Pizza man feels the heat for hugging Obama

An American pizza restaurant owner who was photographed giving President Barack Obama a hearty bear hug got an online beating today from angry opponents of the US leader.

Scott Van Duzer, owner of Big Apple Pizza and Pasta Italian Restaurant in Fort Pierce, Florida, made headlines Sunday after he lifted Obama in the air as the two men greeted each other like old buddies during a campaign tour stop.

Footage of the moment in the key swing state soon went viral. But, along with the laughs, the incident also sparked sneers.


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  1. Justice and Truth
    September 12, 2012

    He is the U.S. President. Obviously it will make news. The restaurant owner was so happy, excited and honored that he visited his restaurant that he could not contain himself and felt the urge to hug him and lift him up. I think it is amusing. Depends on the man’s personal status (if you know what I mean), I hope it is only a friendly gesture. Of course, his Security team must have been concerned.
    This is a given-moment, once in a lifetime that the man will never forget. It was a spur-of-the moment gesture. I bet he will say, “I hugged him, the U.S. President and have a picture of it.” This is a lifetime memorabilia for him.
    President Obama must have been surprised. However, aside from being the U.S. President, he is a regular person. I am certain that he did not mind and will not project indifference, knowing that whatever he says and whatever his demeanor, the Media is watching closely and will broadcast and print it.
    Some people take some things too seriously. They should find out how President Obama felt about it prior to making a judgment.
    Recall when Michelle Obama visited the U.K., while walking with the Queen she placed her arm around her waist. The Queen did likewise. I viewed the broadcast. This was funny for someone as the Queen. The Media made a lot about it. Some people in the Media said that the Queen will never invite her for a visit again. That was making a mountain out of a molehill.
    People are people except for their status. One day God will bring all this to naught. They will be as each one of us in eternity with no status whatsoever. We will be one happy family, something which we are not on this earth and must strive for this perfection. May we all obtain eternal salvation to enjoy what God has prepared for those who love Him. Not the half has been told… God does not discriminate.

  2. J.J.John- Charles
    September 11, 2012

    Delicious so what? Charlie Crist was soundly defeated by another Republican whose parents are from Cuba.
    Artur Davis a democrat,A former congressman,who was a strong supporter of Obama also spoke at the Republican convention in Florida.And to your surprise he is a black man.

    Mia Love a mayor of a city in Utah, also spoke at the convention.Come November she is going to beat a democrat and be a Republican congresswoman.Again to your surprise HER PARENTS CAME TO THE U.S.A FROM HAITI WITH $10.00 IN THEIR POCKET.
    The Republican party is not diverse? Say this to Condi Rice Colin Powell and Clarence Thomas.
    Yes he was dealt a bad deck of cards,but he made it worse.
    The voters gave him the presidency,the senate and congress. He did not need a single support from the Republicans for 2yrs.So maybe u want to say Democrats obstructed him.
    Obama himself said “If I don’t turn the economy I will be a one term president” not my words.
    Yes he has personality,but you cannot go at Walmart store with Obama’s personality and shop,you cannot pay your utility bills with it.

    I hope that suffice you Delicious.

    • Robyn
      September 12, 2012

      Have you seen the latest polls?

  3. Domerican Democrat
    September 11, 2012

    4 more years I say! E ja la; e ki westey!

  4. September 11, 2012

    It amazes me that the most trival, completely unimportant, tidbit of pure nothingness, makes the news, really, who cares?

    • Justice and Truth
      September 12, 2012

      Canada is no different. Did you not follow the News of his visit? Why make an issue out of it? Did you hear or forgot when President Obama visited Ottawa/Canada, every moment he spent here was recorded as journalists followed him everywhere he went. He spoke with the former Governor General and she laughed heartily (loud enough), this was recorded and even what he stated to her which caused her to laugh. He went to a restaurant and ordered Bison (meat) burgers to take home to his family. Whatever else he bought, all these were broadcasted on TV, Radio, posted on the Internet and also printed in the newspapers. I read them all. It is as if these took precedence over important political matters.
      I kept clippings of the newspapers. It is all News of a dignitary’s visit and what transpired during the visit.

  5. Doctori
    September 11, 2012

    Don;t see no prob in that

  6. Delicious
    September 11, 2012

    It was noted in one report that the Pizza Owner is a Republican. That is what is sticking in those racist republicans Craw :lol: A former Republican governor of Florida (I think his name is Crist) defected too; he spoke at the Democratic National Convention. The Republican Party is not diversed, so they have a prolblem with the average joe blow :oops:

    @ J.J. Charles. The President was dealt a bad deck of cards and he did his best to play his hand, but he was obstructed at every turn by the Republicns who vowed t make him a one term president, so, Mr. J.J. Charles, get all of your facts straight, not just part of it.

    The President has personality, and that is what the otehr side is lacking.

  7. NYC - high horse
    September 11, 2012

    hahahahehehehahahaha…boooordiaaaay. My comment anger some people.

    I repeat, WE DO NOT speaker those nonesense about jalou president.

    YES, We support Barrack Obama, but we can give logical reasons why.

    Unlike, the skerrit situation.

    I laugh so loud when I see people trying to compare Obama to Skerrit. A joke that man??

    And “Choops” I can never live in gutter, but thanks for the concern.

    • P.K
      September 12, 2012

      alyou up in america gwayaying, working two three jobs to put a piece of bread in alyou mouth, and want to spit on dominicans? stupes. you might not live in the gutter but you are no better than people back home.

  8. Domerican/Possie
    September 11, 2012

    Of all the social issues these people are to be concerned about, they’re making a fuss over a man hugging his president. Talk about priorities being in the wrong place, smh.

    • trolol
      September 11, 2012

      Its not like D/A Where when they see one side doing wrong and the other side staying quiet.

    • September 11, 2012


      You have said it just right! I am “shaking my head” also!

  9. Nicelady
    September 11, 2012

    I would do the same,they have just to give me the chance and place. He doesn’t look too heavy.With all that cirique,calalou,and sauce coco I had at home, I do feel more than strong!!!

  10. N.y.c
    September 11, 2012


  11. Precious One
    September 11, 2012

    Is white racist people that bursting vex about the hug…Since I can’t lift him…I would jump on him…give them wood for their fire…

    • Anonymous
      September 11, 2012

      Jump on him huh? He might drop you. Lol.

  12. El Presidente
    September 11, 2012

    Those haters are UWP affiliated

    • joan
      September 11, 2012

      no…they are related to the bin bobol gang.hope they get some jail

  13. J.J.John- Charles
    September 11, 2012

    Mentioning poor and middle class in every speech does not mean he is helping them.These are just platitudes.
    Obama got 96 percent of the black votes in 2008 election. When he became president unemployment among blacks were 12.1 percent,now it is 14.4 percent.
    Some blacks were complaining,saying he has done nothing to help their condition.This was his response.HE addressed a black organization about 12 months ago, and told them.
    Before Obama took office there were 33 million Americans on welfare(paupers list),Now 47 million.Although he did promise to lift 2 million from poverty in his first term.

    • Jungle
      September 11, 2012

      @john-Charles you just like them republicans. Remember when he got there the unemployment process was going up. At that time he could not do anything about it because of BUSH. Even when he tried to do something about it , the republicans we preventing him from doing so. When you talking your shit please know your facts before you open your big mouth. YES WE CAN. FORWARD ………

    • El Presidente
      September 11, 2012

      OBAMA—Wrong Place at the Wrong Time…was not prepared for the job…ALAS

    • Magweh sah..mwen de
      September 11, 2012

      Anyone who can point me to a President who was able to work miracles in the type of economy this President inherited I will rest my case. We are just a bunch of quick fix people with no patience, lots of criticism when we ourselves can make no valid contribution if in the same position. The world is on its way out and neither Romney or Obama can save it. Any salvation is temporary.

    • Justice and Truth
      September 14, 2012

      @ John-Charles

      In all fairness to President Obama, he got a lot of opposition from the Republicans. Whatever he said and did, they opposed him at every turn and all the way. The poor man. He had to be thick-skinned.
      On occasion I listened to CNN and other TV Stations and thought this is shocking and unbelievable that a President could get so much flack from the opposition.
      I am one of the last people, if not the last to ‘holler black this and black that’. However, I do think that he is the first U.S. President who experienced so much opposition. One reason is because he is black. Many of them do not like him because of his color. They are jealous of him. Obama had to be strong to withstand such opposition to this day. I concluded, shame on the Republicans who are against President Obama. I heard one of them say on CNN, ‘We will make it difficult for him’. What hatred!
      I bet when he leaves office he will write a book about his experience and will have much to say. He obviously has already commenced making notes for his memoirs. I visualize it will be an interesting book to read. Who knows? It may be a bombshell including a best seller. This is one book I would purchase. Will he write accordingly? Time will tell. Let us wait and see.

  14. September 10, 2012

    WOW! People will be people and some have what it takes to tell the difference. Even if some people don’t eat at that pizzeria, that’s okay because the regular customers will hopefully remain its customers. If the hug was reversed there wouldn’t be so much negativity. President Obama is NOT cause of America’s problem.

  15. puss
    September 10, 2012

    i would do the same.

  16. Dorival John
    September 10, 2012

    Isn’t there something similar going on in Dominica? Against a certain individual?

    I not calling names eh, so mind me.


    • Tut-Tut
      September 11, 2012

      Chalk and cheese,you have the audacity of an ox to even dare to compare the two!

    • MUDD
      September 11, 2012

      Nothing you have to say or you to just ideal. Get your hands off the computer and put it in your pants. Sort

    • Jungle
      September 11, 2012

      @ do rival John , please don’t compare Obama with skerro. They are the opposite of each other. To me skerro would be a republican.

  17. Anonymous
    September 10, 2012

    stupes…pou sa den! a a

  18. democrat to de bone
    September 10, 2012

    Pizza man don’t be bothered by little people with small minds. They are jealous of the president who is looking out for poor and middle class folks. In Novembr cast your vote for him. I am giving him 4 more years to correct the damage done by the wasteful and warring republicans.

  19. Pure Dominican
    September 10, 2012

    Jalou dey Jalou our President. We giving him Four more years!!!….memsi I not American and I cannot vote.

    • Foward
      September 10, 2012

      I will vote for you not to worry.

    • NYC
      September 11, 2012

      hey, we don’t talk that kinda nonesense politics in america about jalou president. Keep that in allu dominica gutter politics. We speak logical stuff here!

      • choops
        September 11, 2012

        Hope u not living in the gutter in NYC

      • Anonymous
        September 11, 2012

        Is true then? So when you leave your your country and go to the US and struggle to make a living on chicken feed you even have the nerve to talk about “allu Dominica” like you’re not affiliated with Dominica? Don’t make me laugh. You may sell your passport but you”ll always be Dominican. Don’t you see y’all go to America and everyone flocks to New York and Florida and a few other states sticking to your own kind? Native Americans don’t care much about Caribbean ppl so get off your high horse before you are pushed off!

      • Robyn
        September 11, 2012

        NYC although I live in the US, your comment makes little sense. If every one in DA jump on your case, they have all the right to do so. I cannot understand why we have to forget our roots, pure ignorance if you ask me.

        September 11, 2012

        if america had a choice they would dump yall back to wherever yall came from..
        when in rome , do as they do.. but they did not tell u to be a roman..

      • September 11, 2012


        If you understood what you were saying, you would know that America is the whole Continent from North to South and East to West–hence that makes our Dominica (in the West Indies) part of the America’s as well, since South America is on the south side of us.

        This means that the USA is only a part of America, not the whole continent–they are 50 states with indivual leaders, but President Barak Obama is the Primary Leader of all the States.

        I do not live in New York of the USA, but I live in Toronto of Canada for 38 years now. So I know that there are sites in both New York and Toronto–what you refer to as gutter– that can be compared to some in Dominica.

        And so, living in Toronto for 38 years has not changed me as a Dominican–I will never put our Dominica behind me, because it is not my intention to live in Toronto, Canada for the rest of my Life.

        When you critic Dominicans, they way you did above, you critic me as well; how dare you!

  20. sherma
    September 10, 2012

    These people aint easy, lol. Im pretty sure most people would do the same….its not everyday you get to meet the US president

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