after Israel was declared a sovereign nation in 1948. Most Jews have within them a deep longing put there by Almighty God to go to the land of their ancestry. Even if they have never been there they want to go.

        In the Old Testament there are many passages of scripture written by the Hebrew prophets over 2,000 years ago saying that in the latter days God would gather his people from the nations where He had scattered them and bring them to the land of promise. It was prophesied that Israel would be re-established. This happened on May 14, 1948 when Israel was declared a sovereign self governing nation after NOT being a nation for well over 2,000 years. It is the only nation on earth to ever pass out of existence and come back.

      • Those mentioned in the Bible have passed on! Those there now are their offspring! Of course they are not the only ones living there.

        Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill

  6. March 7, 2017


    The land where most of the Jewish and Christian scriptures were written…

    Where the prophets and apostles ministered…

    The land where the Messiah (Jesus Christ) was born and to which He will soon return…

    This nation has decriminalized cannabis.

    The last paragraph of this article does not sound as if they have decriminalized cannabis. Instead it reflects the present confusion that exists in the land.

    But there is a national conversion coming for Israel. Soon the veil will be removed. They will look upon Him whom they have pierced and will mourn for Him as a man mourns for his only son. Then a nation shall be born in a day! In Jerusalem nail pierced feet will mount the throne and a nail pierced hand will raise the sceptre over the nations. Then …

    *… at the name of Jesus every knee (shall) bow, … … … and … every tongue (shall) confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.* (Philippians 2:10,11)

    Sincerely, Rev…

    • March 7, 2017

      Yes, at the mention of THAT name which is above ALL names every knee will bow, and every tongue will scream out, HE IS LORD :!: HE IS LORD :!:

      Sadly, for many it will be too late. Men who never prayed before in their lives The Book of Revelation tells us will pray for the rocks and mountains to fall upon them, and hide them from the wrath of Him who sits upon The Throne. Happy are those who bow before Him now, and call upon Him in this day of grace and gospel opportunity.

      My friend all you have to do is BELIEVE that He (Jesus Christ) died for your sins and rose again according to 1 Corinthians 15:1-4, and CALL upon Him according to Roman 10:13 where it says *For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.* Ask Christ to come into your heart and be your Savior.

      Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill.

      • Greene
        March 8, 2017

        Your roundabout response has nothing to do with the topic of why marijuana is being decriminalized in Israel. You are so against cannabis that you ignore the positive effects that medical marijuana has on people who need it. I supppose you would rather see little children & adults suffer from seizures and pain than to treat them with something that is scientifically proven to help them from suffering. Now that is wickedness Rev…… You couldnt respond with an intelligent answer regarding the topic so you answer with Bible scriptures? Wow :mrgreen:

      • Clergy man
        March 9, 2017

        @ Greene, intelligent answer from Donald the fly on DNO wall? Dream on!

    • televangelists are false prophets
      March 8, 2017

      it means you will receive a ticket! as opposed to going to jail.

      • March 8, 2017

        The marijuana has the same effect on their bodies whether they receive a ticket or go to jail

        Two university based medical schools recently published studies showing marijuana smoking damages the area of the brain responsible for memory and learning. Students who smoke marijuana were shown to experience a drop in their grades and had a higher rate of dropouts before graduation.

        Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill

      • March 15, 2017

        *televangelists are false prophets* :?:

        I am not a televangelist though I have advertised on T.V., been interviewed on T.V., and preached on T.V.

        Televangelists come from many different denominations. There are Roman Catholic televangelists. Many televangelists are independent free-lancers with their own ministry organizations and are not accountable to anybody. Some are unethical and some resort to shady methods of fundraising. There are also televangelists who are totally dedicated to God and the people they serve.

        Many televangelists raise millions of dollars every year to feed the hungry, build schools,
        operate orphanages, run hospitals and clinics, dig wells to provide clean drinking water, and rescue little girls and women from the sex trade.

        The statement you make is a blanket statement that does not apply to the majority of televangelists. It is not true. It is cruel.

        Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill

    • March 15, 2017

      Many of the things that have happened in our day regarding Israel are a direct fulfillment of Bible prophecy. Some are nothing short of miraculous because they are things that were not generally expected
      except by students of Bible prophecy

      Those who know the Holy Scriptures and history know the Jews who have made the pilgrimage to Israel since 1948 and are still steaming in by the thousands and making their homes there have been (are) the children of Abraham. In Canada, the U.S.A., England and even Russia – or where ever else they came from, everybody who knew them there knew they were Jews. Now they are living in Israel. If they are not Jews now they must have changed into something else on the plane because they were Jews when they left their previous nations. They are indeed the Jews of the Bible, the offspring of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

      Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. D.D., Ph.D., (Biblical Studies)

  7. March 7, 2017

    Marijuana can be used to treat diseases such as glaucoma, it aids in the prevention of epileptic seizures, it decreases anxiety, slows down Alzheimer’s disease, eases the pains of sclerosis.. it’s the healing of the nation
    Marijuana is the key to the future!

    • March 8, 2017

      When marijuana is used as a medicine I hope it is prescribed by a medical doctor and used under his or her supervision.

      One more thing:

      Many people using medical marijuana used it to get high for years before using it for medicinal
      purposes. Their medicinal use of the weed now is a joke to those who know them.

      Those who promote the medicinal use of marijuana are using this as a marketing ploy. It is their first step towards getting the weed decriminalized for recreational use.

      Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill.

  8. Shaka Zulu
    March 7, 2017

    They have been studying for quite some time now.

  9. TripleD
    March 7, 2017

    Well Jah, it’s time the government take a cue from the Holy Land.

  10. Buddy
    March 7, 2017

    “Sensi”ble decision.. :mrgreen: :-D

  11. The Darkness
    March 7, 2017

    Still not good enough… but not my country.

    Based on what they are saying… on your property is ok.

    Will Cigarettes, cigars, “beedies” and their ilk be made illegal? These kill people… I mean come on. :twisted:

    • March 8, 2017

      Yes, tobacco cigarettes kill people. They should never have been made legal.

      The manufacture and sale of cigarettes and other tobacco products were made legal. But that was before
      the research was done and the studies were published. If what is known now had been known then cigarettes would never have been made legal. Now we have people suing the big tobacco companies. There is scientific proof that 50% of ALL who regularly smoke cigarettes for a significant length of time WILL die from a tobacco related disease. Every year thousands of cigarette smokers in Canada die from a preventable illness caused by smoking.

      Those who do not know history are prone to repeat its mistakes. Not enough is known yet about the effects of marijuana to decriminalize or legalize it. But already there are enough red flags to put the brakes on.

      Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill.

  12. derp
    March 7, 2017

    oh look a plant

    • March 16, 2017

      Poison ivy and poison hemlock are plants.

      Not all plants are meant to be chewed, ate, smoked, or injected.

      Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill.

    • So it is insignificant because it is a plant :?:

  13. Tamar
    March 7, 2017

    I will never support the use of cannabis. But , Israel\’s economy is one of the strongest in the world and they have all the support systems in place to take care of drug addicts.
    Where as , smaller poor and developing countries should not follow Israel\’s footstep in this cannabis mistake.
    It is certainly a step in the wrong direction.

  14. televangelists are false prophets
    March 7, 2017

    Where are the religious zealots who oppose the herb but have never tried marijuana. The reverand donald hill and the rest of them who swear marijuana is a gateway drug and causes all kinds of schizophrenia etc etc. Israel as a state has decriminalized it. It is a horrible thing to live in fear of the unknown. so much that you try to make others afraid with you. the world has woken up and i believe i will see the day when it is legalized globally. Praise JAH!

    • derp
      March 8, 2017

      marijuana is a racist word, it’s called cannabis

      • March 15, 2017

        WEBSTER 11 New Riverside University Dictionary.
        marijuana: 1. Hemp. 2. The dried flower clusters and leaves of the hemp plant.

        I can find nothing that would suggest marijuana is a racist name or expression. Black people in jail over marijuana are there for the same reason white smokers or dealers are. Because they broke the weed law.

        So stop moaning and groaning. Nobody is picking on you.

        Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. (Diploma in Drug Studies) (Pastoral Counselor Certificate)

    • March 8, 2017

      Legalized globally the same as cigarettes and other tobacco products :!:

      Every year thousands of people die in my country (Canada) from preventable illnesses caused by smoking
      tobacco, mainly lung cancer and other cancers. Many years ago evangelical Christians spoke out against the tobacco industry, and preachers like myself were among the first to warn the public.

      But now tobacco is legalized globally. Does his prove we were wrong? You decide. Now the world is making the same mistake with marijuana.

      Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill.

      • Herby
        March 9, 2017

        Boy stick to your religious preaching. You know nothing about the benefits of marijuana. People need it as medicine.

    • March 15, 2017

      Yes, just as tobacco cigarettes are now legalized globally in spite of the fact that scientific studies show 50% of those who smoke cigarettes will die of a preventable disease caused by tobacco smoke.

      What does this tell you about governments? They legalized tobacco because they can tax it.

      When I was a kid it was cool to smoke. Our family doctor would light up in our house. My father was a born again Christian and did not smoke. The doctor died of cancer while he was a relatively young man. Dad lived into his 90s.

      Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill.

      • Herby:

        You have gone off track.

        I said nothing against the honest medicinal use of marijuana, only that if it is used as medicine it should be under medical supervision and I would say the same about any substance. So it looks like you and I are talking about two entirely different things.

        I know that many who are now smoking marijuana for *medical* reasons smoked it for years to get high before it was said to have medical value. Now they have found a way to get the government or their drug insurance to pay for their weed. I also know that many who are crusading for medical marijuana will not be satisfied until recreation marijuana is also legalized,
        and this is what they want.

    • March 15, 2017

      The devil is laughing at you.

      The families of people who died from smoking tobacco are now suing big tobacco companies.

      In the years to come people may be suing those who sell marijuana along with the governments who legalized it. We do not want this to happen because it will mean people have suffered.

      What will it take for parents to begin suing? Just for a few mums and dads to see their children failing in school and dropping out before graduation. Precious boys and girls they invested in and had high hopes for.

      Recently two university based medical schools published studies showing smoking marijuana damaged a part of the brain responsible for memory and learning and a significant number of students who smoked marijuana experienced a drop in grades and had a higher percentage of dropouts before graduation.

      Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. (Diploma in Drug Studies) (Pastoral Counselor Certificate)

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