Father kills six daughters in honor killing in Pakistan

FAISALABAD, PAKISTAN (BNO NEWS) — A Pakistani man gunned down six of his daughters on suspicion that two of them were in relationships with boys in their neighborhood in the province of Punjab, the Express Tribune reported on Thursday.

Arif Mubashir on Tuesday morning called his teenage daughters to his room and shot them while the rest of the family, including their mother, watched. His wife Musarrat called the police after the incident.

Mubashir shot the girls after their brother said two of them were in a relationship. He told police officials that he killed his daughters Sameena, 14, and Razia, 16, because they were both “without honor” since they were in a relationship with college boys.

“I should have been told immediately but the girls sided with each other. They were both corrupt,” Mubashir told Tandlianwala Police Inspector Javed Sial.

Police took Mubashir into custody and filed a case against him. “He does not regret what he did. He boasted that he would do it all over again if he had to,” Sial was quoted as saying.

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  1. August 2, 2011

    @ humanist
    lazavier 4 couldn’t have said it better, my friend! you can’t saylater, [ i never knew it] this day will be brought to question

    • Humanist
      August 2, 2011

      @ 7_heaven – I am well-aware of religious doctrines. I generally avoid speaking about things I know little about, and, if I do, I will always say so. But I do not believe in blindly going along with something just because I was told to. I believe in asking questions. “The only way to learn is to question,” the philospher Jean-Paul Sartre told his students. I furthermore have a great interest in science, and since real science is objective, for me to occasionally present objective scientific facts and ideas is not something evil or bad. I always attempt to understand the views of those who debate or argue with me; unfortunately and unfairly, very few on DNO appear to do the same with me.

      I would be happy to have a fair discussion if that is what you want.

  2. sugar
    August 2, 2011

    these people are sick in the name of honor…man

  3. Trouble
    August 2, 2011

    he had a choice to make and he made it, a very bold statement but i can respect tht. i see principle, i cant judge him and say he will burn, tht not my job. different cultures, we lick our daughter they shot theirs.. its murder and very extreeme but im just saying

  4. caribbean man
    August 1, 2011

    So call religion of peace, the world is seeing what ialam stand for . 7th century backwardness. if guess after he done those murders he went and bang his head on the ground praising alah

    • Stupes
      August 4, 2011

      Yah because nobody has ever died in the name of christianity….now is muslim turn…When was catholic time of backwardness? Have u forgotten…tanto tanto

  5. Anonymous
    July 31, 2011

    shame shame..hell will burn him,,they have no respect for their women…

  6. dark
    July 30, 2011

    maybe he wanted the girls for himsef,thats what they are doing now.

  7. Muslim Always
    July 29, 2011

    Islam does not teach honor killings.

    These women are wrong, if you know that you will be killed for having a boyfriend or behaving like a slut then behave yourself. If you want to be a slut then leave Pakistan when you grow up, pure and simple.

    Some of these women in Dominica are too nasty, they need some honor killing as well because they are a disgrace.

    In reality, Islam does not support that. If a woman commits fornication or adultery, one must have proof and they can be arrested or brought before a court. The individuals involved have a right to defend themselves or to get a lawyer to represent them.

    • Anonymous
      July 30, 2011

      There is no honor in killing your children. The responsibility is yours to teach them, forgive them and instruct them in what is right. This is sickening. Where is the honor in this?

      July 30, 2011

      You advise them to leave Pakistan when they grow up, and which country do you advise them to run to. Even in the UK these so called fathers/brothers and uncles are hunting them down and killing them.

      Your idea of a slut seems to be any unmarried female who falls in love and has a relationship with a male. So sad.

    • .
      July 30, 2011

      Some of these women in Dominica are too nasty, they need some honor killing as well because they are a disgrace..


    • July 30, 2011

      @Muslim Always

      This message is both contradicting and unbelievable, and unacceptable.

      You begin with the idea that “Islam does not teach honor killing” Then you continue with: “These women are wrong–if you want to be a slut then leave Parkistan” what in hell’s name do you mean by that statement?

      Again, you involved Dominican women: “Saying that they are too nasty, and that they need honor killing”.

      Then you follow again with: “In reality, Islam does not support that” And the rest of this paragraph sounds like people would be existing in man-made cages, or they would be working a lifetime, having to pay to defend their right to exist as human beings, under your rulership.

      Simply, Muslim Always, our God of Love–full of mercy and compassion, has nothing! Nothing, whatsoever! God has nothing to do with your thoughts, words, and mentallity as stated above. Nothing at all! Geeeeeeeze!

      • Anonymous
        August 2, 2011

        well said

    • Mohamed George Bush
      July 30, 2011

      yes my brother tell them how we do.. kill for oil kill for woman kill for leadership and kill for kill sake we are very deadly

      • me R
        August 7, 2011

        You do not belong here in Dominica, please get out NOW!!!!!!!!!

    • Anonymous
      August 1, 2011

      If Islam does not teach honor killings why do you make such statement..(Some of these women in Dominica are too nasty, they need some honor killing as well because they are a disgrace)….. I hope that you are not from Dominica because we may just hear another story like that. You are not to be trusted after making such statements even going as far as blaming the young girls that are not even ladies. They are just growing up and will make mistakes. It is up to us as adults to teach them so that they can grow to be better individuals and not shoot them dead. THAT IS WHY YOU GUYS ARE NOT TO BE TRUSTED.

      • Mate
        August 1, 2011

        Oh he is from Dominica

    • Conscious
      August 1, 2011

      Muslim Always wrote:

      ”Some of these women in Dominica are too nasty, they need some honor killing as well because they are a disgrace.”

      I can’t believe you are advocating this murderous cultural norm that simply perpetuates men’s hold on power over women in the Middle East for Dominica!?!

      Get out of our country if you do not like how our country treats its women.

      I will never endorse so-called honor killings. it’s barbaric and against the UN Declaration on Human Rights.

    • Mate
      August 1, 2011

      Honestly dude you need some help. You have been so brainwashed. You act and speak like a fool

    • Candid
      August 2, 2011

      does Islam subscribe to calling women nasty?

    • naturalistic
      August 2, 2011

      then some of the muslim will be dead too in d/ca those lezzy..

    • Doh good
      August 2, 2011

      You damn lie! Islam teaches honour killing, the same way it promotes arranged marriages which is even worse than a woman selling her own body because the parent pimps out their daughters to a family who is wealthy. What about those people who kill their girl children because they boys are seen as better to have than girls. What a shit tradition!

      WOW! Well if Islam is the right religion and those are what the “prophet Mohammed” teaches about Allah I pity you and your kind! You can NOT be human as you appear to be the kind of person who would kill your children (and probably even molest them b4 you do) for the very same reason this bloody nutter did.

    July 29, 2011

    Where is the honor in killing you own child.

    These so called fathers even do this sh** in other peoples country.

    The brother who informed the killer should be charged, as he must have known that the father would not take the info lightly.

  9. Humanist
    July 29, 2011

    This atrocity, right here, is one of the biggest dangers of religion and evil cultural practices derived from evil teachings: committing savage crimes because one has been told it is necessary to do so. No sane person would do this had it not been put into his head along with obscene fables about eternal virgins in the afterlife (what an obvious example of the afterlife as no more than base human desire) and fear of eternal torture if he does not.

    While Islam is the most potentially deadly religion prominent in the globe today, the bible’s teachings, followed literally, are not much better. The only way the bible and the Quran come out looking good, in fact, is by blatantly ignoring the torrents of horrific verses in them, which many of their less fanatical followers do, not realizing that they are therefore not actually really following what their holy books say.

    These terrible crimes are the most poisonous side of religion, and it is because of them that religious fanatics must never be allowed into positions of power or anything remotely similar. Education is what must stamp out fundamentalism, though: not violence. If we sit back and act like religion is nothing but a benign force, this will be the result, time and time again. Even without examing the scientific side of it–evidence for and against religious teachings–the immorality of such actions cannot be allowed, and stopping fundamentalism and questioning religion itself are key. I am not advocating belief or nonbelief, mind you: I am saying people must not be fundamentalist, above all, and that skepticism is healthy–and, in cases like the above, necessary.

    • July 30, 2011


      Your ideas and your acceptance are all of futility–human wisdom and philosophy–that is here today and gone tomorrow. You will have no benefit in the future–unless you are one of those who think that you are here in this world, to exist for a while and then to pass away like sand in the wind.

      I continue to say that, the things of religion is all about human wisdom, which is the reason you accept it–for those ideas are not of Spirit and Truth, the attitude and conducts of Love–hence you turn away from the word of God–the food, enlightenment, and freedom of your concience, mind, and heart.

      Not at all! God Almighty, of Love–in Spirit, Holiness, and Truth– is not about religion, regardless of whether you want to include Him in religion or not. That is a deceptive lie of your choice, and you alone will be accountable to what you choose.

      The words of the Holy Bible is the message of Love, spoken by the Person of Love Himself–God’s Holy Spirit, of His Person of Flesh and bones–His name is Jesus Christ.

      In Jesus Christ, God Almighty, Eternal Spirit, put on flesh and bones, that His blood might be a ransome for your sinful, carnal, and perishing nature–for God wants you to live and not die.

      You have one of two choices: Accept God’s Love and you exist in Life–your mind becoming renewed as you are transformed to learn and practice the existence of Spirit and Truth to Eternity-the attitude and conducts of God’s Person, Jesus Christ.

      On the other hand you can continue to nurture you doubts, arguments, criticisms, pride, arrogance, and all that you have been doing about religion, which is nothing more than the rules, regulations, and the ideas of the world, devised by the carnal minds of sinful, evil, wicked, and corrupt mankind.

      Yes, you are right! There is going to be the torment and tortures after humanity have been transformed to exist in the spiritual New Heaven and Earth.

      And there will also the blessed bliss of Joy and Peace, in the presence of God Almighty–Jesus Christ in His full glory.

      One of the above Eternal or everlasting existence is your choice, and yours alone!

      I am called to write this to you and others like you. You and your counterparts cannot say “I DID NOT KNOW”. That is the bottom line.

      • Humanist
        August 1, 2011

        Lizavier, with all due respect, do you even know what you’re typing? Admittedly, most people will not read it because most people avoid long comments, especially overtly religious ones, but I have to wonder what you think you’re saying. You claim that religion is about human wisdom, reject this claim, claim God has nothing to do with religion at all, then reinsert the bible (i.e., religion) right back into it without batting an eyelash. Moreover, you refer to a bizarre “you” when you start writing about hell, a person I assume is meant to represent me, even though there is no reason I would have asked such a question as to prompt that paragraph’s response.

        Anyway, all that is talk. I present in my posts scientific evidence. You present what you believe. I am not arrogant; I present what has been studied and discovered over the centuries, giving respect where respect is due, and not savagely attacking anyone who chooses to blindly disbelieve in scientific facts. You and your ilk, on the other hand, present NO facts, NO evidence, and No logic. You simply say, if you don’t believe in what I do, too bad for you, retard.

        If I choose to believe in a flying spaghetti monster, and if I believe in the Pastafarian doctrine of eternal damanation in hot tomato sauce, what is to stop me from condemning YOU to eternal boiling in hot red sauce? Nothing, really, and I can use your logic on you, saying that you are a fool for not believing what is so obvious, open your eyes, idiot, throw away your meat products and worship the durum wheat deity or suffer death by tomatoes.

        You cannot prove such a deity does not exist, either.

        If this little example does not at least give you a moment’s pause to reflect on the absurdity of your position versus mine, then I suggest you do not comment on my comments again unless you have a better argument with which to do so.

      • August 1, 2011


        If I thought that you alone were reading what I write, I would easily ignore your personal ideas and your personal eixistence.

        I have nothing to lose and most definitely nothing to gain pertaining to your final judgment–unless you have also made yourself master of your soul.

        Unfortunately, I cannot allow your carnal and rebelious mind against a Living God to destroy the faith of those who are searching for evidence of Spirit and Truth–and I am sure that there are many who are searching.

        That is why I said that I am called to write–my weapon of the fight in the name of Jesus Christ for their protection and salvation of the innocent and the humble, as God’s Holy Spirit is guiding me to do so.

        Those who choose not to read, or not to accept make their own choice and they will be accountible for that choice–not me; for I did what I am called to do with no fear of persecution.

        You cannot even understand that religion is not of God; it is of human wisdom and philosophy–the things which you enbrace as science and man-made doctrines or teachings–which be can just as frail as an egg shell.

        How in the world, would I expect you to ever understand anything about a Living God who is separated from you? But that is what I write about–they are the ideas of Life.

        No wonder you claim that I have No fact, No evidence, and No logic. But where is the facts, evidence, and logic in your idea of spaghetti and pasta? I am a fool you say!

        Well as a fool, I am letting you know that a person who’s mind is not of Spirit and Truth, would not be able to comprehend facts, evidence, and logic, because those elements are aspects of Life.

        You exist with flesh and blood in this world, that does not mean you exist with Life–that is the clear reason you are unable to comprehend the things that I write for they are of Life.

        Also, those thoughts of yours are the swords you have accepted, using them to rapture your mind–which was already in its death condition.

        No fact, No evidence, No logic, you say! Well I am a person of fact, evidence, and logic–in full bloom and continuing with the blossom of Love–Life in the state of Spiritual Light.

        This nature of me will continue Eternally in the presence of a Living God, Jesus Christ in His full glory, just as I now exist before Him today.

        In other words, I am rooted and grounded in Love–the nature of my Supreme Creator, God Almighty–who gives Life in the form of Eternal Light; yes by faith in His Person, Jesus Christ.

        I live by the influence of Jesus Christ–the wisdom, revelation, guidance, and teachings of His Holy Spirit.

        I am facts, evidence, and logic of the Bible verse: “In Him there was Life and the Life was the Light of men” John 1: 4. And I can use many more of those verses, chapter, or book of the Holy Bible to prove myself and my Lifestyle of Spirit and Truth.

        No, humanist, I do exist by beliefs. Beliefs is more like your spaghetti and pasta rubbish in your post. I now exist because of intimate acceptance, producing conception and now, development through rebirth. Now you tell me that I am wrong or that I am not a person!

        I now exist with the Truth–knowing freedom, joy and peace, regardless of the circumstances of my flesh–as I am still human. But based on your ideas, I have something you do not have–that something is Life–the stature of Love–with a mind of Love in Spirit and Truth.

        I challenge you to send one of your scientist to research, unmold, and remold me. But I promise you that they will not come up with a different conclussion of me.

        No fact, no evidence, no logic, you say! Sorry humanist, it is all because of your ignorance and your carnal mind which is an enemy of a Living God of Spirit and Truth. Facts, evidence, and logic of Life are people like me are all over the place.

        We are the Light shinning in the darkness, but it is unfortunate that the darkness cannot receive us–the Light.

        We are the sheep of the fold that God Almighty–the Good Shepherd will gather to Himself, while He cast the goats to their torments of hell–a judgment they chose at their own peril–not His.

        We are the wheat growing among the weeds, which will be gathered at the harvest, to be sent to the barn, while the weeds are gathered to be burned.

        Again, I hope that Life and death, light and darkness, wheat and weed, goat and sheep are not fabled words to your scientific knowledge as well–for they all exist and are aspect of your particular existence right now.

        But the truth is that “God is all powerful” He is a Holy and Supreme God, who will not prove Himself to you, or no other human being and their rebelious mind.

        Once again it is your choice–choose between God and science, that not my concern. But I will continue to rebuke the carnal things that you speak to the people or my Dominica, most of all, whenever I must do so.

      • Humanist
        August 2, 2011

        @Liz – While I thank you for responding in so full a fashion, I still think you do not really understand the basic things I have been writing about. You ask me to send a scientist to “unmold” and “remold” you–to, I can only assume, take you apart and put you back together again. Such a statement suggests that you do not understand medicine or biology, since, in fact, any capable biologist or doctor could tell you how the human body works. I really don’t know what you’re asking. I assume you believe you have an “invisible soul” that no one can see and that thus no doctor will see it–but any capable scientist can explain how the body and much of consciousness works without invoking the soul. And if it’s invisible and no one can sense it in any way, how can anyone, yourself included, think it plausible to discuss such a thing? You furthermore talk about a “spiritual mind” with no explanation of what this is–but, in fact, what you assume is a “spiritual mind” is in all likelihood just the parietal lobe in your brain being stimulated, as this part of your brain creates feelings associated with “spiritual” experiences. In other words, you’ve created a poetic bit of language to mask the real biology behind your feelings.

        Observe the science behind it:


        Stop assuming that people who actually spend years of their lives learning and studying are fools and that only those who do not learn and study anything but a holy book are the world’s geniuses. This is clearly false, and until you can acknowledge this, or until you learn more about basic biology and science, I think this particular discussion is fruitless.

      • August 2, 2011


        It is the Spirit who gives Life, the flesh profit’s nothing! This line was spoken by the Man with the Mind of Spirit and Truth–the Mind of Love, which is the nature of a Living God, God Almighty, who also is not of flesh and blood. That Man’s name is Jesus, the Christ.

        Your frame of flesh and blood is matter–a mortal or death condition. My soul in its now awakening is of Spirit–immortal, Life in me. That is why your scientific knowledge cannot prove me.

        My challenge to you, as a human being, is not possible–you do not even understand that you and your researchers have no authority over such functions.

        But I understand that the human body, without sanctification and conscecration, is a groaning tent, a sinful cage, and a coffin in motion, controlled by a carnal mind–the mind of death–carrying a dead soul; and doing the things of death.

        Yes, you are right, your discussion of science, now pertaining to biology, is not new or incomprehensible to me–it is fruitless. I do not need the information.

        By the stripes of Jesus Christ, I am healed, both physically, emotionally, and spiritually–according to God’s promises. No human being of science–medical or otherwise, can defeat that power of healing in me.

        I am through with you here, but as I said before, I will continue to rebuke anything carnal, that you write.

      • Humanist
        August 3, 2011

        @ Liz – All right, Liz. I see it is pointless to continue arguing, since you explicitly said you do not care to look at the science I present and implicitly that you care to look at nothing but the bible. Such a viewpoint cannot be debated or even argued with, and so I am done. If you wish to open your mind to what I have presented, though, I will be glad to reopen the debate.

        I will end with this. Your words suggest that if you got very sick or injured, you would not trust medical authorities to heal you. You might go to a doctor–I am not sure you would, but you did not explicitly say you would not–but you would not put yourself in his or her hands. If you are someone who even resists going to doctors at all, though, then here is my advice to you: do NOT rely solely on your hopes and dreams to be cured. If you get sick or injured, see a doctor. Pray if you like. But never avoid doctors altogether, believing them hapless. I do not know you, but I am never happy to see people who have died because they refused to seek medical attention out of a distrust of medicine/science.

        Those are my words. Don’t say you didn’t see them later.

  10. .....
    July 29, 2011

    Sick Man,Sick,Sick,Sick

  11. nite
    July 29, 2011

    Thank God i’m not from these stupid confusing place..I just dnt understand the way of life of these people..
    U killing ur 6 daughters and u have no regrets..Shame on u man..They need to hang this man by his balls..

    Again thank God i’m not from this Place!!!
    Seems those people living in BONDAGE!!

    • July 30, 2011


      It is not it seems, it is that mankind refuse to acknowledge that they come to this world in the bondage and captivity of the flesh–a state of darkness and death, the existence of night–not knowing where they are going, what they are doing, but surely causing their own demise.

      Without a mind of Spirit and Truth, to process and produce the ways of Love–the attitude and conducts of Life, the things of Light and Day–man simply exist in death, doing the things of death.

      The apostle James tells us that the body without the Spirit is dead–there is no Life in flesh and blood, because Life is of Love–the nature of God Almighty.

      The conducts of this father, murdering his own daughters, with no remorse, is the work of death, guided by the authority of death. It is too bad, that human beings fail to understand this–no matter how often they have heard.

  12. Dr. Finger
    July 29, 2011

    Where is the Muslim Always blogger to enlighten us on this one? What a shame!

    • Mohamed George Bush
      July 31, 2011

      jerking off for the time…. i planning how to rob his oil wells the fool doe even know that.

    • naturalistic
      August 2, 2011

      i kno rite!!!

  13. .
    July 29, 2011

    Some pple are just slaves to culture, and refuses to grow with time. That is pure ignorance on his part; but in his mind he did an honorable thing. My heart goes out to his wife.

    • Conscious
      August 1, 2011

      Indeed, slave to egregious cultural norms!

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