The AFP (Agence France-Presse) has reported that a letter with white powder enclosed inside was sent to Meghan Markle, the fiancée of Prince Harry of the U.K. The royal couple are set to be married in Windsor on May 19th.
The contents of the letter was reported to the police by a mail sorting office of the royal family located in St James Palace on 12th February according to an official police statement.
While the powder was found to be harmless after scientific analysis, the incident is being investigated in relation to a similar incident where a package containing white powder was sent to British Parliament on 13th February. The police have also revealed that the same package is being investigated in reference to “malicious communications”.
Markle seems to have received pressure and scrutiny over her mixed-race status in the past (Markle has stated that her mother is African-American). In 2016 Prince Harry had released a strong statement criticizing the media over their treatment of Markle’s racial background. Harry’s Communication secretary, Jason Knauf had even said that Markle had been a target of a “wave of abuse and harassment”
He also said at the time that “Prince Harry is worried about Ms Markle’s safety and is deeply disappointed that he has not been able to protect her,”
But thats expected. She is not even darkskin,,muchless for me with my dark chocolate complexion.Well…black people racist towards their own people anyway, light skin think they are more that dark skin at the end of the day we are all BLACKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Racism is still alive and well even into the new millinium. Some people are just not going to change. Its clear. They have deal with their issues when Christ comes again.
This couple just needs to keep pushing forward. There will always be haters/losers
All I’m saying is,donkey has no right in horse race.
Indira Ghandi would never say that ….but my grandmother always used to say that… “Donkey has no right in Harse Race” . lol..she didnt say horse but pronounced harse…jamaican style. Love does not know what race it is called to run, no matter love knows no race.
The knuckle-dragging racists are at it again.
Jealousy is really an evil thing ! I know, I’ve been there and I am still fighting it.
That is so sad and dangerous, what is happening in the world today, why so many people are held bent on hateful tactics , give the couple a chance they love each other so what’s wrong with that, no one knows who they will end up with in life. we hope that the Police will find the person who send the item and lock them up.
People need to chill!!! From the beginning of time to now, there will always be different race of people, white skin, black skin, yellow skin etc. There are some really sad and pathetic people out there!!! Jesus put your hand!!