LONDON/TRIPOLI (BNO NEWS) — British Armed Forces on Sunday participated in the second co-ordinated strike against Libyan Air Defense Forces, the British Ministry of Defense said.
The attacks are part of Operation Ellamy, which is the codename for the British participation in the enforcement of the Libyan no-fly zone to stop government-led attacks on civilians.
“For a second time, the UK has launched guided Tomahawk Land Attack Missiles (TLAM) from a Trafalgar Class submarine in the Mediterranean as part of a coordinated coalition plan to enforce the resolution,” said Major General John Lorimer, the UK’s Strategic Communications Officer Major for the Chief of Defence Staff.
Lorimer added that the United Kingdom and its international partners, among them French and U.S. troops, are continuing operations in support of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1973, which authorized the establishment of a no-fly zone and calls for any measures required to protect civilians in Libya.
Earlier on Sunday, Lorimer confirmed a number of British Typhoon aircraft have landed at the Gioia Dell Colle airbase in Southern Italy, where they are on standby for future tasking.
Kadafi is missing! who knows ? he might me hiding in DA
If we were in the Lybians position – where we are being literally slaughtered by the government forces, and the head of government says that those who oppose will be shown no mercy, wouldn’t we want outside intervention so that the madness could stop. We think first of our own survival. Many people could sit in their arm chairs and pontificate about the situation, if they were in the situation it would be interesting to know what they would have done.
The so-called rebels stole government weapons, burned schools, police stations, shot and killed governmnet supporters and employees. In America, France or England they would be referred to as terrorists. They are the ones Gaddafi said he will show no mercy. It is the same way that Israel is showing no mercy to the Palestinians and Obama is saying or doing nothing. Palestinians have been dying and suffering for years under Israel brutality and it is ok with the British, French and Americans. Magway sah! Aren’t the Palestinians people to.
Gaadafi MUST GO!! I don’t care who killing there other people but for nor we see GAdaafi calling his own people crocoach and all other insultive names then he does the worse — slaughter them. After Obama and the other get rid of Gaddafi we will worry about who next. Right now he is the worse of the bunch — GET RID OF HIM…Let that be a message to the others out there!!
4u2c: You need to see better. Yemen and Bahrain are killing unarmed protesters. If you watched the news late last week you will recall government forces firing into a crowd of unarmed protesters killing 52 of them in Yemen. If America says nothing about it I guess it will be OK with you.
Saddam has long gone and no weapons of Mass destruction were found but America is still killing people in Iraq. Bin Laden is nowhere to be seen in Afghanistan but the Americans are still killing innocent people there.
The 17 hijackers who flew the airplanes into the World Trade Center in 911 were all from Saudi Arabia yet no military action was taken against the Saudi governmnet. The 17 had no connection to Saddam Hussien but yet Saddam paid for that.
Just last week Obama was against Aristide returning to Haiti. The whole world know that the US was responsible for his overthrow. I really thought that President Obama had come to make the world a better place but I was mistaken.
These people don’t know any better.
From the start I knew Obama couldn’t change anything. America is ruled by a certain set of people and they have their agenda. Obama is just following the plan.
They are looking for a reason to remove Gadaffi as he was not allowing to get Libya’s oil how they want.
President Obama has shown his true colours. He is no differrent from McCain and Bush. Libya has no quarrel with America. Why destroy Libya under false pretense? The entire world knows that the mission is not to protect innocent civillians. As I write civillians are dying at the hands of the government of Yemen, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Moroccon and Israel. Obama is yet to call for their osuter or take any action to protect those civillians.
They the US and its warmongering allies had hoped that the so-called Libyan rebels would have accomplished the job for them but since they failed the oil thieves had to take matters into their own hands to oust Gaddafi under a false pretext but history will judge those who are after Libya’s oil.
Why target Colonel Gaddafi and not King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalif of Bahrain and President Ali Abdullah Saleh of Yemen. All of them are killing their own people. The difference between Gaddafi and the two others are: In Yemen and Bahrain the government are killing unarmed innocent protesters whereas in Libya the government forces are killing armed rebels burning and destroying governmnet buildings while trying to overthrow the governmnet by force of arms.
I am very surprised at President Obama. He forcefully condemmend Gaddafi by stating that any governmnet that kill its own people have lost the legitimacy to govern and that Gaddafi must go. Tell me what did he say in the case of Yemen and Bahrain. Even the US media are keeping the slaughter of innocent civillians in Bahrain and Yemen a secret. What double standards.
Please tell me why the US and its allies are not calling for the same action against Bahrain and Yemen?. Wait and you will soon see them puting their feet in their mouths when their naked agression and hypocricy will be exposed. Time will tell.
Exactly!! It’s good to know there are people out there that can see through this charade.
Why don’t the so called allies go and bring Israel to book when it bombards to dust complete communities killing innocent civilians. No, we won’t see that because all the upper echelons of those governments are under the manipulation of Zionist. yeh, yeh yeh, conspiracy theory, but wait and see none of those governments will wake up to that fact until they themselves are attacked by their very unruly child!!
I wonder what Obama would do if one of those white supremest or far right groups in America started to wage war for a change of government. Would the england and france come and attack him if he sent the US army in to deal with them!
I always love it when i come on here and see informed comments..
Co-sign every word you typed
How predictable. The same thing happened when Sadam was removed. They attacked this location hoping to kill Gaddfi. I hope he is no longer in the country.
I am just wondering whether the countries that received aid from Gaddafi are offering any advice or refuge. He gave his money, now he is in trouble, how about offering him a place to stay until this all blows over? His mind is also messed up right now, how about giving him a call and asking him to take a vacation in your country to help clear things up for him?
dat one was directed for skerro,,,, i can smell it from the screen
Is trouble you like. But you right. I posted that here weeks ago before the Carnival when the uprising in Libya started. I think Skerro should call Murmmar and invite him to come stay in DA. Murmmar is his friend who gave him money. When your friend who gave you money is under attack and he needs help, you don’t just stay silent until he dead. I know Skerro can’t fight the US, but he can at least give Murmmar a room in the presidential mansion…Murmmar can stay there until they forgive him then he can go back in secret. ..What do you think? I say, Skerro should build Murmmar room for him real quick.
yah i co-sign that,,, even if i against murmmar but a friend is a friend in good times and bad,,, at least the world will know of dominica,,,, so is a win win,,,
are the domnicans student that St Jean was sending already in Libya or their parents refused to send them. The other students are they still in Libya?
omg ghadaffi has gone into hiding like saddam b4 him,,,, ghadaffi was always welcomed in the u.s,,, dude did not wanna stay in hotel when visiting n.y instead he had a tent built n served by his personal chefs,,, has real estate in the u.s,,,, why not give up n go live in the u.s b4 all dat came about,,,, i’m glad that dno published this piece,,, cause i’ve said b4 it’s the europeans leading the attacks,,,, most might believe it’s obama,,, but mr obama is going to withdraw and leave the europeans and arabs to do the job,,,,, the capabilities of the american airforce was needed to simply clear the way,,, in a matter of days all u.s troops are going to be called home
You really have no idea what the hell you talking about.
yup MOTS is very confused as usual….