Meet ‘Seal Team 6’, the men who Killed Osama Bin Laden

Navy SEAL in training. Photo credit: wikimedia commons

The military team that killed Osama Bin Laden is an elite special forces group unofficially called Seal Team 6.

Officially, the team’s name is classified and not available to the public, technically there is no team 6. A Tier-One counter-terrorism force similar to the Army’s elusive Delta group, Team 6’s mission rarely make it to paper much less the newspaper.

It shows how important the publicity about Bin Laden’s killing is to the U.S. that this morning, Team 6 is front-page news.

The members of Team 6 are all “black” operatives. They exist outside military protocol, engage in operations that are at the highest level of classification and often outside the boundaries of international law. To maintain plausible deniability in case they are caught, records of black operations are rarely, if ever, kept.

The development of SEAL Team 6 was in direct response to the 1980 attempt to rescue the American hostages held in Iran. The mission was a terrific failure that fell apart at many points and illustrated the need for a dedicated counter-terrorist team capable of operating with the utmost secrecy.

The Team was labeled 6 at the time to confuse Soviet intelligence about the number of SEAL teams in operation at the time. There were only two others.

Team 6 poached the top operatives from other SEAL units and trained them even more intensely from there. Even among proven SEAL’s the attrition rate for Team 6 is reported to be nearly half.

There are no names available for current Team 6 members, but the CIA does recruit heavily from their numbers for their Special Operations Group, so it makes sense that they were chosen to work with the CIA on this mission.

Team 6 is normally devoted to missions with maritime authority: ship rescues, oil rigs, naval bases or land bases accessible by water. There are no waterways near Bin Laden’s compound.

When a former Navy SEAL was called for a comment about this article all he could say was: “You know I’d love to help you man, but I can’t say a word about Team 6. There is no Team 6.”

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  1. Dr Love.
    May 3, 2011

    We still in the Easter Season. Blessed are those who did not see and belive.Woobe to those who will see and still wount belive. MR THOMAS. Go figure?????

  2. mouth of the south
    May 3, 2011

    pakistani intelligence didn’t even know those guys entered their airspace lol,,,, those black ops n mossad dat more deadly,,,,

  3. WongPing
    May 3, 2011

    Our songwriters,start working on your lyrics.much things happening.big up to the stalwarts who were and are there to remind us of these events through their music.

  4. Anonymous
    May 3, 2011

    Lmfao body on ice! When the pictures of hs hokey face gets published let’s look for frost bits smh keep a body in frozen state for over 3 or 10 years huh. Y’all would rather believe the dumbest things but not the simplest things. Even if they caught him alive y’all would still say that ain’t him. Y’all a bunch of crazies.. YES CALL ME A SHEEP I’ll believe that than a man frozen for 3-10 years then de frost then shot in the head photoshoped and dumped into sea.. If America wanted to do sum craziness like that they would have done dumb with no plot holes.

    • tiny
      May 3, 2011

      oooooooooooooooooh very sensible person, but you forgetting they are not fooling themselves, just the public.
      a man is the most wanted man in the world and you get rid of his body so quick. you are the world’s superpower, and it takes you ten years to hunt down a man( which is unbelievable to begin with) who killed tens of thousands of innocent lives then you honor him in death.
      i would say to hell with the muslim rules i need tthere to be no doubt that this man was killed.
      you want to kill a terorist but you are honoring his relegion. give me a break.

      • Lawdy
        May 3, 2011

        There are Americans who are Muslims. There are Americans that get buried in the same manner as he did. What I want to know I’d this.. WHAT WOULD YOU WANT WITH HIS DEAD BODY?? please tell me. Put on display? Blown up? Tell us what you think should have been done.

  5. Facts
    May 3, 2011

    The Lion: Myth behind a legend Osama: A simple soldier od Allah? A hero ofthe fight against the Soviet hordes? hardly a coward who hide behind his wife when they came for him.
    Lyrics and Tiny are you reading?Your boy right I guess birds of a feather F together.

  6. lol
    May 3, 2011

    Distraction indeed. One could even be encouraged to say that the American public was starting to get really suspicious about the government, and so they decided to kill the “image” of Bin Laden to get the public back on their sides.

  7. My Passie
    May 3, 2011

    wow im impressed by your research…never too old to learn

  8. tiny
    May 3, 2011

    will only believe it when one of these men give an account of it..maybe when they retire for the unit. till then….i will stick with david duke’s theory…..osama died a coupe of years ago and his body kept on ice …his assasination is dimply a distraction from all tht is happening

    • Kb lyric
      May 3, 2011

      i most say i agree with you on that one .believe it or not we all know that America was built on conspiracy and secret society ,so that old photo that they are showing on the internet it’s been there for years .Just another ploy in the deep seeded secret society of America that is the back born of there structure.

    • Big as opposed to Tiny
      May 3, 2011

      Tickle us Tiny and Kb lyric. allyou remain Tiny and a lyric good for both of you.I guess you saw Elvis last week in Menphis. To you Rosie and Pierro are alive and well in Possee and Grand Bay,Mamo is in Pte Michelle. Castro died 3 yrs ago, Maurice Bishop is living in Canada,John kennedy is well and alive in Mass. His brother Ted is living with him and jackie their son and Ted’s nephew did not go down in his private plane off Mass. 911 was a hooks and the buildings did not go down. the plane did not go down in Pennnsylvania. china is not taking over our businesses in Roseau.The MOU was discussed in the house x10.Your father is not really your father, just the sperm provider.Skerrit is eloquent, the breast minister is not a J………..A Bubbles owns the Villas not anyone else. china did not give money under the table to switch allegence to individuals who make decisions. somebody is qualified to evaluate productivity. Tiny and Lyrics here’s a sparrow lyric. When his wife found him in bed with his girlfriend he told his wife is not he she looking at.

      • tiny
        May 3, 2011

        awwwwwwwwwwww yu are too cute….wht is the survival rate of someone wit kidney disese? and tht is someione who is recieving very good medical attention. how about someone in the middle east where medical care is very bad….how about if that person is the most wanted man in the world.

        then again maybe he was miraculously healed by allah.

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